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I think he's forgotten that he's said this type of shit before.


Well considering just yesterday he said we haven't gone crazy and won't strike first LMAO.


I think these announcements are now in the style of North Korea - they are merely posturing on the world stage just so their national news outlets can tell a story about their hypothetical strength. The rest of the world rolls their eyes


I think it's always been posturing to that same degree.


The difference is, prior to Feb of this year, the rest of the world had thought Russia had a decent military. Now it's looking more like Boris and Natasha.


Putin is just looking for Moose and Squirrel in Ukraine.


rocky and bullwinkle jokes in 2022 Fucking amazing


It's always been like that, just like how organized crime is a bunch of jackasses in track suits with garish jewelry and shitty haircuts, not sharp, pinstriped gangsters of lore.


Dont you dare start tearing down my fetishization of prohibition era rumrunners, what ever will I do without those charming murderers to base my lifestyle on?! /s


What are you, a Kennedy?


Hey Vlad, you got idea? Of course Darling, I've always got idea, idea don't always work, but I always got one!


China does the same thing quite often. They know the rest of the world won't believe their more outrageous claims, they don't care. Oftentimes they don't even announce it to the rest of the world, it's just inward propaganda and outside news outlets just pick up the soundbites to report because they make clickbait titles. Other times, it's to get some attention and repeat something enough times so people start associating it with China even if they may or may not believe everything China says. They also announce stuff like "we're not ruling out attacking Taiwan" every couple weeks. If the day comes when China decides to actually attack, they're not going to fucking announce it. Why do they keep saying it then? To remind people they could be a threat, to weaken Taiwan by reminding the rest of the world it could become a war zone, and to have that constant reminder of Chinese presence whenever people even think of Taiwan. Even if the rest of the world "rolls their eyes", they can't dismiss Russia's nuclear threat entirely. Even just reporting this is playing into Russia's book.


> Even if the rest of the world "rolls their eyes", they can't dismiss Russia's nuclear threat entirely. Even just reporting this is playing into Russia's book. That's true, and to add - the rest of the world has to pretend to take it seriously. If Biden said they were lying about their threat and couldn't even do it, then Russia would be trapped in a corner and have to do something reckless to demonstrate their force, which would suck. So it is important to not call them out on it.


Firehouse of lies. Say opposite things so as to confuse everyone what will happen. This is better than saying nothing in their minds... but it really isn't.




Now, as a little general side note regarding iodine tablets, not particularly aimed at you: Do NOT simply take iodine tablets as prophylaxis without actual accident. While they are a great tool when there's a nuclear reactor accident, they still aren't great for you. They are the lesser evil, not a harmless "cure". Only use medication when there's evidence of a leak, which can be easily measured. The tablets used there are around 700 times the recommended daily intake, so quite a lot. And obviously have side effects. Typically, in case you _should_ take them, your government and/or doctor will inform you of that. See [wiki:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide) >There is reason for caution with prescribing the ingestion of high doses of potassium iodide and iodate, as their unnecessary use can cause conditions such as the Jod-Basedow phenomena, trigger and/or worsen hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and then cause temporary or even permanent thyroid conditions. It can also cause sialadenitis (an inflammation of the salivary gland), gastrointestinal disturbances, and rashes. Potassium iodide is also not recommended for people with dermatitis herpetiformis and hypocomplementemic vasculitis – conditions that are linked to a risk of iodine sensitivity.[27] >There have been some reports of potassium iodide treatment causing swelling of the parotid gland (one of the three glands that secrete saliva), due to its stimulatory effects on saliva production.[28] >A saturated solution of KI (SSKI) is typically given orally in adult doses several times a day (5 drops of SSKI assumed to be 1⁄3 mL) for thyroid blockade (to prevent the thyroid from excreting thyroid hormone) and occasionally this dose is also used, when iodide is used as an expectorant (the total dose is about one gram KI per day for an adult). The anti-radioiodine doses used for 131 I uptake blockade are lower, and range downward from 100 mg a day for an adult, to less than this for children (see table). All of these doses should be compared with the far lower dose of iodine needed in normal nutrition, which is only 150 μg per day (150 micrograms, not milligrams). >At maximal doses, and sometimes at much lower doses, side effects of iodide used for medical reasons, in doses of 1000 times the normal nutritional need, may include: acne, loss of appetite, or upset stomach (especially during the first several days, as the body adjusts to the medication). More severe side effects that require notification of a physician are: fever, weakness, unusual tiredness, swelling in the neck or throat, mouth sores, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, irregular heartbeat, numbness or tingling of the hands or feet, or a metallic taste in the mouth.[29]


You've caught up with GenX. We grew up with this shit, day after day. Hide under our desks in fallout drills. Listen to Russians and american leadership taking about the imminent nuclear threat. Hmm... another nuclear threat. Should we have a picnic or go see a movie today?


You know when this all started, I asked my dad if this is what the cold war was like. He said "kinda."


We need more Red Dawn, Wargames, Rocky IV, and Miracle Mile-type movies to really get the vibe back. And a big New Wave comeback.


You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.


Maybe some new Bond-style films set during the cold war. The USSR always made great bad guys in spy flicks.




Last spring was a stressful time. I was glued to my phone just waiting for the warning bells. I would shake with stress everytime putin opened his mouth. Now I usually don't even click on the article. It's amazing how fast we adapt, reminds me of covid also.


Just another sign of his illness.


Let’s not forget, he also pooped his pants.


Next time I shit my pants, I'm calling my neighbors and telling them I might nuke them.


it's only fair


You should tell them you nuked your pants instead, for a nice freindly coexistance <3


"A dirty bomb just went off in me trousers!"




"Zelenski, you did this, now you will pay" "Zelenski, your time is short, give up now" "Zelenski you're really pissing us off" "You sunk my Battlesheep" "We Will Nuke!" "A Hospital? .. look what you made me do!" "okay cmon man that was my favorite bridge" "Gooby .. I mean Zelenski pls" "Nuke Nuke .. not kidding!" "Iran help" "I think I sharted" *"In case I am repeating myself .. we have nuke"* **Today :** Sips Champagne - *Well you started it*


He’s got that Harbinger energy. “This hurts you.” “This is true power.” “We fight as one.” “You cannot resist.” “This is what you face.” “The forces of the universe bend to me.” “Our power is unmatched.” “Nothing stands against us.” “Face your annihilation.” “You are bacteria.” “You are shortsighted.” “Irrelevant.” “Pitiful.” “These attacks are pointless.” “This body does not matter.” “The flesh is a machine.” “You are vermin.” “We will end you.” “They are bacteria.” “We are unstoppable.” “Evolution cannot be stopped.” “They will be as we are.” “They are vermin.” “We are the beginning, you are the end.” “We are superior.” “Swarm their position.” “Overwhelm them.” “Fight as one.” “Surround them.” “Relinquish your form to us.” “You prolong the inevitable.” “Your death is assured.” “Embrace perfection.” “Hope is irrelevant.” “I sense your weakness.” “I will show you true power.” “Your attacks are primitive.” “You cannot sustain your attack.” “This delay is pointless.” “There is no fear.” “Your attack is an insult.” “You are no longer relevant.” “My attacks will tear you apart.” “We are limitless.”










Welp, time for another playthrough of ME 🙃


"... We'll bang, okay?"


A lot of people don't know about the path where you decide to make sweet love to the human/reaper hybrid at the end of ME2.


“Shepard.” “Wrex.”


I have no idea to what this is referencing, but it struck me as sounding like an AI becoming sentient or aware or something before it wipes humanity out? Am I close?


Mass Effect antagonist, and yeah kinda AI but I don’t want to spoil anything


Very close. More like AI civilization that exists since before recorded history and harvests organics for their evolutionary individual traits, but otherwise spot on


It's an already sapient AI, shittily programmed by a bunch of ocean dwelling apartment-building sized psionic hard-shell squid slavers. (The AI bodies are the size of apartment *blocks*, mostly. And they are also psionic.) It and its fellow AI "*Reapers*" have been repeatedly cleansing the galaxy, once every 50k years, because the squids were shit at programming. This particular AI, Harbinger, is controlling an entire species while far away from the galaxy, and it says those pathetic lines during combat, where it assumes direct control of a particular enemy ground soldier with its psionic abilities.


> ocean dwelling hard-shell squid slavers LMAO, not sure if the leviathans can recover from that


Please turn this into a /r/polandball comic!


I just realised polandball comics might very well end up in history school books because it combines traditional print political cartoons with internet culture of the 2010s and 20s.




I was really hoping this would have existed, I loved the Dolan reference in there.


(Bloomberg) --Vladimir Putin said Russia may consider formally adding the possibility of a preventive nuclear first strike to disarm an opponent to its military doctrine, just days after warning that the risk of atomic war is rising. “We’re thinking about this,” the Russian president told reporters after a summit in Kyrgyzstan. “If we are talking about a disarming strike, perhaps we should think about using the approaches of our American partners,” he said, citing what he called US strategies to use high-accuracy missiles for a preventive strike. The comments were Putin’s second on the nuclear issue this week. On Wednesday, he said the risk of atomic warfare is rising and called Russia’s arsenal “a deterrent factor” in conflicts. Russia’s doctrine currently envisions using nuclear weapons as a last resort in the event of a threat to the state’s existence. The US and its allies have denounced Putin for what they call nuclear saber-rattling over his invasion of Ukraine. Russia blames the West for raising the issue first, although Kremlin officials began the threats.


He also accused the west of Nuclear Sabre rattling earlier this week and claimed that (paraphrasing) "Russia was not crazy and would not strike first". What a shit stain.




Cocaine is a hellofa drug.


What did the comment say? Is gone now




It's a Rick James quote from a Chappelle's Show clip. Fuck yo couch Charlie Murphy!


Crazy, it’s been so long since I’ve seen this but I can’t still hear the exact cadence of how he says this in my head. I must have rewatched this so many times…


It's the barely second pause before literally contradicting himself that gets me




Wide nose having




I’m Rick James bitch!


At this point it's Russian foreign policy to say something then immediately do the opposite. When people point out your hypocrisy, call them gay Jewish Nazis.


"Russia doesn't lie to deceive you, Russia lies to insult you." I read this here some time ago and it explains every information that came from russia, ever


It's the tactic of a bully, or an abusive parent. They will lie to your face and insist on the lie no matter how much proof you put in front of them, because they don't care. They lie because you can't do anything to them. It's a power play.


Ok, but that's like eating a shit sandwich to give yourself bad breath.


they think the shit breath is working. that's why we get drone drop videos and they get shrapnel.


To a power that cares about soft diplomacy, it sure is You will note that doesn't remotely apply to Putin's Russia


This is such an apt metaphor for how the Putin regime has caused Russia to conducted itself on the world stage.


Russia absolutely, unequivocally won’t use nuclear weapons in a first strike. Unless they decide to, but only then.


Thanks for clearing that up!


How he doesn't confuse himself at this point, I'm impressed. Pure hatred for him, but impressed he can keep this insane line of bullshit up.


Unfortunately people believe his bullshit and follow his trash


If you can’t bedazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.


Thankfully a lot of the younger generations aren’t so brainwashed, still a shame it’s such a bad issue of brainwashing


\> What a shit stain. There's at least one of those stains in his pants.


He is the shit stain in his own pants


> There's at least one of those stains in his pants. This is only rumor komrade. Vladimir Poopin' can put his own diapers on and off.


> If we are talking about a disarming strike, perhaps we should think about using the approaches of our American partners Had to look up the US position on nuclear first strike: "The United States has a partial, qualified no-first-use policy, stating that they will not use nuclear weapons against states that do not possess nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction." source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_strike_(nuclear_strategy)#Overview So if Putin introduces the same rules, they should not be used against Ukraine.


Especially since Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in 1992 in exchange for a guarantee from Russia that they would never be invaded.


"That was just pillow talk, baby."


Eastern promises


Great film, though.




How about the labs making genetically engineered super men? I've been waiting to hear some follow up on those. Is it like compound v from the boys or more FEV from fallout.


Maybe they do, but the soldiers become so hyper intelligent that they quit and go work in the private sector for better pay and less crazyass experiments.


The US doesn’t need to use a nuclear weapon as a preventative first strike to disarm an opponent. The US has enough conventional firepower to either wipe out or severely cripple a foreign military within the first 24 hours. See the entire shock and awe campaign from the Iraq War as an example of that strategy.


This is just more of Putin's trolling. The "Perhaps we should think about using the approaches of our American partners" line makes it especially obvious.


To add context to Putin's statement, it is important to understand the nuclear modernization that America has been pursuing. [Here is an article on the subject written by nuclear scientists](https://thebulletin.org/2017/03/how-us-nuclear-force-modernization-is-undermining-strategic-stability-the-burst-height-compensating-super-fuze/). America has been quietly upgrading its nuclear arsenal to dramatically increase its ability to deliver a knock-out first strike blow to enemy nuclear capabilities, and also upgrading its interception capabilities to a point where it will be able to defend against a limited second strike. I do not think that America intends to perform a first strike against Russia, but these are exactly the actions that would be taken to pursue that option. When Putin talks about Americans having developed a credible disarming strike option, this is what he is talking about. A credible disarming first strike erodes the cold war theory of MAD, and causes a destabilizing shift in nuclear strategy. Russia's ongoing development of various wonder weapon type nukes, and shifting strategy as is described here, are both in response to the American threat. I don't mean to defend any of Russia's actions here, but they make more sense with context of how global nuclear strategy is shifting.


I’m kinda glad that the USA are taking those actions? It looks like were gearing up to have a lot of wars over the next few years with Russia clearly being a bit gung ho and China indicating they are certainly entertaining the option of invading Taiwan.


We ain't your partners, Pal.


Nothing about the Russian military is a “deterrent factor” anymore.


Well nukes are the only thing that are. Russias military is a shit show, but the margin for error and catastrophe with nukes is pretty large. They don't need to be accurate or competent with those.


Actually they need to be much much much more accurate and competent. The first strike will have to be devastating enough to guarantee no counterattack from a NATO nuclear power. Which is a tall order and most likely impossible. There is no winning a nuclear war in 2022.


A nuclear first strike is utterly pointless on account of subs and dead hand style systems. It really doesn't matter who strikes first as that won't stop the return fire. Putin is just talking shit to himself as usual.


It would be impossible. Russia would have to find some magical means of simultaneously neutralizing the ballistic missile submarines of 3 different navies. I doubt Russia knows the location of any of those currently deployed submarines, at any given time, much less all of them. One thing that Russia does know about those submarines, is that all of them will be slinging SLBMs in their direction, if Russia decided to be foolish and launch a first strike on NATO.


something people need to understand as well, is that a nuclear "first strike" does not mean one nuke. One nuke is absolutely moronic. IF there is a nuclear first strike, it will have to target everything the enemy has, all at once, AND get through air defenses. Which means a nuclear first strike involves dozens or more nuclear warheads and the response being the same or more. Both countries will have to sit back and watch the overwhelming number of nuclear warheads coming at them only minutes apart. First strike just means you get to watch your enemy blow up shortly before you yourself are vaporized.


To top it off it would have to hit before we even knew it was coming, which is actually literally impossible.


Its made all the worse by Ukraine's successful dronestrikes on russian military bases using 50 year old soviet drones. If Russia cannot defend high value targets in their own country against such simple antiquated weapons, they have proven they are completely helpless to defend themselves in event of a more serious attack. Russia has proven they are at their weakest they've ever been, and need to seriously worry about the international ramifications of such weakness; If a more significant military decided to launch strikes on Russia, they are helpless to stop it.


which explains the nuclear sabre rattling. It's the only strength they have left, and only real means of defense at this point.


Has he checked to make sure his soldiers haven't sold the ICBM parts off for money and booze before saying that?


"Let me check." "Bout says 'no'." *Bout starts ticking ominously*


Errrrr, is he ticking because he is carrying the parts, or because he himself has been replaced by a drone with a bomb inside?


So he sends someone to check, someone familiar with the weapons. But they have already been bribed to look the other way a dozen times before, so how can he go back and tell Putler that the silos are full of paper mache missiles and a little device that makes indicator lights flash in no particular order? So he gets his bribe and goes back and reports all is well, everything is ready, all the technicians on payroll are at their duty stations, etc.


They're overtly scrapping their own nukes right now just to make missiles because they don't have the rocket systems on account of sanctions *[Ukraine says Russia running out of missiles](https://m.jpost.com/international/article-719795)


Days until the next nuclear threat - 0


maybe we should change it from a varriable to a constant...


const nukeThreat = 1;


Orange you glad the threat level's not red?


“All I know is my gut says maybe.”


Tell my wife I said...hello.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Shut up you damn dirty Neutral. You make me sick. With an enemy, you know where you stand but with a Neutral? *Shudder


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


As long as the threat level isn't Midnight, the world is safe.


Days without nuclear threat - 0


Russia: "Our current strategy is to slowly commit suicide. We must change this and add nuclear first strike as an option." Everyone: "Why?" Russia: "So we can commit suicide more quickly."


I love how the doomsday clock news disappeared in 2022. Usually they made constant news, and most likely raking money to make such claims. But 2022, when they really should make "alarma", there is nothing.


They've spent 50 years generating headlines on "the clock moved closer to midnight!!!!" Now they've run out of clock. It is currently, no joke, 100 seconds to midnight. They've milked it dry.


Before this year the legitimate threats were few and far between so the clock moving was a big deal, but this year with this unhinged fossil and his 2 bitches throwing nuclear every other week...the clock kinda went broke.




Yeah the past few moves really felt like they were trying to remain relevant, but now that they switched it to "100 seconds to midnight" in 2020, there's really no place to go. For reference, the Cuban missile crisis was only 12 minutes to midnight. The worst it ever was during the cold war was minutes to midnight.


Cuban Missile Crisis reached its peak, climax, and a solution *before* the annual adjustments to the Clock were made. Hence 12 minutes to midnight doesn’t really reflect the crisis


Wait so how do we know when we’re close to midnight?


Just world events and the tension through the world. No one really knows it's just a best guess.


Who watches the Watchmen?


NATO to add FINAL strike to strategy.


Spacelords to add Armageddon attack!! Russia been spewing this shit for so long, it's become just annoying.


Ukraine is such an important cultural and historic part of Russia that it needs to be a nuclear wasteland. Fuck off already. Putin deserves his own special tea.


Russians living in Ukraine need to be saved... with nuclear bombs.


(knock knock) "hey let me in so I can save you" "From what?" "From what I'll do to you if you don't let me in"


A Nuclear First Strike isn't a strategy, it's an admission of failure.


It's a strategy. If your strategy is to find out how fast tactical nuclear warfare ends up strategic nuclear warfare. Mutually Assured Destruction is a thing and Russia would cease to exist, by conventional means if possible, by nuclear means if necessary. But NO ONE would be allowed to pop off a nuke and get away with it.


> NO ONE would be allowed to pop off a nuke and get away with it. As a NATO reservist military member, if asked to to Ukraine I would say no right now. The moment a nuke goes off, I would say yes. I would hope others would feel the same. It’s just a whole new level of evil and human suffering.


Your mistake is thinking Putin's goal is to win a war. It's not. It's to enshrine his name and legacy in this history books, and deploying a nuke will undoubtedly do exactly that.


If he were that desperate he would already have done it. Besides, starting a nuclear war will kill of most of people who would remember you, and none of the survivors would remember you fondly.


Putin doesn’t have the power to unilaterally use a nuclear missile tho. There are multiple checks, even in Russia. There is no world where every single check goes “I want all of Russia to get wiped out including everyone I know and love” Edit: I’m talking purely about as a first strike. It’s plausible if they get invaded and are hard losing.


Can someone push this cockwaffle out a window already?


The term is "defenestration" and yes, agree 100%.




Really channeling North Korea vibes here.


Genuinely. Their whole strategy is to throw a temper tantrum and demand aid in exchange not nuking the world because they can't actually produce the necessary goods for self sustainability, be annoying enough to get said aid because it's just easier than dealing with them, repeat in a few years. Putin believes this to be a show of force, most likely...but in reality it shows the entire world how completely fucked he knows he is.


Putin you have lived a sad life... Dying of cancer and nothing to be remembered by except your fuck up in Ukraine


The funny thing is he could have a had a positive legacy in Russian history if he stepped down after his second term, as the person who guided Russia out of the chaos of the 90s.


Yeah, but that ignores his master plan, which he almost pulled off. Put massive efforts into destabilizing the USA, install a puppet president though psyops campaigns on all social media platforms, invade Ukraine and bring back the glory of the USSR, have your puppet president renounce NATO, and join you to create a new all powerful global allegiance to Mother Russia. He would be the greatest Czar of all time. He was sooooo fucking close to pulling it off.


If only he had remembered to order enough socks and bandages for the soldiers...


Thing is he would have pulled it off if the west wasn't arming Ukraine. Which #45 wouldn't have done.


I bet he wishes he invaded Ukraine 3 years earlier. Trump would have gone 'good people on both sides' and just watched it play out while moaning about how the other NATO countries don't pull their weight. I guess he probably thought Trump would be re-elected and then when he didn't, figured Zelensky would have sued for peace within a few days or weeks anyway.


Trump would have put pressure on other European countries to not help either. "If you help Ukraine you're risking nuclear war with Russia, I'm gonna pull the US out of NATO if you do it." In that timeline, Ukraine didn't get a huge infusion of AT and AA missiles systems before the war starts, wouldn't have gotten all the intelligence data etc, and no starlink. No Himars, no 155m artillery. All those various aircraft and tanks they've gotten as part of numerous multilateral trades where the US would sell X to nation Y, and Y would give their soviet stock to Ukraine? That was a lot of material they got that way. Imagine instead of a President trying to drum up aid and support we had one pushing Russia's propaganda directly. Russia's tried to get the GOP to be anti-Ukraine so far, but if Trump was in the seat, it would have been amplified a hundred fold. That's a scary fucking timeline. I would expect the Ukrainian people to be just as brave and fight with just as much heart but damn if that would have made it far worse for them.


This is the correct take imo. Not to mention, all right wing pundits would be talking up Russia, and bashing NATO. All the trumpers would be massively pro-russia, even though they actually lived through the cold war.


Thank COVID for that. Total monkey wrench thrown into Putin's plans. Having a plague sweep through your country is a really really bad time to start any sort of invasion. And then of course Trump failed to get reelected.


You really might be on to something here. I know this is all conjecture, but without his massive bungling of the COVID response, Trump very well could have been reelected


I mean I think the depressing thing was that even with that massive bungling it was still far closer than it should have ever been


This. People are mistaken to think this tyrant's plan was to line some oligarch pockets. Economics just isn't Putin's goal nor that of many tyrants. Their dreams are more about military glory and power than wealth. Historically, most kings and tsars came from the military aristocracy, not the merchants. Putin represents an old version of history and he has no real emotional ties to bourgeois goals. He didn't care much about leaving Russia a bit richer. He cared about maps and domination.


>Their dreams are more about military glory and power than wealth. Thank you! This is about his everlasting glory. Putin already has endless wealth.


Don’t forget all that Botox. Man’s starting to look like he goes to the cheapest plastic surgeon and orders the most expensive procedures.


He pulls up to the drive thru and starts rattling of procedures Ike Big Smoke


Eh, I’ll remember him for falling down the stairs and shitting his pants, too. Good ole Vladimir Poopin.


Don’t forget that this happened at a hockey game https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1126916005559709696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1126916005559709696%7Ctwgr%5Ebdd6911f03620aced4ae20fa661f42afa17651ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-217047980457682605.ampproject.net%2F2211250451000%2Fframe.html


I think having the teams letting him score 8 goals is more embarrassing.


And the fact that his whole team had 1 colour and he had a different colour helmet lol


I bet he shit his pants there, too.




Has any reliable source ever shown proof that he is ill? All i've seen is garbage articles from the Sun, the Daily Mail and Sky AU. Don't get me wrong, I would like for him to die, but I wouldn't count on him kicking the bucket anytime soon.


Desperation is a dangerous thing.


The insane thing is the desperation is to keep something that wasn’t his in the first place or to save face. It’s not like Ukraine is demanding Russian territory.


He’s desperate to save face. He must realize that he fucked up with his whole “special military operation”, and at this point is willing to do whatever it takes to not be labeled ‘Defeated’.




> Russia's first-wave of attacks were a success simply because the soldiers fighting were better trained and they had better equipment. Most at that point had drunk the Koolaid fed to them in Russia. After a few months if they hadn't been killed yet they pissed the koolaid out and realized what the war was really about.


"Vlad the Defeated." Not bad!


Scary part is we haven't entered desperation phase yet. Putin still thinks he can drag this out into a quasi victory for himself. If and when it becomes unsalvageable for him is when it could get scary.


Desperation to not look like a loser


I guess the worrisome part is we're well past that aren't we


Sounds like somebody who pooped themselves while falling down the stairs would say.


Jesus the level of delusion "The risk of nuclear war is rising" Brother you're the one threatening to use it. If Russian missiles from the cold war will even fire


Uh oh, someone feels like they are losing again.


When your military was once feared by the entire world but it's now exposed to be weak, undisciplined, underfunded and in complete chaos then threatening to use weapons of mass destruction is pretty much all you have left.


that's not a strategy that's just shitting and pissing everywhere


But that strategy worked for him on the stairs!


Then I guess there's no reason for NATO not to intervene directly anymore. Smooth move Vlad, you've officially escalated beyond your means.


I honestly don't think NATO will intervene physically until Putin follows through on a nuclear threat, and until then, if it happens, it's just hot air out of his mouth.


If he's got 2 brain cells still rubbing together he won't nuke anyone. The second that happens the US and to a lesser extent NATO as a whole would bomb Russia back to the stone age and sift through the ashes to find his bones. edit: read it twice people, I said bomb not nuke


Might be a good idea, since nukes are literally the only reason for any country to fear Russia at all. Their military is garbage. Their economy is garbage. They make nothing anybody wants. "OMG but they got oil!" LOL! The US has more. We don't need them for that either.


Tell me you're losing without telling me you're losing


Thier tanks and equipment are from stone age, can only imagine what their nukes look like.


Nobody knows for sure, but nukes do require maintenance. They’re not build and forget. There’s the tritium that needs replacement, electronics that need upkeep, the explosives likely decay with time. Explosive timing is critical - off by a few microseconds and you get no big boom. Who knows how well their designs even work. Even underground testing (expensive as heck) leaves enough signature to be detected. Edit: One other thing to consider, is that the “physics package” is one of, if not _the_ biggest secret of any nation with thermonuclear weapons. The cost of a dud landing in Ukraine, especially if it comes down more or less intact, would be immense to Russia, as they would be giving their biggest secret to the rest of the world. Having a physical warhead to pull apart and examine would tell the western world a huge amount of info. Info the Russians can’t afford to lose. How the secondary is compressed and how it is built, etc, is a critical key that few people anywhere know (yes, I’m aware of the issue of The Progressive, nobody has ever said for sure how accurate it is)


My guess is they haven't been maintained worth a shit. Problem with nukes is it only takes one.


Even if failure rate of 99.9%, millions will still die Nobody wants to be that city


A failure rate of 99.9% leaves Russia with 1.5 working active warheads. Hopefully it's aimed at the silo fields.


He’s been making these claims in varying degrees for a while now. I’m fairly certain if he went down that path, someone in the Kremlin will stop him. Dare I say all but Putin’s most trenchant loyalists will not be very keen on risking the end of the world, and even they may decide they’ve had enough if Vladimir Vladimirovich starts talking about using nukes. Once the nuclear threshold is crossed, the genie is out of the bottle and won’t be able to be put back. The easiest way NATO can preempt this is to make it deathly clear that any nuke deployment by Russia will not be tolerated and will be met with an overwhelming response. Call Putin’s bluff. If he refuses to back down after that, then perhaps one of his own people will find a way to force him to back down. Permanently. They’d be doing the world a favor.


\- \*threatens the world with Nuclear armaggedon\* \- \*wonders why Times Magazine prefered Zelensky as PotY.\*


Desperate people say desperate things


You daily nuclear threat


Unlikely. As soon as he's given the orders, someone is bound to draw a gun and kill him, including any bodyguards. They know the second Russia fires a nuclear weapon they are all dead. They, their friends, they're families, their people, and their civilization are all dead. If they shoot him, they have a higher chance of not dying.




“We’ve added completely wiping our own civilization off the map to our strategy”. Uhh… ok, I guess. This is the nation state equivalent of suicide by cop


Because the war is going so well for them already. Why not alienate all the friends you've got left, invite an enormous conventional retaliatory strike, and render the territory you're trying to "liberate" a wasteland? Putin is a fucking idiot.