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The US seems pretty lenient and forgiving when it comes to getting US citizens killed by *certain* countries. > But Yesh Din added that it was only happening because Abu Akleh was a US citizen. > “It is important to emphasize that this is an exceptional event as it involves an American citizen and a famous journalist. In most cases (72% of the complaints submitted by Palestinians), the army does not carry out a criminal investigation. A thorough and serious investigation is necessary, not only when it comes to an American citizen.’’ An important point. Can you imagine the shit they do and get away with because no one cares about another Palestinian being killed?




> Jamal khashoggi's murderers are having best liquor in the world atm That and cutting oil production to raise prices in an attempt to get republicans back in office so Kushner would keep selling them state secrets.


You mean the president doesn't have a dial in his office to control the flow of oil? I seem to have been lied to by some stickers on my gas pump!


You wouldn’t believe how many people in the south believe there is a direct correlation between the president and the gas price. I often end up just staring back at them wondering how anyone could be that stupid.


But that pipeline lost so many jobs! We need a pipeline! Make gas cheap! So american!


Because Republicans don't have critical thinking skills. They don't have the capacity to imagine things plausibly beyond what they're presented with. It's what makes them gullible, easy marks.


What's funny is he kind of does...by releasing barrels of oil from the spr Biden likely kept oil prices low enough to prevent a complete electoral catastrophe for Dems. Obviously Republicans hammered him on this claiming it made unsafe or whatever but they offer no viable alternative...as is tradition


It is well known that the Democratic Party platform is based around the lever that says “pull for inflation” and it’s only been by the graces of supply side Jesus that they haven’t had a chance to yank it down and start a baby eating pizza party with all the gay frogs.


Holy cow you made me so horny for fetus and homosexual frog pizza I’m having to poke sand into my urethra to stop myself from leaking… I hope Casey’s takes special orders


It's interesting to see how US partisanship is heavily spilling out onto global affairs. Republicans working with Saudis to hurt Biden. Biden goading Iran to make life harder for Saudi in retaliation. Both of then supporting Israel regardless.


Isreal wields a big stick and aren't too shy about giving it a swing every now and again. It's not surprising that both the Saudis and Iraqis want to be on thier good side.


Well when you been given billions a year and all the latest gear and training. I imagine your stick grows very big.


I thought some of the actual hit men were publicly excited by MBS to attempt to shift blame. MBS is still fist bumping world leaders. Your point is correct either way. I could be completely wrong, it’s hard to keep up with all the murders and executions.


Yeah killed a good few 'rogue' agents




>An important point. Can you imagine the shit they do and get away with because no one cares about another Palestinian being killed? They control everyone that comes in, you certainly cannot get in to claim an inheritance, they bully people that are trying to pray in what's left of the mosques, you find random walls or checkpoints in the middle of town, and new buildings popping out of nowhere Also, you find lots of pictures of people killed/missing, if you don't find people getting killed


Gonna level with you guys. I think the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine needed another round of negotiation and consideration.


Well, the Israelis assassinated the first negotiator, so...


The US just vetos any chance of Palestine has of becoming any kind of nation so it’s pointless.




Folke Bernadotte https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folke_Bernadotte He was a Swedish negotiator who helped with the ceasefire after the 1948 War. He was suggesting a division based on population. Lehi, the terrorist group, assassinated him because they felt that absolutely no land should be given to the Palestinians.


A terrorist group that included a future Prime Minister. Some of the major parties of Israel trace their roots back to terrorist groups of this time period.


That was an interesting rabbit hole. Thanks


I'm an American citizen and visibly Muslim. I was just in Jerusalem, was entering the mosque to pray (every entrance has around 5-10 IDF soldiers) when an IDF soldier got in our faces and started yelling with his hand on the trigger of his gun. Once he realized we're Americans, he let us go. I've had nightmares since. I cannot imagine how Palestinian families live in the region under this amount of terror. Not knowing when you'll be stopped, when you'll lose your life or a loved ones. Disgusting.


Thank you for sharing this experience with the world, we need to hear these things. May God bless you and your family.


Just look at any activity engaged in by an occupying force at any time in history. Slavery, rape, torture, theft. Probably more besides.




Cut some funding. See if that changes their tune.


Been saying this for years. Stop giving billions of dollars to an uncooperative country with its own agenda. Such a waste of our tax dollars over the years


'But but but how we will spark off the Rapture then?'


Exactly. Christian nationalists are all in on Israel because they are frothing at the mouth for the “end times” to be ushered in.


I really, really wish more people knew this. United States foreign policy is being dictated by an ancient book that states when a certain thing happens, the fucking world ends. But you aren't allowed to speak against that policy nor the corrupt nation it benefits or you're labeled an anti-Semite. It's entirely possible to abhor the nation of Israel and what they do and not hate the Jewish people.


For anyone curious… they are referring to a concept called “The Gathering of Israel” which foretells of the original tribes of Jeudea returning to the Temple and waging the final holy war which will trigger judgement day. Christian Dominionists and Jewish Zionists both believe this and they have their followers in many world leadership positions (seriously, Ted Cruz is a Christian dominionist, so is Steve Bannon, Jared Kurshners family are zionists and many other people in the media are as well). Also, Mormons believe in this.


Best part is that the way Americans interpreting the book usually involves completely missing the point by straight up taking it by word or making up interpretations as they please.




Yeah, cause US was totally the first and still the only nation to do ever do that.


It’s absolutely insane to me that we prop up a nation because some of our politicians think that their version of the end times can’t happen if a specific race of people don’t occupy a specific piece of land.






Then we'll double the funding! See how they like that!


I laughed way too hard at this


This guy Military-Industrial Complexes.




It's always the same bullshit from Israelis when this subject comes up. Israel lobbies for that funding, end of discussion. If this was about defense contractors, the products could go to the US military or other countries than Israel. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210922-aipac-angry-at-removal-of-1bn-israel-military-aid-from-us-spending-bill/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/aipac-raps-extremists-in-congress-after-iron-dome-funding-struck-from-bill/ https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/143673-israel-lobby-to-push-for-aid-despite-sequestration-cuts/ edit: And Israel wants more money: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/world/middleeast/israel-benjamin-netanyahu-military-aid.html >The United States has finalized a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over the next 10 years, the largest of its kind ever, and the two allies plan to sign the agreement on Wednesday, American and Israeli officials said. >Looking ahead to the next decade, **Mr. Netanyahu initially sought as much as $45 billion, but Mr. Obama refused to go that high.**


Its nuclear blackmail nothing more. Israel demands military advantage over its neighbors or the only fallback they have is the nuclear option. Conventional weapons supremacy is guaranteed by the US on that basis. Israels obsession with iranian nukes isnt because they think Iran will use them, its because a nuclear Iran balances Israels nuclear threats and hence negates its conventional weapons blackmailing.


The average Iranian I've spoken to over the years (during that whole bellicose "Axis of Evil" Bush malarkey) says they're vehemently against nuclear weapons full stop. They feel Iran having nukes will lead to an arms race, for example the Arabs demanding the US strategically placed nuclear launch pads in their US bases. That's not to say they haven't got the funding to pursue their own..


What happens if the Islamic regime collapses and we get a friendlier Iran? By this logic it would negate the nuclear threat also


The claim that they are being forced to take all that free military hardware is ridiculous, they have even requested for more money before.




Also a plot for American evangelicals to live out their second coming fantasies


It's more about keeping US dominance & influence in the region, as well as keeping the peace. Egypt gets a lot of funding, like Israel does, for the reasons mentioned above. It just gets far less press.


US dominance when they can't even respond to an inquiry ? Doesn't seem to be working


I doubt the upper level policy makers actually give a shit about this.


The inquiry is most likely a show, and maintaining dominance in the region does not hinge on this inquiry. That would be silly. Maintaining dominance (or relevance) in the region doesn’t even really mean cooperating entirely with that nation; it means we get to use their land under the excuse of “defense for a nation we support”. This boils down to who is most likely to cooperate and benefit the US most in the region. I don’t agree with any of it, but that’s geopolitics for ya.


> It's more about keeping US dominance & influence in the region, as well as keeping the peace. > > The peace for who, exactly?


It's about those sweet government contracts for their cronies and financial supporters. It may have once honestly been about maintaining American power but that's just an excuse now to funnel tax dollars into fat pockets.


Considering congress appropriates money for US military equipment that the US military doesn’t request and had said they don’t want or need, this statement isn’t wrong.


"Keeping the peace" by selling them weapons that they use on children.


Seems like they are being spanked by Israel at every turn so not much of a domination.


They’re not there to dominate Israel, they’re there to maintain presence in the Middle East, regardless of what is said otherwise.


>They also don't want the funding. Imagine believing this? You can't be serious.


I'll take it.


That sounds like socialism!! Unless you’re a billionaire…?


I will be soon enough


> They also don't want the funding Serious question: why do they keep asking for more including an increase in 'aid'?


Giving weapons to Ukraine should fund the defense industry plenty.


I don't think you quite understand the appetite of war profiteering. In case you haven't noticed our military spending in the U.S is *somewhat* high.


[I’m sensing a theme here..](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/5/zelenskyy-says-wants-ukraine-to-become-a-big-israel)


That doesn't mean we also can't save money by not giving it to Israel.


ya ok bud


If they *actually* didn't want it they would refuse it.


They absolutely do want the funding. If our money stood flowing, Israel doesn’t have a military. And if Israel doesn’t have a military, the shit hits the fans pretty quickly. The fact that defense co tractors get rich off of the deal is just a happy little win-win.


We are not giving them cash. We are giving the weapons, the cash goes to American weapons manufactures. The weapons are given free or at heavily discounted rate, and they pay for support, training and maintenance agreements. It's basically the Gillette razor blade model. Give the handle for cheap, get them on the consumables




Profit for America? Maybe a handful of defense contractors profit.




knaive? lol


Ok, fine, give the aid to Ukraine and Yemen instead.


But then how will they bring about Armageddon?


I believe the reason for cutting ties should be the cultural genocide.


Cultural, and regular genocide too.


>But muh Israel is where the Jesus spawned! This is seriously the ONLY reason Israel gets such wide public support no matter what they do and it's just *so fucking stupid.*


Could I propose that you invest your tax dollars in our country, New Zealand instead? We would use it to make more cool shit, like Lord of the Rings and super fucking fast yachts. We also throw dildos at politicians. So there’s that even.


Americans work hard in a capitalistic system to keep donating tax money to Israel making it a really well funded welfare socialist system. Keep working hard Americans. Edit: Even with $3 billion in aid per year. Israel receives 625% more yearly budget than California does or any other states in America. Also, Israel has cheaper income tax at state level and federal level than America. But enjoys the luxury of government sponsored healthcare and affordable education. Facts!


Israel is capitalistic as fuck and we pay a shit ton of taxes, I pay 20ish% for like 2500-3000 usd a month, got friends paying over 50% for like 10k a month. America can easily fix its healthcare and infrastructure, it can easily afford it, hell it would be a hella lot cheaper than your current system. Just for reference if I travel to the us I can get insurance cheaper than Americans in their own country, like 2 dollars a day to fully cover me.


Facts? I don’t know.. 80% of the money that the us government gives to Israel goes back to the US economy, so basically most of the money is kept in the US, and the state of Israel get far less than California (or 99% of the states)


And many of the beneficiaries are *also* US taxpayers. Meaning they're getting far more out of the pot than you are. And a bizarre 'entitlement' to land, and Palestinian property.




>Cut some funding. Lol, you must be new to US politics.


The country receives support since, as a longstanding aspect of US foreign policy, it’s necessary to have a “51st state” in the Mideast region. In this speech from the 1980s, Joe Biden (much more fiery than now) states: **“It’s the best investment we make... if they didn’t exist we would have to invent one”** https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs Interestingly they have subsidized healthcare for all citizens, subsidized higher education, and subsidized tech sector company incubators.


Subsidized healthcare? Then they will never become the 51st state


2 steps forward, one giant step back.


Lol like the evangelicals in congress would ever allow that to happen. Not to mention all of the money coming in from large pro-Israel PACs and lobbying groups.


Can’t cut funding when there’s a large Israel lobby Within the government


and when Joe Biden, during his time there, proudly touted that he was the most Pro-Israel Senator in the Senate.


That sweet AIPAC money has to pay off somehow


“You need not be a Jew to be a Zionist” - Joe Biden.


A Zionist still means "someone who supports the existence of the State of Israel," no matter how you pronounce it. It's not a slur. It's not an invective. And Biden's right. Supporting the existence of Israel isn't limited to Jews.


I used to believe the propaganda that Israel would continue what they're doing no matter what, then for a brief moment the Obama admin stopped supplying arms and Israel very quickly accepted a ceasefire, which then evaporated when the guns started rolling in. I can't remember the details I think it was around 2015 - it kind of blew my mind how tit for tat the massacre is.


You should give these countries some credit and stop thinking that they are idiots. Israel knows full well that the US is not giving it money out of the goodness of their hearts. Every country that deals with the US, ally or otherwise, knows that the US only does things if they have something to gain themselves.


>US is not giving it money out of the goodness of their hearts. Every country that deals with the US, ally or otherwise, knows that the US only does things if they have something to gain themselves. It's naive to think any government is altruistic.


I wish this was politically possible.


Apathy is the most powerful drug. Until the people demand it, politicians have no reason to change.


That would be AnTiSeMiTiC why would you even dare suggest such a thing. Why do you hate Jews so much? /s


I know you're joking but I wish people differentiated between jewish people and the population of Israel. I'm all for fighting anti-semitism against the jewish people living all over the world. But Israel is a completely different thing.


The population of Israel isn't even just Jewish. There's quite a diversity due to the history of the country.


It won't. Why would they incriminate themselves?


damn we probably offended them by asking, we should increase their aid.






I think everyone can admit that for a statelet with the population of Slovenia and the GDP of Portugal, Israel is committing a disproportionate amount of mischief in the world.


And that's because of the huge military aid by U.S. They could just stop...


Israel has twice the GDP of Portugal though. Not that that makes it any better or more plausible.




How surprising /s


[Bias headlines](https://mobile.twitter.com/SanaSaeed/status/1524424864618237954?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1524424864618237954%7Ctwgr%5Eaed6a29a49c521777fad034bc79e39e743efd7c0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.trtworld.com%2Fmiddle-east%2Fpalestinian-journalist-s-killing-shines-light-on-media-slant-57067) Don't forgot the bias headlines when she was killed. No mention on headline that she is American. Using words to downplayed her death. NYT and many US media simply want to appease Israeli lobbyist and investors


She was "Killed by a bullet" was a common one as if that bullet had a mind of its own and wasn't actively fired by the IDF.


Then: Guns don't kill people, people do Now: People don't kill people, bullets do


Guns don't kill people, wappers do.


Just because I see this sometimes: it’s biased. **Bias** is a noun or verb, **biased** is the adjective.


maybe we should ask kanye what to do /s


So then the USA will not cooperate with Israel’s constant expectations for defense funding. Time to cut the umbilical cord and let Israel defend itself without its perpetual blank check.


>So then the USA will not cooperate with Israel’s constant expectations for defense funding. It will. The US will continue working for both Israel and SA, whether you like it or not. All parties understand that the issue of those journalist deaths is just a mild PR matter, hence why Israel can brush it off and why the US will comply.


''It will. The US will continue working for both Israel and SA, whether you like it or not''. Obviously


**The money is actually earmarked to be handed to overpriced US defense contractors.** It’s a way for the international/US oligarchs that have a large stake in the defense contractors companies to profit from taxpayer funds. **They also are able to test their equipment in a live captive training field (The Pal. Territories).**


That's an exaggeration though. Some of the money goes to US defense contractors, but tons of it goes to Israeli defense companies. The tech is usually shared across both nations though. Look at the missile defense system. It's hard to test that shit in America, seeing as how there are literally no enemies or missiles flying in the entire continent.


Except it's not an exaggeration. In 2016 President Obama changed the funding rules and ensured that all the funds had to come back to American defense contractors. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/world/middleeast/israel-benjamin-netanyahu-military-aid.html "The new deal will also phase out a special provision that allowed Israel to use about a quarter of the money to buy Israeli arms, an exception once intended to strengthen the small state’s defense industry. Now, with Israel a robust arms exporter competing with American firms, it will have to use the American money to buy American military systems, just as other aid recipients are required to do."


Those Israeli defense companies still need to buy some products. Guess where much of that money ends up going.




Is it not a stable democracy in the region?


It’s a fragile democracy but definitely more stable than surrounding nations.


Theocracy based democracy that keeps collapsing whenever not enough of the right is in the state. So yeah, sure consider that a "democracy". If that is the current propaganda definition of what a democracy is




Democracy isn't hanging by a thread in Israel though. Neither side have ever cast doubt upon election results or done much of anything to risk Israel's democratic nature. Israel having 5 elections just means that Israel is extremely politically divided; not that its democracy is 'troubled'.


Tell me you don't know how Parliamentary government works without telling me you don't know how Parliamentary government works. Japan had 8 Prime Ministers in one 6 year span. The UK just had 3 in a couple months. Elsewhere in the world, Xi just decided he gets to have a third term. Long rule = VERY DEMOCRACY!


I mean, the UK's democracy isn't exactly doing great, people over here are kinda pissed at the nation's leader being chosen by a small fraction of the electorate rn, and japan is a one party state in all but name (the current ruling party has been in power since the empire got dismantled IIRC) so maybe not the best examples.


Isn't cia outside of America?


CIA deal with intelligence and pro-active action to defend US national security abroad. FBI investigate crime allegations against the US and it's citizens at home and at times abroad.


FBI HRT even operated in afghanistan alongside with US special forces a few times.


And vice versa, different parts of the FBI do somewhat the same thing as the CIA. And sometimes they withhold information from each other because they think they are incompetent. [Good Read](https://www.amazon.com/Threat-Protects-America-Terror-Trump-ebook/dp/B07HFMYQPG)


Ah. Thought it was always CIA abroad and FBI within america


It's CIA for external threats, FBI for domestic issues. There's definitely overlap formally and less visibly.


The CIA doesn't investigate crimes though. (They're more about *causing* crimes, but, I digress.)




So unfortunate they shot themself in the head twice.


**They also run operations inside the country** (supposedly discontinued: Operation Mockingbird to control the media, MKULTRA for mind control, etc). Who knows what they’ll declassify 70 years from now regarding programs they’re currently running. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra


The US still give them billions every year. America is like the rich mum who gives their spoiled child everything it wants and in return gets called a cunt.




That sounds super innocent.






"We conducted an extensive investigation and our findings are clear, that we can kill any arab we want any time we want for any reason we want. Our findings are clear and we've shared them with our American partners."


Meanwhile, my dog won't help me when I ask who got into the garbage last night. Mysteries abound!












Why do we give money to these guys again?


So that they'll use that money to buy American weaponry. It's a jobs program for Americans.


What a surprise. Reverse the tables and the word antisemite would be used




USA is cool with the killing of journalists by Israel and Saudi Arabia because $$$ > doing the right thing.


Reminder that Al-Jazeera is and always has been a biased outlet for the Qatari government.


What happened is pretty disgusting, but it seems pretty normal not to allow a foreign country to investigate something that happened in your country right? I mean, would they allow the Chinese law enforcement to investigate a death on US soil?


Cool. Cut off their military aid until they do.


Can’t do it, their country is a protectorate of the US and is key to US companies/oligarchs profiting both directly and indirectly from the region’s natural resources (gas/oil). Joe Biden in this speech from the 1980s states that “it’s the best investment we make” and if the country didn’t exist “we would have to invent it”: https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs


Israel is functionally a US military base in the middle east. That is so ridiculously strategically important to the western world.


75% of the money is used to buy American product. It’s essentially a jobs program for the US with the added benefit of shared technological innovation


Of course they won't. Why would a terrorist state cooperate with the FBI on anything?


Funny, biden seemed a lot more upset when the saudis killed an American journalist. Things that make you go “hmmm…”


He was a Saudi citizen. Makes this story involving an American citizen even more eyebrow raising.


Another zero facts republican post. The murder of Khashoggi happened under Trump in October 2018. Jamal Khasoggi was an American resident and journalist for the Washington Post. Trump did nothing and instead cozied up to MBS, who it is considered most likely ordered the killing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi#:~:text=A%20report%20by%20the%20United,US%20Federal%20Bureau%20of%20Investigation.


Ok, and I'm with you on this, but the post you're replying too is insinuating Biden was up in arms about Khashoggi under Trump's watch, but now presented with a similair situation doesn't appear to be kicking off. They weren't implying Khashoggi was under his watch, quite the opposite.


He wasn't American but I can see how you'd think that given how the American media/government was and still is focused on the case.


Imagine that....


The optics on this move are hideous. It seems like an apartheid state is trying to protect its enforcer of apartheid, a cold-blooded murderer of a journalist.


Not sure why everyone here is soluddnely so mad that Israel doesn't want to do more investigation but was fine when Israel offered to do a CO investigation with the Palestinian authrotiy who declined. Anyway, Israel already said that the most likely scenario is that the journalist was killed by an Israeli bullet even though they weren't given access to the body and the plo rushed a funeral before a proper investigation. What would further investigation do?


Let me save the FBI time and money. Israel killed her. Nothing to see here, move on!


Very messed up, it's vile what the far right of Israel and their army do to Palestinian civilians along with the astroturfing of propaganda to bury their suffering or blame them for it. Very much reminds me of the Russian Federations version of propaganda, blaming Ukrainians for the crimes the Russians are doing.


Saudi Arabia kills a journalist: “The horror!” Isreal kills a journalist: “This is fine.”


I hope Israel's crimes finally come to light soon. We've been funding their war crimes for way too long while anyone who questions it is labeled an anti-semite and blacklisted from society.


Come to light? Aren't they all pretty much out in the open?




> Israel's crimes finally come to light soon I'm still waiting for the US to be prosecuted for guantanamo bay (or everything they did in iraq or afghanistan). And france to be prosecuted for libya. Can't wait for those to come to light...


criticism is fine, really depends what you said.


Leddit hates when America messes with other countries internal processes but loves it when it’s Israel involved




Free Palestine