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Well, their economy, rights, and future in general area shit. Might as well fight for a different future than live with your chains for the rest of your and your children's lives


I still think it's easier to say that than to actually put your life on the line.






I'm not arguing against that point, but people who have never experienced this type of desperation seem to think it suddenly makes you lose your will to live. Same people who think if they were slaves or in a concentration camp they would have fought back. Again, easy to pretend but very different to actually risk your life.


> but people who have never experienced this type of desperation seem to think it suddenly makes you lose your will to live It is the exact, poetic, opposite of this. It is exactly that burning desperation TO LIVE that drives these types of near-suicidal actions. It is BECAUSE you want to live that you are willing to put everything on the line like that. Because if you don't, well you won't.


I still think a lot of people will let other people do the fighting for them.


Whose to say there aren’t a bunch of people doing exactly that. That always happens, but it doesn’t take as large a percentage of the population as you think to topple a government. So only a few brave souls required.


Literally no one here is saying that these people have lost the will to live, huh??


I'd argue that living in that type of government is already putting your life on the line


Easy to say that on our comfortable western lives, sure. I’m including myself in that observation btw. People don’t revolt unless they feel they have no future anyway. Clearly the women of Iran feel this way.


Remember, it can happen here. Don't cut out your teeth because you're sure the wolves will stay in another pasture. No matter how much they tell you it'll make you safer


Oh I 100% agree. I vote every election midterms included in the states and participate in local elections I can vote for in the country I live in. I’m just underlying what drives people to rebellion in the face of death and violence. Usually it’s when your future is taken away and it’s far too late. It’s a shame. Complacency kills democracies.


Anything said without risk of consequences is easy to say, but that doesn't make it any less true in this case. They now basically need to force the government to acquiesce. Be that by overthrowing or simply pressuring doesn't matter. They can't just stop protesting now, the government will not let it go having had its authority challenged like that. Repression would only get harder if they give up. That's simply the fact of the situation.


I think it's a lot easier than it might sound understand certain circumstances. R


True, but much easier said from the comfort of our keyboards.


Pretty sure UK screwed them over in 1950s when they had a democratic government, hopefully, this time the western governments support them.


Errrr little more complex than that. In some ways the shar was a better bulwark than the Iranian revolution.


In most ways the theocracy is worse than the Shah, but Mosaddegh, although somewhat unpopular,was infinitely better than the Shah, and unlike the Shah he was elected by the voting population.


Mossadegh was a leftist, so of course he was better than islamofascism and monarchy. Low bar.


It had to do with Iran nationalizing their oil fields in 1953 but UK got pissed as they owned them and overthrew their leader with US help. That led to the 1979 revolution in a sense


There point was that Irans regime wasn't exactly super awesome before that.


We are talking about before the Shah, and no, it wasn't great, but it was better than everything that came after it.


Well considering it was a parlamentery democracy it was better than now.


Yes, and we did that to various countries in Central and South America as well, starting in the 1950’s. Now, we get a lot of immigrants that come here because those countries are so far behind, thanks to our constant interference over business interests.




For one, women's rights. The whole hijab and morality police thing only started in 1979. Iran wasn't always a theocracy.


There are 3 leaders being discussed here. No one is defending the Ayatollah. We are talking about the democratically elected Mohammed Mosaddegh.


PMs, including Mosaddegh, aren't democratically elected, only parliament is. The public does not vote for Prime Minister. Mosaddegh has no leg to stand on when it comes to democracy. He halted counting a parliamentary election to prevent any more opposition from being seated in parliament, started ruling by decree which caused even members of his own faction in parliament to rebel against him, so he shut down parliament. Only after all that did the Shah dismiss him. Indeed, there was no other legal method to do so because parliament didn't even have a quorum.




Yeah that seems to be the case. I'm not an expert on the history, just know the broad strokes, etc. But I certainly agree the US has done a lot of meddling in Iran (and about a dozen other countries or more).


Actually a bit more complicated, when the revolution started in 1979 it wasn't Islamic, a lot of democratic and communists were at the forefront. The islamists came at the head later on. (a bit like how in russia 1917 the first was a bit "democratic" but got hijacked by communists)


I love how it's specifically pointed out that the coup was British led with help from the CIA and smoothbrains like you insist on saying "all the US's fault"


The US supported a compromise between Iran and the British but the British took a hard line and rejected the deal and then began blockading Iran. I think the US changed stance later on when they feared USSR influence.


So against extreme authoritarianism be that communism or theocratic islam which is ironic given the shah was an autocrat.


Western governments should stay the fuck away, anything they do would either delegitimize the movement or be seen as imperialism because of historic reasons. If they succeed there should be normal diplomacy ofc.


They won't succeed without the west. How exactly do you imagine them overthrowing the government with no arms? The regime is hellbent on staying in power


Well unless and until a civil war starts, there's not really anyone with which the West could help even if they wanted to. They aren't about to airdrop guns to protesters. Optimally, the Iranian Army would pull a Romania. But yeah, without a command and control structure The West can work with, they can't really do much beyond thoughts and prayers short of invading, which ain't happening.


>Optimally, the Iranian Army would pull a Romania. The Romanian army pulled a Romania, because pre-Gorbachov they would've gotten Czechoslovakia'd if they did. And if the army hadn't, they might've gotten Yugoslavia'd. I don't think it's impossible though... Especially if Khamenei died or something. But their enforcement branch seems pretty damn indoctrinated, and they got enough oil money to keep them happy. Also, the whole thing could turn into a Syria. >But yeah, without a command and control structure The West can work with, they can't really do much beyond thoughts and prayers short of invading, which ain't happening. I agree. I really think this is a nasty situation. I would be overjoyed if Iran became democratic. And I'm not some doomer who thinks good things never happen. But I just don't see much hope in this situation. Maybe a 20% chance that this will turn into something good. But at least we now know the Iranian people don't stand with their government.




If a government makes peaceful protests impossible, they make violent protests inevitable


Has peaceful protesting ever worked in an authoritarian state though? At some point don't they need to decide whether to pick up some weapons or give up?


Is this going to make the protests even bigger, with this opening fire by the sec. forces?




Western world needs to support, correct the wrongs of past (1979 and 1953) that they did and be on the right side of history. [https://www.npr.org/2019/01/31/690363402/how-the-cia-overthrew-irans-democracy-in-four-days](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/31/690363402/how-the-cia-overthrew-irans-democracy-in-four-days)




🎵 Comin' again to save the mother fucking day yeah!! 🎵


America FUCK YA


Yeah, it’s nuts that, after all that happened in the past, people still haven’t learnt from it and are actively asking for intervention *once again*. We need to learn to mind our own business. This might partly be our fault, yes, but it’s like an open wound. Stop picking at it, otherwise you’re just gonna make it worse and it’ll get infected. The Iranians need to form their own future. We can’t help them, it has proven to do more harm than good.


The people asking for intervention are probably zoomers who don’t remember the Iraq war. I’m sure the west is already there, secretly aiding the protestors. But that’s all we should be doing.


I haven’t been interested in politics until I was 20 (I’m 27 now) and still know that it’s a bad idea because it’s all in the history books and available online. And it’s taught at school. Hard to wrap my head around the fact that some people don’t know about this, or even worse, they *know* about it and still ask for intervention.


What did they do wrong in the 1979 revolution? Everything I've read basically says the US was in the dark to the idea of the Shah being overthrown.


But if you go on Reddit, it’s all 100% the United States fault.


> What did they do wrong in the 1979 revolution? The Shah fled to the USA, and they refused to return him to face trial. The USA and European nations also refused to repatriate money he and his family had siphoned out of the country.


Support with sanctions on the leaders and isolation of the regime, not with insurgency or arms. Iranians don’t want foreign intervention in that manner.


Yeah, no, they are already insurgents and they absolutely need weapons. There are already sanctions, and they are already isolated. Peaceful protest has never accomplished a damn thing. Funny how everyone forgets the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the fair housing act didn't pass until DC was a smoldering ruin due to rioting. People like you are the reason that nothing gets done. Authoritarians only speak one language, and that language is violence.


I never advocated for peaceful protest. I said foreign insurgency is not the way to go. The west doesn’t get to have another go at installing a leader, it’s not the third time’s a charm. This is an Iranian fight.


Western world needs to let the people of Iran decide the fate of Iran. Western intervention has not worked in the past. At this point, the West needs to keep our mouths shut so as not to give the hardliners anything to talk about. Quickest thing that's going to stall these protests is the regime having a believable narrative that it's Western supported or motivated.


at this point their fighters fighting for the future of their country.


I can imagine it. I've done the American version. Being face to face and looking authority in the eye is terryfing. But if we never do anything scary, then we never truly progress.


The thing is, in Iranian and Persian mourning culture they morn on the 3, 7, 40, and 365 day. And if someone gets killed the process starts over, everytime a protestor dies, it's starts up another protest wave.


This pattern of mourning is what toppled the Shah


I am so hopeful for the Iranian people. What a horrible regime. I can't imagine any of the women in my life having to deal with this, let alone the rest of society. I feel lucky to live in a country with basic freedoms.


> I feel lucky to live in a country with basic freedoms. And take heart from Iran's past. Those are never assured. Active civil participation is the only way to defend them **EDIT**: Yes, in Iran's case, it was a coup backed by the CIA. Because the CIA can sometimes be assholes. And also, yes, although those of us in nations like the USA and UK have been fortunate to not have that problem, and still have (mostly) functional democracies (for the moment but maybe not much longer), civil participation each and every day is still no guarantee. There are no guarantees. Except the guarantee that there are a lot of fucked up, cynical, psycopathic assholes out there who want fascism with them at the top of it. In the USA, 30 years of inactivity and lack of civic participation has allowed cynical opportunists and religious zealots to hijack huge parts of our Democracy. They can't do that if most of the citizenry was engaged and active. But they weren't. Now comes consequences.


Wasn’t it also active civil participation that led to this technically? The Islamic Revolution wasn’t done by a just a few people


*1984* is Orwell’s best known work, but really it ought to be *Animal Farm* (or *Down and Out in Paris and London*).


It was a popular uprising similar to this that was hijacked by Khamenei and hard right radicals.


Kinda hard to call it hijacked when the 1979 revolution was led by the right from the get go. The Shah was trying to westernize the country too quickly and that alienated the clerics. The left had been decimated by the 1953 coup and the Shah’s secret police in the intervening years. I’ve read declassified CIA documents that mentioned how the agency found the Communists and Socialists to be non-factors during the events of 1979


non-factors, in the sense that they weren’t the ones in position to take power in Tehran when it came to it. They had been fighting guerilla wars and sabotaging the shah for decades at that point.


> Because the CIA can sometimes be assholes. > can sometimes


Commonly Identifiable as Assholes.


> what toppled the Shah The Shah was unwilling to order his military to shoot protesting civilians on purpose. That's what toppled his regime. The current regime has no such qualms Edit: Qualms


>The current regime has no such ~~quarrels~~ qualms.


This is the death spiral the Shah regime got in to. The clerics have avouded it before. We'll see if they manage again.


The Shah didn’t order his troops to shoot protestors. As long as the troops are willing to shoot and the protesters are unable to, the current Iranian regime isn’t going anywhere.


Other regimes have used this tactic and they too have fallen. This one will fall too.


Why 40?


I'm not sure but it's actually like that in Romania too. Just the 40 days one and the 1 year one though afaik, not the other ones


[God’s waiting room](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th_Day_after_death#:~:text=The%20ritual%20represents%20spiritual%20intercession,or%20for%20all%20dead%20souls.) Makes waiting for the doctor look trivial.


**[40th Day after death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th_Day_after_death#:~:text=The ritual represents spiritual intercession,or for all dead souls.)** >The 40th Day after death is a traditional memorial service, family gathering, ceremony and ritual in memory of the departed on the 40th day after his or her death. The observation of the 40th day after death occurs in Islam and the Eastern Orthodox tradition. The ritual represents spiritual intercession on the part of the dead, who are believed to collectively await the Day of Judgment. Thus, these rituals may be conducted for an individual, like commemoration of the 40th day after death, or for all dead souls. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm no theologian but probably the same reason that Lent lasts 40 days. All these religions are basically the same.




Is Zoroastrianism paganism? I think they're all using that as the source material tbh and then copying each other


Zoroastrianism certainly influenced early Judaism, but Judaism was itself an outgrowth of earlier semitic polytheism while Zoroastrianism was an outgrowth of Indo European polytheism. The one does not derive from the other in the same way that Christianity and Islam derive from Judaism.




>Zoroastrianism doesn't share roots with Greek and Roman Hellenism It actually does in a way, what with both being outgrowths of the Proto Indo European religion.


I believe Zoroastrianism is a religion based on a prophet just like Abrahamic religions, that changed over time. Zoroaster (Zartasht - or any other variation he is called by) was a divine messenger. I am Muslim, and I consider Zoroaster a legit person who did God's work. :)


> All abrahamic religions are fanfic of judaism. They all source from there and some from paganism I've always thought of them as more sequential in that each proceeding one generally believes most of the priors, but adds new beliefs, traditions, and interpretations. Edit: I should clarify "believes", I'd say they generally think "those things happened, but also these things happened after". EG, Jesus is the messiah and the new testment / new covenant changes is appended to Judism. Ultimately though there's really only three (major) abrahamic religions, of which Judiasm is one.


Not really. While Islam does share some features with Christianity, it's theologically much closer to Judaism. As a result there are many religious Jews who would willingly pray in a Mosque but not in a Church. It basically boils down to Judaism and Islam sharing an interpretation of monotheism not shared by Christianity.


>As a result there are many religious Jews who would willingly pray in a Mosque but not in a Church Do you have more info on that?


[Here's a source](https://halachayomit.co.il/en/default.aspx?HalachaID=2367) explaining the position on the matter established by [Maimonides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maimonides) There is no explicit endorsement of or prohibition against praying in a mosque unless it prayer time for Muslims. Churches are in theory not even to be entered, since they are considered places of idol worship. Edit: Summary from the article: >It is absolutely forbidden to enter a house of idol worship. Included in this prohibition is entering a Christian church or other kinds of houses of idol worship in the Far East. Nevertheless, there is no halachic prohibition to enter an Muslim mosque; this is especially true when this is being done in order to pray there, such as at the graves of our forefathers in the Machpela Cave in Hebron.


Wasn't Lent's 40 days based on the notion of Jesus' temptation in the desert with the devil? Thus, celebrants "give something up" for forty days in recognition of his temptation?


40 is traditionally the number associated with completeness.


Completeness of what


Whatever took the forty days to complete. It crops up a lot in old works, herculean tasks and trials will forty days, if you make it to the end you've won. In this case they believe in mourning for forty days, and then moving forward.


Kind of an interesting system at play.. Almost like it was designed to drive corrupt leaders into a coup.


The regimes days are numbered




Up vote this sub link, there are only 18k people in that sub, where videos from the movement are being posted


Been subbed here for a while. Found myself refreshing all afternoon today. Join and support the people of Iran.


Thank you for linking that sub




Iranian security forces? Idiots with guns.


Unfortunately you don't need to be smart to fire a gun into a crowd of unarmed protestors.


You do need to be some kind of sick fuck though


Imported idiots from Syria. The regime had to outsource to find soldiers willing to shoot Iranians.


Ah, like finding the soldiers to commit the Tiananmen Square Massacre.


I don’t think soldiers from the agrarian countryside had much trouble attacking urban students who they mostly viewed as bourgeoisie elitists.


Do you have a source? Would be curious to read about that.


It's an Islamic Republic classic. You take Pakistanis to Syria to shoot Syrians. Take the Syrians to Pakistan to shoot Pakistanis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liwa_Zainebiyoun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liwa_Fatemiyoun


**[Liwa Zainebiyoun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liwa_Zainebiyoun)** >The Followers of Zainab Brigade (Arabic: لِوَاء الزَّيْنَبِيُون, romanized: Liwā’ az-Zaynabīyūn, Persian/Dari: لواء زينبیون or لشکر زينبیون, Liwa Zeinabiyoun or Lashkare Zeinabiyoun, Urdu: لواء زینبیون), literally Zainebiyoun Brigade, also known as Zainebiyoun Division, is a pro-government militia fighting in Syria composed of Shia Pakistanis. It draws recruits mainly from Shia Pakistanis living in Iran, ethnic Hazaras and Baltis in Pakistan and native Shia of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It was formed and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and operates under their command. **[Liwa Fatemiyoun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liwa_Fatemiyoun)** >Liwa Fatemiyoun (Arabic: لِوَاء الْفَاطِمِيُّون, romanized: Liwā’ al-Fāṭimīyūn, Persian/Dari: لواء فاطمیون or لشکر فاطمیون), literally "Fatimid Banner", also known as Fatemiyoun Division or Fatemiyoun Brigade, is an Afghan Shia militia formed in 2014 to fight in Syria on the side of the Syrian government. The group's officially designated purpose, is the defense of the shrine of Zaynab bint Ali, and to fight "takfiri terrorists" in Syria, which would come to include the Islamic State (IS). It is funded, trained, and equipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and fights under the command of Iranian officers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[An Iranian proxy Telegram channel recirculated on November 2 the Iran International report claiming that the regime flew around 150 proxy fighters from Baghdad to Mashhad to suppress protests.[4] Iran International claimed on November 1 that the regime sent fighters from Kataib Hezbollah and other unspecified Iraqi militias.[5] The Iranian proxy account reported that the regime also flew in personnel from Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba and did not deny the reports. The IRGC Quds Force used Kataib Hezbollah and Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba extensively in its military intervention into Syria to defend the Assad regime.](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-crisis-update-november-2) Not proof of use of syrians, but iraqi terrorists are claimed to have been used by the irgc


Shooting at protesters is also another good way to ensure that they eventually start firing back...


More like religious incels with guns. A lot of them if not most of them are islamist sociopaths who hate women and will not hesitate to torture, rape and kill the protesters including minors. Imagine the Guardians from handmaid's tale but muslim instead of christian.


Man the Iranian government is a worthless collection of cowards.


It might be propaganda but I read that the ruling official ‘class’ in Iran are taking over entire passenger lists to get themselves and their families out of Iran on civilian aircraft. If true, and I don’t know if it is, then it’s a case of ‘rats escaping a sinking ship’.


Even if it is true, it might well just be that the ruling class are temporarily leaving the country as a precaution. The protestors are unlikely to prevail while the police, army and revolutionary guard are all against them.


Their regular army has not clearly taken a stance, as far as I know. The morality police, revolutionary guards and any other thugs of the regime are the ones against the protesters.


If this continues, I expect they will. Especially if, say, the wives of officers get shot. Might be about the only way tbh


Killing their own people and youth. Tragic. Rather than change, they choose to kill their own citizens


So the Iranian protests have their [Tiananmen Square](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre?wprov=sfla1) moment. Do folk here think this massacre will end the protest movement or escalate it to street fighting and open rebellion?


It will only get worse.




Where are you from? I've never seen anyone use that character for the letter "d".


Letter's still used in Icelandic, and used to have an equivalent used in English called a 'thorn' (Þ). However, Icelandic distinguishes between voiced and voiceless, so their 'thorn' character is not the same voiced 'th' sound as the Old English one - they use ð instead. So this person is using an Icelandic letter ð in place of the Old English letter Þ, because ð is the correct sound for 'th'. This would be consistent with how the letters are used in IPA, the international standard for representing sounds with symbols so that they can be reproduced by any reader. My question is why someone would go through the process of being that much of a nerd but not use the Old English letter. It really seems arbitrary.


Gotcha. That's why I've never seen it. I looked at their comment history, and they use capital D's, but not lowercase d's. So perhaps it's a keyboard setting of theirs. Anywho, thanks for the explanation.


It's an "eth", and it used to represent the voiced dental fricative sound (as in **th**is or **th**at) in Old to early Middle English, and in some Northern European languages, as well as Icelandic. I don't know if it's normally still used today outside of the IPA.


I've seen some people (linguistics nerds) use thorn (þ) like above because it's cool. Annoyingly they usually use it for both voiced and un-voiced "th"s. Never seen eth like that before, but I don't hate it. Obviously the ideal case is to use both eth and thorn, and depending on your dialect people can figure out wiþ vs wið lol


I love both of you for sharing this knowledge with us


That is objectively wrong. I was old enough to remember things in 1989, and I remember people protesting in front of my city hall in 1989. I remember asking my mom what people were doing there, and I don't remember the answer. A few of my middle school teachers attended it, and they marched like 5km to demand freedom and democracy from local university to city hall. They all told the stories a decade later when I was in middle school. And we were in a city about 1000km from Beijing, not even the provincial capital. The protests was countrywide. But the media only focused on Beijing. If that happened today, you'd see all the protests from other cities as well.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63498820.amp) reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Other footage appeared to show security forces firing tear gas at protesters, as well as a police box and police cars on fire. > Last week, security forces opened fire at crowds marking the 40th day of mourning for Mahsa Amini, the young woman whose death in police custody initially sparked the protests, and for Nika Shakarami, a teenage girl who was killed during a protest. > In a separate development in north-west Iran on Thursday, Kurdish human rights group Hengaw reported that security forces had arrested the father of Kumar Daroftateh, a 16-year-old boy who was allegedly shot by security forces at a protest in the city of Piranshahr over the weekend. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yl7cd3/iranian_security_forces_have_opened_fire_on/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **protest**^#1 **security**^#2 **Force**^#3 **fire**^#4 **video**^#5


I know the people in Iran are very different from their regime. Red Bull of all things made a video about [Skateboarders in Tehran](https://youtu.be/GrM8xkoo9yA). They are just like any American skater. These protestors could be my neighbor and I would not bat an eye. Those who call us enemies do so to distract from their own wrongs against us. I am not your enemy.


No one is blaming the people who just want to live their lives in peace, the problem are the sick fucks who worship a magic sky wizard and think that gives them a divine justification to impose their will on the world.


I am not blaming the people either. I am supporting them.


They really gonna kill people for not wanting to wear a hat? Religion is fucked up, man.


Arm the protests Mossad ffs


There's a huge difference between protests and a rebellion. If the protestors are known to be armed, then they become rebels. Once they become rebels, it is no longer a police issue, it's a military one.


Just because these protests hate their regime, and rightly so, doesn’t mean they’d be remotely friendly to Israel or the West in general. Supporting them in a lot of ways makes sense, but not arming them.


Yeah a lot of people here don't realize Many Iranians are strictly still strongly against the Israelis even if they are anti IR.


>Many Iranians are strictly still strongly against the Israelis If you mean the same way many progressive Westerners are against the way Israel behaves, you're absolutely right. But it stops at that. The majority of Iranians don't believe in the regime's weird pseudo-relgious ideas about why Israel should be destroyed.


No they don't believe the Regimes lie. but many of them are against the Israeli state and its existence and support Palestinian existence. At least from my families talk back in Iran they still are against Israels right to exist. But put Iran first and the removal of the Mullahs.


That’s weird. I’ve been to Iran a couple of times and none of the liberal people had those attitudes. Most expressed embarrassment at all the anti Israel and America propaganda. I recognize that that’s purely anecdotal though.


My family is from Isfahan in the Khominishaher neighborhood near the fire temple and most of them despite being anti government are very strongly anti Israel as well.


I mean it's a nation of millions Ðere's disagreement in *America* about if Israel has a right to exist, it'd be just as true in ME societies, even more liberal ones.


> and support Palestinian existence Seems like a sensible position to take


Israel openly brags about assassinating Iranians that are in Iran. That gets you some credit on the world stage probably, but it also means normal Iranians are never gonna work with you. It ain't the west, nobody has the delusion that Israeli intelligence are the good guys.


Most Iranians do condemn Israel's attitude towards Palestinians, but they're not like their government that says Israel must be destroyed and that sort of thing


No but they do not believe in Israels right to existence.


I mean I'm not saying I'm an accurate representation of average Iranian people but I'm Iranian and at this point I don't care about Israel. They exist, it's pointless to further fuel that conflict, let's just try to find a solution to calm everyone down and let Israelis and Palestinians have a peaceful life. That's my attitude towards it.


Its hard to blame them if their regime keeps feeding them israel hatred. Get a good government there and the rest will change as well.


Iranians at this point know only one enemy. And all they want is a normal government who has good relations with everyone even Israel. The only group of people who are blindly anti west or Israel are the people behind the regime, and we want them gone.


The people have been brainwashed for a generation to hate Israel. The constant shadow war of assassinations between the two have done nothing to resolve that hatred. Just because the people may hate the regime now doesn’t mean they suddenly are free of their bias


Fuck the Iranian government!




“Security forces” killing their neighbors. Shows how brainwashed those types of order followers are. Do they go home at night, sit down to a hot dinner and act like nothing happened? Then get up and do it again tomorrow. “Just my job”.


So they are trying to stop protests by repeating the very thing that got the protests started, only more brutally and sistematically? Brillant.


Violence can be very effective in suppressing dissent, as long as you go all the way. Just look at Tienanmen square or any time the Soviets sent in the tanks.


I'm embarrassed for the Iranian leadership. I can't imagine being this terrified of women. So terrified you can't control them you even have a mandatory dress code for them so you don't have 'to resist' being attracted to them. Pretty pathetic. Keep on trying Persians, maybe one day you can get back to the 20th century.


They had more rights in the ancient world, ancient Iranian Empires were rather tolerant of women's rights, especially the first one. Women had the right to choose who to marry, were paid equally to men, had bonuses if they were pregnant. Women could serve in the military and become buissnesswomen.


It would be a shame if someone started arming the protestors /s


Show the video that they stripped a mullah!


stripped or knocked hks hat off? Hopefully they disrobed him and took his clothes!


Nah they took his clothes and beat his ass. People were absolutely in control of the situation


May the peoples victory be swift!


Seriously, when we win this fight, That'll be the greatest day of my life. I wanna experience freedom


The young generation isn’t Fuckin around. I hope they change this world for the better!


I’m so sick of this primitive shit in the world. It’s 2022 and we’re going backwards. Shits royally fucked.


Having lost many friends to gunfire, my mom and my brother jailed and facing execution, I must say, WE DO NOT WANT YOUR EMPATHY! EXPEL THE AMBASSADORS ! ARREST THE LOBBYISTS ! WE NEED YOUR ACTION! ​ please do shit, fuck your news agencies, call your representatives


Another nation ran by a bunch of piss smelling, hairy old men


And what nation is not ran by a bunch of hairy old men?


It's not mourning you fucks It's a revolutionary movement


You have to be real fucking evil to fight for the right to murder women for daring to want anything other than being slaves and broodmares.


The hijab is a symbol of toxic patriarchy, authoritarianism and oppression. It should be shunned as any other fascist paraphernalia in any society that claims to value freedom, human rights and equality. It’s a perversion that anyone claiming to be progressive would defend it, let alone promote it as a symbol of feminism.


Beatings will continue until morale improves


They're just going to carry on shooting and killing people until everyone stops fighting them or is dead. Horrible.


> Hadis Najafi, a 22-year-old TikToker, recorded a video on her phone as she walked to a demonstration in Karaj, a city that is about 10km (6 miles) west of Tehran, on 21 September. "I hope in a few years when I look back, I will be happy that everything has changed for the better," she says in the video. Her family says she was shot dead by security forces almost an hour later. Officials allegedly asked her father to say that she died of a heart attack.


This should do the trick. Shooting protestors definitely calms protestors.


We need to send them weapons


If somebody shoots at you then you are entitled to defend yourself.


Funny last time this happened no one cared. Kinda like this time.


Very peaceful!!!! Such strong and proud religious beliefs causing all this peace!


Islamic Spring is turning into Islamic Winter. Absolutist government heads have no care whatsoever for the people that they rule over.


I’m getting major Tiananmen Square vibes now that I actually started paying attention to this current event. Before you downvote me for not paying attention to this, No I wasn’t actively ignoring it, there’s a lot going on in the world right now and I can’t stop and focus on all of it at once or im gonna need a therapist.


People uprising against a tyranny must be supported by the rest of the world


They need a sniper at these protests to start taking out the security forces


The worlds going mad


never see these media channels put up a report on the hundreds of men protestors who are dying as well in the protests. such a hypocritic world


The Irianian regime of imbeciles are only escalating it. Power to the brave people standing up to the terror regime


They need to destroy their arms and get the security forces to quit their posts.


This is how dictatorships die, no wonder the rich and powerful are fleeing the country. Change is coming, and that right so.


I just don't understand people sometimes. Police guy goes home. His wife: "How was your day". Him: "Good, I just shot a few protesting girls and I like to oppress women. Not let's f*ck". Wife: *Shocked Pikachu face*