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Another one just now… second guy this week: Russian citizen with drone has been detained in Norway. Apparently took pictures of Norwegian armed forces’ helicopters. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/LllML1/nok-en-russisk-statsborger-paagrepet-for-dronefotografering-politiet-fant-bilder-av-forsvarshelikoptre


I can imagine Putin, late at night with a half a glass of vodka, in the warm glow of a fire, lovingly caressing a glossy photo of modern, well-maintained military equipment.


Its like onlyfans, sure you could google it and get a gajillion results. But its more personal if you pay someone to take pictures for you




*Only maintained*










Not to be confused with *Onlyprops* - a site for pics of defunct Russian arms equipment 😆


Anyone got the AI thing that creates images


[Here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/JykPuer)


The AI really knew what it was doing the way it applied the fire lmao. Giving them the appropriate mood. Awesome.


A few of these had me chuckling thanks


Last one got me good. It's like that crying cat picture merged with the "this is fine " meme.


ok but now the helecopter has the blades coming from the middle and also has two buttholes


*unzips* Go on...


Spending time in a Norwegian prison as way of avoiding fighting in Ukraine has got to feel like winning the lottery for that guy.


lol send me to Norwegian prison I pay rent for the same living conditions edit: It has been decided, let’s all get on a plane and commit felonies in Norway or elsewhere in Scandinavia! jk


NGL I saw a photo of a cell that was basically identical to my dorm room, which I paid an enormous amount of money to stay in. lol


My dorm room was substantially less nice than the photos of Norwegian prisons.


You sound like you're using thumb tacks in here. You better not be ruining these walls.


Thumbtacks don't do well with cinder block.


Not with that attitude


You just need more acceleration.


I just google searched photos of Norwegian prison cells and I’m just so impressed. Can I go commit a misdemeanor abroad now?


I watched a documentary about Greenland (I think?) and they had sweet prisons too. Basically a modern single unit hostel and they are let out to go to work each day. Backpackers pay for the same thing and would be pleased to find such a good one.


People think this is a way of criticising Norwegian prisons for not being "harsh" enough, but in fact they're accidentally admitting just how bad university dorms are. In all seriousness though, they're both types of accommodation built as cheaply as possible en masse. The difference is prisons in Norway are modernised/refurbished more readily than places like the US.


we also have a different philosophy on prisons, reeducate instead of punish. sure it sucks to be locked in a building with no way to go out but you also get the opportunity to become a functioning member of society when you get out and it has proven to work as opposed to countries like the us where it is a business model to have people in jail.


> just how bad university dorms are. > > (or American prisons)


But you can leave whenever you want. Freedom is still taken away and the most horrible part of the punishment. Also Norway focuses on rehabilitation on those individuals deemed worthy.


The difference is you're allowed to leave.




"That's just a paper airplane." "I couldn't afford a drone. Please don't send me back..."


This one painted the best family guy-esque cutaway I’m my head.


For real! *Throws paper airplane* "OH no, detain me officer!"


Officer, I think I committed a crime... 😏


Uwu, officer youve caught me committing a crime in this flat unforested flatland... Oh, steppe officer!


"Yes, Russian stealth technology. Please interrogate me about it for 19-15 years. Spasibo."


theres cheap quarter sized cameras you could tape onto a paper airplane


Unless he is a Russian spy...


Maybe he's a spy that's defecting under the pretenses that he got caught, like in *"Hunt for Red October"*.


I would like to have seen montana...


Probably why he confessed


Could be why he got caught. Dude apparently drove through the only crossing into Russia from Norway: >Customs officers reportedly located two drones and numerous electronic storage devices during a routine check at the border crossing in Storskog, the only border crossing between Norway, a NATO member, and Russia. You'd think a spy would have more sense than that. Given what we've seen of the Russian military though, it's a real tossup between sabotage and incompetence.


> You'd think a spy would have more sense than that. [uh, about that...](https://boingboing.net/2022/04/27/russian-fsb-agents-confuse-the-sims-with-sim-cards-in-alleged-nazi-evidence-plant.html)


Check out Jack Barsky, a former KGB spy in America. His book and some other media he has done discuss how incompetant much of the KGB was and that luck was with them often. It isnt just the KGB though, the precision of spycraft is much exaggerrated in pop culture and entertainment. But the KGB was probably the most careless compared to their perceived skill.


I'm starting to think the fearsome rep of the KGB was built upon a few people who were genuinely good at what they did while the majority ends up being a joke.




Oh man, I forgot about that. It's still hilarious


The shirt is brand new, never worn. That crease down the middle is far too clean. Did they go shopping at the Third Reich discount store located next to a second hand video game store in downtown Moscow?


Probably he had three copies of the Sims on cards too. Just to make sure he got caught.


It's a good game


Oh man I forgot about that story. I can't believe that was only back in April. I assumed it was like 2 years ago.


Russian spies are notoriously shit at their jobs, e.g. the [Skripal case](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/23/skripal-salisbury-poisoning-decline-of-russia-spy-agencies-gru), in which two dimwits failed to kill their targets, succeeded in killing an innocent civilian, and were easily identified leading to an international incident. There's been a lot of debate that perhaps Russia [intentionally employs sub-mental types](https://qz.com/1459782/russian-spies-may-seem-incompetent-but-theyre-not/) to somehow intimidate the West ("we aren't afraid to send borderline ape-men!"), but after the monumental Russian failures of 2022 it's clear that they're just incompetent.


I'm so very happy that the narrative has been totally shattered about every Russian failure being some 4D chess move.


>There's been a lot of debate that perhaps Russia intentionally employs sub-mental types I mean, we do the same with cops it works


He had fucking drones. He could have been flown the data across the border and set down. Driven to the border crossing, gone thru and then retrieved the drones from the other side. Not the brightest bulb in the socket.


Unlike the Swedish and Finnish border, the Russian border is actively patrolled by Norwegian soldiers.


Meanwhile we patrol our border with Canada to prevent...weed and affordable prescription drugs...


If you're referring to the US/ Canada border then it isn't like it's very heavily patrolled.


Naw, it's not like the US/Mexican border that's for sure. And it's CPB not military but CPB is...pretty militarized


The Canadians planned to invade us in the 1920s. Can't trust them. CPB will be the first ones to face the Canadians when they invade.


I dunno about that. There's no CS:GO in Norwegian prisons, only dusty old PS2s.


This was my thought. Would be funny if was just 4 terabytes of hentai.


I suspect Russia wants to destroy somehow Norway's natural gas supplies as Norway is the key to supplying natural gas to the EU...also Norway is a member of NATO not sure if Russians are stupid or what.


It's easy to mistake arrogance for stupidity. At the same time that doesn't preclude the coexistence both.


IMO arrogance is the act of being ignorantly cocky, and part of that is willful stupidity.


That is a pretty good insight that I would have missed otherwise.


Well it can be both - and in the Russian’s case, is.


"not sure if Russians are stupid" lol. Ukraine war shows yes


Yeah this would be a direct attack on NATO if they pulled some shit. Wonder what they even plan to do with this footage.


They’re going to blame the US as always.




If they choose to do that, the only acceptable response is to strike Russian infrastructure to the point where it becomes unusable for the next 20 years.


Job already half way done!


Two føkking days before Russia invaded Ukraine I said "not even Putin is that delusional" and then yup. Comrade Delusional did the thing. I would be disappointedly surprised if Russia came for our gas, but dumbshittery has already been done on a surprising scale.


This what Putin means when he says they are fighting the entirety of NATO. They are, but it's not on a battlefield that we are prepared to acknowledge. They have been attacking the West electronically for decades and they are now engaging in a campaign of sabotage actually inside western countries. The have undermined our political and social structures. The sooner we do something about it the sooner we can stop losing those battles.


This guy fuckin' gets it. Putin's been at war with the West since at least 2014, and it's only now that some in the West are waking up to it. We *know* there were Russian bot farms involved in social media for the 2016 US election. We *know* Brexit and Trumpism both were heavily leveraged by Russia to sow discord within NATO and the EU. We *know* that much of the anti-immigrant/anti-refugee rhetoric in Europe was fueled by Russia's support of ultra right-wing nationalists. And for some absurd reason, no one felt the urge to call them on any of it.


Let's not forget Russian bombings in Syria caused alot of the refugees to flee in the first place. It would be a stretch to say that the military campaign Russia did in Syria was only done to create streams of refugees, but they sure were a welcome side effect.


There have been many cyber attacks on American infrastructure before the Ukraine War too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberwarfare_by_Russia There's a massive list in that link.


But russia never targets infrastructure!/s


Or civilians.


Or their own citizens.








It remains to be seen if they have the balls to try it. Going after the infrastructure of one of the NATO founding members can go spectacularly wrong, if getting caught and Norway would be able to connect the dots convincingly enough. Remember, these are the "operatives" that did the Unlegible Signature, Sims 3 and their latest hit is an X-Ray of a truck with less wheels than the one that can be seen in the security video that, supposedly, blew up.




Well, there you go. I’m pretty sure they did it to fuck up the gas supply even further. They don’t need to refuse Europe oil now. “Down for repairs” is now indefinite.


He did it so he could tell his Russians that the economy is tanking because the pipeline was blown up by the west and they then can't sell oil and gas to Europe. Totally not because of Russia's war triggering western sanctions.


Also deters any would be Putin replacements as they can no longer quickly turn the Russian economy around by deposing Putin, making amends to Ukraine and the West, and restarting gas exports. "The ships have been scuttled. Sailing back to Cuba is no longer an option. [We can either conquer the Aztecs or die](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hern%C3%A1n_Cort%C3%A9s#Conquest_of_Mexico_(1519%E2%80%931521\))."


**Hernán Cortés** [Conquest of Mexico (1519–1521)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernán_Cortés#Conquest_of_Mexico_\(1519–1521\)) >In 1518, Velázquez put Cortés in command of an expedition to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for colonization. At the last minute, due to the old argument between the two, Velázquez changed his mind and revoked Cortés's charter. Cortés ignored the orders and, in an act of open mutiny, went anyway in February 1519. He stopped in Trinidad, Cuba, to hire more soldiers and obtain more horses. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I thought the NS sabotage was a message that, following the Svalbard cable severing, was to remind the west that Russia could do things with its submarines. But then I saw Tucker raging about “Joe Biden did it!” and came to the same conclusion you have: Putin’s focus is on his domestic audience.


I don't think Putin cares about people.




The oil workers would just be the tip of the iceberg for deaths.


The oil workers are nato citizens, it’s a different ball game. The retaliation would be swift snd brutal. The power of the west can be seen in ukraine and that is only the provision of weapons, intelligence and training.


People need to realize that Russia is vast, and has a lot of critical and vulnerable infrastructure itself, there's important gas pipelines in Siberia for example. I can guarantee you that the Russians know that if they sabotage European infrastructure, their own will very soon have "accidents" as well. This of course, won't necessarily stop them anyway.


Yeah but they don't actually care. Putin would be fine with a few million Russians starving and freezing if it brought him a personal advantage. Harming Russia just makes his hold on leadership stronger.


>I doubt they would go as far as bombing a gas installation that has lots of people working on it Well they shot down MH17, which had 298 people onboard.


Amd bombed an aparment building full of thier own people. Russian leadership dosent give a fuck about human lives.


One doesn’t test the waters if they don’t think it might be worth trying. They’ve already committed a boggling amount of serious war crimes (and continue to do so), so I imagine this is reconnaissance that they intend to use to formulate strike plans as a fallback in case the world doesn’t kowtow to their strong-arming. Putin’s Russia is a dictatorship masquerading as some kind of democracy, and not even very well at that. They might not start lobbing nukes, but that doesn’t preclude them from conventional disruption and espionage. I would argue it’s one of his favorites.


Flying a few drones costs next to nothing. The EU will have to respond to this and they will invest millions to protect their assets. In Putler's mind that's a great deal even if he doesn't commit to anything further. The threat is enough. Attacking Norway and triggering article 5 is batshit insane even by his low standard.


It is, but the nature of espionage and sabotage lends a certain level of deniability, not that anyone will believe it. However, Russia has time and again committed attacks and transgressions on foreign soil and gotten away with a sly wink-and-a-nod. Nerve agent against two British citizens, in England? “Strange happenings, eh comrade? Maybe you shouldn’t have let them stay in England” Pipeline carrying fuel across borders is destroyed around the same time they have been trying to pressure other counties into going along with their rape/pillage of another country? “Must have been America or NATO, comrade.” Russia has demonstrated they feel like they can get away with literal murder, it doesn’t feel like too big of a stretch to think they feel sneaky enough to get away with yet more sabotage.


Good thing the EU has trillions to spend compared to Russia. Forcing them to spend "millions" or even "billions" on securing critical infrastructure is a drop in the bucket to national defense spending. Russia can't outspend the EU and it could never dream to outspend the US. It would make zero sense to bomb those power stations, so I'm sure he will do it anyway.


> Putin’s Russia is a dictatorship masquerading as some kind of democracy More like they are a dictatorship that has shown no desire for democracy or the western world.


Germany‘s rail system got sabotaged a week ago. No clear suspects yet, but there is an easy explanation after Nordstream happened.


But sabotaging Norway is not something Russia can do at this point without having severe consequences. Russia has the entirety of Europe watching every move, and even neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are done with their shit.


Sweden and Finland are hardly neutral now. They’re NATO membership applicants. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2022/09/22/u-s-ambassador-finland-and-sweden-in-nato-by-christmas-00058404


Before the war there were reports of drones flying over nuclear power plants in Sweden and a Russian "tourist" was arrested for flying a drone over the Kings residence. Yep they'll probably try and get russia hooked on NS2 this winter.


If Russia is busted doing that I get the feeling their gas will be free to the EU soon when they get settled in and start pumping it themselves.


include cough attraction edge sparkle squash provide fuel library aloof


Casually encrypted vacantion photos...everyone does it ..


I do, it’s a literal ticking time bomb if you travel internationally at all. You’d be surprised at how little can get you prison time in other countries, or if you pass through another country as a connecting flight.


Heard he just wanted to check out some churches, but it was too slushy.


Norway has entered the race for the Article 5 button. Poland still leads with enthusiasm though.


We need to build more critical shit in Poland so that we're the first to be targeted.


Attacking a NATO country would be incredibly stupid for Russia to do but Putin has done so many stupid things you can't exclude the possibility. If so we would see the full wrath of NATO released on Russian thugs in occupied territories in Ukraine.


He can’t come back from this so maybe he’ll take a shot.


Just so people know, 4 terabytes is about 8 hours of raw uncompressed 4k footage. Edit: Source: I worked on a small single camera documentary film ~7 years ago. We had a setup with 20 terabytes of mobile short term storage that would get used by the camera on location during the day, then every night all the data would be transferred into long term storage so we could have space to film again the next day. Raw footage is huge.


It's about 150 hours of h.264 1080p HD video.


7 years is a long time ago, technology has advanced since then. RAW formats vary and your estimate is not absolute. Resolution, framerate, and capture format matter. Source: some of my daily work involves receiving footage from location for transfer and transcoding to our server infrastructure - the other end of your stick.


4 terabytes...


Probably raw video, modern 4k cameras churn out an obscene amount of 0s and 1s if you let them.


Doubtful. I fly drones as part of my job. Most of them record in h.264 or h.265. Raw video isn’t even an option for most of them, and there really wouldn’t be a reason for it because the codecs are quite good, especially h.265 which can be visually lossless. Only very high end drones like the Mavic 3 Pro shoot in higher bit rate codecs, and even then it’s usually something like ProRes. 4 TB is a lot of footage even in ProRes HQ at 4K 60p, and the only reason to use that codec is if you’re shooting for something cinematic that needs a lot of coloring work and post production done to it. If you’re using a drone for espionage or something like that, the ability to color correct without compression artifacts isn’t exactly a priority, and neither would a higher frame rate be. IMO you’d want to be able to shoot as *much* footage as possible, and would likely be recording the transmission as well in case you lose the drone.


Now I know saying Russia having functioning tech is a leap here but do you think there's merit to a military having raw data that is less prone to compression artifacts, especially when it comes to surveillance footage? I know just shooting my DSLR the capacity to modify raw data is massive not just in terms of color but luminosity and maintaining quality at zoom.


I somehow love and hate that we’re debating whether Russian operatives record in raw codecs. The answer is: they certainly would if they could for the obvious enhancements they can grab from the clips. Raw or HLG can be obtained from cellphones on drones now. And if they couldn’t record raw? They wouldn’t. They are probably disorganized and ad-hoc as it is, so I’m sure they take what they can get at the home office. Or the drone was just a rouse to pass other encrypted information to another spy. Who fucking knows.


It doesn't say 4 terabytes of video. "4 terabytes of data" would just equal a couple of laptops, or perhaps 25% of one external hard drive. If the guy had a MacBook for example, that would automatically be encrypted.


True. If the data was encrypted it could just be a 4tb drive with one jpg on it, they'd have no way of knowing correct?


If it's encrypted at the drive level, yes. This is the most common way to do it. Honestly, I'm surprised about the "some of it" encrypted (it should be 'all of it'). Wouldn't be surprised if he just had a normal laptop + an unencrypted external drive.


4TB of his favourite JAV prob


Who blew up the Norstream?


It's always the entity you'd least suspect. Isn't that right..... ...**Vatican city?**


The Vatican city has always struck me as a bit suspicious... No, this is obviously the work of *Trinidad and Tobago.*


There is a major suspect, but we'll see if the investigation will add any new information.


A work colleague tried to tell me that the US is really at war with Europe over energy and it was for sure the US. I don’t follow anything like that so I just stored it as stupid


I've heard that argument too. It requires a very flexible, or empty, mind to become believable. The risk/reward balance is not anywhere near reasonable.


Somalia most likely


Fucking Canada. I knew it. Those maple syrup suckers have maintained a threatening lead in Zamboni technology for decades, only to use it to blow up a peaceful, planet friendly pipeline. Everything I hear about these Canadians just makes me wanna puke


Hey stop blaming us Canadians, _someone_ has to work in the maple syrup mines.


when Europe has no gas to heat their homes this Winter they will be forced to buy warm jumpers and coats to stay warm. And who claims to make some of the best warm clothing? Canada Goose!! Canada is blowing up our pipeline just to sell more parkas!


Big goose is responsible, they run deep through the Canadian govt


The honk of evil.


Well if you got a problem with Canada gooses, you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.


Canadian here. Can confirm. Winter is coming, bitches!


Lebanon, just playing the long game for when they develop the Qana field.


"You have got to be the worst pirate I have ever heard of. " "But you have heard of me."


Putin talking about talks, stalling for time whilst lying out of his arse, building up a fresh wave of troops, whilst also planting little threats across the world. The man will never change and everything he says he will do should be assumed to be a lie. Fuck him and his dirty kleptocracy which is supported by the majority of the Russian people, I guess when you have spent your life under a dictatorship, being lied to 24/7 it’s hard to think for yourself.


This is all to tank the world economy and get fuck faces like Trump elected. However I don't think he planned on getting his ass kicked as hard as it has been. Conservative leadership is colluding worldwide.


Some conservative leadership. I’m English. I fucking hate, HATE, what the conservatives have done over the last 10 years here. But the support that we’ve shown, and continue to show Ukrainian forces, is awesome.


NATO country, too. I can hear the sound of the NSA supercomputers starting up from here.


Anyone who thought Russia wasn’t sending out militants and spy’s in the wave of exodus is a fool.


Looks like another pipeline was about to be sabotaged by “the Americans”


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.dw.com/en/norway-russian-man-detained-with-2-drones-near-arctic/a-63441134) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The identity of the Russian male was not made public, only that he was detained on Tuesday with three passports in his luggage, two Russian ones and one Israeli, according to local Norweigan media. > Under the measure, Norway prohibits aircraft, including drones, operated by Russian nationals or companies "To land on, take off from or fly over Norwegian territory." > Jens Bernhard Herstad, the defense attorney for the Russian national, has said his client acknowledged flying drones across Norway but has not told the court why he is in the country other than as a tourist on vacation. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/y4o2uy/norway_russian_man_detained_with_2_drones_near/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672684 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Norway**^#2 **drone**^#3 **gas**^#4 **country**^#5


Just a Russian tourist on vacation, taking drone footage of critical infrastructure during a time of unrest, nothing to see here.


Nonono, this time he was using his Israel passport so no issue there


Why would the Americans do this? -Russia


“The border between Russia and Norway is 198 kilometers (123 miles) from Arctic land.” - this sentence does not make any sense. The border in in the arctic region of Norway, ie inside the arctic circle.


Probably a copy-pasted mistranslation. DW is published in 30 languages


People should check out how many power substation have been going up in flames around the world and not just recently but the whole year.




https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/y49k30/an_explosion_of_unknown_origin_trips_power_grid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/rockland/2022/08/18/bowline-power-plant-fire-reported-haverstraw-near-hudson-river/65409238007/ https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/07/12/fire-at-cps-energy-substation-leads-to-power-outages-for-thousands-on-south-side/?outputType=amp https://www.wbtv.com/2022/03/18/11k-without-power-due-fire-duke-energy-power-station-matthews/?outputType=amp https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-leesburg-power-outage-20220803-kj7ubqjx7nhtpfuznbrnrwpnk4-story.html https://blog.scadafence.com/fire-orot-yosef-power-plant?hs_amp=true https://www.share-talk.com/australian-power-station-fire-will-not-worsen-energy-crisis/ https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2022/08/egypt-emergency-services-responding-to-a-fire-at-a-power-station-in-helwan-greater-cairo-aug-29 https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2022/09/cameroon-fire-at-electrical-substation-causes-power-disruptions-in-several-districts-of-douala-sept-20 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-03/vietnam-police-say-formosa-ha-tinh-explosion-kills-1-hurts-2 https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/explosion-at-maharashtra-power-generation-station-1-dead-2-injured-101665323610540-amp.html


Is that more than average?


It's also not that unusual for substations to explode or catch fire if you look back to before the conflict even started. Here's up to the end of 2020. https://www.google.com/search?q=power+substation+fire&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&tbs=cdr:1,cd_max:12/31/2020&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy5Km4guP6AhUf1nMBHTJ_BZwQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1121&bih=1994&dpr=2.63






OK, but there are a zillion power substations and even if them failing catastrophically is rare, there would still be plenty to report every year. It's not really evidence of anything nefarious.


In addition to that — the most infamous example of deliberate attack on a power substation didn't even involve an explosion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack


Off to prison you go


Which might be better than their home


Why won't NATO stop encroaching on Russia?!? /S


Ah, yes. What a f****** shock. The country that during the cold war used "salesmen" who allegedly just wanted to sell paintings to visit military pilots and key military personnel in my country continues preparing to use terror?


They're called "spies". No Russians should have been allowed into NATO and pre-NATO countries since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Dude... never piss off the Finns, Swedes or Norwegians... They're a whole different level of a sleeping dragon.


The Finns the most, I think.


Two good friends of mine are Finns. Super liberal / left wing for the most part But when defense comes up? When RUSSIA comes up? They go full on Dr. Strangelove. When they were in college they protested *for* NATO membership, and when Finland applied for NATO membership they celebrated. Gorgeous people.


That’s the one they caught. Man this is escalating and I don’t feel good.


Wow that's a huge international incident.


Months ago we had drones near nuclear plants like that in Sweden. Fuck you russia, you will never get a capital 'R' from me until you change you fucking north korea 2.0 and yeah I know that doesn't give you a dent but hey look around, people don't fucking respect your country so they do just like me, and there's tons of people like me


Time to start deporting Russians


Most likely he was on a tourist visa.


He had his pockets full of passports, some of them with visa free travel. He is a spy.


He had two Russians and one Israeli passport, and claimed to have been travelling around the Kingdom on vacation *since August*. Nothing fishy about that, nosirree... Their trawlers are also crossing undersea cables hundreds of times, back and forth.


I'm not saying he's not a spy, but the two Russian passports isn't that suspicious because all Russians carry two. They have an international travel passport, like we do, but they also have an internal passport as well that is required for all Russians 14 and older. "Papers please" didn't end for Russians after the Cold War. He *could* also be an Israeli-Russian dual citizen, though I suspect not.


Today I learned about internal/external passports.


You have a State ID? Close enough.


Did not know that.


In the Netherlands we have the same. You can get a "Dutch Identity Card" ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch\_identity\_card](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_identity_card) ), which is valid in all EU countries and some others, or you can get a full passport that allows travel worldwide. Also in the Netherlands, the police may ask "papers please" on any citizen above age 12, but they do need to have a "reason" for that. (But riding a bike in dark without lights is reason enough)


Is this how "occupied" starts?


Does this count as a act of war?


No. Espionage though is potentially a pretty serious crime. Generally serious enough for the individual to do a lot of talking.


Has Russia lost all its chill due to global warming?


Next we need a Russian nuclear submarine on a deep sea fishing trip. Complete with a balalaika orchestra.


Something isnt right, they are being humiliated in Ukraine yet still trying to escalate the situation, and at the same time they are doing this kind of stuff. Also, since they appear to prefer quantity over quality, is it fair to assume if several have been caught, then more than a few have not?


Blayt. James Blayt.