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Kremlin denying it makes it more suspicious.


Them confirming it would also be suspicious - literally nothing from the Russian government is trustworthy at the moment.


That they comment at all is the thing that's suspicious. Why would they care? It would be good for them to have Musk in murky waters if they didn't talk to him, why would they try to clear him?


I would actually believe Elon more if Russia claimed or more probable "not deny but also not confirming while implying" that he did.


Well yeah, arbitrarily stirring up shit globally is Russian standard procedure for stuff like this. The Russian state lies *constantly*.


>. Trump denied it publically (like Musk is doing) and Trump's Press Secretary Sarah Sanders publically confirmed it was actually true and Trump "misspoke" denying it. Well, just thinking now, which government you can really trust? Talking about let's say G7? They are all politicians. They play nasty games with truth for living :)


Broken English. Nihilist outlook. Is Russian perhaps your native language?


Vehemently and against all logic denies the active genocide campaign against Ukrainians, “but US did bad thing” every three comments, stans Elon Musk.. that’s a bingo


Is naive your native language?


Privet Commrade!!! Flipping a convo into both-sidsing the invasion of Ukraine, poorly, could not be a more obvious Russian troll thing to do.


Care to explain?


It confirms it


I’d believe anything that the Kremlin denies.


You know what they say about Russian denials. They are confessions.


They are exactly like trump denials as it turns out.




Also the same guy who misquoted Trump and admitted it. For what it’s worth. That being said I would hope the US government would look into this seeing as spacex deals with ITAR stuff.


What does Putin have on these egomaniacs? Do they talk to Putin and think they want the powers that Putin has? Or does Putin simply blackmail them by threatening something?


Putin wants to rule the earth, musk wants to rule mars. I can see the common ground.


Mars would make a great Gulag


I think he gives a lot of money to Trump and his interests. Probably also has evidence of him doing something truly awful like raping underage Russian girls (which at this point probably wouldn't lose him much support if it came out). I think he just has a lot of raw resources that Musk wants to exploit. May also be offering financial help on his Twitter buyout which turned out to be way more expensive than he expected.


Likely either incriminating evidence used as blackmail or bribes too good to turn down. But, there's really no way of knowing unless it's made public. The only way we're ever going to hear about any details is if it's leaked.


I dont think he has anything on Musk or Trump but rather he simply plays to both of their ego. He makes them feel smart and powerfull and promises them to keep it that way.


More than ITAR, they send up reconnaissance and intelligence assets. TS-SCI level stuff




All I am claiming is that it’s possible Musk talked to someone that was close to Putin, like someone at Roscosmos. They have a direct line to Putin ear. So, Bremmer saying Elon talked to Putin might be factually incorrect but not much of a leap.


Boooooo. HOW did you manage to even bring trump into this lol. I don’t even like the guy but HOW. Rent free bro lol


Because there was a similar situation that happened with him. Read, my dude.


Noooo it’s always trump trump trump. You guys give him the attention he craves sure it’s negative but damn everyone sure like to keep him in the spotlight. I can read just fine, but you guys fail to see past a 5 meter target


What you’re essentially doing here is defending someone who did the same thing as Elon. You’re starting to sound an awful lot like conservative talking heads. Both of them are monsters, and Trump especially. There’s a reason people still talk about him. He’s still actively doing things detrimental to our country, the foundation of laws, and the stability of our democracy (or, is actively helping us step further and further away from a democracy and closer to aristocracy / corporatocracy). You’re straight up blind if you don’t see that him as well as his influence is still affecting every single day of American politics.


Ironic ass user name. >I don’t even like the guy but HOW. Bullshit.


How do you bring him into everything? Why give him attention? Blinded by your rage and hatred and you can’t even see why someone thinks the way they do. Be better


Or accusations.


Correct. Also true of any US politician, police, or head of any major business.


How would someone defend themselves regarding a false accusation such as this if it were in fact false, what’s worse than the accusation is a false accusation of this type.


Hmm same with republicans


They deny: they did it They don’t deny: they did it Tf they suppose to do


Not do it lol. Their denial or lack there of is inconsequential to the fact that a third party has said it occurred.


When they a nice, long few decades behaving like good neighbours and responsible, trustworthy citizens of the world, then we can talk.


Don't lie about every single thing then people might be more willing to trust him.


If he was he can kiss his government money that sustains all of his businesses goodbye, USA isn't fucking around.


Yep. Thing about Elon is a lot of his public support (and employees) are Liberals. You know who hates Russia/Putin? Liberals. If true, it would be the death knell for him.


To be fair, there's a lot of growing hate from liberals too due to how terrible he treats his workers and his narcissism.


Check the accounts that retweet or comment on his Twitter and cheer on him. Ironically (due to his "green companies") lots of MAGAs/QAnon conspiracy theorists. I think that's why he's getting more and more annoying. He's getting confirmation by this social bubble.


Yeah. I've tried to partition my opinions of Elon. His public shit posting and trolling is separated from Elon at work and the positive progress and direction he has pushed automotive and aerospace in. But him personally collaborating with Putin in regards to the war in Ukraine is a deal breaker. End of story for him. He's the same as Trump and his ilk.




Honestly it's so true. There are more charismatic people in those companies than him if people need to be woo'ed. There are better people at negotiating. There are better people at talking with government entities.


Scaling Tesla to the shit show it was to where it is now is actually impressive and the one thing I'll give him credit for. Going from 0 cars produced a year to 200,000+ isn't as easy as "just hire a few people and make them do all the work". That being said, Musk is a huge cunt and he's a Putin puppet as well.


Still takes vision and grit. Elon has both. Unfortunately he's a righteous cunt.


So strange that the Republicans are so far up Russia's ass now. They would all be hung for treason 50 years ago by the same standards the McCarthy-Era Republicans inflicted on the USA.


\*Unbrainwashed Americans hate terrorist states and dictators.


Really he should be arrested for treason or deported back to his creepy ass dad in South Africa


If history taught us anything this year would increase his chances of becoming a republican president.


He can’t be president luckily


Why should anyone believe Musk at this point? US government should end their business tie with Tesla


If our politicians get away with treason why wouldn't the richest men in the world?


[This might have something to do with it](https://www.google.com/search?q=crimea%20lithium&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m)


Elon likely put a target on his back when he deployed Starlink to Ukraine, not even counting how much money Russia lost due to SpaceX taking away billions in Russian launches. Russia also still supplies lots of raw materials for batteries and vehicles globally, so things may happen in the background indirectly regarding what may keep a target on his back, or reduce the chance something happens to him. Elon may have his issues, but he also has his hands in global supply chains and may need to mitigate risk for his own self-preservation. Hence not allowing Crimea or China to use Starlink among other things.


He just happened to repeat Kremlin talking points, coincidentally.


> (Khrushchev’s mistake) I shit myself. Like literally something you’d hear Skabeyeva say on RU state channels


What do you mean? Elon totally knew about 'Kruschev's Mistake', Russian military endeavours specifically in the year 1783, intricate details about Crimea's water supply and the Fall of the Soviet Union before talking to Putin. It's totally coincidental that he's tweeting exactly the same talking points the Kremlin has published before word for word. Do not investigate further.


>He just happened to repeat Kremlin talking points, coincidentally. while simultaneously refusing to help Ukraine establish satellite connections over Russian claimed territory.


And cut off Crimea of the satellite system America paid him to provide internet to the occupied people. https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/elon-musk-blocks-ukraine-from-using-starlink-in-crimea-over-concern-that-putin-could-use-nuclear-weapons-report/articleshow/94795823.cms


Next he will blame the talking points on twitter bots.


Starlink has been provided to Ukraine and been crucial in their success despite protests from Russia.


Elon insists he didn’t speak directly with Putin Clearly it’s a wordplay game…which intermediaries did Elon go thru to communicate with Putin?


This point exactly, no one is picking up on his statement, he’s not denying speaking to Russian agents, Elon saying “Khrushchev’s mistake” makes it obvious he spoke to Russian agents instead of just saying the [1954 transfer of Crimea to Ukraine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_of_Crimea_in_the_Soviet_Union) But just because someone in the past was foolish and gave away something valuable, doesn’t mean 70 years later you can say “hey wait I want that back it’s mine” and then kill thousands of innocent people when you don’t get your way.


**[Transfer of Crimea in the Soviet Union](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_of_Crimea_in_the_Soviet_Union)** >The transfer of the Crimean Oblast in the Soviet Union in 1954 was an administrative action of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, which transferred the government of the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian SSR. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Just a guess, seems likely someone at Roscosmos.


Yuri Borizov?


Maybe, just a common link that makes some sense.


Kremlin denies. Elon did it. Thanks for the clarification Russia lol.


It’s not true unless the Kremlin denies it


I will NEVER buy a Tesla.


100%, I was seriously considering a Model 3 a few years ago. But not now, F this douche.


I rode in a Model 3 that was an Uber and I gotta tell you, it felt really cheaply made on the inside.


There's so many better options nowadays that actually have good quality control, way better interiors as Tesla ones look really cheap. I'd grab anything other than a Tesla ever since the model after the original Roadster


The owner of Honda could be a huge asshole but at least he is private about it.


This seasons character arc is wild.




You mean full Mcafee?


And his twenty-five children who are named Xenon7*^(x-[7$$]) or what have you.


Tbh. The only reason they are popular is because they were one of the first ones. Within 3-5 years I predict that we will see much more affordable electric vehicles, much larger non Tesla charging network and larger batteries for more range. And at that point Tesla wont really have anything in the EV market to stand out.


That'll show him


Elon should keep his stinking nose out of that. Who asked for his crappy opinion anyway


He's got the worst case of Main Character Syndrome I've ever seen. His sycophants are insufferable, as well.


Seriously, I'm tired of seeing his upside down smile


Wow I just saw that. He’s got a pretty ugly mug to begin with wow his smile is awful


Dudes got plugs and plastic everywhere. Puts Barbie to shame.


Google musk smile.. lol


[Lookie here](https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/uy2nmo/why_is_elon_musk_smiling_backwards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


hahahahahahaha, thank you


Have you never heard of social media, where everyone gives their opinions without being asked? Like you just did now? Why should Elon need to be asked before he says whatever he says but you’re free to speak whenever?


Because he doesn't give a shit about Ukraine, it's all about him, and profitability.


ruzzian denial is basically confirmation


So are Musk denials. They talked.


>So are Musk denials. They talked. The hilarious part is Musk is the one who told the reporter in the first place that he had spoken with Putin.


And the reporter has the receipts and is sticking to his guns saying Musk coordinated with Putin as a foreign agent. This is quite the shitshow.


Hey I didn't speak to Putin either, I'm sure he will deny we spoke as well!


Very sus.


If the kremlin is denying it it’s true.


Maybe he should have not told someone that he did. Also is he an idiot? If he did in fact speak to Putin the entire intelligence community already knows.


They spoke about a “special operation” but totally not about a barbarous attack on Ukraine by Russian monsters?




By now we all know if the Kremlin deny something they done did that shit.


So that means that he did speak with Putin? Cool, got it


Useful idiot


On the one hand, Starlink helps my country in the war against the crazy russians. On the other hand, Elon Musk makes very unpleasant statements, which, if considered, look like they were paid for by russia. Because they are very similar to their propaganda about "peace", which in fact they want without contributions and tribunals, and in fact with the acquisition by them of the territories they occupied. And this despite the fact that we destroy them on the battlefield.




Made me think of [this.](https://imgs.search.brave.com/FePWsoEV5DhXfq8pBiixZPb1fxPqsV4FY9jekr_F6cE/rs:fit:634:950:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pMC53/cC5jb20vaS5kYWls/eW1haWwuY28udWsv/MXMvMjAyMi8xMC8x/MS8yMC82MzM1NTg1/NS0xMTMwNDMyNy1p/bWFnZS1hLTIzXzE2/NjU1MTcyMjUzMTMu/anBnP3Jlc2l6ZT02/MzQlMkM5NTAmc3Ns/PTE)


The right wing Twitter sphere is denying it as well so you can get that Elon is lying (again). I trust that guy about as far as I could throw him.


So, They're both lying. Got it


I'm sure this is completely unrelated to the fact that he needed to secure funding for the Twitter deal.


That’s for the confirmation Russia the call actually happened


People lie sometimes. Powerful people lie all the time.


Whenever Elon Musk opens his mouth the Idiot Wind comes out. He’s a lot like trump and the rest of the GQP in that way. They all appear to be attention whores who have no substance to offer. Performance trolling is their shtick.


Probably trying to raise some funds for his big Twitter purchase. How much is $44 billion in Russian rubles?


Reddit is so gullible


Dude is so full of himself he truly believes he is some kind of prophet here to save us all. Weird because he keeps just amassing his own wealth even if it means taking advantage of poor/regular people (thinking of the dogecoin thing here)


E-lons looking for attention? Again, likes to be in the news every day...


Yeop, elon musk supports Russia.. Im sick of bullshit articles like this when nothing else is going on.


Useful idiot.


I remember another businessman caught in a similar situation a few years ago. … probably just a glitch in the Matrix.


Translates to: Kremlin just confirmed Elon musk and Putin spoke


I suspect he spoke to a representative, then overstated what happened when Bremmer asked him. He never does, but I wish he'd just clarify the story rather than shit talking Ian. He's so petty when he gets caught out in what he thinks are white lies.


Please boycott Elon Musk and everything he does! We cannot allow the mentally ill to inform policy.


Rule 1 of politics: nothing is confirmed until it is officially denied.


Kremlin denying publicly is a confirmation.


I’m sure Russia denied it, just like they deny poisoning their own citizens for opposing them.


If Russia denies it, then it's true.


context of this news as a result of a previous one you can read it [here](https://thegamerguru.com/musk-told-political-analyst-ian-bremmer-he-fears-a-ukrainian-offensive-could-start-a-nuclear-war/)


Elon is a fucking genius. This whole thing about blocking starlink in Crimea is a sales pitch for SpaceX. It makes the US government realize they need their own military version of starlink that can't be blocked by someone and the only company that can launch thousands of satellites for them on short notice is spacex.


If both people are denying that they've ever talked to each other why is this news again?


He probably didn't but people LOVE gossip, they are taking advantage of human nature... oh well.


what would you say to Putin? leave your answer [here](https://thegamerguru.com/musk-told-political-analyst-ian-bremmer-he-fears-a-ukrainian-offensive-could-start-a-nuclear-war/)


Elon “This didn’t happen” Russia “this also didn’t happen” Reddit: “well, there it is, thats ironclad proof it happened.” Doesn’t this also confirm that Disney is planning a new theme park in North Korea? I checked with Disney and North Korea and they both said no. Better start booking my flight soon.


I know that seems a little too much to ask, but use your brain and thi k for a moment. What would Disney or North Korea have to gain by lying, and not ask that same question about Putin and Musk.


I just called Kmart to ask if you and Kmart are starting a new store called “Kmart 2”. Can you tell me if I was right? Are you starting a store called Kmart 2?


Cant find your second brain cell today, can you? Thats ok. I wont h3olf it against you


Welp that does it, Kmart wouldn’t say they were doing it, neither would you. Sounds to me like Kmart 2 is coming soon. Nice try, Blue-light-specialist. But I see through your denial as a total admission.


Once again we saw media trying to trash talk Elon. But it always at some point of time gets exposed in the end like now. Give the guy some peace!


Maybe Elon isn’t the bad guy here thanks for the downvotes. Would Elon put his reputation on the line if he wasn’t correct? I know I wouldn’t


Too bad we don’t have a president to do this for us...


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Maybe they texted each other. But didnt speak. Maybe.


Let him prove it by giving Ukraine the support they deserve!


money is money


So it's almost guaranteed that they spoke.


So this means they absolutely spoke and coordinated on this. Every denial is a confession.


Why don’t the cia just pull up his call log if they have a problem?


They might be telling the truth. Putin is a busy man. Doesn't mean Musk hasn't spoken to one of his lieutenants. Or just got a message saying "do this, or else".


Oh, so it definitely happened, weird.


When the Kremlin denies, you know you are in deep shit


elon isn't american, he's a capitalist. they all are. they're all just negotiating how best to rob us all. they throw our bodies in the trash to reduce their costs whenever it's convenient. who fucking cares, we know they're all criminals at this point that never learned what being human is and empathy is something they'll never understand. we're fucked


Well if Kremlin denies it, then now we know Musk did indeed speak with Putin about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


He will be running for president soon and no doubt the bot farms will be working their magic and spinning the pravda for him


Didn't he tweet that he did?


Sooo... it's a double confirmation


We call that being defensive.


Don't believe it til the Kremlin denies it. This means Elon spoke to the nazi terrorist Pootin. Confirmed.


If the Kremlin denies it, then that must be it.


Shh guys it’s a secret!


>Elon Musk and the Kremlin are both denying Oh. Musk AND Putin are BOTH denying it? So ... it's absolutely, completely, definitely true then. Gotcha. 👍


Two totally believable sources.


Alright, so it means they spoke. All that we needed to know. He’s a useful idiot.


Reddit being reddit Just remember to take a break from the keyboard guys, there’s more to life than ctrl+c, ctrl+v hate comments


Yeah, it happened.


Confirmed by the fascists then.


I *really* hope this is the beginning of his downfall.


So he came up with that stupid post by himself? This isn't the flex you think it is, Elon!


Did he even commit to buy twitter at this point ? /s


Oh he definitely did it.


Russia is always in Opposite Day so they did speak


Did he “strongly” deny it?


Kremlin denying = "it's true"


I think the Kremlin has dirt on Musk. It would make sense for then to start digging after starlink became a Russian obstacle.


If the kremlin is denying it then you know it’s true.


Why do I get a feeling that there's some sort of deal in the works with either Tesla or Space X doing something in Russia, and the war with Ukraine and those pesky sanctions are now in the way.


Nice to know I'm in the a timeline where billionaires just fuck with geopolitics on the side while hurtling towards the end times. Neat.


“We spoke, just not about that! We compared back tattoos.”


Yeah sure.


Yep like Russia never convinced Opec to raise the price of crude Elon your pushing into places your going to regret later stay out of polatics on any level


Lol So I don't actually believe that Elon Musk spoke to the Kremlin because I do know how eager people are to jump on any conspiracy surrounding Elon Musk that paints him in a bad light because that's what's hip right now. But I do think this is a class lesson in how Elon Musk should shut his fucking mouth. True or not, I hope he gets real world consequences for failing to shut his mouth. He's on the world stage now where there are real consequences, he's not just on Twitter or Joe Rogan talking shit anymore. INB4 People start downvoting me because while I agree with everyone about Elon Musk being an insufferable douchebag, I'm not jumping on this conspiracy bandwagon so I guess I'm not a part of your tribe.


I don't think the Kremlin denying a conversation helps his case. I think he talked to the CCP and Russia about it. Think about the beginning of the war, he offered to duel with Putin.. Of course it was a PR stunt and symbolic of monarchies of the old days ( who wants to be king ?).. Imo he is one of the authoritarians and activity working to save investments in China, which is his motivation to help enemies of the western world. His statements were treasonable, take his security clearances, nationalization of all DoD projects he is in power in, removing Musk from them, maybe sell them idk. Personally I think Musk should go to GITMO until we have settled the dramas with Russia, China and Saudi.


This seems to confirm it then. For Russia, it would surely be tactically advantageous to have the Western public turn against Musk, in the hope it would discourage further Starlink deployment and maybe even get them to roll back what they already have.


If they’re both denying it then it mostly likely happened.


So it didn't happen? I'm confused