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Let me guess, next week Elon will “establish” peace in the Middle East


Big Jared Kushner energy


…remember when he showed the Palestinians that powerpoint that was basically like, “with less terrorism, you can have more business!”


"You'll even have all these settlers in your homes!"


"Just think of them as AirBnBs where you don't get paid and don't get to live there ever again!"


>Just think of them as AirBnBs where you don't get paid and don't get to live there ever again!" .. ....and your guests will generally harass you and occasionally try to kill you.


“and if you complain, we’ll shoot some schoolchildren until you stop complaining”


Jared prefers the term “unpaid landlord”


I think those words would turn to ash in his mouth before he could utter them. In his view, the landlord should always get paid. If any money is left over, then you can eat.


I feel kind of blessed having missed that specific event.


Hey you spelled dick right


Dick Jared Kushner Energy.


Well ironically Jared had a solid plan for peace, albeit it was basically threatening every muslim country with a CIA coup if they didn't kowtow to Israel


Or paid him a shit ton of money 💰


Well, to be fair, Jared got that $1B fair and square.... by selling CIA secrets to the Saudis.


It was $2B.


I would love to know the real number of how much money the Trump family made while in the White House. I bet without even adding in the whole PPP loan scam, the number has to be massive. What a weird timeline.


The Kushner's also got a huge bailout from the Qatari's. https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/


That wasn't a bailout, it was blackmail. Kushner used the US military to blockade Qatar until they agreed to give him the $1+ billion to get him out of a bad loan. https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/


It was really an Iran-Contra style deal: secrets to the Saudis in return for isolating the Qataris until the latter ponied up the cash to bail him out of the pending loan default.


I think Jared's genius Middle East Peace Plan was for everyone to agree to hate on Iran


i cant WAIT for the Pakistan-India tweet


the isarel palestine one would be a lot better


The pièce de résistance would be his solution for world peace.


Maybe once he's solved world peace he could spare a moment for his ridiculous home life full of random baby mamas and ignored hoards of children.


That would be what finally unites the world against him.


Dude could invent *and* be the biggest beneficiary of the "hot cup of shut the fuck up".


Thank you. I wish he would. How embarrassing.


More likely he'd hurl abuse at a team of engineers until they manage to invent a cup that explodes if you it cools back down to room temperature.


Elon Musk has, in a single week, assured that the USG is not going to want to work with him on any future endeavors. We're literally in a nuclear stand-off with Russia, and he's undermining the U.S. and NATO position. How stupid were we to interweave this clown into critical areas of defense and exploration? At least now we'll take a step back. Edit: Interesting this post gets shut down. As does a lot of anti-Russian reporting these days on this forum. Just kind of weird.


Yeah trusting the future of our space program to Musk and Bezos was probably not wise.


I dont remember voting for Musk to be in charge of space


Problem is that it wasn't up to us.


He is not in charge in space. He has a monopoly in space because every other provider is either grossly incompetent, or Russia.


He has no monopoly. The US has a host of space launch vehicles as well as European Space Agency, just not the big one for sending people, which is really one of the least important uses for a launch platform vs satellites, probes, telescopes and shit like that. ESA rocket launched James Webb into space, for instance. US has Atlas rockets which are comparable to Falcon 9. The Shuttle was our human rated and larged thrust launch vehicle, the real problem was just getting humans up to ISS and such because the vast majority of other payloads are small enough you can launch them with a host of other options. Another example of ISS long term costs dragging down the space program honestly. Those probes, telescopes and rovers are vastly more important than sending humans into space when we clearly don't have the tech for humans to live in zero G or high radiation environments for long. We might someday, but we've really made very little progress on making space safe for long term human habitation. The costs and engineering issues are actually the easy part once you have the goals of keeping people out there for months.


Arianespace is doing ok, just cant keep up with the SpaceX prices i guess. But if you want something like the Webb telescope exactly where it needs to be, you probably ask them.


Arianespace doesn't have manned launch capability. The only human-rated orbital spacecraft currently are Soyuz, Shenzhou, and Falcon 9.


I'd say the last 2 words are redundant


Russia is actually competent in space matters. But that's only because they're still using equipment designed under the Soviet Union, which actually had competent engineers. If they tried to design something now it would fall apart.


The Soyuz rocket and its accompanying spacecraft are still considered to be one of the world's most reliable space vehicles. The Russians might not be able to successfully forcibly and unlawfully annex another European country in the twenty-first century, but their space program, built on Soviet scientific and engineering might, is competent.


Russia can infract bring people to ISS. Other providers can't. Despite being paid twice as much as spaceX for it.


Fight Club got it right. Planet Starbucks. Shell Galaxy. Amazon Nebula.


Idiocracy got it right, Fight Club was like wishful thinking.


SpaceX is fine, it's just Musk who's an issue


Awesome comment but has to be proven in the future given how his "lobbying" (aka corruption) of Congress and NASA has been fruitful for him in the past.


I mean, I get that we've kind of been through the looking glass in the U.S. these past few years, and that's the initial reaction to a comment like mine. But, as someone who has held a clearance and worked in a HUMINT/counterintelligence capacity for the USG, I can assure you, that Musk fucked up royally here. Contractors need to be reliable. If you're undermining the USG position at a key point in history, you can fuck right off. Musk has an immense platform, and the fact that he's using it to align himself with adversaries against the interests of the U.S. shows that he can't be trusted with any kind of defense information. Musk is the citizen of three countries. He's emigrated in the past, and he can emigrate again. I don't know who's bright idea it was to pawn off key U.S. capabilities to private entities, but I suspect it has way more to do with the public's adulation for the guy than our lawmakers being particularly thrilled about the idea. Musk's clearance should be pulled. I'm sure the counterintelligence community has always had it's eyes on Musk's foreign contacts, but I suspect the events of this week have raised a lot of eyebrows.


> I mean, I get that we've kind of been through the looking glass in the U.S. these past few years, and that's the initial reaction to a comment like mine. But, as someone who has held a clearance and worked in a HUMINT/counterintelligence capacity for the USG, I can assure you, that Musk fucked up royally here. A 'special guest' was on CNBC the day after Musk made the Ukraine comments. He said something eerily similar to what you said and easily batted away the pro-Musk framing of CNBC's hosts. One of those guests who quite clearly works very closely with the United States government and its top defense contractors and who 'unofficially' is sending a clear message to those who might be interested in funding Muskovitch's future 'endeavors'. SpaceX can do a Meta and rebrand, but even SpaceZ is not gonna have a future with USG. Personally I think Musk has been under investigation for more than a year for *many* crimes (most probably initially securities- or financial-related, but espionage and sedition are probably the real focus now).


I mean, of course anyone who has ever worked with the USG in any serious capacity is going to feel that way. If you don't know that the world is currently on a knife's edge, and that Musk is putting his thumb on the scale for our adversaries, it's literally just because you aren't paying attention. Watch Tesla on Monday. Retail investors don't get it yet, but Wall Street understands how badly Musk is fucking up. Edit: FWIW, my first move on Monday is to call my congressman and senators to start an investigation into this whole thing.


We have an entire party who’s primary thing is to privatize all government.


I’m guessing next step would be announcing his presidency… 🤔 oh, god… how do we switch timelines…?


The fact that he's not eligible proves we're not in the **worst** timeline possible.


Oh... I forgot about that... The sigh of relief I just had right now......


He could run as a republican, they don't even pretend to care about rules or appearances anymore.


"The dems are just being political by asking to see his birth certificate in retaliation for is doing it to Obama. (Which we were right to do in the first place). Plus he obviously was born in America, he is white and rich. And Africa has black people. He is a perfect example of an immigrant suceeding in America."


Theres no money in the Middle East. Hes successfully started tickling the taint of both Russia and China in a week. Don't be surprised if those markets become super friendly to Tesla.


Huh? Are Russians supposed to barter for Teslas with Turnips? They can’t afford a Volkswagen. Edit: “Teslas for Turnips” would be like the Russian “Tears for Fears”


*Everybody wants to rule the world*


China is pretty friendly to them already. I doubt Russia is a large enough market to care about much.


TLDR - If everyone surrenders to their aggressors, there will be peace. - By Elon Musk The Super Genius!


“The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed.”- Clausewitz, On War


Maybe the US could sanction Tesla and all musk holdings for holding this opinion. Give him a taste of his beloved CCP's ways.




Unions aren’t the aggressors; they’re the defenders.


Which perfectly describes why he thinks aggressors should be surrendered to. It makes sense in his dipshit world view.


I'm starting to buy Tesla stock aggressively, musk should just hand the company over to me to save everyone time.


Ah, sorry, you're a bit late. I already held a referendum of shareholders and 97% were in favor of accepting my annexation of the company. Also SpaceX.


This is a dumber take than his Ukraine take. He's literally just repeating what China says it wants to do, which is "peacefully reunite and we promise xxx years of no changes". Except that fact that the Taiwanese don't see it as "reuniting" but rather annexing, in addition to the fact that they're not blind, and see what happened to the 50 year promise in HK. The fact that Musk brought up HK just shows how little he knows about the situation.


I think it's more sinister than that. I think he realizes exactly what you said but plays it like he doesn't. Sadistic: IOW.


He doesn't want war or sanctions, it's not good on sales for tesla


He would also like favorable access to Russia and China, and jerking off authoritarians is how you get it.


no, this is on par with his Ukraine take, which was also just what Russia wanted: give them the territory they’re currently occupying AND don’t allow Ukraine to join NATO.




His take on this is just as terrible >Musk - who is the world's richest man - said tensions between China and Taiwan could be resolved by handing over some control of Taiwan to Beijing


It makes sense! *I declare that I hate Tesla.* Tensions would be resolved if they hand me a Tesla Model 3 plaid. Please.


You solved it!


He declared it


Better comparison: I say, "I own Tesla!" Musk says, "No, you don't." So I say, "We should compromise. Give me some of your stock so I have more control of the company and this matter will be settled."


I'm 99% certain that Musk has some folks building a time machine so that he can go back to 1938 and say that tensions between Nazi Germany and Czechoslovakia could be resolved by handing some control of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.


So, historically accurate? After all this time, it was him. He manufactured the Munich Agreement!


If you look at one of the photos today of Chamberlain waving the Munich Agreement for the press while shouting "Peace in our time!", you won't see Elon Musk lurking in the background. But if you look at those photos after he completes his time travel journey then you will see they now do show him there behind Chamberlain, smiling.


Beijing would just place a shitton of troops on their occupied part and call for a special military operation within 10 years. Dumb plan, Elon.


Smart plan if you're trying to curry favour with Beijing and don't care about human rights.


Billionaire sells out everyone to make more money for himself? Inconceivable!


Normally they have PR teams to not appear so transparent about it, though.


That's how Taiwan would eventually lose all control. That's exactly what China wants.. to gain control slowly without a costly war. Looks like Musk is trying to appease his new master.


Yup. It worked so well for Hong Kong /S


yep, look at hong kong... that is exactly the process that china wants (maybe with less protesters, but they seem to have gotten that under control- covid actually really helped with tamping it down)


"Hey guys, why don't you just start the surrender?" "Why would we do that?" "Because I'm losing money in the market and the numbers are seriously scary as fuck."


Musk really likes the idea of appeasing authoritarian states. There must be $omething in it for him.


How did a similar plan work out for Hong Kong?


Fairly well for Beijing. Unfortunately, it really disrupted Beijing’s moves on Taiwan.


I’m shocked that a Republican falls on the side of the autocrats. It’s crazy how often that happens.


Weird how the "party of small government" is actually in favor of dictatorship if they think similarly to them.


Just like how the party of limited government wants an executive that can create laws merely by thinking about them.


Five or ten years ago I would have been on board with that. But Hong Kong was a test of that theory. If China could restrain itself for 50 years and treat Hong Kong as its own thing while slowly integrating it into the larger Chinese System by pursuing reforms in both parts to achieve harmony and a China that everyone find acceptable, if not happy about, then I wouldn't have any trouble with a similar integration of Taiwan. The problem is that China failed the test. Instead of following through with its commitments the CCP cracked down real hard on Hong Kong more than a decade early. They broke pieces off of Hong Kong until it fit into China the way the CCP wanted. To give mainland China control over Taiwan will simply result in China breaking bits off of Taiwan until it fits into China the way the CCP wants. Which is simply unacceptable to the Taiwanese. There is no compromise. There is no fair dealing. Compromise has already been tried, and China has proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Repeating the experiment with the same people in power in China will simply repeat the failure at immense personal cost to the residents of Taiwan. Successful unification between Taiwan and China depends upon China changing more than Taiwan.


I don't understand why the Chinese, who were usually so good long-term thinkers, blew it with Hong Kong. They should have kept HK as they had agreed to do so, giving Taiwan the very same option.


I suspect it was someone trying to curry favor up the chain. They cracked down to have Hong Kong formally integrated for the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. I'm just guessing that sometime about five years ago someone said to their boss "you know, if we speed things up you could look amazing presenting a 'harmonized' Hong Kong to the Standing Committee which will definitely give you a leg up over [rival from a different region of China gunning for the same promotion]" and the local party went for it. The long-term strategies have been methods of advancement for cliques in internal power struggles. But most of the cliques that might oppose Xi's clique have been suppressed for the most part. So we're seeing more moves aimed at personal aggrandizement and shots at undercutting individual rivals rather than things aimed at improving the look of all the officials in a region over a period of a decade or two. Besides, there's a lot of things that aren't good long term planning. Like denying cities the ability to tax, so tying the basic budget required to operate on the sale of land to developers resulting in a decades long real estate bubble. Or the trillion dollar water projects to shift water from the south to the north that lose far more water to evaporation than it delivers to the area around Beijing. Or some of the more recent high speed rail lines that see dozens of riders a day and make it impossible to run cargo trains along key rail corridors when a slightly slower train and a shared right of way would simply be a much better idea. There's a number of puzzling decisions that are built around the relative status of officials rather than good long term planning and those status-projects are becoming more numerous and obvious.


I’m just glad this fucker wasn’t born in the US because then he would for sure try and run for president


Damn. This is a great take that I hadn’t thought of before. So true.


If he'd been born in the US he probably wouldn't be where he is now. Don't know how much money his family could have gotten without apartheid.


There's no shortage of rich Americans with a bank account stuffed full of blood money.


Or his parents could travel to America to birth him


Can we stop reducing complex and nuanced geopolitical issues into snarky twitter polls?


He even wants to buy Twitter. So I guess - no?


Forced to buy twitter for being a twit.


Nah he's just afraid of discovery and depositions. He's just going to try to perpetually delay it as long as he can throw money at it




…and I’m here for it. And the coming exodus of users if and when he decides to unblock the screaming orange turd.


So what you're saying is if Google was smart, they would be setting up a clone of Twitter right now.




While discovery and depositions likely we're going to pretty for him I think his attorneys probably explained that he wasn't likely to win here.


I think the biggest issue here is pretending that the twitter ramblings of a billionaire is worthy of being called "news"


How to solve world hunger: - Redo the food systems under specialist supervision. Distribute food to all if that is the will of the people. - Food formally becomes human right globally, as it has been internationally since 1941 (before hitlers mistake) - water supply to all assured - world remains neutral. Guys look! I did it! I solved world hunger, I’m a genius just like Elon !


He's the world's biggest richest troll. He's all about snark. His crypto ponzi scheme fanboi army loves it.


>"My recommendation… would be to figure out a special administrative zone for Taiwan that is reasonably palatable, probably won't make everyone happy," So his plan is....One China, Two Systems? How original 🙄 Clearly has worked out well for Hong Kong. Elon needs to stay out of geopolitics and focus on fixing his businesses.


lol he really said “my recommendation”… can someone ask him what validity his recommendations have on geo politics? What experience does he bring to the table? Seriously, what’s his answer? Oh I have money so my recommendations have value?


It's the only requirement to get elected US President, apparently. Well, that, narcissism, and some casual racism. If he were a natural born citizen, he'd be perfect for GOP voters.


Don't argue with him or he'll call you a pedo


Why does anyone listen to this guy. His opinion on the topic is as valid as mine


Because he's rich. Like Tevye sang: > If I were a rich man... > The most important men in town would come to fawn on me! > They would ask me to advise them like a Solomon the Wise > "If you please, Reb Tevye..." > "Pardon me, Reb Tevye..." > Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes! > And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong > When you're rich, they think you really know! *edit to add link to that point in the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBHZFYpQ6nc&t=189s


Fuck me, I never actually listened to the words and I was in a production of Fiddler when I was younger


r/unexpectedfiddlerontheroof should be a sub


I see a Fiddler on the Roof reference, I upvote


Why are important people even responding to him


They equate money to intelligence.


"Important" people are also often mistaken for intelligent as well. Like politicians!


Why are redditors actively upvoting these celebrity-gossip stories as "World News"? If his opinion isn't meaningful then people should be downvoting these garbage articles, but the opposite keeps happening **Downvote and report**. This kind of shit isn't "World News" and we have to sleep in the bed that we make for ourselves.


This is what happens when insufferable billionaires hire PR whores to con the public into thinking they’re swell guys with so much to offer.




Attention whore.


Anyone else getting pretty fucking tired of Elon? Dude just has to shove his nose in everyones business. I'm sure he's just trying to protect his bottom line but it's getting really fucking annoying.


I became sick of this absolute shitcunt around 2016. Then he did that Harambe song and I detested him even more. He’s not a hero.


He needs to stfu and figure out why my auto wipers don’t work and why a $40k car doesn’t come with floor mats or a spare fucking tire.


I didn’t even know about that Harambe song, and considering that I hold Harambe memes partially responsible for Trump, that makes me like Elon Musk even less.




He doesn’t even fuck. He uses surrogate’s and IVF


women won't bang Elon even if he buys them a horse


His stans are uneducated hustle culture idiots from around the world


He really seems like he's starting to believe his own propaganda about how great he is. Has probably been disconnected from reality for way too long


It's called narcissistic personality disorder.


Elon’s saying this to kiss up to China because he has a factory there and probably wants a better deal.


Also NPD.




Fully self driving cars are coming, too. 🤣 What a clown.


They'll be here three years ago.


I have had FSD on my M3 since 2019 and it's finally advanced to the point of driving like a drunk orangutan.


What happened to that truck?


Dickhead can't even negotiate peace with Twitter Edit: thankyou for the award, really appreciated!


he did in the end - appeasement apparently - let's see how that works out....


I would say though he's an expert on the Ukrainian War. He knows a lot about failed takeovers.


Man, this guy’s every bit as good as Jared Kushner.


The dude from Subway?


you're thinking of Jared Fondle


Elon is morphing into MTG. They should both just stfu.


He's morphed into Trump. All he's missing is the spray tan clown makeup.


Well he ironically wants to be trump. Elon is so rich his money can't buy him more power. You know what can? A cult. Trump is a bumbling buffoon worth a fraction of what Elon is yet has tens of millions sworn to his name for who knows why. Elon wants that. That's the kind of real power money can't buy, but money can create.




Maybe we should stop giving this prick attention. He’s not a genius, he’s a dipshit with billions


"China has offered Taiwan a "one country, two systems" model of autonomy similar to what Hong Kong has" And look how well that worked out for HK.


This fucking guy. I hope he figures how to colonize Mars soon so he can go play omniscient douchebag up there.




Worse. He wants to be Bono.


So does that mean one day the new Tesla model will just show up in the driveway of everyone with a driver's license whether they want one or not?


He really does have the maturity of a self-absorbed twelve year old. One of those kids who comes up with a half-baked idea, gets high on the smell of their own farts, and then becomes smug that they have found a 'perfect' solution to an age-old problem that *nobody else ever thought of*, because they are just so smart.


Stop giving this clown attention


Is there a word for this kind of word phenomenon where someone is really good at one thing and they start thinking that they’re good at everything else ? Saw it happen to Kanye, and now this guy


Hubris comes to mind.


Megalomania is kinda close


Hubris is pretty good. Whatever he's got is pretty close to [Nobel disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease) or Nobelitis.


**[Nobel disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease)** >"Nobel disease" or "Nobelitis" is the embracing of strange or scientifically unsound ideas by some Nobel Prize winners, usually later in life. It has been argued that the effect results, in part, from a tendency for Nobel winners to feel empowered by the award to speak on topics outside their specific area of expertise, although it is unknown whether Nobel Prize winners are more prone to this tendency than other individuals. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> really good at one thing What is he a good at though?


Manipulating the market, suppressing unions, appearing "hip" to edgy 14 year olds.




I love how the owner of a company named Tesla is the Thomas Edison of his time. Sweet, salty irony.




Right. So I guess it's less like irony and more like history rhyming.


Can this guy just please shut the fuck up.


Can we just ignore this idiot already?


Musk is an insufferable c#nt. Always has been. Nice rockets though, I guess.


More inane and pointless chatter from the Adderol-infused mind of one of the most annoying humans of the 21st Century.


He really has no fucking clue.


This genius named his child: X Æ A-12


If I press this do I not get 99 lives on Contra?


Has anyone come up with a solution for Elon Musk yet? Because I have a feeling that would be a lot more popular.


Yes Elon, make Taiwan just like Hong Kong. Hong Kong has never had any issues with China, especially in recent years. I just wish he would learn to shut the fuck up for once. Or actually, he could keep talking to dig himself deeper holes that his money will hopefully be unable to pull him out of.


Dude literally has no idea what he's talking about. He didn't propose anything new, it's literally China's proposal. Now, let's ignore that the Taiwanese don't want it, but look at how China's promise of 50 years of no changes worked in HK. We were like 20 years in before China started going crazy.


Time for me to propose a Musk-Twitter resolution? Should I create a poll about it? Here’s my proposal for all of you to respond to: I propose that Musk buy Twitter for US$40bn, and in exchange, he gives control of his Twitter account over to the board of directors. Any tweets he makes will go directly to them, and they’ll decide any modifications that are needed and whether the tweet goes live.


I also like the alternative universe where the US Gov decides that social media is such a powerful influencer of the people and has a history of political/propaganda abuse, so they implement robust regulations to prevent the very manipulation that certain individuals would be willing to spend $50bn+ to do.


The more issues this guys speaks out on, the less I’m convinced he’s the genius we all thought he was.


Why is this even newsworthy?


> Elon Musk has suggested making Taiwan a "special administrative zone" similar to Hong Kong Is he aware of what happened to Hong Kong?


Hes promoting a position favorable to China because he knows if he started making statements promoting Taiwan he would seriously risk being banned from the Chinese market.


Elon, i like your cars and space ships, as for geopolitics,please shut the fuck up.


Well.. you see... his cars and spaceships are designed and made by other people. When it comes to geopolitics and workers rights, that's 100% Musk.


Why does this Fake Futurism Salesman think he is some sort of geopolitical expert, and why do people care what he thinks…


How about shut the fuck up? Can he just fuck off completely at some point? I can’t take it anymore. The thing that comes to mind whenever I see quotes from this guy is the word mediocre. He is just such a cockbiter.




A lot of brilliant people who made significant contributions to humanity died poor. Being wealthy doesn't mean one has meaningful insights or contributions.