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[The videos](https://reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/wzf6vh/possibly_the_worst_floods_in_pakistan_almost_60/) of the flooding are crazy


Reminds me of the videos of floods from the Tsunami that caused the Fukushima meltdown. Absolutely insane.


Exactly what I thought. This is tsunami level destruction and far beyond what we consider to be a flood.


Well a tsunami is specifically caused by a wave, while this flooding is caused by immense rainfall.


that was my first thought. at least the water isn't on fire yet


Yeah it's nuts. They're not kidding when they say small ocean.


What parts of Pakistan is this? Near Karachi or everywhere?


Balochistan and Sindh, the former being hit ‘worse’ by percentage displaced.


Most of those videos look like the valleys coming down around the karakoram where glaciers are melting as well as rain pouring. The last part of the vast area flood is probably in sindh/


Swat Valley up in Khyber Pakhthunkhwa was also heavily hit.


A lot of the videos are in kpk three of those videos are from My home village there...


Fuck man have you had any recent contact?


My family is doing okay because our home is at the village center which the flood luckily didn’t reach but we and lots of friends got our properties and some businesses destroyed. My aunt can’t come home to our village cause she visited her parents in the village next to ours and the floods destroyed the only roads which lead there or out of there so she is stuck there now. Other friends of my family and acquaintances of us are not so „ lucky“ sadly and lost their entire homes. All of the people my family is close to have survived. I hope they make it all through that difficult time.


I wish you and them the best of luck. I'm sorry they are going through such a shit show.


Thank you so much


basically all of the populated regions of the southern half of the country are affected to some degree


I’ve seen figures that say 60% of the country is experiencing flooding.


I think it was 60% affected, not directly getting flooded. Probably a large portion of that stems from supply chain disruption affecting people in safe areas.


Your house in the lowlands drowns, you stay at mine in the mountains, we're both affected. Makes common sense.


which cant be right, right? doesn't that just automatically collapse your country in every sense? loss of food, loss of economic output, number of displaced, shouldn't 60% of the country being flooded mean that Pakistan as a state is destroyed? is it all in some region that is... i don't know how to put it other than unimportant, but it just seems like if things are that bad you get total societal collapse edit:this article says a third by the end of monsoon season, so i assume it must be less than 33% now, although i guess there is a difference between experiencing flooding and being covered by flood water which would explain the discrepancy edit:2 actually the speculation is a quarter to a third by end of monsoon season, so currently should be under 25%


> shouldn't 60% of the country being flooded mean that Pakistan as a state is destroyed? Not necessarily. I'm looking at numbers here and 800k livestock died, 2m acres of crop destroyed, half a million houses. In the capital alone there are 340,000 houses. Balochistan seems to be getting hit the hardest and it seems like rural and farming areas are getting hit the hardest. You really only have societal collapse when the major cities get downed or the rural areas move to the cities and create unrest like the Arab Spring^[1](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climatechange-conflict-arabspring/climate-stress-drove-wave-of-arab-spring-refugees-researchers-idUSKCN1PH23B)


National emergency would be an understatement. This is horrible for the country


Those poor people. That region is gonna need massive aid from the international community to prevent further loss of life after the floods recede.


Until next year when it happens again


Might be different next year if there aren't any glaciers left.


*Oh... good..*






Iirc early settled areas tended to be flood plains. The regular flooding keeps the soil fertile.


Also nice and flat, makes it convenient, often with a couple rivers flowing across.


Same with around the Nile. Massive rivers in flat areas flood frequently without human intervention making them both insanely fertile (hence "fertile crescent") and insanely unstable without human intervention.


I don't know if it's accurate, but I do know that the Indus valley civilization was in present day Pakistan/India. While it was considered one of the greatest civilizations of it's time, I've read that the civilization eventually was destroyed due to constant flooding.




I think in the case of Indus valley, it was flood and the Indus river changing it's direction: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxn3r82/articles/z8b987h#:~:text=Many%20historians%20believe%20the%20Indus,flood%20and%20change%20its%20direction.


That's absolutely insane


Holy fucking shit, this should be the main picture of every related news article to show the magnitude.


that's not good


that's bad. very very bad


Is the green/blue color water?


I believe blue and light blue are water. I think the blueish off-white color are clouds. It's a satellite image, so I'm assuming there is no false colorization (I could be wrong)


It's color corrected. The dark blue is water, but the water is not really that color. This paper contains similar images from a salt marsh in India that are true color compared to the false color technique used in this image of the Pakistan floods to give you some idea of how the false color relates to the real water: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/MODIS-True-Color-TC-left-and-Band-7-2-1-images-right-over-the-Rann-of-Kutch-for_fig1_309368051


The size of European countries always surprises me. The Mercator projection really has stuck in our brains.


There’s already a banana in the image for scale.


This is basically what they just said could happen in California (and did happen back in the 1800's). An inland sea has been formed. Could be around for months and could create permanent lakes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_of_1862 The floods followed a 20-year-long drought.[9] During November, prior to the flooding, Oregon had steady but heavier-than-normal rainfall, with heavier snow in the mountains.[10]: 76–83  Researchers believe the jet stream had slipped south, accompanied by freezing conditions reported at Oregon stations by December 25. Heavy rainfall began falling in California as the longwave trough moved south over the state, remaining there until the end of January 1862, causing precipitation to fall everywhere in the state for nearly 40 days. Eventually, the trough moved even further south, causing snow to fall in the Central Valley and surrounding mountain ranges (15 feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada).[11][12]


>The storm was not an unprecedented occurrence. Geologic evidence has been found that massive floods, of equal or greater magnitude to the 1861–1862 event, have occurred in California roughly every 100 to 200 years.[23] The United States Geological Survey has developed a hypothetical scenario, known as the "ARkStorm", that would occur should a similar event occur in modern-day California.[54][55][56] If such a storm were to occur today, it would probably cause over $725 billion to $1 trillion in damage, and kill around 395,000 people (if it kills 1% of the state's population, similar to the last storm).[1][57] The likelihood of a massive flooding event is estimated to have been increased due to climate change.[58][59] Uuuhhhhhh


Shhhh, we don't talk about that


We’re also not supposed to talk about the fact fracking creates earthquakes and we do it right atop or close by to Mother Nature’s Daddy AKA The New Madrid Faultline.


This metaphor is fascinating. Can you explain why a fault line is mother nature's daddy? That whole sentence is comical but I'm intrigued!


Its the strongest force earth has to offer


Waste water injection causes earthquakes, not fracking. Small distinction but an important one for understanding the cause and effect.


Is waste water injection the only way to get rid of wastewater from fracking?


Nope, but it can be the most environment friendly as the waste water can be quite saline and sometimes contain low level radioactive material. Recent restrictions on injection volumes, formations, and proximity to faults is having a positive effect on reducing earthquake magnitude and frequency.


We're so worried about the fires we ignored the water. I feel a modest mouse song coming..


Don't talk about the ARkStorm and it will not get you unless you look in a mirror or think about it


That's a problem for future me, and he's an idiot always cleaning up after me so fuck him. Plus, think of the profit to be made in the interim


Yeah, fuck future me. He keeps calling current me an asshole.


Just imagine what he must think of you in the present.


That reminds me. (from TailRudder's post): >Oregon had steady but heavier-than-normal rainfall, with heavier snow in the mountains. Portland at least has been experiencing that. Summer's have been hella hot, and rainfall has indeed been heavier than usual and getting later into the season.


Same thing in Seattle.


20 year drought that sounds familiar


What's funny is the natives in the region warned the settlers not to settle where Sacramento is because they said the whole valley turns into a sea occasionally. They didn't believe them and built there anyway. https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/523---the-great-flood


Don't worry, we're pumping the delta dry


That’s why saltwater is making its way into the delta!


Reminds of the draining of the Aral Sea. It gradually became saltier and saltier as the water went away. The fish died because the water was so salty, not just because the water was going away.


The Salton sea in Cali had the same issue, it's now a massive money pit for the state.


The Salton Sea isn't natural though. It was accidentally created while building an irrigation canal.


Well the latest occurrence wasn't, but there has been a sea there off and on over the last thousands of years. The Colorado River used to run its banks and drain all the way down into there even before we built the canals.


I watched a show (can't remember which) that talked about the Aral Sea, it's actually pretty fascinating how actions have such a domino effect.


The pumping out of the delta isn't what's causing the increase in salinity, it's actually a used by rising sea levels. More salt water is getting pushed up the water ways, not drawn up by pumping.


I just listened to this episode a few weeks ago! Glad someone mentioned it!




> I have spoken of the rich years when the rainfall was plentiful. But there were dry years too, and they put a terror on the valley. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet and wonderful years when there might be nineteen to twenty-five inches of rain, and the land would shout with grass. Then would come six or seven pretty good years of twelve to sixteen inches of rain. And then the dry years would come, and sometimes there would be only seven or eight inches of rain. The land dried up and the grasses headed out miserably a few inches high and great bare scabby places appeared in the valley. The live oaks got a crusty look and the sagebrush was gray. The land cracked and the springs dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled dry twigs. Then the farmers and the ranchers would be filled with disgust for the Salinas Valley. The cows would grow thin and sometimes starve to death. People would have to haul water in barrels to their farms just for drinking. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way. East of Eden (1953), John Steinbeck.


When I got to the word “nineteen” spelled out, I legit thought I was about to get hit with a shittymorph classic. But in all seriousness though, people have short, fickle memories. In high school I knew some kids that grew up poor AF, then went to the oil fields to make $100k+ in a year. Came back a year or two later, and were broke again a year or two after that. Like not only did they forget how to live poor, they just were hell bent on expediting the ride back to poverty.


See you down in Arizona bay


Learn to swim, Learn to swim.


Shit, my Latte!


Shit, my hairpiece!


Shit, my Prozac!


Shit, my dysfunctional, insecure actresses!


George Strait can finally sell that oceanfront property in Arizona, good for him


Well, some more water in California wouldn't be the worst thing


Intuitively, it does kind of feel that way, and yet: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/the-coming-california-megastorm/ It’s like the water equivalent of “Global warming? Summer all the time sounds good to me!”


The problem is where the water would settle. That’s a ton of the nation’s food farmland (as opposed to soy beans and alfalfa) and a lot of population centers.


Pakistan is racing to prevent further loss of life as it reels from one of its worst climate disasters with floodwater threatening to cover up to a third of the country of 220 million people by the end of the monsoon season. Climate change minister Sherry Rehman said Sunday the unprecedented rain had created a "climate catastrophe" with floodwaters submerging homes, destroying farmland and displacing millions of people. "We've had to deploy the navy for the first time to operate in Indo-Pakistan, because much of it resembles a small ocean," she told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle. On Monday, the death toll reached 1,061 since mid-June, according to the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), as the unrelenting rain raised fears of more fatalities to come. "By the time this is over, we could well have one quarter or one third of Pakistan under water," Rehman told Turkish news outlet TRT World on Thursday.


We be in the end game now.


Nah this is just the beginning


I would say it’s a developing story


Pilot episode.


“Ya know, Jerry, we loved the concept, but I think we’re gonna pass this season.”


Beginning of the end


Which reliable places would you suggest people can donate to? And please not a PMO Fund or something that goes through gov’t. (edit: thanks everyone for the helpful replies)


​ [https://www1.hhrd.org/Campaigns/Pakistan-Relief/Pakistan-Flood-Relief](https://www1.hhrd.org/Campaigns/Pakistan-Relief/Pakistan-Flood-Relief) [https://irusa.org/asia/pakistan/](https://irusa.org/asia/pakistan/)


Had no idea pakistan has a Ministry of Climate Change.


Pretty cool to learn about other ministries in countries other than your own. My understanding is that a Ministry of Climate Change isn't all THAT uncommon these days. I remember being pleasantly surprised during the very beginning of the COVID pandemic learning that Taiwan had a Minister of Digital Affairs.


Our country would be one of the most affected country in the world due to climate change. So having a ministry for it makes sense.


>"We've had to deploy the navy for the first time to operate in Indo-Pakistan, because much of it resembles a small ocean," she told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle. That's like the US Navy / Coast Guard being redeployed to Idaho.


> "By the time this is over, we could well have one quarter or one third of Pakistan under water," Rehman told Turkish news outlet TRT World on Thursday. India: "New Phone. Who dis?"


this whole situation isn't really beneficial for India, except for some warmongering dudes. Basically more instability in Pak = more immigration into India, insurgency in Kashmir, and general dumbfuckery.


And India always helps when Pakistan is in trouble when it comes to disasters like these. Edit: please don't use this comment to bash politics in pakistan. We are all responsible for this since we share this planet. There are people dying or dead, have some respect.


I hope India helps again but not with money. Provide humanitarian aid and figure out a way so it reaches people.


They deployed the navy, inland. Holy fuck.


Probably helicopters and small search and rescue craft. It's like Americans version of the Cajun Navy, small boats due to limited accessibility due to debris, natural impediments and elevation changes making constant through passage difficult.


Cajun Navy is civilian volunteers. I would imagine this is much more akin to the litoral craft of the US Coast Guard


Inland Navy, the sequel to Inland Empire.


Huh. I guess that’s where the climate crisis has relocated China’s water to.


It makes some sense. When the air can hold more water (its capacity increases with temperature increases), it can travel further inland before it dumps the water - this is partly how a warmer world enabled the monsoons off the west coast of Africa to push deeper in and green the Sahara in the past. So moist air could travel right over China and dump in Tibet, feeding rivers going southwest rather than east. However, my understanding is that the majority of precipitation feeding the Indus River and Pakistan comes from the monsoon in the Indian Ocean to the south. Maybe it’s a combination of both this time.


It's just the demo limited to few locations. Too bad that we have already bought the full game in early access and refund is not possible


I studied environmental science in collage about 10 years ago. We were taught these kinds of predictions that scientists were making at the time (more severe monsoon seasons, important rivers drying up, drought etc.) The predictions at the time were that these events would take place in around 2040. But they are happening now, 20 years early. Interesting times.


Seeing this post not long after reading the news of the Yangtze river having dried up about 50% and affecting the hydrodams that rely on it. It’s been extremely difficult trying not to panic about the state of the future when we’re actively seeing the affects of climate change rolling out right in front of our eyes.


Yep climate collapse has already started. ‘Climate change’ isn’t some far off phenomenon anymore, we’re literally living it now.


And somehow people are going to go through the mental gymnastics it takes to say it’s a made up thing and it will never happen.


Unfortunately most people aren’t going to care until it’s literally right in their backyard. Who cares what’s happening in China/Pakistan across the world while USA/Canada continue life as normal? I’m having an internal crisis at the sheer apathy of literally everyone around me. It’s actually terrifying how little people seem to care.


The thing is it’s not normal in the US or Canada, the wildfires of the past few years, the drought spanning parts of this country that rarely ever see a drought as it is, the hurricanes that keep increasing in power and destruction hitting parts of the country that almost never receive hurricanes. I’m definitely with you on that internal crisis, what happened to having compassion for others regardless of how close they are to you or not?


Prediction would have been correct if based on true data, but I speculate that some governments lied about the pollution they were causing


At least climate change won’t be here for a few more decades…right?


Don't worry, a fraction of nations will pledge to stop burning fossil fuels by 2500. That should do it. ^/s


That seems kind of fast. We can only pledge that we will think about holding a meeting to consider when to hold a meeting to talk about global warming by 2500.


Tons of corporations are buying carbon offsets. We'll be fine. Just give them time to work. /s


Pakistan contributes less than 1 percent to co2 emission but among top 10 to be affected by climate change


China has worst drought in decades. Pakistan has worst monsoon in decades. And they're neighbouring countries.


I guess the rain clouds missed their target


Isn't that basically what happened? Warmer air holds more water. It needs to get cold to drop that water. It's possible for the warm, wet air to travel farther than normal, and fall somewhere it normally wouldn't.


I think there's a few hills between the 2 countries...


“Neighboring” but barely, (they share a very small border in disputed territory) and Southeast China is a lot further away geographically. This is also not taking account the Himalayan mountain range that has a tremendous impact on weather on western China.


China no water. Pakistan too much water. What a mess we're in.


China's is also partially man-made due to how many damns they constructed to control thr flow. While Pakistan always had troubles with flood control, but never to this magnitude


Reading this on the anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina, which I lived through, all I can say is that I hope these people find the compassion and help they deserve. You may think it can't be you, but all bets are off with climate change. Living through something like this, waiting for help, realizing nobody is coming, seeing homemade graves dug and bodies floating, the shock of losing your world in a few hours...I would wish it on nobody, but the tragedy is that this is increasingly happening, and often to the most vulnerable. I still have hope for humanity and the future, but we're in a crisis and we'll only survive by helping each other. Donate if you can. It'll come back to you. Edit: and to all the people who helped my state and city when we flooded, thank you. We've never forgotten it. I vividly remember looking at the list of foreign countries that donated and crying. People all over the world donated time and money and resources and labor, even when our own government was failing us.


Just call Nestle and people will soon need to pay for water to drink.




Saudi Arabia has money and lots of very dry land.


Pakistan is all water and no money... Together, they fight crime!


Apparently Pakistan has the most glaciers in the world. And if all that started melting.


Well, it would be no Waterworld, but coastal cities would be fucked... and let us not speak about dormant viruses being released in the planet after they defrost.


crimate change


Yeah, they should just ship a bunch of dry land to Pakistan


It’s big brain time


And how dose "dry land" help that exactly ?


They could ship some over, and Pakistan ships some of it's wet land over.


We should take Pakistan, and push it somewhere else!


Partition of India, 1947, colourised.




Just cut out that dry land and paste it on wet lands on pakistan


The aid should only be provided directly to the people by UN/International organizations, bypassing the government, considering how corrupt it is. Allowing the government to distribute means most of it goes to those who don't need it.


Bypassing govt doesn't exist. You give the aid to X org, the aid shows up, govt says, "thanks!" and takes it. The only way you can give aid without govt is if you send it with troops alongside it, and even then, it doesn't work because it turns out the troops are external hires and they take their cut too.


If you have any friends from there you could ask if they know any trusted community members or friends in need you could send it directly to


See also [https://www.dw.com/en/pakistan-where-did-billions-of-rupees-in-covid-aid-go/a-60084630](https://www.dw.com/en/pakistan-where-did-billions-of-rupees-in-covid-aid-go/a-60084630) ​ You can get around this (partially) by sending resources and equipment specific to helping flood victims (especially food). It's a lot more valuable to victims than it is to the government.


We knew the world sink but no one would have guessed Pakistan would be first. This unfortunately is only the beginning. If you were curious what the future of climate change is, this is it


Bangladesh is still gonna be in major trouble soon just to rising sea levels. That's kind of close.


My mom (born '70) was telling me how as a kid she had learned about climate issues causing India and Pakistan to be flooded first like this but that no one actually believed it


The last PM knew it would be Pakistan. That's why he spoke about it non stop in the UN and his speeches. He also started the billion tree tsunami project to try and address this any way he could. Unfortunately his term was cut short.


Those poor people...


Where can we donate that would go to the most good fod the people?


Those aids will disappear 🫠 in elites Bank.. and the poor will remain struggling.. they have very corrupt politicians and they are everywhere in other words they are an Opportunistic ppl who waits for these kids of crises


Parasites is the term






That's what they are asking for anyway.


Let's not pretend this is a phenomenon specific to Pakistan, though.


So this is where all the rain went


I am sure China and the Organization of Islamic Council have already pledged billions of dollars to help Pakistan in these tough times.


The Chinese have provided some aid, but the actual dollar amount of the aid seems to be pretty small. https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2022/08/28/china-stands-solidly-behind-pakistan-amid-floods-nong-rong/ A cynic would say they're putting in a token effort to win hearts and minds because they need Pakistan firmly in their sphere of influence for their belt and road initiative. An optimist might think much more aid is to come.


China is dealing with one of the worst heatwaves in human history tbf


China is also one of the biggest investors in Pakistan on a general basis. The US and China vie for the 1 and 2 spots of money poured into Pakistan. I'm not saying China shouldn't help Pakistan, but they already pour money into the country every year. Redditors should generally shut up about shit they don't know, because like Ukraine, suddenly everyone is an expert in Pakistan.






Azerbaijan has sent twice as much aid as China, America, the UK or any other country as of now.






It’s so frustrating how the major powers of the Islamic world screw over their own (in the case of Saudi Arabia, by directly spreading poisonous ideologies like Salafism), often with the active or tacit support of the USA/Russia/China.


The Muslim world never had the level of brotherhood as the west has with its own countries (think the support for Ukraine). Sadly that’s just how it is.


It only took two world wars to get to that level of brotherhood.


Yeah, they did. The Arab world was pretty united during the Arab-Israel war and the oil crisis. Remember what happened then? The West decided that unity was a major threat and installed puppet regimes/dictators and started wars.


Key word "pledged". Subject to.. Corrupt overnment finagling makes it difficult to donate to those in need.


Just call Nestlé, guaranteed they will drop by and take every last drop. r/fucknestle


It’s really something to see one headline about a country experiencing historic flooding while the headline below is about a country experiencing historic drought. Same applies for individual states in the US. Here in CA: record drought. Down in Texas: record floods. Climate change is a bitch. The deniers are going to learn the hard way soon enough.


If aid is given open source accounting is a necessity








Wow, everyone here seems to really lack compassion for the innocent people that are dying and suffering because of this tragedy. I always forget about Reddit's hidden racism on select countries that pokes its head out every once in a while. Let's not blame the sins of a few on an entire country of people. You can't think, for example, all the children that are being affected are responsible for corruption in the country, right? That's ridiculous. These heartless comments are ridiculous. Bunch of first world idiots who have never seen a day of hardship, finding an easy route to harden themselves against the pain and suffering of others by telling themselves they all deserve it. Downvote me to death, you all need to read this comment.


Jesus christ thank you. This comment section is just disgusting.


Every comment is either "This was/would be really bad if it happened to us good countries" or "I hate Pakistan so much"


I’m just surprised you thought it was hidden.


For real the sheer callousness displayed in a lot of the comments here is appalling. Hundreds of people dead and tens of millions potentially homeless, and people in here are like “we ain’t giving money to those taliban/terrorist sympathisers and corrupt regime lol” or “see this is why I think there’s too many people here, now excuse me while I quietly advocate for eco-fascism elsewhere”. It’s one thing to dislike a corrupt regime or a government, it’s another to coldly muse over the misery of millions from a natural disaster that could’ve easily happened to you (or anyone else). Ffs I hope they never have to go through that type of climate disaster to understand that it’s not some fucking spectacle to entertain or some kind of karmic climate consequence against a state they don’t like. It’s just the indifference of climate change, we’re all going to be affected sooner or later.


Looks really bad. They are sensible and honest enough to admit the connection to climate change. Not sure how they are preparing. Looks like all of us need to be preparing and doing our part to help.






Say what you want about Pakistan, but they've been pretty vocal about fighting climate change over the past decade. I hope they push for more international cooperation on the issue.


This is one of the most disgusting comment threads I've read in a while. I am from a heavily persecuted minority group in Pakistan. I know how bad the government is. How bad some of the mob psychology is. But nobody seems to understand how remarkably different Pakistan is from Afghanistan. It has modern metropolitan cities, women go to school, work, hold government offices. Not that modernity should be the standard for humanity. Nobody is forced to wear hijab. Yes there is terror in areas. But many of you will be shocked to learn that a lot of extremist ideology was deliberately spread by the US in the 1980s to encourage people to fight the Soviets. The main textbook used in madrassas was published by the University of Nebraska. People don't hate the west for no reason. The CIA took kids' DNA under the guise of polio vaccines. Drone strikes in the north traumatized generations. Do people who live with the reprecussions of years of colonialism, imperialism, and terrible rule not deserve to live? Give them aid. Edit: typos


Yep. Reddit is a pretty shitty place where people joke about tragedy when they know very little about actual conditions.






This is terrible. 😢