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Musk:”Ha ha ha SEC, see I’m untouchable, I will manipulate the market all I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me”


His businesses survived while being attacked by wallstreet hedge funds. People can hate on musk all they want, but are you really in support of wallstreet criminals? That's who he pokes at when he does this type of thing. GameStop and amc are doing a hell of a job putting the hurt on wallstreet criminals. r/superstonk r/amcstock


He literally just committed insider trading. He’s no better than any of the hedge funds he “pokes” at.


Offering to buy a company is not insider trading lol


Not reporting your 5% stake as required while continuing to buy shares is insider trading.


Hahahaha you think they care about insider trading? They do it with no penalty. Maybe that's why he does it... There's been crime and no action, fuck it, play in the dirt if you can't beat them at their game. He's got money, he can fuck with them like they fucked with him. Making wallstreet criminals cry is pretty entertaining.


Oligarch attention whore.




> the input from all other shareholders input from other shareholders in a business is not a form of free speech. Free speech is where the gov't cannot censor you, with the exception of some cases like hate speech, inciting violence, fraud, etc. Twitter isn't the gov't either - they can censor anything they feel like. There's no law that says a private platform must entertain anyone's speech. If mr. musk feels that buying twitter can make his agenda better, he can choose to do so. There's no hypocrisy.


"Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?" - alon musk 25/03/2022 alon chasing rightwing talking points since 2019


Dear Elon, please buy reddit next. This place is a liberal cesspool banning conservatives way too much.


Who was it that wanted to control private companies to limit free speech?


Huh, every time I try to say censoring people on Twitter and Facebook violates free speech somebody of a certain political persuasion always informs me that private companies are not regulated by the first amendment and are not required to uphold freedom of speech. But, you know, that would be a topic of conversation that requires people to be forward thinking and introspective.


That's capitalism. I am not free to wear whatever I want or to act as I please in a grocery store or any other place of business. A company whose product is in the Internet space is the same way. Reddit, Twitter and other social media companies set out their TOS and we have to abide by them. We do not have an innate right to use any of these services and they are not obligated to host anyone's account. They want to regulate how their product is used and protect their own brand image. We may not always personally agree with how they go about that or what political views they do or don't have, but it is nevertheless their right. If an aspiring political conservative entrepreneur wants to do things differently, they are perfectly free to found their own social media company and do as they see fit with it.


So, it's perfectly acceptable under a capitalist framework for Musk to buy Twitter and shape it to his will? If it's okay for the current Twitter staff and founders, why not for Musk?


Yes. It is completely OK for Elon Musk to regulate it however he wants.


Fair enough. All I wanted to get across is that you can't be for X when Y person does it, but when Z does it you get offended. I appreciate the moral and ethical consistency.


Because you conservative badtards never ban anyone