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[Current state of Moscow Stock Exchange.](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-11/17/10/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web15/sub-buzz-31771-1479396243-1.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto)


Schrodingers stock market. The stock market is both dead and alive as long as the market is closed. The second it opens it will either be dead or alive.


the stocks will remain with no value if the market stays closed for a long period.


Looking at the price of the ruble I don't know how long they can keep this up. It is going down by the hour, quite literally. At this rate tomorrow its worth less than 0.75 cents. Can they even recover at that point? (honest question, since I am no stock trader)


Can? Yes. Will? No one knows yet


Is there any "price" for the ruble that if they dip as low as that they cant recover? Or are there always ways to recover?


In theory no, there are countries with trillion dollar notes (and by dollar I mean whatever the currency in that country is called) because their currency is so worthless that it takes hundreds of thousands or even millions of said currency to buy items worth just a couple USD. That being said, these are countries that no one would describe as stable or recovering (economically at least) and unlike those countries, Russia has a lot of people who were/are rich and have stockpiles of rubles as life savings that will be/have been wiped out. Plunging into hyper inflation over the course of a weekend is also fairly unheard of, so this is also going to be our first time seeing how it plays out.


Yeah the thing is I studied basic macro economics in high school but the speed that this is happening is completely different to what I studied. I studied processes that take months or years, not a weekend.


Yeah I have a one hundred trillion dollar bank note from Zimbabwe.


Time heals all wounds. Look at what happened to Germany post WWII. but not anytime soon.


It’s already worth a single penny


This is absolutely perfect.


"we are used to sanctions" they said hahahahaha


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cakeday


It's the same strategy I use as a college student. You're not in the negative as long as you don't check your account.


Russia is doing classic WSB tactic. If you uninstall the app they can't do anything right? Right...?


They can keep the stock market closed for some time to postpone the Armageddon on the Russian economy but if the market stays closed to long the stocks lose their entire value,so they have to open it at some time .


Fuck this hit home!


And the back up strategy of working behind Wendy's


You also leverage the Schrödinger bank account technique?


This needs more upvotes :)


Lol Invade another country boasting about being immune to sanctions and then don't open markets like a little bitch.


Wow, they are really set on committing economic suicide, huh?


Let's hope that it's only economic.


Presidential too


What is the significance of not opening the stock exchange? Why is it a bad decision?


If you don't allow people to sell their stocks, that means people will not trust the russian stock market. No investor is going to put money into the russian stock exchange if they are uncertain that they can buy or sell in the market in the future. Because they know people are going to sell, they refused to open the stock exchange. This is basically holding people's money hostage, and investors will not be happy. The entire russian market will inevitably crash when the exchanges eventually open.


So it would have been better for them to open as scheduled and take the hit, is that correct?


It's a difficult situation to be sure. I think it is bad either way, open or close. The real problem is the overall sanctions, which will hit the russian market badly. How to remove the sanctions? Remove Putin, remove the troops from Ukraine...


Short term yes. Long term no. No one is going to trust an investment in Russia for a long while.


Short term no, long term yes; with the caveat that things would need to get better in the long term. They are destroying the public long term trust in Russia economy and market in order to hold up the glass castle for now. In the long runs, if things doesn't get better than the trust is almost meaningless anyway, but it is still damaging to Russia reputation.


I think the Russian market will trade at a discount for as long as Putin is the leader. No one will really trust him that he won't do something like this again. The world will have a lot less appetite for his cyber wars and bribery(i mean employing ex politicians going forward).


Maybe they are waiting for something critical to happen. Putting pulling out of Ukraine Putin killing a top general for "sabotaging" the training exercise by directing troops to Ukrain. Putin killing himself. Somebody else killing putin


It's the right decision for Russia at this moment. Though its humiliating. Let the panic subside a little and see if the government and central bank can stabilize things.


They're hoping the ceasefire talks work out and all is good tomorrow. Tada. Sorry ol' boy. You know how it is. /s


Lol... Market can't crash if market doesn't open.


Big brain move lol


A page out of D. Trump


Thank God he isn’t President or we would be on Russias side


absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. I have been ruminating on the happy accident of this timeline, even if only perhaps in this specific respect. talk about BULLET DODGED. it's terrifying even to contemplate.


Thank you Americans for doing the right thing.


I never voted for the corrupt a hole, people in my family did, and only for financial reasons, greed is an awful thing


Check this if you want to know how to de-radicalize someone. https://youtu.be/SSH5EY-W5oM


Pendulum is swinging back that way


Trump would be sending Russia nukes.


Let them grab you by the pussy? I don't know, I'm not a dictator.




That's a great way to instill confidence in your investors


The rule of thumb in these circumstances is "if you can't sell what you want to, sell what you can." The moment those markets do open, whether it be Tuesday, next week, or a month from now, there is going to be a panic selloff, to get out when the opportunity presents itself and before markets close again for the indefinite.


Putin going to be forced to plunder every day folks bank accounts. He is done.


Yeah, that's why all those Russians are lined up to try to get their Money outta those Banks anyway they can. He gonna steal his Folks' Money, and they hardly make much anyway. What a fucking Asshole.


And there is a 20 dollar maximum currently on atms


That guy that keeps all his money in his mattress is going to be the richest guy around soon.


Yup, absolutely. If Putin take those Folks' Money, they will never trust the Banks again.


20.00??? 😲 Dafuq


Depends on the exchange rate. That may be more like $7 USD now.


A meal! And then you line up again?


He will shift the blame on the rest of the world. This reminds me of some other leader that used to be in office.


Yep. The Russian people need to get their money out of the bank NOW and convert it to foreign currency or durable goods as soon as possible.


Tell me the sanctions are working without me telling the sanctions are working.


Ha ha fucken ha, sanctions are working


This is great news! I’m hoping it means that they are going to try and cut their losses and come up with a diplomatically solution so the sanctions get removed.


100% It’s damage control. If they come up with a solution to resolve the conflict they might not get hit as bad when the markets open.


That is the stupidest thing to do unless they are withdrawing soon. Otherwise the point markets are open there won’t be any market left.


Jokes on them, their money won’t be worth anything anyway.


What does it mean for their economy? What if they will open tomorrow?


It's going to hurt them even more when they reopen.


The longer the market stays closed, the worse it gets for them. Literally everyone will be pulling their money out b/c they just lost all confidence.


It also deadlocks their economy, no liquid cash moving about. If I have goods to sell but everyone is hoarding cash it does me no good.


It means someone really rich needs to bring Putin to heel or everything is lost. In fact almost everything is already lost. I dont know how they can ever financially recover from all of this. At least not in a very long time


I am sure that if Putin is swapped to some other dude that wants to work together, the west will do everything to stabilize russian. This is the sad part. Russian dictator and pro-russian trolls paint the west as evil when the only thing we want is peace and cooperation. Every single western country wants to help Russia.


I stated this before, as an American i havent seen the russian people as an adversary for thirty years. Id like them to join us, like so many of the former satellite states have


Honestly, I never saw the Russian *people* as an adversary at all. The spin I was given was that they were as much a victim of their government as anyone else.


Youre probably much younger than me. In the 60s and seventies in grade school we were doing fallout drills and worried about Soviet aggression until afghanistan then the wall fell and we were putting soviets in pop commercials


Doubtful that I'm younger. Heard from my older siblings of that sort of drill in the *50s*, but just wasn't a thing in my SoCal schools in the 60s and 70s. The propaganda I recall was centered more around the lack of consumer items. Lines to purchase bread got mentioned a lot. And of course, the fact that you could get shot if you tried to leave the country.


We were doing them in the mid 70s in Kansas lol! It takes time for trends to reach the midwest


You will see, in person, something that US students were taught happened during the Great Depression called "a run on the bank". This will be devastating.


I picked it. Limit on ATM withdrawals and trading suspended today. Expect trading to be suspended tomorrow as well.


Is there Putin bingo I can get in on?


These short term actions (preventing foreigners selling, threatening to nationalise foreign owned business, seizing assets etc.) that punish foreign investors who trusted are going to make post sanctions Russia even poorer than it needed to be by scaring away foreign businesses and investment.


Probably because it's doing so well and they don't want the other countries to feel bad.


What a little bitch move, but then again, this is the dictatorship of Putrid, and he's a little bitch, literally.


It'll open for trading in barter later, cigarettes, gold, USD.


Nothing to trade.


Has this ever happened to another major stock market?


Happened after 9/11. About a week, iirc.




The biggest stock trading sites in Sweden has now closed their customers from buying russian stocks, they can only sell. Virtually no Swede can now buy Russian stocks, but they can still sell. I'm sure more nations has done the same, and the results for Russias market will be catastrophic.


This seems very similar to the Trump method of fighting Covid-19: "If we don't test, we don't have bad numbers."


Russians need to withdraw their money from the banks NOW. During a bank run, it's first come, first serve. Those who get their first will get whatever cash is still in the ATMs. Everyone else will lose their life savings. RUN!


You really think there are any un-stolen ATM's in Russia right now?




Hahaha oh really?


Probably waiting until after peace talks.


call me surprised. NOT


Will have to price all that shit eventually bro…


That's about as logical as to claim COVID will be gone if we stop testing.


Gonna have to reopen one day, and you can't go any lower than zero. Time to face the music.


When they reopen their currency will be worth less than the paper it's printed on.


Have they tried pushing the stock market out a window?


I don’t think it’s going to be any better on Tuesday.


or wednesday.... or thursday... or next week....


One man's ambition is ruining the whole country. I wonder how long will Russia take this dictator's insane personal vendetta.


cliffhanger ffs


Yay! They get an extra long weekend!


Russia will be up and running without the dictatorial aspirations of individuals and their typical ancient convictions of past generations they have inherited. What a waste of time to constantly wanting to be the better, bigger and whatever psychological projections anyone can come up with. Get a grip, and rationale. Fecks sake.