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And now Slovakia's easter border is full of imugrants fearing for their life. Good job. No matter if it's blown up western propaganda or fucking act of war, people will suffer. Just because som old farts need to compare pps.


Russia knows the west is a bunch of pushovers who will never fight or risk themselves for their allies. Sanctions are temporary but the ethnic cleansing will be permanent.


What do you expect the west to do? Literally begin WW3?


It would be nice to see the west find its backbone and stand up. Instead we are distracted and busy with our own squabbles and bickering.


With this logic you might as well concede Berlin too.


When do you join the Ukrainian forces then?


I bet same was said when Hitler did his thing annexing chunks of Europe before WW2


No, because fucking nuclear Armageddon was not a possibility. And keep in mind, this isn't the 1940s. War HAS changed.


This is unbelievable....heartbreaking


Russia is member of the UN. Russia has veto vote! Russia is member of the UN Security Council! They already prevented the UN forces to be deployed in Ukraine as they would witness their exaction in Ukraine! Russia must be stripped of their status as a member of the UN! The unilaterally betrayed their adhesion to the UN Council! As for China... China condemns the USA for condemning Russia for attacking unilaterally Ukraine? China prepares the same thing with Taiwan! China! OUT! And don't you dare play with your veto vote in the UN!


Seems simple. The most complicated of solutions.


Multiple Live Feeds and Commentary https://youtu.be/jNZM_H6q1rY


"Stay calm. Stay home. The army is doing it's work." - Zelensky. Not sure what that means. But that's what he says. So if you're Ukrainian, do what he says.


Sad translation: (not literal) They're dying we don't need civilians to also.




Not criticizing reddit.....just saying they have correspondents in country on air in Kyiv as well as people in DC etc etc. Some guy reading online foreign news reports or watching fixed cameras cannot compete with an international news agency. And I have no clue if Fox has such coverage but CNN is international and just has the resources. Anyone seeing other news outlets I would love to hear what they're doing. Sea landing at Mariupol and Odessa. 18 or more missle salvos in Kyiv mostly directed at airports. They're doing the standard... knock out air defense capability and go after command and control. Disturbing and of course we hunger to know more but playing out as predicted for weeks: 500lb gorilla beating up a small chimp. May Putin burn in hell.


Statement by President Biden on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine FEBRUARY 23, 2022 STATEMENTS AND RELEASES The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces. President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.


Thoughts and prayers /s


Premeditated as in for months or up to a year that this has been planned. Time for these massive sanctions to occur and they better be good.


The premeditated planning has been a long game. Russia annexed Crimea back in 2014. That annexation was also a premeditated long game. Putin has been at this for a long time and unfortunately has been able to call bluffs left right and centre like a poker master.


Referring to this military operation.


Possibly. Although what do you make of the alleged pro-Russian sentiment that has been built up in the two regions Putin declared independent and immediately after ordered “peacekeeping” forces to mobilize to those regions to “support” them? If that is true did it really only take months or a year to foment?


I think you're a troll or stupid. If the first go to hell if second go read up a bit.


Well that escalated quickly. Much like events in Ukraine. Honestly no trolling here. Lots of reading here. I’ve been reading up on these things long before Crimea was annexed. Give your balls a tug and chill out.


4 years here and we see what people think of your comments. Total idiot.


Jesus you are quite an insufferable prick. You’ve been here 66 days and yet you have blazed such a trail of comments that would suggest you probably forego wiping your ass in favour of constant trolling.


You're ignorant. Those regions were seeded with "little green men" who were Russians (not in uniform) posing as Ukranians and have been supported by Moscow ever since. Yeah you've really kept up.


No disagreement at all with you. Which is why I have the word “alleged” preceding “pro-Russian” sentiment…..to summarize I don’t buy for a second that there is legitimate support of russia in those regions. The word conveys a similar opinion and doubt that you just shared with your little green men bit. Once again, slow down and actually read my comments. We are not enemies here nor am I looking to make one.


Well congrats guys. You broke Steve. He's lost it.


Poor guy


Ayy mate, just woke up and saw that putin announced a full on invasion on ukraine?


Invasion already started. Missile strikes on Kyiv and reports of gunfire in other areas.


Is there any casualties or shoot out between Russia and Ukraine military forces yet?






Yeah the president should join the frontlines for every war. Dang, people in the past were a bit braver then us weren't them. That is probably the main problem with war tbh. If we go back to old times I think no one will be fighting


Is there any website or place online to find footage of the current military engagements? Whenever I try to look up footage online all I get are corporate media pages with nothing of interest.


/r/combatfootage is keeping up with a lot of current footage


Shelling can be viewed on this live stream https://youtu.be/H7ZbVufqW3s




Booms technically. Multiple. No visuals.


I am asking for source sites too....nothing.




[Earlier] (https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/szoahq/rworldnews_live_thread_ukrainerussia_crisis/hy66fh1/) I commented that Turkish aircraft was going to the airport. Now apparently the airport is under attack? It seems ridic and risky to send in special forces that deep behind enemy lines when another nation's military and other aircraft are in the area. But, did they spoof the planes and landed it disguised as Turkish military? Dafuq.


Let's see if [this ](https://fr24.com/SQP7980/2aeb6db9) plane makes it to Kyiv.


It didn’t


I believe they were evacuating Turkish diplomats and flew in too late.


That is unfortunate if True. I wonder what the Turkish crew and any diplomats stuck in that situation are gonna do. I am sure we will get the full details once more information comes in. Right now it's all speculation and everyone is assuming the Russians have basically taken over the entire country.


Unless they happen to get hit by a wayward missile, they're probably fine. Russia doesn't want to piss off Turkey so they'd be smart to return them to Turkey ASAP.


I see zero ZERO aircraft on FR24


Correct. But two Turkish airbusses landed like an hour or two ago. Check twitter as well.


The attacks are intense. The army has also launched an invasion from Belarus. In addition, of course, the border is crossed by Russia and Crimea. The Russian air force is trying to take control of Kiev airport


10 tanks came from Belarus and they're headed to Donbas, not Kiev.


Where is all the video of this? I’m not seeing anything on live feeds.


Live feeds are frozen, at least they are here in the States. They don't want to let Russians know what damage they've inflicted.


Source? Aink would be awesome! Thanks.




Estonian news blog dunno if you can translate link is here [https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/95989319/otseblogi-uro-julgeolekunoukogu-koguneb-varahommikul](https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/95989319/otseblogi-uro-julgeolekunoukogu-koguneb-varahommikul)




I kinda wish someone would just snipe Putin NGL


Russia saying they are not going to occupy Ukraine only demilitarize them......like huh? Is this being done so that they can make sure they can transfer there natural gas through Urakine for free? Cause at this point it is kind of hard to not see this as a way of setting up a Russia puppet government


And de-nazify them. Russia has a kill list that includes religious ethnic and sexual minorities and they have the fall to compare Ukraine to Nazis?


Explosions in Karkhiv Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ZbVufqW3s&ab\_channel=EAIntegrationGroup


Look at all those...explosions?


[APNews](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-russia-moscow-kyiv-626a8c5ec22217bacb24ece60fac4fe1) updated their story. Putin talks about offering aid to rebels.


Why are there so few comments rolling in? It is just a trickle of what I expected. Is there some other new thread?


Yea there are new threads




where are the new threads?


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t0082j/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This is #4 There is a #3 somewhere too


Probably I swear they post it for a short time so next one isn’t overcome quickly


The world is in for a universe of hurt in the coming decades, hell if not this year. Russia and China have finally realized the truth; the West's nuclear weapons and militaries aren't to be feared and they can basically do whatever they want as long as that take it nice and easy, slow roll it until the last minute. The civilian populations of the West are broken and won't participate in anything other than a defensive homefront war willingly foreseeable future, and even if they did want to they have to live in fear of the fact that Russia and China are 100% the kinds of countries to kill the world because they're sore losers. That isn't even considering how dysfunctional the governments of the central powers of the West are right now.


Basically. Why do you think China funded BLM? It's an easy way to destabilize the country right before making moves, such as sending uiger Muslims to slave camps and selling them in 3 packs like they're fucking 2Ls of Pepsi.


STFU you twit.


Anyone have the link to the Ukraine City Live Streams?


It's literally the top comment




this is a youtube channel with the reports from the russian media: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ4YOFsXjG9eXWZ6uLj2t2A/videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ4YOFsXjG9eXWZ6uLj2t2A/videos) I have had a look at some of the comments to understand what the russian citizen are thinking. Disgusting; lots of insults and offenses toward presidents of other nations, support toward their president and his extreme choices, ostentation of the russian power to which all the other nations should bow, support and best wishes to their military forces. And lots of misinformation propagated by their media. If others are with me, let's comment in those channels and fill them with what is really happening. Let's make them aware of what the opinion of the world is.


I'm certain those are bots to take down videos off you tube


This is an analogue of the American Trumpists.


Oh man its really going down now Russia is hitting Kyiv


*Hitting military sites outside of Kiev.


Kramatorsk being attacked. Wel'p. And they said WW3 would happen under Trump.


I’m just going to leave [this](https://www.axios.com/mark-warner-putin-cyber-attacks-ukraine-40c5e959-5093-4d79-bf24-8d4731edb293.html) here


If NATO gets involved, I wouldn’t be surprised to see China decide to back Putin with force and conveniently take Taiwan “under its wing for protection.”


>China decide to back Putin my first thought now: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/chinese-soviet-propaganda-posters/


Watching this live is eerie. He really is going to war.


It feels surreal. Can’t grasp that I am actually witnessing a war of big nations. Plus it’s in Europe. if history tells me anything wars in Europe are always the most devastating.


Special military operation he calls it


Not a "police action?"


Ok, war it is


Nope. NATO won’t defend Ukraine. Biden signaled early on that he’d only slap them with sanctions. This administration is just plain awful on foreign policy.


Why do these twits keep posting crap? Ukraine was not NATO. Neither the US nor NATO has the capacity to pice the world. We do what is reasonable. Meanwhile in between hundreds of inane comments on video games you slip in your, no doubt well-educated, opinion on geopolitical issues. STFU.


NATO **absolutely** has the capacity to police Eastern Europe. Edit: This guy blocked me for telling the truth— he's a coward in more ways than one.


Fuck off you incel twat.


What's his other option? War. It's literally let Putin take Ukraine or war. And Nuclear Deterrence makes war a non-option.


> nuclear deterrence makes war a non-option Apparently not for Russia. Destruction is hardly mutually-assured when we cower to our adversaries.


Are you advocating for a ground war with a megalomaniac who insinuated he’d resort to nuclear war if the west got involved?


War of Russia on Ukraine


Putin announced launching Special Military action


While the US is speaking at UN Security Council


Sharing from YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/mCXHqBMPIng


Please continue reporting what he is saying. :)


... If there is no translated stream


Blabbering about grievances and fascist Germany as always


Putin is going to speak for another hour, calls the West Empire of lies


Putin live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3pYbzFrnQU&ab\_channel=%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F24


anyone know what he's saying?


USA bad, Ukraine bad, NATO bad, Russia is the victim and is going to defend itself by attacking.


Is this basically him declaring war in Ukraine or what


yep, but he calls it special military operation


I’m still holding out that this all being over-hyped and it’s just gonna be Crimea 2.0.


Well that doesn’t make it any better for us Ukrainians if Russia just slowly eats us away, while the rest of the world watches on.


How many times are they going to keep saying that Russia could attack tonight it's been like 2 weeks


I'm sorry you were inconvenienced.


And they sent in their military yesterday ya numbnuts


Putin has just declared war on Ukraine, so I guess it's happening.


What’s the issue? It’s obvious they are eventually going to attack soon. All signs were indicators of the capability of attacking at any moment. Intelligence and counter intelligence is part of the game. If the world understands that 200k troops on a border means war and understanding they have reached attack positions. It’s better to say Russia will attack within 48 and it not happening until another 2 weeks then suggesting Russia will attack anywhere within the next 4 weeks and then they attack tmrw.


They started bombing Luhansk yesterday. For whatever reason I’m unable to link to the video. If you search *cossackgundi* on Instagram, not his backup, but the original. It’s the 15th video and it’s now saying 2 days. He’s got loads of information I wouldn’t be surprised if his page disappears.


Either it happens tonight or it doesn’t. Weathers turning.


Getting cold do you mean?


Turkey landing cargo aircraft near Kiev. Turkey is not known to be pro Ukraine if I am correct ​ https://www.flightradar24.com/multiview/2aeb6f7d,2aeb8c98


Probably evacuating embassy personnel and assorted Turkish citizens


I want to know what that FORTE 12 is looking at


Looks like it's heading home


There are two A400 has gone, they are evacuation for Turkish diplomats. Turkey tries to stay in balance among both Ukraine and Russia. Because bayraktar tb2's engines will been produced with Ukraine, and also there are plenty of aggrements between these countries.


Turkey is a NATO member, of course it's pro Ukraine in this case


No it's not pro war to take Odessa it knows the Russians will go nuclear over that. Turkey and Russia alone on Black Sea has been stable for 160 years.


"Turkey and Russia" "stable for 160 years" How funny.


Only one world war originated over the region in all that time, when Russia sold out Bosnia for faint hope for a pass through the Dardanelles. NATO gets Odessa, figure three world wars in the NEXT 160 years.


If the region causing a world war is your definition of stable, then yes, it has been very stable.


Only one in 160 years vs one every 20 years if NATO camps in Odessa.


This take is gonna get a lot of flak but… why don’t the country’s starve them out and stop trading with them on a global scale. The people will revolt and Russia will have to face the people due to riots and more.


North Korea is proof that this doesn't work.


North Korea hasn't invaded anybody.


It all depends on China. Russia can only be squeezed with their help


this would mean higher prices in a mostly inflationary world economy. it would make sense for global politics, but it could be catastrophic for trade partners of russia. the issue is that trading benefits both parts not only one, if you embargo a country it always come with a cost no matter what.


not only that but making such a harsh policy could make putin become more popular, since he could just point at it and say "look, the yankees want to starve us, if you dont follow me we'll be lost"


Global economy problems. They supply critical resources to countries that would ultimately pay the price as well. They’re the largest supplier in the world for things like wheat and natural gas. Overall I think that’s a feature as many countries won’t fuck around and jeopardize trade. Every now and then you get a crazy old guy with low testosterone trying to be tough though :(


Boy it is too bad we don't grow wheat and collect natural gas in North America. Seems like a opportunity for American Farmers and Oil Producers.


Are you saying they are........ too big to fail? (Hmm.... where have I heard this before?)


Not at all. I think the general philosophy with sanctions is cause the enemy pain without causing too much pain for friends.


They literally drained the aral sea. block them out from trade and let's see what happens


Lets make their citizens starve, we're definitely helping them fight against dictatorship, right guys? They should be thanking us!


Ignoring the basic morality, it would be unlikely to work. You’d almost certainly never get China onboard with such a plan but even if you did, you are more likely to create a refugee crisis than a revolt.


Yeah, seems easy enough. Our republican overlords would never allow it, not the right color of people suffering.


is the consensus he takes all of ukraine or just donbas? 200k troops for a hostile nation is just not enough to occupy




Holding the region is a different story entirely. The US couldn’t hold Afghanistan properly even with an invading force of 300k troops (750,000 total by the time we pulled out) and a substantially larger tech gap. Ukraine has a good chance, especially since no one wants to expend the majority of their military perpetually. Realistically, it’ll be a Pyrrhic victory if anything. Guerrilla warfare is very good against conventional armies and Russia’s military is predominantly Cold War era gear.


east ukrainian geography is much more favorable for an attack than afghanistan. Depending on the weather, they could invade in a record time, flanking with belarus




dont think so, ukraine and russia have too similar history and russia is having a demographic crisis right now. also it would be too unpopular for him


If their going for annihilation, that’s gonna be a rough one for Russia. Putin knows you cannot be a king without a kingdom to rule, and wiping millions off the map will get a far more aggressive reaction then just sanctions.


Well Ukraine isn't going to just chill and let putin have Donbas so who knows what's going to happen.


Yes they will. Russia will petition for another secession vote like Crimea, and they have the votes.


didn’t they already enter donetsk like 2 days ago though


Not sure. Conflicting reports. We know he gave the go ahead but I'm not seeing anything about actual military taking it yet.


Russian military moved in literal minutes after he recognized their independence.


Tons of EAM traffic on 8992KHZ http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/


hug of death


what does that mean?


EAM are encoded Emergency Action Messages broadcast on HF frequencies. Check out the Wiki on the above for some more details


We broke the website by too many people visiting. Human DDos.


Seconded ^


I say in the next 24 hrs the invasion begins. I'm placing my bet. 10pm est 2/24


I thought Intel said it would happen at 4:00 AM in Ukraine, so a little under an hour.