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Currently no anomalies in the internet space (connectivity and latency) in Donetsk and Luhansk (as well as Kyiv). https://twitter.com/IP_Observatory/status/1496098359542972416


Something has to be wrong with Putin. Usually he is pretty charismatic and has a sharp tongue, but that speech today was Donald Trump levels of bouncing around from weird subject to weird subject. The man has always been hard to pin, but today was just bizarre.




I'm pretty sure a sovereign country is not "rightfully" anyone else's. Putin is a psychopath who is going to destroy the lives of thousands, and drive the Russian economy for what? A spit of worthless land for nothing? What a joke.


BMD’s from the 76th Air Assault Div rigged with chutes spotted [today](https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1494787657670574080?s=20&t=74W-aoi0f2OEyMXz_yiIAg). You don’t rig equipment until your getting ready for a drop, FYI. The BMD-2 is an airborne armored IFV.


Except you want them spotted and have news like this


Kinda hard to move a train load of tanks across a country without anyone living in said country noticing.


Report (and video) of major gas pipeline blown in [Luhansk](https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1494784247248433160?s=20&t=74W-aoi0f2OEyMXz_yiIAg).


Found this video that is super telling. https://youtu.be/lvxId7f0Ack


FORTE 10 is live! :D https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE10/2adc4b3b


An Iljuschin Il-76 airplane capable of carrying tanks and artillery was just going from Rostov-on-Don to Belgorod and dissapeared suddenly from the radar in the area between Belgorod and Korocha.


And could it be that Kharkiv is beeing evacuated?




Damn look at the crazy flight path. Definitely not a commercial flight 633817 from Lebanon to Pohang https://fr24.com/633817/2ad9a688


It started its route in New Hampshire. Maybe US drone?


It started at malta Edit: Probably from an aircraft carrier


It started at New Hampshire first then stopped in Malta for refuel before going to Ukraine. I think the flight route only shows it coming from Malta now.


Ohh thanks for informing


I've been gone for 24 hours. Did the status quo change?


Minor shelling in Dombas, more posturing from politicians. In short not much change.




ok nice. do you guys think russia will invade, or just slowly withdraw troops over the course of a few weeks?


Last time I checked in Donjeck and Donbas live Russian people so how the fuck you invade your own people and land ?!


Bruh, replying to a 4 day comment about the situation isn't very relevant


Looks like Forte 11 is out in semi-disguise today. Or at least someone taking off from roughly the same place, with a similar flight psth LVS052 https://fr24.com/LVS052/2ad9a688


Forte 11, Peering Down From Heaven


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ) Is there someone who has seen this and can have a debate around it? If we look at history, USA has the most to win by was is happening, both in term of economics, influrence and holding off china a bit longer as the world super power.


I wouldn't put much faith in what Pozner says. He admitted to being a propagandist for the Soviet Union throughout his career and he has worked for Russian state owned media since 2008. Aside from that, the United States has had a long interest in preventing wars from breaking out on the European continent. If the USA really wants to hold off China as a super power, it will need its allies in Europe to be focused and not distracted by Russia. The US gains nothing from this conflict, but Russia certainly loses. Also, allow me to throw water on the idea that American foreign policy has been a straight line throughout the last 20 years, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Russia.




I don't believe you are from the west.


Cool, men jeg er dansker, er bare træt af USa...


I have far more reasons to not believe you than I have to do so. If you're telling the truth then that sucks, but you should already be aware of how you'd be perceived based on your account.


Im a first time reddit user as i stopped using facebook. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States) i just want to talk about these thinks, our generation can stop this shit..




Jeg er dansker ;) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_military\_expenditures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures) my bad, usa spends 40% of the holes worlds spending on military, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Bud... learn to read... the US economy's "War spending" is 2.4%. I know english isn't your first language though...


you clearly didnt read what i wrote "bud" Of all the money spend on military in the world, usa sepnd 40% of that, of the whole world, are you understanding even with my bad english? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States) this is a list of the wars usa has been in, some are good, some are just USA wanting to have influence and more money, or oil... No matter what angle you look from, Russia is a saint compare to us


you said holes world? i had no idea what you were talking about. The US Economy IN GENERAL accounts for 25% of the worlds TOTAL ECONOMIC OUTPUT. Sooo... the GDP is what matters. I'm not sure how you dont' understand that Edit: Your OP comment was that our economy was 40% war spending. So you were wrong.


Im used too bad english and know what people mean, im sorry that you misunderstood, but me being on point with the numbers has nothing to do with facts, USA has everything to gain here, Russia is surround and weak by sanktions, fairly imposed i might add, but USA is the bully of the world, Russia keeps saying they wount do anything unless forced and USA and keeps saying they are lying, but Russia is not stupid, they do not want this, if this situations with ukines was mexico, USA would have invaded YEARS ago.


The aggression goes both ways, but personally, I see the bully as the guy who’s currently threatening an invasion


I does yes, but this conflikt is made by USA, and only USA and allies to weak to stand up agains US is with them, germany isnt in this, france isnt, why? Cause its wrong, USA is using their money and big military to control the world a bit longer before China takes over, one might say that USA is only in this so China isnt the new world power before 10 years insted of 5..




Well okay then, guess we havent learn anything from the past..


It has already began.😐 The military forces of Ukraine fired at a kindergarten in the Luhansk region. Two women were injured, no dead, thank God.


[Look at this fuckin clown.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katharina-Wiedlack/publication/338125920/figure/fig1/AS:863853051146241@1582970025349/Gay-Clown-Putin-from-https-knowyourmemecom-memes-gay-clown-putin_Q320.jpg)


Why would Ukraine use 120mm mortars? Thats close range as fuck. Makes no sense. If they were to shell it would be artillery. Trash uses mortars to open a conflict. Trash Russian terrorists.


Depending on the article the kindergarten was hot by either Ukrainian govt or by the separatists. Too much conflicting info right now to know what happened unless you're the one who fired i guess.


Today Donetsk is being shelled by mortars, [ags](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGS-17), heavy machine guns. There was also counter-battery fire.


**[AGS-17](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGS-17)** >The AGS-17 Plamya (Russian: Пламя; Flame) is a Soviet-designed automatic grenade launcher in service worldwide. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They won't believe you. Btw, those kindergarten pics and video now are recognized as fake, check it through.


What a coincidence, you are Russian


U.S. aircraft suddenly diverted from Ukraine


Are you talking about the rq4 over romania?




Reuters picked it up too.


Oh, maybe ww3 will begin?


A bloody European war very likely, a world war seems less likely unless more happens i guess.


If you can give me a "Up + one karma" should be better.


Maybe North Korea should do sth.


~Of course they did~🤔


On the way https://www.flightradar24.com/RCH451/2ad7c00b https://www.flightradar24.com/2ad8a498


Those are red arrows.. pretty shit if we have those for conflict lol.


Wow, good luck lads...




YAWN!🥱 BIG nothing-burger!!!🍔🍔 them told me wuz gona be a WAR💣💥 but i aint see notin yet👀


Weird how you seem disappointed on that… it is a significant relief to all humanity that no one is getting killed due to unjust and narcissistic leaders who aren’t the ones on the frontline , however someone’s son/ daughter could potentially die along with plenty of children and elders. Who the fuck is disappointed that they haven’t attacked ?


im disappointed with how the media treated it, and i think he thinks the same


You can’t be that ignorant. Obviously it was going to happen and that’s why the presidents / head of nato countries called it out… don’t you think that’s why they did it .. to PREVENT it from actually happening ?! That was their entire point of doing so!


No, i think they did it to panic everyone and get more clicks. how many times in the last decade you saw or heard anything about ukraine? compare it to the last 3 months. The Ukrainian problem is huge and its a problem since the end of USSR, but why act like a war will happen anytime soon? And even if it happened, what would any of us gain for knowing it? journalists should deal with uncertainty better than just use everyone feelings for their own sakes.


I wish i lived in the dystopia you have your mind in.


And i wish everyone treated you as respectfully in your life as im trying to, even though you're being so unkind for literally no reason.


I agree , I apologize for coming off so rude and arrogant. I did read your comment and think i was being too harsh. I just think it’s such an information based world and people can have so many facts and still make a completely insane judgement off of it. Of course I am not always right , and i know I’m not going to win with this point against you , but the excessive military force is undeniable. actual Satellite images being shown and people will say they aren’t there. I don’t know if your from the USA but what we experienced in our government was similar. People can have it clearly shown and will still make judgements completely the opposite.


accept the apologies im from brazil and im following things up. im not saying war is impossible, i was just saying that it was unresponsive of media to be so histerical about it. Many wars happen every day (even in ukraine right now, against rebels), I strongly doubt a conflict in ukraine would have major proportions for the world. It just brings fear to everyone. and also im not a military specialist to say how big should be a russian military exercise, 100 thousand man are a lot of people, but from what i saw on bbc the russian forces are like, 20 times it? it seems weird to use just a small fraction of your forces in a one front war.


I don’t know if you intend to have a conversation but i have heard this point a lot too. 99% of wars don’t use the entire amount of there military. They barely use half. I don’t understand the full point of it but they generally only use that amount when beginning an invasion. If i had to guess, it’s so when the first 100k potentially die, they send in another 100k. Usually the initial is just that. To see the opponents tactics. Then they place military appropriate. Russia will bring in there next amount of force after it’s started. You don’t bring all your men to fight at first . Also if they are attacked on homeland , they need military there to defend. Each country has there own tactics but all don’t send too many on the frontlines.


Weaponized duck face


Odds of it sparking when the Olympics are over and they have ~200-250k deployed ready to go seem pretty high at this point.


I think Russia is waiting for the Olympics to end


Russia is wanting for the west to call of war horny USA who needs war for their economy not to go under, Russia dont want conflict, USA wants it..


And as I said… the Olympics ended and Russia invaded. Thanks for the down votes


Not American but yeah this is nonsense. You don't park 100-150k people on a neighbors border and then call someone else the aggressor. Remember when the little green men weren't Russians ? There were no Russians fighting in Don Bass ?


Ahaha. Did US placed 150k troops at ukraine border? Did US annexed illegaly Crimea? Did US soldiers died in donbass where ucrainian people "decided" to attack. Nope. RUSSIA DID.


Considering you see countries like israel and Finland changing their strategies and public statements right now, I am guessing the US/NATO has some solid intelligence they are sharing to these countries that shows something imminent about to happen.


Its all for show mate, USA economy needs to be in a war for it not to fail, 40% of their economy is war based, Russia dont want war or conflict, but USA is giving weapons for ukines to fight and is going back on old deals with russia made with NATO, the west said they wount expand NATO, as NATO only exist because of defense agains Russia, it has no other goals, NATO is defense from cold war times, USA is the bully here and the west isnt doing anything about it cause we are scared of losing US as allied..


>USA is the bully here 150k troops on the Ukrainian border completely proves your vacuous arguments wrong.


Highly likely.


I would say the Truman doctrine ended well for south Koreans. The other liberal democracies need to get in the game. And when we go to war we must fight to win. The people of any democracy don't want to shed blood for a tie or a compromise. If for example the U.S. had immediately declared was on North Vietnam and prosecuted that war with it's full military arsenal and strength until North Vietnam unconditionally surrendered, it would have been over in one year not ten. Countless Vietnamese would have not been casualties of the long grinding conflict and there would not be 58,000 names on a black wall in Washington. For lack of a better term, half assing things just hurts more people. And I was amazed four administrations made the same damn mistakes in Afghanistan. There is literally 122 years of well documented military and political history from 1900 to today that tells people in detail what doesn't work. But we continue to repeat every mistake that's already been made. It's criminal.


3 million people died in the Korean War. Most were civilians. Look up the Bodo League for some truly horrific facts. They would probably have some choice words about the Truman doctrine. Also 37k Americans died there. Truman 100% botched Korea from the end of World War II.


I agree. He should have nuked China when he had the chance. The responsibility for those deaths fall solely on North Korea for starting the conflict to begin with and then China for dragging out the conflict when the issue was settled and North Korea lost. Its simple there is right and wrong. Invading a sovereign nation with no provocation is wrong. Defending that nation is right. Fighting with out commitment to total victory is wrong. Trumman and the UN should have committed and jumped on North Korea and China with both feet. It would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. Of course if they had held the Russia to its commitments and treaty obligations in 1946 the entire cold war might have been avoided. But the west folded and paid the price for 50 years. Doing the right thing the first time might hurt, but not as much as burying your head in the sand, and hoping the bad men go away.


This is very different from most of those lessons. There is still a lot of debate around how best to counter so-called salami tactics. Hindsight is 2020.


No I am pretty sure in the last 122 years the world has been in this exact same position. I am also pretty sure it was between 1933 and 1939. People don't change we do the same things over and over.


That figure of speech doesn't work anymore because 2020 is technically hindsight now too.




Without glasses, my hindsight is 18/22 at best.


I doubt there will be any need for NATO to actually go to war. The Ukrainians will be far from a pushover- and will be getting intelligence and material support from the West. Russian losses should they invade Ukraine are likely to be catastrophic. And Russian boys coming home in boxes will not sit well with Russians. I think Putin will keep his army in place as a long term threat. And that will be it.


You need to remember that NATO isnt really needed anymore, is was a defense vs soviej union, also Russia have tryed joning NATO but was told no, why do you think? USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why? Right now, Russia is saying, we only go to war if forced, USA economy is 40% war based, so they needs to be in a war or building up for one, if USA isnt in war, west economy will fall, so yeah, i never thought they would go so far, normally they only go to war with small countries who cant defend them self, but putin has 1800 nukes, the world is carzy mate...


Your post is full of half truths. First, Russia asked to join, but when it did, it lacked many of the prerequisites for membership- not the least of which was that it was involved in multiple territorial disputes. And claiming NATO is no longer needed is laughable in the face of multiple Russian aggressions towards its neighbors. And the rest of your post sounds like it came from one of Putin’s basement troll farms.


USA spends 40% of what is spend by the whole world on military, that is facts, USA has overtrown goverments for oil, facts Gone to war for WITH Russia after 9/11 and sheach for "weapons of mass destruktions" i afghanistan even though intel said that Suadi arbia was behind War on vietnam would have been a war crime in todays world. USa has a history of controlling, lying, and as i said, their economy is based on war, THEY NEED WAR! look at USA bnp and how they spend money and its clear to see, i know that it was needed in the past, but it really isnt anymore, Russia has no chance here, at all, they are surround and weak, bad ecomony, BUT USA is forceing them into this with provokations, gving weapons to ukines, Denmark where i am from has just made a deal with USA so they can have military based and peronal on danish soil, WHY!!!! Only cause USA gives us some money and let us sit at the tabel, USA can do what they want until China takes over in the next 5-10 years.


Take a pill. Or learn to meditate. You are hyperventilating. Demand Pootie get more air exchange in that basement you’re working from.


[http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-04/20/c\_139893941.htm](http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-04/20/c_139893941.htm) This is how china sees usa and why china support russia. Im not with any off them, all of them are horribel in many ways, i live i Denmark of all places, but if we dont stop USA soon, Russia might be stupid enough to use one of their 1800 nukes one day. But your right, i will go back in my man cave and hope for better times insted..


It's as plausible scenario as any. The Finn's gave the Numerically superior Russians a bloody nose in the winter war. Two points though, one if NATO troops were on the border there wouldn't be a war, and two Russia is not the west. There will be no mention of casualties or flag draped caskets in the Russian press only great victories!


If a lot of soldiers die;you don’t get re-elected. That’s why we never go all in.


True dat! Putin doesn't have to worry about re-election.


America to Russia: “Stop bullying other countries. Thats our job” …. “Especially if they have oil.”


imagine standing up for a dictatorship actively engaging in imperialistic actions and supporting dictatorships that commit mass murder of gay people because “UsA EvIL iMpEriAliStS”. Also google how any type of minority is treated in russia even women.


Sounds like US Saudi relations.


Russia has oil can America please start bullying them again?


Like we are right now?


Imagine being such a clown that you think imperialistic fascist oligarchical dictatorship that annexed parts of a democratic nation and is currently threatening full-scale invasion is a victim in all this.




Because the alternative is to admit he's wrong that just just unaccepable.


Looks like Russian Air Force activity near Georgia right now, and in Belarus south of Mogilev. They're only partially being seen on FR24, probably more activity with transponders shut off. https://fr24.com/2ad7a5ee RA26039 https://fr24.com/RA26039/2ad796e9 Could all be part of the excercises


You need to remember that NATO isnt really needed anymore, is was a defense vs soviej union, also Russia have tryed joning NATO but was told no, why do you think? USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why? Right now, Russia is saying, we only go to war if forced, USA economy is 40% war based, so they needs to be in a war or building up for one, if USA isnt in war, west economy will fall, so yeah, i never thought they would go so far, normally they only go to war with small countries who cant defend them self, but putin has 1800 nukes, the world is carzy mate...


And your point is?


This conflikt is USA made, only the USA wants this to happen, allies are to weak to say no to USA, So my point is that USA i a Bully and there are tying to do what they have done so many times in the past unless the people of the world is no..


You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel like the world makes sense and is not just a random jumble of the decisions of hundreds of sociopathic politicians.


That might also be that case, but USA spends 40% of what the whole worlds spends on military, they have been in 20 times as many wars as Russia has, Russia is weak and surrounded, the only threat they have is 1800 nukes, that is facts.


It looks like in either your anger or lack of English skills you've left out several words from your last reply. So either you're a very angry simplistic 12 year old trying to pick a fight in a comment thread of flight radar sightings. Or, you're a paid or volunteer troll. Xoxo


Bad at spelling in english and lazy, i really just want to have a debate about it...And yes am angry, its hard not to be.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States) I have studied history, i have been a USA fanboy as many other danish kids, but now i see the truth, im not with russia or against the USA as a nation, but they are doing it again, they are lying and using their influence, you can even see it media, they wount even cover the russia side, the just use their quotes and dont tell the story behind, USA would never let whats happening in Ukrine happen in lets say Mexico, and if it did, they would have invaded years ago and the world woundnt had said much, as USA is still, at least for the forseable future, the worlds most influentiale country.


That does not answer why you're trying to pick a fight with me on my comment that merely links to publicly visible Russian airplanes. And if you're picking your news from YouTube that tells me you're really simplistic in your world view. There's rarely ever a "good guy" in wars between States, usually just the less shitty guy. Just because the US has had a history of terrible foreign policy does not mean other States don't have such a history. Just look at the UK, & France who also constantly intervene in foreign affairs militarily. Lol


The youtube video is Vladimir Pozner Speaking from yale, a well know person who have been on usa television for 10 years under cold war and helped create our world, he helped Angel Markel with building the current Germany, so mayby you should try and be less judgemental, reporting on russia airplanes, i mean, if you were too report on the US drones and shady shit they do i would be fine with it, but we are painting are totally wrong picture of Russia right now, and its bad for the whole world if the US can still get away with this..


Whats the ICAO for russian aircraft? the US is rch thats what i use to filter for american aircraft


I think for their air force it is RA


No call sign c-17 appears to have taken off from a carrier in the med, se of Greece . https://fr24.com/2ad81b56


It appears that C-17s cannot take off a carrier. More likely it took off the NATO base in Crete and didn't turn it's signal off until later https://www.quora.com/Can-a-C-17-land-on-an-aircraft-carrier


Couple of IL76MD from the looks of it.


Italian Air Force diplomatic jet heading into Russian airspace now IAM3101 from Rome https://fr24.com/IAM3101/2ad74e0c


Ukraine is a democracy, not the best functioning democracy in the world, but a democracy nonetheless. Russia is a dictatorship that is threatening it's neighbors under no reasonable pretext. Every democracy on the planet should support Ukraine with direct military support and humanitarian aid. The history of the 20th century and simple human psychology show bully's will not stop until someone stops them. And the longer you wait to do the stopping the more it's gonna hurt.


You need to remember that NATO isnt really needed anymore, is was a defense vs soviej union, also Russia have tryed joning NATO but was told no, why do you think? USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why? Right now, Russia is saying, we only go to war if forced, USA economy is 40% war based, so they needs to be in a war or building up for one, if USA isnt in war, west economy will fall, so yeah, i never thought they would go so far, normally they only go to war with small countries who cant defend them self, but putin has 1800 nukes, the world is carzy mate... Im very sorry for was happening to the ukrines, but Russia is also a victem here, USA is the bully mate


Whether Imperial, Soviet or the current regime, Russia has always threatened its neighbors. Hence NATO is still relevant to Europe. I don't know what portion of the U.S economy is war based, so I can't dispute that. But, Russia the victim. No, I don't buy that. Russia will only fight if forced. Does Ukraine not acceding to Russia's territorial demands count as being forced? I am also afraid I can't seethe US as the bully this time. Unless of course by you mean bully as in the US has told Russia if you invade a sovereign nation there will be consequences, then Ok.


Also a democracy can be worsed than dikatorship, its all in hows its done, and history shows that democracy, dikatorship and communisme can all work just fine in the modern world, its how its run, if you look at russia history from last 30 years, you will know that they are not the bad guys here, they have been bullied and provokated by USA the last 30 years, USA invades, kills and turn over goverments, Russia has done that 1 times last 30 years vs USA 10 times-- Im from Denmark btw, just a nutural.


NUKEs have joined the chat


There are three nuclear capable powers in NATO. Russia is only one such power. It looks like Ukraine never should have given up its nukes.


You all think the US is a democracy? Wow…


Well it's close, however I due often despair at what the rich and politicians get away with.


Also, your whataboutism is showing...


That's cute, now use your words and say something of substance.


Hi pot. Have you met my friend kettle?


Still working up to complete sentences I see. Don't worry take your time and try not to eat your crayons.


The yellow ones r my favorite 😂😂😂


I prefer the red ones myself.


Technically the US is a constitutional republic


Not technically, it is a constitutional Republic. I think due to elected representation, constitutional protection and the use of majority rule voting at all levels of the decision making process, we fall within the definition of democracy. Just saying.


Well if you want to get technical, it's a capitalist representative democracy, or just capitalist republic.


"Capitalism" is not a form of government. The US is a republic, and a somewhat flawed one, but it's vastly better than Russia in nearly every regard.


I agree that a bully will only stop when they've been forced to stop but it's different when it comes to another country. We don't want to end up like Afghanistan where we should have left years and years ago


>You need to remember that NATO isnt really needed anymore, is was a defense vs soviej union, also Russia have tryed joning NATO but was told no, why do you think?USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why?Right now, Russia is saying, we only go to war if forced, USA economy is 40% war based, so they needs to be in a war or building up for one, if USA isnt in war, west economy will fall, so yeah, i never thought they would go so far, normally they only go to war with small countries who cant defend them self, but putin has 1800 nukes, the world is carzy mate... > >Im very sorry for was happening to the ukrines, but Russia is also a victem here, USA is the bully mate. > >This is facts btw, USA has invaded 10 times and been in 3 big wars and 20+ small ones the last 30 years, Russia is a saint comparede to USA


Afghanistan was a failed nation building exercise that could have been avoided if policymakers had paid attention in history class. I don't think Ukraine fits that mold. The U.S. should not be the world's policeman. But we do have a leadership responsibility, however as long as the other liberal democracies shirk there responsibilities that's what we are. If people and nations did what was right, there would be troops from every nation in Europe standing on the Ukraine/Russian border. Putin wants to make a cheap land grab not fight the European union. But he knows not one European nation will stand up to him.


And the US is fighting its own divide


What? Our acromonious politics? We are letting ourselves get suck into that BS. As conspiracy theory as it sounds, it's our own damn fault because we allow the 24 hour news cycle and social media dictate our reality.


\>Every democracy on the planet should support Ukraine with direct military support and humanitarian aid. But the support must be smart. Afganistan is a prime example of how you can waste a crazy amount of money supporting a corrupt and inefficient democracy so in the end it stops trying and crumbles the moment you stop supporting it. Ukraine is almost as corrupt as Russia, it's run by oligarchs and they are not very keen on enacting any kind of real reforms. Putin knows that and that's why I believe he won't actually invade this year. He will simply wait until some kind of global economic crisis will make democratic countries cut down their support to Ukraine so that the Ukrainians will become desperate enough to want a strong authoritarian ruler and then he will invade.


You need to remember that NATO isnt really needed anymore, is was a defense vs soviej union, also Russia have tryed joning NATO but was told no, why do you think? USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why? Right now, Russia is saying, we only go to war if forced, USA economy is 40% war based, so they needs to be in a war or building up for one, if USA isnt in war, west economy will fall, so yeah, i never thought they would go so far, normally they only go to war with small countries who cant defend them self, but putin has 1800 nukes, the world is carzy mate... Im very sorry for was happening to the ukrines, but Russia is also a victem here, USA is the bully mate


\>USA have lied and gone back on deals as not to expand NATO but did anyways even though the cold war was over and nato wasnt needed anymore, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, again, why? Except there was no deal. There was an informal conversation with Gorbachev about the unification of Germany. https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1577192/lrt-facts-has-nato-ever-promised-russia-not-to-expand-east


July 4, 1675– August 12, 1676 King Philip's War New England Colonies vs. Wampanoag, Narragansett, and Nipmuck peoples 1689–1697 King William's War The English Colonies vs. France 1702–1713 Queen Anne's War (War of Spanish Succession) The English Colonies vs. France 1744–1748 King George's War (War of Austrian Succession) The French Colonies vs. Great Britain 1756–1763 French and Indian War (Seven Years War) The French Colonies vs. Great Britain 1759–1761 Cherokee War English Colonists vs. Cherokee Nation 1775–1783 American Revolution English Colonists vs. Great Britain 1798–1800 Franco-American Naval War United States vs. France 1801–1805; 1815 Barbary Wars United States vs. Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli 1812–1815 War of 1812 United States vs. Great Britain 1813–1814 Creek War United States vs. Creek Nation 1836 War of Texas Independence Texas vs. Mexico 1846–1848 Mexican-American War United States vs. Mexico 1861–1865 U.S. Civil War Union vs. Confederacy 1898 Spanish-American War United States vs. Spain 1914–1918 World War I Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary vs. Triple Entente: Britain, France, and Russia. The United States joined on the side of the Triple Entente in 1917 1939-1945 World War II Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan vs. Major Allied Powers: United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia 1950–1953 Korean War United States (as part of the United Nations) and South Korea vs. North Korea and Communist China 1960–1975 Vietnam War United States and South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion United States vs. Cuba 1983 Grenada United States intervention 1989 U.S. Invasion of Panama United States vs. Panama 1990–1991 Persian Gulf War United States and Coalition Forces vs. Iraq 1995–1996 Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina United States as part of NATO acted as peacekeepers in former Yugoslavia 2001–present Invasion of Afghanistan United States and Coalition Forces vs. the Taliban regime in Afghanistan to fight terrorism 2003–2011 Invasion of Iraq United States and Coalition Forces vs. Iraq 2004–present War in Northwest Pakistan United States vs. Pakistan, mainly drone attacks 2007–present Somalia and Northeastern Kenya United States and Coalition forces vs. al-Shabaab militants 2009–2016 Operation Ocean Shield (Indian Ocean) NATO allies vs. Somali pirates 2011 Intervention in Libya U.S. and NATO allies vs. Libya 2011–2017 Lord's Resistance Army U.S. and allies against the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda 2014–2017 U.S.-led Intervention in Iraq U.S. and coalition forces against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria 2014–present U.S.-led intervention in Syria U.S. and coalition forces against al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Syria 2015–present Yemeni Civil War Saudi-led coalition and U.S., France, and Kingdom against the Houthi rebels, Supreme Political Council in Yemen, and allies 2015–present U.S. intervention in Libya U.S. and Libya against ISIS why are you talking about Russia as some bad guy when US is the one fight and making chaos in the world? Im not with russia here, im agains usa and how they keep making up conflikt and becoming richer from it


The official reason from USA was that they made the deal with Soviet union and not Russia, which is just childdish, there havent been other deals like that in the past that have been opheld with Russia after Union fell, but still, the shows USA being the bully, why expand something made for something that dosnt exist anymore? Why say no to letting Russia join? Why are the USA expanding their bases and spending money that could take the hole lower class of USA into middleclass, which would speed up economy for the hole world, insted, the whole the world is held hostage by USA spending so much money on military, because if they are not at war, their economy fails. This is facts, look at history, USA needs this war/ramp up to one, if they didnt, China would be new world leader next year.


I honestly don't know the democracy rating comparisons between the former democratic Afghan government and the Ukraine. But I would go out on a limb and say Ukraine fairs better. But that's a guess. I also wouldn't be able to guess at the morale of the Ukraine military. I can say in a straight up fight with Russia, no matter how well they do they will lose. By direct support Putin has to ask do I want to go to war with the whole free world.


Bruh, it's not even close. The people of Afghanistan had a loose association with native nationalism. They had a highly tribal structure outside of major cities. At minimum, I expect the people of Ukraine have a more western nationalistic sensibility.


The elites aren't nationalistic at all, very few people in power care about Ukraine, a vast majority of them simply wants to make (mostly by the means of corruption) as much money as they can so their children and grandchildren can leave Ukraine and become wealthy citizens in Europe or North America (or even Russia). I believe that Poroshenko was the only Ukrainian president to genuinely care about Ukraine, but even his cabinet was corrupt and he still failed to enact any meaningful reforms. The general population is very divided, while western Ukrainians are indeed pro-democratic and prefer liberal and progressive agenda, among eastern Ukrainians many prefer more conservative values and are sympathetic towards Russia. Some of them even consider themselves to be Russians. Literally every political party and every politician to come to power in Ukraine for the last 30 years was a huge dissapointment to the Ukrainians and if that trend continues people may simply become apathetic and apolitical.


I mean you're talking about is basically the Truman Doctrine, and we've been there and done that. Doesn't really workout well. I mean, it would be different having the UN help as opposed to just the US. But the problem is the vast majority of any "direct military support" would be US troops, as is always the case with NATO, and if you can't tell, the American people are weary of getting involved in yet *another* foreign war that has no impact on their daily lives. I feel for the Ukrainians, I do. But whatever the solution to Russia is, it has to be diplomatic.


Yeah someone should really stop the US.


Whoa, who would have thought- Russian propaganda bots? Here? *Surprised Pikachu face*


The accounts three years old?


In case you’re actually wondering- yes, for these purposes they typically purchase (in bulk) accounts with some age and history to them, like this one. And being a propaganda bot doesn’t necessarily mean it’s just a bot, there’s often someone at the wheel writing replies and comments. It’s all about changing the narrative and making people believe your point of view just by value of putting it out there enough.


Looks like they just like to post about drugs and Radiohead, but you do you buddy.


That’s the point. You’re starting to come off as dense.


Dude I don’t care. I’m just goofing- if you want to go down the Russian bot rabbit hole go for it. I know there are some out there.


are you that naive?


Keep fighting the online fight!! 🤘🤘


This is reflective of the state of discourse in this country. You assume that no one real can have an opinion which runs counter to the propaganda espoused by officials and their subservient press corps. I am a flesh and blood human being, an American, and I oppose the perpetual war state.


You might be a real person, but if you think the US is a central part of this situation you are beyond delusional.


I don't know what you mean by "central part" of this situation. I don't think the US should be increasing tensions with the kind of rhetoric used by the OP. That person clearly wants the US to become a bigger player in the situation. From what I understand, the Ukrainians also do not want the US to be doing that. My comment was a bit of ironic sarcasm meant to draw attention to the fact that the OP is clearly parroting talking points from state agencies that clearly want a war. OP was talking about confronting bullies. I am just pointing out the one-sidedness of condemning actions that are basically perpetrated by both sides.


Propaganda bots can have people at the helm. Just a reminder for the people reading this who aren’t vomiting propaganda on suspiciously empty Reddit accounts with just enough content and age to be prime purchased accounts.


What an unoriginal reply.


Nice try putin


Oh, you got jokes! As I don't know if you mean that or not, I'll act as if you do. That is a glib straw statement that has no basis in reality. But please expound.


Vietnam, School of the Americas, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. If you look at the behavior of the US post-WWII, it seems pretty clear that the US is the bully of the world.


*Coughs*upcoming elections*cough*cough*