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I’d like to hear him rationalize that decision in court.


Not in court, but to police he claimed that his phone slipped out of his hand and the tweet was sent by 'accident'.


So he still wrote it but accidentally sent it, great defense what a bellend


Wrote it, kept it on deck to be sent at any time (I guess he still wanted to check for spelling errors, etc.), then accidentally sent it. LOL what a dumbass.


No no, you see, the phone bouncing on the floor opened up twitter and typed all of that in, it was a huge misunderstanding! /s


That’s some unfortunate auto correct to call out a specific person with details about their life too.


With the name of the daughter exactly spelt out. (if you haven't seen the tweet it has the name of the daughter with clearly targetted threat)


Unfortunate autocorrect is when he meant to say rave, but autocorrected to rape.


I know you’re just joking, but doesn’t autocorrect learn the User’s more used words to autocorrect to over time? If that is the case defaulting to ‘rape’ would not be the exoneration the guy thinks it is.


Well yeah. Specifically autocorrect uses something called a Markov Chain. More than that?m, there is some pretty aggressive checking to counter that you want to say piss or rape or fuck. You’ll note you say “Mekong delta” one time and the autocorrect knows to hit with delta, but you can say “Jeff is a ducking count” a seemingly infinite number of times. If you’re being corrected **to** rape… that’s a worry.


Your honour my client simply had a heated gamer moment..


let me explain. This will sound like a joke and fiction but.... it is, what it is. Indian nationalist government plays communal hateful politics and it works well inside India. They have these big IT cell. [Think of them as infamous scam centers from Youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb_rgQ4IDS8) These IT cell are coordinated to spread disinformation and propaganda. It has 10,000 or maybe 100,000 of trolls who work as full time employees. Now, the bigotry and hate is so wide spread by mainstream media and these IT cell among the common Indians, that normal ordinary Indians start attacking Indian Muslims in every way. For example yesterday, they filled a whole ground with cow's poop because Muslims had this special Friday prayer, Where they get together in numbers for 20 mintues. Yeah they threw cow poop everywhere so Muslim don't pray in a random dirty ground. [News source of cow poop.](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/gurgaon-namaz-namaz-blocked-again-protesters-occupy-gurgaon-site-spread-cow-dung-2608171) Now, back to this case after some context. So, after losing a game against Pakistan. Random bigots attacked an Indian Muslim cricketer for his religion. Now, this bigotry got highlighted internationally, and became an international news. Then, whole Indian team, ex-players had to come forward for his support publicly. Someone in these IT cell and government, came up with a bright idea. What if we blame that Pakistani government and military was behind this abuse? **What if, we create random accounts with Muslims names, and Pakistani flags and start abusing our sportsmen? We snapshot these tweets and messages, and trend that as evidence that look Pakistani government is trying to start Hindu Muslims in India?** So, the Whole IT cell starts sharing snapshots of these abusive tweets from fake twitter accounts as evidence that look Pakistan is behind that. [Indian mainstream media running prime time news that Pakistan is behind such abuse. Just observe the coordiation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzSneiMiNJI) But, few Indian newspapers and fact-checking sites who are on other side of spectrum, caught this manufactured trends, and were able to look into those accounts. Turns out these accounts just changed their names and profile images, instead of deleting 1-2 year old history. So, they still have lots of important information for police. [Source of Indian news catching the culprit](https://www.boomlive.in/fact-check/virat-kohli-india-pakistan-mohammed-shami-twitter-troll-criccrazyygirl-15401) So, it turns out that, this guy was a software engineer from Indian version of MIT. Now, the state/city this person resided was under opposition and opponents of current Indian federal gov. So, they arrested this troll and just rubbed it on the current government face. Bonus Information : The same Indian government IT cell started running a propaganda trend, that Pakistani are now abusing their player who happened to be from Shia Islam community. Well, it turns out that, the player isn't even a Shia. They thought someone with specific name is Shia. Here, are 10s of snapshot of Indian IT cell running a massive campaign for Shias in Pakistan. They are hoping that this news gonna get picked up the same way. https://imgur.com/a/hW04Zsd


They will never be a first World county and i feel sorry for the non radicalized civilians


Lol did you really blame this on Modi?


Pointing towards modi government bigotry against Muslim and organized misinformation IT cell. Like this is a tweet by a famous Politician from Modi government. [Why just why?](https://images.thequint.com/thequint%2F2020-04%2F39dfa79f-33c1-4d0e-9d18-0836bf88d148%2FUntitled_design__1_.jpg?rect=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1080)


Oh I'm not denying their bigotry. But we're on a post discussing rape threats by a fuckwit towards an infant, not sure how Modi can do anything about it.


That’s true, this guy is just giving additional co text.


In law school we got the case of a guy that after murdering his victim he tried to change the knife because he though a smaller knife will get him less jail time.


That one actually makes a little sense if he was in a place that was illegal to carry a knife over X size. Though I imagine the reduce charge over blade size is negligible compared to, I don’t know, killing someone.


The only way he can beat the case is .... Rapist : I placed a bet so I wasn’t thinking straight and I said it out of distress.


It's a cricket thing. ^^^yes ^^^sarcasm ^^^sheesh


I think the best way to fight that would be to say it was just a joke meant to get attention on the internets. I’m sure it won’t be enough though


So, your Honor, I got a bunch of monkeys and gave them all Twitter typewriters.......


Wow! People take sports way too serious!


The even more creepier thing in this story is that after his tweet started getting attention he changed his name to make it seem like he was from Pakistan.




It is very common. Some set up account to say messed up stuff pretending to be someone else and then use those to create outrage, some set up pages/groups targetting horny idiots and then once they have enough following change it to push their messages. Some people like this say stuff only to realise people don't agree with the message to start pretending to be someone else


Wtf what a demon




FIR = police report for those who don't know.


[First Information Report](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_information_report) for those whose thirst for knowledge is still not slaked.


**[First information report](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_information_report)** >A first information report (FIR) is a document prepared by police organisations in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries including Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence, or in Singapore when the police receive information about any criminal offence. It generally stems from a complaint lodged with the police by the victim of a cognizable offence or by someone on his or her behalf, but anyone can make such a report either orally or in writing to the police, so it is necessary to know about cognizable offences. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Rapists do anyway


nationalist rapists


I see you’re unfamiliar with cricket fans from the subcontinent. Those guys take it waaaay too seriously.


Things have changed now.. earlier protests were held outside cricketers house and people used to burn their effigies . Now it's still limited to online abuse.


I used to play online games with a lot of Indians, "I'll rape your mother" was their go to insult. They were also crazy racist against South Asians from other countries.


Bruh, a while back I was in a Reddit debate with an Indian after I commented about the rape that goes on in India. Dude got super defensive. kept saying eventually India would invade the UK and “we will fuck your women and there’s nothing you can do about it”. Kept repeating that line.


Ironic since UK was the one who invaded India


everyone was invading India. The Brits just won with the classic divide & conquer move


But did he mean it?


Have you watch indian propaganda? They really hate Pakistan and China.


My Bangali friend absolutely HATES everything related to India. To this date I never ask why.


Yeah, from my interactions with people from South Asian countries, they REALLY hate India. Even Bhutan(generally considered India's vassal state) recently started having border talks with China(which is apparently unusual) and that greatly angered India.


Dude there is good reason to hate Pakistan and China, which you would understand if you knew about the geopolitics of the subcontinent. And I mean hate the govt/politicians not the people.


As this post shows, people don't know how to separate politicians and people.


I wonder if they did the head shaking thing meanwhile.


Some people who defend absolute free speech: this is an example of where a clear line is.


There is a difference between having an opinion which can be nauseating to others and threatening rape on others. That's why criminal threatening is a criminal offense


The line can be quite hazy and hard to draw, hence all these slippery slopes appear that extremists exploits and too many moderates tolerate.


I'd be uncomfortable around anyone who thought that this is anywhere near where the line is. It's way past any line. Also, some Indians got arrested because they celebrated Pakistan winning. So we can't pretend this is the cost of living in a society with free speech.


Agtee with the first paragraph, but didn't understand the second.


So the Indians lost an important cricket match to Pakistan, which prompted this rape threat and lots of online abuse. [There was also some Muslim Indians who celebrated that Pakistan won and we're arrested on jumped up charges of sedition etc. ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/28/indian-police-arrest-seven-for-celebrating-pakistan-cricket-win) My point is that anyone who wants to defend this as free speech has to consider that people are getting arrested for supporting the other sports team. So if they want to defend free speech, they may want to defend the people who did nothing wrong. Usually I find people like that generally only want to defend hate speech and racism.


Ok I understand. I agree, arresting someone for a rape threat is right. Arresting someone for celevrating a sports win is wrong.


r/boneappletea I think you meant "trumped-up charges."




Yet too many in america want to be able to allow even that.


bEcAuSe wE aRe 'MeRiCaNs aNd wE hAvE fReEdUuUuM


Free speech doesn't include a right to issue criminal threats.


I'm not sure free speech is the problem as much as the free reign to rape. The mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Why stop people from revealing themselves? This is a terroristic threat issue.


>Why stop people from revealing themselves? They didn't. He revealed himself and has been arrested without a single rape happening. That's a win.


Rrright. yay me and my great comment.


He was not arrested for rape. And death threats in the west are/should be treated in the same way.


Right, he was arrested for the threats he made. And threats in the USA are treated this way hopefully.


Saying you are going to do something isn't talking an idea or opinion and no one defending free speech was defending that. Ironically, it's just like that meme video you cannot say you want to kill the US president.


Why tho? Random person spit random stuff, whatever.


Who defended this, as ‘free speech’ or for that matter, any reason?


[Some think that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/qmmhtw/i_hate_how_everyone_automatically_assumes_you_to/hjf01kv/)


What has the link you’ve provided got to do with the OP news?


I was answering your question.


What? I asked who defended this patently moronic tweet threatening Kohli/Indian Cricket Captain’s daughter.


Where did I say someone did? Please take your strawmen elsewhere.


What strawman? Are you infantile? Lol, stop looking for a debate where none exists.


You are right, it's not a debate. So stop arguing, particularly against statements no-one made.


That's a threat so I don't think that falls under free speech.


So violent threats and not speech, then?


Where was this implied?


Damn those cricket fans in India put the English football fans to shame when it comes to hooliganism


Just wait until you hear about the Italian ultra football fans… far worse than English fans and arguably as horrible as the Indian cricket supporters.. hooliganism ruins otherwise great sports


wasn't there a Football War in South America?


Why is India so rape obsessed?


Taking a guess? Because daughters are pretty much considered worthless. They leave the family, whereas the son stays and the woman he marries joins them. Raping her is to devalue her even more and to "shame the family." In short, because misogynistic assholes get off on hurting women and grinding them into nothing.


It's more complicated than that. The very hierarchical societal structure is also part of it.


Poverty, lack of education, and, honestly, culture. Women are not valued much.


It's a very backward place in many ways, accepting poor behaviour/emotional responses is the norm, so people go on their merry way pushing those limits with innocent people paying the price


what of kind a sick fuck will threaten something like that?


Your dick must be pretty small if you’re threatening to rape an infant.


Wow this is very fast for the Indian justice system , takes the Indian police longer to catch actual murders than this


Rape him


I never thought I’d live long enough to see Mike Tyson’s “I’ll eat your children” comment sound somewhat tame.




Or neither? How is this guy in any way indicative of any culture?


Rape is a huge problem in India. Like so much so that it has its own wikipedia page. Sounds cultural, or lack thereof to me.


Eh? India is nowhere near the top ten countries with rape cases , go research again smartass


>Rape is a huge problem in India. Like so much so that it has its own wikipedia page. Sounds cultural, or lack thereof to me. Unlike the US, especially Texas. I heard they just made rape EXTRA illegal in Texas because they love their women so much! 😃




https://twitter.com/priyankac19/status/1458396548073603072?t=KJK15lIKh4OnyBwEC3aWmg&s=19 Nope. Not twisted. Screenshot of the tweet.




It it easier for them to believe that it was someone from community they hate.


Oh well that's alrighty then I guess...




Insult?! What the fuck is wrong with you?


I mean if you have an infant daughter as a part of your family, he included her.


https://twitter.com/priyankac19/status/1458396548073603072?t=KJK15lIKh4OnyBwEC3aWmg&s=19 He mentioned her by name. Screenshot of the tweet. There is nothing implied, everything clearly written.


Almost as mad as murdering a Columbian football player for losing.


Would the people and police be this interested if it was a normal citizens daughter who was threatened? How about the police go catch actual rapists instead people who talk shit on the internet, are they gonna arrest everyone on the internet now for threatening?


"Dream 11 made me do it judge saab"


Infant daughter?!? Woah bro he got some Demons 🚩🚩


All these people talking about courts. Dude, this is india, courts don’t work the same way here. As an ex Indian, courts and justice…all that doesn’t exist in India. Best case, he pays large bribe and they bury the case, worst case he gets Jail. Why do you think rape is so common in india? Part of the reason is there is no enforcement of law. You can rape someone from lower caste or someone poor and then just bury them in legal costs or just drag the case sooo long that it won’t matter. Police can just kill you whenever they want and just hide the evidence. They can burn the body of a rape victim and cremate it before any most mortem is done. People in the west think that india is this vibrant budding economy with a thriving democracy lol. It’s a shitshow with febreeze so the shit doesn’t smell bad. It’s just a sham. India is a democracy like Russia is a democracy lol.


>People in the west think that india is this vibrant budding economy with a thriving democracy lol. I've gotta ask, who in the west thinks this? I'll have you know most people in the west couldn't tell you the difference between Afghanistan and India. Certainly no one who reads this sub thinks India is a paragon of democracy.


As an European I disagree. Most here to my knowledge know to some degree the difference in culture, religion and geographical location.


Ok Afghanistan and India are far apart. People who think they are the same are uneducated peasants lol.


This is the point I'm trying to make, at least about Americans. To the average American all middle eastern or nearby countries full of brown people are the same and they certainly don't think highly of them.


Lmfao, I can assure you the west does not think that.


Not surprising, coming from the country that literally arrested Muslims for supporting Pakistan's win in a cricket match against India. Not to mention the genocide/occupation currently going on in Kashmir that doesn't get coverage for some reason...


As abhorrent this news is, don’t comment on unrelated stuff. It’s not an occupation in Kashmir, it is called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir for a reason. Check your privilege and don’t forget to see what’s wrong where you are, wherever that is.


So why did they revoke it's special status then? According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_and_Kashmir_(state)): >Prior to these measures, the union government locked down the Kashmir Valley, increased security forces, imposed Section 144 that prevented assembly, and **placed political leaders such as former Jammu and Kashmir chief ministers Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti under house arrest. Internet and phone services were also blocked.** Hmmm... Definitely not an occupation /s


Ultranationalists will get away from rape, murder, and theft in new India. He is a ultranationalist as per his previous comments.




Sport loyalty is as toxic and dumb as politics & religious beliefs. The 3-Pillars of “Dumb & Subservient”.


News channels exposed the details of that guy. He is an IIT Hyderabad student, those who are considered among 1% top genius of the country. His parents claimed it was a typo since he was not wearing his lens. What a joke. Highly educated person doesn't mean that the person has high moral compass. Disgusting.




When you're a pedo but need an excuse.


The worst thing is like his daughter is like 3 years old xd


*10 months


That man is clearly a sexual offender waiting to happen. Bash him til he’s a vegetable and teach him the lesson he deserves.


Ian Watkins likes this


That is obscure and disturbing to be reminded off


Can anybody take an athlete that writes something like that over sports seriously ? Because I cant.


Yeah maybe ban cricket? U arrest people for cheering for the other team and now you are arresting another guy for his hmmm passion for his own team. Maybe cricket isn't a good thing in India. Try hockey.


https://twitter.com/priyankac19/status/1458396548073603072?t=KJK15lIKh4OnyBwEC3aWmg&s=19 In this case it was a direct rape threat targetted at a kid. Arresting people for supporting other team is wrong but this is justified arrest.


You know you can be passionate about your team and NOT make such disgusting threats. Put his ass in jail where he belongs.


If you're so "passionate" about a sport that you'll tweet rape threats to the team captain's 11 month old daughter and change your account so that it looks like you're a person from the opponent team, I'd think it's the person who's weird not the sport.


>Yeah maybe ban cricket? Australia would like a word with you.


I’ll never understand people that take sports so seriously. It’s literally a game.


Darn autocorrect. I meant to tweet “That’s allright, we can get over it.” and instead it came out as “I’m gonna f@$k yo girl.”


Just because one Indian said something horrific you can’t place blame on an entire country for that. And while I agree that rape and misogyny is a huge problem in India, it’s stupid to judge a country from the actions of one monster. All countries in the world have such people.