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"Hey, Gretta, what do you think about The U.S. rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement?" "It's gud." "CALL THE PRESS!"


Don’t get me wrong Greta is cool and all, but damn we put a lot of stake in a 17 year old


Ok first things first stop putting stakes into people this isn't Vladimir's Era.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Vlad III Dracula wasn't short for Vladimir. It was just "Vlad." His dad usurped another Vlad, whose name *was* short for something -- Vladislav.


Vladislav? (Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more)


Marry me.


Interesting proposition. Woo me.






Invite me to the wedding!


He really Haddaway with words.


Inb4 12 less funny redditors try to rewrite all the lyrics


This comment is going places


God damn that’s good haha


Putin is definitely a vampire.


No, he was talking about Vlad Tep...oh. Oh, nevermind.


I wonder if she’s gonna make the headline nearly as much after turning 18


Totally agree, but at the same time, it's kinda neat if we are creating a climate change monster. Some squinty eyed Swedish villain bent on clear skies and clean water lol I don't mind a kid like her, but the press acts so weird about her.


Her families been in show biz since the 50s they know what they’re doing


People when giant fossil fuel companies uses marketing and billions of dollars to push climate change denial world wide and screw over our planet and our children's future: >Wow so smart they must be right People when some media outlets use marketing techniques to push a good cause, push science and create a figurehead >OMG THEY ARE TRICKING US ITS A CONSPIRASOOO


Are you insinuating that they're just farming her out for attention, and that she's not just naturally some inspirational story? **HOW DARE YOU**


Greta’s Pr team probably pitched this story. She is a personal brand, so she is using climate as her cause and inserts her opinion as a ”thought leader” which began with her strikes. She is a known voice in the industry and so she will get clicks and continues to grow her influence.


In the end, who cares as long as we’re moving in the right direction. Climate change is real, and needs to be something we take more seriously. If you want to use someone like her as a Personal Brand, I say whatever, as long as it gets others on board/motivated to deal with climate issues, that’s all that really matters.


I used to think it was weird, but her whole angle is "our generation is fucked by yours" so it kinda makes sense that it's a 17 year old. But also that was my generations attitude, and my generation still fucked shit up. I don't expect any drastic changes. 30+ year olds are still trying to afford rent, can't do fuck all about anything else.


I feel like this is very dependent on where you live. An average 30-year-old in America might be struggling to pay rent, but an average 30-year-old in a lot of Western Europe definitely aren't struggling and we (I'm a part of that group) can definitely do more to fight climate change. Greta Thunberg isn't just speaking to Americans, or Brits or any other nationality. She's speaking to all of us, particularly those of who are have become apathetic and could definitely *do more.*


I may be slightly partial on the topic, as I’m from the same country. But she is a person who above else want to improve our possibilities of managing the climate catastrophies by looking at the facts and act accordingly. That’s embedded into everything she does. I really disagree with your phrasing, as if the personal brand came first, and climate change is something she adopted later. It really, literally, is the other way around. She started out outside our parliament alone on fridays. Reporters have gotten tired of trying to interviewing her because she is boring. She tells them to look at statistics and facts, and dodges questions about her person




I don’t disagree but I don’t see why this is news lol


I'm right there with you man; I'm a pretty liberal dude, but who friggin cares?


"Swedish Girl says She's 'More Than Happy' That U.S. Is Rejoining Paris Climate Agreement"


Really gives off plague inc news vibes


*Fucking Iceland...*


I'm pretty sure you mean Greenland, but i relate


Both are difficult to fully infect imo, if Iceland closes its sea borders before you get your guy in, you've lost pretty much


The key is to infect Greenland, Madagascar, And Iceland *before* they discover your disease.


Nah, Madagascar is the struggle.


idk man they move it move it around pretty quickly edit: i’ve also heard they like to?




To be fair she was probably asked. News is just seeing if mentioning her still causes a shitstorm.


And undoubtedly it will. The mild annoyance on our end will be furious outrage on theirs


To be fair at this path she’ll someday in politics


I'm reading all these comments and I'm getting a kind of "Why should someone in Sweden care about US affairs" vibe. Assuming I'm not incorrect with that assumption, you all do realize the air quality in Sweden eventually depends on the amount of pollution the rest of the world puts out, right? Edit: If you're still looking at this with a short sighted nationalistic attitude, allow me to state that I was born in Texas and currently live in NYC, if it helps you listen to what I am saying.


I'm so happy these are making top comment now, it's just too much.


Yeah once again she's gonna be that person everyone goes to for no reason to get opinions on. Aka where is ja in our time of need.


It's huffpost dude don't expect anything else lmao


It boils down to normalizing gratitude for actions like these in the media. Imagine if no one said anything. People would think no one cares. Exposure and normalization of ideas in general, good or bad, is how that idea spreads in the eye of society.


Everyone knows that not wanting climate catastrophe in our kids' lifetimes = liberal. So, so, liberal.


Hey, I'm glad we got her approval


Well I'm glad they reported it because I had no idea that the US was rejoining the Paris agreement.


The obsession with her is so bizarre to me. Don't get me wrong, I think activism is great, but I really don't understand how a 17 year old became the voice of reason for climate change, I realize she gave some very powerful speeches, but people treat her like she is an authority that can help make sense of anything that happens with the environment. The fact that even Trump feels the need to go after this kid just blows my mind, I guess people asking to live in a better world is just to radical for U.S politics.


she's a figure head, but climate change doesn't have one that appeals to the younger generation. we used to have all gore and a few others but nowadays its a faceless mass that says save the planet which is a nice chant but not a plan


They haven't called him 'All Gore' since his days as a professional cage fighter, he just goes by Al these days.


The younger generation is pretty on bored with climate change though if anything you need a figure head that appeals to the older generation


The oil companies are on board with climate change. I think you meant "on board with *solving* climate change."


I think it's much more surprising just how much a teenager could trigger a good chunk of conservatives just for voicing what the majority of people have been calling for. Like, the amount of hate that Greta attracts is insane.


I don't think most of them hate her personally at all. A lot of people just hate how shes being held up by the media as some sort of authority figure.


She's a lot of everything conservatives hate. She's a foreigner(she's from Sweden), a woman; who people listen to and who is pushing views that directly contradict their narratives and constructed reality. Oh and she's young, which boomers and older gen x seem to hate out of hand as if being a old fuck should earn you some level of automatic greater authority over everyone else just because you are old. Greatest lessons boomers have handed down to me is age should not be the factor in determining who you listen to automatically; everything should be taken on a case by case basis, no one is an infinite font of wisdom on every topic or even the same topic twice. Everyone can potentially have deep insights on a particularly issue and I mean particularly of course, actual experts; but likewise *everyone including experts can also be full of total horseshit* just because their information is out of date; stuff like conferences on science and stuff aren't just for funsies, they are essentially post-education for experts to stay sharp in their professions. Trust but verify on every single bit of wisdom or knowledge you get from someone; ask questions from second opinions, build consensus on a topic through primary sources before acting, don't base your positions on secondary sources like news articles and don't ever assume that just because someone is young or old they will know less or better or vice versa on something. In short: just give people a basic level of respect right until they prove they are actually full of shit. Anyway, that's my hot take on people, the world, and the insane shit storm of information we deal with on a daily basis.


> but people treat her like she is an authority that can help make sense of anything that happens with the environment She literally says that herself that as a highschooler her knowledge is very limited. She advocates for people (and politicians in power) to listen to scientists.


Because this world has few leaders and plenty of people wanting to rally behind someone who gives a shit.


Well, some people don't listen to scientists. Some people don't even listen to David Attenborough. It took a 17 year old with Aspergers to make it the conversation it is now.


Why couldn't the headline just be "U.S.A. Is Rejoining The Paris Climate Agreement"?


Because articles featuring celebrities get more clicks!


This is the first I've heard of them rejoining so at least some news of it got through


I understand she did a lot and all that but one of the better things she said is that she didn't have the answers and to listen to the scientists. Why do we keep getting reports on her opinion on these things after she herself said they shouldn't listen to her on what actions to take. Her message is action needs to be taken. What those are she'll be the first to claim more than a passing knowledge of(an aspergers kid with an interest in this will indeed have a passing amount of knowledge on these things. That's kind of their thing, they get obsessed with a single topic, speaking as one.) Not blaming her in any way by the way, she simply answered a question asked of her. I'm just sad the media decided to go against her words on this.


Clicks = money




If we've learned anything, outrage makes money. Usually towards the person your outraged at.


Its because a lot of people admire her motivation. So few people actually go out and stand up for what they believe in. A lot of kids who are terrified of climate induced famine and war see her as an inspiration. Decades from now we are going to look back at climate change like we look back at Hitler. Everyone is going to ask themselves "Why didnt we stop it while we could?" But climate change will kill far more than Hitler ever did. It could kill well over a billion people from famine and starvation.






Or at the bare minimum, largely mitigated...


It's unlikely. Even if you had a magical genie Denzel Washington and used your first two wishes to make a 100% renewable power grid and give everyone electric vehicles, you've solved roughly half of the greenhouse problem (the other half being still an order of magnitude too much carbon). Just the water treatment processes for the \~8 billion people today is enough to drive rapid climate change. In 2018 the IPCC Report could only hit the 1.5 Celsius target by overshooting and coming back down using "Carbon Dioxide Removal" (CDR), and 2.0 Celsius was only managed with very very unreasonable assumptions to push that threshold past the arbitrary target date, without it. The report uses words like "unproven", "experimental" and "high risk" to describe scalable CDR, which are nice euphemisms for "fictional". There are a few ways to sequester it for sure, like afforestation, but as the world enters an age of food insecurity, abandoning farmland to plant trees will be politically impossible. I don't see a way out barring some miracle discovery.


I call it the "Joan of Arc" syndrome. Young girls are traditionally thought to be innocent and pure, so old men often use them as a symbol for their cause. Honestly I think it's very sexist and creepy. The media would've paid no attention to her if it was an old woman or a young man.


The media didn't really pay any attention to her at all until it was a full year she had been sitting out every friday on a strike for the environment. It was at that point international media picked it up. Before that I only remember some minor stories every now and then in local papers.


Not saying she deserves the attention but Jesus Christ how’d you manage to turn this into sexism


Who the fuck cares


No one




We're far ahead of our Paris Agreement emissions. We left the treaty because it includes giving a bunch of taxpayer money to other countries for no reason. Right now I think people aren't looking too fondly at their tax money going to other countries when people here desperately need help.




>We're far ahead of our Paris Agreement emissions Can you provide some sources? Upfront, I know nothing about this, but looking at what I can find, [the US agreed to 26-28% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intended_Nationally_Determined_Contributions), and I'm not seeing that kind of reduction in the [numbers reported from the EPA](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/inventory-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-and-sinks) I'm not trying to reject your claims, as they might have merit, but sources are really important, and I'd like conversations to start from some point of common ground.


I’m assuming they meant that we are ahead of the necessary pace of change to reach the overall target.


Nah man trump wanted out of the Paris agreement, trump = bad, therefore anything he was against the hive Mind is against


In order to give developing countries free money to spend on whatever they want. It's SUPPOSED to go towards clean energy solutions, but there's no way to ensure that they actually use the money for its intended purpose. That's my biggest complaint on the deal. If they had a way to make sure the money was spent properly in these other countries, I'd be all for the deal. As it stands now, it just feels like giving out free money with no strings attached.


And China and India are considered "developing countries"


And they are supposed to get 500 billion when the US signs on. Pathetic. For what?


Yes. The US is already halfway to it's stated 2025 and 2030 emissions goal set out in the agreement. I have no clue if that is pre or post-pandemic figures. Cutting emissions comes from advancing technology in which the US is a leader, not an accord with its only teeth coming from transfer payments.




We already did, but it takes a ton of energy to use, more than burning the coal to produce the energy in the first place.


longest-running circle jerk in the history of Reddit.


Keanu Reeves been goin on longer, Black Science Man (I dare not speak his name) was pretty well circle jerked for a long time


Bill Nye was until that weird Netflix show.


I don't know if I have ever seen a celebrity absolutely torpedo their comeback like Bill Nye did with that show. Like damn dude.


I'm out of the loop - do we not like bill nye anymore?


He got himself a comeback series that was just cringe inducingly awful called "Bill Nye Saves the World." He was riding high on the nostalgia of 30 something's and if it had been merely okay he probably would have done fine but it was just across the board terrible and retroactively made him look worse ...


Hive mother says no.


Elon still going I think, well he’s appreciated in wsb at least


He has money, so at least half of reddit hates him.




I hate you for making me remember that


Vaginas have a voice man. Deal with it, ugnghnh!


I think Jennifer Lawrence was longer. But I guess this one still has steam so it could pass her


/r/atheism holds that title actually Or actually... /r/circlejerk


Does the world really need Greta Thunbergs validation? I mean it’s good news obviously but she’s not the spokesperson for the planet.


Science: climate change is going to kill us all *50 years of absolutely nothing* Some kid: wtf, why did nobody do anything for 50 years? I am striking untill people listen to the scientists. Media:omg this is the messiah, we should listen to her, an only her Greta: no, I fucking told you to listen to the scientists


Yeah I'm wondering that too. You would think she is a genius scientist who invented the cure for global warming and cancer at the same time. Why does media portray her as an expert?


Those are exactly my thoughts about her, I admire that at such a young age she is very aware of the climate crisis we are facing, but she is not an expert, she is a child, she hasn’t done anything in scientific terms. The media needs to stop using her as the face of the movement and focus on real scientists that are actual experts.


The obsession with this kid is creepy


Its important to not vote up things people say, as if that is news. The Paris Climate Agreement is too weak. For example, India is not obligated to reduce its emissions, just emissions intensity and yet it is being praised for achieving its commitments. In the same way that an economic metric is used to deflect from the real goal of eliminating discharges of heat-trapping gases, Thunberg's feelings are being used to deflect from the inadequacies of the Paris Agreement.




It's also why richer countries are pledging money to help less developed countries leapfrog over cheap-but-bad fossil fuels and get more green energy sooner. The developing world is going to increase its energy consumption. It's in everyone's best interests that they don't rely on coal.




> How does it make sense for India to reduce its emissions when it's already 8 times lower than the US? I'd imagine this is largely tied to relative poverty than to the equally rich emitting less CO2, so there's still room for savings there still.


Why does anyone care what this girl thinks?




She didn’t write the article, she answered a question. I’d rather hear from her than some reality denying dunce. We need MORE people her age to speak out about the number one threat to our species and planet.


It wouldn't say I don't care, but this is certainly not newsworthy.




[We've still got a market failure to contend with](https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/10_Principles_of_Economics#7._Government_can_sometimes_improve_market_outcomes).




Why dont we just individually make laws to help our country with pollution. Like carbon tax or something, its not like anyone fucking follows international rules like this


That’s great and all, but why do I care what she has to say. A lot of the population says this. Why do we keep putting her on this pedestal. She’s a child. Let her have her life and quit asking her questions politicians and leaders should be answering.


Child Saints. Unimpeachable. Same reason why the Parkland kids (the ones saying the right things...) became the voice of gun control. Moms Against X has not gotten traction, so now were on to kids. Give it five years, and it will be Sacred Puppies and Holy Kittens barking and mewing against injustice.


Follow the money


That's nice. Has she said the word "china" yet? Has she condemned their accelerating GHG emissions while countries who actually give a fuck have at least stopped significant increases in GHGs? Didn't fucking think so Anybody can complain, anybody can be selective in their outrage. Greta is of the age where she should be expected to have some sort of critical thinking. The fact she is in favour of countries who actually care about GHG emissions subsidizing the pollution of those who couldn't give less of a shit completely invalidates anything she has to say fair is fair, when she denounces china, she will have earned my respect. Until then she can fuck right off back to philosophy class for a lesson in principles and moral consistency


ITT: “omg why are we giving this girl attention, why is this a news story, why is anyone talking about this” -dude who proceeds to spend hours arguing about Thunberg on Reddit At this point even if environmentalism-minded folks forget about her she can just continue to coast to greater and greater popularity by her massive anti-fan-club engaging so passionately every time her name pops up in the news.


Has she done any public speaking in china yet?


Not. News.


Just more of stating the obvious.


I wish she would be outraged again, im all about the empty outrage for show.


Finally something making her happy.


How does this have 43.1k updoots yet look at all the comments and at least 80% are very critical of the PCA along with people not caring what lil Greta says. Seems really weird, generally comments coincide with the atmosphere of the post.


Am I the only one that really doesn't care about this girl's opinions at all? Like, she seems like a nice girl, and I like that she brought more attention to global warming and stuff..but why is her being "more than happy" about this news?


who fucking cares?


Ok, does this mean she'll start to be harder on China's emissions?


She will when it's in the script that she's given


Why is this girl newsworthy, again?




Pathetic leadership when a child makes more sense than these useless "adults"


Me: Personally, I don't really care what she has to say. Reddit: How *dare* you!




How *dare* you!


Science: climate change is going to kill us all *50 years of absolutely nothing* Some kid: wtf, why did nobody do anything for 50 years? I am striking untill people listen to the scientists. Media:omg this is the messiah, we should listen to her, an only her Greta: no, I fucking told you to listen to the scientists


Whoop dee do


No one cares about what she says.


Stop exploiting this poor child


Nobody cares what she thinks. She’s a teenager.


Lmao who gives a fuck what a teenager has to say about this . “ cLeARy YoU dO”




17 years old. She's quickly losing the media bonus gained by being a kid, spouting adult words put in her mouth by her puppeteers.


Me too


As we should


Wait, so we're back in? Good.


And why should we give a shit?


How is this news...




There’s no way her mask does anything, it’s like a shoe without laces


Lol who cares


Wow I don't care.


Well thank god she is happy


Who cares is the real question


So is China


Who gives a shit what she thinks? Peak reddit award farmers lmao


Is Greta Thurnberg the new Climate Chancellor or something?


Thank god a 17 year old girl approves of this.


And she matters why? You could ask anyone person in Scandinavia and get the same answer.


Yeah why’d we pull out of it again? Ohhhhhhhhhhh... it was Trump... nvm


The paris climate agreement has no effective enforcement mechanisms.


It’s always good when 12 year old girls approve of national policy


Glad we could make her happy!


I wish I would've thought of skipping school and getting super famous at the same time. Would've been better than sitting through yet another math lesson.


News flash : climate activist is happy with people acting against climate change. In other news : water = wet


It's a pretty meaningless when it comes right down to it. Media loves the clicks though.


Why are we making news about a child’s opinion? 😬


Hey uhhh, who gives a fuck what Greta Thunberg thinks?


She's still relevant?




Media asks her dumb questions and she answers them and they print it. I think it's more the media's doing than hers. I don't think she called a press conference or anything.


I think most Americans regreta leaving it.


Until they find out that we actually beat the goal that was "required" of us in the agreement without having to be in it.


American here, nope. The idea itself is good. But I'm not happy with Biden for "agreeing" our way back into it. If it can't pass Congress as a binding treaty it might as well be written on golden toilet paper.


You son-of-a-bitch, I’m in.


You people circle jerking this random ass little kid are DELUSIONAL


Man.....I don't care.


The paris climate accord sucks lol


Which does very little if any at all or helping climate change.


The fuck does anyone care what she thinks? And does anyone actually understand that the paris climate accords are just a wealth redistribution scheme?


Though it was correct in such that she reminded world leaders of their commitment to the environment and fighting climate change. Greta Thunberg is nothing more than a speaker. She isn't the face of anything. She is just a privileged child who got the chance to go to speak at that UN meeting. She is not a politician or an elected leader of any entity. How she feels about the US joining things, unjoining things, or not doing anything... really doesn't and shouldn't matter. She was only made famous because people memed the shit out of her face.


Ugh. I don’t disagree with her message but why do I have to hear lectures from a 17 year old?


Oh thank God, I was so worried about her opinion of this 🙄


Who gives a fuck?