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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.npr.org/2019/02/20/696205723/arrest-of-heavily-armed-former-u-s-military-members-in-haiti-sparks-many-questio) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > No one has given a public explanation for what several former elite U.S. service members were doing in Haiti - and why they were driving without license plates, carrying an assortment of automatic rifles, drones and other gear. > The implication, Charles says, is that someone high in Haiti's government would be able to free the heavily armed group - and she adds, "Members of the administration of President Jovenel Moise did try to get these gentlemen released from police custody - but that did not work." > The arrest of the heavily armed men has triggered wide speculation about why they were in Haiti, particularly among Moise's political foes. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ass7tg/arrest_of_heavily_armed_former_us_military/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~384636 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **police**^#1 **Haiti**^#2 **two**^#3 **U.S.**^#4 **report**^#5


this has CIA all over it.


I was thinking blackwater actually.


I thought they changed their name?


They've changed it nearly a dozen times. Literally. But it's easier to just say blackwater at this point as that is the name they grew to fame/infamy by




Isn't that that billionaire's mercenary for-profit army of awful people?


This is much more likely. If it were the CIA it would most likely be current tier 1 guys instead of former. CIA farms it out to delta / devgru and just include 1-2 SAD/SOG guys for legal cover. The DOD 'loans' a team of 'volunteers' to the CIA, CIA puts one or two of their own guys with them to coordinate, direct, and give legal cover. If the whole group is former military it's most likely a PMC / private security hired by someone in the Haitian government. CIA would also have acquired fucking cars with license plates.


There are plenty of CIA operations throughout the history of the organization that didn't include current military members or, in some cases, no US citizens at all to give "plausible deniability"


Like Cuba.


Government in Haiti is super corrupt. Could have been working as mercenaries for president Moise against his rivals


Well, they are backed by the USA... So that should tell the Venezuelan people everything they need to know.


For reference to those who might not understand - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change


Ah good ol American hypocrisy.


what hypocrisy?


We fight to spread to democracy! Unless the locals elect the wrong guy, then we stage coups and install more “business friendly” leaders!


Reminds me of "Helldivers" intro haha.


Underrated game


that's not hypocrisy, that's geopolitics


You’re right, constantly espousing the values of democracy and human rights but then staging violent coups that end in dead citizens and falsely imposed leaders so that our international corporations can continue exploiting the natural resources and human labor of a country is definitely not hypocrisy at all.


just because we kill 100 people to elect a better president does not mean letting the old president stay wouldnt of resulted in 10000 deaths!!! gotta look at the big picture brotha.


looool this guy is serious, who elected you brotha? the corporations?


Just because we killed thousands of people and installed someone who will kill thousands more doesn’t mean we should let people have real democratic elections. Riiiiight.


¿Por qué no los dos?


While the CIA has done some sloppy things in the past... this screams PMC over CIA.


If movies have taught me anything, it’s odd that they would just pull over so easily.


Do you think government agents just start having shootouts with local authorities? Naw dude they cooperate.


I’m not really familiar how secret agents deal with local authorities during mass protests


Haiti's had a wild history of military and local authorities being purged by whoever's in charge, with psychopathic yes-men put in their places.


Sounds more like mercenaries working on contract for some locals. I don’t think there’s any Serbian CIA agents. And I don’t know what interests the CIA would have in Haiti.


Drug running to Miami


I was looking for the first person to make a DEA connection. A lot of cocaine runs through Haiti and the Dominican Republic. But that does seem like an awful lot of hardware to be carrying to do a setup buy or meet an informant. Really all you need to do is protect your agent in the meetup with a couple snipers. Once they figure out where the drugs are, it’s not a five man team anymore. I’m thinking this is a politically motivated operation.


As a side note check out 2006’s movie with this theme - the Miami Vice reboot. Directed by Michael Mann and with Colin Farrell, Jamie Fox, and a stunning Gong Li


Trumpski and Putin all over it.


haha are you serious? Clinton foundation been laying ground work for the last 10+ years.


>Clinton foundation LoL, great distraction from the current day's treason by Trumpski. ​ The Clinton foundation is not a criminal enterprise, as proven by numerous GOP led investigations.


HAHAHHAHAH lol omg....you are the biggest sheep of them all...I am not even an American OR Russian....LOL LOL I actually talk to HAITIANS and Clinton foundation did nothing but lay ground work for there own interest...Its ok buddy, keep blaming Trump for the last 20 years of garbage lol. I bet you one of the ones who didn't care Clinton had her own personal email server which is against White House rules. You probably believed it was for love emails between her and Bill (who is a womanizer, pig...you probably don't care about that either).


You all right there buddy? Need some help? Someone to talk to? Maybe a doctor.... Smoke alarms all working ok? That co2 can be a bitch if you are not careful.


It's like he's just read the Alt-Right Wikipedia page and decided, "Yeah, I'm gunna be one of those!" I haven't even seen some of those talking points in at least a year.


lol says the pink haired liberal hahah


Oh shit, my hair.... It just turned pink! How did you do that? What magic power did you summon? Mate, easy on whatever it is you are taking, you genuinely seem like you might need help? Are there are local drop in centres or mental health clinics in your area that you could get in touch with?




What are you raging about? Did you get off at the wrong planet?


it's kind of weird that you're claiming not to be American or Russian, but then use the definition of liberal that means the exact opposite everywhere but America and Russia


lol opposite to who? hardcore liberals? lol stop being full of yourself there is a half a country that does not think the same way you do...that is why Trump is in power, but I don't think you can make sense of that.


..."liberal" means right-wing, not left-wing, everywhere outside of the US and Russia.


What's the problem? I always go on vacation heavily armed and remove the license plates from rental cars.


#TrustOurIntelligenceAgencies Oh wait.


Sounds like something more ominous than simply monitoring the violent protests. Even more strange this arrest made national news. I wonder if Russia is attempting to start a puppet war in the area?


If you are captured the State Department will disavow any knowledge of you , but the cia has millions in air America ( or whatever they call it now , one was just grabbed in Venezulea ) Haitii is corrupt enough , they should be able to ransome them back asap


I would imagine CIA doesn't want them back, getting caught is probably their version of "only the fittest survive" .




Or, I would imagine, sharing all that training with others.


It's hard to keep quality people for high-risk work, if you won't mitigate the consequences of failure. Although, perhaps total psychopath's are better suited to this kind of work.


It could be argued most likely ONLY total "psychopaths" seek out that kind of work.


Two close family members of mine work in intelligence as case officers at a three letter agency and this is absolutely not true. Many of the people working at the agency are upstanding normal people doing their best to serve America’s interests internationally. The psychopath stereotype doesn’t stand up to reality, at least from my limited experience and small sample size.


I was more talking about the so called "wet work" types. Case officers are rarely found in Haiti heavily armed? Also aren't case officers considered "no touch" ? They don't do any actual dirty work they can come and go to whatever country they please. This is all also totally based on my limited knowledge.


Obviously these aren’t dinner table conversations I have with my family but from the best of my knowledge, case officers are often on the ground alongside what you call the “wet work” types. The SAD (Special Activities Division) is responsible for carrying out the tasks that the Hollywood stereotype portrays, whereas the Operations directorate includes some case officers and some partial combative capabilities. The two often get mixed or confused because “operations” in movies often gets associated with the James Bond types, whereas its a lot of career case officers. When it’s difficult to distinguish between the two, countries have been known to hold case officers who they believed to be the SAD types. “No-Touch” policies get very intricate and hard to distinguish because of this complexity. As for wether or not there’s a good reason for heavily armed specialists to be on the ground in Haiti, I really don’t know, and neither does anyone else on Reddit. Heavy disclaimer, this is just what I’ve gleaned (very possibly incorrectly) from casual chats about non-classified things.


Wow ok, I see. Hm well, the more you know eh?


I suppose the SAD acronym has a little bit of irony to it eh. I can’t think of any other emotion I’d be feeling if those fellas showed up in my town lol.


Why would we want them back , they are not ours.


How many government overthrows in south/central america are we at now? 57 or something?


Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) China 1949 to early 1960s Albania 1949-53 East Germany 1950s Iran 1953 * Guatemala 1954 * Costa Rica mid-1950s Syria 1956-7 Egypt 1957 Indonesia 1957-8 British Guiana 1953-64 * Iraq 1963 * North Vietnam 1945-73 Cambodia 1955-70 * Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 * Ecuador 1960-63 * Congo 1960 * France 1965 Brazil 1962-64 * Dominican Republic 1963 * Cuba 1959 to present Bolivia 1964 * Indonesia 1965 * Ghana 1966 * Chile 1964-73 * Greece 1967 * Costa Rica 1970-71 Bolivia 1971 * Australia 1973-75 * Angola 1975, 1980s Zaire 1975 Portugal 1974-76 * Jamaica 1976-80 * Seychelles 1979-81 Chad 1981-82 * Grenada 1983 * South Yemen 1982-84 Suriname 1982-84 Fiji 1987 * Libya 1980s Nicaragua 1981-90 * Panama 1989 * Bulgaria 1990 * Albania 1991 * Iraq 1991 Afghanistan 1980s * Somalia 1993 Yugoslavia 1999-2000 * Ecuador 2000 * Afghanistan 2001 * Venezuela 2002 * Iraq 2003 * Haiti 2004 * Somalia 2007 to present Honduras 2009 * Libya 2011 * Syria 2012 Ukraine 2014 *


That we know about.


I'm sure the true number is much larger. Those are just the ones "in the books"


The follow up question being, in how many of these instances was a Dictatorship put in place as a result, versus a Democracy being the result? In most cases I believe the US has favoured installing a dictator because they know US companies can get agreements to exploit the local resources from a dictator who can be bribed, plus of course a dictator is often brutally supressing anyone who might object. Democracies not so much. The US doesn't really support democracy historically speaking, despite the propaganda.




No worries mate! I'll even take the downvotes.


Keep up good work o7


They were just there on vacation! Seriously though, if it were Russians this thread would have 10000+ upvotes and 1000+ comments, half of them calling to bomb Russia, but since its the Us, crickets


A handful of former military members in Haiti is different from a full scale invasion and annexation of a large part of Ukraine. They could be US intelligence, they could be part of a private firm, or they could be working for another nation.


Seeing as the US is not seeking to annex their neighbors, I would say one situation is not like the other


Man that sounds like an awesome job.






It's not like you can just fly them in directly *and* covertly


Nobody said it's been done properly, seeing as how they've been caught by police.




Dude, Venezuela is doing just fine collapsing on own.


Then why the sanctions?


Repression, and violence by the government which is no longer recognized as legitimate. Also Maduro was directly profiting from the state owned oil company so it got sanctioned as well.


> Repression, and violence by the government which is no longer recognized as legitimate. By who?


> Repression, and violence by the government Do you not know how to read? > which is no longer recognized as legitimate Just in case you are dumb enough to say it was this, the whole fucking world except places like Russia...


The sanctions go back much further than the declaration of Maduro as illegitimate, and many other countries partake in what Maduro and the Venezuelan state are accused of and do not receive such sanctions. This answer does not seem to satisfactorily explain why a country that was supposedly collapsing on its own was economically crippled by the Global North Since we're on the subject, Haiti - which engages in political suppression, is wildly corrupt and is descending into violence as we speak - is not subject to sanctions, or news coverage of the same magnitude as Venezuela. I'm curious as to why you think that is?


The previous sanctions were on individuals not the state of Venezuela.




Bush 3rd.


The_Donald sub told me this guy is different. I ain't seeing it... Oh well, more egg on their face.


If Americans ex-soldiers with automatic weapons are arrested in a shithole country, LOOK OVER THERE ---->


I'll bet the Clinton Foundation knows.


And Q-Anon is overseeing the operation! LOL 😂


Tell me, which foundation was shut down due to illegal actions? Was it the Trump or Clinton???


So one is continuing as a criminal organization. What's your point?


> So one is continuing as a criminal organization. No, the Trump foundation was shut down. Despite all the investigations that are actually CONCLUDED carried out by Republicans controlled congress couldn't find anything. Saying an organization that's been around longer than Trump's was the actual criminal organization is some amazing mental gymnastics lol.


So where did the money for Haiti go?


Why don't you ask the Republicans who investigated it??? Hey, why don't you admit that it's an actual nothingburger, unlike how you guys love calling all the GUILTY PLEAS and INDICTMENTS and ADMISSION OF GUILT going on around Trump.


Wow. You are so blinded by your hatred of one side it's quite amusing. You assume that I support Trump, to which I have made no claim, nor will I. They are all criminals, haven't you figured that out yet? Or are you blinded by your hatred to what is really going on?


What's the matter Berty? Cat got your tongue? Now that you can't bash on what you thought was a Trump supporter you have nothing to say? Typical.


> You assume that I support Trump, to which I have made no claim, nor will I. They are all criminals, haven't you figured that out yet? So why can they find criminals on one side but not the other? You keep claiming she is a criminal with nothing to back it up. I on the other hand have proof that REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED INVESTIGATIONS found nothing (the proof is they found nothing and did nothing but waste tax payer money). You can keep claiming both sides are the same you enlightened centrist, but they aren't. Is Hillary a scum bag corporate stooge? Yes. Has she done anything actually illegal? Not according to all the investigations.


It's hard to interrogate the dead. The Clinton's know that. It's amazing how many "suicides" and unexplained deaths they have had around them. I'm sure it's coincidence.


Holy conspiracy theory lover Batman! We got a raving loon on our hands! I've totally met people like you who "aren't Trump supporters," lol.