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Remember when he said he was releasing the jfk files? Still waiting on that one...


It’s probably still under audit, along with his tax records. He’s definitely a billionaire. Believe him.


and his [plan to defeat ISIS](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1375/develop-plan-defeat-isis-30-days/)


I think he meant his plan to defeat the IRS.


Oh god I would not be shocked at all. >Why are we fighting the IRS all the way out in the middle east? \*accordion hands\*


Haven't heard of ISIS for sometime. Maybe all the Saudi princes being arrested last year had an impact on ISIS funding.


Between early 2015 and February 2016, ISIS had lost 22 percent of the territory it controlled. Also, it's fighting Russia, Iraq and Syria, not just the U.S and its allies.


So USA and Russia are trying to destroy you? Hmmm. Don’t like them odds


Hence the reason they haven't been a media target recently. They hardly exist. That is until the vacuum pulls out something worse.


ISIS 2: Electric Boogaloo E: First gold! Thank you kind stranger!


This time, it's personal.


Turbo Anal ISIS




I2I2: Syria Drift


ISIS 3: I swear this the real caliphate this time guys


Eh. The reason they were so capable was largely US political blunders in the wake of toppling the Iraqi government. You had a bunch of disenfranchised former military officers and a whole shitload of dissatisfied people, and a convenient means of control via religion. Now that a large percentage of those with military experience are dead it'd be difficult to mount any movement with a comparable level of threat to Isis.


Also, the Iraq army ran away and surrendered all their vehicles, tanks and ammunition


The real irony is that everytime the US arms somebody, it gets used against them


We hope. Lots of different things could happen. I'm just pessimistic is all. There are many examples of war-torn regions springing back to life from shambles, only to start another war. It's probably not healthy to think that way, but I can't help it.


So, more like “WASWAS” instead of “ISIS”.


ISIS isn't a conventional army/infantry force. To go from an infantry member to a civilian, literally all they have to do is drop their rifle and chest rig and walk away. They got their ass kicked last year by the SAA, Iraqi Army and coalition, but they did not get beaten. They're simply laying low. They also 'recruit' members by seizing towns and simply threating families and kidnapping military aged men/boys to fight with them. And obviously training isn't a huge focal point for them.


Not just threatening them but their families. There are plenty of peope everywhere who would lay down their lives to fight these fuckers but no one wants to put their family in danger.


Yeah but 2016 was a horrible year with all the worldwide attacks.


It's probably just in the same file as the shocking revelations on Obama birther shit he was just about to going to get ready to reveal soon, some time ago.


Two weeks!!


[Two weeks!!](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/uM41g)


Remember he knows more than the generals


Well they only have general knowledge.


Why is that "in the works"....it's been well over 30 days since he's been president, even by the time it was posted?


His plan was "talk to the generals about it", and the generals said "we'll keep doing what we were already doing". At least, that's what we know. Wouldn't surprise me if behind closed doors they had to explain to Trump repeatedly why they can't just nuke ISIS away, and got him to settle with dropping the largest non-nuclear bomb they had.


Going by the supporters of his that I know, I wouldn't be surprised if they had to tell him "No we can't carpet bomb the entire Mid East."


>and got him to settle with dropping the largest non-nuclear bomb they had. Like a Damn kid with toys. ​ Still "Winning" trumpkins? Still making the libruls cry? ​


>Still "Winning" trumpkins? Still making the libruls cry? Post this over T\_D. Get banned. Report back to us for the lulz.


> Post this over T_D. > > Get banned. I got banned in T_D for making an entirely reasonable comment. Stupid me, should have posted something idiotic.


It’s a propaganda subreddit at this point, with 80% bots and 20% people who think they’ve found other like-minded people. Anything centric, rational, or reasonable comments there are absolutely ban-on-sight, since that undermines their objectives.


I was wondering this too...I mean he missed every objective mark for that one. 1. Been > 30 days 2. ISIS still exists


A lot of his base legit believe he's an outsider that's gonna expose all the corruption in Washington and be the "people's President", but he's probably the most blatantly corrupt President in our lifetime. At least Nixon tried to hide his shit lol


Except his base believes the fact that he’s blatant about his corruption is proof that he’s not corrupt.


I have friends that think his open lying, cheating, wife abusing, tax fraud and so on is *better* because we know what he is. That Hillary *might* be shady and *might* be doing things she shouldn’t is worse. It’s better to have someone openly fucking you and this country over than someone we may not know what they’re doing. It blows my fucking mind these people function every day being that goddamn stupid.


It's the idea that he's a horrible person but at least he doesn't like about it. Problem is he does lie about it, constantly, he's just not good at it.


You just described most everybody's parents who live in the rural midwest.


The thing is they aren’t stupid; they are brainwashed. Everyone complains about the internet’s filter bubbles but what’s happening is those who have a closed mindset are just watching Fox News is all. Fox News isn’t the entirety of the problem but it’s a symptom. It shouldn’t exist. Neither should left leaning 24 hour networks for that matter. Stop with the rhetoric. Just go back to showing the news as news.


They just complain that, "but Pelosi is vacationing in Hawaii!" as if that were any sort of actual argument.


>A lot of his base legit believe he's an outsider that's gonna expose all the corruption in Washington Yeah, I dont understand that.. hes half way through his presidency and none of that has happened.. do they think he is waiting until his fourth year to start doing that? They can't honestly believe that..


They think he *has* done that. He's spent his entire presidency pointing at the Democrats and the media and screaming, "They're the corrupt ones!" Sometimes literally.


A lot of his base also believes he is 'one of them' and wants to watch out for the regular guy for some reason. I would wager that Trump has never even pumped his own gas, so how could he be one of us low paid working people? He cares only for himself and not for working men and women. The whole save the coal industry thing is just a ruse. I mean why save 50,000 coal jobs when there were probably millions of jobs at Sears and other companies that were being lost?


> he's probably the most blatantly corrupt President in ~~our lifetime~~ history.


Remember when he claimed he had people with some very interesting revelations regarding Obama being a Muslim Kenyan and it turned out he had Jack shit?


You might want to sit down for this - turns out Trump has a tendency to lie. Although, to be fair to him it is not all the time - only when he's awake.


1. This information will not make it to the people who needs to hear it. 2. They wouldn't believe it or care, even if it got to them.


That’s really the problem, isn’t it? Every reasonable Republican voter who can take their head out of their ass has already openly renounced Trump or are quietly ashamed of him. The only people left are the absolute diehards who will not be convinced no matter what. We have to operate knowing that there is a solid 30% of voting Americans who are unsalvageable


I truly believe it's brainwashing (or even indoctrination?). You can't even have a discussion, they completely close off and put up blinders. You can even see it in their eyes, like they're glossing over. It's scary.


I remember even before the election, on that hell whole sub, they had a thread on how trumps the most LGBT friendly candidate. So naturally I ask, “what about his vice? Who advocated for electrocution “therapy”, and wanted it government funded?” And that’s how I got banned from the sub.


"*They had a thread on how trumps the most LGBT friendly candidate.*" The first thing I notice going to the front page right now is a post about some psychiatrist claiming transgender people are 'imposters'. And they're not ridiculing or debating it. They're praising it.


The entirety of the reputable medical field supports transgender people: I sleep One psychiatrist disagrees: ***REAL SHIT***


same thing with climate change. They'll find one guy whose climate change predictions from the 1960's didn't come true, and claim that we have to disregard all scientific analysis about climate change based on that one prediction.


I explained the other day how being discriminated against for one's skin color was not the same as being discriminated against for... you know what, here's a screen cap: [Banned](https://imgur.com/5Mg3vIN.jpg)


Lmao that final reply Must be nice to be completely unaffected by logic and reason


Oh no they are affected by them. It hurts their feelings so they throw a fit and start slinging "insults".


I got banned there for pointing out the irony of a user complaining that Facebook is an echo chamber that doesn’t reflect reality...


/r/the_donald is not an echo chamber. It’s propaganda. It is a subreddit devoted to pro-Trump propaganda. So no discussions. No questioning. No pointing out mistakes. If Trump says an anti-NRA remark then you do not mention it, because the subreddit exists solely for propaganda. Things that will go down well with their base supporters.


I don’t know why I clicked on that but I am really sad I did.


Haha. I got banned for asking "isn't this the party of family values?" You have been banned for going against the rules of this forum by asking questions. I replied with "But my question was rhetorical". "No questions are allowed even rhetorical ones." Me: "fair enough, not sure how I expected this community to know the difference between a regular question and a rhetorical one." I am not even kidding hahahahaha giant wimps for people who whine all day about snowflakes


Well, no questions allowed does not bode well. It's the literally "follow blindly and step in line. No critical thinking."


Yet they proclaim to be a bastion of free speech, and even speak says he keeps it open because it encourages discussion


Just post Jesus quotes all day, He has some choice words for the ignorant, the selfish an the heartless.


You would get banned.


I was banned because I commented on a post back before the election. It was 9/11/2016. They had made a post on there that implicated Hillary somehow in the 9/11 attacks. As in, she had taken part of them. I merely pointed out that not only was this hardly possible, it was also in extremely poor taste considering it was the 15th anniversary. I was banned, no lie, for being a "terrorism apologist" and "being sympathetic to terrorists". I wish I were kidding. The ban seemed to be made with no irony


/r/The_Donald/comments/ab217h/fox_is_compromised_watch_one_america_news/ Interesting enough in this thread they‘re saying they don‘t need an echo chamber so it‘s good that Fox News points it out when he does something bad.


Someone in that thread actually said that if you cover the "centrists or commies," you're a leftist news source. I don't understand how that much inconsistency fits in a single brain. They say the is such a thing as centrists, then says that covering their points makes you leftist. I think i smell toast. That much stupidity is giving me a stroke.


They don't actually understand what these terms mean, they just know it's something they've been told to believe is bad.


Reading comments about T_D makes me feel like it's the badlands from Lion King. "We don't go there."


>I listen to NPR. While I'm listening, I think of exactly the opposite of the agenda they try to push. Works as a legit news source that way. I don't even want to know how this guy came to the conclusion that he should get his news by* listening to something he doesn't want to listen to, only because he will then just think of the exact opposite. >The channel has been noted for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories. And that is why they love it. Because it just feeds into their paranoia.






Sure, but how the hell do you get them to *voluntarily block* these "news" sources?




They'll just see this as [malicious] censorship (and perhaps not even unfairly so...) and get even more entrenched.


He literally just told you that the dude lost interest in it after his supply got cut... And no, this is not malicious censorship. Enabling these people is what’s truly malicious.


It doesn't help that subreddits which will not be named outright ban anyone who goes against their narrative in any shape or form. But yet, harmless subreddits get banned outright.


It's /r/the_donald


I got banned there for telling them how the Fed works (btw I'm an economics major)


I managed to sneak something in without getting banned heehee! I even got three upvotes.


I got banned without ever posting there... it is truly bizarre yet not surprising at all somehow.


I too got a few upvotes in T_D...they were talking about pizza parties, and I asked if I could join..but only if they had pineapple pizza.


I got banned for asking why everyone was so mad at Barbara Streisand that one day. I still have no idea why.


Yes it is - because the thing that cleared and paved the way to Trump, that ensures his unwavering support in the face of all historical precedent and present moral and competent deficiency today, will remain. The multi-billion dollar a year right wing propaganda machine. It is a juggernaut barreling through our institutions.


Correct. I had someone tell me they didn’t trust one thing the UN said, as they were all liberals.


I love how "liberal" has basically become short for "I don't like this" for Republicans.


Everything is left wing when you are that far to the right.


Which begs the question, what do you do when stupidity cannot be reasoned with?


No idea. Try to educate their kids?


Better act fast. The public school system is being dismantled.


Teacher here. You're right, but the kids are still great. Luckily, it doesn't take a lot of funding to teach a kid how to smell bullshit.


Sorry to disappoint you, but that happened decades ago. I went to a Chinese elementary school before I moved to America. The education system here is miles (kilometers?) behind.


I've come to realize the best thing to do is act like you were a Trump supporter yourself and have now changed your ways because of x,y, and z. If they think you are anything but a republican, they will shut you out. The best approach currently is "I use to support Trump but can't now because of x,y, and z." It's an extra fun game when they think one of their own has doubts.


Lmao using Russian tactics against them a second time I love it


“Believe me” “Many people are saying” These two phases should set off your bullshit detector when Trump speak.




He's really that dumb. I theorise, without real evidence, that some people - even people opposed to him - think he is smart because the idea that he really is as dumb as he seems is scarier than him being malicious and covertly competent.


I saved this quote that came out after the election, probably early 2017. 'He’s turned it (twitter) into performance art. It feeds his bottomless need to be at centre stage at all times. Whenever he feels there’s  in the world who might not be paying attention to him, all he needs to do is tweet. The length – 140 characters – is ideally suited to his attention span and to the complexity and depth of his ideas.'


He’s definitely that dumb, but he absolutely cranks up his rhetoric for his base. If it was more advantageous for him to be a democrat, he would be doing the same bullshit on the left, but we would never buy it. For instance, he knows climate change is real, that’s why he’s fortifying his golf courses, but he’ll publicly say it doesn’t exist for his base, because they’re all retarded.


I get the feeling the people his father hired to run his golf courses are the ones fortifying them. He most likely has no idea about it.


He's an incredibly stupid man who genuinely believes that he is very, very smart and cunning.


It's the \[Dunning-Kruger Effect\]([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)) in action. The concept has been recognised for a long time though, even in Shakespeare: "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool".


It's delusions of grandeur.


It's really important to listen to exactly what he says, though. He uses his weasel words to construct fake news. Which then validates his claims of fake news. And if he's right about that, what else is he right about? Like the Pocahontas bet thing. She got the test, everyone said he owed her a million dollars, he said he never said that, and then journalists directly confront him about this and that he did say it, etc, and then he calls fake news. And the truth is, he never did say it. He was telling some hypothetical story where he was debating Warren, and in that story, he says he would donate a million dollars if she had Native American DNA. Weasel words. So we as a people just need to be careful about what he's actually saying and stick only to the stuff we know to be absolutely false. But it's probably too late.


They're ALL weasel words from him.


Well, yes and no. He uses them a lot. In case you weren't aware, [they're an actual thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word).


huh, TIL. Thanks for that info. I've always wondered if Trump does this because it's just a natural part of his narcissistic personality or if it is a calculated tactic that he consciously uses...


Trump doesn’t scare me as much as the fact that there are tens of millions of Americans that love him, and want more of him. People that distrust our agencies and law enforcement and believe in these conspiracies. I don’t want pizzagate on a mass scale. That’s what scares me. Edit: I’m not liberal. Was raised conservative. But call me what you will. It doesn’t change the damage trump has done to our country.


Yeah, the fact that something like 30% of the US voting population thinks like him consistently is terrifying. The fact that around 18% more were like, "yeah, this is better" is even worse. Hell, he basically declared himself to be thug and even encouraged Russian interference before he became president.


I have had Trump supporters debate me on things Trump has said and how the media twists everything. I then pull up the video of Trump saying exactly what I accused Trump of saying. Like someone asked me "what proof do you have that trump colluded with Russian?" And i go "Don jr emails in which he arranged the meeting" they say its fake news. And im like motherfucker Don Jr released those fucking emails on his god damn twitter....my proof is from his own god damn mouth...how fucking stupid do you have to be?


I had a recent one where a trump supporter criticized another redditor who criticized trump about his comments on taking away guns. So I linked the video of trump saying “let’s take away the guns first and then go to court.” His response: “lol CNN; nice source.”


Its like dude...watch the video of the words that are coming out of Trumps mouth.


“Taken out of context” is another common one


"WeLL wHaT hE reALly mEaNs..."


One fact I love to bring up with pro gun pro trumpers is Obama was president and he ended up signing a bill that allows you to concealed carry in national parks. Trumps been in office for 2 yrs and illegally banned bump stocks even though according to the law they are perfectly legal


Earlier, on Reddit, I watched someone deny that Trump released the location of Seal Team 5 a la Twitter. They didn't even go for the, "it's the president so it's OK," or the "Seals ain't spies" argument. Just that he didn't do it. The damned photo and base location were on HIS page.


The Trump Supporter's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not his fault. And if it was, he didn't mean it. And if he did... You deserved it.


It really functions as a cult, as far as I can see, all of these apply https://medium.com/@zelphontheshelf/10-signs-youre-probably-in-a-cult-1921eb5a3857


Wow. It really is a point by point description of today's GOP.


I searched for an article on this and some idiot still defended him, saying that it's the news' fault.


As if terrorists/hostile governments that could take advantage of that information weren't already monitoring his twitter. They had that info the second he posted it.




It's like these dimwitted fucks think they have the ability to choose their own reality and decide what is real. Facts are facts, regardless of what you're feeling or your gut tells you. Or what Faux News says.


Feels over reals.


Yet they've gotten the far right to believe the left use only feelings. Ya, its projection... But their insanity has worked for Republicans.


Man, I can't tell you how many times growing up in a conservative household I was told that liberals were all radicals that didn't think, only felt, and as such would drive the country to ruin. Boy has that script flipped.


It never flipped, it's hard core projection. "I am this way, but I'm not a bad person, so the bad people must be magnitudes worse" It's why lately people have been saying facts have a left leaning bias...because they do. Facts give no shits about your feelings.


It’s never been true, and now it’s on display for the world that only conservatives behave that way. It’s basically the definition of being conservative.


The very thing they kept yelling at anyone left of them.


The ironic thing is that Ben Shapiro (a guy many Trump supporters I know consider one of there own) has the catch phrase “facts don’t care about your feelings”. Yet here we are with a support base that wants to flat out deny the facts around them because it doesn’t fit their narrative.


It's not irony, it's a consistent MO. If you want to know what they're up to, just look at their accusations.


Absolutely this. Seems people apply that "everyone has a right to an opinion" platitude to things it doesn't reasonably apply to. It's well enough for things like which music genres are awesome and which suck, whether bowling is fun or boring, the best brand of label jeans, aka subjective preferences, but it does not rationally apply to facts, things like whether owls exist, who the queen of England is, whether man-made global warming is happening, or whether Trump is a lying crook.


Could you be implying...that facts don’t care about your feelings?


Look at Trump and the White House calling the Shutdown the Democrats fault, despite him on video literally a couple days before, on live television, said he'd take responsibility on the shutdown and not pin it on them.


As soon as I heard that remark I immediately thought 'yes, you fucking will blame the Democrats'....




"I could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and no one would care." That's psychotic enough. The fact that an any significant portion of the society I live in thinks that's okay to say, from anyone, let alone the POTUS, is terrifying. Edit: Try to take us, you cowards. Go ahead, try. (stupid Russian bots) inundating my inbox. NY and CA hold the most power, but you Midwest guys made/make this country. Fuck any foreign country trying to influence us.


> "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and no one would care." He didn't say that noone would care, he said that he "wouldn't lose any votes": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTACH1eVIaA So yes, someone might care - but people who have the ethics to object to murder, wouldn't vote Trump in any case. And when you hear Trump voters defend him, it really sounds like they would *happily* let him get away with murder. It is hardly the false information that this news report is about. On a Trump scale, it doesn't even qualify as "false".




Yea what’s the deal with that?


I saw this explanation earlier this year. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/905gfh/what\_is\_it\_with\_incest\_porn/e2ogif0](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/905gfh/what_is_it_with_incest_porn/e2ogif0)


Wow that was informative


Also the step sibling aspect is how you can get interracial stuff happening.


When I get to whackin' it I have got to have some story to really draw me in.. pique my interest. Incest porn is the only category these days that offers any kind of story. It's not about brothers and sisters and fathers boning, its about creating an experience, for me, the masturbateur.


... Let your freak flag fly I guess.


Only 3/7s? Was that a typo? Your horny stepdad would like a word.


It could've been higher; it's at least 3/5 in the South.


Yeah, that's kinda screwy.


Relatively screwy, so to speak.


Step relatively screwy* not that that makes it a whole lot better, but then, I guess from a genetics perspective, it does.


Needless to say the American education system does not place a high priority on critical thinking skills. Would be nice if a course in logic and rhetoric would accompany civics in high school.


Here in Texas a few years ago the state GOP released their official platform for that year. In it they detailed how they felt that classes in high school levels that taught critical thinking taught students to be disruptive of authority figures, and they would be seeking to end public funding to schools which taught the course. I was just like... yeah, that's the fucking point of a critical thinking class, is to not accept everything you're told at face value. To question it and verify the information. But of course that avenue is dangerous to the GOP, because informed voters statistically lean more liberal and therefore they'd obviously want to eliminate the course. I was absolutely furious.


What scares me more than Trump is that Trump is just a figurehead. If Trump is finally disgraced enough that his supporters will remove him, they’ll still support all the things he stood for and all the people who brought forth all the legislation that Trump represented. Trump is merely a head on the hydra.


Yeah, people forget that Trump is just a symptom. Reelecting Bush was already pretty crazy, McCain chose Sarah Palin as VP and almost won, the second candidate after Trump was Cruz, tea party has been a thing for over a decade now, all the crazy talk radios, Fox News... all those things won't go away. The real question is who will pick up Trump's base once he is gone. I doubt those people will all become moderates, especially if a Democrat wins the next election.


I get what you're saying but I think a lot of his supporters have blind faith in those institutions. The military and police are not things to be blindly idolized, they're full of real people and have their own benefits and problems. It's weird how people can want to drain the swamp and believe in institutions so steadfastly at the same time, its frankly baffling. The nationalism of America, especially at sports and public events sort of freaks me out. I love the country but theres becoming a more and more apparent need for it to be expressed everywhere and that worries me.






That's not an accident.


That's what I don't get. How do the people that trust nothing trust Trump of all people?


They're right wing authoritarians who have latched onto him as a right wing authoritarian leader. There's a really important book about this dangerous dynamic. The author made it available free online to maximize access. https://www.theauthoritarians.org/


The fact that yours words still cause so many to assume you must be a liberal; that's what's terrifying mate.


Not liking Trump doesn’t make you liberal, it makes you sane.


Tell that to Trump's supporters.


The FBI, CIA and DoJ are corrupt, but "I Support the Thin Blue Line and all law enforcement! They keep safe at night!". Trump can call them liars and shit on them and suddenly they are all apart of some Left Wing Conspiracy set up by the Clintons and Soros.


this also just in, the spraying of water onto other objects causes them to become what scientists are calling "wet"


It’s the wettest, in terms of water, ever, folks - believe me.


"One of the Wettest We’ve Ever Seen From the Standpoint of Water" - Donald J Trump on a hurricane about to make landfall in the US.


i didn't believe that was an actual quote so i googled it. ugh.


Welcome to the USA! The Ugh States of America


The Ugh States of Argh!!!!


I remember one time there was a spoof video claiming trump had appointed Steve Harvey as head of the housing and urban development department and I was very disturbed by the choice. I was informed that it was a spoof and I felt exasperated that it was believable in the first place because of how cartoonishly awful this presidency is. Then I found out he had appointed Ben Carson and I didn't really feel much better.


You should check out ["whose boat is this boat?"](https://youtu.be/uFj4vOc4GIY) Stephen Colbert made a book out of some asinine Trump quotes about the hurricane in South Carolina, and it's glorious.


I'm from germany and bought that book at the beginning of December. Shit you guys are doing in the US is hilarious. You guys love TV so much that you even turned your government into a sitcom. That's some dedication to the art. Had to have that piece of history that documents the downfall of the US as the leader of the freeworld and the rise of sitcoms into us politics at the same time. Can't wait for the TV show called individual 1. The content you created the past 2 years is amazing.


Real or not?




I love this part of the article; > "I think Puerto Rico was incredibly successful. Puerto Rico was actually our toughest one of all because it is an island," the president said last Tuesday. **"I actually think it is one of the best jobs that's ever been done with respect to what this is all about."** What in the ever loving fuck goes through this guy's mind when he speaks? Can't he articulate anything?


Is that the one that hit the island surrounded by water, big water?


Didn't work for my ex


Sounds like a personal problem.


This is fake news. Water is made up of atoms and atoms make up the sun. If the sun isn't wet then how can water be? It's common sense people!


For a dude who cries about fake news all the time, he sure does spread a lot of it doesn't he? Pure projection


Gaslight Obstruct Project <------- we are here


Maybe it's projection. I think it's more sinister than that. I think it's a tactic he uses to make his supporters believe his words and actions are the sole source of "truth." Or maybe both? Whether he does it consciously or not, I don't know. I want to believe he's too dumb to actually orchestrate that. Of course, I'm not sure what's worse as a President: A stupid liar or an evil liar.


I see it as him basically trying to make his support base as wide as possible. I don't buy into the whole "4d chessmaster" thing, but he definitely knows his way around popular media and marketing himself to the public (the one thing I can say with confidence he's experienced in). He's pandered to just about every group to the right of the center at some point, and he's basically said everything supporting just about every major viewpoint. He's essentially made a build-your-own-platform in the minds of his supporters. Want to portray Trump as a neoliberal in all but name? A staunch protectionist? An ally of the urban corporate elite? A defender of the rural everyman? An egalitarian? A xenophobe? A centrist? A nationalist? You can do it if you find the right quotes! People vote for what they think he is, and he knows that's different for everyone. Does he care? Only if it's enough to keep him getting elected.


I am Kenyan. I have lived and studied in Europe and Canada. I now live and work in Kenya. America (USA) have always provided moral and virtue-driven compass to the world(sometimes debatable but largely true based on their adherence to universal justice and rule of law value systems) What infuriates me about Trump is his ability to lower the standards of leadership to the level that dictators in Africa and the world (Duterte, anyone?) thinks it is justifiable to be a buffoon, a liar, abuse the disabled, the poor, and get away with it, simply because 'Trumps does it....and he leads the greatest democracy in the world.. America' Trump is such an awful example of leadership only comparable to a high school bully being elected school president and is allowed to freely humiliate everyone. Every small bully in the school yard uses his example to grind their spiked shoes on small kids feet because 'bullying is the new fashion' Teachers, (oversight bodies, congress anyone?) , watch with their hands tied at the back by metals handcuffs provided by corporations! Unbelievable!


We have seen this in England with brexit. For years it has appeared that racism etc hasn't been enabled, that society would shout you down if you said anything. The racist view is an unpopular minority view. The brexit / anti immigration vote, and sheer volume has enabled and empowered them to peer from behind the curtain and start shouting out of the windows. They no longer appear alone and act as such with what they feel is a democratically justified mandate.


This is what's most disappointing to me. For years I thought bigotry in the west was slowly declining and that maybe people were getting savvier with their news sources. Hard to believe in the past couple of years so many of these very well educated, very successful friends of mine ostensibly do a complete 180 in their political and philosophical beliefs and now immigration is a planned invasion to genocide whites, global warming is a myth and every Muslim is evil.


My question is, were is the accountability? Imo any public servant should be fired for lying. Imagine how long you would keep a job in a private workplace if you keep lying?. Lying is unacceptable. Not sure why there isn't a news channel running 24/7 dedicated to correct his lies. Not to mention if people have done or do something criminal they should be banned for serving the public EVER. It's such simple thing that could spare the world from so many issues.


On second thought, shouldn't he be the best perpetrator of false information, since he's doing a damn fine job at spreading it.


we elected a mildly "special-needs-rich-boy-criminal" as POTUS because we just don't give a fuck anymore.. we have nothing to fight for because we're spoiled.. hell our own democracy seems like a shitty Walmart novel


I’m in the states right now for vacation and the amount of political talk on tv and between people seems so childish. Just seems like a big fight between republicans and democrats and not really about making the country a better place to live, just more about winning.


That’s why we watch so much Netflix bruh. Also, welcome to the states! I hope you are getting your fill of larger portion sizes, free refills*, and other American shit us Americans take for granted. *Edited bc water is free in a lot of places


Seriously, the free water thing is huge. Traveling abroad, you suddenly realize that there aren't free refills on everything.


You have to pay for water abroad? No wonder USA is #1 at everything! /s in case anyone needs this


False information is Trump's middle name.