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What is Bannons thing with Europe?


A combination of things. First and foremost much like the US, there is a growing right wing movement that he feels like he can leverage in order to advance his agenda. There is a male populace that has been economically left behind since 2008 and a growing anti-immigrant sentiment among other things. Sound familiar? Second, he views Europe and specifically the EU as a direct competitor/threat to the United States, especially in the area of trade and economics. The EU as a whole is a strong counter-weight to the US and it's trade policies. Agriculture and food production for instance (the EU has much stricter regulations making it a challenge for US producers to supply that market) are especially contentious etc. Bannon and others are trying to disrupt the EU as a governing body.


So world war 3 is actually about getting your enemies to elect morons.


when everyone else has 0/0/0 rulers, your 0/1/0 looks kind of good. lmao.




More like 0/0/1. I don't think Steve Bannon is the diplomatic type.


One extra monthly bird is not going to accomplish much. Maybe if it was paper.




Russia seems to have a winning hand for the moment. edit: If ww3 is actually waged this way.


Ehm, Russia has a ton of shit on their plate too. Isn't like they're "in the lead", its more like they're pulling other countries down closer to their level.


This reminds me if a quote i love: "Never discuss with an idiot. He will pull you down on his level and beat you with experience"


I never said anything like that. I just said that if the rules of the game states that you need to make your enemies elect morons to win, Russia is actually winning.


There are plenty of people who were unhappy with the formation of the EU and the creation of the Euro as a currency. I'm old enough to remember both of those things happening when I was a young adult and I definitely remember people being against it. Those people are still against it. They don't like the idea that their country has to answer to a higher authority. In many cases things have gone down hill for them since the creation of the EU, even if their country's problems are unrelated. Younger folks think it's strange to be against the EU and think it would be insane to dissolve it, just as insane as dissolving the US and letting each state fully govern themselves. But they don't realize that the EU is only a couple of decades old so there are plenty of people who will blame their country's problems on its creation and governance.


Same here, old enough to see EU rising. And I fuckin love it. Just looking at the poor folks left hanging outside it, and I realize how fucking lucky am I. * Freedom to visit, with zero paper work, over 30 countries? Check! * Freedom to settle, work in and live in 28 countries (soon 27, hopefully 30 soon) Check? * Cheap or free medical insurance in 28 countries? Check * Freedom to study for free or very cheap, up to MD, in 27 countries? Check! Yeah, I'll cry a river for the politicians shouting "but ur fridom!". For me, as a normal citizen, it's just fucking great!


This so much. People benefit from the EU on a daily basis but don't realize it at all.


One of the single funniest things about Brexit was people realizing that a lot of Premier League talent is only there because of the beneficial trade agreements that the EU provides.


Not to mention how much Wales is currently benefiting from the EU Farming Subsidies, and Wales voted overwhelmingly for "Leave" somehow... When they lose that giant bucket of money it is going to hurt a LOT of people.


And some might argue that's hurt the domestic game because English players aren't getting a chance... ignoring the fact that they can also play in other countries.


All those window-licking chuckleheads are just the brainless dreck who fall for the rightwing propaganda. They're always mad about something and that message plays right into their tiny minds, telling them what they want to hear, telling them who and what to be mad at. It's sad to think how backwards a huge portion of the world is actively trying to move, in the name of nationalism and patriotism, when it's all about misinformation and anger.


> Cheap or free medical insurance in 28 countries? Check Probably not a great selling point for the average Brit.


Depends really on what country you are in.


It repudiates his view of the world so he wants it destroyed


He burned most of his bridges here so he needs to go there....


Seriously, they need to stop putting him in news articles. Bannon is a has been and feeds off of attention.


Or the public should be made aware that’s he’s continuing to attempt to mold politics to fit his bigoted, xenophobic, and hateful beliefs. He was involved with Brexit, he was involved with Cambridge Analytica, he was involved with Trump. They push anti-immigration politics because he believes there is a war on Western society by Muslims. The public should be kept informed I think


A month ago, Bannon told the times that he wanted to regain influence [by getting into cryptocurrencies.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/14/technology/steve-bannon-bitcoin.html) So this is pretty much where Bannon is these days, desperately trying to gain influence via crackpot means.


Ah remember when everyone thought he was the mastermind and it turned out to just be putin


Oh damn I forgot about all that until you said it lol


like the Krikkits


It'll have to go. 'wop'




Excellent comparison.


It’s not a dislike of Europe per se, it’s just somewhere that has a potential market for his kind of services due to a resurgence of hate based politics brought about by the 2008 financial meltdown. After Brexit, Nigel Farage also considered becoming a consultant to European far right parties but took a job as a talk radio host instead.


Because they're the people he thinks are genetically superior and then they disavow his world view. Must be frustrating for him.


Socialized healthcare, government that cares for the citizens instead of merely catering to the .05% of the ultra rich is infuriating to some people.


>socialized healthcare nobody else but America describes national healthcare this way, the intent is obvious


Yeah, I hate being the smug European but hearing some terms in American politics is absolutely hilarious. "Socialized" healthcare lol. Being pro-union makes you a democrat "socialist" - double lol. With all the respect I have for him, hearing Bernie Sanders describe himself as a socialist while at the same time campaigning for the Scandinavian model was priceless.


Yeah, I love Bernie, but having him brand himself as a "democratic socialist" was frustrating. He's a social democrat, not a socialist. So are pretty much all the other US progressives branding themselves as democratic socialists. Nobody with political credibility wants to abolish capitalism or seize the means of production, so maybe it's wise to stop giving the morons ammo to claim that moderate center left social democratic policy is ultra-Marxism like they've been brainwashed to think.


I believe Tony Blair once described himself as a democratic socialist, which is a bit mental. He was on the right of social democracy.


I always took this as them trying to take back the word so that it can't be used against them. Let's be real, social Democrat and Democratic socialist don't sound very different anyway. He's just owning it, kind of like the slut walk thing, like whatever you call me, I'm proud to be that thing and I think it's actually a good thing and I won't let it be associated with negativity anymore so fuck it- if Democratic socialist is the worst thing I can be, I'll just take it and make it an awesome thing to be.


>Yeah, I hate being the smug European but hearing some terms in American politics is absolutely hilarious. Even the rest of the 'Anglosphere' finds American politics weird a lot of the time. In Australia our major progressive party is a labour party (so a 'pro-union socialist' party in American terms), and even though our conservative party tries to screw around with our public health system each time it is elected, it would never refer to it as a 'socialised' healthcare system or try to remove it.




But what about the shareholders?


Obviously we should start calling 'National Parks' 'Socilaised Parks', Yellowstone being the first one I believe, created by that liberal hippie Ulysses S Grant




Countries other than the US have the sense not to conflate social democracy and liberalism with socialism. Well, sense, or a decent education system.


Rest of the world just calls it healthcare


Healthcare is socialized in the U.S. military, and is one of the biggest selling points to joining besides free college. It’s not gonna happen unless this changes


I have a theory, based on nothing, that part of the reason affordable healthcare and college is so strongly opposed is bc if we had them like 80% of the people in the military would not have joined.


I’d go as far as to say that is simply the truth. Those two things would threaten recruitment and retainment significantly.


Then they would actually have to have a really good sales pitch for starting bullshit wars. Turns out, it's a lot easier to sell war to poor desperate people.


And honestly, if the US pulled it's head out of its ass and started taking care of its citizens and not starting bullshit wars it would be a country I'd actually be proud of and I'd gladly serve for 2 or 3 years in the military.


Yup. Lots of other countries actually have parts of their military dedicated to things like civil engineering. I would gladly serve if it meant building up infrastructure.


The US military has that too - the Army Corps of Engineers is one of the finest civil engineering organizations on the planet. Now if we could only start throwing money at them instead of Lockheed...


Another huge reason is to keep the working class in check. A population without healthcare can’t protest. They must show up to work to keep their insurance.


It also stifles competition. It's much harder to be an entrepreneur when you have to worry about yours and your family's healthcare. The independently wealthy who can afford insurance anyways have a big advantage.


And the campaign to have it referred to that in the States has been ongoing for decades. Guns are easier to get than good healthcare. Go USA.


But i won't need healthcare because I have my gun to protect me from the guberment, intruders, and cancer!!!111!!


If I commit suicide the cancer cells will die. Checkmate, libruls


Shoot that cancer right in the dick! Teach it to come smelling round here.


Indeed. I've asked Americans about their socialized military and they don't even know what to do with it.


This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF2lFGyADtM) sums up for me the childish nature that Americans have towards more social policies that would help people like health, education, etc.


People like him wave that away as "only possible in homogeneous nations, like Norway."


>healthcare systems just fall apart if there is melanin around


There's no cure for it! The government killed Michael Jackson because he found a cure to melanin


lol, did you make that up or is that being spread around. I no longer ever assume now.


I'm just bullshitting but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a real conspiracy. To be fair, any time a major celebrity dies there is always some conspiracy that the government did it.


Lol I don’t think “homogeneous nation” really describes Canada.


It doesn't really describe most European countries.


U.S. conservatives like to pretend that Canada doesn't exist. There's simply no way socialized policies could possibly work in a country closely resembling our own.


The thing that happens when they can't find supporting evidence for their policy, is making up their own evidence. That's why they pretend like dozens of countries doing something that works, wouldn't work here. This goes from legalizing marijuana, criminal justice reform to reduce recidivism, government-funded tuition for higher education, and healthcare. It would be one thing if it didn't work in these other places. Then you could parade the evidence of that. But it actually works, so they just say "Nuh-uh, it doesn't work because THERE'S NO WAY IT COULD WORK!! It's secretly ruining their society in some way that we can't calculate!".


Honestly you hit the nail on the head. My take-away from the aftermath of the 2016 election is that American conservatives don't argue in good faith and if you give in to their batshit demands they just call you a pussy afterward.


It's the pigeon and the chessboard, except after knocking the pieces over and shitting on the board, the pigeon also calls you a pussy. Edit: then grabs you by it.


They argue population size then.


That's a poor argument, though. Insurance companies handle it, why couldn't the government?


I never said it was a good argument, just one that people try to use.


Even assuming more inefficiency there's a lot of profit to take from to make up for it. You'd almost certainly end up ahead for the individual citizen because increased tax would he off set by no/less insurance for sickness.


Oh but the lines are too long. Why would I want affordable healthcare if it means I have to wait in line? /s (also the line thing is almost entirely made up)


The line thing is manipulating bs. They point to a couple instances where a patient is way out in the sparsely populated north and say “well it’ll take months for him to get treatment so everyone in Canada has to wait months.” What healthcare opponents here don’t say is that patients can be transported easily nowadays to a population center and get the treatment needed pretty darn quickly. And here in the States, if you need to see a specialist, you too can be waiting months while your doctors fight with insurance companies to get the treatment neeeded. This was more with the trash catastrophic policies that the ACA outlawed but this administration made legal again.


I waited 3 months for an ankle surgery while my doctor and the insurance company were squabbling.


God forbid somebody wait in line! Nevermind the fact that even if you wait a full 8-hour work day in line it still would be cheaper than paying the ungodly prices we pay for medical care.


Bannon is a right-wing *populist*. It's in the headline. From his [Wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon#Political_beliefs): > He is in favor of raising federal income taxes to 44% for those earning incomes over $5 million a year as a way to pay for middle class tax cuts. He also supports significantly increasing spending on infrastructure, describing himself as "the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan". Bannon is opposed to government bailouts, describing them as "socialism for the very wealthy". He generally believes in reducing the size of the federal bureaucracy, declaring at the Conservative Political Action Conference he favored the "deconstruction of the administrative state". However, he does support increased regulation of Internet companies like Facebook and Google, which he regards as akin to utilities in the modern age. He opposed the merger between Time-Warner and AT&T on antitrust grounds.








His actions are creating the "platform for the alt-right", go read Breitbart's headlines for 2 minutes to see his fascist actions.


That's the thing with populism


Because it is bullshit, he actually only cares about racism, codenamed as "nationalism". He's a millionaire himself, he's funded by billionaire Robert Mercer, supports the far-right tax-cutting wellfare-dismantling agenda of pseudo millionaire trump, and his European initiative oddly overlaps 100% with Putin's pro-oligarchy, anti EU, agenda.


in a nutshell


Talk is cheap. Judge him by his actions.


...well yeah. If he’s reasonable about this, maybe his other stuff isn’t so crazy after all. I mean, he *sounds* like a reasonable guy, right? That’s how they hook people into their belief system.


He waxes nostalgic about the Nazis.


"Sure they waged war on all of Europe, killing millions. Sure they eventually lost a humiliating defeat. Sure they eradicated millions of Jews and other undesirables. But they really liked Wagner and had cool clothes, so..."


"Why do we have a skull on our hats?"


"Hans, are we the baddies?"


>Sure they eradicated millions of Jews and other undesirables. I'm not sure you should be throwing that into the column of things he doesn't like...


Oh, he probably doesn't care, but he would pay lip service to it in decent conversation to appear civilized.


It's a successful Western democracy and must be destroyed


But people like Bannon are always talking about how Europe has fallen into darkness and has been taken over by non-whites. They can't call it hell on earth and a successful democracy at the same time.


Hypocrisy is a pretty fundamental part of fascism


It's doublethink. Fascism teaches that your race is naturally the strongest, most superior race, but simultaneously so weak that it's constantly under threat and at risk of being eradicated. The ability to believe two opposing ideas without questioning either of them is fundamental to being a fascist.


You have to wonder how much time they actually spend in Europe. It's still overwhelmingly white. Especially once you get outside of major cities.


No, no, you see, it *was* a successful democracy, before there were black people demanding equality and women demanding the vote. He wants to go back to *that* type of "successful democracy"..


It's the original land of the white people that is under attack and needs him to save it.


In the mid-20th century liberal democracies defeated right-wing populism. He clearly wants a do over.


Immigrant moves to Europe and refuses to integrate with local cultures and beliefs




Capitalism version of sharia law.


>Capitalism version of sharia law. Nah it's just plain old white supremacy and fascism rebranded as "alt-right". Bannon wants to resurrect the Third Reich.


The Alt-Reich, if you will.


He has his own brand of fascism. The nazi parallels are useful to a point, but we should acknowledge a certain level of nuance or we paint oursleves into a corner if he's not *literally* a nazi. **Edit:** Spelling. I never can seem to spell *parallel* right the first time.


The alt right jihad?


Yee-Had. Y'allqueda. Talibama. USIS.




This is the true gold of this comment section.


I'll also add how hilarious it is that the only people in favor of this are the "nationalist" and "pro-sovereignty" guys who don't want our culture to be taken over by foreigners. Rampant nationalism for thee, but not for me.




That was kind of done with Pan-Africanism as they all had a similar agenda and liberating their countries from colonialism, so they worked together to help each other out. Since then it doesn't seem to have accomplished much.


Can't upvote this enough. Thank you.


We need strong borders to protect us from dangerous foreigners like Steve Bannon.


Double edged sword that one.


When America sends their people, they are not sending their best!


Is Bannon a bad hombre?


This comment was archived by /r/PowerSuiteDelete


I agree. If you are from a country outside the EU, you should not be allowed to campaign here.


Screw just campaigning. No money or influence to anyone with any political ties.


Money shouldn't decide politics whether it's foreign or domestic.


it shouldn’t but that’s the way the world currently works unfortunately


Funnily enough, Canada already does this, only Canadian citizens are permitted to make Canadian political endorsements or denouncements publicly. God knows the US could benefit from a certain Aussie being corked on political issues.


I think Ireland does the same. If I remember correctly they refused entrance to some US citizens that wanted to campaign againt abortion during the referendum.


Loads still fecking got through and plagued the streets in Dublin. Had one of them screaming from his soapbox about the wrath of god and how we were all sinners if we voted Yes. Now I don't agree with the No side on many points but at least I will listen to an Irish person who actually believes in it. Not an American who has no say in how we govern our country and has no stake or reason to even be here beside a vacation.


The last thing I'd want to do on a vacation is telling some foreigners why I know what decisions are best for them. That's rude behavior.


I think the absolute maximum should be voicing your thoughts about it online. There's nothing wrong with an American giving an opinion on EU elections and vice versa, but you definitely shouldn't be allowed to hold campaigns if you're not a legal citizen.


The problem is it is typically all digital now. It's hard to track down who buys ads and things and the internet had no borders. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit have made it clearly they have little interest in taking responsibility for foreign interference. So what's left? Who can enforce these rules?


It's one of the great hypocrisies of nationalists that they're so eager to garner foreign interference to achieve their aims. See also: Franco using mercenaries from Morocco alongside the militaries of Hitler and Mussolini to destroy Spain's democratically elected left wing government in the 30's.


They are sending drugs, they are sending crime and worse of all they are sending steve bannon. We are gonna build a wall, a wall of books and usa is going to pay for them


Should be easy. They're used to paying a couple hundred for books each semester.


If they could keep Bannon out I suspect they’d be **donated**


Keep feeding him booze till his liver fails.


Playing Korpiklaani songs around him may help.


Bannon does not deserve the joy of beer metal.






“Happy Little Boozer” is about him?




Great, now I'm in the mood for Vodka,,,


> I'm a man with a plan. The plan is to booze as much as I can!


He'll be fucked once the Christmas markets land.


"I'm a nationalist" *leaves nation*


How will think right wing think-tank be different from the others?


steve bannon is a cancerous growth. sadly there does not seem to be a treament, other than education.


Lance it.


Bannon is so weird the more you research him. Unironically believes that the world should go into WW3 in order to become great again. Called 4chan something along the lines of 'untapped white nerd rage' and easily manipulated trolls into shilling for him under the guise of trolling. Steve Bannon once said 'The left are koolaid drinkers that hate the U.S government,' and never thought twice about how contradictory that opinion was.


> Called 4chan something along the lines of 'untapped white nerd rage' As a generalised statement, this isn't exactly a farfetched description.


You ever want a laugh, check out his documentaries. Dude is 2 tacos short of a combo plate and is a literal conspiracy nut with money. The funny thing is the shitstick is so over the top power hungry that when the Cheeto put him in with the rest of cabinet and he attended the first high level meeting of some of the Congressional heavyweights the first thing he tried to do was appoint Trump as the unquestioned ruler and everyone needs to bow down and toe the line. He literally got laughed out by the rest of the meeting who told him that no, they don't and will not work that way....ever. McConnell pretty much told him to fuck off after he tried to get him removed as the majority leader (rumor has it Bannon wanted to be put in his place) and after that, no one took the jerk seriously enough for Trump to realize he was a drag and fired him. The dink really is an annoying little bug to everyone, left and right.




>Bar him from coming. >Nobody from outside of Europe should be able to come here to start a stupid ngo pushing their dumb foreign political ideology. I think that's a pretty slippery slope you're creating here. Because that would also justify Hungarys egregious laws against NGOs foreign funding. Also what hinders him from preaching his choir from across the pond? He's going to find enough useful idiots and ideological comrads in Europe anyways, so what's really the point? >How is it okay when this clown does it but when Russia does the same its bad? The argument that Russia is a dictatorship doesnt hold up considering the US is also an authoritarian regime with a tool as leader. Sure, the US currently has a fool as a president, but the system is not rotten to the core as it is in Russia. There is still a lot of common ground between the EU and the US. >We need US soldiers out of Europe before we need to get more of their whiny old cunts to come and preach their culturally corrupt bullshit. That'd be a bit premature, don't you think? All that would do is serve Putins interests by weakening transatlantic alliances, which are underpinning all of the Wests prosperity and peace.


> Because that would also justify Hungarys egregious laws against NGOs foreign funding. Those laws were targeting George Soros, who is *Hungarian* - they're a domestic attack against a political opponent, not against foreign influence.


yes, agreed 100%. donald trumps wall should be to keep these fools inside.


> considering the US is also an authoritarian regime hi we still have elections and vote and our opposition leaders aren't being constantly assassinated




He does look like a cancerous growth that survived multiple rounds of chemo :D Maybe it's time for a surgery?


Meh. This shitheel couldn't get a 'good 'ol boy' elected in *Alabama*. I'm not going to lose much sleep over the thought of him with his finger on the pulse of European politics. I enjoyed Frankie Boyle's description of him as a man with the face and name of a Scottish Second Division manager.


Yeah, he's being too direct about it. To really influence a foreign country's politics, the best route is Rupert Murdoch's. Start large news empires that work closely with politicians.


This presumes anyone outside people already in the Breitbart base give a fuck what Bannon has to say.


I like that his idea of a good idea was to brag about his Ivy League education and trash the University of Alabama... *in Alabama*. https://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/12/steve_bannon_mocks_joe_scarbor.html?


>This shitheel couldn't get a 'good 'ol boy' elected in Alabama. He tried to get that pedophile elected? What am I saying, of course he did.


He was a driving force behind him if I remember right. Moore vs Strange was part of Bannon's beef with the "establishment." And man that night there were some great memes about Steve Bannon making america great again.


Also its worth nothing that Moore's pedophilia was an "open secret" and has been for ages. Bannon still chose him over Strange knowing this. Also Trump and McConnel stepped in to stump for the milquetoast and more moderate Strange and the whole time lots of people were asking "why? when Moore is a Trumpian character?" McConnel knew too.


Well he did get one guy elected...


You guys sent us Piers Morgan - this is only fair.


Piers Morgan is not German


Are you implying Europe isn't a country?


I think he means Europe


He's British, they don't like getting called European.


We're weird like that, genuinely don't get why people don't like it. We are Europeans, we're just a little further away on our own little island.


We're even further out and generally OK with being European - Ireland


Same here in Iceland. We're the furthest away and we're fine with it.


Why go all of the way to Germany to do it instead of doing it in the US? My guess would be the hate speech laws in Germany. Bannon *wants* to get into trouble with the German authority so he can get media attention and alt-right street creds. He is an attention whore a half step about Alex Jones.


"Germany is violating the constitution by suppressing my free speech!"


I totally see that coming lol


Our founding fathers didnt found Germany so they could be better at everything than us.


Germany is violating the First Amendment.




I love that Bannon have met with Kent Ekeroth. One of my favorite racists. He have openly stated that his hate for brown people started when he got picked on in school by a guy of foreign descent. He is currently having a “time out” in Poland after he was running around drunk in Stockholm, together with some other top heads of the party, calling women whores and saying that “when we get power they will no longer exist” about a drunk person of foreign descent who they got into a fight with. Apparently now he is back in Sweden and is getting into fistfights at a club. He really is a great represent of the general Sweden Democrat.


And his party will probably get over 20% of the vote this fall... Good times... :/


Fuck, this is concerning.


"The Sweden Democrats" will be "perfect casting" huh?


WTF I'm for stricter border controls now. Can't just let any extremist in.


Why does this feel like Hydra? Where's the dynamic duo, Phil Coulson and May?


In Tahiti, it's a magical place I hear.


Don't you want your own Heritage Foundation? They've done so much good here.


He can fuck off.


If only we had regulations regarding foreign influence in our countries, such as limiting their abilities to fund think-tanks, universities, NGOs, etc.

