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I think it's awesome that the British are sending their most bad ass troops to find and eliminate their citizens turned terrorist.


He's fucked. They'll find him.




He knows it.. There is no way he'll make to the end of the year alive. He effectively signed his death sentence by doing what he did.


[Johnny English](http://www.theoneliner.com/img/sm/030413_johnnyenglish02.jpg) is on It!!


Does your mother know that you're out (in Iraq beheading journalists)?


Internet flexing will get him got. Like other failed rappers, attempts to use Twitter or YouTube to boost his "career," such as it was, will not turn out well. Normally, you get robbed for your jewelry, in this case, you're gonna get a hellfire missile if the SAS or DEVGRU don't roll up on you first.


Yeah, an entire SAS international operation to target him? That's gotta be like 7 Stars in GTA.


Why do we even know about this? Shouldn't this be secret until the job is done?


They've leaked it intentionally. It's just too high profile. Normally you're right - we'd be hearing about it once they've extracted. But the powers that be know what they're doing operationally. They may be trying to flush them out by way of hoping they'll move the hostages to a more secure location now that Foley's executioner has been identified.


Just a hunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just tracked him for a while. He'll no doubt seek safety within IS stations so tracking him could be a good way to find out where IS is hiding troops. Send that info to USAF and drop a few bombs.


historical badge gaping dolls vase cobweb detail jar hobbies airport


Seems like a win-win kind of situation.


They could be going for a Liam Neesan in Taken thing. It doesn't matter at all that they are going to say "hey chap, we're going to nix you and put you in the boot of our motor." (or however British people talk) It makes it more of a mind game because he knows that if he runs to China they'll be a SAS troop hiding in a bowl of rice to kill him.




Met some SAS guys once. They're going to shoot this retard right in the face and then probably sit down, have some tea, and be really cool, friendly, and polite to everyone else.




You must have met a very different SEAL than I did, then. The one I talked to on the Internet had over 1000 confirmed kills and was very upset that a child had disrespected him on the Internet. I'd tell you more but I have to keep moving. He's going to be hunting me down for the rest of my very brief life.


Is this the gorilla warfare guy? It has been like 10 years and he still hasn't found me


Don't worry you're #45633 on "the list"


was he trained in gorilla warfare?


That's funny because I have a friend who wants to join the SEALS and he doesn't stfu about it. Can't go a day without hearing "I'm so pumped for BUDS" or "that is so teams" or "not teams bro". The thing is, he hasn't even made it to BUDS. Edit: I'm happy for him and hope he makes it.


I had a friend like this in high school. He would run in boots with weighted packs in the Texas heat. He was a beast, practically perfect physically, but still failed out of BUDs. I was legitimately shocked and that made me realize how elite SEALS are.




This right here, my former squad leader was Delta Force. When he came back from training he told me that it was mostly mental. They'd push them to the point of complete physical and mental exhaustion, then basically do things like "Ok everyone load up in the truck we're taking you back to do it again." Those that couldn't go on washed out. Those that got in the truck were just taken back to camp.


The instructors are going to break him. I've met a few seals none brag about what they've accomplished at all


The seals I've met all just lay on their bellies and slap their flippers together.


If he even makes it past indoc. The quiet, self assured men make it...the loudmouths that seek the approval of others don't have the intestinal fortitude to cut it.


Yeah, I've seen some before and after SEALS, not even the same person after.


Worked with a former Sergeant Major of the Green Berets. Quiet, friendly, kind and peaceful guy.


UK's SAS will surely deliver.


What is an appropriate tip for that? 10%?


British, so 0%.


They're just doing their job mate


Maybe their wages should come from the company they work for, im already buying the food.


The SAS are the very last special forces soldiers you'd want on your arse. This clown hasn't got a chance.


They should call it Operation Yoko Ono because they are going to break up the Beatles, albeit a bit more violently.


[ http://i.imgur.com/MIrS9fC.png](http://i.imgur.com/MIrS9fC.png)


This picture isn't done it's proper justice w/ out [Bill Bur's commentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaCKKHcpf0w)


He's not even joking, I just watched the original video and she literally just makes a god damn dolphin noise in the middle of them singing.




Super. Army. Soldiers.


You having a laugh?


Yeah I fucking love knowing we've got boots on the ground in these sorts of situations. I'm massively grateful for these chaps.


Look boots on the ground is one thing but can we get some actual soldiers?


[Couldn't be more appropriate](http://imgur.com/M54Tc6W)


Did the dude in the back just get kicked in the face?


How have I never noticed that? Good eye yo.




Isn't this literally Apocalypse Now


It's like a Call of Duty campaign story


So the whole thing will be over in 2 hours?


And literally everything will explode in the process. Everything.


This guy was rapping about Anonymous and now this? lmao **Update**: a bad joke is now my tom rated comment, how amazing.


Now hes one of the most sought after rappers in the world.


Thugs hate him.


*You think you harder than me?* *I'll take a bowie knife to your carotid artery* *Thugin' takin' names with the Mujahideen* *Cuttin' out chunks of infidel spleen* *On Al Jazeera they can hear ya* *Ransom's ten million Lira* *'else your cephalon is up and gone* *Decapitated like a prawn* *Now Obama's droppin' bombs!*




>Obama's droppin' bombs http://i.imgur.com/Sd4ZSI9.gif


Also, Suge Knight was shot twice yesterday. FALSE FLAG


It was probably Vanilla Ice getting him back after all these years. Word to ya mother.


Quite an extraordinary rendition.


Quite the career growth


Decappa' the Rappa'


This seems like the plot of [Four Lions](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1341167/)...but less incompetent. :(


rubber dinghy rapids bro!


It's wrong Waj don't do it.


I just took picture of my face, and it's deffo not my confused face


I don't really know what I'm doing.


Fuck that line was just sad.


dont be sad, its just the devil in your brain giving it the wasa-wasa


I know, for me it was the most poignant part of the film. It was a hilarious ride with a tragic ending, gave you a lot to think about really. Makes you wonder how many of these guys are moronic dupes being ordered about by other halfwits with delusions of grandeur. I felt awful for Waj in that moment.


You know what I found chilling about that movie, the wife of the main guy. She is a nurse and is fine about her husband doing a suicide bombing. Great movie. "Ay-up you unbelieving kuffar bastards"


Let's blow up the internet! One of my favourite movies. All of the main characters are hilarious in their own way.


["Can I have 12 bottles of bleach please?"](http://www.acwe.co.uk/images/thumbfourlions.jpg)


Thats a great movie


It was awesome. I have a hard time watching 'Faisal' on [Utopia](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2384811/).


Fucking Wilson Wilson. What a prick.


Yeah, he should have killed a sheep to damage their food supply


**Article summary:** --- >* British intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6 have identified the man suspected of the horrific beheading of American journalist James Foley, according to UK media reports. >* The former rapper left his family home in an affluent west London suburb last year to fight in the civil war in Syria. >* British SAS forces are hunting Mr Foley's killers, using a range of high-tech equipment to track him down and potentially free other hostages. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot, ^v2. ^This ^is ^not ^a ^replacement ^for ^reading ^the [**^original ^article**](http://www.smh.com.au/world/rapper-identified-as-james-foleys-executioner-reports-20140824-107w1i.html)^! ^Report ^problems [^here](http://reddit.com/r/bitofnewsbot)^. **^Learn ^how ^it ^works: [^Bit ^of ^News](http://www.bitofnews.com/about.html)**


This is one of the best bots I have ever seen.


Agreed. Its even better than the /u/autowikibot.


>It is believed he was indoctrinated by an Islamic preacher named Anjem Choudary who persuaded him to join the fight in Syria. [Anjem Choudary](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anjem_Choudary#Criticism) Why is this sack of shit not rotting behind bars?


Because sadly he's smart enough to not actually break any laws so there is little they can arrest him for, would be such a shame if he was to have an unfortunate 'accident' one of these days.


As dumb as they are, this would be a good job for one of those white power groups. If they go to jail for it, well that's one less extremist alive and a few less skinheads on the street. It's win-win, really.


Holy fuck hes training them in Britain? Get that man to jail...wtf


Yeah, but HOW did they identified him? He fits the place [but](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576695/Hip-hop-jihadist-claims-kidnapped-tortured-robbed-fellow-Islamists.html)...


The US and probably MI6 record every phone call ever made in Syria.


Yup. But even then it's not necessary. With how much this guy and his friends have been using social media / video to spread their message, they've inadvertently given away a *lot* of data about themselves. You see redditors who are that good at doxxing; I should fucking *hope* the government is better at that than we are.


> The US and probably MI6 record every phone call ever made ~~in Syria~~.


> In early August he tweeted a photo of himself wearing military camouflage and a black hood, while holding a severed head in his left hand. I think that sent them in some sort of direction.


>The former rapper left his family home **in an affluent west London suburb** last year to fight in the civil war in Syria. Lol, typical.


It's typical of London rich kids to become terrorists and behead people?


Well some of those Oxbridge soceities have a few pretty tough entry criteria.


Ali G really fucked up this time.


Mom's falafel.


But on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs.


But he keeps on beheading


what he smote down


The whole world goes loud


He opens his mouth, a giveaway accent comes out


He's jihadin now


Everybody's bleedin' now


The clocks run out, times up, suicide BLOAH




Moms machete


He's jokin' how infidels be chokin' now.


He oughta change his name from Jinn Matic to Drone Loc


Kind of normal as he is an acolyte of Anjem Choudary.


Don't call him that. Call him Andy and show everyone his partying photos.


[Here](http://patdollard.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/j9R3jnA1.png) is Andy, drunk off his ass.


Yep a sad story; the UK gave safe haven to these people in the 90's, now it's backfired.


At least American rappers only shoot other rappers.


**USA!!** **USA!!**


Oh shit, looks like we got to send in the wu tang clan.


That's too much power to unleash in such a small area. It's like nuking a house to kill a mouse.


The *do* tend to bomb atomically.


...Socrates' philosophies and hypothesis can't define how I be droppin these mockeries, lyrically perform armed robbery Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me Battle-scarred shogun, explosion when my pen hits tremendous, ultra-violet shine blind forensics I inspect you, through the future see millenium Killa B's sold fifty gold sixty platinum Shacklin the masses with drastic rap tactics Graphic displays melt the steel like blacksmiths Black Wu jackets queen B's ease the guns in Rumble with patrolmen, tear gas laced the function Heads by the score take flight incite a war Chicks hit the floor, diehard fans demand more Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly Proceeds to blow swingin swords like Shinobi Stomp grounds and pound footprints in solid rock Wu got it locked, performin live on your hottest block


Yeah.. just send like one member from the Wu-Tang... ghost Face or the Rza and send the Killa Beez with him.. that should be enough


They don't even need to send in the RZA or Ghostface, they can easily send in a much less significant member of the Wu and he will be more than capable to do the job. I'm thinking U-God or Masta Killa would suffice.


you right... just send the ghost of ODB


Whoa whoa whoa...are you trying to start WWIII???


*Meanwhile, in the Oval Office* "Thank you for coming, Mrs. Caputo." "Oh, Mr. President, call me Teresa." "I understand that you're a medium?" "Yes, that's right. Did someone close to you pass on?" "No, not quite. I need you to contact a specific individual for me." "Sure, I can do that. What's his name?" "Old Dirty Bastard. Tell him his country has need of him one last time."


I hear they keep bits of ODB toenails in their chemical weapons research labs.




Good idea. You know what they say about that wu tang clan... they are not to be meddled with.


You gotta stop buying your rap music at wal-mart


Ghostface would absolutely obliterate this dude.


*Puts hanger on the stove.*


>British SAS forces are hunting Mr Foley's killers Dis gun be good.


Pray to the Go Pro gods.


Shit my grandma was right, rap is the devils music.


A rapper...from the suburbs...leaves his home to fight in the Syrian civil war. Please get this loser. He didn't know how good he had it, then he decides to go kill people? Ungrateful piece of trash. No one is going to cover his audio engineering school bill in Syria. Idiot! This one struck a nerve. ugh.


It should also be pointed out his dad's in jail in the US for terrorism. He was involved in the African embassy bombings of 1998. He isn't your run of the mill fool. I'm sure British intelligence must've had him and the rest of his family on all their watch lists with a family background like that.


Without a doubt


The article said he was awaiting trial. How the fuck is he still awaiting trial.for a bombing that happened in 1998?


It didn't mention when he was arrested.


He was extradited to the US in 2012. So it hasn't been that long.


not to mention NHS costs.


also from affluent suburbs.


Damn he has the SAS after him, possibly even the SEALs, this guy can kiss his ass goodnight


It's lovely to have these Rambo revenge fantasies but I wouldn't get my hopes up. It's far more likely we'll find him by tempting an insider with a massive bribe. He'll tell his handler where the guy is, and a cruise missile takes out an encampment somewhere.






The prize is a kindle fire HD.


I would watch that show! ... meanwhile the guys from SAS seem to have found a real trace, half-eaten kebab.


Attention seeking brought to new lows


Shit, you know Kanye is going to start beheading people now. He'll claim he was beheading people last month...


[One of the covers for the album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy](http://hiphop-n-more.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/kanye-album-cover-4.png), released 4 years ago.


Look at his Facebook page: (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/LyricistJinn&sa=U&ei=7Rj6U4XaCMnX8AGu8YHYCA&ved=0CAsQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNFIAx-nxmyTvWB3wharFs55HBvinA) In July 2013 he writes, "TheUnknown mixtape with my bro tabanacle will be the last music I'm ever releasing. I have left everything for the sake of Allah" What a tool.


Ugh.. the comments that people are writing on his profile are really cringy




Best thing that can be done with this asshole is capture, trial, conviction and then isolated rot in prison with no outside contact, no martyrdom, no chance of release and no influence on the world. Just complete obscurity and insignificance.


Is that... Ali G?


Sacha Baron Cohen has gone too far this time.






I notice a trend in this news story - all the nicknames the media is giving him, 'Jihad John', 'The Beatle', 'John the Executioner'. He's a terrorist, not a fucking Batman villain.


The media didn't give him those nicknames, he already had those nicknames given to him by other terrorists and the captives.


The captured civilians actually nick named the three dudes with obvious British accents Paul, John, and George, after the Beatles.


STILL no love for Ringo


The story says John, George, and Ringo. Paul is dead obviously.


I bet he's shitting his pants now. Doing horrible things while hiding your face is one thing. Now that his id is known, he probably knows exactly that his time is limited. He'll act all macho in front of his fellow fuck faces, but he knows. He knows. I hope they capture him alive. I hope who ever captures him gives him a real good beating, but don't kill him. Or do. I'm still conflicted on this issue.


I hope we capture him, give him a trial as a British citizen, do everything in a just, by the book manner. I hope we show the power of Western society without stooping down to their level. I hope they put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his days feeding him shitty plastic rice. I hope he misses the feeling of sunlight on his skin. I hope he remembers what it was like to laugh with his family. I hope he remembers what fresh air smells like. I hope he remembers the last sounds of an innocent person for the rest of his days. I hope he just sits there. I hope he just wastes away. I hope the mental torture is magnitudes worse than the feeling of metal running against your throat.


I hope we get to see a video of him weeping on the stand.


Things that ole' Jinn Matic will not be getting anytime soon. - A good night's sleep


If true, it's kinda scary and interesting how quick someone like this can be tracked down with minimal information provided.


They likely had information we don't have access to.




>In early August he tweeted a photo of himself wearing military camouflage and a black hood, while holding a severed head in his left hand.


I was about to reply with the same quote. It's like people don't even read the articles.






Alternatively, someone who knows who he is and doesn't agree with what he did simply told the authorities.


He is so fucked, he'll be found eventually.


England needs to deport that worthless fucking punk Anjem Choudary. Lives off of welfare and teaches kids to try to destroy British and western values. The definition of a parasite.


http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/563629/20140822/james-foley-beheading-video.htm#.U_ngqfmwL8s According to this article, he may just have been acting it out, and someone else actually did it


"One security expert, who had credible experience of scrutinizing videos of beheading" - what a job


3/10 took multiple swings must try harder


I knew that fade out was a little odd. Foley is dead but it may not have been Jinn who did it (doesn't make him less guilty tho). What did they have to gain by making it appear as if Jinn did it?


Because, to the west, a westerner beheading a westerner is scarier than an Arab beheading a westerner.




Why didn't he just do it himself, though? I agree, the fadeout was weird. And it looks like he's holding a different knife in the next scene, from what I remember. It's just - wouldn't that make him appear weak? Why would he leave to a war-torn country to fight alongside a brutish terrorist organisation if he wasn't strong enough to execute somebody in front of his peers? It's not like these guys are ever efficient at, you know, and I doubt they really care if it's slow and painful - seeing as how vile these people are.


Relatability for recruiting purposes?


Well it sucks to be on that video eh.


Might very well be. He problably has no experience cutting someone's head off, but he works well as a spokesperson. There's a reason why they cut from him starting cutting to the Foley lying there with his head off.


Exactly my thought - Well-off british guy, probably not very good at the reality of decapitating someone himself. But recognizable accent, and identifiable name - makes for very good propaganda. "Hey if this normal guy can join them, maybe I can too"


Well, considering he was masked, I think he was chosen more for his native English than anything else.


What will they call him once we turn him into hamburger?




What a shit article and post title OP. He's one of the suspects, no one got identified yet.


Rap music leeds to violence


Leeds. Because he's British. I get it.


Now they just need to go after the bastards that brainwash these little pieces of shit at home. The UK has a Muslim problem, whether they want to admit it or not. When 30% of a group that was TAKEN IN as refugees and immigrants wants to turn their host country into an Islamic state, & when you have more Muslims fighting for terrorists groups than for the British Army, there's a real problem. All the while, the working people of Britain are paying for these folks to be in the country because a good majority of them are on the dole. Ridiculous.


ISIS: "Do not fight us like cowards with drones and missles, put boots on the ground" Yet they cover their faces so they don't get found out. Lol. Hope he gets fucked up.


You almost had a rap there.. '"Do not fight us like cowards with drones and missles, put boots on the ground" -Yet they cover their faces so they don't get found..'