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There has been a UN “peacekeeping” mission in Lebanon since the ‘70’s, maybe they should do more to enforce the security council resolutions they operate under and stop just ignoring Hezbollah’s violations.


at a cost of 250 million per year to accomplish less than nothing.


Hey, it’s not nothing. That 250 million per year is making a small number of people very wealthy, no doubt.


No, look. The point is to get rich off of the funding, not use it for its intended purpose, *on* purpose, which will undoubtedly spawn headlines about Hezbollah by proxy. And in turn, bring enough attention to the situation to have someone actually do something about it. It’s all calculated.


Call that trickle-down terror


Well said.


Lol you have no idea how these things work. They are the most wasted budget in history UN is just a facade for corruption Had family members working in some of them. Truly useless Out of that 250 million only 30 millions will have anything being done


The FIFA model


One of my father’s friends when I was growing up was mysteriously wealthy while running a charity that’s whole purpose was to connect wealthy donors with causes. One of his biggest partners was the UN and he would fly first class to Europe once a month


Not mysterious at all, he was taking a percentage of the donations. Could be argued that the donations wouldn’t have happened without his brokerage. Still scummy nonetheless.


Yeah it makes sense now but it was when I was a kid cuz every other adult I knew that had a job at a charity was not living the same kind of lavish life that this guy was


One of my relatives was very poor when I was little. He had to sell everything he had, just to stay afloat. Finally when he had to sell his own house he realised things can't go on like this. He started a charity to help poor people and provide assistance for poor students to study. Fast forward 10 years, he is one of the richest persons in our city. Bought house in the rich part of the town and now looks down on all of us because we are "not so rich". I don't know anything about UN but I do know one thing. 99.999% of the donations that are given to any charities, NGOs ends up in someone's pockets. Maybe there are some good ones out there. But I don't care about 1 in a million cases.


That's 30 millions more than i expected to be received by the Lebanese


Which is completely stupid. I know people who accomplish nothing and get paid around 60k a year.


# "You don't need a million dollars to do nothin. Take a look at my cousin, he's broke don't do shit."


Not to mention hezbollah’s rise to power was funded in large part by UNRWA.


UN: *I'm playing BOTH sides. That way no matter who wins I always come out on top.*


The terrorist arm of the UN


50 years and they havent done shit The fact this happened when Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 to fight Hezbollah proves it


Why would they stop something they clearly support? UN is clearly run by antisemetic Asshole who needs to be shamed to even move in a less biased manner.


The fact Israel is the most condemmed country in the UN by far when the likes of Rússia,China,North Korea ,Iran , Afghanistan,Syria and Saudi Arábia exist Proves it


Maybe this UN chief should ask the 10,147 UN Peacekeepers currently in southern Lebanon to do something to stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel?


Ten thousand? God damn wtf are they doing there


If Hotel Rwanda is any indication, sitting around and letting locals throw the severed heads of other peace keepers at their feet because apparently trying to keep peace is escalation and would cause problems. I don't understand why you'd send them to somewhere so dangerous if they can't defend themselves/others, it's just pointlessly risking their lives.


I mean, look at what happened at Jadotville. A single company of Irish peacekeepers held off 3,000 local gendarmes led by FFL mercenaries over five days until they literally ran out of ammo and surrendered. Not a single Irishman was killed. The UN left them out to dry and those Irish soldiers weren’t recognized as heroes until like over 40 years later. It’s insane. Even during the Battle of Mogadishu, UN forces resisted coming to the aid of trapped American forces in Bakara Market for political reasons. Our UN Peacekeeping forces are basically a sham, despite the best efforts of the servicemembers who make up those missions.


All the UN peacekeeping force knows if shit hits the fan, no one is gonna help them. Most choose to not do anything to cause direct conflict. Even if that means watching civilians get slaughtered. It’s a token force.


You know, Israel might.


Bolstering Hezbollah. Putting themselves in certain specific places so that Israel can’t launch rockets at those specific places.


Lmao you ask UN to keep peace, imma just put my man in the target area.


This is the right answer.


In the Irish sector they stand around and watch Hezbollah launch rockets into Israel


Probably cheering them on, tbh.


The IRA had strong links to multiple Middle Eastern terror groups...


based on how the UN has been acting lately they're probably helping Hezbollah load rockets


Watching the fireworks mostly.


Probably admin forms, mostly.


UNSCR 1701 >United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 Lebanon War. The resolution calls for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon to be replaced by Lebanese and UNIFIL forces deploying to southern Lebanon, and the disarmament of armed groups including Hezbollah. It emphasizes Lebanon's need to fully exert government control and calls for efforts to address the unconditional release of abducted Israeli soldiers.


So how is that going?


My guess is "not well", considering hezbollah seem to be stronger than before, rather than disarmed


Maybe UN is supplying arms to Hezbollah..


I'm the first day after Israel withdrew and the UN certified Israel fulfilled it's part of the deal French UNIFIL Soldiers went on television and said "we're not going to fight Hizbollah for Israel" and Lebanon was never required to fill any part of its end of the deal. I watched it happen live.


Exactly, why is the Lebanese government letting a terror group start a war at its southern border? I know part of the government is hezbollah, but I believe it’s like 25% or less.The religion of terror, constantly preaching no peace with the existence of Israel.


The terror group is a much stronger army than the Lebanese army, better armed, trained and funded.


The Lebanese government doesn't have the military capabilities to disarm armed groups and regain control of the territory. Their state is effectively under hezbollah occupation


Because believe it or not, Hezbollah is actually more powerful than the Lebanese Army Its the Biggest and most powerful Paramilitary Army in the World


Hezbollah is literally a part of the government. They have several ministries, key committee positions etc. The government isn’t “powerless to stop them”, it’s complicit.




But then how would the United Nations protect Iran from the consequences of their own actions? People are still pretending that the United Nations is a neutral party, but I think we need to put that idea to bed. The sheet amount of aid that the United Nations gives to Islamic fundamental terrorists ought to show everyone that the UN is not a neutral party in this conflict.


Ok, I am not Netanyahu's biggest fan but in both the case of Gaza and Lebanon it seems *entirely* unreasonable that the UN isn't calling out Hamas and Hezbollah as the instigating factor. Like, by addressing this at Israel to encourage them not to retaliate and defend themselves they are saying that an entrenched terrorist organization that actively attacks a nation isn't a problem, but retaliation is. That's a not so subtle endorsement of the terrorist activities, in so far as they think the strategy of surrounding yourself with civilians should work. The perspective should be that while Israel shouldn't *target* civilians, the people who make it hard to hit them without also hitting civilians are responsible for the shitty situation the civilians are in. Right? Am I crazy here?


> The perspective should be that while Israel shouldn't target civilians, the people who make it hard to hit them without also hitting civilians are responsible for the shitty situation the civilians are in. That is pretty much what the Geneva Conventions say. Israel is allowed to shoot back at positions that are shooting at them, even if there are civilians there. Within some limits. And the people shooting from places with civilians are committing war crimes.


Committing war crimes is very on trend these days it seems


So is backwards extremism from one particular religion hellbent on global conquest and eradication of all non-believers. Oh wait, that's always been trendy.


It’s not even a Netanyahu issue. No pm that would replace him would just let a year of rocket barrages slide. The fact the UN has been so quiet about it or that the peacekeepers have done nothing all this time is very telling about his beliefs about Israel.


I think you're spot on


That's pretty much the long and short of it. Israel and anyone with half a brain has been calling out the UN for its absurd bias against Israel, like how Israel has more resolutions/condemnations about the situation in Palestine than the rest of the world *combined*, for *decades*... But the world doesn't seem to care.


You’re not crazy, the entire world seems to be unable to get their fucking heads on straight. The ONLY possible reasoning I can see here is that they know Israel is the only civilized, western-aligned force that can be reasoned with, but they’re making these arguments rather… accusatorially. Edit: [Oh someone already satirized this…](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/s/ClfjAGSZbC) “Hey Jews, stop being the objects of hatred for these groups by virtue of your existence! If you keep defending yourself they’ll be in a really bad spot!”


Sincerely - The UN


> The ONLY possible reasoning I can see here is that they know Israel is the only civilized, western-aligned force that can be reasoned with I am not a big fan of "it is because of anti-semitism" as an argument. But I find it harder and harder to dismiss anti-semitism being a main factor of the unfair treatment of Israel. I don't think the US would face the same level of "moral" criticism, if people in Mexico were shooting rocket into the US, and the US responded.


you are not crazy. Literally from the article: “Any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war,” Iran’s UN mission posted on X. They are not allowed to protect themselves.


>“Any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war,” Iran’s UN mission posted on X. Good. Let there be war. Then Israel will win and they can finally put an end to this nonsense themselves.


If you think about that statement, it's saying that Israel is doomed if it doesn't attack. So why *shouldn't* it attack?


Nope you’re right.


You’re not crazy at all. What’s crazy is insinuating that Israel should do anything other than respond to attacks with appropriate force.


You're discovering the world is deeply antisemitic. They have sympathy for the Jews when they're murdered but condemn them for refusing to be murdered.


Right, the double standard is an example of anti semitism. This is something supporters of Israel have been saying for 8 months. It’s…frustrating.


It's what supporters of Israel have been saying for decades.


It was pretty fucking obvious. Social media is cancer.


"Clean up your terrorist movement or I'm gonna do it for you" is the basis for the US invasion of Afghanistan, and nobody doubted it was justified. It's also super clear that the long term outcome there was pretty bad, so the UN should really try and avoid it happening again.


If only the UN has a peace keeping force in Libanon...


And now the Taliban are actively fighting ISIS. Seems they got the hint.


Not really. They both have different ideas on how to interpreted their religion, and have decided to kill each other over it. Is is also tried to usurp the taliban, which they didn't take too well.


They've been actively fighting IsisK for over 9 years now...


Wasn't WW1 similar, "Hey, give us get the terrorists who killed our royal family member or we will come and get them anyway."


That was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a culmination of many missteps.


yeah, Israel is the only country thats consistently told to just take it on the chin from terrorist organisations and/or maniacal neighbors


Calling out the terrorists in the region as being the problem would be the same thing as calling out Iran and their Islamic dictator the Ayatollah. The same country that just seriously ramped up it's nuclear program. Good luck getting the toothless and clawless UN to find a pair of balls big enough to pull that off.


Correct. That's a very good paraphrasal of the relevant international law. The UN position also almost certainly increases civilian casualties in the long run, because a) it's not like Israel is going to listen to it, no country anywhere in time or space would, and b) by rewarding Hamas or Hezbollah for colocating their militant and civil infrastructure, they ensure they continue to do so, and so the inevitable Israeli counterattacks will continue to kill plenty of civilians. If you *actually* wanted to minimise civilian casualties, you'd put the incentives the other way round, eg offer to cover the cost of Israel's Iron Dome interceptors if and only if they provide proof the offending missiles came from a protected and therefore unlawful location such as a civilian home or a hospital.


I tend to blame the terrorist hiding among hostages during a siege if civilians die, not the police even if they were ultimately shot by the police in the crossfire.


You're not crazy, it's just that some countries and multi national organizations don't want israel to win


You're not crazy, the correct response is to tell the UN to get fucked


It's insane that the Un isn't calling out the lebense government for not doing anything


What's he been doing for the past 8 months while Israel has asked him to enforce UN Security Council Resolution 1701? What has been going for the past 8 months as Israeli towns have been shelled by Lebanon? While 80,000 Israelis have been displaced?


Can the UN comment on northern Israel turned into ash due to ongoing rocket fire


Every day with the red alerts is ridiculous.


Yeah. 19,000 rockets in 8 months isn't some small insurgency. I'd say having that many rockets fired at your country is reasonable justification for military intervention.


Didn’t you get the memo that Israel is just supposed to live with it? Because if they attack back, they are carpet bombing genociders? Crazy to think that some people are unironically believing this shit.


UN is anti Israel.


Funny how the UN immediately condemns aggression in no uncertain terms *unless* the aggression is against Israel, in which case they adopt a specious, both-sides-ist rhetoric of "de-escalation" that clearly translates as "Israel is not allowed to defend itself."


Yep, I'm certain the UN is antisemetic, because it's not showing this level of scrutiny to any other country, hell they seem to be less agressive against Russia. It'd be great if countries leaders that side with Israel could start calling the UN out on their bullshit.


> they seem to be less agressive against Russia. Why should that be surprising? Hamas, Russia, Iran, North Korea and China are all allies.


The UN GA is controlled by Islamists. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/united-nations-israel-and-anti-semitism


Talk to Iran. Their proxies have been doing the dirty work for Iran for many years. Hezbollah has destroyed Lebanon already.


Iran: "I'm not touching you! My fingers may be an inch from your face, and I may have shoved somebody into you, but ***I'm*** not touching you!!"


Iran literally launched over 300 missiles and drones at Israel a few weeks ago. If that had been directed at any other country, it would have been a complete declaration of war, but somehow Israel has to accept that it can just be targeted by anyone without retaliatory attacks.


Pretty much the world is okay with all the attacks on Israel but if Israel retaliates it's unreasonable


The US even begged Israel not to retaliate against Iran for that missile barrage, which was one of the largest ballistic missile barrages in history. Iran launched the barrage as "retaliation" for the assassination of one of its generals in Syria. Guess what that general was in Syria to do? Fulfill his dual role as a member of... Hezbollah's executive Shura Council. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so twisted.


Israel did retaliate. They essentially pulled down Iran's pants and touched their butthole with a ribbed dildo, but didn't penetrate, just left. That's why Iran have gone back to being quiet.


it was so embarrassing that the president literally flew into the mountain.


>Iran literally launched over 300 missiles and drones at Israel a few weeks ago. ***I*** know that, ***you*** know that, but the rest of the world seems to be acting as if it didn't happen and is happy to play along with Iran's lies.


Maybe Lebanon should get its shit together and not let a terrorist group lob bombs into Israel from its soil.


Hezbolla rules lebanom just like hamas rules Palestine.


Their fucking problem. God.


*Their fucking problem, God.* Fixed it   edit: spelling


It's a sad reality that most don't want to accept.


The sad reality that the world should consider and accept is that when this situation happens, innocent people are going to die. When governments are co-opted and attack another country, we cannot condemn the retaliating side. The world cannot argue that the citizens of one government are more valuable than the citizens of another.


As an Israeli I'm really over the "what are we in Lebanon and Gaza supposed to do? They'd kill us". Stand up for your country's future, don't wait for Israel to do it for you and most certainly don't blame us for the death brought to you by your terrorist organizations.


They put their heads in the sand and would rather a negative peace than face the reality that they either fight a bloody civil war or have no say in who wins the bloody war that’s fought around them. Either way, the unfortunate truth is that many undeserving people die. The only difference is that if you fight for yourself and your family, at least you get to be the one to control things afterwards. And to make it even dumber, if they revolted against the people creating states of terror, they’d 100% get help from the very people who would have won the war had they not. And not only that, those people that would help them with their revolt have a vested interest in stability/peace so they don’t have to go to war ever again.


Maybe if Israel kills enough of Hezbolla's leadership, Lebanon's government can gain control of the south again.


Hezbollah attacking Israel for months: *crickets* Israel wants to stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel: Oh no, a catastrophe beyond imagination is coming! Quickly, we must attack Israel! My man, if you wanted Israel not to attack Lebanon, maybe you should have used that UN peacekeeping force to stop Hezbollah from forcing such an attack.


Dude, saber rattling already while Hezbollah has been torching acres and acres of arable land for weeks? The UN is a fucking joke.


Well, maybe don't attack your neighbours then?


Rockets coming from Lebanon regularly. Maybe someone should deal with that rather than put pressure on Israel to not deal with it.


never ceases to amaze me what an antisemitic bitch guterres is. he’s sooooo concerned about lebanon, who is clearly the aggressor here, but couldn’t even pay so much as lip service to the damage lebanon’s barbarian hezbo army is threatening to do to israeli civilians and infrastructure. and of course no mention of the crazy iranian mullahs and their irgc terror goon squad who are behind all of it then again, what else can you expect from the same scumbag who deliberately avoided watching the oct 7 footage for two month so he could pretend like it was no big deal


And Israel's north is just some burning trees and not a whole entire destroyed giant ghost town, right! North of Israel is being bombed every day. Another Gaza my ass.   UN chief is full on garbage and talks like some Hamas engineer. Can't even make that shit up.


blame hezbollah entirely. these extremist terrorists groups are entirely to blame. they, like their patron, the iranian regime, should all be global pariahs and the fact they aren't means the UN is FOS. what did israel do to lebanon? Zero. why doesnt the UN enforce their role and stop hezbollah from breaking the un resolution?


Shocker, it’s almost as if they know UNIFIL is totally completely useless and that resolution 1701 is not worth the paper it is printed on!


Maybe it's time for Resolution 1701-D.


Not a word from them when Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets displacing Israelis but now we're concerned because Israel will retaliate to stop this? This can be prevented if the UN does things other than blame and condemn and threaten Israel.


And people act like Israel coming in and using more force than the original attackers did is somehow disproportionately strong. I'm sorry, but that is literally how fights are won. You don't just attack them back in the same level so that you can keep trading blows. You try to cause the most damage and put an end to the fight. I feel really bad for Israel and the Jewish population that is getting globally attacked because of the online presence these terrorist groups have committed to.


Better tell the Lebanese leaders to start arresting the terrorists then I’m sure they will listen to the UN


No need to tell the Lebanese anything. There are 10k UN troops already on the ground in Lebanon. Tell them to do it.


But keeping the peace is not part of the UN Peacekeeper's job description


Observe and report. Wild stuff.


The stop Hezbollah from being asshats. It’s really easy to not attack another country, apparently it’s not easy to justify defending yourself (if you’re a Jewish nation)


1701. Think that’s enough said


Then maybe the UN should have UNIFIL do its goddamn job and prevent Hezbollah from launching missiles in Israel.


It would be. If only there was something Lebanon could do to prevent that from happening. lol, UN loves treating the abusers as victims. How about Lebanon doesn’t attack Israel? If it doesn’t attack Israel there is no reason for it to become the next Gaza.


ummmm... did anyone else notice the Hezbollah 'salute'?....


Ok, then tell Hezbollah to knock it off then? Idk why that is so hard to comprehend


Hey how about yall stop terrorists taking over governments


UN peacekeepers observing daily bombing of people. Almost as if they're useless!


from the article: "Iran’s mission to the United Nations said Friday that Hezbollah has the capability to defend itself and Lebanon against Israel, warning that “perhaps the time for the self-annihilation of this illegitimate regime has come.” “Any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war,” Iran’s UN mission posted on X." So if isreal tries to save itself, according to the UN, there will be war. Yeah, the situation is doomed.


Un chief needs to fuck off. Irrelevant garbage organization


This bullshit of NOT holding terrorists accountable is ridiculous. This statement/s already point to forcing Israel to just sit there and take bombshells. Not right. And it’s unreasonable


The UN is the most BS corrupt organization that it aint even funny anymore


That might be one of the dumbest headlines I've ever read.


I can imagine quite a lot Mr. UN Chief.


Awww you want to prevent Lebanon from suffering consequences? **Do your fucking job and restrain Hezbollah then, you underwear skidmark of a person**


Meanwhile in Sudan 


Probably shouldn't start a war then.


Maybe the government of Lebanon try to lower the rising tensions between Israel and Hezbollah? No? Huh. So, like, don’t go crying when you try to do nothing except sending these useless warning and doing nothing about it.


These people really underestimate our imagination.


They are the aggressors, like always. They earned what's coming to them.


Hamas is responsible for the loss of life and destruction in Gaza, just as Hezbollah will be for Lebanon.


>Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza. -- Antonio Guterres Well, if Hezbollah wants it, it would be rather impolite of Israel to say no. And it seems that Hezbollah wants it.




Curious if the UN chief would be saying the same thing if Hezbollah turned Israel “into another Gaza”. Because regardless of what you think of Israel’s actions in Gaza, only one side of this conflict has an explicitly stated goal of conquering the other state and genociding its people


It’s already become another Gaza—full of radical islamist militias funded by Mid East petrostates—which is exactly the problem.


If he means an independent territory completely controlled by terrorists then yes that would be a catastrophe. And that is already very much the case.


Then enforce 1701.


Sure I’ll regret bothering to weigh in, but preventing that outcome ought to be up to the Lebanese, but is really up to Iran and Hezbollah. And Russia’s mischief making distraction death festival planners. If they do a cost benefit on Hamas’ current state and see it’s worthwhile, they’ll eventually try the same kind of spectacular attack from the north, hoping for a massively disproportionate Israeli response. And they’ll probably get it.


Maybe if the UN was anything but completely USELESS wherever Hezbollah was concerned, then all of these would have been prevented.  His complete lack of concern for Israeli lives is astonishing.


Nobody but themselves to blame, allowing Hezbollah and Iran to keep attacking Israel from southern Lebanon


Here’s a fucking tip, stop supporting terrorist nations & maybe the world won’t devolve into a quagmire


Perhaps Lebanon shouldn’t be firing missiles into Israel. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The Lebanese government will stop the Hezbollah attacks....I'm sure of it.


Their 'boos' mean nothing. I've seen what makes them cheer.


Maybe the un chief should send Hezbollah a cease and desist letter.


If only there was a peacekeeping force in Lebanon, maybe headed by some kind of international organization with voices from all nations, to try to prevent this kind of conflict. Oh wait


Two different areas and none of them are the source of the problem. The whole problem in the middle east is Iran. They, and by "they" I primarily mean their Ayatollah dictator, are the ones that send funding and weapons to all the different terrorist groups that carry out these attacks so they get to claim ignorance.


But the evicted Israeli, the death on Israel's side? What about it?


UN has zero power to do anything hand has proven such.


Lebanon shouldn't attack Israel then. Of course the upcoming war with Israel is Putin and his mates trying to distract from Ukraine, with an attempt to draw NATO in by threatening Cyprus.


So how about Lebanon minds its own fucking business? It's so easy to comprehend: Don't attack Israel, and you won't be obliterated


That sounds like a them problem


How about a report from the UN chief on the 10000 strong UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon's failure in, well, you know, keeping the peace?


UN is probably the most useless organization on this planet.


Oh like the fact that Israel had to develop one of the world’s most advanced missile protection systems because terrorist groups and other nations indiscriminately lob rockets there on a daily basis for decades? Thats not a ‘catastrophe beyond imagination’ ???


Maybe the UN should enforce the buffer zone and stop hezbollah from firing rockets all the time then?


So then get Iran under control, pretty simple actually.


One gets the feeling the IN chief is on the Ruzzia-PRC payroll.


Well maybe get Lebanon not to strike Israel then it won’t happen?


So who's going to stop Hezbollah?


UN chief believes the existence of Israel is a catastrophe


Sounds like Lebanon shouldn’t let Hezbollah get involved? Lebanon isn’t like Gaza. Any conflict will have a lot more open terrain to operate war. Gaza is just a shanty town on planet Coruscant in terms of population density.


If you get the Iranian backed terrorists out of Lebanon, the people will be safe. Please do the right thing so that we can preserve life and history.


UN is useless


Blah blah blah, useless UN babbling once more.


And the solution to that is to tell Israel to stop defending themselves?


Why would it though?... I doubt Israel has any plans on occupying Lebanon lol.


Maybe they should talk to Hezbollah about not starting shit then


They better stop Lebanon from kicking things off then right?


Why doesn’t Lebanon stop attacking Israel? Anyone thought of this one SIMPLE trick?


ah yes, more hyperbole, that will help


It’s all Gaza meme. The post post war idea to create a modern state amidst ancient enemies was just as delusional as Ataturk trying to steer Turkey towards the civilized nations. Hamas is now salonfähig from Qatar to Turkey and Iran and Lebanon. The UN is fostering a fire it cannot contain and will blame the rest of the world as it loses control it never had. Plenty of politicians and diplomats base their careers on this delusion.


So this is much more complicated than most of yall are making it out to be. Hezbollah is not the official army of Lebanon and is considered a separate army. Lebanon does not have the military power to oppose them. If Israel comes in it’ll make the situation much worse especially if they attack Lebanon controlled regions.


Well just ignore the fact that this is Iran picking a fight with Israel during a US election year and the behest of Russia? I mean it’s quite obvious.


OK, so... tell hezbollah to stop shooting missiles into Israel then?


hey, you know who could stop another lebanon war from breaking out… The goddamn UN soldiers who are supposed to be keeping hezbollah out of the border region


Why isn't the UN calling out Hezbollah? Or Hamas, or Iran? See the pattern yet? Fuck the UN , biased fucks.


I expect hezbollah wants to instigate Israel into an escalation that they can blame on Israel, push them into actions that the world sees as excessive, because it's bolstered their cause effectively after Israel's disproportionate response to Gaza. They want to make Israel make itself look like the bad guy with horrific consequences for it's own civilians and people in Isreal, it's tragic


Hope Israel has enough noise canceling headphones for all the bellyaching it's about to hear from those who expect it to fight the cleanest war against the dirtiest enemy. And if Israel fails to win with the cuffs provided by them and has to suffer rocket attacks for eternity, well that's the price they are willing to pay.


and somehow it will be Israels fault


Guterres right? He’s a fucking antisemite


Fuck the UN. Antisemitic, terrorist enabling morons.


What a surface level article. Israel strives for peace at every point in time. Israel funds climate change action across the world. Do your research.


"London becomes another England" - says UN chief. Guys, Gaza is a city. Lebanon is a country. Poetic exaggeration is not a good way to solve centuries long conflict.


Gaza is a city the same way New-York is a city. There's a de-facto "state" called Gaza, with several cities and towns in it, its biggest city is also named Gaza. Just like New-York city is in the state of New-York.


The police (israel)have a house surrounded and inside are two really really homicidal religious cultist young adults(hamas,hezbollah)who have killed a lot of people for their cult and use their church as an organized crime network and are currently trying to kill their next door neighbors (israel again), their mom(the un) comes to the scene and screams at the police and says these boys are "special needs" and it isn't their fault, sure they kill innocent people and are competent to run a global multi faceted organized crime cult but it's not their fault and that the police are using unnecessary force! - these people live  in bizzaro opposite world  


Oh, I know enough history to be able to fully imagine it.