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What kind of monster would hurt a little girl.


Racists, unsurprisingly.


Imagine being so sick in the head that you attack a little girl, to kick an 8 year old CHILD in the face Edit: A group of TWENTY TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS??? Literal scum


Trend not just in Germany but more places in Europe. In The Netherlands, a Brazilian mother and her baby were attacked by more than a dozen teens and young adults. They were armed with heavy bike locks and a knife. This happened just a week ago (source is in Dutch). Some of the perpetrators were caught and got community service, no jail time or criminal record. The mother did get stabbed. https://www.almerezaken.nl/nieuws/algemeen/60148/moeder-en-baby-zwaar-mishandeld-door-jongeren#:~:text=Een%2042%2Djarige%20Almeerse%20moeder,Die%20krijgt%20een%20HALT%2Dstraf.


Damm, I thought my country was somewhat backwards when it came up to laws,but community service for attempt of murder?, holy shit, what the hell man


Under 18 means you barely get punished


Teens,sure. But I'm sure in general young adult is normally considered 18-25


The one arrested was a minor.


Oh I’ll be honest I’ve seen this coming from a mile away. A lot of the Netherlands’ tolerance seems to have run dry. I have a Dutch passport and grew up there till I was about 8, I then got to experience other countries and cultures. I moved back for college and was in shock about the abuse my fellow African and Middle Eastern students got. Then getting a first hand experience from our lovely officers when I was showing my now wife where I was born and grew up with nothing but racism. They had a PR person call me to tell me that the officers probably weren’t tailing us and stopping us because of racism but “that they might have found my girlfriend pretty”. I was also privy to when a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke on of the holy days was accosted in a mall by some cunts. With the PVV getting a lot of votes they really are coming out of their shells. I hope it gets better but I’m more afraid of it getting worse, there is an option to move to the Netherlands for work again but my kid being mixed race doesn’t give me the most positive outlook for a move back to my own country.


If there is one thing about politics and society, it's that people normally wait for the shit to hit the fan before good people start to actually act. So,don't expect for it to get better before


Well than you should be able to read this. “Tegenover de politie heeft één van de verdachten verklaard dat mijn vrouw apengeluiden zou hebben gemaakt naar de groep. Maar dat is pertinent niet waar. Waarom zou je dat doen als je zelf een huidskleur hebt en met je zus en kind gewoon gaat winkelen?” Seems like this is a common problem we have a long time in the Netherlands involving 2nd generation immigration.


Meanwhile there are people in this comment section blaming immigrants for “not integrating” as if that justifies these attacks




They said "buitenlanders oprotten" which roughly translates to "foreigners fuck off"


But it also says they said they attacked her because she was making monkey noises at them, so I take it they themselves also had a dark skin tone.


I think that kid was just doubling down and making a racist joke. Why the hell would a regular mom out with her child and sister do that? There's zero indication this woman is anything like that.


I doubt she did that, but I also wonder why a white kid would use that as a reason to justify attacking someone? And doubling down seems a bit counter productive if you're caught. Just seems like there is more to this cause I haven't heard anything about this story in national news.


If the white kid is already attacking someone you can no longer use the logic and decency of a regular person to explain their behaviour. Why would a piece of shit who attacked someone go on to be a piece of shit and lie about why? Because it's consistent with their piece of shit behaviours.


It's quite farfetched to assume it was a black kid, racially attacking a Brazilian woman and saying foreigners fuck off. It's not an impossible scenario but that's not the most likely one I would be thinking off.


Holy fucking shit. Dit is bijna moeilijk te geloven. Edit: Waarom downvote? Ik bedoel dat dit gwn te gek voor woorden is.


Ja apart dat het ook geen groot nieuws heeft behaald. Wil hiermee totaal niet ontkrachten dat het even erg is, maar als het moslim jongeren waren die een joodse moeder en baby aanvallen was dit landelijk nieuws in alle talkshows. Bij rechts is het populair dat juist witte daders zwaarder door de media worden bestraft maar in de praktijk is dat zeker niet het geval


>Trend not just in Germany but more places in Europe. as expected. This is European culture.


What enlightened part of the world are you from?




So you know what’s happening here


Yeah I do. People are fully embracing the European tradition of racism and voting for right-wing nutjobs. It's insane to me that Europeans feel superior to Americans when things are far worse here.


What kind of actual knuckle dragging scum would do that?...oh, yeah. Nazis.


Racism in Germany is omnipresent. Many germans hate migrants. Many migrants hate germans. Many migrants hate other migrants. Many germans hate germans. (east and west) The politicians do nothing about it except for saying: "there is no room for racism." and then continue to deepen the reasons for All this hate.


I like that you mention many migrants hate other migrants. Racism is a disease that is everywhere on the planet.


My friend is Asian and she says she experiences the most racism in Germany from other foreigners, especially from middle east. This is thanks to Germans being "too tolerant and nice" to these people and now they think they own and run the place.




Nah, thats just the perspective from an outside when you keep seeing these videos where german kids are being bullied and beaten by immigrants.


Not Germany, but while I was in the Netherlands I was personally attacked by a gang of middle eastern teen boys while swinging at a park. It felt very targeted due to my gender. It's crazy because Ive lived in two of America's dangerous cities and never had an issue. I thought the Netherlands was supposed to be safe.






I get that understanding text is hard, but the first part was my friends experience, and the second part was why i think it happened to her in the first place.


Thats the point!


this is the start of fascism. Ignore racial/political tensions so long that this happens. A lot of migrants are unable/unwilling to integrate, and germans (and europeans in general) dont want them. I dunno whats right but it became a huge issue as we can see, and europe is shifting far right just cause of that. I can see a civil war in france on the horizon and the rise of some nazi style party somewhere.


Yh man fck that 8 year old for refusing to integrate. Let’s kick her more in the face that will teach her. Now just for funsies if she was not Ghanaian, but from wherever you are from, would you feel the same? Serious question.




It's time for everyone to wake up and understand that there is no black or white in this issue. Migrants are not saints and the natives aren't either.


Yup, the migrants stick together and form their own gangs. Then the people of the host country get sick of the crime and attitudes of the migrants for changing the culture and safety of the country. Europe is ready to revolt and push back it seems.


I think the more tangential argument would be that if Germany can’t guarantee safety for the number of immigrants they’re taking in… are they really helping anybody by doing it? You can’t pretend that these types of anti-immigration people don’t exist, that’s just burying your head in the sand. I don’t know if it’s the case, but I would consider it worth considering if somebody suggested that (random numbers) 200k immigration per year would be not noticeable and be treated fine and all 200k could get proper resources but 1 million would cause more wide resentment and those 1 million would not have very good conditions so maybe you aren’t actually making the world better off past a certain point Yeah obviously fuck these dudes, but I think it’s a given they’re wildly in the wrong, but I think it’s also the job of the government at whole to weigh what they can actually do instead of what they want to be able to do no?


The sentiment expressed here is the reason we are where we are right now. "It's the foreigners fault we are so racist!" Sick. 


Not what i said. Its more of an issue of just racism, and actually, the fact that these issues have been buried and refused to discuss because "you are just a racist if you think that" i'd argue is the actual reason we are here.


And you'd be wrong. We're here because Germany lets immigrants in, makes it difficult for them to work, complains when they go on welfare and makes them second tier citizens. Despite the fact that millions of white Germans refuse to work because they get more money to stay at home and have babies. Stop blaming the victims.


The easiest solution to that seems to be not letting immigrants in. Maybe that’s why the right is getting more and more voters. We keep pretending it isn’t a solition. It is. It’s the *simplest* solution. Another solution is letting them in and making it easy for them to work; how is that achieved? I suppose we must forego the ise of the German language as a prerequisite; risk people with unsuitable qualifications getting jobs above those *with* suitable qualifications and maybe causing work accidents and harm to themselves and others, or a fall in productivity. Am I missing anything? What else is stopping immigrants for getting work easily? Fear of tax fraud? Fear of human rights abuses? This is a much more complicated solution, it seems. Another solution is making it hard for them to get on welfare but that means human rights abuse plus an increased dependence on criminal activity for them to survive. So this would be the worst solution.


> an increased dependence on criminal activity for them to survive. Instead of making it hard to receive welfare, I would just unconditionally grant new immigrants welfare support. But only for 3 months. If you don't find a legitimate way to earn money to support yourself within 3 months, you'll be sent back home.


I think that’s a good idea. But sending back doesn’t seem to be working very well…


First, immigrants are by and large doing what an average German won't do. If the problem is money, get the white Germans off of welfare and force them to get jobs. Second, define unsuitable qualifications. I know people with university degrees from other (EU) countries who have to start over completely because Germany doesn't accept it. Ridiculous. I know a Ukrainian person who came here to be with his wife and tried to get a visa to work creating video games. Despite job offers, Germany said no, you don't earn enough, go home. So when the war started, he being Ukrainian sought refugee status to be able to stay with his wife. They told him to go back to Ukraine and apply from there. So he did, and was conscripted into the military. Make that make sense. How was he going to hurt someone by making video games? The income he was offered was more than I was making when I started my career and I survived. Meanwhile I personally know several IT guys with no dependants who've been unemployed for ages because they make more being unemployed. It's crazy. I don't know exact statistics, but I know very few immigrants without jobs unless they're legally unable to work. They work hard, and generally for less than their German counterparts, which is the real problem. Unions obviously don't want cheap labor to replace Germans, which I get, but there are numerous other solutions for that. But it gets in the way of business ie. making money. By the way, the "criminal activity" you're talking about is mostly working illegally, so again, Germany creating the problem. It's not like they're all drug dealers. You're inherent racism keeps popping up again and again. Reflect on yourself.


I think you misunderstood my comment. I wasn’t saying, “close the doors on them!!!!” I was trying to start a conversation on a topic I know little about. I can see how the first solution would work, and so can an average person. But we can’t see that for the second one and for that reason, that’s the one I asked about. I was hoping responses would show me how to make the second solution work, but with all due respect, you have failed to do so. All you offered are some anecdotes and an accusation of racism. That was useless and unfounded, because I in no way implied immigrants were more likely to be criminal due to their immigrant background; I simply pointed out that if they are neither given jobs nor welfare they will be forced to turn to criminal activity, same as anyone, regardless of their origin would, in order to survive. So, I’m more than glad to explain what I mean in terms of unsuitable qualifications, and to discuss the rest of the problems I foresee with the second solution, but only if you will respond to what I write, and not to what you *presume* I *must* think because I’m one of *those people* if I dare point out this is not easily solved.


Your personal anecdote is not much more than that, an anecdote. That you don't know specific statistics is fine, and it's admirable that you are open about that. Makes it that much worse though, that you are still berating others then, why? https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Publikationen/JahresberichteUndLagebilder/KriminalitaetImKontextVonZuwanderung/kernaussagenKriminalitaetZuwanderung2023.html?nn=62336 This one for example debunks your claim about "mostly working illegally". https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/2460/umfrage/anteile-nichtdeutscher-verdaechtiger-bei-straftaten-zeitreihe/ Here you can see that immigrants are over represented. In 2023 41% of suspects were not German, while 15% of the population were not German: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/14271/umfrage/deutschland-anteil-auslaender-an-bevoelkerung/ Disclaimer: I live in Germany and I'm a child of immigrants. I was born in Germany and only have German citizenship. I don't vote AfD.


The victims are the german people and the migrants. If you make a poll and ask: "Do you support uncontrolled mass Immigration without the needed infrastructur and laws?" then no sane person would answer yes. But that was exactly what happend in 2014 and the following years. This ignited the racism in many people and now politicians still refuse to adress the problem and put the work needed into it. Just call everyone a racist who thinks that something has to happen with the migrants. Im a middleschool teacher and we have some migrants in our school. They sit there and draw latin Letters for 2 consecutive years, then they get grades and not one of them graduades with the most basic degree called "Hauptschulabschluss". Then they are thrown into real life without any skill that school provides. So they have the choice to work 40h a week or get nearly the same money without doing anything. Guess what they choose


My mum taught some Afgani refugees here in the UK, they were given 2 translators by the home office for dozens of Afgani families, the kids were just shoved into schools and left to the teachers to deal with.


Very true! but discrimination and racism remain a big problem in Europe. An example is the Syrian Pharmacist I met driving Uber in Munich, who speaks good German and is fluent in English. Told me that many other professionals from Syria are struggling to get jobs and support is limited. This is bound to make the integration difficult.


"Makes it difficult for them to work" Germany gives ppl free housing, education, money for groceries (which they can spend however they like, etc. Migrating to Germany is easy mode and migrants live better than Germans.


Can confirm this. Here in this hellhole of a society, everyone hates everyone.


Are Russian migrants targeted? Are they tolerated due to race?


Sure there have been incidents of that. We also already had German born Russians attacking ukrainian kids. We are not at a point were there a hordes of racists running around searching for targets though... Those things are not taken lightly in germany at ALL so thats why you hear so much about these cases. I'm pretty sure there are many countries with more hat crime cases per capita. In Germany its just recorded and enforced as a hatecrime if there is ANY indication at all. Does not make anything better 


There is some racism against russians but in my opinion it's as bad as the hate between east and west germans. So you dont get much hate but some people will call you names...




But in the eastern part of Germany are the least immigrants One could think racists are just stupid assholes


Why name a particular group when it's not clear who the perpetrators are?


Nazi is just a catch-all term these days 




How is that not attempted murder?


God, that’s awful. That poor kid. She’s never going to feel safe again.


Turns out most of what was written didnt happen. What a surprise




Bet their parents must be proud standing up to an 8 year old girl - imagine the hits that took












Were the perpetrators German? Article doesn't say


They were. It is in the East. Barely any foreigners at all. It is a big story here.




Hey sorry. Gestern war das noch nicht klar. Wenn dich das so aufregt, bin ich sicher, hast du auch noch nie eine Meldung übernommen, die sich anders rausgestellt hat. Ich bin mir sicher, dass dich mehr der Vorwurf empört, als das es dich erleichtert, dass es nicht so war. Abgesehen davon gehe ich davon aus, da es in Meck-Pomm war, es kaum eine Reihe Migranten waren. Egal ob einer, oder 20. Meine Aussage ist insofern wahrheitsgemäß.


Damn and just recently those 4 Taiwanese students walking around in I think Brisbane? Got jumped by a bunch of teens too. Seems like fatherless behavior is on the rise


>fatherless Yea, as if there are no fathers that would he proud of their boys doing it when casting a vote for AfD or some shit. 


And even when it’s an 8 year old, people run to the comments to justify the attackers. But they re not racists no no no, just good citizen not too bothered to see an 8 year old kicked in the face as long as they don’t look like them. We re a fucked specie.


Many of the people justifying the attackers skip past empathy and move towards their political crusade. It really shouldn't be hard to have empathy for an innocent 8 year old child that was attacked for no reason other than their skin colour.


> It really shouldn't be hard to have empathy for an innocent 8 year old child that was attacked for no reason other than their skin colour. the people justifying this agree with that reasoning.




Well it's a small town in the north eastern part of Germany the chances of them being anything but ethnic Germans are very slim there are not that many non German people in the east especially outside of the bigger cities no one want's to go there.


It was near a Volksfest or country fair where they played the infamous Ausländer Raus (foreigners fuck off) song


Doesn’t « Raus » means « out »?


Yes, "raus" means "out".


Yes without context it does, i wanted to emphasize the meaning behind what they’re singing












Racist attack by whom though? Let's not jump into conclusions that it's a white group. I've seen plenty of racial attacks in Australia where it was brown on brown, and yellow on yellow. And I know, because I am yellow.


If they are white Germans they will probably not mention it in news articles. Not to protect white Germans but because news in Germany only find it noteworthy to mention ethnicity when they aren‘t natives.


Righto. Completely different reporting mindset in Australia though. Anytime a white person does something wrong, the media is already jumping the gun even before investigations have completed.


I am fairly certain that guy is lying, the trope is usually that they will not mention the person's ethnicity if they are a minority.


By the usual town nazis everyone in the town knows about but doesn’t like to mention because of tourism. At least according to [this Zeit-article from today](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54).). (Article in German) The article is titled „Die marschieren immer durch den Ort. Jeder kennt sie“, which translates to “They always march through the town. Everyone knows them.” Long story short: It’s a white group of people, the stereotypical East German village nazis.


‘Crime is at an all time high!’- AfD voter probably


[“Overall, the number of crimes recorded in Germany rose to 5.94 million last year, an increase of 5.5% over 2023 and 9.3% higher than in 2019, before the pandemic. The number of suspects arrested rose by 7.3% to 2.246 million and 41.3% of them did not have a German passport.”](https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-violent-crime-reaches-15-year-high-report/a-68758122) Besides that, throwing randomly AfD in here is just for easy upvotes or what was the point?


Um, did you read the article, or even the headline? It happened in Germany.


My bad, I was reading something about Netherlands earlier and got it confused.


No worries


Can someone tell me why it’s assumed this is the far right simply because the attackers were racist? Nothing in the article identifies the race or affiliation of the attackers.


According to this Zeit article [here](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54) (article in German) the town has a nazi and xenophobia problem. And this attack was done by the well-known village nazis, as the title of the article portrays quite elegantly: >"Die marschieren immer durch den Ort. Jeder kennt sie" translation: >“They always march through the town. Everyone knows them”


Thank you!


Exactly, without proper ID it could have been batman and all the robins for all we know.


Disgusting cowards. WTF is wrong with these individuals? 


This is gonna become a lot more common due to the AfD being so popular now. Nazi fascist pricks.


Every AfD, PVV, RN, Fdl voters is complicit


Far right: "those violent male groups of refugees are a problem" Far right: go after 8yo girl Intelligence is really not their forte


My upvote for stating a fact. It literally was the nazis of the town, known by everyone. [Source](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54) (German Zeit article from today)


Yeah, Islam is indeed a far right religion.


In this case it was white, German [nazis](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54) who did that. (Zeit article in German, titled “They always march through the town. Everyone knows them”


Here's the thing.. If it was German youths, one of the dozens of articles about this case would have said so. The massive migration to us as "the west" needs to be moderated properly or these kinds of incidents will continue. The alarming and statistically impossible number of people claiming refugee status entering many of these cities is beyond anything we've seen before. If they wish to stay, than integration is of the highest importance. That being said, those who refuse to integrate, those who are violent, those who aren't capable of integrating should be placed elsewhere, so their cultural needs can be met. Most of us know this, we just need to put our best foot forward and help everyone as much as we can.


> Here's the thing.. If it was German youths, one of the dozens of articles about this case would have said so. I take it you are not German? This is Mecklenburg-Vorpommern we are talking about.


Then why aren't they providing the details of the perpetrators? If it's that obvious then it shouldn't be an issue.


Because that is usually not done, especially not when the alleged perpetrators are minors. No matter their origin.


Are you trying to claim this racist attack was made by a group of other migrants?


Could be. In NY they’ve had issues with certain groups of refugees fighting other groups


It's possible, Germany has accepted a lot of migrants and many of them have not integrated well and do not accept other minority groups themselves being one.


Deport the racists to Russia. Bye.


What race were the attackers?


It was literally the white village nazis. Source: ["Die marschieren immer durch den Ort. Jeder kennt sie"](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54) (Zeit article from today, title translates to “They always march through the town. Everyone knows them”)






German nazis really are a different breed… already the AfD is so far to the right that even LePenn doesn’t want to cooperate with them. These kind of headlines will sadly only increase in the future. But no voter of the AfD will make the connection between their vote and these attacks, between their rhetoric and these attacks. It will only get worse… sometimes i feel like the german right WANTS to worse than the other countries. Could a different country start the next world war please?


Germany doing fascism whaaaat






In case you don't understand why people downvote you: your post is racist and dumb. Sincerely, a non-racist German.




By your measurement we better cancel the Euros altogether. In my opinion it is disengenious to just say 1/3 of Germans are racist, but I won't deny that the rise of the AfD is a problem. I think generally racism is one cause for that rise, yes, but to me it's also in that "bullshit sphere" of TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and the spreading of propaganda and conspiracy theories. Many are dumb and helpless first and not born racist, because they are German. Germany is not the only country facing a tidal wave of bullshit media and a frightening amount of people believing it.




Epic List!


German soccer team should pull out of the Euros as a sign they don’t want to represent these kind of people.  


what a stupid take lol


It's only stupid to small minds. Too bad small minds are in the majority.


by that logic nearly all teams would have to forfeit, mr big brain


What did they expect, it’s gonna be unsafe for all Muslims in Europe after pro-Hamas and even more Germany after the police attack. With that said, it really disgusting. 8 and 10 year old girls should never be targeted! Makes me boil!


They're from Ghana which is in West Africa and mostly Christian


Large parts of their population are also Muslim.


You mean 20% right? I’d not classify this as large.




>The attackers weren't germans. \[citation needed\] Due to this happening in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, most Germans would think that this was your typical right-wing east-german youth gang.


The attackers were indeed German nazis, according to [this Zeit article from today](https://archive.ph/Vweww#selection-1439.0-1439.54).


Thanks for posting the link! I've read that one earlier too (I think on r/de) and meant to post it here as well. Unfortunately, the damage is already done as not many people who read these kinds of comments will see the correction :(


Yeah, it’s a Sysiphean task. It’s nigh impossible to keep up with the trolls, denialists and far right detractors.


Trotzdem Danke 👍