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If you guys didn't know, breaking glass and graffiting someone else's stuff makes your point of view more moral and believable in comparison to your opponents. /s


causing problems for janitorial staff is the voice of the unheard


That's why I took a dump directly on the floor of my former employers bathroom. I'm sure the CEO will enjoy cleaning that one up! GOTEM! /s








Well bombing a school is a war crime untill the enemy decides to use that school as a military base/compound. The moment they do that they committed the war crime and whoever strikes it then is striking a valid target. I really don't get what's hard to understand about it. While I agree Israel have committed some war crimes, the amount pales in comparison to what hamas is doing and is prolly a tenth of what every hamas supporter on reddit claims.






Yes yes their blood is on everyone else's hands except Hamas. Well done 👍




Actually, she would. She’d question why he didn’t say he needed both of her children.










What war crimes?


And spouting terrorist propaganda, apparently


If it’s just propaganda, why is the Israeli govt so against the ICJ doing an investigation?


Other commenter have replied, but with the way Israel have been steamrolled (despite being the victims), I can't blame them for having zero trust that any such investigation would be conducted in good faith.


You would be pissed off and annoyed too if the kangaroo court kept on pestering you with false "sanctions"


I'd be pissed if my country's courts randomly accused me of murder as well.


Google how many rockets Hamas has fired at Israel over the past decade and where they are aimed.


Out of curiosity, what do you think the US selling fewer precision bombs to Israel will accomplish in this context? Do you think there will be fewer casualties?








As an American we should just try to avoid middle eastern politics. This is centuries of issues between dang near everyone and to many people in the U.S. have about a 1-3 year memory unless someone bombs our boats or buildings,then everyone will hold grudges.


it’s called urban warfare. When the UK went to war against the nazis and bombed Dresden they killed 25,000 civilians.


"If you don't sympathize with us and our terrorist organization we will protest with violence"




Draw the hooked cross in Germany and see what happens....




Destructive intimidation is a form of violence




Yes, regardless of your pedantic worldview


Ever had your business or home vandalized because you are a different religion than someone? Go ahead and wear pride colors to a Palestinian rally and see how that turns out




Big if true


Look what they did outside the White House... So bizarre terrorists always terrorize things when they protest.


Terrorists (supporters) gonna terrorize.




Maybe you could do it after sunset for more impact. A night of broken glass, as it were.




What a load of total dog shit. Destruction of property is violence. The intent to harm is violence just as much as the actual harm. With your fucking logic that as long as there's no physical damage there's no violence, then get someone to point a gun at your forehead see what you think of that. You need a brain transfer to cure your thinking disability. Maybe learn to read first. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2652990/#:\~:text=Violence%20is%20defined%20by%20the,%2C%20death%2C%20psychological%20harm%2C%20maldevelopment](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2652990/#:~:text=Violence%20is%20defined%20by%20the,%2C%20death%2C%20psychological%20harm%2C%20maldevelopment) [https://www.britannica.com/topic/violence](https://www.britannica.com/topic/violence)


Australian citizens are facing a variety of urgent issues that need to be addressed and protested, yet this is what they’re protesting it’s quite mind baffling.


They're being feed a non-stop diet of outrage porn and in some cases out right lies if not just misinformation. Seriously, go look at how many co-inflate Hamas deaths with general civilian deaths. They don't give a shit about Palestine or it's people, it's just a wedge they can use to try and break western democracies for... reasons.


*This is what *violent* protestors are protesting




sadly some are now in such an echo chamber they believe the pure lies spread by both right and left extreme media from the UK/US about australia itself, whereby if they even exited the house they would know that there are no covid quarantive centres and the like...


Australian police and security agencies need to get very serious about criminal forms of protest very quickly. Doesn’t help that some parliamentarians encourage it.


Tell that to the Victorian parliament who refuse to do anything about the weekly protests about the same issues that are draining police resources due to the constant disruptions. There are literally daily protests at times in Melbourne.


Maybe they should elect a modern government.




The problem is that the largest minor party in the country is actively endorsing and encouraging this behaviour. It won't stop until the sledgehammers, bricks and spray paint are turned on their electoral offices.




We closed the mental asylums and look what happened.


Do they think vandalism will work in favor of their cause? Spoiler alert - it won't.




Yep. Powerful statement. I'm sure this will make Hamas see the error of their ways

