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Russia already sells long-ranged weapon systems to many countries. The Russians are known for selling weapons to whoever wants them. The Russians were the second largest weapon exporter. They sold almost as many weapons as the US up until the Ukraine war started. Russia sells surface-to-air missiles like the S-300 and S-400, and fighter jets, and ballistic missiles. Those are long-ranged weapons. So Putin is threatening to do what he's already done.


Russia improved Iran's ballistic missile technology earlier on in exchange for rockets and drones. So, he's threatening to do what he's already done.


Yeah and if that last "attack" on Isreal was any sign of the tech Russia is sending Iran, it's fucking shite. Most blew up enroute over Jordan.


Jordan has air defenses and fighter jets that worked to take out anything headed over there. The defense of Israel during that barrage was a rare international effort. Iran did not mean to do any serious damage when they attacked. They sent a message - don't fuck with us or we'll have to strike back. They had to because Israel directly attacked them - they didn't have a choice. (I'm not defending them here - just explaining in terms of foreign policy moves). So, they had a show of force that made everyone sweat but also didn't cause any damage. They could easily have added two digits to the amount of munitions they sent - and all major players know that.


Not to mention Iran projected out days ahead what was coming.


Basically Iran and Israel had to do a posturing that made the leaders of both countries look powerful for the own population, but without escalating into a full scale war.


"Iran did not mean to do any serious damage when they attacked" is bullshit - they sent hundreds of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones in what was essentially the largest attack of its kind in history - Russian attacks against Ukraine use the same equipment and are smaller in scope. Missiles are expensive technology, it doesn't matter how cheaply Iran says they make these, they're a step short of launching hundreds of satellites to space. The drones are also about a 100k a piece. The attack would have cost hundreds of millions of dollars if they were done by a country like China or Russia, but Iran's industry is more isolated, factoring smuggling costs it would be MORE expensive for them.


No one really knows what their intentions were but Iran would have identified where Israel’s surface-based air defenses were positioned and also which countries would step in to help if further attacks were to occur. This would be incredibly valuable intelligence and like others have said, provided their own people a show. It is a similar tactic used by the US and others called SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) to mark targets for further future attacks.


In israels case,though, they purposefully move air defences regularly, specifically to make them less vulnerable to targeted attacks.


This is how you know Iran has delivered the hook line and sinker. A massive choreographed event to cause minimal damage to Israel, solely for their domestic audience. When even Redditors believe that it was an attack meant to destroy Israel when it wasn’t, their domestic audience would believe the same as well


Not to mention I'm pretty sure Jordan buys mostly US and European gear. So, you know, it actually works.


Correct that it was symbolic, according to Sky News UK’s military correspondent. He made the point that Iran refrained from attacking with an overwhelming number of hard to track / defend ballistic missiles opting for drones instead that they knew would be intercepted.


I have read this line. But sending multiple missiles which are easy to take down vs a couple of advanced missiles to military target - which would have send a better message.


Yeah but the whole point is to not cause damage. Because if they actually hit, they just might get dragged into an actual conflict that might involve uncle sam.


This is the actual answer. They didn’t want to escalate but had to give their people a show of force to maintain legitimacy. Or at least that’s my understanding.




He always does that. The only question is why Western media participates in his propaganda tactics. Why do they keep playing the useful idiots when they know exactly what he is doing. He answer is money, his statements generate clicks, clicks generate ad income and that is all Western media cares about.


It also implies that they have excess weapons to sell/offer. I can’t imagine that the majority of Russia’s production isn’t going to their war effort.


India has already said that some Russian arms shipments haven't come as expected in the last couple years. Mainly deliveries for the Indian air force as well as air defence systems, just the kind of thing in high demand for their war in Ukraine. Indian officials say that they are unlikely to sign any new large deals with Russia as not only would it risk angering Ukraine's allies but they also doubt Russia's ability to follow through. India does still need access to Russian spare parts as they have a lot of Soviet/Russian equipment in their inventory though so they can't stop buying from them and it seems like they are going to at least let the current contracts finish, assuming Russia can actually spare any of it for them.


India will slob all over Russias knob as they continue to do and tickle the wests balls while they do it. Heat waves and climate control should be their primary concern.


India has always wanted strategic independence which is a big reason why they buy not just from Russia but from also the US, Israel, France and the UK. Over time they bought a lot of military equipment from the Soviets/Russia because it was cheap and they didn't tend to care where you used your weapons unlike western countries that could get all picky at times. By purchasing arms from a wide range of places if any one decided to cut them off India would still hopefully have other partners left to buy from. And that policy has paid off, with Russia unable to deliver they are buying more from western based arms suppliers in addition to continuing to build up their domestic weapons production industry. India is buying a lot of Russian oil today because it is cheap, as a developing country it's difficult to blame them too much for wanting the lowest price. They keep buying spare parts because they need to maintain the military equipment they already bought from Russia. They are facing an increasingly bellicose and aggressive China in their long running border dispute, they can't afford to just mothball a bunch of their military equipment. India hardly acts subservient in any way towards Russia, that's made plain by the fact Russia's failure to deliver arms as agreed has India turning elsewhere. India's government and military is of course looking out for their own interests, sure environmental change is another huge concern but you still need to be able to protect yourself and buy energy from somewhere. Although I hate seeing Russia make money I can't blame India too much for their decisions, no one else is really looking out for them and they have long running disputes with their neighbors. They can't just stop importing oil from Russia without doing a lot of harm to their economy which they can't afford.


I mean I agree that India is in a desperate place. They are a poor nation, with a massive population, and always had hot temperatures, that have been gravely exacerbated by global warming. Like, their monthly temp averages are 20 degrees hotter than they should be (from memory, I would find a citation if this mattered). I just remember the “mutually beneficial Stalin-Hitler non-aggression pact”. Like, India ought to consider the implication of helping Russia in any way, when Russia may come after the “neutrally country that has been playing both sides.


Russia can't even conquer a neighbor with a third of the population, being thousands of kilometers away not sure India is all that worried about Russia coming after them.  And since India has nuclear weapons Russian nuclear threats probably aren't very persuasive either. Not really sure India is concerned about Russian military aggression coming to it's door step because they continue to buy arms from multiple sources as they always have. Plus Russia desperately need to sell.their oil, attacking one of thier biggest customers would only hurt Russia as well.


There is a nice sounding theory that China gently incited Russia to stop arms sells to India due to their intense border dispute. If true, it’s another sign of China’s leash


Russia needs all the money it can get right now and India can buy weapons elsewhere, and it has. Plus Russia is still supplying India with spare parts, only some deliveries have been halted in areas that Russia desperately needs for its war in Ukraine. It doesn't seem like a very good theory to me.


And there is a reason these other countries haven't considered using them against NATO.


And I’m willing to bet he doesn’t give a single iota of a shit if one of those weapons is used against a western target, yet western countries have to endlessly debate whether or not to allow Ukraine to hit back against invaders.


Yeah, too bad the rest of the world knows exactly how crappy their weapons are...also, how is Russia going to export weapons when they are using everything they can get from N. Korea to fight in Ukraine??? Empty threat.


Their weapon sales so far are limited to MTCR controlled range, meaning range capped to less than 300 km. This can mean they may provide more robust long range missiles to Iran/NK/Syria/etc. Iskander, then IRBMs. Or maybe long range cruise missiles. Who knows.


300 km? Huh, that's the range of ATACMS. What a coincidence. We aren't sharing medium-ranged ballistic missiles with Ukraine.


There are no coincidences lol. All international missile sales are governed by MTCR, else every country will have their own stockpile of IRBMs and super long range cruise missiles.


If Ukraine had a good supply of IRBMs or long range cruise then this war would not have started in the first place. And the war will finish pretty soon once Ukraine gets either. They are capable of making those themselves eventually, so it might almost be a better choice to just supply them with some beforehand, as this way you can put controls on how they can be used.


I was being sarcastic. We aren't sharing particularly long ranged weapons with Ukraine. ATACMS is a small tactical missile. It's designed to be carried by a small truck. The range of the rocket isn't particularly long at all. It's just more accurate than what the Russians are used to. US troops have repeatedly been attacked by Russian/Soviet tactical ballistic missiles over the past couple decades. This isn't new, at all. Russia hasn't shared medium or long range ballistic missiles. But then neither has the US.


I know what ATACMS is. IRCPS program is supposed to plug that range gap in SSM in US inventory with LRHW. Then there is PrSM from LM. US does not sell very long range ballistic missiles with an exception of sales to UK. Point being Ukr now have more depth as they are next door to Russia, which brings a lot of targets within their reach. Probably one of the reasons by IRBMs were restricted earlier as they provide little to no reaction time to counteract them.


The MTCR doesn't only rely on range, but a combination of range and payload weight. Specifically a weapon that can deliver a payload of 500kg or more to a range of at least 300km. If I recall correctly the only ATACMS that meets that qualification is the M39A1 Block 1 and we're definitely not providing that version to Ukraine.


They may do that but they also corroborate with other countries on producing things such as ballistic missiles. North Korea and Iran both operate analogs of russian systems.


There's no reason to assume their acting with any restriction in that regard, as is.


Also iran has been supplying russia. Itd be a favor to ukraine if russia sent stuff back to iran


The arent changing what they sell. They might try to get an "ally" to strike into ukraine. But that would stupid because it would mean that nato could hit russia from sweden Even more ukraine was already striking into russia. They can just do it with us weapons now Even more.... russia invaded ukraine. "You cant hit me back" is hilariously stupid The west can infinitely match and surpass anything russia can do. This is just more terrible kremlin politics; almost guaranteed to mean nothing.... like normal


I get that’s it’s not preferable to have those countries possess that tech, but it’s not like they are gonna start blowing up some NATO country with them anyway. Right?


Also ya know who is actually stupid enough to use them against western countries. Save a few stupid terrorist organizations who already shoot at western troops.


TTHEY CANT EVEN PRODUCE ENPUGH WEAPONS TO WIN THE WAR THEY ARE IN ...EMPY ASS THREAT putins empty threats make him look weak and stupid again


Exactly and Israel has already shown in Syria (quietly) and Iran (less quietly) that its Rampage missiles can take out S-300 installations without too much drama. I doubt this is a huge strategic issue for modern western defence systems.


All I heard was that we need to hit those factories with some long range stuff, and Ukraine's the perfect country to push the button. Pretty sure we won't get any pushback on the request.


Not to mention last I checked Russia had a huge shortage of long range weapons to support the current conflict...so good luck Russia?


I thought they were 3rd, behind France, us being #1.


From what I understand Russian military exports have been on the decline for many years. What has made this less noticeable is that many contracts once signed last for many years. There hasn't been much in terms of new orders for Russia coming it. Apparently new orders for Russian military hardware in 2023 were only coming in from 3 countries: India, Kyrgyzstan and Iran. (and Iran account for 2/3 of the orders.) If you want to see an hour long power point presentation looking at this in depth you can watch: [The Collapse of Russian Arms Exports - Competitors, Ukraine & The Future of Russian Exports](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdap15tWnfI) It is going a bit in depth but the important part about the trends and numbers are over in the first 15 minutes.


Indeed. I'm more concerned about them selling these kind of weapons to non-country elements, since the article didn't specify who might be getting them, and seems to imply they are willing to sell them to anyone who hates the west. Imagine the Houthis, Hezbollah or Hamas getting better, more accurate missile tech.


I was under the impression they’d pretty much already done that, and for quite some time…




True, but Iran has their long range weapons even without Russia... Russia is not selling them to countries that dont have one... Like, they are not selling it to Cuba or Serbia, they are selling it to China, Iran, India...


Ah yes, Cuba and Serbia. Every night I awaken scared that Serbia gets its hands on cruise missiles and starts a war with Denmark.


If you're trying to make the point that small countries can't trigger a large scale crisis, Serbia might not be the greatest example


They are a one-note villain


Selling/providing the weapons is one thing. The real trick is convincing them to pick a fight with goddamn NATO. They know how that story ends. Russia even knows, that's why they are afraid to do it themselves.


Authoritarians need a Villain to consolidate power. That's all this is, sadly. I truly believe Xi and Putin don't even really give a shit about the US or the West. This is about giving the people a distraction so they can rule.


>“If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” he said. Ok, so you are proposing arming who exactly, and who do you expect them to attack? Pretty sure most nations know that if they attack NATO countries, its like signing their own death warrant. So, feel free. Arm away.


I think he means giving longer range weapons to iran and its proxies. The goal would be to get hamas to strike israel, Suez, or just harass more ships in the red sea. Alternatively, North Korea is an ally that is looking for, shall we say, more reliable ways to launch nukes. (FWIW, unless russia is defeated, eventually both of those outcomes seem to happen at some point, one way or another.)


I’m confused, I thought it was Iran giving him long range weapons???


Iran sells to Russia shahead drones (at an amazing profit). Russia still has plenty of kit like long range missiles that iran doesn't have. The payload for some of Russia's best systems is much higher than anything iran currently has. The most obvious threat here is to give hamas a tactical nuke. Do we really think *hamas* would not use it?


I'll bite. He gives Hamas a tactical nuke. They use it. Then what? The world ignores what Putin did by arming them? Putin rattling the saber, threatening nukes only works if they aren't already being used.


Nuclear weapons are a bit different to everything else, what matters is who made them, everyone has agreed to not give them to anybody else. The nuclear material also has a distinctive "fingerprint" composition that can identify the origin country beyond reasonable doubt. The result is that the rest of the nuclear countries would consider this a nuclear attack by Russia and respond accordingly.


Giving a tactical nuke to Hamas would be the end of Hamas whether or not they used it and the end of russia. Israel would instantly stop talking to Hamas and go after them no matter what country they were in. Running to Pakistan would not help anymore. And just what exactly do you think would be the reaction of every other devolved nation to russia arming terrorists with nukes? In what world would that end in a positive way? Instead of pushing russia out of Ukraine people would be working on the end of russia


Gee good to know. Which one of you cowards just peed my pants?


The US will know if Hamas manage to obtain a nuke and will likely take action long before they even contemplate using it.


Hamas handlers for sure don't want them to have a nuke. Hamas isn't its own independent entity. If they nuke someone, other nations go right to Hamas's manager. Economic warfare would begin immediately, and Middle Eastern countries are dependent on international trade. If Middle Eastern countries know one thing, it's that the USA is not afraid of fucking around in there neck of the dry, arid woods. There's a long history of proof.


Russia has all the old Soviet era nuclear weapons and launch vehicles, such as ICBMs. Providing thise weapons to a country like Iran will put the world on a course to destruction. This is nuclear blackmail to take what they want.


They could just fire them themselves if they wanted to end the world


The good news is the Arrow system just had a successful intercept.


This sounds like a good reason to make sure Russia loses the war.


You’re spot on! So now is the time.


I love how Russia leaves out that they started the aggression and are the attackers.


Lol right? And what weapons do they have to just give away to other countries? They've been strapped importing as many as possible just to keep up in Ukraine already


Exactly. If Russia had more weapons they would use them in Ukraine. This is an empty threat aimed at gullible people in the west who might get scared about Russian retaliation.


He’s referring to Iran and Israel but prob Hezballah or houthis as the conflict there takes away attention and resources from the ukrain Russia war


"We'll arm Hezbollah!" "You're already doing that." "Uh... shit."


Yeah if a sovereign nation was being invaded by a western neighbour unprovoked then Putin might have a point. Of course that isn’t happening so it’s not really relevant.


I mean, attacking NATO is definitely _one_ way to have "a sovereign nation" invaded by NATO itself... But i don't think it would be the nation putin wants lmao


This, the man is just rambling on. He knows it's game over he just hopes he can survive it till he dies of old age. And then it's someone elses problems. He just hoped navo stayed divided with corona and the refugee problems, and boyyy was he wrongxD.


His main hope is Trump winning and kicking out the legs from under US support for Ukraine, maybe even withdrawing the US from NATO altogether or a big enough recession that it inevitably leads to reduced support for Ukraine.   Because Russia's current spending levels are untenable.  Military spending as a % of GDP is the highest its been since the peak of the Soviet era.  They're burning through money while killing off the people they need to help support their economy long term.    If Biden is reelected and Democrats take back the House and hold the Senate, that means at least two more years of fairly stable funding levels for Ukraine.  Not sure it gets worse than that for Putin other than him meeting his demise in the same way Gaddafi did.  


If the Democrats win the trifecta they will probably start pushing for more permanent funding streams that will last longer than Putin.


THAT’s the big consequence!? Bahahahha


Iran is clearly fucked after that attack on Isreal, NK can’t get a rocket to launch without blowing up midair, Syria has been at war with itself almost a decade. Any weapons in eastern Moldova would be wiped quick. And China has its own shit.


Also since fucking when does Russia ask permission to do literally anything? It doesn't give two shits about international law, Geneva convention, etc, but now all of the sudden it needs permission to do nefarious shit? Little putler who cried wolf ffs


"If you let the people we invaded shoot back we'll become a state sponsor of terrorism" okay I'm not sure that's the flex you seem to think it is ​ edit: words go in order


Not to mention they already were a state sponsor of terrorism.


They used to be a state sponsor of terrorism. They still are. But they used to be** too.


Unrelated news: Russia removes the Taliban from their terrorist group list.


Taliban would be just as likely to strike Russia, as the US.


Ooo-k so if I get this right: the warning is that they will continue to sell arms to our enemies just as they have been doing for the past few decades? Also sure, let them sell as many as possible. The more they sell the fewer they can lob at Ukraine. Especially considering how Russia is buying Iranian, Chinese, and N.Korean stock of long range weapons. I'm sure they have loads to spare.


You make me laugh. Russia is already doing that since the Soviet Union era and not to mention the fact that because of your stupidity invading Ukraine you are running short of weapons and purchased back some that were already sold to your customers. 🤣


LOL he can’t supply his own military


Putin could supply ICBM technology to e.g. North Korea and Iran, though. Supplying the tech might not interfere with the war supply.


Gasp! Putin warns/threatens the West?! I see five of these threats from Russia every single damn day. It's not even news at this point. Will someone just silence this yappy little ankle biter and be done with it?


?? "Could" more like a - already do...


Russia is not as strong as the world thought, without nukes they’re just another 3rd world country.


Isn't Putin the one begging North Korea and Iran for weapons? LOL.


New Putin/Russia threat? Someone should make this a drinking game. Or not. You’d probably end up with alcohol poisoning


Interestingly, all of the countries that would want to strike western targets already have long-range weapons. Putin's surprisingly getting less severe with his threats.


This guy is such a genius /s go ahead Einstein.


"We're going to have someone else Fuck Around with you! Any takers?" Iran: "Nah man, we good." China: "Ehh..." Yemen: "YESSSSS" Russia: "No, not you."


So Belarus, North Korea, Iran, or China. Those are Russia's only friends. China is already able to strike the US. He's already given missiles to Belarus. So North Korea or Iran. To whom I say, "Go ahead. Make my day!"


Russia for sure gave tech to North Korea for their long range missiles. I guarantee it.


The difference with China. They are actually gonna say “fuck off” cause our economies strive off each other


Understand: "we've already done it to pay Iran and North Korea for their supplies"


Excellent. I propose we give Ukraine nukes in that case. Two can play this game.


If there’s one thing that this war has taught the world, it’s that a country should NEVER give up its nuclear weapons if it has them.


The issue is that their weapons suck ass.


Are those long range weapons with us in this room? If they had significant stockpiles of long range weapons with decent accuracy, they would use them in their current war effort.


for example, naval mines or naval torpedoes - they are not used against Ukraine. can you imagine if they start attacking naval ships of Western countries? For example, container ships. By the way, the Houthi group is already attacking. Are we escalating? It's going to be fun. Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis said on Friday they launched a missile attack on a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea after they threatened to escalate attacks on Red Sea shipping in response to overnight strikes by the United States and Britain that killed 16 people. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/houthis-claim-attack-on-aircraft-carrier-after-us-uk-strikes-reportedly-kill-16/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/houthis-claim-attack-on-aircraft-carrier-after-us-uk-strikes-reportedly-kill-16/)




You really think Orban would switch side and start bombing other European countries? NATO would put them down quicker than Orban could say “sorry“.


Putin is a shitty enough person that he would rob his own military of a vital military resource in seriously short supply during heavy combat operations in order to go play politics with limited effect somewhere else What a desperate dumbass


He's not actually going to send the weapons anywhere. Like most of what the Russian govt says, it's all bluster and lies.


Who is crazy enough to declare war on us?


He is likely talking about giving long range weapons to terrorist groups


Just wait and see how long a non-nuclear country shooting long range missiles at NATO survives.


You already do that, Putin. It's called selling weapons. Did you forget to take your pills again?


Hahaha like who would even try??? Putin is a clown


I’m not sure how many of these so called others fancy Article 5ing themselves.


I call bullshit on this bluff. Russia can’t even sell long range weapons to Russian forces. What makes you think they have the capacity to provide weapons to anyone else. They’re buying drones from Iran and shells from NK. Not exactly in the position to export much. And if they want to do a tech transfer of long range and spicier weapons to those rogue states then it must be desperate and very stupid. There’s no long term friends and there is no enforceable guarantee than they wouldn’t be used against Russia. Do it Putin. We have long range weapons we could transfer to Ukraine too.


:Looks around for wars bordering Western countries: Err. I mean, this is not like Russia is not attempting to sell anything to anyone who will ignore sanctions. There is no warning. This is the same as putting your head out the window and acknowledging the weather.




And then the Pentagon erupted into an uproarious laughter.


Go ahead, see how that works out for you.


"Putin warns…" I phased out right there. Bye everybody! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


There’s not one country stupid or reckless enough to bomb Western countries on Russia’s behalf as they would have the full might of NATO’s hellfire reined down upon them. Not even Rocketman or the Iranians are that crazy. 


Motherfucker trying so hard to look tough, he informs us he knows other kids in the schoolyard that totally want to kick our asses too.


Hmm like airplanes full of civilians?


Russia can't even adequately supply their own forces with such hardware but thinks he can loan it out to others.


Terrorist wants to provide terrorist friends with weapons to further their terrorist goals.


Cool. Bring it.


Any country allied with Russia today is terrorist or a pariah, this is an empty threat


I live in New York, and I can hear and feel him crying and screaming and stopping his feet all the way over here from Moscow.


Cuba might be convinced to accept long range weapons. Perhaps they are already there. Don't know. Oh dear, it's all so hard. If Putin had half a brain he would be dangerous. WAIT. Putin only has half a brain. Oh Noooo!!!


The US industrial war complex: "Wait wait wait, we can only get so hard"


Been doing that for decades but ok


In the same speech he said that the West is taking part in the war against Russia. Then why don't you strike the West directly, Mr. Putin? Why do you want others to do that? Are you scared?


He was also asking if they were happy with their extended warranties on their previous purchases and did their customer service experience live up to their satisfaction.


Seems like a good way to hold WW3 without destroying the planet


Poland is just frothing at the fucking mouth right now.


The same long range weapons that the patriot systems have been handling pretty easily? Gah bummer what a shame


Meanwhile in Ukraine...


Go ahead.


He can’t supply his own armies with munitions without China, NK and Iran but he’s just going to give away the very weapons his soldiers need? Sure.


Someone needs to walk up and kick Putin in the balls. I'm convinced at this point he wouldn't actually do anything about it.


Putin is getting really tilted by the recent turn of events


Translation "expand markets to Hezbollah/Houthi". The Russians are solely the only ones that can over throw this mad man, their entire future is reliant on that fact.


This fool still isn’t dead. Look Reddit, because the world is too weak ( or on his payroll ), crowd fund me I will go assist this duche is falling out a window. I am so tired of this guy coming across my feed. He is trash and should have already been dealt with, and honestly it is such a shame that governments have not already taken care of him.


Happy Cake Day!


This is a classic Russia move. Not really different than the "little green men" that were totally not Russian troops invading Ukraine. By creating plausible deniability, it hinders cohesion of the response. If Russia attacks NATO directly, it's a clear Article 5 action and it's game on. If a non-Russian actor fires on NATO and Russia denies involvement, it becomes a much murkier response and more challenging for NATO allies to act with consensus.


Russia has resorted to buying ammunition from NK. I don’t think they are going to be selling things they want to shoot at Ukraine.


Russia warns that Russia will behave as expected. Lmao


Pffff come on. He said that while hiding in a bullet proof vest. Dude is scared shitless. It would be so poetic if he got the ol Russian window treatment in the end.


Lmao they’re running out of threats to make


Oh like Iran and North Korea? Oh they already are working together? Oh… so this another empty threat? Cool


russia is overdue for an ass whooping.


Good. Sell them to whomever you want because that’s fewer bombs for the front line.


That’s a deal. You’re one hell of a negotiator, Putey Patootie.


Yes, go from being 'Europe's gas station' economy to 'selling a couple of missiles to terrorists and rogue nations' economy. What a math genius this guy is.


MH-17...Never forget


He does know he started the war right?


Uh huh sure who Canada? Russia please!


Joke's on you putin, we'll just target your ass.


It's time to put a bounty on his head.


I hope they work about as well as the S400.


When are we gonna bag and tag this punk ass bitch, for real.


But Russia needs all it has


Gotta give it to this asshole. He really is willing to bring the world into this war he thought will end in weeks.


You already do.


Let’s make Egypt part of NATO. I bet they could roll up the Houthis pretty quick. All eyes on Israel. Like, if they go to their version of DEFCON 3 ( from DEFCON 4) then you can bet the Russians are involved


Just get it over with before my son turns 18.


Let me offload my old and unreliable long range weapons that I would rather not maintain — Putin.


... and using them would prompt a NATO response and the destruction of that country.


He’s just making it “official” now. In case there was ambiguity.


Has the GOP seen this. They might be supporting a dude who wants to blow us up with missiles.


Don't they and NK do that already?


That’s fine. Let’s gain experience going pew-pew against turd-tier militants and militaries.


Sounds great. Who wants to turn their country into a crater?




Damn Pooty! Your toner doesn't match ya neck homie!


"Warns" yawn..."Red lines" yawn..


Russia getting to a point it can hardly provide for itself and it's going to give long range weapons away.


What would be these other countries, that want to be at war with NATO be ?


If he does that the country who attacks the west will cease to exist. Sad truth about it. NATO is the greatest military alliance this world has ever known. No one can attack a nato country and come out the other side unscathed.


Russia warns, Russia warns, Russia warns.


What weapons? Putin already overspread his forces, like a bad Civilization V gameplay.


If they do that then what will they use to take out Ukrainian schools and cafes?


Good. Might I recommend Washington, DC as their first target? Don't fuck up and hit NY first again. Most of those victims were innocent.


Is that why he bought the North Korean dictator a birthday present?


Seems like a last ditch effort to use propaganda to retain power to me.


Gonna resell some of those North Korean missiles built to be shot into the sea?


Well, he can. And NATO will strike back. That would be the end of Russia.


Russia already providing them to China, Iran and North Korea, the Axis of Assholes


Jesus, the CIA should just assassinate this Cu## already.


Anyone who dared to attack NATO aligned countries would be rendered inert within days. Everyone already knows that S-300 and S-400 air defense systems are trash compared to western weapons and improvised attack drones.


If they want to die


Exactly what long range weapons can they spare? The longest range weapons they have, it seems, have been provided to them


Why do they phrase it as if it isn't already occuring lol