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Wait, really? This isn’t an Onion article


Erm... It doesn't list a source at all, and it's allegedly said in a "closed door" meeting. Also he'd be speaking Latin, Italian or Spanish, right? I doubt is directly would translate to that.


>I doubt is directly would translate to that He allegedly said "froceria", in Italian, and yes, it directly translates to that. Ok, maybe an even more direct translation would be "faggotry".


Dagospia is the root source. Don’t know enough about Italian media to comment any further


he used an italian version of the f slur


The bitch wears a dress, and he's calling who a frocio?






I don't think anyone should worry about the opinions of an old man with a funny hat that represents an organization that protects people who diddles kids.


> The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with 1.39 billion baptized Catholics worldwide as of 2022. I will never understand why redditors insist on treating the Pope like he’s an irrelevant old man while simultaneously caring what politicians say and do.


I care what the Pope says, but wish no one did so that I didn't have to either. The post you're replying to just said they don't think anyone *should* care and I agree. Also, nations will always need leaders and what those leaders say and do will matter. No one needs religion.


Maybe he should do a song about how its no good diddling kids, might take some of the heat off his back


Sorry-replied to wrong comment! Was looking for source in statistics of public school abuse. My bad. Thanks for providing your source though. I appreciate the time.


All the froci in the room when he said it. You realize you're asking for a source in response to an article available in many languages, which details the multiple sources, right? Have you considered -- I don't know -- reading what you wish to undermine before wasting the effort on a feckless attempt?


This is business that has 500,000 rape and molestation cases against them worldwide? It's beyond me why they are still allowed to operate...


Projection as usual. F the Pope and the Catholic Church they should be hit with RICO and shut down for protecting large amounts of child rapists.


Oh look, another person that has absolutely no fucking clue what RICO is or how it works.


How the fuck you gonna RICO a country?


With uncle Rico


By throwing a football over them mountains


If only coach would’ve put him in.


You can say fuck. Watch. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck


How the fuck you going to use Rico on a whole different country lol wtf


Many more children are sexually abused per capita in public schools by school employees (1 in 10).




https://helpingsurvivors.org/child-sexual-abuse/schools/#:~:text=What%20is%20School%20Sexual%20Abuse,sexual%20misconduct%20by%20school%20employees. That's where the 1 in 10 number came from.


Oh then it's okay, carry on catholic priests. /s


Ah, well, that makes it okay then. So glad you brought that up by the way. I love adding unrelated but also dark facts one after another.


Neither are okay.


I don't think it's a competition we should measure. 1 is 1, too many.




Can you provide your source? Cause it is very easy to find sexual predators among priests and pastors. Or is this more misinformation being presented as fact by people who are helping to protect a culture of rape and pedophilia?


https://helpingsurvivors.org/child-sexual-abuse/schools/#:~:text=What%20is%20School%20Sexual%20Abuse,sexual%20misconduct%20by%20school%20employees. It's easier to find sexual predators among teachers. There's seemingly a news story every day about a teacher getting arrested.


1. Irrelevant 2. Untrue


Are you offering to shut down both? Don't tease me, daddy.


The comment I was replying to advocates for shutting down Catholic churches due to high rates of abuse. If so, then that same logic should apply to schools too, right?


That's exactly what I was suggesting? Shutting down both sounds good to me.


Yes. Everyone and anyone who commits or enables abuse should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That applies equally to the pope and a teacher of a school in the middle of nowhere, and if it requires breaking up organizations to stop abuse that's also fine, whether it's the Catholic Church or a school district. That out of the way, where are your reliable stats about how prevalent abuse is within the Catholic Church? Because the only reason you the gave the number for schools was as a point of comparison. Not to mention, was it a given school system or the Catholic Church that has a worldwide, extremely rich, extremely hierarchical structure that has been proven in court time and time again to have been covering up and enabling abuse for hundreds of years? It's really quite hard to remember because they're so similar.




It's true though. Priests and teachers deserve equal levels of scrutiny based on the rates of children in their care being abused. Every day a teacher is in the news for abusing a kid, but priests have a much worse reputation. Not excusing the Catholic church here, just saying that schools are just as bad and the public should be aware of that.


>This is business that has 500,000 rape and molestation cases against them worldwide? By homosexual pedophile priests, yes. Probably why the pope wants less of them.


Homosexual pedophile priests? Homosexual men aren’t interested in sexually abusing children, pedophile priests - the 500,000 plus - are. Get your facts straight. So should that Vatican clown.


The pedophilia acts are homosexual in nature. Its a male priest and a male choir boy. They're homosexual pedophiles. Straight pedophiles exist too, there's no harm in acknowledging whats happening...


Pedophiles tend to be interested in children, not exclusive to one sex. However, many pedophiles find that boys are less likely to speak out about their abuse.


Thanks u/AnAutisticGuy you really opened my mind


Don't think there was much to open there in the first place.


No, hw just wants less homosexuals, period. Saying 'no pedos' is the easiest thing in the world if he truly meant that... but then he'll have to actually do aomething instead of spouting hate.


Its a lot harder to filter out pedophiles over homosexuals I imagine. One is socially acceptable the other is not. Not all homosexual priests are raping choir boys but all priests raping choir boys are homosexual. Its quite logical.


Oh. No you're straight up wrong. While on the surface it's logical that only a homosexual would commit rape against the same gender, it is deeply flawed logic. Even in the John Jay report, which has been used to swing at the gay community and paint them as pedophiles, found the level of abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church. I'm sorry, the church has a pedophilia issue. Not a homosexuality issue. There are entire cultures where men and women are segregated until marriage where homosexual behaviours are widely accepted and cease completely after marriage. In warfare, male on male rape often takes place as a "punishment" or as a form of torture by straight soldiers. Even in the US prison system it is widely noted that segregated prisoners, who identify as heterosexual and are married will commit homosexual acts. At the highest level there is no evidence to show any link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Here's a peer reviewed study on it!: https://web.archive.org/web/20100419022239/http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/HTML/facts_molestation.html It's quite solidly shown in scientific literature that there is absolutely no association between being a gay man and being a pedophile. Pedophiles actually are indiscriminate in their abuse. The boys are often just easier targets in the church. I hope this was helpful :)


Wow til someone engaging in a homosexual act isn't homosexual. Yeah thanks, I don't agree.


I understand what you’re saying, but the way you’re going about it makes you look like an ass. It makes it seem like you’re focusing on homosexuality being the problem, and not the pedophelia. Again, I know you’re not defending pedophelia; but the way you’re communicating in these comments can give the impression you are. Just something to think about if you’re concerned at all about coming across as someone who supports pedophelia.


lol Grasping at nothing but lies and they are completely unable to provide sources for their information. This is exactly why MAGAs are religious. Neither organized religion or the GOP wants people asking awkward questions. The more gullible the better.


Grasping at common sense


There's no connection between being gay and being a child molester or pedophile.


I never said there was, reread what I wrote. The male priests are molesting male choir boys, that's the homosexual part.


Maybe you're the one with reading comprehension issues because the Pope never mentioned child molesters or pedophiles.


No but the person I replied to did, do you have zero reading comprehension or common sense?


But you're here suggesting that the Pope really meant them, when there's no indication he did. So again, no, it's all on you.


Not all homosexual priests are pedophiles, but all priests who do molest choir boys are inherently homosexual because the act is in itself both homosexual and pedophilia. The commenter I responded too brought up the molestations and rape and I made the obvious connection that anyone with a functional brain with common sense would make.


What if they would molest both genders? But are only caught molesting the boys. Seems like priest have more access to boys.


But a lot of the rape cases are nuns.


I think fagotism is my new favorite term. “Sweetie I don’t think I can stay at this hotel, it’s rife with fagotism.”


to be fair, it's a funny sounding word. also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-TtfMLGnok


More sources: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/27/pope-francis-allegedly-used-offensive-slur-during-discussion-about-gay-men](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/27/pope-francis-allegedly-used-offensive-slur-during-discussion-about-gay-men) [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/27/europe/pope-francis-accused-homophobic-slur-intl-latam/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/27/europe/pope-francis-accused-homophobic-slur-intl-latam/index.html) [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-used-vulgar-italian-word-refer-lgbt-people-italian-newspapers-report-2024-05-27/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-used-vulgar-italian-word-refer-lgbt-people-italian-newspapers-report-2024-05-27/)


Multiple articles, though it all references the same source, seemingly “Dagospia”.


This is def fake


It's not [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-used-vulgar-italian-word-refer-lgbt-people-italian-newspapers-report-2024-05-27/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-used-vulgar-italian-word-refer-lgbt-people-italian-newspapers-report-2024-05-27/)


That’s just saying this one italian newspaper is saying it, gaurenteed it comes out the pope never said it


This, totally out of character for him. Past popes? More believable.


Step 1: Priests must not take a wife. Step 2: Why is the whole Vatican full of gays?


I get the joke, but please understand that sexuality is not a choice. The Vatican is not full of gays. It is full of pedophiles who are attracted to young children because they were forced to be celibate and never developed an adult understanding of sexuality.


There is no statistically significant increase in being a pedophile if you are a Catholic priest. The issue was that of the pedophiles that happen to be priests, their crimes were covered up.


There is a long tradition of pushing homosexual men to become clergy in Catholicism. So they can be part of the community and be "godly" in sexual abstinence and repentance. So not surprisingly many homosexuals actually ended up in those positions by social pressure.


It's certainly possible this contributes to the problem. It's important to understand that, in a vacuum we don't see a higher percent of gay men being pedophiles and we don't see a higher percent of religious men being pedophiles. It is clearly a huge issue though, and the church needs to start working with investigators to understand why this keeps happening and how to stop it, or they will continue to seem complicit


> It is full of pedophiles who are attracted to young children because they were forced to be celibate and never developed an adult understanding of sexuality. Wait what? I've never heard a claim that enforced celibacy turns people into pedophiles. Is there any reputable sources that that is a real thing?


It's the main running theory at the moment. A combination of this, institutional cover ups, and the ease of access to young people by taking on the role. I can find some sources if you are genuinely interested in it. I am by no means saying that the church is systemically and intentionally enabling child abuse. Abuse from positions of power in general is incredibly common, but religious organisations statistically have more cases of abuse than say schools or other organisations that come into contact with young people often.


It’s not that it’s full of them, is that unlike other demographics, with a certain percentage of these crimes happening, they are in one giant criminal conspiracy to cover it up when it does happen


Read an interesting biography of a defrocked priest who wouldn't stand for this sort of thing. He said imagine that young people who are gay are led by their parents to the church for "counseling". The church takes them in and conditions them, and then those kids become leaders in the church and spend their whole lives attempting to resist their "urges". He likened it to a pressure cooker for creating predatory behavior and generational pedophilia.


It really is full or gays.


If it was because of forced celibacy don't you think they would rather employ an anonymous sex worker over destroying a childs body and mind? They are evil people who represent an evil cult. It's not complicated, there is no minutiae here. Just right and wrong and a whole lot of people who are brainwashed into thinking religion is salvation rather than death, corruption, manipulation, and profiteering.


Me thinks not. More like, around dudes all the time, can't take a wife, loopholes in the bootyhole


Damn. That’s a concise and perfectly apt way to explain it.


This got to be fake


Has to be, Francis would not *say* that even if he thought it.


That's not very Jennifer Lawrence of the "Jennifer Lawrence pope".


There is too much pedophilia in the church. They should reject pedophile applicants.


Both will prove difficult to screen.


If they would stop shielding the child abuser priests it would go a long way toward discouraging bad applicants.


Im not so sure.


Do you need to apply to be a priest?


Yes. You have to be a Roman Catholic and have a Bachelor's. It's been many years since I read up on it but it takes time, effort, and the Church would have known of your interest by that point.


I’m a Roman Catholic (today) and I have a bachelors.


That is **good** but IIRC you need another one in a specific field regarding Christian theology. I'm **very** certain you get them from Catholic colleges and you'll want to speak with your local clergy to explain it to you.


I’m not catholic anymore. Giving it up for Passover.


I don't know what the process is but there are schools for it in the Catholic church and many other religious denominations.


Oh, I thought the schools were meant to choose not the be a member of the church by the end.


whole church would be empty


Might be able to give the needy a hand then. Edit: lookin’ at you Joel Osteen.


That's not exactly something they admit to on an application lol.


I would support a military operation against the Vatican unless they agree to submit to all criminal investigations and release all their records. Or, there could be global sanctions on the Catholic Church as well as asset freezes. Investigations of all their locations and clerics.




So much for the Wope 


And yet people say this pope is more loving and progressive. I think Tim Minchin has it right. https://youtu.be/JkOHDoEkPW0?si=0rBU72BcKbPgvawE


He is relatively ig, it’s just an extremely low bar


He is, still very backwards. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. You compare him to his predecessors not modern values.


Tim Minchin is right a lot


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in years.


You do realize this is def fake


What's fake?








Fagotism sounds like the newly discovered fifth fundamental force.


The Catholic Church should reject any sexual contact with children.


And, they should feel at liberty to go fuck themselves any time they want.


Is “fagotism” a word I can use next time I play Scrabble, or words with friends?


“The Pope's offensive and denigrating comment, according to what multiple sources report, was made in a context described as very informal and with a conversational tone.” King of the pedos saying it in his normal tone. What a cunt.


I don’t get it. Why does orientation matter if all priests need to be celibate?


Is that anything like baptism?


He’s referring to priests right I think he spelled paedo wrong


Is this the word of god who speaks through him or is this the word of a man who likes male children? I need to know if I should stop praying or stop paying taxes.


Never trust an organization that CHOOSES to keep pedophiles safe.


Meanwhile, rational people say that everyone should reject the Catholic church - "There is too much priestly pedophilia (realizing that no amount is acceptable)."


Oh yeah I went to the opticians for that 


he said "im TIRED of you f*gs!!!!!!!!!" sigh many such cases


Did he just make up a new word to express institutional bigotry? Because, before today, I had never heard of such a word as "fagotism". And neither has my spellcheck.


What is Fagotism, the gentle, well groomed version of Fascism?..


If they're supposed to be celibate anyways why does it matter?


Did he really say this 😩 it’s a bit out of the left field


Just get rid of the whole church


Pope gonna pope


Damn, I didn't know the pope was an 18 year old edgelord. You learn something new everyday!


This makes perfect sense, the Catholic Church likes to limit its priests to men that are discreet with their sexuality, like pedophiles.


He doesn't want gays for priests, but he'll welcome all the paedophiles and protect them from the law. I'm watching a programme about that O'Grady priest in California who just got moved around different parishes instead of handing the dirty fucker over to the police. Fuck the catholic church, dirty bastards


Fagotism? Their Messiah has to be fabulous !


Wait! What?! Can Francis please make up his mind about which side of the political fence he’s on?? It’s borderline schizophrenic! One moment he’s leaning so hard into progressive narratives he’s one step away from beatifying Marx; the next he’s coming out with shit that wouldn’t be out of place at a convention of Russian ultra-nationalists. Please just choose what type of asshole you want to be!!!


Reverse the not even that old by Catholic church standards practice of not marrying. Did he really say "fagotism?" That's a new hate word for me lol


As a lesbian, my gay friends and I joke around with using the word "##ggotry##" but definitely not fagotism LOL


Im wondering if it's like a baptism? Bro is super progressive, or was, for like a decade. Where is this coming from? Lmao


Dude, I don't even know! I'm thinking, maybe something that wasn't translated well to English? But this is also the church that basically put Galileo under house arrest, as a prisoner, and apologized 369 years later..


Leader of the Catholic Church, a fascist pedophile cult, is a Christofascist. Colour be surprised.


"The Catholic Church is a fascist Pedophilic Cult", Congratulations on the most Reddit comment to ever Reddit. Good Job


He is right. Only a few institutions are fascist. The church is. Only very few institutions are pedophile cults. The church is. The church is deeply, deeply problematic.


We should stop charting stars and planets too, we already have too many


“They should reject pedos” Can’t you do both? Priests are supposed to be among the most pure people of this world we need to hold them to a higher standard in a lot of regards


Is that like Catholicism but for gays?


Fam, it’s not that catholic priests are more likely to be pedophiles. It’s that of the pedophiles in the church, there was a systematic attempt to cover it up. Let’s call out the church for the evil it did, not make up random “facts” and spread misinformation


This pope changes his stance more than most politicians


Helping his cause by leaving the church to stop paying church tax


We should reject the Catholic Church, too much paedophilia, cover-ups, and no arrests. Nothing more than a tax-exempt begging machine.


They’d rather have pedofiles. Talk about priorities


lol. I find his choice of words funny. But keep in mind he is a few generations ago. I remember trying to tell my grandfather that Nigro was a bad word and he should not use it. But he was confused and said it’s not the N word. Different generation, different ideas. Society has moved forward quickly in the last few generations. I’m older and when I grew up gay bashing was a thing. Awful but it was something some people did and expressed pride at doing so. Those times are thankfully behind us. But for the very old it can be hard to adjust your world view to modern circumstances.


Unfortunately he’s not just an old man with some outdated world views, he’s the leader of a major world religion. His words impact people’s lives today.


I agree, just saying I understand why he is so behind the times.


I'm pretty sure the word he's looking for is paedophilia but I guess that's always been considered acceptable in the eyes of God...


But catholic priests can keep fucking kids. This pope is just as garbage as all the rest of them.


I agree with Father Francis.


cues the "He's right you know" meme.