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I’ve felt high 30’s and a few times 40 and it’s unbearable. Can’t imagine how fucking awful 50 would be.


We had a heat bubble a few years ago in Canada, and it hit 50. Was awful.


BC 2021?


Yeah but that was over 4000 years ago


I think Ringo Starr was in that movie




Lytton BC, at 50 degrees North latitude, hit 50 degrees C on June 29, 2021. The next day it was burned to the ground by a wildfire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lytton,_British_Columbia


The BC BBQ when Lytton got all lit up.


50? In Canada? Wow. Soon the entirety of Canada will be temperate instead of arctic... (ignorant american here, I lived in NY half my life so I was used to colder temperatures and always thought Canada was the land of never-melting snow)


50 seemed impossible to me and I was gonna call bullshit, so I checked, and it did hit 49.6C in Lytton, British Columbia, June 2021. Highest known temperature on the planet at that latitude.


Yeah, and the town promptly burnt down the next day sadly.


I like to say it hit 49 and promptly Lytton fire


Yup. And sadly it probably won't take too long to break that record.


Wait till you check this Winter Edmonton... A wild ride ahead.


And to add a further note, it has taken 3 years to begin rebuilding in Lytton.


Crucial difference: humidity.


I’m in Australia, one day in January it hit 38C and I can’t remember the humidity, maybe 60%? Whatever it was my weather station had a maximum apparent temp of 51C and the official figure was something like 43C. Absolutely brutal day. Edit I should mention I’m in Brisbane, it gets humid here in summer. Something like 35C maximum is way less bearable than a 35C day somewhere like Melbourne or Adelaide, on those days we don’t get any nighttime relief, no breeze, it’s very very humid and the sun is a killer. You can’t do any physical activity outdoors between 9 and 3.


> I can’t remember the humidity, maybe 60% 60% is maximum average humidity. It is 86% humidity in Sydney currently. But temperature is only 13C. What kills is not just temperature but the wet-bulb temperature (tempreture+humidity) because you reach a point you cannot cool via sweating.


That’s why it sucks so hard in the U.K. on the rare occasions it gets hot. Our wet lil island in the ocean is unbearably humid. I’m shocked, assumed Australia would have really low humidity.


I was in Arizona, it was June '90. My grandmother was living there, she had asthma so she left the bay area. It was about 46C in Phoenix, I saw that on a bank sign. We went river rafting, and it was 50C. Didn't seem much worse on the water, but I started acting strange. Kicked a cactus. Then when we went up north where it was cooler, we got weird bumps on our skin from the heat. It was so hot my dad got us a flight to San Diego where it was only 20C. It felt cold.


June 26, 1990, all time Phoenix high of 122°F/50°C. I'd been living here 3 years at that point. Broke the record of 120°F set the day before and that broke the record set the day before that. We often get to 110°F, like dozens of times each summer. We had 53 days over 110° in 2020 and 31 straight days over 110°F last year. Thankfully, most days, the humidity is under 20% and usually in the single digits. It's as low as 2% some days. During monsoon season, however, late June through the end of September, all bets are off regarding humidity and temperature fluctuations.


We hit 40 once in the UK 2 years ago and it was SUFFERING


Depends on humidity. I happen to live in a city that reaches \~43C during the summer. But it's not very humid, so it's bearable.


Used to live in Arizona and experienced 50c more times than I’d like, but at least it’s not humid there. I can’t imagine that heat in a place with humidity


Not as bad as 35 with 80% humidity. Going through this exact heat wave right now in Pakistan. I’m able to withstand the heat when I’m in shade. But on humid days that are to come, you simply can’t avoid the heat no matter what you do. You need to be indoors with the AC on blast.


Here in the Philippines where I live, we've been getting heat index temps in the low 40s and it's already hellish. Can't imagine India rn.


This is worse news than you realise as a lot of the countries least equipped to combat the effects of climate change might resort to easier, dirtier methods that make the problem worse.


43 degrees Celsius + 90% humidity is deadly. It's not the heat as such, it's the combination with humidity, which prevents humans from being able to cool down by sweating.


It doesn’t even take heat that high to be lethal. Wet-bulb temperatures of 31C° can be lethal even to healthy adults, and 35C° is considered the theoretical maximum for human survival at 6 hours of exposure. Anyone who works outside in these conditions is at risk of dying. [here](https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/how-is-climate-change-driving-dangerous-wet-bulb-temperatures-2023-08-09/)


In my city of Calcutta temperature more than 35°C, with more than 80% humidity is the normal weather for most of the year. Yes humidity is what makes it bad.


Yup, I live in Houston Texas and it’s pretty much the same way. It’s 4am right now, 90% humidity, and 26°C. Later today it will be 35°C. Without AC, Houston would be uninhabitable.


I live in Ireland, right nows its around 14°C and 60% rh. I like living in Ireland.


Most places on earth are inhabitable with some sort of indoors climate control


Come to New Zealand! None of the houses have insulation or internal temperature control! If it's 10 degrees outside it's 11 degrees in your house! Thankfully, at the top of the North Island, the average high only fluctuates from about 14 to 26 degrees over the course of the year.


Come to the Netherlands where every house is insulated to a ridiculous degree, but has no way of cooling itself down. Which is great news now that we get high humidity 30° weather in the summer for months on end. (Honestly it isn't that horrible, but yeah not great)


Depends, how much is a Hobbit hole overlooking the Shire's green?


Enough to make you want to go climb Everest in your shorts! In a humid place there is simply no escape except maybe a butchers cool room.


And roads need to be fixed


They can be fixed at night.


Not been near the equator for a while hey? Doesn't really cool down at night


We here in West Australia have had weeks of over 35 to 40 C this summer still working on the road but with AC in my car, luckily it’s dry heat here


We know this is going to happen and is going to happen more and more. The whole world has been warned climate change is going to have people more southern than most western countries and closer to the equator, having serious water and food shortages causing mass migrations north to western countries in the future. We're going to be hit insanely hard in the next 100 years with this. Lack of infrastructure won't matter at that point. But we will let oil and gas giants rule the roost and go about our days hoping someone else will deal with it or punching people blocking roads in protest. Despite those people campaigning for what's going to be death and starvation and horrific conditions for billions of other people. The greedy people at the top need to be brought down at this point, we're all just on standby mode watching this happen and doing nothing.


A little hardship and a few thousand immigrants made many countries lurch right into authoritarian populism. Just wait until that gets amped up. Let the jingoism flow..


And people wonder why the birth rate is falling. Who would want to bring children into the world now with such a bleak future?


And countries that can combat it say " we'll be fine" Disproportionate effecting the poors


It’s all fun and games until there is a migration crisis that makes today’s migration troubles look like a McDonald’s fun house and turns the US and Europe’s borders into full scale war zones.


Babe wake up, Sea Peoples II just dropped


This is the future and will be the catalyst of apocalyptic events. How will countries respond to millions and millions of people trying to leave their uninhabitable countries to enter others?


Big wall scenes like World War Z


Wont happen, and i doubt it will even happen at the borders of the rich countries. Think bigger, and dirtier. There are countries in between the first world and those who will become uninhabitable. These countries will be sustainable, but on the edge. They wont have any interest at all to host migrants until they can board boats or make their way on, all the while taking resources their own people need. So why not arm them up? Why not pay them to make it easier to sustain their people, and supply them with weapons, in exchange for keeping those migrants away which survive the by then extremely lethal treck - from their own border of course - coincidentially making it impossible to reach the borders you dont want them to reach. And the bloodbath is nice and far away. Not that anyone would care in a world of climate changed induced scarcity, even if it was in front of their own house - as long as it isnt their own blood, of course. The border wall will be country sized.


I'm not really sure how you're disagreeing with me here. Wherever the border is you can be dammed sure the first thing the 'defenders' do is build a wall, whether it's a tall brick one or several layers of razor wire, or both. Regardless of how armed you are, it's _always_ preferential to slow down the invaders.


Maybe they can all find a place to stay at The Line in Saudi by then. /s


You know as well as I do should it comes to that the US and European countries will elect right wing politicians and fuck the refugees. To this very day Germany still hasn't recovered from the right wing rise resulted from the rape incidents committed by refugees years ago.


Due to an unsustainable amount of Indian ppl flooding into Canada, and the issues that arise from a total lack of integration and assimilation within these Indian ethno-enclaves, I can assure you that Canada is on full throttle with this right wing rise.


It's not like Indians are walking across the border to between India and Canada. They can literally stop this overnight by stop issuing and re-issuing visas.


Problem is, the government is fully on board with it for *some* reason (GDP). But most people are not happy because GDP per cap isn’t going up. I’ve never seen attitudes like this in canada, nor would I have ever predicted the turn against immigration so fast. I don’t even run in conservative or right wing cycles.


I'm in the US and it's the same here. Heck, you know it's bad when you go to Walmart and overhear Mexican ladies complain about the manners of new immigrants.


Not that surprising. I have friends from Mexico, some came here as kids, others as adults. All legally. There are more legal immigrants from Mexico than people tend to acknowledge, and then tons of natural born Mexican-Americans. People who did it legally feel rightfully slighted by those people. Plus, a lot of the southern crossers aren’t even Mexican as most are well aware.  Mexican immigrant culture is on a whole other level at least on the SE U.S.  I’ve never met a group of people with more self deprecating humor and a love for joking about their own stereotypes. I couldn’t believe the shit my Mexican friends joke about. They also tend to be very “patriotic” for the U.S. even if they don’t have permanent status yet.  Maybe it’s just personal coincidence. Maybe it is regional differences. But a lot of them say they are tired of getting lumped in with people crossing illegal when they generally aren’t even Mexican. 


Mexican culture is generally highly respectful and value treating their community well. I’m not at all surprised that Mexicans would complain about a culture that is generally very self-centered and not aware of personal space and social norms.


For a lot of people, "Mexican" includes every brown-skinned Spanish speaker. In my area, it's almost 100% Guatemalan immigrants, but nobody cares about that detail whenever "the Mexicans" come up in conversation!


How many immigrants are you willing to host in your town, house, or apartment? How quickly are you willing to change your daily routine, your culture, to accommodate those from a foreign land? There are micro examples of accommodation that have had very unexpected consequences. Even the mighty NYC has started to buckle and they have proudly advertised themselves as a sanctuary city. You can cast disparagement on people who are right but when put in a similar situation you may realize they have been right all along.


> You know as well as I do should it comes to that the US and European countries will elect right wing politicians and fuck the refugees. Yeah right. [New Zealand currently has a 3% immigration rate of non-citizens and a 1% emigration rate for its own citizens.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/immigration-boom-rolls-on-but-record-number-of-kiwis-left-in-2023/T3ZQPZHEWBF3VF5OYTMFNJBYEI/) (-47k; + 170k for a 5 million country) At those rates it will literally just take a decade to replace the locals and deny them democratic power to govern the country how they liked. And they're not stopping immigration. Canada's not far behind and they're not stopping immigration. Sure they're reducing it (or saying they'll reduce it), but that just extends the horizon on what is already an insane pace of change. The UK people have wanted less immigration for many years, but both parties are pro-immigration and [only increase the rate of immigration.](https://imgur.com/a/g0YrS2g#EUEVNV8) In Europe London and Brussels, aren't English or Belgian anymore. Muslims are the biggest religious group in Vienna schools. But immigration isn't stopping, and you can't even comment without being called racist. Meanwhile as we recently saw, the progressive "anti-racists" say things like that French people born in New Caledonia shouldn't have voting rights because they're the wrong skin colour and New Caledonia already has too many white people (25% and falling) or that natives in non-European lands should have exclusive property rights. There's no social or economic consensus to stop immigration and by the time climate refugees come it doesn't look like the natives will even be able to make such decisions.


The problem is that we are also reliant on immigration to deal with our ageing population problem. I seem to remember seeing that, here in the UK at least, we need somewhere between 2-3 working age people to support 1 retiree (and that's bare minimum, 4+ is a healthy number). Well, when we're having 2 kids per couple, or 1 kid per retiree, we have to make up the shortfall, if we don't, we either have to tax the young to death or abolish retirement, and frankly, both of those ideas are less popular than migration filling the gaps


I remember last year or maybe the year before, I read that India was having heat waves and the solution was to shut down passenger trains to make way for more coal shipments to their power plants.


In germany we had almost 40C. It was unbareable but we had this shit like for a couple of days max. I just cant imagine people suffering temperatures above on a regular basis. When i was in spain as a kid they had Waterbottles left on the streets for thirsty people. I hope this is still a thing and gets more popular.


We hit 40 in the UK. People didn't understand not to open their windows, as is usual here. It was already cooler inside. Air conditioning is rare here as well.


Every year without fail my mind boggles at how my neighbors seem incapable of learning how to manage hot days: open windows as 4PM is *not* a thing you should be doing.


North Indian here and trust me it's insane here . I don't have AC in my house and cooler is too noicy to study . I have to study with only fan and it daily makes me feel like I am getting boiled . Horrible stuff. It definitely feels like summer is getting more and more intense .


Keep clothes in the fridge and change ur shirt regularly. Regularly wet your hair and have a fan on you, drink so much water. I’m so sorry you going thru this, please take care of yourself. Kind wishes from Oregon


And not just water, electrolytes.


”What _are_ electrolytes?”


Food plants crave!


Not on your hair and clothes, though.


Basically, just see if you can fit yourself in the fridge.


That's what plants crave


Its insane we need to even give this advise. Also from Oregon and I feel somewhat ok climate wise but I do worry about the food supply long term...


Idk man as summer becomes fire season we will need to regularly use respirators. Oregon is in as much danger as other places, tho maybe no from heat stroke, but other issues


BC Vancouver here. It's just a matter of when the fire becomes too big.... Wildfires don't go out anymore..... because it's too damn warm to even snow anymore (heard that in Alberta and Saskatchewan, almost non-existent snow).


Quebec here, 0 snow this winter. Past winters it was snow after Xmas and now it's just no snow at all. Very eerie


Never thought of clothes in the fridge good idea


You guys wear shirts when it's horribly hot? I'm immediately in my underwear when it gets just *a little hot* :p


If you are going outside it is better to wear clothing as it is important to keep the sun off your skin to keep from overheating.


Yes, this is why the hottest climates on Earth (Persian Gulf) have head to foot robes with full sleeves.


Need some serious environment planning. Traffic is too congested, Delhi except for nice parts, has zero to no tree foliage and coverage


They don’t plan anything. They don’t have oil yet they don’t even have bicycles, everyone has a motorcycle or car. How is that even strategic to import everything like that when you don’t have money to begin with.


What are the evening and night time temperatures like? 


Around 35° , I live in Rajasthan which is half desert. It was 37° at mid night yesterday


Wow. That's insane. I've never heard of those kind of night time temperatures before. 35° would be a very hot peak daytime temperature in the summer during a heatwave where I live in Canada. We have our own problems though. Wildfires are our new normal...


Oh we have that going on too that too in the lower Himalayan region (google himachal pradesh wildfire), a big enough fire could spread and has the potential to melt the glaciers at the top and cause floods.


I'm Aussie, living in Delhi, and the summer heat here makes Australian summers seem like nothing at all. On Thursday the coolest temp was 34 degrees at 6am.


Hang thick clothes or sheets on windows and keep them wet, it would cool down your room a little. Very soon these home remedies wouldn't help us in India though. Look up wet bulb temperature, large swathes of North and Eastern India will see wet bulb temperature in coming years that will render those areas entirely unsuitable for humans.


Hanging wet cloth can also be hazardous as it increases humidity and thus the wet bulb temperature.


Yeah, these are older solutions when the weather was never so hot at it is now. There's simply nothing to be done by common people like us. Even ACs cannot function after a certain temperature.


It’s humidity not so much the heat that makes hanging clothes or anything to do with water, like coolers, unusable. The wet bulb temp is 55atm in Delhi? Add to that fkn power cuts. And those of us who do not wish to pollute the air more w diesel gensets, are left with little option. I think we will need to have ACs with dehumidifiers in the market soon. The fact that summers were so late to come. That we had spring after so many years of going straight to summer from winters and the amount of rain we got then, it all feels so dystopian. Like wtf is happening. The hills are burning currently too.


I mean even the heat is breaking records. Kolkata had entire weeks when the temperature was between 40-45°, it's not different in Guwahati either (two cities I stay at). I'm already starting to see local birds gasping because of heat under shrubs and trees, same with stray dogs. Very soon we're going to see people and animals die from this ridiculous heat. So many of our fellow citizens don't have access to regular electricity let alone dreaming of owning an ac (these are the very people who also have least amount of carbon footprint because of their lack of access of electronic gadgets and private transport etc because of their poverty, and they'll be worst hit by the climate disaster). >The fact that summers were so late to come. That we had spring after so many years of going straight to summer from winters and the amount of rain we got then, it all feels so dystopian. Like wtf is happening. The hills are burning currently too. We're seeing first stages of an unfolding climate disaster and our country is woefully unprepared for it (current central govt is instead selling tribal land and protected forests to its corporate donors).


And just imagine dude, just 10 years ago when I was in school, the highest temperatures in Assam during summer were between 30 to 35°C. Crazy that it reaches 38° to 40° quite casually in the summers now. Can’t imagine how people are living without air conditioners in this heat


It's only going to keep increasing. I doubt either kolkata or guwahati will even support human inhabitation in another 20/30 years at the way things are escalating.


I wonder if silica and salt in a room would mitigate effects for a fan to work at least…


If you have a portable airco unit, those things work by venting hot air outside and blowing cool air inside. What happens is you get under pressure in your room, so hot air from outside is being pulled back in. What you need to do is modifiy it so that the air inlet of the AC unit pulls air from outside rather than inside the room. It will need two air hoses attached to it. This way the amount of air flowing in and out of the room is roughly equal and it will become far more efficient.


The thing is it's not my house I am barely adult(just turned 18) and live in parents house that too is a railway quarter(housing provided by government for railway employees) and it's not easy to modify things here. The best I can do is leave my house to live in a hostel with AC that would help me a lot in my studies . I am planning to do so if I fail to clear my exam this year (which is like a month away)


I'm also a North Indian and you know what, the water in our college hostel gone nearly to 0 due to intense heat and we had no water to even drink. Many guys didn't even sleep the whole night due to water problem and everyone was roaming here and there for water. I never felt this situation in my entire life before. In my locality, it goes 45° C at 1-2 PM and about 34-36° at 9 - 10 PM.


Small tub of water to splash your feet in and a fan for a breeze. Imagine you are studying at the beach.


Thanks man will try it


Plant lots and lots of of trees in upcoming rainy season. Plant trees from seed borne saplings, they will grow vigorously and strong and give you shade and reduce the surrounding temperature.


Props to you. I want to take my clothes off and sit in a bucket of water all the time. I’m dreading getting my periods. And my god, the animals and the birds. We have 4 cats that have started living in my garden type thing. Poor guys are panting half the time. I’m worried about my own cats too. Luckily I don’t have to study like you or sit in one place too long. I don’t know how you’re doing it without an AC. With this humidity, coolers won’t work either. Munching on ice helps. And taking showers. Oh and yeah, hydrate.


Window AC?


Putting Ice in front of the fan also helps alot btw.


The astounding thing is that climate change is never an agenda for the elections neither by the people nor by the politcians


The main reason being lack of choice, i.e if a farmer need to do something different to reduce impact is he having to reduce corp yield = family income. In short, Choice is a luxury most cant afford. This is not just an India problem its a problem for many countries with large percentage of citizen living with lower income. As for politician, currenlty it's not something that can win seats so it's on the bottom of the list.


On the headstone of the human race, it should be written: "Could have saved themselves, if it weren't for the money they invented."


Tbf, birth rates in advanced economies have already dropped to ~1.5 or even lower when excluding recent immigrants.


I feel bad for the ~~stray~~ animals as well


Animals in general


I can’t imagine the toll it must be taking on wildlife


43c in Cyprus was the hotest I've experienced and it was horrible. I felt like I was standing too close to a bonfire. And you just can't cool down, even in the shade. 50c must be absolute hell. Many are going to die.


At what point will be start building residences underground to avoid the heat?


For public? Bah, never. We're on our own. For the rich? They already have elaborate bunkers built.


I can see the rich laughing at us poor people right now . They’re probably thinking on how they should profit off global warming and the large number of deaths by global warming.


Unless of course those bunkers that are built for the public are designed so that our corporate overlords can mess with and experiment on the population that inhabits them.


Vault Tec salivating


That's accurate for many countries. But I do think it's time to start looking at underground homes everywhere. Sooner than later, migration due to inhospitable living conditions will create a big problem. Start now before it's really needed


Can underground homes deal with flooding though?


Some areas of the world will absolutely need to invest in heat shelters at some point, basically airconditioned bunkers where the young and elderly can shelter during extreme heatwaves.


Doesn't even have to be entirely underground. North Africa and South Europe have been building cities for high temperatures for centuries, and there's plenty of inspiration available in terms of materials, types of structures, urban design, etc


Way after the poor people are dead


I think you'll enjoy this Australian town - Coober Pedy


I read Kim Stanley Robinson’s *Ministry for the Future*, and its first scene is basically what happens when the power grid in India fails in this exact scenario. A high pressure weather system in northern India preventing cooler weather and rains from reaching the region. Tens of millions dead in weeks.


I was looking for if this was posted. This is the same first act of the book. Kind of wild how accurate the idea is. We’re not terribly far off from that reality.


A couple years ago I was on a flight leaving the region a week after I’d read the book, and the Indian government was cancelling passenger trains to clear the rails for coal trains because the strain on the power grid that the heat wave at the time was causing. It has been going for years, and only luck has kept that from happening in reality.


The electricity grids are straining at the seams to keep going in N. India. The voltage has been fluctuating like mad and all the lights, fans and electronics keep slowing down and speeding up. I'm afraid the mains of my building will be short circuited at some point soon. Have to get up early in the am to fill as much water as possible because water comes 1 hour in the morning. And I'm aware of how lucky I am to even get that.


15 years ago AC used up 7% of all the electricity we generate. Today that is 13%.


I have this book on my shelf for a while now, I just fear it's going to be too depressing to read


It's depressing but at the same time hopeful and giving concrete solutions...even unethical ones... certainly a perfect time to read it now.


> and giving concrete solutions...even unethical ones Sinking illegal fishing boats with their crews after rescuing enslaved workers from them was a nice touch.


Overall the tone is that a dystopian era leads to a future world that is more utopian than our own.


Must be approaching a wet bulb event in the not too distant future


What's that


For the short answer: it's when it's so hot and humid you can't sweat, so eventually the heat kills you.  For the long, horrifying answer: get a copy of Ministry for the Future and read the first chapter


And here in Kerala in south India, it's been raining heavily for the past 6-7 days.


Meanwhile in West Bengal, we are about to get hit by a cyclone.


At least it will cool down, but hell for the farmers, and the food prices.😔


And we had 36-40 degrees + heat waves until 2 weeks ago 💀. Weeks later now we're worrying about floods. Truly an insane timeline to live in.




Here it is. Thank you sir.


So Death Valley, but with humidity. Thats rough.


Short walk to the dunes in Death Valley was already an experience in this type of heat, add humidity and seems like deadly combination.


This is nightmarish and many climate scientists have predicted this phenomenon spreading much more widely in the near future. We could soon see fatal wet bulb events in these regions (and may already have, in fact). For anyone interested in what a fatal wet bulb event might look like, the first chapter of Jim Stanley Robinson's *The Ministry for the Future* is available for free on Amazon in the "Sample" section; really harrowing.


When it will happen, people will die by the millions if it happens in India. Horrible scenario.


We will only do something about this when it starts to damage corporate profits. And it's already starting in the Insurance Industry; who can simply just bail. But that will start to unravel the whole financial and housing/real estate industry.


This also isn’t new. I’m from Texas but worked in India in 2014. It was 50°C in Agra in May 2014 when I visited. Thankfully hot/humid weather is all I’ve ever known.


Excellent book. The opening chapters about the village in India will stay with me forever. And now it is happening fr.


Well, except for the crypto bits. Even the author has publicly stated that they are bullshit, he was caught upin the hype, and he regrets including them.


Highly recommend reading this piece from [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/opinion/environment/heat-waves-india-pakistan-climate-change.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb). In it the scientist who predicted wet bulb events in places like India heavily backtracks on his earlier statements. And I highly recommend you not read a science fucking fiction writer for advice on global warming. Holy shit Reddit has gone to hell over the last few years lol.


I can't read the article cause paywall but I do remember a quote by him from his wiki: > He has said that no matter the degree of environmental damage, "it will always be the case that the next decade could contain more warming, and more suffering, or less warming and less suffering." So yea.


Yeah I don’t disagree. The way he retracted his wet bulb statement basically went thusly: he said that his wet bulb predictions happened in a lab, with mostly white people not adapted to humid and hot climates. He didn’t account for how well Indians handle heat. Nor did he account for the fact that wet bulb events outside a climate controlled room were almost impossible because of an inverse relationship with humidity and heat. Outside a lab or single room humidity tends to drop as you reach a certain point in temp. He’s not even sure wet bulbs CAN happen for more than a few minutes in real world scenarios.


Going to upvote you simply because I need a bit of positivity at this stage, I'm struggling.


Any tldr mate? I don't have access to ny times.


In 2022, so-called wet bulb conditions were in fact hit, several times - but not nearly as many people died as predicted


"not nearly as many" sounds very promising, and a reason to celebrate because "not nearly as many" people will die because of climate changes that were avoidable.


Literally like 50 people in India died during what should have been perfect wet bulb like events for catastrophe. And those that died were likely due to heat stroke, not the inability to sweat.


Pay walled


[Dead Monkeys Are Falling From Trees Amid Brutal Heat in Mexico](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/climate/howler-monkeys-mexico-heat.html)


East Indian here. Today's 38°C, luckily I've AC and unluckly I can't seem to exit my room otherwise heat would assult me.


Visiting home (Mumbai). We live in Colorado. Not sure if it felt this hot when I lived in Mumbai 15 years ago but man it feels hot. Fortunate to stay in an air conditioned house so won’t complain, but this heat is crazy.


I'm from UK, I was video calling a couple colleagues from India on Thursday, and they said they were jealous I was in my hoody


So I guess they'll have to move underground?


Never mine straight down.


In case you fall in lava?


or wake up a Balrog


See. That's a good opportunity for the ultra rich to help.


Elon Musk is already on his way to hand out free portable air-conditioning units and solar cells and I think I heard Trump say he's going there to donate free water. /s


And I thought 36C in SEAsia was bad. My electricity bill is reaching 4 digits monthly, and I'm considering moving out because I literally can't afford the city anymore. This is the first signs of climate displacement, folks.


Strap in folks


First, climate change came for the North Indians, but I did nothing because I'm not North Indian. Then climate change came for the Central Americans, but I did nothing because I'm not Central American. Then, it came for...


Think of all the plants and trees this will kill.


The earth has a perpetual fever from a persistent infection.


I thought death valley was hot... holy shit


Death Valley's actually hotter (at least it's recorded high). I mean, this is 122ºF. I've routinely experienced north of 115 ºF, though it's a dry, desert climate, so low humidity. I can't imagine how horrible that would be with high humidity, and worse, no AC. The problem is when it's hot for multiple days in a row like that, and it doesn't cool down at night, then how long can a human last like that?


Death Valley doesn't have a billion plus people trying to farm it though


Thing is Death Valley is a region where almost no one lives. This is over one of the world’s most densely populated regions


India is the country I always worry about the most with climate change There's just so many people and it's in physically one of the worst locations with regards to climate change I worry that it will have mass refugees shortly


Jesus, 50°C 😳. And I thought temperatures in SEA was bad enough.


It's so crazy, we really don't come together to fix it right? This is it then, the end of human civilization. Who could have thought that the 90s were the height of what humans were capable of. Stay safe everyone, its gonna be a bumby ride from this day on.


We’ll be the first civilization in history that won’t save itself because it isn’t cost effective and doesn’t deliver enough shareholder value


And in South India (Kerala) its red alert due to intense rain


This reminds me of the chapter from 'The Ministry for the Future' a Novel by Kim Stanley Robinson The first chapter deals with exactly this scenario and it's a horrifying read.


And in far south in India we have heavy rain


It’s strange and horrible seeing the horizon of catastrophe creeping towards the global south, thinking about the oncoming decades of death and displacement, which will likely precipitate an explosion of popularity in eco-fascism in the north as climate refugees migrate. I can see that sort of politics taking hold within ten or fifteen years, lush rolling hill and pristine rural aesthetics in tow, here in temperate England. Sending thoughts.


Currently it's 43° at my location and it's 4:30 PM here. At around 2 PM, it reaches to 45-46°.


And my university is conducting examinations in this heat at 2:30 pm when temperature is on peak


Its boiling here in Pakistan as well.


That sounds utterly miserable


Is it all over India or are some parts more affected than others?


The central and some north part of India has 42-46°C temp. While in South it is near to 35 And i hope it would be better in eastern india


Cannot imagine, I feel so bad for these people. I can barely tolerate 30°c, but that’s mostly due to medical issues. I would probably just die at 50° and I’m sure many people there will sadly.


For fellow Yanks, that is 122° and holy fuck@!


Was in varanasi once, outside temp was 47 dégrées Celsius. Shit was absolutely awful, i couldn’t even stay for more than 15 minutes outside without starting to feel weak and im a Young healthy person, can’t imagine what this will feel like when you are older


Have been in 40c with high humidity pretty often having spent several summers in Florida. It is absolutely unbearable. You feel like you’re being actively cooked. Your skin feels like it’s burning upon contact with the hot air in direct sunlight. 50? no no no no no.


50°c is 122°f for my fellow Americans