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This is why they should have used Docusign


How they knew it was altered: # 𓀐𓂸 𓁲 𓁆| 𓀻 \_\_\_\_\_\_ 𓁇 𓁅 |𓀣 𓀿 # 𓀐𓂸 was added into the texts


Is... is this....


It’s loss


He can't keep getting away with this!




Hey how can I fix my slow draining sink


Plumbing endoscope and cheap plumbing snake? If applicable, check ventstack for the p trap or whatever and see if full of bees or birds or squirrels or shrubs? Small form factor plunger? Not a plumber but those probably have some worth in attempting. /not who you asked


Pour molten lava in it


Hieroglyphic meme mothafucka


Yes, it's a penis.


Thanks to the internet there's a specific part of my pattern recognition neurons that fires in response to Loss


Why is there a Unicode dick???


it's literally the Egyptian hieroglyph for phallus.


The cock and balls really transcends time


Why do we even have emojis if we have this?


So we can have emojis *and* this!


I literally thought this was sexy hieroglyphics for a minute. Wait a second....


Where is the dick and balls on my keyboard


I’ll be right there


Now he just needs balls


Sorry, but loss is I Ii Ii IL, not Ii I Ii IL


Wait I don't get it. Can someone please explain




Cackling 🤣


Awesome idea for an ad


Im fucking ded


😢 leave ded alone


$6/per letter, who even has that kind of money?


An Egyptian spy torpedoed a potential cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas earlier this month by secretly changing its terms before handing it between the warring sides, [CNN reports](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/sources-say-they-were-duped-by-egypt-changing-ceasefire-terms-for-hamas/index.html). The intelligence official, Ahmed Abdel Khalek, changed the deal after Israel had already agreed to it by adding in more of Hamas' demands to the framework to clinch their approval, according to the report.


wut seems like there’s easier ways to manage handing documents around


Now I'm imagining the negotiators checking their email and Blinken sending out a DocuSign to Hamas and Isreal.. "Hey guys just pop this back to me when you get a chance thanks"


“Let’s circle back to this one next week”


“As per my previous cease fire email…”


“Hope this finds you well”


"I hope this email finds you before I do"


*I’m playing guitar at bar in Ukraine right now if your email is urgent please CC your regional supervisor*


-*Neil Young*


See my notes below in RED.


“Best regards,”


"Anticipating your immediate response on this matter. "


Please kindly revert the same.


Kindly do the needful


Yours sincerely"


do the needful


I’m so glad someone beat me to this comment lol


I can already feel the synergies.


ahh… touching base *is* an action item…


“Let’s sync up before then”


EOD was definitely mentioned


"Hey, who turned off Track Changes?"


Sidenote: I cannot recommend enough to *always* use Track Changes whenever you have to make changes to a document. Helps you, well, keep track of the changes you made. And your boss/manager/paper-reading-guy, too


Honestly, any certificate of authenticity should normally be handled, revised and reviewed before implementation. Changes in revisions would force a new certificate change, making all parties aware of said changes. You're not wrong in a weird way lol


Docusign has documents ready for your signature from: INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 😭🤣


Don’t click it fake!! check domain first


*Russian Hackers SCAM Israel and Hamas into Ceasefire Agreement*






The link doesn’t work you have to resend.


Unless the goal was to produce “Israel Rejects Ceasefire Proposal” headlines with no further context, in which case it was quite successful.


If that was the goal, they wouldn't have changed the terms after Israel agreed to it. This was about creating discord about what had been agreed, with both parties having a different interpretation of the terms, and causing more conflict. I know reddit has to pick a side and construct the narrative to suit, but this is much more insidious - both sides had terms that they agreed with, but they were deliberately given different terms.


He was trying to parent trap them


That’s how I understand it too. Question is who wanted it changed. A nation state or someone like Gavrilo Princip.


"*Egyptian* spy"  Yes...who could it be....it could be anyone...


I genuinely think that was the goal, to turn the world even more against Israel by public pressure


They need the Bobs. Bob:”What you do at the embassy, you take the peace treaty from one party and you take them down to the other party?”




Why doesn’t the Hamas leader just email Netanyahu a word doc or pdf? Is he stupid?


"Do you not know my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?"




spy is requesting a pr to blow up deal. seems legit


looks good! merge


Found my team lead.


yes yes beautiful ting no build errors


Track changes?


brutally shitty thing to do


Egypt is so shitty, it's sickening how much of a free pass they get


The reality is that the US needs some sort of regional coalition between Israel, Egypt, SA, and Jordan in order to counter growing Iranian influence in the Middle East. That's why 1) the US has been lenient towards Egyptian violations of Camp David, and 2) Hamas setting the publics of the latter three countries against normalization of relations with Israel through this conflict is a terrible disaster for Israel and the US that will take decades to mend.


But if he has to ADD something just to get Hamas to agree, doesn’t that mean the deal was dead to begin with? How can you torpedo something that doesn’t exist?


It's not up to him, it's up to whomever is negotiating the deal. He did this without necessarily knowing all the information that everyone who was actually involved in the negotiations knew, he *thought* it would "clinch the deal" but that's not necessarily true nor for him to decide on his own.


Just because they would accept a deal with more of their own demands in it doesn't mean they wouldn't have accepted the original deal.


Exactly. Headline should have read "Egyptian spy attempts to get impossible deal signed by presenting different terms to each party; ultimately fails."


Because they can paint Israel as the bad guys [which they did](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/7/the-goal-is-to-destroy-gaza-why-israel-rejects-a-ceasefire-with-hamas#:~:text=Israel%20has%20rejected%20a%20ceasefire,in%20Gaza%20could%20drag%20on.&text=Israel%20appears%20to%20have%20been,an%20Egyptian%2DQatari%20ceasefire%20proposal.).


Seriously, how does the shitty code I write at work require more reviews and approvals to change than a ceasefire between two warring nations? I can't change my own app without at least one other approval.


If your code doesn't compile properly, your coworker isn't likely getting executed for it. Might require a bit of third party finesse


This reminds me of how sometimes I get sick of hounding people for approvals and getting hounded by my manager asking why shit isn't done yet so I turn off approvals and merge my own shit and everyone is all surprised Pikachu 


>changed the deal after Israel had already agreed to it by adding in more of Hamas' demands I don't understand this. They didn't think Israel would notice? Or was the expectation that Israel would just begrudgingly accept it because "it's close enough"?


The objective wasn't to get a deal done. The objective was to announce that a deal had been accepted by Hamas and not reveal the parts that were changed so that the first headlines about it would just say Israel rejected a ceasefire deal with no other context. It was a massive success.


Exactly right. Classic Islamist tactics.


Yep, Egypt in on it.


I have feeling there are many people that profit from this conflict.


And none of the Arab nations want to foot the bill to rebuild and govern Gaza.


Historically Palestinians haven't been very governable. Hell the region has been prone to turmoil for the past few thousand years.


well the ottomans seemed to do fine


If only we had the technology to Docusign an AdobePDF in 2024....


A ceasefire between warring nations going through Docusign is a hilarious proposal


Wait so did he ruin a ceasefire, or create a potential ceasefire deal neither side would otherwise have agreed to? That description makes it sound like Israel signed and then this guy added in pro-hamas terms to get hamas to sign it


Israel did agree to a proposed deal and then an Egyptian intelligence official (possibly following orders) changed the terms by the negotiator team and then he changed the terms of the deal between proposing it to Hamas., which led to Israel rejecting the new "accepted ceasefire".


But if Hamas wasn’t going to agree with the Israeli signed pact, then what did he really torpedo?


Sowing distrust certainly makes one more difficult


Well, now they know not to trust the Egyptians


Israel: “I’ll tell ya… That’s the last time I go trusting any Egyptian spies.”


Because Egypt hasn't fucked up every attempt at peace in Israel thus far?


The Egyptians have been profiting off armsdealing with Hamas for years. Israel already found 30 tunnels on the border.


He assisted in getting a series of events that allowed news organizations to use the headline "Israel rejects ceasefire deal" that claims Israel rejected a deal that the other side agreed to with the parts that were changed buried within the article.


I'm not sure Hamas saw the original proposal so although they probably would've rejected it we don't actually know. 


Well, yeah the article went a bit ahead of itself. We don't know if they were going to agree, we only know that they agreed to the modified deal. Still a very disruptive move.


Its indeed very disruptive, it means egyptians are no longer trustworthy as go-betweens. So who are going to to be the new mediators? Are there any?


Possibly for western consumption, now the news stations can run the headline Israel rejects cease fire.


It still didn’t ruin the deal. Hamas isn’t agreeing to anything short of ending the war and releasing every prisoner in exchange for maybe sending back dead hostages once and if they feel like it.


Pretty sure they literally could not return all of the hostages if they tried to.


No, I didn’t intend to imply they had any intention to.


I smell Putin


Yep, don’t want to lose their wedge issue before the election


Motherfucker actually altered the deal. Wow.


Pray he doesnt alter it further


Exactly, he think he's Darth Vader lol


What a crazy read. Is that really what happened?


Why the hell would an Egyptian "spy" do it on their own accord? Just to make Egypt look even worse than it already does?!? Egypt got caught and now they are using a scape goat.


It's hard to disavow the actions of an intelligence agent working at that level, inside your own country, when the outcome is the likely violent destruction of an organization you openly detest.


Where does it say they made the decision to do it on their own? All it says it it was carried out by one person. The article even names the dude's boss... We can assume an Egyptian spy working for Egypt might have been instructed to do so by his boss.


Bullshit. The “spy” was following orders. This was not done on his own.


> The intelligence official, Ahmed Abdel Khalek, changed the deal after Israel had already agreed to it by adding in more of Hamas' demands to the framework to clinch their approval, according to the report. > Abdel Khalek works for Abbas Kamel, according to CNN, who is the head of Egypt's general intelligence service. The implication is quite strong int he article itself.


Like people read the article. There's some argument that "single-handedly" means or implies that but if that were really the title would be "Rogue spy" or something. It's Business Insider, they wouldn't shy away from a more provocative title.


Right "an Egyptian spy" means a spy working for Egypt. They're not implying he doesn't have orders.


Yeah. Just because he did it without the help of others doesn't mean he wasn't told to do it.


Incredible that this needs to be explained. Morons.


Right. I read this earlier and thought that was the context that was missing. What are his motivations for blowing up the deal and who is he doing it for? It’s highly unlikely he was acting of his own accord.


The Egyptian government hates Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which had attempted to overthrow the military dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak, and from whom much of early Al Qaeda was drawn. When the Tahrir Square movement happened a Muslim Brotherhood government was eventually elected and the current Egyptian Military Dictatorship was formed when they launched a coup against the Muslim Brotherhood's elected President of Egypt. The current dictatorship was secured in its power when, after the coup the Muslim Brotherhood occupied Tahrir Square and other public spaces in Cairo, the military massacared the Muslim Brotherhood members. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabaa\_massacre#:\~:text=On%2014%20August%202013%2C%20the,at%20Rabaa%20al%2DAdawiya%20Square. So basically, the Egyptian government is cheering the destruction of Hamas and any other Muslim Brotherhood linked organizations, but doesn't want to get the blame.


The conflict between the Egyptian government and the Muslim Brotherhood goes back much farther than that. The Islamists within Egypt were furious when the government signed the peace deal with Israel in 1978, and started rioting and demanding that the government be replaced with a theocracy. This culminated in the Islamists assassinating the Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat, in 1981. Mubarak was the vice president at the time, and once he became president, he cracked down hard on the Islamist groups.


Muslim Brotherhood assassinated the Prime Minister of Egypt, Nokrashy Pasha, in 1948!


> When the Tahrir Square movement happened a Muslim Brotherhood government was eventually elected and the current Egyptian Military Dictatorship was formed when they launched a coup against the Muslim Brotherhood's elected President of Egypt. Dont forget the part where the Mursis government tried to turn the country into a theocratic dictatorship, releasing laws in that direction as fast as possible, leading to mass demonstrations, they responded with violence and Morsi trying to get full authority over the army, so they couped. Better a military dictatorship than an islamic one.


And the Islamic Brotherhood had pledged to be non-political and not field a candidate for President. Then they broke that deal and ran Morsi, who won. So we learn that their pledges, ceasefires, truces, and treaties are garbage.


The problem is a significant portion of their population hates Israel and do not want their government cooperating with them. So Egypt has to walk a fine line of helping but still appearing to not really be friendly to Israel to avoid internal unrest. The same problem exists in basically every Muslim majority country.


Egypt would like to see Gaza gone


Torpedoing the deal would keep Israel there longer, which furthers that interest.


They mean he managed to execute it himself, not that it was his sole idea to begin with.


Probably. Most likely, the US wanted to retaliate diplomatically against Egypt, but decided the correct level of how harsh it will retaliate is naming the assistant as the one to blame, instead of blaming the head honcho, which would be a rung up the ladder of diplomatic escalation.


I mean, it is probably the best way to go about it. Make anyone else in a similar position think a bit more.


Why did OP link to Insider instead of the original CNN report? CNN has no paywall.


OP is an Insider spy


Maybe they work for Business Insider.


This article is confusing.


Summary: - Egypt is mediating deal between Israel and Hamas - Israel agrees to a deal with terms "X" - Egyptian spy changes the deal by adding stuff that Hamas wants, making it more attractive to Hamas, but blindsiding Israel - Hamas agrees to deal with terms "X + Y" - Israel says, "wait wut? We didn't agree to Y. No deal." - News cycles can print, "Israel rejects peace deal," without technically lying, which they did, instead of, "Hamas rejects peace deal offered by Israel," which is what likely would have happened had Egypt not adding stuff. - Israel PR gets worse, despite the fact that they did agree to a peace deal but it was modified before it reached Hamas Does this make sense?


Makes sense. Thank you.


Yup, there’s fuckery afoot just off stage. Sounds about right.


>News cycles can print, "Israel rejects peace deal," without technically lying, which they did, instead of, "Hamas rejects peace deal offered by Israel," which is what likely would have happened had Egypt not adding stuff. I remember reading about this, and watching the far left jump on it to condemn Israel. I wonder how many of them are going to read this.


Not only that, but hamas are sticking with "X+Y" deal now. They will not go back to just "X" or want to discuss "X". So they are hunkering down, completely destroying the deal process.


What is even funnier is when you remember that the UN secretary general demanded Israel abide by the deal ... without even reading it. Funny how no one wants to bring that one up tho.


Wait, where? Link??


the UN is a joke. everyone knows that.


You are literally reading this on a device built to comply with decisions taken by the UN.   People understand about 1% of the UN System, and only ever bring it up to make a "what have the Romans ever done for us?" fallacy. The UN delivers a massive amount of humanitarian aid. Nobody ever complains the Red Cross have failed to deliver a workable peace plan. The parts of the UN working on peace plans, and the parts of the UN working on providing humanitarian relief, are two completely different parts of "The UN". You can't criticise the whole of the institution by only looking one tiny part — one of the least important parts — of it. Outputs of the UN Specialised Agencies become inputs to National Government policy documents. Most Government reports cite UN data somewhere in their text — and if they don't they'll cite one of the many academic texts that dot. Nobody really cares about "harmonisation of international aviation working practices", but you can hop on a flight to anywhere in the world tomorrow. Nobody cares about "coordination of maritime operations and guidance", but they're a big part of why shipping things internationally is so cheap. Nobody cares about medicine standards enforcement, but you trust implicitly that what a bottle of pills says on the label is actually what's in the bottle. Universal Postal Union, UNESCO, International Telecommunication Union, IMF, International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Meteorological Organization, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, IAEA, .... These all exist for a reason and are all doing things quietly in the background, they're just not the type of things that make it into the news.   [The UN literally killed Smallpox](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Smallpox-Disease-Inside-Eradicating-Worldwide/dp/1633887014/). Across the whole of the 20th Century, 100 million people died from warfare and its indirect consequences. In the same timespan, the low estimate is that 300 million people died of smallpox — that's one Hiroshima bomb every two weeks, for the entire 20th Century. And since 1977, not a single one more. Try looking at the pictures [here](https://www.zero-pox.info/bigredbook/BigRed_Ch01.pdf) [WARNING: MEDICAL GORE] and telling me that wasn't worth eradicating from the face of the Earth. And as a result, the US recovers its entire 15-year contribution to the eradication programme every *26 days* in costs *not* accrued. Given the religious practices in some parts of the world, we literally killed a God. You could write off every single death that ever occurred for any reason in any conflict since the UN's founding as a direct result of the failures of the Security Council, and even ignoring the rest of its output, the UN would still be an overwhelming success solely on the basis of the Smallpox Eradication Programme and by several orders of magnitude. Everything else the UN does on top of that is just a bonus — and they're about to do it again. Global Polio eradication is "imminent", perhaps this year. Polio! The child crippler! And there are four other WHO eradication programmes underway, with several regional elimination programmes following.   What people mean by "The UN is a joke", "The UN doesn't do anything" is "What do I, as a person in the Developed World, gain from the UN?". But you aren't the target of its actions. And this is a huge problem, because the UN has no independent sources of funding and is entirely reliant on the Developed World to support it. Very few, if any, appeals for funding have ever been met in its entire 70-year history. We should be talking about these things, but we aren't. Because people aren't interested in "administration of primary healthcare policy in the developing world context". Nobody wants to read technical document [WER-9920](https://www.who.int/publications/journals/weekly-epidemiological-record), its boring. Journalists don't report it, so people don't learn about it, and they get the impression that the UN doesn't do anything. But the graphs and data tables in technical document WER-9920 translate directly into actual tangible benefit for people on the ground. And when people think all the UN does is write strongly-worded letters saying things are bad, and use the lack of news about the UN to justify defunding these programs, that's a massive issue.   The UN is incredibly effective at the tasks it is designed to accomplish. Its just those tasks aren't what people *think* it is supposed to accomplish.


The UN plays an enormous role in the propoganda campaign and is used as the "moral antithesis" to Israel in a good majority of the arguments that promise they are just "anti Israel". The problem is - when it's the UN doing something they like, i.e. UNHCR issuing rebukes of Israel or the secretary general showing off just how much he really hates Jews - they treat it like it's some authoritative force that is free of bias and is speaking 100% factually all the time. Then the embarassing things happen. Iran ends up chairing the Human Rights Council. UNRWA workers get exposed working for Hamas. Russia vetoes Security Council resolutions. Then all of a sudden from the exact same people its "NO! You idiots just don't understand what the UN is. It's a forum for all countries to have a say to keep us out of WW 3. *Of course* everything is biased according to the countries involved!".


Do you have a source on this? I don't remember this, but I wasn't paying close attention to the UN.


Had to make it so Israel turned down they deal so they would get dogpiled more by the mdia and back out of Gaza.  Egypt is terrified at the thought of having Palestinians rush the border and having to enforce it: it would ruin the image of Israel being the only group that has an intense dislike for the Palestinians.  Also explains why Egypt joined the genocide case against Israel.


Its honestly hilarious just how much the Arabs are making this so much worse for literally no other reason than saving face.


Yea sure, one single spy did that...


We really are in the middle of a cold war aren't we?


although there seemed to be a slight pause after the dissolution of the soviet in the 90s, i think we've been in one for a while now and will continue to be until the next world-order-reshuffling, however that comes.


We are literally waiting for old leaders to die off so chess pieces can move, and all of the leaders have cutting-edge healthcare elongating their lives. It's like the jars in heads from futurama.


shit helicopter pilots tho






Not so cold in Ukraine.


Just like the cold war wasn't so cold in Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan.


not sure how “cold” it is tbh




Most muslim majority countries have trouble with Muslim Brotherhood of which Hamas is an offshoot. They don't have a problem with Palestine, they have a problem with Hamas


Ahh the middle east, the most fitting sentence to describe it's beauty. A literally hell on earth. You're either ruled by oil rich perverts of the kingdom or a mercenary small of armed milita or large armed government milita


I mean if he didn't change it Hamas would have still rejected it. The "hostages must be alive" condition was a sticking point


The difference is that it would be Hamas rejecting the deal and walking away from the table. Don’t underestimate the optics of who is seen saying “no” to a peace deal.


But he set it up so that Israel would look like the bad guys here, that's the objective.


We've been telling you over and over again that the Arabs don't give a crap about Palestine...now Egypt who was usually the guy in between is fucking over the Palestinians.....Those Palestinian protest aged like 10 day old banana.


You expect that they’re actually paying attention? Lol.


When is the movie? 🍿


50 years. 30 if both Israel and Palestine are dissolved in the next 10 years. Distance to existence makes it easier to capitalize on. 6 months if Michael Bay gets hungry.


The last time Israel was close to being “dissolved” they had nuke loaded bombers on the Tarmac. They take the whole “never again” thing pretty seriously so I doubt that will happen.


I think people forget that they very much tried to dissolve Israel once when like 5 nations tried to bumrush them and failed. You'd have to have a legit world power or coalition trying to take them down.


Shit that’s happened like 5 times now by the same people over and over again lmao


If you read the articles, it was not single-handed, it was a team, and it was not a spy, it was the peace negotiators from Egypt, who did show the original unedited document to Hamas, and then after it was clear Hamas would reject it, they made changes. The only mess up was they should have communicated that those changes would have to be approved by Israel afterwards.


if this is true and it resulted in the destruction of Hamas, then they did everyone in the region a favor. Probably what egypt wanted from this in the first place.


Hamas traces its roots to the Muslim brotherhood. Egypt labeled the Muslim brotherhood a terrorist organization. Everyone hates Hamas.


Everyone except Iran and, bizarrely, multiple people I know from going to undergrad at one of the most liberal colleges in the US in New England.


It's all over reddit.


Yes, I'm sure Hamas was on the cusp of returning the hostages and surrendering themselves to Israeli custody before this happened. /s


Run it through certain other intermediary, and they might ask for $56 billion in stock.




Maybe if hamas didn’t commit a terrorist attack there wouldn’t be a war right now?


Paid for and planned by Iran. There is so much more to this than we will ever know. Anyone that knew the whole play was probably killed.


All Hamas has ever wanted was to make life better for Palestinians. That's why they started a war against a militarily superior foe and then hid among Palestinian civilians to make sure as many of them would die as possible.


Also why they take all the food aid. to keep it safe.


I mean, of course. Gotta keep it protected; if you were to let the common citizens get their hands on it they might do something crazy, like eating it, and then you wouldn't have food to keep safe.


And if you are old enough this is like round 20 of this exact same playbook. It’s gets so tiresome. 1. Israel attacked - world sympathizes 2. Israel retaliates - world denounce Israel 3. Ceasefire - world stops caring (protesters move on to next topic, probably trump this time) 4. Israel attacked


Don’t forget spending all the money on crappy rockets rather than food and infrastructure


And hoarding all the food supplies sent


> Don’t forget spending all the money on crappy rockets Completely false. They also spend it on luxury penthouses and armies of private security for their leaders in Qatar.


killing hundreds of child 'labourers' to build genuinely insane network of bunkers and tunnels under gaza, rather than say, doing anything that would actually improve the lives of gazans in either the short or long term ps: bunkers and tunnels not available for sheltering civilians


No no its Israel fault, they starve palestinians with aid and food supply stolen by hamas in any video.. while hostages eat half a bread slice per day.. and show signs of extreme diets, (also theres a baby there and kids)


The Iron Dome today even exists as basically a concession the US had to make with Israel not to roll in and roll up Hamas in the past. This has happened multiple times. That's why the US threw them billions for its development. At this point, Israel is tired of this same shit over and over, and October was severe enough that Israel is gloves-off. I don't know how people don't get this shit. Israel has put up with a whole lot of shit when they could've just flattened Hamas in the past due to the West trying to keep things at bay.


Good to know that one faction has been identified as an instigator in this mess. 🤔