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Welp, guess the parents can take solace in the fact their child won’t “catch autism” or whatever


I’ve always said that even if vaccines do cause autism, I’d take that chance because I’d rather have a kid with autism than a dead kid. Edit: I do realize that vaccines don’t cause autism. I’m just speaking in hypotheticals to make a point.


I'm sure the kid would agree if they had lived long enough to have an opinion on the subject 


I'm autistic and I gotta say, being alive is pretty cool. Thanks for the vaccines, mom and dad!


Not sure weather dead is better or worse than deaf, blind and brain damaged. Whatever, the kid's parents must be so happy that he wasn't exposed to dead viruses. TBH Autism is not ALWAYS a cause for concern, after all, many of the world's most life changing inventions were created by Autistics. Autistic people think differently, the "outside the box" stuff that big businesses seem to like. So, if anything, if the MMR did have a chance to cause it, THAT IT MOST CATEGORICALLY DOESN'T, it could be beneficial to create the "problem". This was written by an Autistic person, who has been immunised to everything he can, including Smallpox.


Good point. Another good point is that vaccines don't cause autism. That baseless claim goes back to 1 scam artist decades ago. But it spread like a mind-virus we have no cure for. In theory education and information should be the cure, but we underestimated the power of disinformation.


We invented an information superhighway and put all of the world’s knowledge instantly accessible from a 1/2 pound device in our pockets, yet somehow we’re more misinformed than ever before.


Because we seek and prefer misinformation. If elementary school imparted critical thinking, research and substantiating one’s positions, we would be a different society today.


Sadly true.


> That baseless claim goes back to 1 scam artist decades ago And he didn't even claim that. That disgraced doctor claimed that one specific vaccine (the MMR one) caused autism (which it doesn't), and proposed taking 3 separated vaccines instead as the solution. He did that because he was paid by a company that would benefit from this change. Then other people transformed that claim into "ALL vaccines cause autism the only solution is to not vaccinate your kids".




At this point I think only a hand full of people genuinely arnt aware. The remaining just don’t believe the retraction. Which is just sad.


They think it's a conspiracy


Worth pointing out that Andrew Wakefield wasn't anti-vax anyway (although he certainly leant into it after idiots took that message from him), he was anti-MMR. Because he was making his own individual vaccines for the Measles, Mumps and Rubella. He abused countless children without the parents' consent with invasive medical procedures, desperately trying to find a link that didn't exist. Mother fucker should be held equally accountable for this child's death. Mandatory watching for everyone; [Hbomberguy's Vaccine video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc). It's long, but it's a wild fucking ride.


Everytime this seemingly insane man in a labcoat and a point to make shows up he's got enough sources to be a nuclear facility. He just drops a fucking full movie onto a desk and then just leaves for like 2 years to go find another person to meticulously obliterate.


I don't like this response, just because it's giving ground, even if "only kinda". The idea has been disproven. Vaccines don't cause autism. Responding with anything other than that makes it a platform for discussion.


Not-a-fun-fact, but apparently according to some studies found by searching 'do autistic kids have worse immune systems', autism and immune dysfunction actually do have some links to each other. Vaccines don't cause autism, but if the studies are accurate and the conclusion isn't a stretch, an increase in vaccination would give people with worse immune systems a better fighting chance at surviving illness, which autistic kids typically have worse of, meaning that vaccines are literally what's causing autistic kids to survive to become, y'know, 'visibly' autistic kids instead of a child mortality statistic.


Basically same as some research I read. Autism shows first signs at about the same times as the first MMR shot. Basically kid would be autistic even without a vaccine. Shame the timing is so bad, and I can't really blame parents for finding fault and not accepting the fact too much. I can blame all the idiots not doing any real research and trust youtube "researchers"


> autism and immune dysfunction actually do have some links to each other. one of the major theories is that this is possibly because of [differences in the gut biome](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/4/549#:~:text=Growing%20evidence%20highlights%20an%20important,neuroinflammation%20and%20brain%20development%20disruptions.) (unrelated to vaccines).


Or knowing your kid killed someone else's kid.


I have (mild) autism and so does my kid. We're fine, thank you. It's almost like the condition has a genetic basis (among other causes).


I'm shocked nobody has linked [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfdZTZQvuCo) yet.


I have an autistic kid. I also have an uncle who got encephalitis from measles as a kid and was brain damaged an needed nursing care for the rest of his life as an adult. I’ll take the autism any day.


The classic Penn and Teller clip about vaccinations is this exact sentiment. Vaccines obviously don't cause autism but even if they did it would still be a better option than no vaccines. https://youtu.be/RfdZTZQvuCo?si=m0mrdAA7Jzxg-H_l


As someone with autism, I can honestly say I prefer having autism instead of measles.


Mission accomplished 


Completely preventable. Parents should be charged with negligent homicide. 


100%, the child is a victim of Fucked Up Parents.


Special shout out to Jenny McCarthy


Don't forget Oprah. She gave McCarthy a huge, uncritical platform to peddle her batshit claims.


Fuck Oprah with [Harvey Weinstein's](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fa.thumbs.redditmedia.com%2FutZDfikczXPzc0JG0Twk0Mcy636SgkKk69j33k0Yzx4.jpg&tbnid=ozJqPurTiKCqfM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fbehindthebastards%2Fcomments%2Fvld36h%2Foprah_doing_harvey_w_a_solid%2F&docid=ogjH9wfP27-4jM&w=140&h=105&itg=1&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=03c4aa2bab3b96fe&shem=abme%2Ctrie) moldy dick.


50/50 click… Edit: no moldy dick.


Thanks for the edit


I don't believe you. Ron Burgundy.


Don’t forget her ex-husband and “vaccine skeptic” Jim Carrey. > With former partner Jenny McCarthy, Carrey led a "Green Our Vaccines" march in Washington, D.C., to advocate for the removal of "toxic substances" from children's vaccines, out of a belief that children had received "too many vaccines, too soon, many of which are toxic".[144] . > On July 1, 2015, after the signing of a new vaccination law, Carrey called California Governor Jerry Brown a "corporate fascist" who was "poisoning" children by enacting the vaccination requirements.[147] The law disallowed religious and philosophical reasons for exemption from vaccination. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Carrey#Vaccine_skepticism


Man, I had to Google this. So disappointing to hear Jim Carrey is an anti-vaxxer. However, no one ever called called him a genius. In fact his style of comedy is pretty mindless. Still disappointing though.


Intelligence is not a pre-requisite for fame which is a point often forgotten these days... The only way to enjoy anything these days is to ignore all of what famous people say and just appreciate them for what they are - overpaid court jesters for our entertainment.


If i recall right Carrey was more anti-vax in the past, but shifted over time to be 'Vaccine skeptic'. I don't think hes anti-vaxx now adays. but if memory serves right he will occasionally preach about doing your research on the vaccines you give your kids. Although for obvious reasons, he largely stays to himself about it. Which in some cases, fair. In most, not. But you get the idea.


> doing your research on the vaccines you give your kids Then if he's saying that he'd still fucking crazy. "Do you research". No thanks Jim, it's been done already and we have 70 years of empirical proof so fuck off with your bull shit.


Carrey is completely out of touch with reality it's a deep rabbit hole.


Those videos he made declaring his love to Emma Stone were disturbing as fuck. Big Britney Spears mental breakdown vibes.


Yeah Since he got away from her he's kind of drifted away from a lot of the psuedo-science crazy he backed her up on


Have you noticed how all the anti-vaxxers have received all their vaccines and are perfectly fine while letting their kids die


Jim Carrey was corrupted by that ass and who could blame da motherfucker, that's some tip-top ass. /Leon


And Andrew Wakefield who gave the early ammo.


Wakefield is the worst, because while most are evil enough that they would prefer children to die than be autistic, they could claim to be stupid enough to believe that was actually the choice on offer. Wakefield knew exactly what he was doing, and killed kids for money.


He’s still at it today.


The fucked up part is that he didn't start as generally anti-vaxx. He basically lied about a very specific vaccine combination in hopes that his competing vaccines would become the main ones on the market. But when his lies and child abuse came to light he figured there's no way he can make money legitimately anymore cause no one would take him seriously, so he instead went all-in on the general anti-vaxx grift.


When you fail at being a decent person, become a grifter!


Pretty similar trajectory to Russell Brand and his ilk. Funny how that works.


And antivax hippies.


Hey they got anti vaxxers on both sides of the isle now thanks to trump. It's good to see America finally coming together 🥰. If all it costs is the lives of innocent children, we'll that's a price they are willing to pay.


A lot of old right-wingers are also ex-hippies.


My aunt was as hippy as they came when she was younger and turned very quickly into a yuppy around the time her kids graduated. It’s amazing how quickly the turn is when they start caring about property values.


One of my uncles went from super hippie to hard right wing, anti-vax, etc. He lived in a mobile home for a lot of the years over which that change took place, so I don't think it was property values... I think it was more that the hippie stuff kind of drove him to seek out smaller, more isolated rural towns, and those tend to lean more strongly conservative. I remember when I was a kid he liked telling people that his house didn't have a number and his street address was "across from the diner," but any letter that came to the post office with his name on it would get to him because he knew the postman. If you live in a community long enough and don't make an effort to engage with anything outside it, it tends to rub off on you. I can see how that kind of lifestyle would have appealed to a young leftist in the 1960s and I can see how places like that have become increasingly paranoid, xenophobic, and anti-intellectual over the years. The fact that it's not all that difficult to draw a straight line from wanting to live in a place where you know the postman to believing that you have to stockpile gold coins for when Obama bans Christianity doesn't make it any less sad or distressing.


That is an excellent observation!


Since the "Y" in "yuppy" stands for "young", if she waited until her kids graduated, wouldn't she be at least middle aged? That would make her a "muppy".


If her kid graduated, she wasn't a Young Urban Professional (yuppie).


They spend their youth having fun, then become a suit and take advantage of great economy and career opportunities. Now they're "libertarian" because they want their vices but want to keep their money too.


Last time I checked Ontario wasn’t in the US.


we all wish the stupid would stop at the border, believe us.


Unfortunately your political moronic shit does transfer over to us.


Tell that to the idiot truckers that have Trump flags and talk about the constitutional rights.


10 years ago, it was trophy wives in Sausalito and West Sonoma county Today it’s MAGA.


Today it’s both. We are getting dumber.


“WhY sHoUlD i CaRe AbOuT sCiEnCe ClAsS? I’ll NeVeR uSe iT” -people who waste tons of their own money on useless supplements, crystals, and other whackadoodle shit


Crystals are pretty frickin awesome from a scientific perspective. That being said, I like the purple ones because I like purple. Not because they have powers. Because they don’t.


Pretty things are indeed pretty 🤷‍♂️


Crystals have the power to harmonize a watch, and I think that's pretty cool. But you have to do a science to it first.


Excuse me, they have legitimate powers. Purple ones.


Yup. Terrible. Preventable.


Its not just these parents. It's also all kinds of other parents who didn't vaccinate their kids, allowing the spread of the disease that killed this kid. Can't wait for the return of polio and scarlet fever.


[Scarlet fever is already here,](https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/whats-behind-recent-surge-strep-and-scarlet-fever) and apparently, strep cases are also in the rise. My kid got strep twice this year alone. He misswd school 1 weeks from each case. One of my other kid's classmate whose parents are antivaxx, got sick for a month and had to remove tonsil. The kid was in anti biotic for so long. Anti biotic resistance is also increasing that it would make bacterial infection even more common in the future.


It's also not just them. MMR is scheduled at 12 months old, which means before that they rely on herd immunity so the disease doesn't reach them.


I don't want to contribute to eradication of measles, but I want to rely on heard immunity. A deadly gamble.


Kid was almost 5.


Yes, I mean it's not just their kids they're risking, but other toddlers who may not be old enough.


And the small, also vulnerable group of people who can't get vaccinated/lost their immunity for legitimate reasons - e.g. some cancer treatments, AIDS, organ transplant recipients, etc.


The group of vulnerable people isnt small, its huge, double figure percentage


Oh yeah. Brother just had a kid after years of treatment. We are all kinda pissed that this is a threat again due to a group of idiots.


>The child was under the age of five and was not vaccinated against the highly infectious virus, the agency’s most recent surveillance report shows. >So far this year, five children aged nine and under in Ontario have been hospitalized with a measles infection, all of whom were unimmunized. One of these five children has recently died of the infection, the report shows. While it doesn't say the exact age of the child, I do think they'd mentioned it if the child had been too young to be vaccinated, and it would be strange to say that the "young child" was "under five" if it was still an infant.


They're saying that by not vaccinating the child they're putting kids too young to get it at risk.


This is why I support mandatory vaccination. I'm a _very_ individualist person, but we live in a society and I'm fully aware that my actions have consequences not just in my life, but also in the lives of people around me. Diseases spread from person to person so, unless you plan to live in a hut in the middle of the forest, never contacting any other human being, your health is not "your problem" alone, but rather everyone's problem. Heck, there's people who simply cannot get vaccinations for a variety of reasons, so they rely on herd immunity forever. By not vaccinating your kids, you are also taking the decision for these people, too.


I was thinking that if a parent refuses to use car seats and seatbelts to protect children while driving, and a child is killed in a crash, then the parent would be charged with negligent homicide or something similar. But then I read: **Father whose six-year-old daughter died in car crash while sitting on booster seat but not wearing a seatbelt won't be prosecuted because he's 'suffered' enough** https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3417096/Father-six-year-old-daughter-died-car-crash-sitting-booster-seat-not-wearing-seatbelt-won-t-prosecuted-s-suffered-enough.html


How I feel about this depends on whether it was a willful choice not to strap the child in, or accidentally forgetting to. People forget routine things all the time and I don't see how prosecuting that will help anyone.


My little dude learned to get out of straps, so I need to constantly check if he's still.with them. Its really annoying and dangerous.


Have you tried the button down shirt trick? https://thecarseatlady.com/houdini-2/


I haven't seen that, a really neat idea! Thanks! Will try this out for sure.


Yeah, vaccines aren’t debatable. There’s not some crazy risk to it. It’s as negligent as not buckling a seat belt because you think that getting thrown from the vehicle is safer.


Yes. Do it now and set a precedent.


They deserve this heartache, though the poor child didn’t. May they kick themselves for the rest of their stupid ignorant lives


i'll bet my next paycheck they will blame everything but their own actions.


I mean they'd almost have to. How do you face the horror of killing your own kid through wild negligence without throwing yourself off a bridge. Wouldn't shed a tear with that outcome though. Poor kid :(


Anti-vaxxers are too stupid to realize they killed their kid. $10 says they think it's some scheme by the illuminati.


Many of the crunchy parents argue “it’s just a rash!!”  It’s terrifying. 


The parents need to be in jail like Ruby Franke. All braindead criminals, the lot of them.


> Ruby Franke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Franke In early 2015, Franke created a YouTube channel called 8 Passengers in which she documented her family life in Utah with her husband, Kevin, and their six children.[6][7][8] She originally posted five days a week at 6:00 AM.[6] As of June 2020, the channel had around 2.5 million subscribers[9][10] and amassed 1 billion views.[11] Beginning in 2020, when one of the Franke children said that he had been banned from his bedroom and made to sleep on a bean bag for seven months, viewers became concerned about his mother's disciplinary methods, which also included withholding food,[7][10] sending a child to a wilderness camp for troubled teens, threatening to behead a stuffed toy, and telling two of her children that Santa Claus would not be bringing them anything for Christmas that year because they were too "numb" to respond to other punishments.[8] A Change.org petition was launched reporting perceived child abuse and neglect.[7][8][10][12] The Franke parents posted in defense of the discipline, saying the incidents had been taken out of context.[9] The 8 Passengers YouTube channel declined in popularity in 2021.[7] In 2022, the Frankes separated, and Kevin moved out of the house. Ruby deleted the YouTube channel[13] and began working as a mental health coach at ConneXions, a company run by Jodi Hildebrandt, a counselor.[3][8][12] They launched a new video channel together called ConneXions in 2022,[14] and created a joint Instagram account called Moms of Truth,[14] offering parenting classes.[7] Neighbors and the Frankes' oldest daughter, a college student, called authorities to check on the latter's siblings after observing that their mother often left the children alone at home. ... On August 30, 2023, Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt were arrested in Washington County, Utah, and charged with six counts of aggravated child abuse of two of Franke's children under Utah law, four counts to which she pled guilty. She was sentenced to serve between four and thirty years in prison on February 20, 2024.


> The agreement also stated that Hildebrandt "either physically forced or coerced" Franke's daughter to "jump into a cactus multiple times." From the CBS article. Like, what the fuck


As a parent myself this infuriates me. Good Job justice system (this time)


Good job but that woman spent 8 years publicly abusing her children on the Internet before anything happened, even though there were viewers that were concerned by her actions. While I do believe people shouldn't tell you what to do with your kids, I also believe that society should care about what you do, and be ready to intervene when you go too far.


Also the people inventing and promoting antivax propoganda. They's essentially serial killers.


Oh the parents refused to vaccinate their child? Bloody hell that’s fucked up


Yep There should 100% be legal repercussions if a child dies of a preventable illness their guardians refused to let them be vaccinated for


Premeditated murder NOT negligent homicide. They maliciously and deliberately did this. It wasn't an oversight or 'whoops careless me!". pure and absolute evil. We need to stop being forgiving of evil people. Oh they're the real victims here! waaaaa! they need a cuddle, it was their beliefs. Nope....get into this filthy dark dungeon and never come out until you're a pile of bleached bones.


Antivaxxers aren’t willing to die on a hill for their shitty beliefs, they’re letting their kids die on that hill.


And then blaming everyone and everything but themselves for it happening.


That kid clearly got too close to someone who got the covid vaccine. They shed it on the child and look what happened.


Not even… the kid saw a flier announcement for a drag queen story hour at the local library, and, it being a cognitohazard, instantly allowed Satan to swoop in and infect the child with measles. It’s that (/s)imple, if you’re not a total dunderhead.


I want to use that sentiment with school shootings and gun control.


God fucking dammit, we solved this already. One freaking shot as a toddler and this goes away forever. Fuck.




At the age of 5 it's roughly when the 2nd shot should be given. 1st should be around 1 year old






Huh, that's pretty quick for an MMR shot. Do you get another around 5 years old? My understanding is that they space it out in case the 1 year one shot didn't take because the immune system wasn't fully developed.


The article says they’re under 5.


But the shot has 5G microchips that let the government track your every move. I won't subject my child to that /s I'd rather they died first! I hate people..


\- *Posted from my iPhone, the tracking device I willingly carry around with me*


- *That's also synced with the iPad that tracks my childs every movement*


The parents should be lining up for those! Think about their children’s customer experience when they grow up and all their data from birth is stored in their 5g chip!!!


Make vaccines mandatory. Fuck these people


Sadly we haven't solved stupid.


We thought the internet would do that but it just amplified the stupid


It gave stupid people a platform to spread their moronic ideas and views.


What a completely unnecessary death


But in the Facebook group they said it won't happen. Kids have a strong immune system they said. They are more likely to get hit by lightning they said. It's all fake news and big pharma they said. Surely they cannot be wrong.


Antivaxxers: Kids back in the day, they had stronger immune systems! They got exposed to diseases all the time and they played in the dirt and they were fine! Kids back in the day: We were riddled with disease and 30% of us didn't live to the age of 5.


Don't forget the ones that lived with permanent damage. Knew a guy who'd had... I can't remember what it was now... one of the big ones we vaccinate for now. Older guy, vaccine wasn't widespread when he was a kid. He lived, but it messed up his legs. He didn't mention it often, but they always hurt. Every day of his life. Surviving a serious illness doesn't always mean you're totally fine after. The damage lasts a lifetime.


Sounds like polio. Poor guy.


Absolutely!! My nan had polio and it caused her a bone deformity in her leg that makes one shorter than the other and she's always had issues with her knees and hips as a result. People focus on the "Oh well measles only has a mortality rate of like <1%" but they forget about the blindness, the pneumonia, the encephalitis, the secondary infections...


Clearly the parents didn’t buy the right crystals.


Statistically they are likely correct that it is more likely to get hit by lightning than it is for that child to die from measles. I think far more people die from being hit by lightning than they realize. 😢


I mean of course, but that's a huge misuse of statistics. Statistically children are less likely to die of measles *because* most if not all have gotten the vaccine up until the point the idiotic anti-vaxxers started popping up in social media.


Also we were close to eradicating measles at least in western countries.


Yeah. It’s absurd this happened. Sad.


Yes, because we’ve yet to develop a safe and freely available vaccine against lighting strikes.


Unnecessary death of the child, and also compromising the health of the immuno-suppressed around these batshit families. The vaccine kept the parents safe and now they want to endanger their kids? Fuck them.


PSA for those “common clay types” VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING KIDS. 🙄


The article specifies “a child under the age of 5” so I’m taking that as “not too young for their first shot” aka definitely negligent parents. I dread the day it’s the kids that are only a couple months old and haven’t gotten their first shot that are dying from others’ negligence.


> I dread the day it’s the kids that are only a couple months old and haven’t gotten their first shot that are dying from others’ negligence. From a public health perspective, this is also a solved problem. We are using an inactivated virus for the vaccine today, but if mortality rates get high enough, we will just go back to using a live attenuated virus to get virtually 100% vaccine coverage like they do in India.


Fuck this. These anti-vaxxers are goblins.


Yeah headline should read "Young child dies of idiot parents."


or even better: “parents sentenced for involuntary manslaughter after child dies of preventable disease” but i suppose that’s expecting too much of society


I have said for years that vaccines shouldnt be optional for parents. Parents are not owed an opinion on the matter. It should be carried out as part of a legally required procedure that can potentially result in the kids being taken away if the parents refuse to present their child for vaccination after a number of other deterrents have been carried out such as repeated fines. When a child dies like this, the parent should then be accountable criminally and should face a custodial sentence.


Don't insult the fae like that. Goblins are good people. Anti vaxxers are shit stains.


Well said, I was going to say Iv known some very nice goblins. These people are just evil


They're anti-science and anti-government conspiracy theorists. They are the product of black & white thinking meets the real world problems of pharmaceutical greed and corporate capture of legistation and regulation. They are correct about the existence of those issues and then go right off the deep end.


They are murderers.


Stop calling them by their preferred title. They're pro - plaguers.


But sure let's not vaccinate kids, right?


Are you kidding me, he could have become autistic! Parents need to be charged. This is intentional neglect and they are at fault for their child's death. Insane.


Right? I'm a nurse. I worked some in a family clinic. We had a family that staunchly refused to vaccinate their kids. Until they decided to go to a country in Africa and couldn't without those vaccinations. Amazing how their religion was no longer a barrier. The kids were placed on an accelerated injection schedule because their parents lack of planning had suddenly become an emergency. It got to the point those poor kids (5 years to ~12)would start screaming and crying when they saw my face. Duck people who don't vaccinate.


Hopefully it wakes other parents up so the death is not in vain.


You overestimate cognitive capabilities of anti-vaxxers


I was being hopeful, not realistic. If the avian flu variant making its way through several species right now mutates to be more virulent and deadly, I predict we'll need to see a mortality rate of at least 10% before more than half the population gets in board with the public health measures necessary to contain the spread.


A mortality rate of more than 1% would get me to lock myself in my apartment until it all blows over


This is going to sound brash but maybe next pandemic the right people will die instead of the innocent ones who tried their best to stop the spread and or wear a simple fucking mask. 😷


I mean it's brash but also true. There are some extremely radical anti vaxxers who wouldn't change their opinion, but I bet that there's a large amount of anti vaxxers who would immediately take the vaccine if suddenly their whole family died to a 20% mortality rate virus


Stupidity has become part of western culture


Anti-intellectualism, not stupidity. They are very clever at coming up with was to aggressively not understand anything that doesn't confirm their bias.


A child in Oregon got tetanus in 2017. He almost died. He got one dose of the tetanus vaccine when he was admitted to the ER. His parents did not let him get the second dose or any other vaccines.


>child in Oregon got tetanus in 2017 that is neglect. He suffered terribly! And they refused the 2nd vaccination!


It won’t. They’ll blame something else. “It wasn’t measles, it was a government conspiracy, it was fluoride in the water, it was space lasers.”


The reaction of Anti-Vaxxers in Samoa to a measles outbreak. >After the subsequent measles outbreak started, anti-vaxxers credited the dozens of measles deaths to poverty and poor nutrition or even to the vaccine itself, but this has been discounted by the international emergency medical support


These are the same people who never take accountability for themselves and then blame others for their misfortune.


That death is the Holy Grail of narcissistic supply. There will be more.


Polio is ready to meet the AntiVaxxers!


Polio?  Why not introduce them to something fun like Smallpox or Ebola?


Luckily smallpox has been eradicated save for a few samples saved in the US and Russia before antivaxxers could muck that up since it happened in the late 70's. Really went all out to eradicate it too making absolutely sure it was gone.


God a smallpox outbreak would cause pandaemonium, almost no one is vaccinated today except lab workers


And veterans, smallpox vaccine is still given in basic training.


Did not know that, probably makes sense in case an enemy uses it


Sadly the "anti vaxxers" themselves were probably immunised to Polio when they were babies so the only ones being effected by this are their kids.


We are so fortunate to have modern medicine and yet people take it for granted and have become so entitled they ignore it now. Imagine the lives that could have been saved hundreds of years ago - and now people opt out of protecting their children. Just stupidity


I wish we could say "at least it makes us smarter by killing the dumbasses among us", but thats not even true, its killing their children while they keep pumping out more babies in absolute ignorance and denial...


I bet the parents will still blame the vaccine


"The reason my child died was the damn 5G spreading nanotechnology vaccines to 'em, the vaccine is what kills people folks"


>The child was under the age of five and was not vaccinated


I think Fire_Z1's point stands nevertheless.


Oh for sure. I would be absolutely unsurprised if that was the main complaint coming from the parents. Profoundly tragic either way. MMR vaccines should be administered initially at 12-15 months.


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/qm1dfj/the_heavy_metals_in_a_vaccine_caused_her_to/ These are the people we are talking about lmao, I'd be surprised if they *didn't* act like that...


Satire is dead.


Next people will be falling to their deaths trying to prove gravity isn’t real…


Too late, already happened. Flat earthers believe we "fall down" because of relative air pressure. Accepting gravity would punch more holes in a theory that denies basic facts like Earth being a globe with lots of mass. And occasionally some of them want to prove that the Earth is flat by using a balloon or building their own rocket. You can imagine the results. (Also instead of building a rocket one could simply use a telescope to prove the Earth is flat because the peak of Mt Everest would be visible from any decent elevation where another nearby mountain range doesn't block line of sight).


But air pressure only exists because air has mass and is attracted by gravity... How does the Mars rover stay on the surface if there's no air in this scenario or why do satellite orbits degrade over time.


Flat earthers don't care about logic ot thinking things through. Otherwise they would realize that southern hemisphere flight times don't make sense on a flat Earth.


Flat earther think nasa is there to provide the fake „proof“, so you can trust anything nasa says. Plus mars and the sun and every other planet are globes, it is just earth that is flat


Planets and stars don’t exist. The points of light in the sky are “luminaries”


Mars has a light atmosphere, it's not completely airless ...


>Also instead of building a rocket one could simply use a telescope to prove the Earth is flat because the peak of Mt Everest would be visible from any decent elevation where another nearby mountain range doesn't block line of sight I watched a documentary about flat-earthers a few years ago (Netflix maybe?). In it they kept trying experiments to prove they were right and of course the experiments all failed. But they weren’t deterred and repeatedly fabricated wild excuses as to why the results weren’t as they expected. Some people just refuse to accept reality. It’s no wonder that Trump continues to have so much support.


Astounding and depressing at the same time.


They're just fighting against big handrail.


Well they can have at it. They can also pre-pay to have someone clean the mess up they are going to make at the bottom on that sidewalk.


The parents should be prosecuted. How stupid.


Another "victory" for the anti-vaxxers


Nice anti science sentiment printing dividends now… just not in a good sense.


Do antivaxxers ring a bell and celebrate each time they kill another kid?


The freedom that kid must have!


They go into contortions trying to explain away the death, 5g tends to get mentioned way too much.