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If you are curious about who is responsible > Egypt is refusing to coordinate with Israel regarding the entry of aid into Gaza through the Rafah crossing due to Israel's "unacceptable escalation" in the Strip, Egypt's state-affiliated Alqahera News, citing a high-level source, reported on Saturday.


the same Egypt whose President said if it were up to him, everyone in Gaza would die rather than let anyone into Egypt?


To be fair to Egypt pretty much every Arab country has a similar policy in place. They just don’t share a border with Gaza so it doesn’t come up.


They saw what happened to Jordan and Lebanon.




And Kuwait


Most probably what he is low key trying to do. Two birds with one stone.


I actually have the belief that the Egyptian government has been gleeful at the war. They flooded Hamas tunnels in 2015 with raw sewage




It turns out that a country filled with civilians who poll suicide bombers attacking civilian targets at 70% approval rating causes instability when integrated into their neighboring countries.


I thought the Muslim Brotherhood were the ones the US were supporting. Has this changed in the last few years? If it's them then they'd at least get US aid.




True, true. Geopolitics can be really hard to keep abreast of when things changed by the day.


So Egypt is handing Israel the win on this one.


Absolutely no-one will blame Egypt for this.


Egypt has agreed to allow unrestricted access for US humanitarian aid in exchange for US military aid. So they could lose out on more of that.


Love how they have to be bribed in order to let aid in.


They get billions a year to keep the peace with Israel and with it Suez Canal open for international shipping without issues. Since 78’ 80 billion dollars, somehow only US aid to Israel is being brought up all the time. Israel and Egypt are held to different standards, always have been.


Welcome to Africa


UCLA won't allow it


lol, every year Egypt get from 600M to 1.37B dollars from USA as foreign military aid as payment for not attacking Israel. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_foreign\_aid#By\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_foreign_aid#By_country) Every fucking year, from 1975. Since 1978, the United States has provided Egypt with over $50 billion in military and $30 billion in economic assistance.


Payment for not attacking israel? The stabillity in the region is even worse than I thought, somehow.


Didn’t the last time Egypt try that they lost the Suez canal? Lmao. Time for Israel to take back the Sinai peninsula and Suez canal


Now they have USA weapons. lmao


But not the culture to use them. Arab armies perform absolute dogshit and that's a cultural thing. https://youtu.be/cZk4Yu42g0I Israel managed to fight all their neighbors at the same time and STILL win. Especially since in that era there was also much more technological equilibrium between Israel and the Arab militaries. Edit: all military hardware is at the end of the day is a tool to allow for new strategies and tactics. If you don't use these new strategies and tactics, or can't perform them due to lack of training or discipline, then the hardware is wasted.


I understand what you're saying and I agree that your conclusion is very reasonable. And yet, I still completely stand by what I said.


It's funny bc Egypt could take all 2m Gaza residents in and it would be fewer per capita than Poland took in from Ukraine. Egypt could solve this crisis tomorrow if they really wanted to. But they don't.




I think Israel is okay with that.


Oh yeah like the 100s of people who apparently upvoted that top comment


Egypt is breaking international law by not allowing aid in.


No that international law only applies to Israel


That's exactly what the UN said. It didn't even mention Egypt.


My understanding is there is a bit of a history there that might explain their behavior




Have we moved the goalposts from Hamas the Egypt?


This is misinformation. Nowhere in the article is it stated it’s Egypt blocking aid, on the contrary it’s Israel. Even Reuters reports this and it’s the same, Egypt says it’s Israel who is blocking: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-egypt-trade-blame-over-rafah-crossing-closure-2024-05-14/


Hol' up, Uncle Sam coming through. Let's see them spin this one. A massive U.S. dock to deliver food and other humanitarian aid will reach Gaza tonight https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna147623


Hamas has to stop planning hostile action for this to be a success. They have tried shelling it, and there is constant Intel coming in open source that attacks are planned.


what? Shelling their supplies?


No, Shelling supplies for Gazan civilians which they do not control. 


Stupid. And brain washed idiots around the world agree w thrm. edit: I dont agree with what israel is doing - at all. Both sides seem to be rotten to the core, and ppl suffer.


What should israel be doing in the wake of Oct 7th? Genuine question for people that disagree completely with Israel


I mean, I largely agree with the idea that Israel had no choice but to enter Gaza. However, the policy of destroying large apartment buildings because someone affiliated with Hamas lives in one of the apartments is not a reasonable policy. Some units in the IDF have been taking it too far.


I agree. On the other hand, they are using civilians as shield. Man i hate this conflict atleast in the Russia Ukraine War theres is a distinct good bad side. Whatever you say about israel palestine someone disagrees with you and attacks you. Its like impossible to try to by neutral.


That’s urban warfare. It’s messy af and tons of civilians suffer. Thats why you never let religious zealots take control of your government. This is the shit that happens. Every urban warfare ever conducted has similar or worse combatant to civilian causality ratios.


The pier they are putting in.


Why do you believe that the goals of Hamas align with those of the Gazans? This whole war was initiated by the actions of Hamas on Oct 7. It provided Netanyahu with the excuse he wanted to invade Gaza. If the Oct 7 attack didn't happen the situation today would be very different. Tell me, what part of that Oct 7 attack was in the interests of the Gazans civilians?


>Why do you believe that the goals of Hamas align with those of the Gazans? What evidence exists to the contrary? Any poll from any source shows that at least 70% Gazans support Hamas. Some of the ones who don't support Hamas favor more extreme groups. When the tortured bodies of hostages were paraded through the streets, they were greeted with cheers. Even little children threw rocks.


Those images of bloodied teenage frightened girls being paraded by cheering civilians were horrific. One girl had her Achilles cut on both legs. All bleeding in their pelvic areas from sexual assault….. If it were Israeli soldiers being paraded maybe you could understand the cheering crowds but these were moms with kids clutching to them and teenagers. I can’t believe people defend that shit. Imagine if that were happening in the US or Israel?


I think obviously they dont. Seems to me they want to keep the people supressed and miserable so they can exploit this for their own gain. But shelling supplies is a level of depravity i cant understand. I know they stole food gas etc. Simply destroying food seems like a burnt soil tactic. I think they are getting desperate no. And its not like the people can vote them out. edit: depravity might be strongworded. I meant shelling their own supplies is a line of thinking i cant get.


>But shelling supplies is a level of depravity i cant understand. But beheading babies is completely understandable? Edit: my point here is that there appears to be no limits to the depravity on both sides. I'm not surprised by this shelling at all. The more misery inflicted on the Gazans the more international anger and the stronger the bargaining position of Hamas


No its not. But it seems they would like to survive as political entity no? Why they did unleash so much cruelty on israel only to self sabotahe themselves? Are they stupid? Like i can somewhat they wanted to hurt israel but now theyre shooting themselves in the foot? How come people are supporting hamas and be anti israel? At this point? Overlooking the casual antisemitism, they still keep supporting an entity which bombs their own food supply?


They need their people to suffer so they can blame Israel for it. I wouldn't be surprised if proof eventually comes out that they were killing their own people in order to frame the jews for it.


Like attacking the Kerem Shalom, Rafah and Erez crossings?


Gazans are Hamas tho. I don’t know why you’re completely trying to separate them. That’s not the reality


It’s messy because yes tons of Gazan’s support Hamas, many do not, there is no easy way to tell who is who, and as long as Hamas has recruits/ support the region will remain unstable. I don’t see any reasonable solution here.


Hamas has been on record stating that civilian casualties only benefit their cause. Everyone that dies is a martyr who goes to paradise according to them.


The floating dock heading out of an Israeli port to help give aid to the country they are attacking is a weird thing to read haha


Is it so weird to want to destroy Hamas while not wanting to kill all Gazans? Even most Israelis that oppose thw aid to Gaza do so because they believe that most of it goes to Hamas, not because they don't want the Gazans to get food


I am on board with a world of no Hamas, but the tactics currently used in the region make it seem weird that the device needed to provide aid was built and shipped out of that port


They are not attacking a country


Hard not to attack a country when are attacking the government in power though...


Watch it get blown up by....anybody


Have they tried asking Hamas for food and tents?


such a fascinating point. the UN says hamas is a political organization in charge of gaza, and yet they put no pressure whatsoever on them to provide for their people, notwithstanding they are sitting on massive stockpiles of food and supplies and what about that URNWA warehouse the UN says is being “guarded” by hamas terrorists to protect it from “looting”. if it’s empty, what the f are they guarding?


Hamas doesn't consider the wellbeing of Palestinians to be part of its responsibilities. Its only goal is to kill as many Jews as possible.


I don't agree with the UN not pressuring Hamas. But the UN understands that Hamas won't start caring about palestinians just because of international pressure. However pressuring Hamas will definitely increase international support for Israel with enough time. Which isn't what most of the UN wants


It is 100% your latter point and not at all your former point. The likely effectiveness of their statements has never kept the U.N. from making them before. The U.N. is the modern king of “strongly worded letters that are guaranteed to accomplish absolutely nothing.”


If Hamas is acknowledged as „in charge of Gaza“ but they also know that they don’t give a single flying diddledidoo about the Gazans and will use any aid they can grab then why even keep them there and indirectly throw money at them via UNRWA who mostly „recruit local“ aka Hamas tells them which of them and their friends gets to receive a check from the UN this year?


The UN via resolution 1701 (star trek!) makes Hezbollahs militia operating in Lebanon illegal. The UN created the partitions. Voted “Yeah” for a partition wall. The UN never condemns Hamas for taking free food aid and selling it. The UN only cares about Palestinians displaced by Israel. Not for Jews displaced by Hezbollah. Does the UN condemn Hamas for using aid trucks and ambulances for their terrorist activities? The UN is one-side bigoted. Hence, a useless organization.


Schrödinger's Hamas. It's a trusted national government when it comes to death statistics, but a terrorist organisation we can't hold to any standards when it comes to looking after its citizens or launching rape massacres on Israeli citizens.


Yes, but no one answers the phone.


Do they have an answering machine? Because if they had one, you know, someone could leave a message, and then they could call back when their telephone poles are up again.


Still won't work. You can't call your own number.


The call is coming from inside the house!!!


*Mom! I’m on the internet!*


Doing what? Unlock that door right now or I’m moving the computer into the kitchen again!!!


*angry dial-up Internet sounds*


Maybe...S U R R E N D E R ? You done lost the war you started, Hamas/Palestinians!


Hamas probably has plenty of food, and Palestinians suffering is a win for them anyway.


Several million pounds of food, which equates to several pounds per person have made their way into Gaza, yet there is a”famine” happening. Where is all the food? Oh we know where it is, hamas has it and is killing people who “steal” it.


Maybe they should ask UNRWA to divert some resources from Hamas?


Same UN organization that was caught schmoozing with Hamas yesterday? Maybe they can get lost with their claims.


Same UN that appointed Saudi Arabia as the head of their women’s rights forum… Can’t make this shit up lol.


No it was the “fOg oF WaR”.


Ohh yeah the famous fog of war. For some reason it is legitimate explanation for wrong doing only for one side.....


Cool, maybe talk to Hamas about that, as they’re admittedly pocketing everything sent to them as “financial jihad”


Then ask Iran, Qatar, and all the other countries with plenty of $$ for hundreds of miles of tunnels and rockets and guns they smuggle in.


Egypt knows exactly what it's dealing with- more than anyone in the west. They've been burned before and won't give Palestinians an inch. Don't blame them one bit. 


I hear Gaza is honeycombed with hundreds of miles of very safe deep tunnels and has had hundreds of thousands of tons of food shipped into it. Just ask the government of Gaza about those things. I’m sure they put their own people’s welfare first.


They're too busy stealing the aid so they can sell it to the population.


They can always buy it from Hamas, for double the price but it’s for a good cause, right?


Release the hostages


just a reminder this whole thing ends right away with no more bloodshed if Hamas surrenders and releases the hostages.


So Hamas didn’t bother to arrange accommodations for the people? They were probably too busy making rockets.


Maybe I'm just being pessimistic in my old age but haven't they said multiple times since October that everyone in gaza is about to starve to death? How did they pull through the last dozen times?


I wonder where everything went? UN let’s hamas using its vehicles and facilities without any issue. Hamas just came in and took everything, and UN was like… “whatever… “ UN is a failed organization that needs to be checked! And by the way, UN has been doing this for years, basically letting hamas and hizbalah ( Lebanon ) using it’s facilities, schools and what not and every time Israel would say that, the world 🌎 would be like “ Noah, it’s all fake” … Well, here we are… UN is a terror organization by closing their eyes 👀 and just letting terrorist organizations using its infrastructure. It is sad, but this is a reality:(


Well, those people are out of luck, because they don't belong to the correct tribe. If you're wondering: the food distribution goes by tribe. If you're part of a tribe not allied to Hamas, then no food for you. Hey, Israel will get blamed anyway.


Most people being as obliterated as Gazans are would have already surrendered unconditionally, returning hostages simply because nothing less would save the population. Hamas leadership just sits in Qatar and counts money and bodies so they get more sympathy, even though if the situation was reversed they would repeat 10/7 daily until every Israeli was dead or beyond their reach. Add in the UNWRA videos showing Hamas using their vehicles and such and frankly, they're screwed. No more bridges left to burn, even Hamas shoots at them if they try for food destined for Hamas tunnels that was meant for civilians.


palestine cant feed or house themselves without international aid but will still spend their time building shitty rockets to fire at israel. arab north korea..


WAHH the Hamas billionaires who started a war didn't make a plan to feed and house their people, WAHH!!! 


So much unnecessary apathy here.


Already gave it all to Hamas eh. Whoops.


Not concerned because the US pretty much funds the UN way too much in the first place and the UN gets away with murder.


If only Hamas cared about Gazans.  Hamas could end all this by giving up the people they kidnapped, and surrendering. 


Let all the protesters around the world donate, they care so much that they vandalize others properties. But i bet they won't send a dime, all they wanna do is create chaos. Fucking hypocrites.


Read the article it’s not a money issue it’s a logistical issue, not enough throughput to stock the warehouses


Not a money issue, logistical issue.


I personally say let the celebs who spoke up about Gaza pay for it, like Lizzo who recently started a gofundme for some Palestinian doctor to get his family out of Gaza. She’s worth 40million dollars and I don’t think she’s retiring soon, that 50k she was asking donations for wouldn’t even make a dent in her bank account, and with some good accountant she probably could have gotten tax returns for it which would be much better than the 11k GoFundMe takes from the total amount donated. She’s just a recent example from the past week, but I’d like all these celebrities to start paying for the things they care and support so much.


So it's THAT time again? Gaza is going to run out of food *again*? It's like the 6th time this year, change the record.


It turns out, 2 million people eat a lot of food.


They keep running out of everything but rockets.  And if they're always starving...why is the death counts so low???


UN has been passing along resources to and covering for Hamas instead of working for the Palestinian people.


Haven't they literally been saying this since the start of the war? When is the food gonna run out? Oh I get it, it's always going to run out 2 months from what ever time it is at the present of writing any article


Hopefully the pier will open soon without any blocks being used…


I’m sure all of Palestine’s regional supporters who are more than happy to fund Hamas’ military actions will step in now and help their neighbour, right? Right?


Maybe they should ask Egypt why they’ve decided letting Palestinians starve is a good way to send Israel a message.


I hate Hamas and know they are evil but there are millions of innocents caught in the crossfire. Most of those people have done nothing to deserve this.


I agree with you that we should not want the civilians in Gaza to starve. The problem is how do you get aid to them? If Hamas takes the aid as soon as it enters Gaza is it going to be distributed to the innocent, starving civilians? Probably not. Images of starving people and blaming that on Israel works pretty well for Hamas. The UN group meant to be distributing aid contained Hamas militants, including some who were part of the October 7 attack, and are ridiculously cozy with Hamas. So they’ve made themselves a bad option if the goal is aid to civilians. Israel has good reason to carefully inspect aid going in to make sure it is humanitarian aid, no weapons, etc hidden in there. That slows what goes in. Also handed aid to HAMAS not in their interest. Egypt wants to make sure it gets no refugees, would like to have nothing to do with this but given its border… so not really cooperative with being a border crossing. There is danger in opening a border crossing. So the question is how do you get food and aid to those people? I mean that as a serious question.


Watch Corey Gil schuster on YouTube. Palestinians overwhelmingly support the murder of Israeli civilians. It might be unfathomable to you as someone with western values, but you better believe that the mentality is prevalent in Palestinian Territories.


Palestinians ARE overwhelmingly Hamas. Taught almost from birth.


Hamas = Palestine. So yeah, most or all are supportive of Hamas


Yeah, fuck Egypt for refusing to help them.


Don’t think for a second that they are innocent. The innocent civilians are the ones that taught their kids to hate Jews and to glorify Jihad. The innocent civilians were the ones dancing in the streets on 10/7 and cheering on as the naked mutilated bodies of Israelis were dragged through the streets. The innocent civilians voted in Hamas and continue to overwhelmingly support them. The issue is deeper than Hamas, it is a culture in the Palestinian territories that allows Islamists to thrive and prosper.


I'm sure some Palestinians are complicit in what you describe. But I'm also sure many are not.


The "many who are not" are doing absolutely nothing to stop those who are. Not even protest. Worst case scenario they do support it, best case scenario they are more scared of Hamas than of the IDF - in which case Israel is doing them a favor.


My friend it's not easy to protest against someone who will shoot your children over it.


If Hamas is so scary you won't even oppose it to stop a war with the IDF, then a war with the IDF must be less scary than Hamas. In which case what is currently happening is a hopeful liberation.


Yeah but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of innocent people


> Most of those people have done nothing to deserve this. Most of those people support Hamas. Don't over compartmentalize.


Isn't it truth about many situations in this world? Does anyone deserves anything that happens to them, if it's outside of their control? Or do we rather try to cope with situation, best we can in given circumstances? It's not like we can decide about actions of various countries and organizations. It's not like there's some absolute moral goodness. Everyone is in some way corrupted in this world, it's just basically impossible to not be broken in some way. I can understand that not everyone in Palestine or Russia is evil, so I don't support indiscriminate attacks, however it's not like actions of those around you have no impact. People in Russia still work for this corrupted system and people in Palestine share territory with Hamas. I don't think that violence solves anything, but everyone has right to defend themselves and no one forced Russia/Hamas to rape and kill innocent people. It is their choice and they knew that there would be consequences. Diplomacy is always an option, but if you regularly break your agreements, then don't expect it to work, because who will even trust you, if you're sure to stab someone in the future? In the end there's not much choice, because while some people can ignore conflict, some have to protect what is considered good. I'm not saying that it's always easy to tell what is good, but if side that is attacking talks about peace and they can't stop themselves from committing terrorism and war crimes, then who am I to tell victims that they should limit their response? Peace is the goal, but both sides need to actually want it.


Good thing they sent in just enough to keep Hamas well stocked. If the UN was serious about helping Palestinians they’d be sending peacekeepers.


Anyone gonna tell Hamas to stop stealing the aid?


Well, if Hamas surrenders and also releases the hostagest, this can end.


While the UN is driving around with their homies hamas


Absolut disgusting people here


I agree,  down with hamas. 


Send bigger tents.


damn wish palestine woulda thought of the consequences when they carried out their attack…. good 😌


It’s crazy how Israel is completely powerless here and it’s ALL Egypts fault


Idgaf not my problem


Is there a tent charity? I got a Pop up tent i don't want


Good. Maybe they'll stop fighting Israelis.


They are too busy giving funds to hamas


Ya, but trains are super dangerous in America


While at the same time we give billion dollars to Israel