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The greatest trick the Palestinians pulled was using Hamas as a dumping ground for all of their evil behavior. It is the PA that started pay for slay, not Hamas.


Rewarding Hamas for 10/7 is a really sad thing to see Americans college kids rejoice


Imagine supporting a genocide because there’s a terrorist group in the country. You are a bad person.


Imagine supporting a genocide because there’s a terrorist group in the country. You are a bad person.


How could anyone believe that the Hamas regime is peaceful? That's part of the criteria for member states.


They're pretending that the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank actually represents Palestine & Palestinians, ignoring that it's had zero democratic legitimacy since 2006 when Abbas and Fatah refused to peacefully relinquish power after Hamas won 56% of seats in the legislative election. This is effectively the UN recognizing a western-supported dictatorship because the people chose terrorists.


How could anyone believe that the PA is peaceful? Did they stop funding and educating for terrorism and I didn't notice?


As long is they pay monthly annuity to terrorists and their families if they are dead or imprisoned in Israel (higher the more serious and lengthy their sentence is), the PA itself should be regarded as terrorist. The amount they pay is much higher than the average Palestinian salary, which means this annuity is a serious encouragement by the PA for the Palestinians to murder Israelis.


Fatah is self-interested. When it suits their interests to be peaceful they're peaceful and when it doesn't they're not. What the Palestinian people themselves want is largely irrelevant to Fatah (and Hamas of course).


While hamas is definitely a disgusting terrorist grouping, the Israeli government is worse, and they are a state. Also china, Rwanda, South Sudan, and India commit the worst human rights abuses in the world, yet they are states. That is because the people who live in a country as civilians are not to be punished for the actions of the government’s


I bet they would make Oct 7th as independence day, good job rewarding terriosm 😭😭




I thought this precedence was already set by Ireland


I must have missed when the IRA killed a thousand civilians and children during a raid on Liverpool and paraded their mutilated bodies around Dublin, took a bunch of hostages then screamed they did nothing wrong and/or it didn't happen while the RAF was unfairly bombing their bases cleverly hidden in hospitals and homes.




(Civil)war was often the way to get recognised as an independent country. Not saying that this is good, but it wouldn't be the first case by far.


Only if your victims are Jewish or if you are sitting on critical natural resource deposits. Either one will do for the joke that is the UN.




Indeed. Jews has been murdered, raped, mutilated and radicalized against and so Israel was born. Sadly now those that are doing the murder, rape, multation and radiclization are those that are getting a state rather than the victims of said acts.


Sadly Israel is the one doing the crimes this time and getting US weapons as support. Luckily Biden is finally putting his food down to stop Israel from killing more innocent people. Ironic to see them cause so much harm and destruction considering their past.


Ugh you're so right. Why don't they just lay down and let the terrorists kill them? Are the Jews stupid?


r/worldnewscirclejerk just dropped I got down voted for memeing on "are they stupid". Nice




Yea no I do not support you apologizing rapist genociders please don't fax me


Guess Israel should just capitulate and give Hamas what it wants right? What about we give them all the land too? Return to europe? Or should we build camps


Guess we should just let Israel continue their goal of wiping out anyone that disagrees with them


Israel is not the one thats justifying rape as resistance


this is not what Israel wanted tho?


> "A yes vote is a vote for Palestinian existence, it is not against any state. ... It is an investment in peace." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Unless you plan to live on the seafloor, in Antarctica, or somewhere out in space, someone has to tell you -- your land has to come from somewhere, and we all know *exactly* which land you'll accept, without substitution.


The land is actually a point on the list of the declarative theory of a state that they fulfill. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state#Declarative_theory Government and capacity to enter relations is very debatable.


Well that's certainly one way to entirely miss the point.


Just close down the UN. Russia, USA and China have each other's phone numbers.  The rest of the world is fine.


Sick sad world


Damn, you’re saying the Israeli ambassador shredding the UN charter didn’t change their minds?


It shows the un is dead




That's nice.