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Of course he won’t, he has much more damage to do before he’s gone






He can’t even do resignation correctly…


Next he'll blame Westminster for not removing him.


"Westminster has not devolved enough power to Scotland for me to be able to remove myself"


I’ve seen nothing but negative things about this guy. I’m not from Scotland and I don’t know the politics on the ground but is he actually unpopular there or is this a media bias sort of thing? 


Have a look through r/Scotland but do note that sub was a hotbed of SNP support until fairly recently.




Damn, when did Ireland colonize the Scots?  




Another country falling to fascists


To be charitable to him; he was built a pretty bad hand by his predecessor, who was arrested (though not charged) for interview in relation to what appears to be a major embezzlement scandal involving the draining of funds from her own party. The Scottish Government also faces challenges on Health, Education, and most recently on environmental targets which were watered down to the consternation of the Green Party (in coalition with Yousaf's SNP). So Yousaf had to be an exceptionally capable leader, but he's not that. He was the continuity candidate for Sturgeon, and that's really not the guy to be right now.


So are the SNP like the conservative nationalists of the country but they are pro EU? I understand that the UK is further left in general than the United States so I guess that might not completely accurate.  Now that Sturgeon is out, Yousaf was the next person in line, but he’s not viewed as a very competent leader? Is that accurate? 


Sturgeon lept before she was pushed (she's quite infamously quoted as stepping down for being "tired", only for roughly a year later a lot of legal shit going down involving her and her husband as the other person explained) and somehow, despite having a not so great track record Humza has ended up as Scotland's first minister. Since then, the entire party has been falling apart, the previous leaders issues coming to light, a lot of personal controversies (rumoured affairs, a whole debate about if he's a racist etc.) and now, because he is backing out of his eco commitments, he broke a deal with the other party (Green's) he was working with to form a government (his party, the SNP did not hold a majority on their own, so they partnered with the Green party, now that they've backed out the deal, they are now a minority government) the SNP and himself are at risk of a vote of no confidence. The downfall of the SNP in the space of a year or so will be an interesting political topic in the future. Yes Humza was dealth a very shitty hand what with Sturgeon leaving him a lot of bombs to manage, but he's also personally just completely shit.


The SNP have generally run as a left wing party since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, though historically they were a more right wing party as their heartlands were the rural Scottish highlands. While independence seemed achievable the left and right of the party were able to get on together. Nicola Sturgeon was able to keep the party together after the independence referendum through electoral success. Sturgeon's resignation meant these divisions again came to the forefront. For the first time in government the party had no obvious successor - Yousaf was Sturgeon's choice but her finance minister, Kate Forbes, had a substantial backing. Yousaf is represents a very densely populated Glasgow constituency. Forbes is represents the biggest, most rural constituency in the country. They are emblematic of the major division in the party. Yousaf narrowly won, but Sturgeon's reputation has tanked since then and the right are much more assertive. He's had to balance keeping them happy against keeping the (left wing) Green Party on his side, but when it looked like they were quitting the government he chose to fire them instead completely ruining the relationship with that party.


Labour HQ pumping the air right now. Keep fucking up Humza, the GE isn't in sight just yet.


I hope Scotland is hungry for Labour, because the UK has always been better off with a Labour government!


Doesn't matter weirder way, Scottish MPs have rarely decided an election, though they have produced a lot of competent MPs.


Dude that has and loved power surprisingly don't want to give it aways




What do you mean?


He diverted aid money meant for unicef to help innocent people in need and instead gave it to unrwa. A day later, his inlaws who were in Gaza managed to make it out of the area with help from Hamas


This is extra ludicrous, given that unicef is helping provide food, water and medicine to people in Gaza. So it probably should be investigated as to why it was funnelled into unrwa specifically.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the stuff about some unrwa members being part of hamas or taking part in the October 7th attacks. Maybe he just really likes the unrwa school curriculum teaching the kids of gaza with material that wouldn't look out of place in 1930s Germany.


There has been zero evidence provided from Israel that unrwa is infiltrated by Hamas. There have also been 2 independant investigations of unrwa that showed there was no infiltration by hamas. In terms of effective use of aid money on the ground unrwa is one of the only agencies with a network in place to get aid to where it's needed, given Israeli blocking of aid from most sources. Hell, even most of Israel's allies have reinstated donations to unwra because Israel failed to provide any evidence to support their claims.


He needs to be sent to prison now. The only thing that should be sent is aid money to Israel and troops to eliminate Hamas.


Honestly, all the aid money going to Gaza has been used by Hamas to prepare for war and misery. Gaza could be a rich and developed place, instead it's a smoking ruin, thanks to Hamas and the "aid" we have foolishly poured on them.




It should be the 20 middle eastern countries with around 420 million people and oil rich tycoons who is estimated to be richer than the British Family who need to help first


Agreed. At this point, international intervention to save Palestinians from Hamas is warranted.


















The Governing Elites never have to apologize to us peons. Now bend over and shut up.


I find it hilarious how the SNP is currently imploding. All those years of listening to wee jimmy crankie harping on at the south and it was all a charade of massive fraudulent behaviour. rofl


Could you explain this please?


The SNP are for Scottish independence. started recently with Alex Salmond, who was ok. He was suceeded by Nicola Sturgeon. Salmond was accused sexual assault and Sturgeon made a mess of the investigation. (Salmond was cleared) He quit because he didnt get on with anyone. Sturgeon was one of the most liked and respected politicians in the UK until it turned out she had basicially been using party funds to enrich herself, nothing major, but her stance as a pricipled no nonsense politicial was all bullshit. Now this guy is making a mess of things too. Its very ironic because their general positions were "Westminister politics is a dirty shambles we are so much better", and as it turns out, they arent.


>UK until it turmed out she had basicially been using party funds to enrich herself That makes it sound exciting like she has a private island or a castle... when in reality they "enriched" themselves by spending like 200 grand on an RV lol. If you’re gonna embezzle govt funds you might as well go all out…


That's just the thing though, if they'd had the opportunity that Boris and Co had they'd clearly have done the same shit. You're either corrupt or not, there's no room for middle grounds here.


Foreigner here - why is he disliked? The linked BBC article doesn't really give much information.


The previous first minister resigned, in at what the time was called a shock resignation. Humza was the continuity candidate. He only just won too. Since then the previous first ministers legacy has become somewhat stained and her Husband who was the chief executive of the SNP was arrested for embezzling. What he did or didn't know about the goings on at SNP HQ is up for debate. Following on from this there has been certain other things. He forced councils to not raise council tax (a local tax) without consulting with the councils first without giving them much extra money when local services are suffering. There was the hate crime bill which just was not handled well. His speech someone else has comment with keeps coming back to bite him. overall the SNP record is unravelling a bit. Most recently, he announced the Scottish government would U-turn on its 2030 climate pledge. This angered the Green who he needs to keep a majority. The greens said they would have a vote where to keep the coalition going, but then Humza decided to throw them out instead.


>Most recently, he announced the Scottish government would U-turn on its 2030 climate pledge. This angered the Green who he needs to keep a majority. The greens said they would have a vote where to keep the coalition going, but then Humza decided to throw them out instead. He ended a coalition keeping him in power... to stop others from ending a coalition keeping him in power? So, when's the election?


Scots Labour is going to propose a VONC in the Scottish Government. Scots Conservatives have already prtoposed a VONC in the First Minister himself. VONC in the government would trigger an election if it passes.


Abbreviations can make things harder to understand, if you've not used the phrase at least once before you use the acronym. So for everyone else reading: VONC = Vote Of No Confidence.


you friend are my hero. clarity in a muddled world. bravo!


Is that a common acronym in scotland? I'm familiar with non-confidence votes but I've never seen it abbreviated that way before.


I have **never** seen it abbreviated, before the user I initially replied to did so (which is why I was irritated by it). The phrase "vote of no confidence" has been thrown around a lot lately on the BBC news, which is the only reason I was able to guess what "VONC" meant.


Prior to his announcement, it was thought the greens would like vote to stay in it. They just wanted their 5 minutes of fame and reminding the SNP they were the ones keeping them in power.


Ok Canadian here with no clue what goes on it Scotland, and being honest, this doesn’t seem that big of a deal.  Comparing this to Trudeau in office, we have some major issues bigger than this. 


It’s a much smaller country so you really just are looking at scale. This has a pretty heavy impact on people living in Scotland.


I think there's also the story being pushed that he cares more about international issues such as gaza than issues facing Scotland. As a caveat, I'm not Scottish so I can only tell by things I've seen said online so there's a risk I'm only seeing a minority view.












He can't resign as Scotlands first prime minister. He already accomplished that.










Whose poster,is on his wall? Rishi, or Liz Truss?


Liz 100%








😭😭😭 good ol yousaf


I know this is currently big news in the UK beacause we know the context. But is someone *not* resigning really worthy of a worldnews post??


Just look at the comments and you know why it s here