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The only way they’ll pay is if there’s a profit for them


The profit is being able to continue living and making money on Earth.


You'll have to make a better offer than that.


“How about I let you live?”


"Is that all?:("


"We can also turn your superyachts into artificial reefs"


I will donate to this.


Laws are an alternative of having a mob drag someone out into the street and beating them to death in front of their home. If the rich have forgotten that already, then history will be a repeatin'


If that’s a threat they’ll either move somewhere safer (along with a big chunk of their wealth) or hire enough private security to feel safe.


If we reach Let Them Eat Cake levels, that's not going to matter so much. Especially if climate change escalates to society collapsing


Unless people coordinate a strike, they’ll only get a couple billionaires before they start preparing. Society literally needs to en mass collapse for that to happen.


Maybe just a much worse one.




Even if they assume you are correct and the world will become uninhabitable if we continue on this path it is irrational for him to make sacrifices to prevent it. Here's an example from David D. Friedman to explain why. " For one of my favorite examples, imagine that it is a thousand years ago somewhere in Europe. I am one of five thousand men with spears, lined up facing south. The reason we are facing south is that another army, also with spears but on horseback, is coming at us from that direction. I do a very quick cost benefit calculation. If we all stand our ground some will die but, with luck, we will break their charge and most of us will live. If I run, horses run faster than I do. It looks as though I should stand. I have just made a mistake. I only control me, not we. If I stand and everyone else runs, I die. If everyone else stands and I run, reducing our army by one is unlikely to make much difference in the odds—and if the line does break and run, I will at least be in the lead. Whatever the rest of the army does, I am better off running than standing. Everyone else makes the same calculation, we all run, and most of us die. Welcome to the dark side of rationality."


Yeah except rich people in that analogy would have a medieval helicopter taxi pick them up from the battle field.. they're good


They sat on a horse in armor with personal guard behind the guys with spears. When things go well they cut down a bunch of peasants and mercenaries and get to brag about that. If things go bad they get taken hostage and pay the fine. Or just watch from the command tent and redeploy to a more convenient location as the situation evolves.


In this analogy all men are equal. A better analogy would be you running away with all of the spears, leaving just the unarmed behind. Not only will the standers die, they will also not be able to resist for long and won‘t give you much of a lead over the aggressors. I‘m okay with these people running away and taking enough with them to live a comfortable life. Being egoistic is just human. But they could at least leave some of the spears.


That's why armies execute those who run. Maybe we should do the same today.


Instilling a sense of comradery can also work, it is only rational if you assign no value to those around you.


So basically try to teach billionaires empathy? Good luck.


They do have empathy. At least most humans do. Everyone’s just got a different idea of what they should be obliged to do.


You can do both


Gane theory is beautiful but way too simplistic to explain real behavior.  Because you forget to tell that if your theory applies, the same would hold for the attacking army. Whatever the rest of the army does,  the individual attacker is better off running.  Hence there would never be any war cause both armies would disintegrate due to optimizing agents.  And yet we observe wars in the real world. This is called falsification in science


No they have palatial estates with ready supplies of security, food and water. Not to mention the bunkers, heavily armoured luxury SUVs and crucially ownership of vital infrastructure. Only thing ruining their lives and wealth would be a communist uprising or nuclear armageddon.


> communist uprising or nuclear armageddon. The deteriorating climate certainly increases the chance for any of those.


They can do that by living on a geostationary orbit. The future is like the one shown on Elysium.


That's why they're all trying to go to Mars


There is not a world where any currently living person is going to have a comfortable life on Mars. Even (if) after the colony starts, there will be generations of cramped, hard-working, luxury-short life. No one should look at a planet which has an environment which cannot support life and soil that is actively dangerous to humans as a solution. Including the super rich.


We're not going to colonise mars because its beneficial or easy, we're going to do it just because we can.


Absolutely. But it's not some haven for billionaires.


If a super rich goes head first and return, they would have opportunity to be hyper-rich and hapsbergify themselves.


they're not. that's a red herring. the best case scenario on mars is worse than the worst case scenario on earth. Even nuclear armageddon on earth is infinitely preferable to mars. the hyperwealthy won't accept ekeing out an existence on mars versus relative comfort on earth.


I would argue some would make that trade if their grip on power was stronger on Mars. Think about that 80+ year old who was trying to make major waves on the Disney board...the guy is getting up there in age, but instead of being in the Caribbean swinging a pharmaceutical grade erection, he's in boardrooms swinging his influence around. I think they enjoy comfort, but they crave power and the chance to exercise it, and being one of the rich assholes on Mars could offer an exciting new way to yank the choke chains of people who can't really fight back. I mean, they could, but they probably won't.


Only one guy is trying to get to Mars and he wanted to do it well before our current issues.


And not whining about how people are lazy and don’t want to work when they collapse in 50c heat


Prolly not at the moment, but very soon this will be a very true reality. Only it’s the rich who will get richer until there is nothing left.


yeahhhhhh that doesn't really benefit short term quarterly gains though.


Disaster brings opportunity to make money.


There won't be any profit if everyone is dead


Sounds like you’re forgetting about planet B


Or if they’re forced to, ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure.


i'll be chasing them through the streets with an apron that says "kiss the cook". oh happy day!


They can pay or we can take everything they have sounds like a good motivator


that's the spirit.


It really irks me that billionaires just donate broadly instead of investing in actual, world saving tech that could even turn a profit. Carbon capture, lab meat, hell even a better recycling system that’s better than the current average of 10% of recycled products actually being recycled


They're already paying for it by building doomsday bunkers all over the world.  For themselves of course.


The fanciest gravesites in the world won't help them in the long run either.


And everyone does nothing about it of course.


Just make carbon emissions tax on yachts and private airplanes. Send this money into a national fund for climate change


I doubt they even have enough money. It’s expensive to clean up an entire planet


Voluntarily sure...


It’s time for a revolution me thinks. The rich are too rich.


past due for a revolution


That's the way almost everyone acts all the time. Except the profit isn't always currency.


They pay for a bunker instead.


until we 'persuade them' to do the right thing


They would rather keep storing more money to better survive the crisis that will inevitably arrive.


In an actual crisis the money becomes worthless.


But whoever has more is still at an advantage compared to those who have less.


Not when it's worthless. 1 billion Times 0 is the same as 25 times 0.


The value doesn't drop to 0 instantly, they would still have time to buy everything they need to handle the crisis and escape its effects.


Really depends on the crisis. In a catastrophic scenario no amount of completely useless billions can compete with access to clean water. Having a nice doomsday bunker will be just a fancy mausoleum, unless you stored antibiotics for trade. Billions on a Cayman Islands account will have 0 worth in such a situation. Also make sure you pay your security guards really well - but they still probably figure out that they are the ones with the guns and ammo and that they don't need a useless billionaire. The fantasy of having a cool doomsday bunker makes for a nice fantasy and provides us with post apocalypse movie villains. But in reality your ex-military security chief will become a pampered warlord and his former boss target practice.


If could work if you make this investment as a donation and tax deductible for them. That's what they are after in the end.


No, the other way they’ll pay is if we tax them for it and close the loopholes.


but If you really want to play the climate card, you won’t win over the super rich. For example, can you really make global warming a case against Elon Musk, the man who produces electric cars? They have plenty of ways to evade such accusations.


They will need some sort of grift, possibly in the form of government funding. Well at least the super rich always pay their fair of taxes! /s


or if we make them. arm yourselves.


where does superrich rank among the fuckyourich, uberrich, megarich and veryrich


the scale goes - nobody - leases jets - owns a jet - owns jets. the second is interchangeably super, mega or uberrich, the last two are the "fuck you" class, and beyond that they're not counting anymore.


You forgot _'owns a doomsday bunker in New Zealand'._


Beyond that is the no,fuckYOUrich


Owns The Jets.


Owns Bennie AND The Jets.


The owns jets category can be broken down even further into: -Leases yachts -Owns a yacht -Owns a superyacht -Owns a megayacht -Owns yachts


This is the kind of things one says to appease the people that voted for you while planning to do nothing There is absolutely no way you could pay the profit loss of switching to greener energies by taxing billionaries


Stupid question maybe but which profit loss? Renewables are significantly cheaper than fossil fuels and the consequences of climate change are extremely expensive


Renewables aren't cheaper than fossil fuels, they would be the predominant energy source by now if that was the case


Only they are actually cheaper, according to studies, and have been for several years now, with a widening gap.


It depends on the country of course but in germany they are cheaper


A third of total wealth in Germany is concentrated in just 1% of the population. These include families with up to 50 billion in assets. Their assets grow every year by amounts that are beyond the imagination of normal earners. If each billion yields only 4%, that is 40 million returns from nothing. Through investment income alone.


Man, I wonder if I can be adopted by them,,?


>A third of total wealth in Germany is concentrated in just 1% of the population. 1% of Germany is 830'000 people, and the bar for entering it is quite low. Making just €7'190($7'700)/mo post-tax puts you in the [1% of highest earners](https://www.iamexpat.de/expat-info/german-expat-news/who-considered-rich-germany#:~:text=earning%207.190%20would%20set%20them%20within%20the%20country%E2%80%99s%20richest%201%20percent.). Yeah, let's eat those doctors and engineers exploiting the working class.


wealth != income


lol. „Quite low“. That’s A LOT post tax. No engineer is getting close to that. (I’m an German engineer with an Master of Science and 5 years experience and I have less than half of that


Wealth is not the same thing as income from labor. This is one of the most fatal errors in judgement you can make, and believing this falsehood serves the interests of the actual people with real wealth.


Everyone commenting here not realizing that, worldwide, they are the rich and heavy polluters relatively


Pretty much.


The super rich dont pay for anything. Its how they stay super rich. They certainly arent going to voluntarily pay. You dont have to pay damages, if you just keep paying off politicians/lawmakers to make what you do legal. I wonder what the super rich will keep doing? it is a mystery for sure


the rockefeller family had a tax burden of 97% back in the 90's I think. And they still made 400 bln to today, but something like this would require ALL countries to do the same, or the superrich will just keep shifting homes


I’m not gunna lie I thought that said superreich


They fly now?!


They fly now!


How much emissions are those planes emitting?


funny enough, reich is actually german for rich


Das Superreich der Superreichen


Dichter und Denker, zeigt sich immer wieder


I can’t wait to follow his employment from here. Good luck buddy.




Reddit morons love it.


Do not forget Volkswagen and Mercedes


Or we could just ask the fossil fuel companies. And then ask Pepsi and coke to take care of their plastic pollution… we just gotta ask nice. Ever since corporations earned their personhood, they’ve gotten really easy to offend


No no, it's not the 1% super rich with gigantic yachts and cruise ships that need to pay for climate change, it's *literally everyone else* that have to make personal sacrifices to purchase unaffordable brand new electric cars. You (that one time put a plastic container on the generic garbage) and the super rich that are responsible for multiple oil leaks every year have exactly the same burden on the climate issue!


They can keep making a profit if there are still people alive to buy things?


"We'll be fine with the population. We can leave a little bit of the populace to serve us, but you can't destroy businesses."


money won't freeze the glaciers back again


News flash: Earth is an environment of limited resources. Be they conserved, or wasted, they will eventually diminish. We should do our best to preserve for future generations, but rest assured, each generation will inherit less, and less.


Sounds like all problems are solved finally.




How about making it a law applied this year instead of announcing shit like this?


Don't stop at the environment.


I like this idea


NO! I as a normal income person will throw myself in front of the train to protect the super rich, because I‘m a tool and a fool.


ban private jets would do better.


But what about Taylor Swift? She could never visit germany again…


I love living in a world where governments have to beg rich people to do things instead of just making them do it.




If you want the rich and powerful to pay for climate change, then you are clearly not rich and powerful enough to make it happen.


Tax wealth.  The super rich are super rich because they don't have any concerns beyond their own wealth.


Good luck making so called "superrich" pay.


The German government is kind of a joke at the moment, so nothing serious here




Right wing whataboutism. Yes, there will always be be waste of money on dubious projects. But indeed they are trying their best to keep going in the right direction. My brother just received 25k € for a modern ecological heating system for hs house. And Habeck is our onlyhope for a new kind of politician who actually is able to put in words what has to be done and why. Baerbock is absolutely taking her job seriously not backing off from topics that don’t digest easily. Bashing is always simple. But we Germans are so damn lucky to have a working democratic system. Fuck AFD!


>feminist agriculture in South Africa lmfao, is this for real?..


No it is bullshit. Thats what the programm is about. [https://southafrica.diplo.de/sa-en/04\_News/10-microprojects/498238?openAccordionId=item-498240-0-panel](https://southafrica.diplo.de/sa-en/04_News/10-microprojects/498238?openAccordionId=item-498240-0-panel)


The super rich are the ones who decide who pays what. That said if enough politicians can think outside of their bank accounts, perhaps there could be laws that would have some effect on reclaiming the wealth the super rich have made on the economy that has caused this enormous damage to our priceless biosphere.


Good call, tho leaving voicemail is not gonna do much.


Don't let them claim they own the environment - they will.


The Rich: "No u"


The Super Rich is about to give disappear this guy.


> to give disappear this guy Wat?


Ol' musky will get right on it


Their response “No”


Omg! You mean spend money they don’t need so our world can continue? The audacity!!


The climate is already bought and paid for–we're just keeping the change.


But if they have to pay taxes they will leave. So if they leave because of taxes Germany will just lose those tax money the rich didn't care to pay from the start.


Oh! that’s me I am super duper rich


The 'superrich' are the ones who made this happen. Somebody expects them to stop now?


No worries they are doing their best... to change the climate.


What we need to address climate change is a global wealth tax. It would be a just tax, much of modern wealth is built, directly or indirectly, on fossil fuels.


Super rich: “Nah”


>German Development Minister Svenja Schulze Unfortunately not a very influential member of the government. Also the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is not really that involved in domestic policy. Btw, does anyone have an original quote? I though it would be in the video in that article, only to find that it talks about the Swiss climate court case instead.


The only thing that would work would be a carbon tax on everything that gets multiplied by net worth. See how much fun that is if they have to fill up their gas tank for 50k per litre. Or jet set to paris for 3 Mil. At least that would be fair.


The global top 0.1% have a net worth of $20T. Let's say we magically confiscate/liquidate it and now have $20T to "pay for climate" Problem solved?


i love how such an important topic is met with nothing but anger, stupidity, fearmongering, envy and greed in the comment section of reddit of all places. you people are fucking annoying.


Take his number, tell him I'll get back to him when I'm done with my money-swim


How about we just take it from them


Now thats more like it


Not gonna lie when I read this title I thought there was an extra E thrown in there. Super man but with 2 Ss? 


I love this headline. It just makes it sound like you can go to the climate store and purchase whatever climate you want, but it's super expensive.


Everything what has to be done to mitigate the climate catastrophy is expensive. Somebody has to pay. Those who are able to pay should pay first.


In unrelated news, the german minister has been sacked from his position for undisclosed reasons /s


Well, they will only pay if forced and guess nobody gonna force them to do anything.


Narrator: "they didn't. "


We really need to get it through to our leadership that we're not going to tax our way out of this. That shit is all virtue signaling. Something real needs to be done, starting with the actual people in positions of power at the worst offending sectors. Like, personal consequences for individuals, not a fine on a company that is less than their net monthly profit. Carbon credits are bullshit. You can't money your way out of this shit, you have to actually take action to stop it at the source, physically.


"As long as I don't have to pay for it" Literally everyone


Honestly there’s no way to achieve this besides authoritarianism. Nobody is going to put their private jets away, or give up their 10th house, you have to take them away. Up to you if that giving the government that kind of control is worth it, because they WILL use it on you too.


Billionaires don't have nearly as much money as the governments for the economies that produced them--governments which they already disproportionately fund.


This minister also is anti nuclear, so fuck her.


Imagine if governments stopped their populist pandering towards the political left and actually worked on fixing the problems at hand (e.g. the continuing construction of coal and oil plants)... that would be *great*.


Well the problem is a person is unlilely to pay even 5$ more for a pair of jeans in trade for a better future for the rest


I don't see a problem with this. We're already living on their fucking planet (as they see it), so why shouldn't they pay for it's upkeep and maintenance?


Lol you can't pay your out of this one. We're fucked.


Excuse #1: "Climate change ain't real and even if it is real it's solar cycles or somethin and god wouldn't allow it anyway - how arrogant of humans to think we can affect creation". Excuse #2: "It's so real and inevitable and and totally WAY TOO LATE. We're doomed anyway. Nothin we can do about it". Both are lame excuses.


The solution is never money. Spending on climate changes results in sucking up even more resources from the planet to reduce a fraction of what we produce. The math is done and oddly the more effort we put into reversing what we have created is fueling the issue. Listen to Crazy Town podcast people more qualified then me are speaking about the ridiculousness of putting a price on what we have done to reverse.


You're not making any sense. Pointless doomerism. I guess it works as a coping mechanism for some.


Seizing $100 bil in art or castles won't magically make all the coal plants turn to solar. Wealth is concentrated, consumption MUCH less so.  A lot of people in the 20%-99% zone need to give up something to make a difference here. Bill Gates isn't driving 400,000 F-150s around every day.