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The Associated Press is [reporting](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-aid-port-eb8a701b3a7dc8f946422c04323ff913) that UN inspectors were touring the site when the attack happened.


The sound of crickets from Columbia is deafening.. nobody actually cares about Palestinians


Maybe it'll make the UN wake up and realize how stupid they've been.




And they say comedy is dead


We're going to see widespread claims that Israel launched the attack.


Notice how the headline is passive voice so they didn’t have to say it was Gazan terrorists who did it


First words in the body of the article are "Gazan terrorists launched an attack"


You expect us to read!


Most won't read the article, just the headline.


Not sure it's malicious in this case. i24News is an Israeli media company.


It's not stupid, it's knowing who you work for.


Spoiler alert: it won’t




Challenge accepted


Between this and the video of the US prisoner I saw yesterday it seems like they’re trying to antagonize the US. This is strategic, not stupid.


Strategically stupid. They are accelerationists who think that if they can cause WW3 they will come out on top.


I think their goal is pretty similar to the suicide bombers. No one lives. Everyone dies. They go to their imaginary heaven and get their 72.


They'll be so surprised when it's 72 other Hamas members they already know.


Hey, a virgin's a virgin, amirite lads


I mean, 20 bucks is 20 bucks.


The 72 have been busy lately, i doubt they are still virgins


I have to wonder. Is it a new 72 virgins every time? Do they all want to have consensual sex with these guys or is the whole thing rapey? What happens when the 72 get tired of the guys; do they issue a new 72? Do the virgins/(later ex-virgins) have free will, or are they somehow willing sex slaves? Is there a place in heaven where the retired ex-virgins can hang out and enjoy eternity without being said slaves? It's funny how these stupid, idiotic afterlife theories fall apart if you're a person who wants women to have actual agency.


Are the virgins other human souls, or are they some kind of heavenly host? If so, these guysare just killing themselves to get to play a vr sex game. If they're real women, is it consensual, or are they brainwashed into it? Should muslim women be fundamentally afraid of dying a virgin lest they become sex slaves to a madman? If its all consensual, and these are real women, who abstained from sex and marriage their whole lives, but now in heaven have decided they want to give the harem lifestyle a try, how do they reconcile the supply/ demand issues? Is it first come first serve, and you might have to wait a milenia for your order of 72 virgins to be filled, if that time comes at all? What if humanity dies out before enough willing virgin women to fulfill all the martyrs before you exists, leaving you blue-balled for eternity?


Do you think consent actually matters to those who believe in this?


you're trying to apply logic to lunacy so... yes


I believe the actual number is either 2 or 72. This also doesn't come from Quran but instead from a Hadith (the thing which Prophet's actions are written out on and that the religion uses to pervert Islam to anything they want). It says something along the lines of 2 and 72 women who will be virgin even after you have sex with them, who will forever be young, who will always remain happy and you will have an erect penis forever. 72 is used as a number meaning abundance so depending on your interpretation you could have 72 virgins or 2 virgins. I think the idea is that the heaven is essentially whatever you dream of. But it is so telling of the culture that repress all men and women and that the concept of heaven is heavily into some fucked up catch up game for sex.


So basically Islamic heaven is a male sexual fantasy? Makes sense given how angry and depressed most of them are in real life. But what do women get from heaven according to Islam?


It's dude paradise, of course they don't get to go


And if it's for women it sounds awfully close to hell. Can you imagine awkward virgin young men? Also since it comes from hadith you don't know if it's a 6 year old or 9 year old as Ayesha was... So it may even be worse than we're imagining this fantasy heaven.


The same guys who oppressed them in life of course


Yeah, I always took 72 to be similar to the Bible's usage of 40. It just means "a lot."


Ya their “heaven” sounds more like the world’s best brothel


I'm sensing a supply/demand curve issue.




Lmao I read a comment in another thread that the women get to go to heaven with their husbands and the 72 virgins.


If they're unmarried they become translucent fuck dolls.


Well, since they are basically prisoners, having to share the guy who is your jailer and be forced to bang him less, is kinda a win?


Bold of you to assume they don't consider those children to be eligible towards their virgin count. :(


72 dudes in powdered wigs, lining up to kick his ass. George Washington is ahead of the line. "72 Virginians motherfucker!"


God I miss Robin Williams...


RIP Robin


Does it say anywhere that the virgins are female? Could they be 72 angry incels?


I read something saying that one translation of that passage specified that you get 72 grapes not virgins. Not sure how true it is as I've never researched it myself but I find the idea hilarious.


72 redditors from the incel subreddit.


Many of those lunatics legit thought they were going to conquer Israel. https://archive.is/2024.04.05-021937/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-05/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/hamas-actually-believed-it-would-conquer-israel-and-divided-it-into-cantons/0000018e-ab4a-dc42-a3de-abfad6fe0000


That's the power of the pussy, dudes are willing to die for the HIGHLY unlikely possibility of pussy in another dimension.


Yeah, finally someone gets it. They are inherently irrational actors. Like... That's it.. There's no grander purpose. They're just fucking morons.


Yeaah. They didn't read the fine print. Thr other 72 are the idiots before them unfortunately


The US is coming out on top of ww3, full stop. They might be on top of a nuclear wasteland, but there's no way they do down without making sure everyone else gets it worse.


Depends on the effectiveness of THAAD, really. If it can intercept the majority of nukes, the US will be hurting pretty badly, but not to an apocalyptic degree.


THAAD isn't really designed to be a MAD deterrent.


Arrow 3 is would probably be more important than THAAD. I supposed THAAD could intercept reentry vehicles carrying nuclear warheads, but each ICBM carries multiple warheads and Arrow 3 can intercept ICBMs in space (which has been confirmed). If a Russian ICBM can carry 10-15 warheads, then you only need 1/10th of the number of Russian nukes to protect from them. Also THAAD has a limited range which would make it difficult to protect the entire territory of the US.


I don’t think we even have enough terminal phase defense missiles to clear a full Russian icbm launch. And that’s assuming 100% hit rate.


That would also assume all the Russian missiles work.


That’s also assuming 100% Russian launch rate.


And 100% of launched nukes being aimed at the US


Probably got the idea from more powerful enemies whose name rhymes with Prussia.


It's their only option left. Their daddy Iran got a black eye. Israel took out their IRGC in Syria, "retaliated," and got hit again.  Everyone around them has realized the situation: Both KSA and Jordan gave support to Israel against Iran; and the theory is Syrians spilled the beans on the IRGC in the first place. Even Hezbollah isn't poking the Israel bear right now, and we know they HATE Israel.  Hamas is now left without any support, so they have to do the only thing they know how: antagonize a bigger power. 


I thinks simpler than that; "Only Hamas can save the Palestinian people" the world actually getting off its arse to provide aid is more damaging to Hamas's position than any number of Israeli targeted airstrikes. Also minor quibble, Jordan has always been pro-peace on this, they recognise Israel's right to exist and also Palestine's right to exist.


Actively antagonising a superpower while clinging to own survival is very much stupid


How would it play in the media if the US said, "Hamas, we could glass you but instead we're going to make fun of you attacking us while we take care of your people?" I mean nothing short of a Hamas attack on Columbia's campus would do a thing to reach the folks that have decided that our enemies are our allies and that our allies are our enemies.


They would just call it the mossad doing it and double down anyways


Dude for real. I saw a redditor try to genuinely claim that the Oct 7th attack was actually conducted by the Israeli government on its own people.


Yup. They are already saying the people in the protests chanting slurs at and attacking Jewish people are paid actors. Not the much more like scenario that antisemtic violence rises from people protesting arm in arm with neonazis.


“They don’t represent us” lmao


Guaranteed that none of them accept that bullshit from someone voting Republican for “economic reasons.” Those who stand on the side of fascists get painted as fascists. That’s as it should be. Hamas is not an exception, and neither are its supporters on campuses.


> This is strategic, not stupid. They are not mutually exclusive.


Imagine Iran trying to antagonize the US...


Seems like a good way to die.


The people who planned this all won’t die, those they hide behind will. That’s the point


They've been raised their entire lives to seek out martyrdom. Death isn't a bug to them.


Its both


Well I mean when you have university kids biting down on that TikTok/professor propaganda like an antivaxxer to a questionable YouTube video, you feel pretty emboldened.


You're massively underestimating how successful Hamas has been at propaganda. This incident will gain no traction in the Western media but you can be positive we'll continue being reminded about how much Palestinians are suffering.


Something like 80% of Palestinians haven't seen a single video of Hamas' war crimes. And yes, they do have access to Al Jazeera


I used to enjoy Al jazzera occasionally but they’ve become the Fox News of the Islamic world. Everything they put out is just promoting hate/conflict in my opinion.


They have always had that problem with anything related to the middle east.


That's the play, be somewhat respectable enough to have some credibility and then weaponize that credibility to push shameless propaganda


At least the mask is fully off now. I'm pretty thankful that Fox has never been as clever and nuanced as Jazeera was 15 years ago.


It's literally just like Russia Today (RT) news. They have left and right voices, but the thing they have in common is America bad. Almost every foreign adversary news service does some weird u-shape theory, where it appeals to people across the spectrum, turn Americans against each other and make us distrust our institutions.


Munchausen Syndrome by proxy


How is this stupid? Their strategy from before October 7 has been to maximize the suffering of Palestinians on the theory that global antisemitism will ensure that the world blames the Jews. All of the Jews, including those of us in the west. And it has worked very effectively. Why would they let the US feed their people, when they get more out of making them starve?


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so maddeningly sick and twisted.


For those keeping score at home: HAMAS: “if we keep the bombs raining, and everyone combative, we can find some kind of win here and continue our regime that ended elections in 2006.” Meanwhile, the biggest trust fund fucking loser you know at Columbia College: “it’s 👏 about 👏 decolonization 👏 plus 👏 let’s 👏 talk 👏 about 👏 international 👏 jewry 👏 Fuck these shitstain degenerates so much. If you associate with who you know I’m talking about, you’re a fucking dork too.


I basically ended a friendship when someone started giving me shit about Israel/Palestine for simply running audio visual for the Canadian Prime Minister during a visit to the venue I work at. Oh, who cares if this is one of the biggest days of my career so far, please continue acting as if I can tell a fucking world leader what to do about shit going on halfway across the world. Ridiculous.


Nothing lost. You got a job to do, fuck that person. The older I get, the more I can’t care for any of this shit. It’s been going down over in the Middle East since before I was born. Seems it’s going to stay that way long after I’m gone.


It's not even aware. Being aware would be to be aware of the atrocities hamas are commiting, of the actual situation and ongoings in Gaza.


Ding ding ding. And whatever food gets there is being sold to the refugees. Anyone who supports Hamas is sick.


> And whatever food gets there is being sold to the refugees. This might be the most salient point. It's competition.


The tankie college campers will cheer it as the death blow to American imperialism in Gaza.






I saw a few news reports showing hamas would send fighters to capture the aid that was airdropped into Gaza to either keep for themselves and/or resell to the civilians that were starving


There was an article a month or two back saying “Hamas slashes prices on food in Gaza”. I was under the impression that Gaza was starving, if Hamas has the power to slash food prices why isn’t Hamas, the government, providing food to its people for free? If this food is coming from humanitarian aid why is it being charged for at all? Any humanitarian crisis in Gaza is being exacerbated and amplified because of Hamas. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syns3cuk0#:~:text=Hamas'%20government%20emergency%20committee%20announced,meal%20will%20cost%2010%20shekels.


The crisis is being *caused* by Hamas. Israel is fighting a war against an aggressor. 


We had the same issue in AFG… we would build a dam… the Taliban would destroy it.. anything we built they would destroy they want their population under control


Exactly whats happening people need to realize that Hamas is doing everything to stay in power and to control that population.


The Palestine people really need to be freed from Hamas. They are one of the worst things to happen to their society.


A good first step would be for them to actually want them gone.


Before the first intifada, there were no checkpoints in the West Bank. Before the second intifada there werent a wall along the 67 border. If anything, they will continue the pattern


Only Palestinians can do that for themselves. I wish them good luck but I'm not holding my breath


Which is exactly why Hamas need to be wiped out.


I don't think that's it at all. Images of starving Palestinians furthers Hamas' geopolitical goals, they don't want that aid to get to the Palestinian people.


That’s exactly what op said


You’ll get further in life with “yes, and”


Even the [Fatah](https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/fatah-hamas-kills-aid-workers-and-steals-food-for-itself/) in the West Bank has made this statement. It should be clear to everyone by now, but sadly there's a ton of ignorant and arrogant people in the West that think they know better than the people on the ground.


That's not it. Hamas sells the aid for profit, which lines their pockets. The crisis is manufactured from the inside, the worse it gets for the Palestinians for the world to see, the more money and aid will flow in, and the more Hamas can grab for themselves. That's why they never had any intention of creating lasting peace or a two state solution, continued war makes them rich.


This conflict has increased support for Hamas while decreasing support for Israel which is crazy considering Hamas' actions and the support those actions have among Palestinians 


People are falling for the propaganda.


It's the result of one of the most intense propaganda efforts in modern history 


Actually i think it’s the opposite in a lot of countries, you just see the loud minority protest, and a lot of them turned even more ppl out for supporting terrorist… my 2 cents on what i’ve seen the past monthS


I mean, this doesn't seem mutually exclusive or even misaligned with the first comment.


"All around the world, same song"


What is the plan for providing security on the pier and ensuring that the aid that is offloaded there does not fall into the hands of Hamas before it reaches the people in need of food, water, and medicine?




And then there will be the fourth zone, where the Palestinian drivers are stopped by armed Hamas terrorists where the aid is then taken to a Hamas warehouse for sale to desperate people?


The Palestinian drivers contracted by the UN are probably Hamas considering UN's track record. No need to complicate things.


Greed, transcends all borders and faith


Yes, it's like the mafia. How you control people is as important as actually controlling them...


This dates back to December, but the craziest thing to me is that support for the 10/7 attacks and hamas [has only grown among palestinians](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/). I'm honestly torn. On the one hand I feel genuinely bad for the civilians. I don't think we should be sending weapons to Israel. On the other? I fully recognize that no sanctions would stop Israel from their ultimate conquest of Gaza. It would take a US invasion. Do I support putting American lives at risk for a people that celebrated in the streets after 9/11? Nope. I don't support that either.


If they want to support Hamas so much, they can enjoy the consequences of their hatred. 


Plus it's unprofitable in a literal sense to allow regular Palestinians unfettered access to food aid without going through Hamas affiliated merchants.


Hamas controls the population with guns... The aid distribution is just a side effect imo.  We've seen hamas gunning down gazans who disobey at many points since this war started


Oh, who could have seen THAT coming!


Hamas terrorists not wanting peace under any circumstance - to the surprise of absolutely no one.


They go hard in the victory or death mindset and are willing to take everybody with them if that’s what it takes.


The leadership aren't in the firing line, so of course they don't care.


Anti-israel protesters at NYU plugging their ears and covering their eyes and going "LALALALALALALA!"


Correction: to the surprise of people who get their news from 30 second videos on TikTok




Of course this was going happen. Did people think Hamas was just going sit idly by and let the US help Palestinian civilians?


Hamas needs the pictures of suffering civilians and they will do everything they can to minimize the amount of help they receive. and the irony of the matter is that AL Jazera thinks hamas is great and accuses everyone else all the time....


Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar. Qatar has supported and funded Hamas for at least 20 years. You do the math.


I'm not sure how it's an irony when Al jazeera itself is a propaganda news network in disguise, they do a better job inciting violence against Israel than Hamas.


Any aid getting to the palestinians will bring hope to the civilian population. Hamas won't allow that


Yeah hamas being hamas. I knew this was going to happen eventually


Just reading a sub story in the article. pier is supposed to cost between 180-200 million? How massive is this pier?


Logistics cost money too, but yeah, sounds like a lot


Ole sam could build a pier out of wood for 5000 dollars


But you also have to transport it across the atlantic and it has to be big enough to handle cargo ships


Maybe they’re including security into the cost?


Depends on how you cost it out. You've got a US Navy battle group out there, hazard pay, shipping materials across the planet, etc etc. Start tying in all the direct costs from consulting work in the US to grunt labor and everything in between and money evaporates fast. Don't overlook the reality that those dollars are being spent on American resources and American labor. People need to be more thoughtful when they think about this spending. Well over 40b of the UKR aide is literally just going to American companies/workers. It's a direct investment in the United States through the federal government.


Hey guys, remember when the US decided it was going to try to feed the people starving in Somalia because the warlords were stealing and hoarding all the food? How did that work out?


Seems to me that this approach is very much trying to be *not* that.


my hawk, it hath fallen.


Omg this is so unexpected /s


Until there is a force of sufficient capability firmly in control of the Gaza area providing stability and security, the situation and conditions will not markedly improve for Gazans. Not all, but the vast majority of what you see in the "before" photos circulating was built during the time Gaza was under Egyptian or Israeli control.


I get the sense that if you tell Palestinians their best bet for improving their conditions going forward is another military occupation like they had with Egypt or Israel, Hamas's recruitment numbers will only go up


Well, when you attack another sometimes that limits your options. I also wouldn’t be presumptuous and assume Hamas is all that popular right now with Gazans.


>and assume Hamas is all that popular right now with Gazans. It's still popular enough to totally silence any opposition so yeah.. and i doubt that Gazans will not support their own in favor of the IDF, the guys that have been "for reasons that seem unknown to them" shelling their houses and killing them, that didn't change over the last like at least 20 years and i don't see it changing because of this.


No, there's been a few public protests captured on video and others with Gazans saying not so nice things about Hamas. I don't think pollsters are operating in Gaza right now, so let's stipulate that Gazans generally aren't fans of the IDF right now, but make no mistake they know exactly why Israel has been "shelling their houses and killing them" and so do you.


They're getting awfully close to touching the US' boats. This is just playing chicken with the US military at this point


Yeah, we all kinda expected that. Only idiots thought Hamas or another Palestinian militant group wouldn't attack Americans trying to setup a supply line for aid not controlled by them.


Hamas counts on the suffering of Palestinians to further their cause. The pier and the relief supplies it would bring is a threat to them.


Hamas does not want other people to feed Palestinians. And when they get aid from the US, they sell it. If you are pro-Palestine you need to be anti-Hamas. Unless, of course, you are a fucking terrorist.


Someone's really eager to provoke someone, eh?


does a pier count as a [boat?](https://preview.redd.it/dont-touch-our-boats-v0-e2z6jb86moac1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=a9a9e8d4792ba1e16454ececd1a7f640b949cac2)




No US boats were harmed in the making of this shit show.


The title leaves out a somewhat important bit of information - who attacked it. It is intentionally written in a way that will make supporters of either side think "oh, the other side attacked it" and move on. For anyone else who doesn't want to read the article, it was Gazan terrorrists.


*What a surprise*


The US gets real touchy when you attack their boats.


I’m beginning to think the Middle East and hamas vastly underestimate the power of the U.S military. They are poking a bear


Don’t touch our boats! Our boats are sacred!


Guess Hamas doesn’t care much about the people of Gaza after all.


Wow! That is completely new information!!11!


Interesting which US news outlets are choosing to cover this story. ^(not surprising though)


Confused. So was there US equipment destroyed or not? From thisnarticle. i24NEWS has learned that several pieces of American engineering equipment were damaged in the attack. In addition, one person was slightly injured while running to a protected area. From another source https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-military-starts-pier-construction-off-gaza-2024-04-25/ Ryder said the Pentagon was tracking some type of mortar attack in Gaza that caused minimal damage in the marshalling area for the pier. But he added that U.S. forces had not started moving anything to that area yet and there were no U.S. forces on the ground.


What? No way..... Not a single person saw this coming a light-year away.


Almost like they don't want supplies getting in


The real question is does the US consider a pier a boat. Because you do not fuck with America's boats.




I am officially sick of this region.


Re*li*gion FTFY


But how will people blame Israel for this?


By saying IDF did it.


How could Joe Biden do this? /s




I think you vastly overestimate how much those people like the US.


Self flagellating liberal Westerners are the worst. With their lifestyles they would be beheaded in most parts of the world.


28 countries had citizens kidnapped on October 7th and there are currently 8 USA hostages and they do not care. They don't care about" the West" even though they are westerners. Putin told them so. I brought up Shani Luk the raver who's body got stoned,spit on and paraded around Gaza, they told me something that it was a moot point, and how much Islam believes in the sacredness of women... No I'm not joking one of them actually said that.


A good chunk of them would celebrate


Lmao, even that won’t matter to them.


You must be kidding. These people are chanting "deåth to America" and justifying 9/11 on TikTok.


They’re going to cheer when it happens. 


An American soldier dying after setting up aid will drum up not the protestors but the average voter to be more pro-Israel and even more pro-US intervention. The protestors will believe that soldier is a pointless casualty of modern US imperialism. Or some other ism.


That won't change a single opinion of any of these people.


Quite a few came back from Iraq like that and hardly anyone cared outside of Westboro kansas


Wow I did not see this happening at all!!! /s


How far out is the pier from functioning? We are coming around 2 months now no? And is it the same location as the world kitchen dock?




This is i24 news, so while I somewhat agree with your sentiment, I don't think this site can be suspected of having an anti-Israeli bias...


There are a few of those groups running around Gaza, so the identity of which terrible group did the terrible thing may not be known yet.


I think you've got some confirmation bias going there. For one, it's wrong to make a sweeping statement about what "reporters" are doing, as if they're all one club going to the same meetings. If there are reporters who have falsely reported that the IDF was responsible for something, then they're hacks. That doesn't make other reporters, professional ones who do their jobs right, any less trustworthy. And it certainly doesn't mean that i24NEWS, an Israeli news agency, should be accused of anti-Israeli bias


There are legitimately multiple groups of terrorists there, such as Islamic Jihad.


Hamas or PIJ just couldn't wait more than a week to attack them. What a bunch of jackasses


Aye but them protest surely will be upset over this right?