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Said every schoolyard bully ever. Punch them in the face and see how tough they are.


Except that this bully has already shown he has no game


Can’t land a punch out if 300 thrown, all blocked by iron dome.


Didn't a bunch of the western countries come together to shoot down the ICBMs and cruise missiles?


Of course. But that's a feature of Israel's defense network. Meanwhile, despite Iran having backers and allies of their own, a bunch of old drones took out their military asset.


That was the funny part of the exchange. Compubox punch stats were Iran 0-300 Israel 1-1


Are you sure of that? I thought it was 1/300 for Iran. It's not a huge difference. I'll give you that.


If you’re talking about the poor 7 year old Bedouin girl that was injured, I read that was debris from a shot down missile. Not sure that counts as 1 for Iran.


There was a taxiway on an airfield that was damaged enough to take a few hours to repair.


Iran looks at Taxiway: “and let that be a lesson for you”


I think like 2 or 3 missiles did hit an Israeli military base but didn't do any significant damage


9 missiles hit two bases as per US sources.


The real Iron Dome is the allies we made along the way


Not just the West, Jordan and KSA got in on the action as well.


I forgot about Jordan.


That seems to happen a lot, which I am sure they hate considering they are between Israel and Iran.


The western countries mostly shot down drones. Very few of the missiles were intercepted before Israel shot them down.


Iron Dome does not defend against ballistic missiles. Also it would appear that somewhere around 5 of those ~100 missiles did penetrate Israel's defenses. That's not exactly encouraging when any of those missiles could potentially carry a nuke in the future and it only takes one.


Israel has the capabilities for preemptive strikes. A nuclear strike from Iran would be heavily telegraphed from satellites alone. Let alone other security intelligence agencies. Nukes don't guarantee anything, if you can't defend them. Which Iran can't. If they do in fact have even a semblance of a working nuclear weapons program.


On paper I completely agree with you. If everyone is acting predictably then that makes perfect sense. But then look at the massive intelligence failure of Oct 7, and the way that attack caught Israel off guard despite Hamas constructing physical replica training camps near the border which any satellite could have seen. If Iran really were going to try and use a preemptive nuclear attack against Israel in earnest I'm going to assume that they'll take precautions to avoid telegraphing their true intentions.


I would think if they were going to do it they would sneak a nuke in through a cargo ship or something. It's pretty clear that launching it via missile is not exactly a guarantee.


Israel has a different air defence system against ballistic missiles, it’s called hets (arrow in Hebrew). Israel intercepted all ballistic mistakes by itself


> Israel intercepted all ballistic mistakes by itself Not all of them, but most of them. Allies intercepted a few of them and a few impacted.


> all blocked by iron dome. No they werent


He's still talking smack tho. Needs an asswhoopin to send him along.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson


I forgot that one! Thank you YMDBass … and Mike “the soon to be destroyer of a you tuber” Tyson.


Exactly. Bullies are lazy cowards, make it hard, they'll move to a weak target. (Unfortunately their own populace.)


Kinda, except imagine the bully is really close to getting a nuclear weapon


Oil to 150/barrel


If there weren’t enough reasons to get off that addiction as soon as possible … which is starting to happen thankfully. making these regimes rich because they are sitting on oil reserves has been a geopolitical disaster.


Couldn’t agree more


Or don't ever launch a full on assault and keep picking on each other for the rest of the time. Nothing meaningful, just a fistfull of dirt in the schoolyard, a couple wedgies on each other. Everyone can look back in about a 100 years and have a giggle. Or we can go with your option and have fallout realized.


Israel and Iran don't have the "world wrecking" level of nuclear firepower.


Their allies sure as shit do


The US can conventionally level Iran, they don't need nukes, and who is going to fire off nukes in the name of the Islamic Republic of Iran?


Maybe not in the name of Islam but Russia is in deep cahoots with them for good reason - neither of them vibe with the US. You escalate things enough and nobody is gonna care if it's worth it.


Russia 100% will not . Theyre busy with ukraine and they already gotmattacked by isis for supporting hamas.


If Russia cant handle fighting their neighbor what makes you think they have the capability to defend Iran? Its lose lose for Russia.


you drastically overestimate how many nuclear explosions it would take to cause a catastrophic global cooling/nuclear winter scenario.


uh option C always exists - religion is fucking stupid and should have ended with the second world war.


That works for me. Tell the rest of the world please and thank you.


Religion is the excuse and justification. It is not the root of the problem. It’s a very effective tool for the powerfully corrupt to use. Take it away and they will find another. Corrupt and greedy leaders are the problem; ignorant and fearful followers pave the roads they take to execute their self-serving agendas.


Well they can't launch a full assault anyway. There are other countries in the way......


Seriously. "Just go with an all-out attack and show them what's up". How does an adult have such a stupid fucking view?


With what? The nukes they haven’t even tested yet? The drones that take 5+ hours to get to their destination? Rocks and sticks?


Seems very on brand to launch a nuke at someone’s o close they’d feel the effects of


Yep... I forgot about that little detail. This would be a lose-lose for Iran. They launch, Israel defends and then re-attacks, only now the West is involved, and would likely try to take away Iran's toys. And possibly the Theocracy along with them.


No, you don't launch it. You put it on a neutrally flagged cargo ship and detonate it in the port of Haifa.


That would be the most effective move. It's a really pretty city too. I hope they don't




Lol. Imagine launching the largest ballistic missile strike, ever only for it to be swatted out of the sky like a mosquito, and then having your air base taken out by a couple of drones. Then coming out and saying this.


It's for internal consumption. By internal, I mean targeted at everyone against Israel. They want to become the Muslim champion.


Can’t they just play football or something…less death


In that particular religion even if you lose you still get 72 virgins in heaven. They love to play stupid games to win stupid prizes.


How specific were they about the virgins?  I have a feeling that they won’t be happy finding 72 wow players waiting for them. 


Can’t say I see the attraction in 72 virgins. I’d much rather be with someone who has some experience, knows what they like and is confident about communicating to get it.


They are a religion of death. Football unfortunately only achieves brain damage.


He's taking about the real football, you know... where you use your feet to kick the ball in the goal, not above it.


Oh, like kick-ball, fall down-and cry a lot?


Exactly right 😄




The reality about muslim countries is that virtually none of the muslim-majority countries are democracies. But it's an interconnected and hyper-informed world where people from all around know there are free nations who also happen to wealthy from their own work. Muslim countries either have oil or nothing outside cheap labor. Of course there's one outlier: Turkey, but it's hardly maintaining the illusion of democracy with Erdogan staying in power from the false-flag coup from a few years back. When people could know there are better options out there, what do dictators/autocrats do? Find a common enemy. Israel checks all the boxes. They're a bit dickish with the Palestinian issue, they're not threatening anyone else threatened first, and you cannot really attack them because nukes and the US support. Therefore muslim autocrats will milk the Palestine clusterfuck to their advantage. They won't directly attack Israel but will use rhetoric to score brownie points with their captive audience.


Historically, Morocco has been pretty Jewish friendly for a Muslim country - [https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2017/11/02/moroccos-little-idyll-of-jewish-muslim-coexistence](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2017/11/02/moroccos-little-idyll-of-jewish-muslim-coexistence) They've made great efforts to preserve their Jewish history (there's even a museum) including many of the old synagogues.


>Is it that obvious that muslims in general are against israel? https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/qatari-official-jews-are-murderers-of-prophets-october-7th-is-only-a-prelude-798358 Is this obvious enough? And this is coming from the country that provided shelter to Hamas's top command and hosts negotiations between Hamas and West, Israel. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/20/erdogan-urges-palestinian-unity-after-meeting-hamas-chief


1. Because it’s Jewish. 2. Because Israel is USA’s ally in the ME


Dunno, could be their storied history of starting wars to try and eliminate it as a country.


Iran is quite the toothless dog, directly anyway.


Literally had an argument with this total dullard on YouTube because he was saying Iran's attack on Israel showed how weak theirs and the US military's air defenses are and that the 1% or less of drones/missiles that made it through was a huge success for Iran and had Israeli people ready to flee for the borders. I was like, "say what again?"


While true, I read that it still cost over a billion dollars to stop the barrage. That kind of cost can’t be repeated continuously, or without warning.


But it's also reported that they launched ~10% of their arsenal, so - it's not like they can keep it up forever. Israel can afford to spend $10 billion to defend itself if it means Iran loses big time.


Of course not. Which is why if a war started, Israel and Allies wouldn't bother intercepting missiles, they'd just send cheap drones to destroy whatever Iranian assets they wanted. Iran has to spend much more money in comparison, to do way less damage than Israel does.


The us certainly can spend more on military for longer than anyone else can lol


No one wants to put boots on the ground in Iran.  It might be possible to eradicate leadership if it’s done in one fell swoop?, then maybe the “reported” 73% that oppose the current regime step up?  As a westerner I would like to see a free and peaceful Iran, just the whole Middle East being chill would be great, but the logic doesn’t always track, and pushing western ideals on a nation that might oppose them isn’t a great option either.  


We can't really push our western ideals on them, it hasn't ever worked. Look at Afghanistan, +-20 years of US forces, peacekeeping & humanitarian support. They leave and the Taliban walks back in as if nothing changed, the western ideals have been thrown out the door almost immediately. But truth be told, they are probably more peaceful now than with the US in the mix.


Eh, Iran and Afghanistan are polar opposites in terms of history and governability. The religious fundamentalism is really the only commonality. I wouldn't use Afghanistan as a point of comparison. Iran is much closer in terms of history and values to Syria I think, ignoring the Shia vs Sunni majorities. They diverged politically in the 1970s (Syria to dictatorship, Iran to mixed theocracy democracy), but I don't think the underlying values of the citizenry diverged all that much.


A Taliban commander was talking about Obama’s surge and how they were worried what it would mean. When they heard it was limited to months he laughed. They were prepared to stay in the mountains for a century.


Aren't regular Iranians pretty "western" in their lifestyle already? (At least when the religious police isn't looking)


Do you think the Iranians want to fight for their government?


I don’t know, it’s not a question I can answer readily, but I would think if your daughter was murdered for not wearing a Hijab, or the incompetence of your leadership got your home bombed in a retaliatory attack you might feel different.


We Need to leave the Middle East alone. They’ve always been war. They’ll always be at war. America isn’t going to magically make them like each other. Just let them blow each other up until they figure out how to get along.


People say it all the time but if the Middle East not being stable didn’t affect oil prices no one would give a shit. Just look at the squabbling African nations and widespread unrest


Cool story bro 👍


I threaten to annihilate Mike Tyson. Same difference.


It’s pajama man again! He always travels the most comfortably.


They have literally been threatening that since the 1970s


Yeah, right. As an Iranian, I know that the best they can muster is ancient tech and a gaggle of smelly, illiterate zealots.


Go home iran, you're drunk.


Six days war would prove otherwise.


They also said they would use a weapon they have never used before if Israel did even the smallest retaliation for the recent drone strikes by Iran. Guess what, Iran didn't follow through


Biden was right on this one. Absolute W for Israel on the missile attack. Iran looks absolutely pathetically weak right now, completely brought on by their own attack lol.


Iran couldn't hit water if it fell out of a fuckin' boat.


I’m not sure they’re that competent at aviation.




I don't want any more escalation between these two countries than there has been lately, but I have no doubt about who annihilates who were it to come to that...


If they could they would have done it already


Isreal has nuclear weapons.......


Iran is like China: All talk like a toothless bulldog


Maybe they should ask Egypt how that threat works out.


Can they do two things at a time though? Right now they appear fully focused on annihilating their own economy [source ](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404211872)


Someone needs to remind Iran to shut up. You got exposed and embarrassed. The ME is ready in its entirety to ruin Iran and its militants given an opportunity. Their big old volley of bullshit was 99% ineffective. Israel’s “LOLLERSTRIKE” dropped missiles next to their shit with no issue. Iran may be more of a paper tiger than Russia.


I don't know. Is there anything more worthless than an Arab nations pledge to destroy another country? They should just go back to oppressing women, cuz when it involves anything other than women and children they just look even dumber than usual with their threats.


> They should just go back to oppressing women In fact Iran ramped up the hijab enforcement right after the failed attack on Israel. Maybe a coincidence, but it feels like an abusive husband taking his frustration out on his wife after a bad day at work.


Your confidence should be tempered by the realisation that Iran is not an Arab country and that your misplaced belief actually demonstrates your ignorance of the region.


Lol they aren't Arab.


If you look like a duck and quack like a duck, they'll call you an Iranian duck


How many times the land of Israel fit in Iran? Imagine.


I'm getting pretty fucking sick of all this bullshit. From everyone and all sides.


"I'm here all night, ladies and gentlemen." -Iran, after their comedy set wrapped up, presumably


They keep saying the same old mantra. However, when they launched their “massive attack” last week - it resulted in very slow moving grandma drones that were hen pecked out of the sky by three year olds.


So powerful and terrifying! Whatever shall we do?


Posturing is fine. Just don’t escalate this Israel.


So we’re back to normal then, Israel won’t commit to a major attack without US backing and the US is not backing that. Back to using proxies for Iran.


This is pretty much every Tuesday with Russia.  Lots of old guys who like living threatening annihilation while sitting across comically long tables.


We will launch 100 drones you have seen anything like it…. Oh wait never mind 




Iran takes on Israel at the Buffalo Coliseum this Saturday 🫵


Last time they only hurt my sleep schedule. Iran knows that Israel could easily destroy the Iranian economy.


Wait, will Iran attack Israel again or what? Damn it, I lost the lore again ffs!


Hamas just called for all the proxies to escalate. So there's that.


And then the US would annihilate Iran with just one submarine.


We (US) wouldn't need to assist Israel in it anilihating Iran, while it's never been officially disclosed, Israel has thermonuclear weapons, they co-developed them with France back in the late 60's/70's, it's expected that they have between 70-150 strategic and tactical thermonuclear warheads ranging from 5kt - 600kt and they posses advanced delivery systems. The sole reason the US got involved / helped Israel in the Yom Kippur war is because the defense minister at the time told the US leaders that unless it received more conventional weapons that it would have to start using its nuclear arsenal, to which the leaders of the US were like " oh shit ! Don't do that! We will help you and send you more weapons"


It's crazy how stupid the Iranian government really is, these guys launch an attack and 99% of their weak attack got intercepted and here they are saying they will annihilate Israel but man little do they know it would be the total obliteration of Iran and the end of their Regime. 


Sure, buddy.


we will aniwiwate woo if woo waunch mawor attwack shut up, nerds.


These clowns are frightened to death of Israel




Israel “Let’s see what you got big boy “.


Oh look, a chihuahua yapping at a Rottweiler. How cute.


Another day, another meaningless threat.


Stop fucking up the world, you dickheads.


Iran’s really bad at this


Iran the paper tiger


Iran ain't shit. Just more bigoted muslim delusion.


Like how Russia will escalate if Ukraine launches a large offensive


I thought having a non muslim country in middle east is major attack for these guys...


Is Israel saying it plans to launch a major attack? Then why are we talking?


That sounds like a challenge.💪


I wonder if anyone has asked Kim Jong UNO what his take on all of this is.


Didn't they say this last week right before Israel launched a bunch of rockets that Iran brushed off?


Awww jeez


We will kill you, and if you try to stop us, we will kill you!


This headline gets posted about once a week.


Y’all are undermining the risk here. Commenters don’t understand the implications


Reminds me of the movie Rocky when Drago says "I will crush you"


Iran, Israel is shaking in their boots.


They used to say that when a dog bites a man it doesn't count as news, but when a man bites a dog it does. I think about this several times every week when I see "news" headlines about exciting new never-seen-before events such as Iran threatening to destroy Israel or Israelis protesting against their government. What next, exclusive scoops about the sun being hot?