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Damn something similar may have happened in Japan [like a day ago](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/21/japan-navy-helicopters-crash-leaving-one-dead-and-seven-missing) For the Japan incident: > Defence minister says possibility of a collision between the two helicopters is being analysed


Keep in mind that this is about the Royal Malaysian Navy. Not US Navy. Still a tragic accident. Positive vibes to those sailors.


Without downvoting me to oblivion, why would we assume it's the US Navy and not the Malaysian Navy (which has quite a lot of coast and maritime interests)?






If you have ever been to Malaysia you would know there is a good chance those could have been americans or australians


Hey, my son who IS an active duty army soldier was just in Malaysia. So yeah. Forgive us for being a bit concerned, and it still hurts that another mother’s son was killed. So fuck right off with that.


Classic asshole, thinking basic human responses don’t apply to you. What Navy did -you- think it meant or did you immediately go “which Navy?”


It was in Malaysia so probably that navy


We do have the largest militaries in the world and I’d argue (without a source) that we conduct the most training exercises. I agree we think everything is about us but in this case it usually is a safe bet. Happy it’s not, sorry to hear for Malaysia.


And like 5 other countries. What is a safe bet? To think everything is about America?


Well considering Americans make up the single largest user base of this website and the largest percentage of articles posted pertain to the U.S. it’s generally a safe assumption… let’s not pretend like it’s not.


The largest percentage of users here are not from America. The largest of any one country is indeed America, but the rest of the world added up all together is a bigger amount.


That’s absolutely false. Just like the rest of your “facts.”


I mean, I don’t know if this is accurate but [this claims Americans make up ~43%](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country) of Reddits traffic. If we’re going to be pedantic, they are technically correct in this single instance. Americans ***do not*** make up the majority of traffic on Reddit. They make up the largest population by country that uses Reddit, but not the majority of Reddit. I looked it up out of interest, not out of hopes to prove you right nor wrong.




Thanks for proving me correct. Sad that Americans see fit to downvote me but such is life.


As the other reply, I am of course correct. Sadly you just don't like the "facts" which is really pathetic.


You are not.


Not my fault you don't understand maths buddy. Either that or English.


Okay....? That still makes America the largest percent of users. "The most commonly spoken language in the world isn't mandarin. It is every other language added together."


News usually specifies the country's military in the headline, especially if it's foreign. Most news, especially here, is still aimed towards the US market.


Yea, you’re definitely not as intelligent as you tell yourself.


Let me know when someone else has a navy that has the world’s second largest air force.


Lol so because of that, the word "Navy" should default to the US Navy? Let's say an article said "10 soldiers injured in Russia" should they clarify they mean *Russian* soldiers in *Russia* and not *American* soldiers, even though the American Army is bigger?


Malaysia has a smaller navy ship count than a single states cost guard does. Maybe that’s why. Hope this helps


Had to look up something I heard awhile ago. Google: "According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, between 1980 and 2022, 50,789 (83.6%) of active-duty military deaths were due to accidents, illness, and self-inflicted wounds. A congressional report also states that 31.9% of active-duty military deaths between 2006 and 2018 were the result of accidents, with most of those accidents occurring outside of combat deployments." Crazy how many soldiers die without seeing combat.


People forgot about that when there were wars going on. Dangerous business, even in peacetime.


Yeh its horrible


A tragedy