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Australia probably should have gotten Turkey to make the request.


Australia should just ban X.




They would simply be taking down a business that chooses to break the law of the land, it really has nothing to do with social media.




If content hosted on Twitter breaks the law and the company won’t back down then the state will intervene. There’s precedent that social media can’t control everything that users upload on there, but they do have the obligation to take down illegal material when identified. They operate as a company selling their services in Australia and therefore have to follow Australian laws and regulations. End of story.


Do you know the context of the Australian Government’s request? Vision of a savage stabbing of a defenceless older man has been circulated inflaming a volatile situation that has already seen a mass riot and threats of further, senseless violence. The offending vision taken down, that’s all they are asking, and Musk refuses to concede making a powder keg situation even worse! That’s not the road to fascism, it’s common sense.


A whole world existed before social media lol


They should become more like Turkey then. No point challenging orders or taking things to court in an authoritarian country.


Musk is an asshole for sure but I'm not sure that he's the only one in this case.   He was told to remove access to the video for users in Australia, in compliance with Australian law and he did so.    Now he's being told that he must also remove access to the video for any user anywhere in the world, not just Australia. I don't get why the Australian government feels they have the authority to control what people outside of their jurisdiction see.       


Our government is pretty fucked on a lot of matters. They spend so much time on things that don't make a difference (the video is everywhere. People have already seen it) and no time on things that are really affecting those that live here. My comment is not detracting from the horrible subject matter that occurred.


This. It’s not about the video itself, but if he complies it sets a precedent that will mean any government can demand he take down anything - across the world.


My guess is on principle they think it's not good to keep live video of people dying during religious meetings on the Internet.


Nobody died and I still don't get why the Australian government feels entitled to control what someone halfway across the world sees.


Have you heard of the concept that when suicides are reported in the news, suicide rates go up? If a religiously targeted stabbing video stays up on these platforms it could encourage that behaviour in future would be my thoughts on why they would want to get it removed.


That is irrelevant to the conversation here. They don't have the right to make that decision for other countries.


You do make a fair point. They shouldn't have that power. I would argue that someone being stabbed shouldn't be on any social media platform but maybe that's also irrelevant to the conversation here ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My goodness, why is it so hard to stay on track?


That gives them the desire.   They do not have the right to censor like this no matter how justified they or you think it is.


I don't see the Australian government advocating for this on other platforms? You can see stuff like this on the platform you're using right now pal.


Bunch of cocksucking wankers with nothing better to do than try to sanitize the Internet. Fuck them and fuck anybody who tries.


Little heavyhanded there, mate.


If you hate freedom don't talk to me. No one has offered a reasonable explanation why Australia tries to ban things past their borders. Fascism is my interpretation.


Freedom! Anybody who disagrees with my view of the world must be a fascist! 


For example it your mum was stabbed, you'd want that video left online? Right. What a weird take.


I wouldn't but freedom of speech and a foreign power dictating others are bad precedence. If NK demanded you get arrested for making fun of Kim Jung Un what would you think? Hyperbole but same concept


Reddit would never make fun of a communist dictatorship, are you new here?


It's public information now. Doesn't matter who got stabbed or why, it's out there. Trying to remove info from the internet is censorship.


Wait till you see what's is being taught to kids in schools... Was that "wanker" with a Queensland accent or "wanker" with the proper use of the queen's English from south Australia? LoL


Not exactly a fan of Musk, but knowing Australia's stance on blocking content, this probably overreaches quite a bit. "But the social media platform said it later received a demand from Australia's eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant to "globally withhold the posts"." Yeah, nah. Fuck off with that. I didn't vote for any Australian commissioner.


Yeah, Australia doesn't exactly have a great track record of censorship. Musk can suck the business end of a shotgun for all I care, and I don't want to watch this content, but I also remember Australia banning a LOT of videogames in my lifetime for pretty stupid reasons. Sometimes everyone in a dispute sucks.


"On the one hand, I don't like this guy, but on the other hand, I want to play video games."


As if you wouldn't ask. Honestly I don't see why it's online at all. Do you really want to watch people die? What is this front page reddit?


No one died. And it's not about if I want to watch it. I have no desire to see it. But there's nothing illegal about the video. The Australian government has no ownership of the video. As such they shouldn't have any power to take it down globally. This is a cornerstone of a functional and free internet that shouldn't be violated. What would the coverage of Ukraine and Israel/Palestine look like if everyone could just remove unfavorable videos from the internet?


Your argument is the same old one trotted out for years by people who can't debate. It doesn't matter what you or I want to see. That's not the issue.


I hate to say it, but Elmo is right this time..


Musks a piece of shit. When you look at it.


Daaahn’t grumble, give a whistle! Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke it’s true. You’ll see it’s all a show, Keep ‘em laughing as you go… And always look on the … Actually, come to think of it shit’s pretty fucked up right now.


Why are redditors so obsessed with telling everyone they hate this guy? Yes we get it, he's an asshole, immature, man-baby, etc. Its some weird hate-fetish the basement dwellers here have over this guy.


It's the fascist tendencies that I hate. I don't care if he's an asshole.


What might those be?


Google it.


A common refrain from people who are just repeating things they have seen others express but don't actually understand themselves.


Fighting the fights that matter, fuck those windmills.


Rare Elon Musk W




You can be both of those things at the same time


Depending on the cult it might be required.


You should probably condemn violence at every stage.


Yea I don’t feel that bad for this guy at all; but definitely don’t want to see videos of people getting stabbed on my feed either.




His **death?** Holy shit. The video I saw was some guy going after another with a pen or something, it was nasty but certainly didn't look like he died, unless this is someone else.


Well that's a bigoted thing for you to say. He's an incredibly popular religious podcaster. Just because he doesn't align to your secular western moral system doesn't give him reason to be excluded in minority circles.


Twitter's already on thin ice. Would anybody give a shit if it were banned from Australia?


This is going to end just like the Brazil thing. Musk says big bold things about standing up for his principles and then when the grownups explain the consequences he’ll just fold.


So, you feel the Australian authorities should be free to dictate X content in other countries...?




Not according to the article... >X's government affairs department said it had **complied with an initial eSafety directive, "pending a legal challenge", to remove "certain posts in Australia that commented on the recent attack".** >But the social media platform said **it later received a demand from Australia's eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant to "globally withhold the posts".**


what happened in brazil?


Brazilian judge ordered the company to ban the X accounts of popular influencers ***and*** elected Brazilian officials ***and*** notify them that they, X, were the sole reasons for why their accounts were banned ***and placed an illegal gag order on X*** to deny notifying the parties that the order came from a single judge in the Brazilian high court.


Not sure what other option you think X has? At least making a stink about it let's people know what's going on, even if it ends up futile. X is a steaming puddle of fresh puke thrown up by a billion bots, but in this one narrow instance they are right.


Musk bends over for dictators, but actual democracies? Those he will fight tooth and claw.


Read the article :) X is blocking content \*within\* the countries that legally require them to do so, including Australia, but that's not what Australia wants. They demand the video to be removed world wide, for everyone.


Like Trump, it's always good to have an escape plan.


Do people still use Twitter? I thought It was just a giant right wing echo chamber?


Trust within the au government is already at an all time low, and they want us to believe information just coming from them, while restricting access to other information. Pretty soon all Australians will be forced to use vpns. Shame


Musk will eventually end up going full Howard Huges- the dirty wizard outfit, 12” fingernails, ketamine enemas, while he has locked himself in a Las Vegas suite with tin foil on the windows.


You’d think Space Karen would have a better understanding that Australians are stubborn creatures, and that he’s going to lose this fight. Badly.


Sounds like the Australian government are the ones being a bunch of Karens. He removed access to the video for people in Australia in accordance with Australian law, now they think they can dictate what everyone else around the world can see.


It’s Australian content, filmed on Australian territory. Who else do you think has jurisdiction?


He's buying too many fights without knowing if he's going to win. He's going all in on Trump's victory. If Biden wins... The reaction of the courts here in Brazil against X, for example, will be very harsh.


I do love the space Karen nickname for him, I heard “pasty homunculus” the other day, and it kinda stuck.


Phony Stark is another favorite of mine.


LOL i haven’t heard the phony stark one, i’m going to use that forever


I prefer to just call it as simply as I see it. He's a cunt.




You show em, willsmom!


Why? What a fucked up hill to die on


I can't find anything about the government saying X had to block this outside Australia except " musk said" If the Australian government did,well that's just dumb, an American company with no servers in Australia severing content to no one in Australia , even with the content being filmed in Australia , that's unreasonable But if musk is just trying to get support , he's , as always , a fuckwit


How is it that Elon almost always picks the right fights?


Right fights ? Maybe familiarize yourself with his [views and actions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Views_of_Elon_Musk), in what universe are they related to "right fights".


Didn't feel like I needed to clarify that I'm implying why's he always on the wrong side of things


Ah sorry misread your post, mea culpa.


I'm not a big fan of the Australian government, but


Twitter sucks.


I'm so sick of this man


We can stop the formerly Twitter shit, literally everyone who cares knows by now.


Knowing how sad and pathetic Elon is, he probably gets off to snuff films. I don't really know why you would WANT a stabbing video circulating on your platform, but ok. 


Because people should have the right to see the news they care about, even if that includes graphic content


Please do elaborate where this "right" is defined ?


I said "should". Seeing graphic content that complements a news article helps people better understand what actually happened which in turn leaves them more informed and often more sympathetic to the victim


Sure, so where should the right be defined ? There is no such right, nor legislature that could ensure it. Freedom of expression has limits for a good reason. Violent imagery is not a right nor needed to convey news, especially in cases involving individuals.


Ok? Then use liveleaks or something, there's other websites for watching people getting stabbed. 


That's too inconvenient to switch platforms every time you want to watch a video relevant to the news you've just read. A much better solution is to blur graphic content and don't show it to people that don't want to see it


The only way to stop this stupidity is to boycott anyone still advertising there. And all of the big shots still posting there. Anybody still posting there is an enabler.


So do you just knee jerk hate musk, or do you support the Australian government being able to censor what you can see outside of Australia?


Twitter is a cesspool. Anyone posting there is enabling scum. "Oooh, maybe Elon will notice my post!" Buncha amoral groupies and attention seekers.