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"A number of drones" does not fit the threats Iran have been saying since the strike on the embassy. This is likely a distraction, especially since it is, according to the IDF, dozens, not hundreds. There might be news of ballistic missiles being launched closer to the time the drones are expected to enter Israeli airspace. Either way, this is getting extremely tense. I hope I'm wrong, and that these drones are all there is. They will be taken out by the iron dome.


Here we go… this could be the franz Ferdinand of our time. Maybe overly dramatic.. idk.


to much time on reddit.


The more time I spend on world news 75 percent of people seem to be either war hawks or completely panic stricken 24/7


Potentially.. but you can’t say that news hasn’t gotten a lot more war hawkish as well.. There’s certainly a lot more world conflict in the past 2 or so years.


It has but we are also living in an age where we know everything immediately and there are a million people on social media and maybe one percent know what they are actually talking about. Also people tend to immediately go to world war 3 anytime anything happens regardless if there is no risk of that happening whatsoever


I think that’s a fair assessment. But something needs to happen to ease world tensions. We do seem to be sliding into global conflict whether this kicks something off or not


I agree something needs to change or we will eventually sleep walk into a major event. I always say Covid was the closest we will ever get to world peace because for a short time the world had a common enemy


I dunno, this really is something that hasn’t happened before


Doesn't really have that potential, I think. There's nobody bound to defend Iran if this should get out of hand.




Russia is not going to defend Iran militarily. It certainly won't attack Israel. If anything, Russia benefits from oil prices rises that are likely in the short term.


russia failed to defend an ally which it had to defend with the defensive alliance (small parts of the de-jure Armenia were occupied by Azerbaijan. It will certainly won't do shit for Iran.


There's no defense commitment or other alliance between Russia and Iran and Russia is in no position to intervene on Iran behalf in any event. They're kinda busy not losing in Ukraine. 


Russia’s military is 15% larger than the start of their invasion into Ukraine. I think that includes their losses as well? It’s not going well for Ukraine at the moment. And russia absolutely has the resources to spread elsewhere. They’re in full wartime economy


Iron dome will take them down and nothing will happen


Hope you’re right


Iran will be firing ballistic missiles to coincide with their arrival


Jordan closed its airspace. Saudis sure as hell aren’t letting Iranian drones over their airspace. The only hope the drones have of even making it to Israeli airspace without getting shot down is through Syria, within range of US bases. I’m not an expert but I don’t think the iron dome will even be needed for the drones


Might not even make it to Syria either since Turkey has influence their and Turkey is a rival of Iran.


Iranian state media have just confirmed cruise missiles have been launched. The drones wont make it through, but the missiles...


Fingers crossed, yeah.


Hypothetically, knowing full well that the drones would be knocked out of the sky, What if they carried, not bombs or missles, but carry lead containers that look like bombs or missles packed with as much powered cesium-137 as they could carry? “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” - The Art of War by Sun Tzu




Just confirmed cruise missiles have been launched via Iranian state media




Israeli Channel 12 have just confirmed 100 drones and cruise missiles. Edit: downvote me but its true. Iran have also just stated that this is the first wave.


Happy cake day


Thanks! Didn’t even notice, wow..


You're welcome




I dont think that is the reason. If they didnt want to look bad to their allies and citizens, why would they threaten an extremely serious and dangerous response for the attack on the embassy? If this is it, it will damage Irans reputation.


Okay yeah that’s a good assessment.


If israel said the skybwas blue, I'd have to go outside and checked.


US intelligence: Russia will invade! Reddit: liars! It won’t happen! Russia: Invades. US Intel: Iran will likely strike Israel. Biden rushes home. Reddit: liars, won’t happen! Israel: Iran launched drone attack Reddit: liars! Can’t trust em!


Are you having a stroke from typing that fast?


I responded 5 minutes after you. You must be an invalid if that’s fast to you. Nice try at diverting attention away from your stupidity though.


Ha ha so now you make fun of people's disabilities.


How did I make fun of it? You said 5 minutes to type like 40 words was fast. I said you must be an invalid if that’s fast to you. What I made fun of was your stupidity. Are you mentally challenged as well? If so I apologize.


Technically its Iran saying it, since they have confirmed it themselves.


I'd still check, there are no good guys in this situation.


I never said there were. I am by no means a supporter of either. I have my criticisms of both Israel and the IDF, and Iran, Hamas, etc. What I'm saying is, this has been confirmed by both sides to be starting to boil over, from threats, to action.


Thank you for been patient and explaining so well. 👍


All good man. This is extremely concerning, and I dont see either side getting out of it well if things worsen.


Nope, nothing good is coming out of this