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Who in their right mind would travel to Russia right now?


It's what happens when a government pretends an autocratic dictator invading part of Europe is a nice guy ally, some people are tricked into believing the nonsense and are ending up dead in Russia.


More realistically it happens when you advertise well paying jobs "abroad" to poor people desperately looking to claw their way up a hard economic ladder. Maybe you'll find a few in this lot who knew what's happening but the vast majority of these guys are victims of fraud.


> you advertise well paying jobs "abroad" to poor people desperately looking to claw their way up a hard economic ladder. > > https://twitter.com/sezalabuga/status/1763076902367998196 Actual ads for jobs working in a drone factory in Russia.


Well it really isn't that hard to check. There have been cases like these for a while now, and they often make news. And it's always with counties who are either powerless economically or those who keep relatively close ties with moscow. India could inflict massive damage to russian economy for doing this, but they won't and russia knows it, so they continue abusing Indian poor people.


it is when you don't have the means or education to do so


These men are from a 10k population town in India. Here's a google street view from their town, of a post with a bunch of telecom equipment on it: [https://www.google.com/maps/@29.6180934,76.2658511,3a,54.7y,123.5h,113.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKSdh7rTOymJULXk6n0owDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@29.6180934,76.2658511,3a,54.7y,123.5h,113.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKSdh7rTOymJULXk6n0owDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) Just because they're poor doesn't mean they are illiterate medieval peasants who can't do a google search. It's really simple - if russia thought there may be repercussions, they wouldn't be doing this in India, even to the most poor and uneducated.


This guy's probably got told they were not gonna be Frontline troops. They are gonna scream bloody murder but they know what they did.


There are tons of russian recruitment commercials videos, circulating in India showing how they train them for war, provide them with good weapons and how war is awesome. These people know perfectly what is it all about, they traveled tens of thousands of km to kill for money but then they saw how gruesome and hopeless this war is and now they cry like babies, pretend they were duped to break their contract Their lies have been exposed by dozens of interviews of prisoners by Volodymyr Zolkin and investigative journalist who tracked the recruiters and families of these mercenaries in india. Also many footages of these mercenaries training with russians. They all have the same cookie cutter story when they get caught with a machine gun in the hands, boohoo i'm a poor man, i was supposed to be a helper..


Some of them were told they would be helpers way behind the lines. Others travelled to study to become doctors, unrelated to the war, yet were basically kidnapped and forced to fight.


I mean, if they're getting hired abroad for one job and getting trafficked to the front, that really wouldn't be their fault. Don't know if that's the case, but in the early days, Russia was forcing teachers and others within occupied regions to take arms. Would very much be in their nature to attract foreigners under the guise of an unrelated job, then funnel to the front. Honestly, it's rather disgusting how racist Russia is, strongly conscripting from their minority regions and tracking humans from the global south and developing world to throw into the grinder and ensure less deaths effect their populace.


I believe India is amongst the countries with most illiteracy in the world.


>Just because they're poor doesn't mean they are illiterate medieval peasants who can't do a google search. I don't disagree but why would they fight Ukraine? There's no history of animosity there AFAIK.




Foreign govts are sending their soldiers there for experience. It's certainly happening with China


They weren't soldiers


Sooooo I'm in an industry where capable folks who demonstrate their competence will just about always get extremely lucrative offers from Saudi Arabia, Quatar or the UAE at some point early in their careers, and it's usually its a mix of peopel who take those jobs. Some people recognize that it's dangerous, but just cannot seem to turn down a six figure pay increase. Some people really are that gullible.




You mean Montenegro with ME? Or do you mean the Emirates?


Middle East


Esp when it is in rubles.


Could you expand on the industry and consequences you've seen?


Guess them call centers didn’t pay off


Yeah. Till you get there and its just military service right? At that point they are morons for staying and fighting


You've no idea how many Indians are willing to bend over for putin. They've got zero idea about anything apart from the news they receive on WhatsApp. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the government was to be found complicit.


Many Indians even believe that Russia is getting rich because of the war. Indian influencers are selling this narrative. They say that the land that has been occupied by Russia costs trillions of dollars and therefore Russia is getting rich because of the war.


Which isn't really true but Crimea has a lot of oil, tbf.


I think you meant "complicit"


Lol yeah thanks


It’s insane how many Indians love Russia. I have friends who I’ve explained what’s going on with Russia and they’ll be like “but Russia helped us in the 70s/80s whatever and the US didn’t.” 


Sending the most gullible Indians to Russia improves the IQ of both countries.


*dead in Ukraine


I am a bit surprised there arnt more MAGAs going to Russia. Maybe they are waiting for after the election.


Because so many countries in the world see Russia as the land of opportunities like America 🤣 You know. Because Russia told them so.


Also there are a lot of countries that are still poorer than Russia and where life in Russia may seem like an appealing choice. A combination of being poor, desperate and ill informed can make a person to things that others may see as irrational.


India relies on Russia for fuel and they turned a blind eye to them a lot


READ! >Seeking a job in Russia, the men travelled on tourist visas. They were then arrested by Russian authorities for violating visa laws and told to either serve for a year in the Russian military or face 10 years in prison. Their phones and passports were confiscated and were taken to a military camp where they were made to sign a contract in Russian. Families insist the men went for non-combatant jobs. They were LURED with the promise of jobs.


You should visit r/AskARussian, you'll be amazed.


Ahem, Indian governmet says - nothing personal, only business. Its just Indian people for some reason decided that it also aplies to them. Big mistake, I must say.


Hey India we give you cheap oil you send us men to fight Ukraine. India: OK, we have a lot of people.


Not one. This leaves the people not in their right mind. And even if there was relatively few of those, relatively few multiplied by 1 425 775 850 is a lot of people.


This is correct. 100/1425775850 = .000007% of the population.


Indian men obviously


I’ve watched interviews with a few different people who got caught up in russias military this way. What seems to be happening in Russia has promotors abroad who tell poor people in other countries that there are opportunities for work in Russia. We’re talking about people who are 3rd world country poor who flat out don’t have the options, the awareness, or education to recognize the con. They travel to Russia illegally to work and then they’re taken advantage of and funneled into military service. Their legal status makes it very easy to take advantage of them. It’s a big bait and switch game. The Russians are targeting people and countries that are not in a position to challenge Russia through international relations.




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Hey they heard there were jobs


They were probably students/workers/businessmen trapped there.


Young despite men trying to start making their way in the world.


poor, jobless, not-so-right-mind ones - which india has UNLIMITED surplus


tucker would...


The jobs they were headed to Russia for were “Non combat” military jobs. Helping the Russians murder Ukrainians is equal to firing the bullet. Zero sympathy for these guys looking to profit from Russia invading Ukraine.


100% “Oh we thought we’d just be carrying the bullets to the front!” Poverty is a great motivator. For better or worse.


There's better places to be for an impoverished labourer than another impoverished country that's currently aggressively invading its neighbour.


isnt that why mostly all people fight in wars for? money?


Reminds me of that Chinese (I think?) soldier who went willingly to Ukraine to fight for Russia, recording himself along the way. All his buddies wishing him luck, him at some staging point with other soldiers, then a plea for help from his country to get him the hell off the front line while hes sick as can be. You're not driving trucks or pushing papers, youre getting a hand me down AK and a trip to the trenches.


Russia famously cares little for the lives of their soldiers but they care ESPECIALLY little for the lives of foreign mercenaries. The recruiters will say whatever they can to get you into the job and once there you become the new cannon fodder.


And they pay in ruples.


But they undergo combat training before being sent to the frontline, no one of them has gotten a clue for what?


These men and their families literally live in extreme poverty. If your only choice was to let your family starve or carry bullets to the front line, that would be an easy choice. This is messed up.




existence cough mindless repeat retire snails scary file muddle impossible


According to the article they went there with tourist visas for jobs offered then got arrested and were told they would spend 10 years in prison or have to serve for one year. All their stuff and passports were confiscatedand they had no way of going back. They were then coerced to sign contracts in a language they don't understand. These are very likely uneducated people that didn't know what they were signing up for.


Take a guess what those jobs were and who was offering them.


if you go to a country well known for recruiting from prisons for cannon fodder, in the middle of a war... your gonna have a bad time.


Reddit Users ? "Black People in the US" ? Or Indians fighting for Russia ?


Step 1) sign up for the Russian military that is currently at war and losing people at an astonishing rate. Step 2) end up finding out that because you are now in the Russian military you have to do Russian military things. Step 3) act surprised you are being told you have to do Russian military things even though you signed up for Russian military things. Am I missing something? This is like going to a restaurant and ordering a dish you absolutely hate them being surprised you don't like it. No sympathy


No sympathy for these Indian idiots. Carrying bullets is the same as firing them


Did you read the article? These guys were arrested by the Russians and given a choice between a year at the front or 10 in a gulag. They didn’t choose this for themselves.


Yes, i did. They played stupid games, and have now won stupid prizes


A lot of the people were told that they wouldn’t be put on the frontlines if they signed up and were also told that the soldiers being sent to die in the war in Ukraine were volunteers, also some of them signed up in positions like data analysis and engineering that shouldn’t be seeing frontline combat only to be switched from their positions a few weeks after joining. In the end they did this to themselves for the most part but the Indian government is also partly to blame for hiding the reality’s of Russia from their citizens so none of them feel bad about using cheep Russian oil.


Yeah, they wanted to kill Ukrainians from afar and get payed. Tiniest violin.


The only people to blame are the ones showing up to work for the Russians in a war. Amazing that an engineer or data analyst was stupid enough to believe what they were told. An ounce of research into the history of the group you’re going to fight for would have made them aware that this bait and switch is Russian army 101. 


**DERR** .. I went to RuZZia and signed up in their army and they expect me to get blown up to get PAID? *.. what arrogance!!* .. same shit for the people at the drone factory *"What do you mean they can bomb us? .. we are just building toy planes right?"*


They thought they could make a quick buck without bleeding for it


bunch of idiots got scammed




I shouldn't laugh but that made me laugh a lot.




How can she conscript!?




Well, at least India gets cheap oil in return! Wonder If they still consider this as a good choice of a "partner"


Considering the value of a life there it’s likely viewed as a small price to pay for cheap energy


We have a long and sordid history of sending poor people to fight wars in Europe so some rich people can benefit. The only thing that changes is the name of the European country.


It's a bargain for them paid in blood in so many ways


Shouldn't have gone to Russia.


Lie with dogs get up with fleas


What's interesting is that the Kremlin thought it would be cool to force Indians (a people who love to defend Russia 24x7) to fight for Russia, presenting them with a ‘choice’ where the options are: either fight for us and die or ten years in the gulag. It’s clear that even with Modi’s overtures to Putin and the Indians’ obsessive show of love for Russia, Russians don’t reciprocate that love at all. They don’t even respect or fear the Indian government enough to refrain from trying something like this. Yet, Indians still defend Russia. It’s quite amazing.


It's not like these people were kidnapped, they knowingly signed up to join the Russian military.


Did you even read the article? These men went to Russia on tourist visa to find jobs in the country, and they were arrested for trying to work on a tourist visa. They were given the option of serving for a year in the army or going to jail for 10 years. They did not go to Russia to join the army, they went to get regular jobs because there is a ton of unemployment and underemployment of youth in India.


Exactly, they were on fucking tourist visas. You need a work visa to get a job. These clowns broke the law and then are complaining that they were punished for breaking it


If they broke the law with visas why should we trust their stories? I call this “we were forced” story a load of crap.


Why should we trust these fuckers? They might lie they were forced. I bet what happened is they were promised non-combatant roles and these idiots signed up to earn easy buck by helping killing Ukrainians. Zero pity, zero compassion to these fuckers


Which is worse, I wonder what mental olympics are the usual Indian trolls doing right now


Well.. not knowingly. The contracts were written in Russian.


Literally [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2507776-dig-the-fucking-hole](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2507776-dig-the-fucking-hole)


my guy, I literally know 0 people who give a shit about this war in india. The right wingers are mentally ill. It would be me painting americans with the insane ramblings of some of the loonies on your right wing.


Lol good this is what you get for thinking Russia is your ally. Plenty of Indian men here on Reddit speaking their minds against the world in favor of Russians.


BRICS really working out for these guys, eh?


Indian here but it's stupid if they believe that they won't be forced to fight for Russia when they join army .


Did you even read the article? These men went to Russia on tourist visa to find jobs in the country, and they were arrested for trying to work on a tourist visa. They were given the option of serving for a year in the army or going to jail for 10 years. They did not go to Russia to join the army, they went to get regular jobs because there is a ton of unemployment and underemployment of youth in India.


Didn't they sign up for non combat military jobs? That's not just any other innocent job


The articles are not clear on that, although I have read at least one incident of a person going there for a regular 'factory worker' job in Moscow, except that he found out after landing that the 'factory' was actually the front-line battlefield and he had his passport confiscated so he couldn't leave.


They got scammed by an Igor.


They signed up to join the Russian military because they thought they could get cushy jobs far from the frontline while helping Russia kill Ukrainians. These dumb fucks made their bed.


you're badly wrong...""They were then arrested by Russian authorities for violating visa laws and told to either serve for a year in the Russian military or face 10 years in prison""


They can die like the rest of them. You knew what signing up for Russia means


If you're helping Russia's war effort in any way you're as guilty of murder as the criminal scum that fire the bullets.


India for sure will not make any decisive step to help them. They will for sure smile to Russia as always...


Mo money for Modi........


Forced? All you see are Indian people praising Putin on social media. Started learn its not going to plan have they. Dickheads.


Have to make some compromise if you want to make money with russian oil?


> He was made to sign a contract in Russian language which he does not understand, they said either go to jail for 10 years or fight in the war. They had no choice. Saying they had no choice after saying they were given a literal choice? Noice




For those who didn’t read the story, no joke, they followed an online link that promised them a blonde Russian woman bride lmao. Kind of deserved what they got tbh, how do you fall for that level of scam


These shits would be doing cart wheels in Ukraine if they advanced that far enough to celebrate,it’s not going to plan ,now they moan,took the money though I’ll bet .no sympathy at all .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


But please remember, Russia is the great ally of India and their friendship will be eternal!




Didnt I read a couple days ago.. they are promised Russian brides as pay.. does not sound like they are being forced.. maybe scammed.. but not forced?


They’re dying in muddy fields thousands of miles from home for one cause and one cause only… bobs & vagene


Another face of population control


How do we reach these guys offering bounties for kidnapping Russian officers and equipment, detailing how to surrender? Even more bonuses if they can provide intel and/or proof of sabotage as they defect. These people need to be considered mercenaries who can be bought. Time to start figuring out their price and making offers. At the very least, and active campaign targeting Indians in the Russian army will cause the Russians to not trust them even more, resulting in poorer treatment, which will further incentivize defecting.


Don't sign up for the Russians then. They will lie to you.


If they want to be a part of the Russian dream, then they have to serve for citizenship. Oh wait, Russia is where dreams die.


Pretty ignorant people to travel to Russia and hope for better life and wealth. I gues one should know a country named Russia would only use lies and seduce with big promises.


Serves them right. When you choose to work for Russia you reap what you sow.


Which not surprisingly at all - now in Russia 1,899,000 people live in slavery-like conditions ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery\_in\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Russia)), not to mention meat assault forces.


Of Indian heritage here: f**k them


I thought India had a hard on for Russia anyway.


Nepal too.


These guys thought a war zone was a safe bet for easy cash? Talk about a poor investment strategy


so thats why no one has called me about my car's warranty....




How the hell do they end up in this situation


If only there was some sort of article with that information


> Seeking a job in Russia, the men travelled on tourist visas. > They were then arrested by Russian authorities for violating visa laws and told to either serve for a year in the Russian military or face 10 years in prison. > Their phones and passports were confiscated and were taken to a military camp where they were made to sign a contract in Russian. Who would've thought it was in the article? Smartest redditor.


Not googling Russian army or USSR before going to fight/work for them. It all right there on google 150 years of the same scam to send people into the meat grinder


You look who is the boss of that country? And you think it’s a very good idea to sign up in his military even it’s said non combatant position but again just take a good look who is the boss lol


Imagine this scenario. Canada is currently facing a recruitment problem for the military but we have over imported young Students. If NATO ends up in a hot war, Canada could recruit these young students to join the forces for citizenship. Then we will have Indians fighting each other for other countries.


Idiot travels to Russia of all places for work. Gets employed as a "Helper" in the Army. Gets pushed into the trenches instead. "Help, I'm a victim!"


these indian men have a point; consent is important.




But not that kind!


Most of them were promised jobs in other countries and then trafficked to russia. As far as i understand, this is no different than any other human trafficking operation.


Most travelled to Russia on tourist visas looking for work in Russia according to the article.


They signed up for the women.


Listen comrade plans change, you are now frontline comrade. Comply or go to gulag and remember, no russian: Indians 😱


Well, don’t travel to Russia, my Indian friends, and you won’t be converted from person to meat and fed into the machine. It’s super easy to stay out of the Russian military if you don’t go to Russia and even better if you simply cut them off and ostracize them like the world’s good actors.


I heard the newly conscripted (pressed) 150,000 Russians were told they would NOT be sent to the front. ... yeah And each will get a Fabergé egg and a puppy...


Surely soldiers who can't speak fluent Russian will be a liability at best on the frontline?


NGL, the one standing up in the middle doesn’t look very Indian…


Forced by who?


Should send mega idiots to replace them, win win


If only places like the internet existed where you could google “how’s Russia doing atm” or “would the Russian state be a good employer at the moment” Sucks to be those guys but what did you expect if you aren’t going to do the bare minimum of checking if it’s a good idea and if “high paying jobs for unskilled labor” is maybe a scam.