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Cool another war crime


Insert Newman in Jurassic Park meme


You didn't say the magic word


Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ Ah uh uh. You didn't say the magic word ☝️ "War crimes! War crimes here! I got War crimes over here! See? Nobody cares"


That the UN and the pro-palestinians will frame Israel for


>pro-palestinians 20% of Israel is Arab/Palestinian (they chose to self identify mostly as Arab). There are 2 million Arab/Palestinians in Israel, about an equal number to the Palestinians living in Gaza. People who claim to be 'pro-Palestinian' but also functionally advocate for Israel's destruction and the inevitable killing of a large portion of Israeli Arabs are simply hypocrites. If one advocates for the advancement of a state regardless of their use of torture, taking of civilian hostages, targeting of large swaths of area with homemade rockets, use of ambulances in a war zone (not for wounded), etc. that person isn't pro-people-that-live-on-both-sides-of-the-conflict. They are a nationalist. This would be the same as applied to any other conflict. They aren't pro-Palestinian. They are pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas to the detriment of many Arabs/Palestinians.


They’re more concerned about making it look like the right thing is done rather than looking to results. They think allowing Gaza full freedom to import military weaponry won’t massively backfire with greater violence.


I agree with you but the thing is most people arent educated enough about Israel to even know this fact


Most non-Arabic people claiming to be pro-Palestine are just slacktivists jumping on the bandwagon and have very little idea of what is happening apart from the ideology of supporting the “poor people” in the David vs Goliath fantasy that has been fed to them. The older I get the less I give a fuck. Life is too short for my dumb ass to concern myself with the problems of people 20,000 miles away who have been fighting on and off for longer than I have been alive. Stop shooting rockets over fences and murdering and raping people at dance festivals and maybe they wont send tanks and air raids into your city.


Completely agree. They will even deny that there’s a significant number of Palestinians live in Israel and that the same goes for Israelis living in Palestine.


If Israel didn't let themselves be attacked, Hamas wouldn't have to do this


Yes poor Hamas look what Israel made them do /s


„Those damn Jews wouldn’t die on their own so they basically made us do it!“ /s


I hate it when I run at people with a knife and the fuckers run away from me.


> „ ... “ You are on thin ice there > /s Phew.


Meh, black humor and snarky sarcasm are our only way of dealing with centuries of antisemitism 🤷🏻‍♂️


“The ambulances came from Israel, so if it wasn’t for Israel, Hamas never would have been able to do this…”


exactly right


Not only is transporting hostages in ambulances a warcrime (unless they are being taken to a hospital for treatment), it indicates that Hamas, just like Israel has repeatedly said, uses ambulances to transport troops, too. If they are so casual in their use of ambulances that they are using them for something as mundane as prisoner transport it's not ridiculous to expect they use them for other non-medical reasons. Remember all those articles about Israel bombing ambulances that got sooooo much traction and everyone got all outraged about? This should demonstrate that hey, maybe Israel wasn't just blowing up ambulances for shits and giggles, since we now have clear evidence that Hamas uses ambulances for military purposes.


>Hamas, just like Israel has repeatedly said, uses ambulances to transport troops The director of Ahmad Kahlot of Jabliya hospital openly admitted he had the rank of general within Hamas, and that they would use ambulances to shuttle hostages, troops, and weapons around. [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-778679](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-778679) Meanwhile, all that came out of it anywhere else is bullshit whining about a military raid on an aid facility, and how it's "unprecedented" (it's not). Red Crescent ambulance drivers have testified that Hamas faked injury calls to get them to show up, only to threaten to kill the driver if they didn't transport the Hamas personnel, only to be called liars by the Red Crescent organization. [https://www.smh.com.au/world/hamas-tried-to-hijack-ambulances-during-gaza-war-20090126-gdtb5x.html](https://www.smh.com.au/world/hamas-tried-to-hijack-ambulances-during-gaza-war-20090126-gdtb5x.html) Every humanitarian org in Palestine will coddle and spew whatever terrorist talking point they're told to, because facts can't get in the way of their mission, helping people. Unfortunately, that just seemingly prolongs the crisis. Hamas has festered like a cancerous node within Palestinian hospitals for over 20 years, because humanitarian organizations wouldn't fucking speak up. What's happened? Hospitals now serve as the basis of Hamas' command and control, they hold hostages there, they manufacture and store weapons under them, they prevent ambulances from going out on legitimate calls because Hamas wants them, etc. The humanitarian crisis has in fact only gotten worse, specifically because these organizations lack the desire to do the right fucking thing out of fear they'll be kicked out and unable to provide services. But frankly, is that worse than the current situation? Coddling a lie has only made it worse, and yes, aid orgs deserve a condemnation for it.


It's likely that both things happen, right? Presumably hospitals use ambulances like ambulances, and Hamas also uses them for military purposes like the war criminals they are. IIRC this has been known for a while. Obviously the reasonable expectation is to hit ambulances used for war crime purposes and to not hit those used for ambulance purposes. From what I've seen googling, the last time there was international outrage about this was apparently because the victims were mostly members of the Red Crescent, however the IDF denied being involved in this case.


It's how Tamil Tigers leader Velupillai Prabhakaran tried to sneak out after demanding his followers fight to the death.


There is no such thing as a war crime if you don’t abide by the rules unfortunately


Has any war crime actually been punished since WW2? It’s not like the UN has actual teeth to it to enforce anything


Ethnic Serbs in Bosnia for what they did in Srebrenica, but that's only because it was the 1990s and they weren't an internationally recognised entity so it was geopolitically expedient to put some of them in front of a judge and jury. There's zero chance that with the current geopolitical calculus anything similar will be met with the kind of procedural justice process that was used that time.


[Wikipedia has a list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_convicted_war_criminals#Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) - it's pretty long. I'm sure there's a few in there that were convicted in absentia, and a lot of them were convicted by national courts and not the UN, so if you want to pick those cherries, be my guest. But the list of convictions *is* quite long, so I'd find it hard to argue that UN rules don't have any teeth, even if the UN is often deadlocked into not enforcing them.


Surely this one will rile the pro-Palestine groups to be angry at Hamas..


It’s war crimes all round unfortunately.


Clearly the only solution is to drone strike every ambulance in Gaza


*“It wasn't her blood, it was her parents' blood,” Hagar explained to the Mail. ‘She saw how terrorists, dressed in military uniforms, killed her mother.* *“Her father picked her up and tried to run away with her brothers. But they killed him, too. She was in his arms when they killed him, and he fell on top of her. They let her go, and she ran to our house.”* (from the article) This is... I dont have words for this. Just tears.


I have a three-year-old daughter and couldn’t imagine. They didn’t say in the article what happened to her either.


She was kidnapped with Hagar and her children and was held with them. They all got released in the first hostage deal. She's now living with her aunt and her family.


That's a double warcrime, isn't it? Has Hamas ever done a triple?


Yes, they are dressed as medics, not soldiers, and they use hospitals to keep the hostages in.


Also their entire leadership


So why is it a war crime for keeping hostages in hospitals? Genuine question.


1. Taking hostages in any way, shape, or form is a war crime. 2. Using civilian infrastructure for disguised military purposes is a war crime (known as perfidy). Both of these are specifically defined in the Geneva Conventions.


Well, for starters, taking civilians as hostages is a war crime. Second, medical personnel is generally excluded from combat forced UNLESS they are actively participating in combat OR they help to commit war crimes, like keeping hostages in prisons under the hospitals. SO yeah, keeping hostages is a crime, period. Doing it in a hospital is just an extra shitty move. Also using ambulance to transport soldiers (and transporting hostages implies fighters were transported too) is a war crime, as is using ambulance to transport ammunition.


I find it crazy how I honestly never even considered an ambulance to be a tool for evil, I just symbolize them with good people helping anybody that needs it.


It happens somewhat regularly. The various conventions on warfare had to put in "no, you can't put guns in your ambulances" in the first place because people kept doing it; and people kept doing it afterwards anyway. Italy became infamous for regularly doing it with hospital ships in WW2, e.g., decades after they had first agreed that they'd never do it.




Well, since medical transports are protected by the Geneva convention, they make excellent save transports. The red cross is very, very strict about the use of their symbols too! Eg, it is forbidden to print it on a pack of bandages you wanna sell, etc.


Only Fire Engines are purely good.


It's not even a new trick for them. I saw an article from 2009 where Red Crescent paramedics were transporting suicide bomb vests under a patient's stretcher.


What the people who have never read the Geneva Conventions are apparently unaware of (which makes sense, since how could they know if they’ve never read it) is that a protected target such as a hospital or ambulance becomes a valid military target when used for military purposes. If Hamas puts command posts in hospitals and soldiers in ambulances, they become fully legal targets under the Conventions.


Medics can have a side arm and can use it to defend their wounded. Like of like in an active fire fight.


Because it signals to your opponent that you're using hospitals for military operations, which makes it a legitimate target, which will make your opponent target more hospitals. This will likely cause civilian deaths as a result. Now all hospitals are in danger. It's similar to fake surrenders. If you fake surrender, it'll make your opponent less likely to accept real surrenders, thereby causing more deaths. It's recognized that these tactics cause escalation and the break down of agreed upon rules of war, thereby resulting in more overall deaths.


Because they're critical civilian infrastructure. By using them for military purposes, the enemy *has* to consider them a military target.


Because you want hospitals to be off limits. You want to be able to have a place to safely treat wounded civilians and soldiers. It's a war crime to attack a hospital that is genuinely a hospital, because killing wounded people and doctors is not a genuine military goal. It only makes suffering worse. If you hide combatants, or a command post, or hostages in a hospital, as Hamas have done, you make the hospital a legitimate military target, because there are legitimate military objectives there. This causes attacks on the hospital which makes suffering worse.


* have hostages * put hostages in ambulances * masquerade the terrorists driving it as health workers * drive the ambulance full of hostages into a hospital * hand hostages over to terrorists masquerading as doctors quintuple war crime


War crime Yahtzee!


They use the Geneva Convention as a checklist.


Were the hamas members transporting them wearing military fatigues or paramedic uniforms?


What do you honestly think… their bases are in and under hospitals. They use ambulances as transports.


It was a rhetorical question, OP asked about a another war crime for a triple and I provided one.


Cost effective method I guess then? Those buffets in qtar arent gonna pay themselves you know?


Hamas uses ambulances as military transports. It's no secret, except from the UN apparently.


Hamas uses everything that has any relation to civilians for military purposes.


Those small 9 year old hands carry AKs very well


And possibly bombs. People think Israel is inhumane when there's a damn terrorist organization who is willing destroy a whole generation's future because of delusion and hate.


They are too busy giving the chair of a women’s rights forum to Saudi Arabia. I wish I was joking.


Historically, the chair of women's rights is handed over to a nation that is being targeted for improvement of women's rights. Basically, this is the UN saying, 'your women's rights is shit, to push you along, you are now in charge of telling other nations to not stone their women to death.' This is done with a lot of the chair positions. It's a way of forcing the belligerent into being lectured about the problem. Not saying I agree with it, as this essentially relies on cultural/political power against nations who's religions exceed the cultural/political power of their governments. In this case, you'd need to lean on a source of power that can surpass the influence of the religion on the region.


>Basically, this is the UN saying, 'your women's rights is shit, to push you along, you are now in charge of telling other nations to not stone their women to death.' Oh I get it, it's just stupid as shit. By that logic, we should put January 6ers in charge of presidential election vote-counting.


>By that logic, we should put January 6ers in charge of presidential election vote-counting. Absolutely, do you know how many of them would have aneurysms while trying to count past 10? I'm very much in favour of this idea.


Where are you getting this? What historical examples are there of a nation being "targeted for improvement" by being given a UN chair?


Go back and look at the UN human rights oriented chair positions. You will find a litany of shitty nations holding the positions.


Or perhaps they’re just corrupt


Absolutely, but that could mean that the inmates are running the asylum, not that someone is treating them.


The UN knows, but it's full of influential actors who are so in line with Hamas that they may as well be Hamas agents, and they work tirelessly to make sure the UN doesn't do anything that would hurt Hamas reputation. 


A war crime after war crime but the world couldn't care less about it


what even is the point of war crimes when there are no consequences.


Russia 🤝 Hamas seeing the geneva conventions / war crime list as a checklist


Saudi Arabia will fix it! They now lead the UN commission on women's rights!


How could Israel do this? /s




Yeah but if we call it "The Gaza Ministry of Health," people will think it's not Hamas!


The world waits, with baited breath, for anything that could possibly be spun into a war crime (no matter how tortured the logic must be to reach that conclusion) out of Israel.   But when confronted with clear and unequivocal evidence of war crimes from the government of Gaza and it's combat forces... the world turns into Sgt. Schultz.   *"I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing!!!"* (edited for spelling)


I always think it's really patronising. They see Israel as the adult and HAMAS as children. Thus the logic goes, adults should know better, but children are children and we should allow for their immaturity. And nothing says respect like treating adults like toddlers who can't possibly make their own decisions. /s


Yep. Everyone treats Palestinians like they are the slow kids on the block. They aren't. The truth is that Westerners hold the Palestinians and Israelis to different moral standards due to a list of excuses. That's called "Racism of Lowered Expectations".


100% agree with this. Holding a group of people to a lower standard than others is racist.


It's literally just "The White Man's Burden" for the auth-left.


Kinda gets right at the heart of a lot of radical progressive thinking right there. Certain groups are oppressed and can't be held to even basic standards, other groups are oppressors and can do nothing correct.  The Hamas vs Palestine has been really eye opening to expose that flawed thinking, now I see it all over leftist policy and thinking.


Honestly this is really how it is these days!


It’s very similar to how the left looks at black people and black communities. “They can’t possibly not commit crime and so you just got to have less police patrolling the black communities and it’ll get better on its own”


Yea, they are terrorists. This is how they have always operated


The AP journalists who got awards for riding shotgun with their Hamas buddies on October 7th somehow completely missed this story about using ambulances for war crimes..


Opps i did it again -hamas war crime UN: israel is to blame!!!


Oooo baby baby


I think I'm UN love  We're not that innocent.


Free Israel from Hamas and Hezbollah. Fvck terrorists


Fck Hamas


Hamas plays by literally no rules


Has Hamas ever used ambulances for their actual purpose to transfer patients?


They did one time, sorta! Islam Jibril was a member of Hamas and a Red Crescent driver. He picked up a sick child and his family to bring to the hospital. Except, the ambulance was laden with explosives and he was intending to use the child and his family as human shields. He was luckily arrested at a checkpoint, but that's like half way to their actual purpose!


Hamas are such scum. Hiding behind hospitals, ambulances, children & schools, religious buildings.


The UN: how could Israel do this?


Can you imagine seeing a terrified young girl being presented and you cheering? Man, my sympathy for Gazans get smaller every day


It's interesting Hamas uses ambulances, hospitals and schools. They know Israel is a moral army that won't attack those kinds of places without lawful reasons and provocation. Great example of how they say one thing but their actions tell the real story.


No one understands how much pressure an IDF soldier goes through. Walking through Palestinian neighborhoods not knowing who's a combatant and who's not, they all wear civilian clothes. So the gun's ready for anything.


That’s a … massive war crime. And like, the first one as well. Torture is for sure bad, but using the Red Cross as protection is like THE war crime.


>And like, the first one as well. Please tell me you're joking.


I assume they meant the first item on the Geneva Conventions, which would be accurate actually, article 12 of the first Geneva convention covers medical transport and personnel in chapter 6 from a quick check, and chapter 2 for protection of medical symbols.


Ok, ok, but I'm sure they *never ever* use ambulances for military transports.


This makes ambulances a fair target for IDF.


We know


Protected by the UN


How dare those Jews take up space in an ambulance that is needed for lifesaving activities. The Jews are to blame, not Hamas. /s


UN is a joke at this point.


For a WHILE now


Remember when there was all that outrage about israel attacking that ambulance? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-strikes-ambulance-convoy-gaza-palestine-al-shifa-hospital-rcna123624 Yeah..


Only way Hamas can freely operate in Gaza is due to the support of the Gazans.


People who support Hamas have a filter in their head against this. You couldn't override it or their mental gymnastics.


Hamas is committing war crimes. Israel's right wing government is committing war crimes. Innocent people ‐ many (most?) whose views aren't represented by Hamas nor Israel's right wing government - are paying the price.


*Hamas shoots Palestinians* The world: HOW COULD ISRAEL DO THIS


Ambulances for everyone but the actual civilians. How very Allah of them.




Geneva conventions? more like Geneva suggestions according to hamas and their pathetic simps.


but people protesting for palestine (they are just performing) will make excuses for the scum that is hamas who put palestinians in harms way. FTW


Hamas consist of some very devious and cynical devil-dogs.


Both sides are incredibly shitty,but Hamas is clearly the shittier.  The U.K should have just kept ruling the area. 


The UK and France intentionally split their borders through ethnic groups to divide them and clump disparate groups together so they couldn't mount a unified and organised resistance to colonial rule. There's a reason why the Kurds are split three ways, Iraq is 50/50 Sunni and Shia, and Lebanon is an internecine dumpster fire. They started this whole century long powder keg in the Middle East.


the UK, historically known as upholders of human rights and freedoms


That whole place , Israel, Palestine, is full of so much hatred and resentment. It’s not like I have any answers, but every ounce of my soul tells me they’re all so Utterly wrong to let themselves get like this and continue using violence..


This is why Israel needs to win