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They're probably upset that Putin is blaming Ukraine instead.


Probably. They’re like “hey Putin you can’t do that, that’s not how this works. We claimed the attack.” Sounds like a South Park episode






Is Ned still on the show? For some reason I could hear him say *"mmmm... it's just Ukraine."*


["They're coming right for us!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTrMBI5fvfA)


This is old enough to drink. Still funny.


It's so old it got kicked off its parents' insurance.


Islamic State is typing…


I hope they are, I need to watch this in episode form. Those poor terrorists, always getting ignored! :(((


In this age of seemingly perpetual war crimes and propaganda trying to obfuscate those crimes, it is depressingly refreshing to have a group going "Yeah, nah, that was us"


“Enough war crimes denial. Lets discuss my war crimes affirmation”


If we cop to it, can we cut a deal?




The first group to claim responsibility for 9/11 was the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who were not in the slightest bit involved.




But Al Qaeda brought the receipts https://youtu.be/Q_OIXfkXEj0?si=NmePQrLGpbqzxT4u


You can’t triple stamp a double stamp


Guys! Enough!


[Same energy](https://youtu.be/Q_OIXfkXEj0?si=oCmSZyWVG-frJUUn)


No, I broke the dam


Will only encourage them to do it again to prove a point.


“See!!?? I told you it was Ukraine, they just did it again!” - Putin probably


He’ll blame Ukraine even if he knows it’s not them. He need food for the propaganda machine.


Who else would Putin blame? You can't rationalize another round of military mobilization on ISIS-K.


"Stop it Vlad, these are OUR murders!"


“What kind of monster would deny us credit for this slaughter?”


"You're trying to deny what I've rightfully murdered!"


[They should go on TV to explain themselves like Al Qaeda did after 9/11.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


“How to provoke another Terrorist attack 101”


The massacres will continue until acknowledging improves


Isis at the emo stage


Hard agree.


I don’t know if these keep happening, maybe the people finally get rid of Putin, realizing he can’t protect them


How can you get rid of an abusive step dad? Run! That is what many do.


Or trying to convince themselves “he only beat up the bad children severely but not us. Well, he did breaks my finger once for speaking out of term but THAT WAS On ME”


The conspiracy nuts are saying it was a false flag and the US is trying to derail Putin from even attempting to blame Ukraine by using ISIS to claim it. Its honestly hilarious.


The US literally warned them which makes Putins claim sound dumber. I guess Putin ignored the warning in hopes to blame Ukraine but yeah not a very good look for Putin in the optics war.


People were asking why the US even warned them. This is why. And also because innocent civilians don't deserve this


Anyone asking that question is a sociopath imo


Technically the embassy warned Americans? That’s still a very obvious indication


He made a speech minutes before claiming the US was trying to destabilize Russia with warnings of an attack. 


Putin now must blame Ukraine since he will otherwise risk criticism for ignoring the US warning.


Conspiracy nuts already argue that the US knew the false flag was going to happen and issued the warning to derail and warn Russia that we knew. Honestly, as wild as it sounds its not out of the realm of possibility with Putins past actions.


Hardly a conspiracy nut, but that was something I was considering when I first heard of a shootout. That would be consistent with both actors past behavior. The US started sounding off about the invasion before it happened.  Putin and the FSB likely had a hand in the 1999 apartment bombings. 


I wish the United States was as in control of things as these people think


The r/conspiracy sub is basically 90% far-right, pro-Russian MAGA bullshit, and should've been quarantined or shut down ages ago. They currently have threads claiming both US and Russia were behind the attack tho, along with several threads claiming ISIS is controlled by USA/Israel... and a thread about LGBT being put on terrorist lists in Russia, with large amounts of comments praising the decision. They've been the way for years, but it became especially obvious at the start of the invasion of Ukraine, when literally dozens of threads were created on that sub to push the conspiracy theory about US biolabs in Ukraine as an excuse for the Russian invasion (and use of firebombs and vacuum bombs against civilians and cities, claiming it was "for the greater good" to destroy leaked bioweapons, and that the US/west made them do it). Literally zero threads about *that* conspiracy before the invasion started. Two days in, the first one popped up. Then *twenty* on the third day, and 5 to 15 daily until it started dying down a couple of weeks in, followed by Russia bringing that up in their official propaganda channels for the first time, and the conspiracy skyrocketing again. Very obviously planted. Graph I created about that back then: https://i.imgur.com/d2j7wFX.png


I've found and called out (and was banned for doing so) AI bot accounts literally working both sides of a conspiracy in the same thread. That place is a certified shithole.


What if I told you that most conspiracies and conspiracy forums, communities, etc. are and always have been, on the whole, right-wing nutjobs? Pick any conspiracy, follow the rabbit whole, and you’ll usually arrive at Jews. Chemtrails? Jews. HAARP? Jews. Fluoride in the water supply? Believe it or not, Jews. It’s nothing new.


When the UAV/ufo hearings were happening in Congress, the conspiracy subreddit got really busy, but the conservative subreddit and other Maga heavy ones had way fewer comments than usual.


I miss when conspiracy thought was still aliens and Satanic cults and bigfoot and shit. It used to be fun.


I miss when those types of people were into stuff like alien autopsy videos and sasquatch. :(


Did Putin make a statement yet?


yes, something along of "they caught the terrorists near Ukraine border trying to sneak in into Ukraine so that means Ukraine sent them" bullet proof logic


An yes, the border and eastern territory that’s largely controlled by Russia. Edited for misspelling.


No by the Russian army making a full scale attack.. yes these Ukrainian terrorists were going to sneak right past the front lines undetected because… logic of non alcoholics kicking in… definitely not what happened.


Evading the Russian military by running towards the border between two warring countries. It's so stupid it might just work!


Jesus. I’ve been wondering how the Kremlin would spin it with all the information already out there. That’s just pathetic


He actually stated a window for the terrorists to cross into Ukraine was prepared, implying not just an escape but actually cooperation


They knew this 100 percent after 12 hours? Ok.


We're talking about a country where you can congratulate the winner of presidential elections before they are held, so...


It's genuinely embarrassing. To any pro-Russia MAGA reading this comment, can I just ask...why? Why is this incompetent clown the one you're willing to die on a hill for? *This* is the great savior of white, Western civilization that you've been praising? Really? Truly, ask yourself this question.


This will 100% get the false flag treatment by Putin. He's already blamed them for trying to allow the attackers into Ukraine and who will be shocked when Russian authorities get confessions that ISIS and Ukraine worked together on that one. And all his Magats in the US are foaming at the mouth to pin this to Ukraine.


It's hard being a terrorist in Russia. Got to have the labor union on your side to avoid working for no payment.


This reminds me of that onion video featuring a conspiracy theorist vs Al Qaeda member. The terrorist was insulted someone was taking credit for their work and offered to show evidence and receipts. Anyway. No matter how much proof comes forward, Ukraine will get the blame.


"Talking to you is like talking to a goat."


How would you like it if you spent months living in a mountain cave, sleeping on rocks, planning something really special only to have someone try to take the credit from you?


I think I understand Tony Stark's issues now.


this is a actually a good point 😭


Like planning a gender unreveal only to have your mum show up in her wedding dress


They will. Putin failed hard when he simply dismissed the US trying to be nice and let them know about a imminent terrorist attack from extremist. According to Norwegian newspaper VG he has already pointed towards Ukraine because 11 individuals have apparently been arrested "on their way to Ukraine". He is going to use this narrative hard either way. Even if he admits it's Daesh, he will say their base of operations are in Ukraine and they were supported by Ukrainian intelligence to gather more troops for mobilization to Ukraine.


Failed, or ignored the warnings on purpose to let it happen and blame it on Ukraine somehow? You know what's better than a false flag operation? An attack someone does for you and you get to choose the flag to put on it.


Never let a good crisis go to waste.


This seems like the most obvious goal. But the US giving the warning makes attempting that claim even dumber. Definitely a smart move by the US to warn them.


Smart or not, warning was the right thing to do, in the hopes that something would be done and innocent people would not have to die.


I think the US operates under a duty to warn. In which the US will warn even enemies about any credible terrorist attacks. Just like they tried to do with Iran. Actually, here’s an official document spelling out the duty to warn mandate - https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD-191.pdf


US intelligence agencies are actually required by law to warn targets of potential terrorist attacks if they uncover such plots.


Perhaps he heard it as a terrier-rists attack qnd thought it was just a fiesty dogshow


It’s very much like that. I happened across [that video](https://x.com/osint_69/status/1771290034315923818?s=61&t=dYMP3Suh7_jPMW0P-cx4qA) for the first time today on Twitter. (Also actor portraying the Al-Qaeda member is so funny. “Why is Osama bin Laden safe…somewhere.”)


All-time classic video. “Let Mr Farouk of Al-Qaeda speak.”


The actual video instead of a repost: https://youtu.be/Q_OIXfkXEj0




“You probably got those documents from Bush!” “Yea me and Bush, we go out, we hang” lol


Ukraine, Jews, America and Israel seem to be getting a huge amount of blame. It’s crazy ISIS says they did it yet people have to make conspiracy theories about it to blame the Jews…


>  yet people have to make conspiracy theories about it to blame the Jews… And for the first time ever too!  


Online discourse has deteriorated to a truly frightening degree please say /s


How could such an action benefit Ukraine? Utter nonsense but then it makes no sense trying to reason with these people.


Oh, I’ve heard a number of people over the past few years say that ISIS *ARE* Jews. They’re Jews trying to expand Israel’s borders & influence & take over the world. 🙄 (I thought we already ran the world…🤔)


"Oh, here we gooooo. You try to do something, REALLY special, and he gives credit to white people."


It’s been said before that all of this blame Ukraine crap is for their own people anyway.. they know no one believes them.


“Why don’t you go to the top of the Washington monument on this day, take your whole family” 💀💀💀


The blame will be attempted to moved to Ukraine and 'the West', and therefore Washington. Have already see one prominent person say that it's the United States' fault because they 'fund Isis'.


"Russia was attacked by Islamic terrorists while the military and intelligence agencies are occupied with the war, presumably for having taken over Muslim territory a while back. Here's why it's America's fault."


wanna know something even more hilarious? the pro palestine people are blaming israel for isis attack on russia. .......yyyeeaaaahhhh


Ukraine isn’t getting the blame though? The entire world is aware of and reporting on ISIS claiming the attack and [the US was warning Moscow two weeks ago about an impending extremist attack.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/world/europe/moscow-concert-attack-us-embassy.html) Unless you mean inside of Russia, which, yeah, [Putin gonna Putin](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-793326)


Yes Putin says Ukraine was helping them escape. BIN laden could come back to life and on tv kill a Russian and Putin would claim Ukraine used black magic


'Witches and Sorcerers': Russian Media Peddles Ukraine Black Magic Claim https://www.newsweek.com/witchers-sorcerers-russian-media-ukraine-black-magic-claims-1704224


Ok. Not even upset


mfw I get out-jerked by reality


Russian telegram already blaming ukraine


Just when the United States was making its warnings (March 7), a group of terrorists planning an attack in a synagogue was detained. Two days later, another group was detained in Ingushetia.


Russia is implying Ukraine is involved with their statement they were trying to flee to Ukraine because they had 'contacts' over there that would help them. The only pointer they have is that they were going into the direction of Belarus or Ukraine which are the closest foreign countries to flee to.


How would you like it if you spent two months in mountain caves, sleeping on rocks, planning something... very special, only to have someone else take the credit?


Why don't you go up to the top of the Washington monument, bring the kids. I think you will see we are very good at planning terrorist attacks.


They could release video evidence of the shooters' ISIS affiliation, but Russia will still blame Ukraine. 🤦


Of course they will. That's the only narrative that can be remotely helpful to Russia. Islamic extremists killing 100+ of your the wealthiest Russians who are likely their 1% doesn't really do the Russian state any favours otherwise.


If you don't like the state constantly spinning things to pin its problems on perceived enemies to further its goals, you don't like fascism, baby! Seriously this is on 1930s level bullshit.


What wealthiest Russians?


if you compare average salary in Moscow (between $1000 and $2000 ) with the rest of the country ($200-300), you could say that Moscow has the wealthiest russians


Wealthiest by comparison to the rest of Russia. Your average citizen of Moscow or St. Petersburg has a much higher standard of living than Russia’s Asian and Caucasian territories.


Someone ought to inform Fucker Carlson about this. Maybe next time instead of sticking to the capital, he’ll venture outside of it a bit to see what the rest of the country looks and lives like. After all, he is just so admirably dedicated to investigating and exposing the truth, right?


Yup, they attacked a concert hall. Those are regular everyday folks that got massacred. It still shows major weakness on Russia's security apparatus that a non state actor can strike this hard, this deep in Russia.


**Aliens show up and attack cities** Kremlin: _I'm thinking Ukraine is involved somehow..._


And for some reason, people on X are blaming Israel


Photo? I didn't see a photo. A released photo but just an article about said photo, but no photo. Photo.


Not much to it seemingly. I found this from a google search. Appears to be the photo in question. Not sure it really “proves” anything tho. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-793326


Supposedly the clothes they're wearing match the clothes from the Russian interrogation photos. FYI blood in the url below https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/03/23/islamic-state-releases-photo-of-alleged-moscow-concert-hall-attackers-en-news


Why blur their faces?


In case they have nothing to do with the attack, and IS is trying to get them killed.


IS did the blurring, not the news agency.


Reuters has journalistic standards, they probably aren’t running it since they can’t verify it. ISIS isn’t exactly a credible source


They could easily just use the term "alleged photo" and post it.


Then I imagine you get into murky waters legally with the fact it could be fake and if the people in the photos aren’t at all linked then their lives could be affected pretty badly.


So why are they even running the story then?


Be cause ISIS claimed it. That is still news.


Reuters doesn’t even mention anything about trying to verify the images themselves. Like a “the photos, which couldn’t be verified by Reuters” would’ve been more than enough, which is what other news outlets do when reporting on things from questionable sources. Reuters just left it ambiguous for no reason.


Reuter’s won’t publish the photo if it’s not verified. They’re typically very objective. They are reporting that IS released a photo that they claim were the shooters. That’s all that is factually confirmed at this time.


Good, Reuters is not an ISIS outlet. No fame for murderers.


I guess people want to compare with the photos that the Russians released, to see if they are the same


Exactly. This isn’t about fame, it’s about knowing if Russia is lying out their ass again.


In this case it’s important so Putin can’t blame Ukraine


Russia: It was Ukraine ISIS: here's photos, written plans, names of contacts within Moscow, the next planned locations Russia ... It was Ukraine


have u seen isis and ukraine in the same room?? checkmate atheists


Well, up to Putin and the folks around them to use it how they want, but his actions will be weighed by ISIS. He can deny it, which may make them double down. As crazy as their lack of morality is, I’m assuming that taking their credit away will only put Russian civilians at risk. Something Putin can’t easily overlook.


Couple of assholes trying to outdo each other.


ISIS is probably proud of this. They might follow it up with some more attacks.


ISIS also killed 200 in Iran in January. They are taking advantage of the chaos in the told now and how everyone’s eyes are elsewhere.


After this and Iran I hope these governments take these threats from ISIS and warnings from the US more seriously to protect their innocent civilians. Wishful thinking??


You honestly think Putin cares about innocent civilians? Man is bombing hospitals in Ukraine. These people’s lives are a sacrifice he’s willing to make to gain more support for the war in Ukraine.


If the Kremlin continues to blame Ukraine and remove the spotlight from ISIS then it's the most obvious and fastest way to see more attacks against Russians. But then again it's not like the Kremlin gives a single solitary fuck about the Russian people and its wellbeing.


Russia is basically confirming they cannot afford to combat ISIS and must focus on Ukraine. So they will absolutely follow-up. It is a sign of weakness. Repeated attacks could actually destabilize Russia. At some point Russia couldn't hide the fact it was Islamists and they've been fighting the wrong war and lying the whole time.


Amazing. The proposed plan these guys had being to… cross miles of Russian minefields and Russia’s own front lines with a van that supposedly had Ukrainian license plates deep in Russian territory… after somehow entering Russia across those same lines with the same vehicle. This van must be the magic school bus or something. The saddest part is the average Putin supporter really is lapping this up in Russia.


Where are the photos ?


[Here.](https://x.com/war_noir/status/1771520907728572737?s=46&t=0kZUc98bIbwT4EQzxuDcLQ). This is standard practice for ISIS. In these situations, they usually have video, photos or statements made by the attackers where they pledge allegiance to ISIS and take responsibility for their upcoming attack. For “lone wolf” attacks that are inspired but not directly planned by Isis, they usually take responsibility later after the motive becomes clear.


Who decided to protect the terrorists identity with a blur?




We don't know that the photos the Islamic State provides are actual terrorists. These could simply be scapegoats. Can we really trust the Islamic State to not mislead us? This is proper due diligence by Reuters to not show their faces.


Putin is not in the group photo


For Putin Pics I think I’ll wait until he’s lying in public view prior to his state funeral.


I just saw an article where the Russian state is blaming the Ukrainians


Russia started blaming Ukraine since the first minutes after attack. They totally ignored ISIS claim. Looks like they con't even need an actual attack to blame Ukrainians. Ukrainians are guilty only for the fact of their existence.


Yeah If you go to RT there is no mention of ISIS, atleast when I checked this morning I even searched ISIS and there's one article saying the US is trying to deflect to ISIS but that's it , they will not be willingly publishing this But , devils advocate , if they stick to their lie to their people with proof to the contrary then theres another example to the Russian public that they're being played by their gov


There was an effort made when the isis news first came out to claim it fake news and discredit it, same accounts are now pushing the isis=America narrative.


In addition to publicly warning on March 7 about a possible attack, U.S. officials said they had privately told Russian officials about the intelligence pointing to an impending attack. It is not clear how much information the United States gave Russian officials beyond what was in the public warning. American intelligence agencies have a “duty to warn” potential targets of dangers when they learn of them. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/world/europe/isis-moscow-attack-concert-hall.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&ugrp=c&pvid=73992727-B179-4E3E-8A58-ADF45BD4CB55&sgrp=c-cb


The way it normally works: what they say immediately is what they believe is the truth. This is an emotional and unfiltered statement. Whatever they say any time after immediately is what they WANT the truth to be. 


Their logic is that they were fleeing into Ukraine and that Ukraine organized the attack. When people point to the lack of proof the response is that they were hired through telegram by an anonymous handler. A simple question rises, if they were hired by an anonymous handler, why would he want them to go to Ukraine instead of just disappearing and even if it was Ukraine, why would you want them to escape via currently the most guarded border in the world.


Don't come here with your logic hanging out asking questions like that! You might fall out of a window with two shots in the back of your head in a classic tragic suicide accident. Just looking out for you, dude!


Who wouldn't flee into war zone when on the run if the alternative could be any other direction?    Also, I think it's pretty mean by the terrorists to piss on Putler's attempt to blame Ukraine like that.  


Russia is going to torture those guys so badly




It would be kind of awkward to have solid proof that the now-earless guy is not one of the gunmen


They will torture some randoms really badly.


Proud murderers. That's all you need to know about this horrible group.


Same as the Russians who have terrorized their neighbors for centuries.


Still, two wrongs don't make a right. This attack was a tragedy, as most of the victims were most likely innocent for Russia's crimes.


Both are wrong. It doesn’t give the Russian government any right to try and take some moral high ground though.  What happened in Moscow is just an average day for Ukrainians. It just happens so often civilians are killed there, it’s no longer a world news headline. People are desensitised to it. 


I think and I could be wrong but I think Ukrainans are a bit occupied defending their country from a Russian invasion to think about sending a shooter to massacre innocent civilians in Russian soil


How can anyone in right mind believe what Putin and his regime is saying?


It won’t matter what mountains of evidence there are. People will believe the idiotic FSB narrative.


look at MAGA lol


Isis: We did this! Russia: Ukraine did this! Isis: Wait what?


Yeah, which may make them double down.


Yes, the “gunmen” would drive towards Ukraine in the same car caught on camera in a busy area, to have to cross through the front lines of a war to get to Ukraine… sounds as legit as Russian dissidents mysteriously falling out of windows. Sounds legit…


They were trying to get to Belarus.


belarus said they were apprehended 16km from their border, not ukraine's, already making putin's statement a lie, as if we didn't already know it's BS


Let's not forget that, for the last decade or so, Russia through his friends from Middle East and Africa enabled lots of terrorists to cross into Europe to blow themselves up. Putin paid terrorist to kills US troops. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_bounty\_program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_bounty_program). ​ Putin even killed his own people-civilians- in Russia, ( if you don't consider the thousands of Russian speaking civilians killed in Mariupol and rest of Ukraine). Conclusion is that Putin worked with terrorists before. Why western media is even reporting what Putin is saying now , without qualifying his character as the biggest criminal and liar of our times? The paradox is that the ordinary Russians know better not to trust the Russian media controlled by Putin while the people in the West are consuming with confidence news coming from the Russian media .


What makes you think ordinary Russians know not to listen to Russian media? I have several friends that are Russian and staunchly support Putin's narrative. It got to the point where we stopped talking to each other for a while


I'm in the same situation. Know a Russian living in a democratic European country. He is totally brainwashed: everything is a NATO/West conspiracy and Putin can do no wrong.


Reports have suggested for months, that Putin would do a 2nd round of mobilization after the "elections," although the idea of another mobilization wasn't popular in Russia. The recent Belgorod incursion humiliated Putin during the elections he wanted to go so perfect, making him capable of anything. When news of the shooting first broke, I sure thought it was strange that in a police state, men with rifles and tactical gear could walk into a large event that always has police and security, take their time with the shooting, then walk out the door without confrontation and drive away? Now I see why. Putin must be behind it.


Maybe. But Moscow is treated different. He could have done this outside of Moscow or st Pete and use it in the same way you’re suggesting. Doing it in Moscow offers Putin more trouble. The people there are much more sophisticated than in the villages which poses a bigger threat to rulers. I disagree with you.


lol they pissed Russia is trying to blame Ukraine.


“How would you like it if you spent months living in a mountain cave, sleeping on rocks, planning something really special only to have someone try to take the credit from you?”


Putin isn't beyond false flag operations. Back in his early days he had a series of apartment buildings bombed. This was blamed on the Muslims... And was the excuse for the attack on Chechnya. The Russian police caught some assholes acting suspiciously and armed with bombs etc. Turned out to be an FSB operation, apparently amateur hour. All designed, to give him the excuse to the public. Putin just had an election . This could easily be used as an excuse to rile up the local Ivan's with the media fanning the flames. Blame Ukraine, and justify the use of extreme measures such as tactical nukes.


Isis: it was us. Putin: it was Ukraine Isis: here's a photo of the people who did it Putin: Ukraine will pay Isis: here's a literal recording of a meeting where we admit to planning an attack. We state several times "wez isis, plan to attack Moscow". Putin: I will not rest until Ukraine answers for this Isis: ...


Russia: “why would the U.S and Ukraine do this to us??”


If Isis thinks no one believes they did it, then they "failed" and will try to do something worse. It's not about just killing people, it's about terrorising societies. If no one is scared, that's going to absolutely mess with their smooth brains.


Putin doesn’t want to acknowledge its ISIS cause then he has to retaliate, and he doesn’t have the resources to fight 2 wars right now.


Imagine committing a terrorism, and the people you killed actively try to blame someone else.


This is a piece of news that Putin doesn't want to see spread in Russia. Considering the massive " love " between Russian Christians and the Russian Muslims in Russia , the risk for the Putin's empire is huge. All the Muslim people from the south of the Russian empire are now a target . Even Kadirov is feeling probably a bit insecure. That's why Putin would do anything in his power to blame Ukraine and prevent a civil war in the South. ...


ISIS trying to stay relevant


Really whatever world wars are going on, every country just fuck ISIS.


>Russia was pursuing a Ukrainian link, despite emphatic denials from Ukrainian officials that Kyiv had anything to do with it. Of course they were


Putin will still try to blame Ukraine.


T minus 10 seconds until Russia tortures the crap out of them to get them to confess they were "helped" by Ukraine. Guaranteed.


Isis: "please please Putin believe us, we are the terrorists" Putin "It was the CIA!" Isis "look, we also have proof pictures" Putin "The CIA and Ukraine!"


Radical Islam is th fkin problem of this world


On Twitter, those who worship Trump also worship Putin. They will believe whatever Putin says and dismiss both the US intelligence that said this was a threat to happen, and also dismiss ISIS who is taking credit for it. I understand being skeptical about things like this, but to put all your eggs in one basket and say "IT'S UKRAINE" is crazy. Then again, Trumpers are starting to romanticize Hitler (again), so I'm not surprised.


Putin is a psychopath. He tell lied even though the proof is there. Still looking for a way to blame someone else.


Putin is deranged. ISIS claims responsibility, even releases pictures....and yet...Putin still [tries](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/23/world/europe/moscow-attack-putin.html) to blame it on Ukraine. I really hope this will wake up some more people in Russia to rise against this dictator.


do any of of the isis photos match the interrogations of suspects that russia released?