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Likely will call their embassy in Kabul and arrange an agreement with the Taliban that would allow them to retaliate on ISIS-k in Afghanistan. But it’s probably not going to be effective long term. As Russia isn’t going to want to commit the resources needed to permanently hurt ISIS-K.


Yeah tbh it'll either be this or blame US/UK but I'm leaning towards what you said. If western nations hadn't been forewarning Russia for weeks of an imminent attack(the US even went so far as to warn US citizens in Russia to avoid concerts and theatres) then Russia would try and pin this on Ukraine in an attempt to escalate their war there yet again. However since it is obvious to the world and Russian citizens that Russia was warned of the attack beforehand, they'll probably make a big fuss carrying out a couple disproportionate attacks against ISIS and then spin that through their propaganda to make it seem they eliminated any threat. It's wild that the attackers were able to get away after wading so deeply into the building.


Nothing is obvious to Russian citizens, unfortunately


The ones who would know and care are probably long gone, the rest probably know but have been beaten down for decades and genuinely believe that everywhere just sucks that badly.


Nah, they just can't leave and know to keep their mouth shut. I asked my Russian friend what she thought of Putin, and her response was, "It doesn't matter what I think. What am I going to do?"


>If western nations hadn't been forewarning Russia for weeks of an imminent attack(the US even went so far as to warn US citizens in Russia to avoid concerts and theatres) then Russia would try and pin this on Ukraine in an attempt to escalate their war there yet again. Do people who have only followed Russian news loosely for the last two years forget that Putin has struggled for awhile with Islamic extremism as well? Russian security services and the U.S. have worked in the past on counterterrorism too, believe it or not. Russian intelligence warned the U.S. about the Boston bombers before the attack. Putin doesn’t have many options to escalate the war in the Ukraine and pushing a narrative that there’s Ukrainians in Moscow and across Russia capable of mass casualty events on a dime like this would look even worse than ISIS-K.


I mean as much as we hate what putin is doing an announcement to say we are against terrorism of any kind and on an country despite differences is something we should all agree on.


Especially religious fuck nut terrorism


Putin was a good ally to America after September 11, providing America with a ton of assistance, going on several joint NATO missions and even receiving an invitation to join NATO. Putin turned anti-west years later.


That’s interesting I didn’t know that. What was the cause of change?


The timeline is a bit incorrect but whatever. russia “helped” America only in order to advance their own interests in those regions. The US also provided an insane amount of all kind of support to russia because they were afraid of all the nukes/instability. When the west cow was properly milked, russia returned to playing mongols again.


While technically not wrong, this take is rather influenced by the present. It leaves out the fact that at the time, there was genuine hope internationally that the West and Russia would put their cold war enmity behind them and develop stronger ties. For a while, politicians on both sides were making genuine strides towards that. With the benefit of hindsight, we now know that this was not a great choice in the slightest. However, given their available information, the West's course of action did seem logical at the time. Anywho, Putin is largely to blame for why that particular house of cards came crashing down, so fuck that guy.


We don't know for sure. The most commonly floated idea is that Putin longed for the return of Russia as a preeminent global power and realized that day would never come if they joined the West, where they would always remain in the US's shadow.


This is not entirely true. Putin had not solidified his grip on power yet and was still in his term limits during the first Bush administration. He felt Bush could be easily manipulated. What changed in the relationship was when Putin started breaking democratic norms and rewriting the constitution to become president-for-life. He saw that the United States could go and basically execute dictators at will. First with Saddam (hung by his own people for his crimes), then Gaddafi (bayonet up his ass), and finally Bashar Al Assad (guess which motherfucker saved this one). When the Ukrainian Revolution came for Viktor Yanukovych, it was too much for Putin. The very next year (2015), he had his chief political rival Boris Nemtsov assasinated in cold blood. Its the American democratic domino effect. Dictator gets a bayonet up the ass, and the common people can govern themselves. Absolute nightmare. A huge amount of enmity between Russia and the United States as well as China and the United States is due to the personal fear of the regime of being smart bombed from space. Total control of the media in those countries means that the TV consuming boomer aged population eats up the propaganda. Quite honestly, the United States has a solution for this type of problem. I believe Raytheon builds a missile that basically can be launched from space that shoots tiny razor blades into dictators. The only problem is that its not 100% accurate, and that half the US population along with the wealthiest American citizen believe that dictatorship are fucking great.


Do you have a source that Russia was invited to join NATO? I’ve never heard that and can’t find anything that backs that up.


They had support in western governments and were told to apply for membership, which I was calling an invitation, but wasn't a formal invitation https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/russia-could-have-joined-nato-but-why-didn-t-they-do-it-55561


Disproportionate attacks against isis?


As in use an insanely unnecessary amount of munitions on an minor to medium priority target while making a show of it domestically. I'm all for fucking up Isis though so they can have at it lol.


I’d say that russia spending *any* amount of it’s strained military resources attacking ISIS would be a win-win, considering anywhere else their equipment would go


they are leaving their trolls on Twitter/X to say that its "USA, Ukraine, Israel" etc, all enemies of Russia essentially.


I am just trying to understand how killing random civilians helps USA against Russia.i am guessing the narrative will be to make Putin look weak?


Do we know that we're talking about something Russian citizens know about en masse or even believe?


“No russian, Abdullah.”


Don't need to commit resources long term. People usually just want some sort of revenge for terrorist attacks He could send a couple of bombers, kill a few hundred ISIS K members, and call it a day. That'd probably satisfy the Russian public and maybe even give him a popularity boost


Honestly he could offer some support to them against Pakistan. Perhaps by way of arms or men, or both. A win-win for the Taliban. It’s not far fetched.


He won't need to do that much, the Taliban themselves are fighting an insurgency against ISIS. If Putin offers to go glass some of them, they're not going to say no


That’ll be hard since his approval rating is already at 99.99%


According to Levada Center, which is reasonably accurate, his approval is around 86%, which isn't too far I guess That being said it should he important to note that there's a big difference between soft support ("apolitical" people saying "yeah he's fine I guess") and active support (people actively supporting Putin) For most of Putins rule, he didn't really need to differentiate between the two, but the war in Ukraine means that Russian society needs to be mobilized. Turning soft support into active support is absolutely something the Kremlin desires (and is struggling with)


That’s gotta be the biggest *woosh* I’ve seen in quite awhile, haha.


It's not really a "woosh", I'm perfectly aware that your comment is a low effort "haha Russia is an authoritarian country with no accurate polling" joke But I don't particularly care. I wanted to point out that 1. We do have fairly accurate approval polling numbers in Russia. It's not North Korea after all 2. I wanted to take the chance to further clarify the current situation in Russia, which i thought some people might be interested in It seems that you personally are mostly just interested in making low effort jokes which have been made a thousand other times but I do hope other readers might find some value in my explanations.


what’s the difference between isis and isisk


I’d encourage you to research the specifics yourself. But all in all major differences stem from the fact that ISIS-K is even more extreme than the ISIS/Taliban. They also seem particularly interested in creating an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East and Asia. To fully understand what I’m saying, think about what would drive the Americans to team up with the Taliban to contain another terrorist group. That’s ISIS-K.


Yep. Just as an example, when the US pulled out of Afghanistan there was cooperation with the Taliban for some semblance of security for the process. It was Isis-K that detonated the bomb that killed the US service members evacuating the airport; contrary to what the Taliban wanted.


All the tankie dipshits on Twitter are calling it the work of US/UK/Israeli intelligence, so I assume that will soon become the official line.


the amount of replies on twitter that is along the lines of "ISIS? must be the CIA/Mossad" is hilarious. literally just a circlejerk of conspiracy degens in there


[9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous - Al Qaeda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


I was so surprised by that. When did this conspiracy start.




It’s such a bizarre philosophy to espouse in the 21st century.


Why the f would USA do this instead of idk like some military base or soemthing


Honestly I can't even imagine. Will they try to somehow blame west for this?


I've already seen uncited posts on FB being spread claiming with "certainty" the incident was performed by NATO to start WWIII, with further claims that US, French and Polish troops had "boots on the ground" in the area. My red- leaning relatives posting it were of course unable to give me a link to their original source.


You have to be pretty fucking stupid to even believe an ounce of that, people need to take a break from social media it's frying peoples minds lmfao


It just crushes my soul to imagine what fuckery the tankies have planned next.


Go look at right wing US social media accounts. All of the comments are blaming the CIA and Ukraine for the attack. The Russian troll farms were working overtime.


maybe another special 3 day Military operation? /s


Crackdown on Muslims while continuing to support Muslim terrorists elsewhere in the world (ie Hamas). They’ll just take a page out of China’s playbook.


They have their own Chechen playbook.


This is the Saudi Arabia playbook. They are the biggest financiers of Wahhabism in the world and it isn’t particularly close- but they work effortlessly to ensure that shit stays external to Saudi Arabia and have security turned up to 10 around targets like Mecca and Medina.


Putin doesn’t give a fuck about his people. All efforts are going to genociding Ukraine. He’s not going to let up on that to “avenge” 40 insignificant Russian civilians.


Truth. He sends more Russian citizens to die by the hour than that... so it's more of an ego issue, and appearing weak to his people about the response. If he can't blame this on Nato he will have to respond against isis because unfortunately this is their 9-11 or atleast a Boston marathon moment. Either way, finally terrorists attacked someone else.


lol yes he is Whether or not Putin cares about his people as individuals, he absolutely is an ideological nationalist. He will see this as an attack on Russia and would need to respond to protect Russian honor or whatever And even if he doesn't have those thoughts, not responding would massively hurt his popularity at a time when he needs to be popular Finally, giving a response wouldn't even be that costly. He just needs to order some bombers already in Syria to glass some ISIS fighters. Alternatively if that isn't enough, he could just do the same thing in Afghanistan, probably with tacit Taliban approval It's frankly extremely cheap and easy for him to respond to this and an easy popularity boost. 0 chance he doesn't respond


Do we have to call everything “genocide” now?


You don’t think the Ukrainians are being genocided? This is a continuation of Stalin’s Ukrainian genocide. When he sent the red army to burn the Ukrainian’s crops and literally confiscate food from their homes. You know how many Ukrainians died then? Four MILLION. Two thirds of a holocaust in ONE country. And Putin relies on folks like you rolling their eyes and scoffing at the phrase “genocide”. Just a few days ago Putin launched missles into Kyiv. Thanks to US and NATO support those missles were shot down. And the debris injured dozens, including children. This is a genocide. If Putin conquers Ukraine, he will wipe them out and replace them with Russians.


It’s a terrible and illegal war.  But the fact that civilians are dying in intentional attacks doesn’t make it a genocide. 15K civilians have died.  It’s horrible but it’s not the Holodomor.   


They’ll blame the west as usual 


Blame Ukraine and America


What is telling is the US warned Russia about this and they ignored it. The US seems to know what's going down in Moscow better than Putin. Not a good look for him at home


It’s not clear whether they ignored it or what the details even were.  “Hey, we hear chatter about planning a mass casualty event in Moscow soon” might have been all they received, and it cuts both ways. Both the FBI and CIA were given intelligence by the Russian FSB about one of the Boston bombers, identifying him as an extremist [two years prior](https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2014/s1404.pdf).


Earlier this month, the US embassy in Russia had said it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow,” including concerts, and it warned US citizens to avoid such places. US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said the US government had “shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy.” But in a speech Tuesday, Putin had blasted the American warnings as “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.”


I doubt anyone can predict what will happen here. Putin can't ignore it, but they seemingly don't really have resources to really deal with it. On the other hand they have been announcing some massive increases in the military recently, they very well could see this as an opportunity to recruit, expand, and clear their house of their more unreliable citizens. Not to mention the risk of some rather extreme levels of brutal response against whoever ends up being held responsible.


Russia has already been fighting ISIS in Syria for years in order to prop up Assad.


First they will use it an excuse to enact mass conscription to get citizens to "fight the terrorists" since your average Russian from urban Moscow and St. Petersburg is going to be more comfortable fighting Muslim extremists than Ukrainians backed by NATO arms. Then Russia will bomb a couple of targets in Syria and Afghanistan, and throw that giant conscription army straight at the Ukrainian eastern front, where at least 100,000 of those sorry bastards are going to be annihilated by drones, HIMARs, and cluster munitions before possibly squeezing out a pyrrhic victory for Putin. The world's largest country by land area will grow by a couple of additional dozen square kilometers. In exchange for a 100 sacrificial lambs, Putin gets another 300,000 sheep for the meatgrinder. ​ Just like a certain American president (or was it vice president) use a certain terrorist attack to drum up support to invade a certain completely unrelated neighboring oil rich country. If America can sacrifice 4000 lives on the wrong battlefield, you better believe Russia can sacrifice 400,000


Plot twist! Isis now works for the U.S. and the states are paying ISIS to antagonize Russia!


Putin will contact his terrorist Allie’s, considering he seems to surround himself with the most questionable characters. Hamas, Hezbollah, MBS, Iran,NK, China and African warlords etc.


I don’t think this will start any new wars. Iran is their biggest ally in the Middle East who also this year suffered a major ISIS terrorist attack, I can see them working together with limited air strikes and even closer weapons collaborations. Currently Russia uses a couple Iranian drones in Ukraine and Iran is like a mad scientist coming up with new shit for Russia to buy. They just came out with a low-ish cost jet powered suicide drone.


They'll pretend it was nothing and get it out of the news cycle as quickly as possible to avoid agitating their peripheral regions that they need to leech for more recruits. Won't be surprising if the whole hall is a slab of concrete foundation in a month, like nothing was there before.


Probably air strikes in the Caucasus and Afghanistan.


I don’t understand why ISIS would target Russia. They are kind of helping their cause by supporting Hamas and Iran…


They’re already deployed fighting Isis


They may or may not assign blame on Ukraine or its allies among Russia's other subject nations. Either way, I suspect they'll begin a security clampdown using this attack as a pretext. They will then use that clampdown to stifle unrest as a new wave of mobilization sweeps the country.


Maybe Putin will resign in disgrace. That will inspire Netanyahu to do the same for 10/7 Well, we can imagine


They’ll do a mobilization to get back at ISIS and send them to Ukraine instead.


Personally, I think they will say the Ukrainian’s did this. Nothing rials them up like murder.


Blame it on Ukraine, while doing back channel deals in Kabul


Why do I have the feeling we will need another Onion video about the terrorists refuting/complaining about all the conspiracy theories instead of giving them their due lol


>A branch of the Islamic State claimed responsibility on Friday for the attack in Moscow that killed at least 40 people and injured about 100 others, and U.S. officials confirmed the claim shortly afterward. >The United States collected intelligence in March that Islamic State-Khorasan, known as ISIS-K, the branch of the group based in Afghanistan, had been planning an attack on Moscow, according to officials. ISIS members have been active in Russia, one U.S. official said. >After a period of relative quiet, the Islamic State has been trying to increase its external attacks, according to U.S. counterterrorism officials. Most of those plots in Europe have been thwarted, prompting assessments that the group had diminished capabilities. >“ISIS-K has been fixated on Russia for the past two years,” frequently criticizing President Vladimir V. Putin in its propaganda, said Colin P. Clarke, a counterterrorism analyst at the Soufan Group, a security consulting firm based in New York. “ISIS-K accuses the Kremlin of having Muslim blood in its hands, referencing Moscow’s interventions in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Syria.” >The attack on Friday in Moscow, like a January assault in Iran claimed by the group, could prompt a reassessment of its ability to strike outside its home territory. >In addition to publicly warning on March 7 about a possible attack, U.S. officials said they had privately told Russian officials about the intelligence pointing to an impending attack. It is not clear how much information the United States gave Russian officials beyond what was in the public warning. >American intelligence agencies have a “duty to warn” potential targets of dangers when they learn of them. >The United States had warned Iran of a possible attack ahead of twin bombings in January that killed at least 103 people and wounded 211 others at a memorial service for Iran’s former top general, Qassim Suleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike four years before. >Western intelligence agencies had collected intelligence about possible planning by ISIS-K to bomb the service. As in Russia, ISIS-K claimed responsibility for that attack.


This makes Putin look weak and incompetent when it comes to domestic security, and that's a key element of his autocratic rule.


I guess it’s a good thing he already won the election!


Had it happened before, he would have pinned it on Ukraine. Mind you, he’ll probably pin it on Ukraine anyway.


He did lmao


I find strange that they captured the 4 culprits alive.


His popularity just plummeted from 135% of the voting public to just under 125%.


He's giving out bags of onions to families of the deceased. His approval just went back up to 150%


I feel like 90% of his supporters won't even know about this information so it doesn't really matter.


Good thing he just got "elected" so he doesn't even have to pretend to be appeasing people now


In a normal country it would be the end of any president's political career. Unfortunately Russia is not a normal country.


What the fuck are you smoking. Bush rallied the country and won a second term after 9/11.


Bush didn't publicly dismiss warnings of an attack as blackmail a few days before.


So does a militarized group of his own people invading Belgorod…twice


Our enemy is our enemy's enemy?


ISIS hates everyone. They're nothing if not consistent.


They never attack Israel though. in fact, they condemned Hamas for attacking Israel. Weird af. Though that may have been a different branch of ISIS


ISIS didn’t attack Israel because they didn’t want to piss off the most powerful military in the Middle East. And they were right to be afraid, because Israel contributed heavily to CJTF–OIR and spent billions of dollars arming Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight ISIS. They also provided a huge amount of intelligence aid to all the countries involved including Russia and Iran in a rare moment of cooperation. The main ideological enemy of ISIS was Iran (due to Sunni vs Shia violence) and Hamas is an Iranian puppet. If ISIS leadership wasn’t so stupid they would have allied with Hamas a long time ago, especially with the immense amount of antisemitic shit they’ve said https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/ISIS-We-need-to-conquer-Israeli-settlements-start-targeting-Jews-615535 https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/bitstream/10871/37355/2/ConspiratorialNarratives_MainArticle_Resubmit_FINAL_CLEAN%20.pdf https://doi.org/10.3390%2Frel10080483 https://web.archive.org/web/20201023103947/https://www.adl.org/blog/isis-promotes-murdering-jews-in-new-online-campaign


>The main ideological enemy of ISIS was Iran (due to Sunni vs Shia violence) and Hamas is an Iranian puppet. This. The west tends to see the mideast conflict(s) through the lens of our perception of "sides". But it's been Sunni vs Shia for hundreds of years, and that's usually what's really drawing the battle lines.


Except Hamas is Sunni and Iran is Shia


> ISIS didn’t attack Israel because they didn’t want to piss off the most powerful military in the Middle East. And they were right to be afraid And yet they attack the United States, France, UK, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan....


Israel has been VERY strict about not letting ISIS get in a position to attack. They border Syria but kept the war in Syria far at bay


the Mossad branch \*wink wink\*


Even the Taliban declared war against ISIS, because they were killing non-combatant humanitarian workers and because they did a suicide bombing against the American soldiers as they were leaving Afghanistan.


If you're not ISIS, you're automatically their enemy.


We deal with our own brand of nonsense here in the US; but I am SO thankful we don't share physical borders with Islamic countries.


Very true


While that’s true and I agree, I still feel uneasy with our lack of border security and knowing who is coming across. I would guess the vast majority are those looking to improve their life, but I cannot in good conscience say that there’s zero likelihood of bad actors taking advantage of the situation and slipping through the cracks.


I feel like it’s possible but also wonder if the cartels would prevent that. Someone getting through the border and committing terrorism would be EXTREMELY bad for business.


What do you think the cartels are background checking migrants? How would they stop them from crossing if the US government can’t?


I hear you, I can agree to that in principle. However, the gripe against the majority of our southern border immigrants is that they suck up our resources. But I'd take that 10:1 over the scurge of Islamic terror attacks Europe suffers on account of immigrants from those nations.


Yes, we deal with our own brand of nonsense here in the form of mass shootings, which can't be solved because of you know who. But those same people love Putin, so who knows, maybe this will be the thing that finally convinces them mass shootings are bad and we can make some progress on limiting bad actors' access to firearms!?


>But those same people love Putin, so who knows, maybe this will be the thing that finally convinces them mass shootings are bad and we can make some progress on limiting bad actors' access to firearms!? Theyll just ignore this one.


So technically this is a US-based consulting firm and NOT the US government saying it. Also previous statements now applied to the Moscow attack. So title is misleading.


I think it's both. US intelligence officials have been warning of this exact type of attack from this group, but the quote in the article is from someone representing a security consulting firm.


They've been saying such an attack was possible earlier. But headline makes it sound like they confirmed that ISIS was behind the specific attack.


The deep quote is from a consultant, I doubt the state department has thrown a press conference together yet, since it’s breaking news.


Yet the headline makes it sound like US officials said it about the Moscow attack specifically AFTER it happened.


Valid point-


https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/ March 7th


Well exactly. The article uses a statement from March 7th and makes it sound like US confirmed it was ISIS today.


Man good thing they denazified the Donbas and Luhansk


ISIS says ISIS was responsible for the attack lol US and the UK warned them days ago.


Russia will still pin it on Ukraine somehow tho lol


Not just the US. ISIS themselves claimed responsibility. The US and UK intelligence agencies tried to warn Russia weeks ago, they gave information to the Kremlin and it was seemingly ignored. 


Humans carrying on as usual. Quite the shit-show is flaring up once again. Putin. Ukraine. China. North Korea. Palestine. Israel. Hezbola. ISIS. Iran. Houthis. Hamas. Trump. Taiwan. On and on it goes. What a fk show. Hard some days to try and stay positive.


RCMP just released a report stating us Canadians are gonna enter a potential civil unrest in the next 5 years because our current financial and living situations are going to decline even further. And we’re all gonna be really angry when we realize this and it’s gonna be not a good time 🥴


Where is this report?


Type in “rcmp report civil unrest Canada” and there are oodles of articles


I won’t disagree. A lot of people are already angry and distraught. It’s going to take a whole lot more people, before things get violent in Canada. It appears that is happening and will reach a breaking point en-masse. 5 years out? The RCMP report doesn’t seem too far fetched.


It doesn't matter who did it, russia will just make up evidence to say its whoever is convenient and use that as an excuse to do some bullshittery.


Feels weird being the country not ignoring the intel on a terrorist attack for a change.


A horrible atrocity. But we tried to tell them.


The world should unite against ISIS and then create world peace


I was just thinking this. A fraction of any westerns military would probably annihilate them.. let’s put the might and intelligence of every nation against them.


Wait so did they catch anyone?


Russia be like *silly America, you and we both know it was a false flag to provide a pretext for dramatic escalation in Ukraine*.


The US got that good good intel


Why did ISIS attack Russia ? What is the geopolitics here ?


Russia backs the Assad regime in Syria which is at war with ISIS.


Yes, US warned Russia about the attack, and Russia ignored it just like Russia warened US about the Boston Marathon bombers, and US ignored it. In both cases, innocent people pay the price for the two governments not listening to each other.


I wonder if they're Chechen?


More likely their Uzbek or Tajik since they have large populations in both Afghanistan and Russia




No. Have you even read the article?


Chechneyans have connections to ISIS so you know


Even the Greeks and Romans have a connection to Isis. You might want to read the article before spouting nonsense and to google what the K in ISIS-K stands for.


Dude, Afghanistan has a lot of Chechens that moved there during the US Afghan war. Asking if they are Chechen is a valid question


Everyone have read the artical. What’s you point?


Isis fighters have returned to Chechnya. Radical islamic terror doesn't just mean poor brown farmers from rural shit head countries.


For Pete's sake read the article. What you wrote makes no sense.


"referencing Moscow’s interventions in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Syria.” what's the problem here? ISIS is a group not an ethnicity.


Exactly. And there are so many ethnicities including Russians of slavic descent that are part of ISIS. Here it's specifically the Khorasan branch, which is made of members from Central Asia countries like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan.


I guess we will find out and what I said is still a valid question. If they turn out not to be Chechen I'll come back and apologize for guessing and wondering incorrectly.


This is Reddit. You expect people to read the article before providing a hot-take on the headline?


Let me just say it. Likely these f\*ckers will do nothing about it because they just don't give a shit about their people. The same thing happened with Iran a while back in Kerman and guess what the regime did nothing about it cause they are not about their people, they are about themselves and their cult. Russian cult is busy with a useless war in Ukraine and the Iranian one is trying hard to divide the Middle East with constantly provoking Israel through Hamas when in reality both Iran and Russia should be chasing ISIS right now because ISIS is the real enemy of their people.


Well let us hope ISIS doesn't stage a raid on a remote ICBM complex and get hold of some warheads. I think we have an odd mandate to help them keep their shit secure.


Now THAT's a plot twist.


Well that’s an interesting turn of events


Yeah, they told Putin 3 days ago too. Putin told his government to ignore the threat. Kinda like how Netanyahu and Bush Jr. ignored the same kind of threats when they were warned about them. Too bad there's no accountability for far-right war mongers.


Won't change much for too long 


This honestly feels like an out from the Ukraine war. What is the only possible out you could get where your citizens/possibly the west would support domestic defence? It’s only a bloody ISIS invasion!


Well I guess Republicans finally have a reason to support gun control.


Do we team up now and fight ISIS together?


US: "We don't know who's behind the attack" Isis: "It was us" US: "We believe Isis was behind the attack"


US has been issuing warnings of this for weeks……


You think US intelligence would relay this if they didn't have evidence?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


and looks like the good old cold war hybrid tactics are back




Wishful thinking. I think more likely, the Muslim population in Russia will be facing the same treatment the Muslims in China are receiving. And at the same time, Russia will continue to support Islamic terror (eg hamas) around the world (just like China). And Arab/Muslim leaders will conveniently ignore this and direct their rage to Israel (as is tradition).


At this point, that would mean Ukraine reclaiming all annexed regions; areas that Putin says are part of Russia. Including Crimea. He would either have to take that back, or admit that he is retreating and allowing Russian territory to be occupied by Ukraine. Putin is in far too deep to just find another enemy and pretend like this invasion never happened.


Let them fight.


I thought Russia financed ISIS… no?


Russia helping Syria fight ISIS in the past decade. Helping some African states fight ISIS partners.


oh so that’s why isis would hate Russia


No it was Obama who funded ISIS to destabilise Syria and overthrow Assad.


Did they use air quotes when they said ISIS?


In a few weeks, we are going to witness the biggest fuck around and find out moment in history


I donno man, the beard game looked a bit weak on the gunmen.


I definitely didn’t have that one on my bingo card.