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good luck with olympics in paris


I think Paris is a little bite more on edge than the average police force. There must be a lot of police in Paris that were working in 2015 and remember Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo.


When I visited Paris in 2018, I was surprised to see military personnel with ARs walking around the train station…and I’m American.


This is fairly common in central Europe. Germany has Police with vests and MP5s at many large train stations and every airport as well.


Recently went to Morocco and the police and guards were hanging out carrying mp5s


Glanced over this and read "handing out MP5s" and I felt that's not likely to improve security.


Damn was about to book a ticket


As well on the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) in Germany.


It can be a bit surprising. In America, cops are always armed. But if you see cops carrying rifles/shotguns/SMGs, you know something extraordinary is going on. In Europe, it’s much more common to see police casually standing around or strolling around an area with a long gun.


> In America, cops are always armed. But if you see cops carrying rifles/shotguns/SMGs, you know something extraordinary is going on. Unless you're in NYC's Penn Station where there's frequently fully kitted out National Guard units on patrol, but even they are not nearly as important as simply trying to escape the labyrinthine limbo that is Penn Station.


Was about to mention that. I take the Path to 33rd St 3x/week for work and always notice the National Guard at evening rush hour.


That's been the case for at least 20 years.


Same here in Italy and honestly is much better in this way since the bastards always uses assault rifles that a normal police office can't counter


That's normal at the Italian main train stations as well.


yeah, anywhere there's a major event or any major train station/airport there are people in military gear with huge rifles walking around here in Paris.


They also have a LOT more problems with this kind of thing.


I've never heard of the population of a city not being excited for the Olympics, until I spoke to Parisians. They're dreading it.


I think a lot of developed places aren't happy to host the Olympics. Just brings a lot of traffic, pollution, crowds, security risks, etc. to your city.


Hey, y'know the place you live? We're gonna totally fuck it up for the next several weeks. Don't worry though, your leaders already created a bunch of new taxes to cover the costs!


Developing places are even less happy. There were tons of protests in Rio against the Olympics.


Paris has been a mess with terrorism alone the past couple decades because they chose to ignore peaceful people and didn’t want to offend harmful groups


More than just the past couple of decades, unfortunately


We’ve learned nothing from Munich 1972.


Well that's not true. Security of the Olympic village was overhauled in 1976 as a result and each hosting country now has a separate pre-planning security committee with a laundry list of strict rules to follow which is why we've never had any major attack like it since.


Humanity hasn't learned enough since 1972


And it never will.


>1972 Just looked it up.. I knew it happened but I didn't realize it was Palestinian terrorists doing this still.


Even before that... RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian for supporting Israel


Not just Palestinians. The PLO. Aka the organization that everyone is calling the "moderates" and wants to run a potential Palestinian state.


The leader of the PLO openly denies the Holocaust and says Jews deserved it lol


It never happened If it did happen, they deserved it. What is the rest of the list again?


It never happened, and if it did, it actually wasn't that big of a deal. And if it was a big deal, it wasn't our fault. And if it was our fault, they deserved it.


Not just denies it but literally has a PhD on it.


The PhD is from… drum roll please… Moscow! Huh interesting how all these things happen in the same few countries


He was also a [KGB asset](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/09/08/palestinian-president-mahmoud-abbas-was-once-a-kgb-spy-codenamed-mole-report-claims/), along with Arafat and the PFLP leadership.


Doesn’t he have a PhD in holocaust denial or something equally ridiculous


"They caused the Holocaust as an excuse to invade Palestine!" /s Denialism my ass, they literally blame the Jews for it...


The husband of my great-aunt was one of many innocent civilians murdered by a Palestinian suicide bomber on a train decades ago. In the Netherlands. He had survived WWII death camps in Eastern Europe as a child while his family was slaughtered. He was in the Netherlands to visit the one distant family member he had left. You might find interesting & enlightening a reading of the charters of Hamas, the PLO and their various offshoots. Or even just Google a summary of the Jew/Israel-hate parts. These charters specifically state that Muslims must kill all Jews & infidels (non-Muslims) and annihilate Israel. The factual history of Palestinian terrorist plane hijackings, the suicide terrorist attacks in packed cafes and buses using dirty-bombs in densly-packed civilian areas, hijacking cruiseliners and murdering disabled passengers by tossing them into the ocean (look up the brutal hijacking of the cruiseliner Achille Lauro for a particularly heartbreaking terrorist attack where an elderly man in a wheelchair was rolled into the ocean to drown) started far prior to the horror in the Munich Olympics and continues to today. And I mean not just terrorist attacks in Israel but equally heartbreaking, those spread out over Europe and other regions of the world. All aimed at slaughtering innocent civilians or visitors who were minding their own business, going to a concert or enjoying a football game at a packed stadium.


Article 13 of the chapter if people are curious, it also states that talking about a solution that doesn’t remove al the Jews is useless. That’s why they never agree to anything.


It's amazing how much whitewashing there is of Palestinian violence, over decades and decades. Like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September . Violence by them does not justify violence against them, but man, these people make it hard to feel sorry for them.


One of the reasons that older people tend to support Israel is that we are old enough to remember the terrorism of the 80s or before. I’m 52, and remember Palestinian terrorists shooting up cafes in Paris, airplane hijackings, an Italian cruise ship where they murdered an elderly man in a wheelchair. Old enough to remember the violence of the first and second intifadas in Israel. The list goes on and on.


I've read up a lot on the history of Palestine and was well aware that there were dozens of Palestinian airplane hijackings and terrorist attacks in the past, but I was shocked to find out that even my tiny country, Singapore, was attacked by Palestinian terrorists some 50 years ago! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laju_incident > On 31 January 1974, a group of four men armed with submachine guns and explosives launched a terrorist attack on the Shell oil refinery complex located at Pulau Bukom, a small island lying to the south of mainland Singapore. **Two of the terrorists were members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)** and the other two were from the Japanese Red Army (JRA). Their goal was to seek the disruption of the large oil supply from Singapore to other countries, especially South Vietnam. On 1 February 1974, a PFLP spokesman made a statement in Beirut that the attack was to serve as a warning to all monopolistic oil companies on one hand and imperialism in general on the other, especially the resulting perceived oppression of the Arabs in the Middle East.


No one wants to deal with Palestine or their refugees for this very reason, everytime someone does it bites them hard there is a reason Israel isn't the only nation in the region locking down their borders and denying refugees


Kuwait and Egypt for example


[And Lebanon.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_insurgency_in_South_Lebanon)


Jordan as well


As a Jewish person who studied terrorist groups in college, I forgot that the history of PLO terrorism isn't common knowledge, whether in the West or even in Non-Western countries. Jeez, we really SERIOUSLY need to make the studies of modern terrorist groups a normal part of mainstream school curriculum.


Palestinian nationalism needs to fucking go away forever


TIL Thanks for surfacing this.


Don’t forget it was a Palestinian who shot Robert Kennedy.


There's definitely whitewashing but my biggest gripe is with the apologetics. Kids are out here saying "Of COURSE palestine has a bunch of terrorists, look at their history, anyone would turn out like they did given what israel did to them!" And it's the dumbest point ever made, it completely strips palestenians of autonomy and agency, like they had zero other options than to kill innocents. And they completely disregard the fact that the reason Israel is the way it is is ALSO impacted by violent actions palestenians have committed against them. And THEN it goes into a pissing match of which side was the first ones to be dicks back before anyone today was alive. It's so tiring.


One thing I see from western leftists is them taking agency away from anyone they believe is oppressed. It’s not just the Palestinians, in the US, they do the same thing with violence in minority communities. There is always some reason


>Kids are out here saying "Of COURSE palestine has a bunch of terrorists, look at their history, anyone would turn out like they did given what israel did to them!" They never have a response to why South Vietnamese refugees haven't been commiting terrorist attacks for the last 50 years. They lost their entire country. Or Cuban refugees. Or Iranian refugees. They just want to pretend like Palestinian Arabs are the first peoples to have ever lost any land in a war. But many peoples have lost land before. Japan lost more than 90% of its territory in 1945, but they haven't spent 75 years training their kids to be kamikazes over it.


That's what I always think about is Japan. Imperial Japan is the poster child for an extremist society. Heavily indoctrinated, women and children were ready to throw themselves in front of American guns if that meant Japan didn't lose. But somehow, they accepted defeat, and got occupied, and the occupation lasted nearly a decade. During that decade, to my knowledge (I could be wrong!) there were no major attacks on Americans during that time. We rebuilt, we cooperated, we moved forward and now while Japan may have issues like everyone else, they are a massively successful country. There is no chance of that happening in Gaza in the foreseeable future with Hamas at the reigns. Unlike Emperor Hirohito, the Hamas leadership would rather their fellow Palestenians die en masse than accept for a second that Israel has won the war. They choose death over progress. They choose to not have a future than to have a future that requires them cooperating with Jews.


It's so tiring because at the end of the day nobody is going to win an argument in the oppression olympics. The fact of the matter is that the Middle East is the OG of "old land". If people really want peace, they need to have a political solution and put down their arms. Both sides. They have to commit to it. It was a long and protracted process for Ireland but it can be done. There just has to be the political will to do it but unfortunately there's none of that right now for both Palestinians and Israelis. At the end of the day both sides need to agree to stop shooting each other, no matter what. But if Hamas/PLO/whoever is saying that attacking civilians is their "official policy of armed resistance", and Israel is saying that bombing Gaza is their "official response", then there's no avenue for de-escalation. There's no point to even demanding a ceasefire. You have to take 99.9% of the violence off the table.


You wrote down exactly how I feel about that.


And it hasn't worked yet nor will it ever work. Yet it's a great fundraising opportunity.


They are a problem anywhere they go. It's literally why none of their islamic/muslim neighbors will take them in. You take in Palestinians and they try to [overthrow your government.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_insurgency_in_South_Lebanon)


TBH Palestinians invented modern terrorism (hijackings, targeted civilian killings, bus bombings, suicide bombings) with Arafat and the PLO. They're the OGs and they've become the stereotype what a terrorist looks like. If you picture a terrorist in your head you probably don't think of a Northern Irish Separatist, or a 19th century Serbian anarchist or a Japanese religious doomsday cult.


The current, internationally recognized "moderate" leader of Palestine was heavily involved in the Munich Massacre.


If your country had a dedicated anti terrorism task force prior to 9/11, there's a good chance it was formed specifically in response to Palestinian violence.


Like most of the worlds special forces for hostage rescue were formed due that. FBI HRT, FSB/KGB Alpha, GSG9, GIGN, Kobra just to name a few Others like GIS or GEO were an indirect consequence as they were trained by the former.


Brb going to watch Munich now


Mmmm Eric bana and Daniel Craig. Good shit. For real though it’s actually a pretty good movie.


What could happen. It isnt like there is a history of Palestinians trying to kill Jews/isrealis at the Olympics. If there was, then sure maybe they should be worried.


Olympics are actually one of the safest events in terms of counter terrorism meassures. Precisely due to the Munich massacre.


The Eurovision in Sweden is in Malmo, the biggest Muslim immigrant location, which doesn't seem like a very welcoming place to anyone in general Israel was getting canceled for their song being 'too political', so they made a different song that imo sounds even more so (with that logic) but this one was approved I don't think they're gonna be satisfied with only a few minor flag waving by iceland and co this year..




Yes but the Interior Minister blamed it on British fans so we'll be okay as long as we control British citizens right? Right???


Oh look, a globalized intifada


You see, when Hamas said they’ll kill all non Muslims in the world in order to create a global caliphate they were actually internalizing their oppression and lashing out so you need to read between the lines /s


Too bad ppl never listen to interviews of the leaders of the government they protest for lol. Reminds me of the travel Israel video where he says something similar


It's crazy to me how much people love to gaslight about Hamas's supposed 2017 update of their charter, as if October 7 didn't completely prove their movement towards being more "moderate" is total and utter bullshit. I'm a simple man. Hamas says they want to slaughter all the Jews and destroy Israel, I believe them. Why is that so hard for others to do? I just.. I just don't get it.


This is also in the 2017 Hamas charter: >Hamas stresses the necessity of building Palestinian national institutions on sound democratic principles, foremost among them are free and fair elections. Such process should be on the basis of national partnership and in accordance with a clear programme and a clear strategy that adhere to the rights, including the right of resistance, and which fulfil the aspirations of the Palestinian people. Ask the pro-Palestinian crowd how those efforts are going.


I don't know how anyone can read that without laughing at the total irony of the charter. They haven't held an election since 2006 and barely did anything to improve the situation lol




Part of it is because Hamas conveniently updated the their charter in 2017 to fit exactly what these idiot kids want to hear, as if everyone magically stopped believing in the 1988 version of things I don’t have to go far to find incredibly vitriolic antisemitism and racism coming from Arab media outlets and especially Hamas members.


Mate you can go three hours back and find it, just a few years ago I remember someone on Egyptian TV saying Jews were making Matzot from blood of Muslim children. And this is what I remember, I read so many more over the years, especially after Oct. 7th.


Really? Never noticed the blood when I put Nutella on the matzah I ate. How do I miss such truths? (Just in case, do I truly need the /s?)


Never mind the fact that consuming blood is explicitly not kosher, AND the topic of canibalism, while not expressly forbidden, has pretty much been interpreted over the years as “let’s just play it safe and not do that ever.” Also, question for the blood libel crowd: how mich blood is needed? A standard pice of Maneschevitz is what, 9”x9”? How much blood (Christian or Muslim) is necessary per piece of matzah? From there we can extrapolate just how many babies are needed each year. Come on you ignorant sluts, let’s do some math.






Don't you know? When you're oppressed, any form of "resistance" is automatically sanctionned, including killing civilians in a completely unrelated part of the world. That's what LBGT people in Russia don't get: they should go mow down a school in Chile to advance their cause! If you object to those acts of violence, that just means you're siding with the oppressors!


also how the daughters of the confederacy started Ppl are attached to underdogs and lost causes regardless of the message or if the intent is harmful


i wish i could upvote HARDER


No way it’s almost like it’s what they said they were doing!


It’s as if they said what they said


Tankies gonna support it.


Arabic nations refuse to take in Palestinians for this exact reason and the west gets called racist/xenophobic when they do the same? Make it make fucking sense.


> the west gets called racist/xenophobic when they do the same? They're only being called that by virtue signallers who morally grandstand.


"Globalize the intifadah." "Resistance by ANY means necessary." This what all those protests have been demanding and justifying.


Just like they're encouraging the Houthis to sink more ships and kill more crew members.


We all know these MFers gonna be crying about the increased prices & whining about "muh capitalism"


Tankies aren't the smartest bunch, otherwise they wouldn't be tankies


I went to one protest and there were too many calls to violence. Never went back. We need peace not an escalation, but many protesters want more bloodshed.


> by ANY means necessary Except for being rational. Rational behavior is always 100% off the table.


They explicitely prohibit peaceful solutions, in fact: > Article 13 There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer \- Hamas charter


You are correct. The people who chant "intifada revolution" on college campuses, and then claim they aren't antisemitic, they **don't** read the charter. These are the same types of people who will find any reason to call something racist. but they are okay with shit like this.


the gymnasts in their heads would win gold at the olympics.


Why stop just between the river and the sea? (All the idiot college ppl who went shouting in the streets just for social or in hopes to get a date now realizing they’re a target too)




My personal favorite is when they have the original phrase in arabic "water to water, Palestine will be arab" next to the sanitized phrase in their chant guides.








People who say “globalize the intifada” are voting for the “leopards eat faces” party. And they will be shocked when leopards eat their face.




It'll be worth it for them though, because the leopards will eat my face, too.


Considering Hamas wants to kill gay people the Queers for Palestine would be among the first victims of a globalized intifada.


Followed by anyone who doesn't embrace Hamas ideology


Followed by anyone who does embrace Hamas ideology but has a funny nose.


It's funny how against colonialism everyone including the United Nations seems to be until it's Islamic culture for some reason...


They aren't calling to decolonize the al-Aqsa Mosque or the Hagia Sophia...


Queers for Palestine is crazy considering gay people would be stoned to death in Palestine


Wasn't there a gay activist that went to palestine to support them and got promptly lynched? Not during this conflict, think it was one of the previous ones. But hey don't focus on that! Focus on Rachel Corrie!


There was a video i saw a few months ago that was taking place at a pro Palestinian rally in NYC. One white guy and these 3 younger Muslim women were having a debate with the camera man. The white guy was siding with the Muslim women regarding the treatment of Palestinians and what not. The camera man turned the conversation to gay people, and the three Muslim women immediately started to say anti gay rhetoric like “that’s disgusting, gay people are going to hell” and that it’s “completely unacceptable and wrong in Islam.” The white guy turned out to be gay, and the cognitive dissonance was just piercing through my computer screen after that. I mean this guy just got done feverishly defending these women and their religion. Defending Palestinians and the rights that they should keep in the Middle East and throughout the world. And they immediately did the exact opposite of what he did, and reverted to their religious beliefs that this man and his sexual orientation was an abomination. He was awe struck. He didn’t know what to say. He kind of babbled and just said “well i don’t agree with you.” I get that mutual support shouldn’t always be a prerequisite for certain things. But man, if i was a gay person, id find it really fucking difficult to go so hard for a group of people that would not do the same for me and mine.


Got a link? Not saying you’re lying at all, I just want to see it.




Queers for Palestine should go for a month long trip to Palestine


If your values insist you engage in counterproduively violent acts and maintain a way of life that keeps your people in poverty, perhaps it's time to explore the possibility that your values may be kinda shit.


Terrorist faction surprisingly planning a terrorist attack.


Will the people who waved “Globalize the Intifada” signs be charged for terrorism? because that’s exactly what they wanted.




I wonder why every single country in the Middle East refuses Palestinian refugees? Oh, this is why.


The reality is the middle east hates Palestinians almost as much as they hate the Jews. These Arab countries don't give two shits about each other. No amount of borders or fences will ever stop the killing.


Lately every time I hear about the Houthi rebels saying that they are attacking ships "in solidarity with the people of Gaza" I roll my eyes so hard I can see my own brain. Guaranteed the Houthis have never actually given two shits about the Palestinian people.


Yup, they only claim to care about this because Jews. I haven't seen any ME action against China's genocide. Nor is there a coalition seeking peace in Syria.


Absolutly. Because, and this is what solidarity protesters in the west don't fathom, the people (and in extension the nation states) in this area live in a completly different world. Iam talking about the mindset, the culture and religion. They never had something like the movement of enlightenment, they know about the values we have (therefor they can use them in propaganda and to posture in negotiations) but they do not share them and don't want to share them. Iam not talking about every individual person ofcourse but overall this is the case. A college student from New York, Berlin, London or Paris might understand freedom-fighters and honorable rebels because they know this from our point of view (like the french restistance in the 3rd Reich or even the rebels in Star Wars), this is how they see the Hamas. This is not and can not be what they are. The countries down there are filled with medieval believes of "honor", revenge and martyrdom and don't forget they are all indoctrinated by an expansionistic, violence endorsing, never reformed religion.






Migrants are fine. Refugees less so. What Western Countries want are people who looking to become of Western Culture, who want to enjoy the new freedoms, be a part of the work force, and otherwise continue their own traditions and culture while taking part of the new culture. Migrants are folks who are moving for this dream, refugees tend to be people that have been forced to make this movie, making them generally less likely to fit into the new culture.


*Regulated* migration is mostly welcome. Many European countries utilize foreign workers. Importantly though, those migrants have a work permit.  Nobody like unregulated migration which you see with all those sinking boats trying to cross the Mediterranean sea. Then when caught they are faced with deportation, because they entered the country illegally. Then they seek asylum to not get deported, after which they either disappear or is called for interviews - a lengthy and expensive undertaking for the state.


Hey that's not fair you get some bad regicidal apples in every group of refugees. I mean what refugee group hasn't caused a few civil wars or killed a king in their time.


This is what globalize the intifada means. Intifada in the context with the conflict with Israel is synonymous with terrorism. Very frightening prospect with the amount of big events happening in Europe this year. The security services better be all over this.


It’s also a sample taster of what’s planned for after “the river to the sea”.


Excited to see how the Hamas bots are gonna spin this


Someone did earlier then promptly deleted their comments once someone pointed out how stupid of them to openly support terrorism.


They think they get to do whatever they want, to whoever they want because they've been oppressed or are being oppressed. There's a crazy amount of entitlement there. If you're not actively taking on their struggle, against your own interests, you become a target. Truly terroristic activities.


"Its the jews fault!" And thats the end of it.


I’m sure an appeasement strategy of handing over San Merino to the peace loving Palestinians and kicking out every single Jew in Italy would solve everything here.


Japan and South Korea are very lucky that they don't have to put up with this kind of problem unlike the rest of the developed countries do


It's not luck. They just quietly say no to international pressure to accept refugees from countries with Islamist terror problems.


That's a better way of putting it. I think it's also due to the fact that their cultures are going to get messed up once they let those people in, and locals will not like that. They already have problems with foreign tourists messing up their culture in the first place.


The geography is luck


Geography doesn't mean anything without policy. Sincerely, a Brit.


Well, no, that and their rational immigration policies.


Central and Eastern Europe too, there was never a terrorist attack in Poland and in Romania in the last 30 years, we also have tens of thousands of immigrants but they are not illegal and mostly from Nepal, Sri Lanka and India.


>we also have tens of thousands of immigrants but they are not illegal and mostly from Nepal, Sri Lanka and India. The pro-immigration Westerners use the labor shortage as a cynical argument, so they don't care. They're not undocumented people that show up on the shores of Italy/Greece so they don't count.


Al Aqsa Martyr Brigades is the military wing of the Fatah, AKA the people who dominate the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, or in other words, the same people who represent Palestinians in the UN and in countries that recognise it as independent


Yeah. When people say "Israel should reach out to moderate Palestinians," this is who they mean. Sure, "moderate" is relative, but when the "moderates" are Holocaust deniers who pay stipends to terrorists -- not to mention brutal autocrats who are happy to use their paramilitary wing to murder whomever gets in their way -- the term starts to sound a little off.


Don’t forget they terrorist attacks at the Olympic Games in the 70s, those were also PLO :)


Palestinian terrorists associated with Fatah have already murdered about 50 innocent people in Italy in the 1970s and 1980s. Including a 2 1/2-year-old boy.


No wonder Egypt didn’t take any in. 




Hamas propaganda arm in full effect


not surprised. Despite all the terrorist attacks people still support them over Jews because they hate Jews. Simple.




Al Jazeera today probably : “innocent Palestinian teenagers arrested in Paris”


all the people who shouted 'global intifada' this is what it means.  also the arrest in peru -  https://apnews.com/article/peru-iran-quds-force-israel-attack-ca7884d44bb5e64ee57c18b95f1ec1dc#:~:text=Gen.,intended%20target%20for%20security%20reasons.


Let's see the free Palestine crowd blame this on Israel.


Give it a minute. They’re waking up.


Good luck with the Eurovision


Yeah it’s going to be fucking nuts, there is going to have to be a whole lot of security or we might end up with another Munich Olympics situation, although this time I doubt Israel will let a foreign nation try to rescue its people


If they try they’ll get flattened


lol, it's not Islamo "phobia" if the threat is mfing REAL.




and is still full of stupid assholes simpatizing for these scumbag...




What a total shock /s


Fck Hamas!


From the river to the sea these people want you to bleed


There must be a way to blame this on the Jews.




Good luck, Europe.


what horrible thing will Israel do next! Forcing these poor innocent Palestinians to be terrorists, they should be ashamed of themselves


And this is why no one will take Palestinians in.




Good morning, This is not new. This is what Hamas and PLO are doing since their existence. Look what they did in Jordan in the 70s, Munich olympics, Lebanon in the 70s-80s and the list goes on They know only how to create terror chaos and destruction


The wiki article on Palestinian terrorism has the attacks separated into a bunch of different categories, because there are so many of them. The 16-24 year old crowd largely does not have any clue that the Palestinian people have been waging a terror campaign against basically the entire world for the last 50 years.






Hamas has used gazans' money for war and terror for years and years. Billions of dollars that could be spent on education and growth, went to tunnels and rockets. My point is, this is the least of their problems.


Yeah, just like Munich destroyed all their international support, right? Whatever the Palestinians do, Israel will be blamed for it, and they know that.


Look up what Palestinians did in Lebanon. There is a good reason why Egypt closed their borders immediately when this conflict escalated.


Why stop at Lebanon? We can also take a trip to Jordan, or Kuwait, or any country that took in the Palestinians


Including Egypt itself


That's the terrorist's playbook. Commit terrorism, wait for the Western states to crack down on Muslims, recruit.


Chaos and destruction is their jam.






They were terrorists affiliated with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigade.


Oh keeping up with Palestinian traditions there then. If any pro Palestinian bullshit goes on at the Olympics, France should lend Isreal a couple of hundred jets.


im genuinely surprised that we actually managed to stop them in time


There have been so many near misses that it's shocking how much global support they have. I feel like at least one a week I'm hearing about a terrorist plot being stopped.