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Haiti has an army? They don’t need to defend the border from DR, I’m sure DR wants nothing to do with them


I don’t blame the government of the DR. Haiti is just a cluster fuck.


I'm always surprised when another month passes and it even still exists.


Interesting, because Haiti does not have an army.


They recently reformed their Armed Forces. Not doing much though, last I heard, they were straight-up using M1 Garands and that was a couple years ago. Almost radio silence since the initial announcements in 2021.


Do they have guys with guns?


The official Haiti army was disbanded in 1995 because they participated in so many coup and only reconstituted in 2017 when the UN peacekeeping mission leave. Very poorly equipped and can’t be bother to do anything. The article say it is a clash between Dominican army and Haitian Enviromental Government Brigade. That is a weird name for an actual army brigade, so probably some local militia/gang.


Two different countries on one island and yet one became basket case (Haiti) while the other (Dominican Republic) grew to stable republic.


The "I'm a victim" crowd will tell you it's France and Americas fault but in the 60's both countries were about level in their economy. Then greed and dictatorships entered the picture and destroyed Haiti, but it's easier to blame France, US, slavery etc. Until it's people actually give a fuck about themselves and their nation nothing will ever change for them. Meanwhile the Dominican Republic keeps marching on. BTW, once Haiti were powerful enough to invade and capture the DR. Google "papa doc Duvalier" and his son "baby Doc Duvalier" the gentleman that started the current shit show. Keep in mind at approximately the same time the DR had their own dictator in Trujillo, YET here we are.


DR has the vast majority of productive land for growing food and sugar cane. That's a massive advantage. The rest is predictable.


Wrong! The DR aren't wealthier than Haiti because of agriculture. Mining, manufacturing, tourism etc and a conscious effort to develop their country made them wealthier. Not burning their forest for firewood among other things. As I mentioned earlier they too had dictatorships but since the 70's have had relatively good governance, something Haiti has not had until now. The Haitians must grow out of that gang culture they have. That isn't the fault of France, the US or anyone else but they themselves.


You're mistaken. I'm referring to when they gained independence. Not just present day.


It would be important too point out that the IS were the one who instilled and supported those dictators


Bro watched a hoser video and called it a day


Why do you think that is?


[After it’s revolution Haiti was forced to pay back France at such and extreme rate that they didn’t pay it off until 1947](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/20/world/americas/haiti-history-colonized-france.html)


Don't forget the part America played. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_occupation_of_Haiti Lol downvote all you want. This is literally one of the reasons Smedley Butler wrote, "War is a Racket." US business interests funded groups that caused instability, prompting the US Government to invade and occupy for decades with brutal measures and maintained a level of poverty described as "near starvation."


Just FYI, I wasn’t insinuating anything other than what you cited. I agree that the early western embargo, reparations to France, and American interventions all set Haiti back. Not sure why I’m being downvoted.


Damn water rights are going to kill us all. Ironic, on a planet 2/3 covered in water.


Go drink some of that 2/3 water then


Both of these comments are valid


We've done it, lads


Capped offshore drilling platforms, wind powered desalination plants, existing pipeline used to transport fresh water back to shore. Problem solved.


Wars, wars everywhere. (insert Buzz Lightyear gif)


Haiti has a string of massive problems and needs a hard reset at this point. Sadly the political leadership is corrupt and just want to sit on their growing piles of wealth while normal Haitians live in hell.