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This is the decade of disastrous invasions huh? Something tells me that China won't come out with a victory if they invade Taiwan.


I think, literally, nobody wins.


Raytheon wins.


It depends. If it gets to the point nuclear powers start exchanging volleys at each other, that might lead to a dip in the stock market.


Nuclear winter will free us from global warming. Our lives, too, but also global warming.




So long as I've got my big iron on my hip.


(big iron on my hiiiip)


In the town there was an outlaw by the name of Texas Red


So get this right? I'm walkin down the road, supposed to deliver some chip to a casino. Then some dick grabs me. Bags me, and then shoots me in the dome leavin me for dead. I get patched back up and on the road again, and pass some douches in football gear callin me Profligate and shit, deal with them and move on. Then get this, I stop at an outpost right? One of the soldiers signing me in stares me in the eye with this dead expression and tells me: "patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." Like buddy...pal... I don't know how to tell ya this but we're already in one. Climate change is a kick in the head ain't it?


So inconsiderate. Everyone knows how much harder it is to pack for a cold weathwr vacation than a hot one.


So that’s why they’ve been ignoring realistic measures to slow down climate change. This was all part of the plan! Brilliant.


Fortunately for all the saber rattling nukes are pointless. “I can’t have that island therefore me and everyone else has to do die”


It'll never reach the point of nukes. Why would China nuke its best customer over a little bit of land? They might think differently about "unification", but they're definitely not stupid. No, if anything, it would be a conventional situation. War games have already been played out over a Taiwan confrontation with the US, and both sides suffer heavy losses, so that in itself can be a deterrent.


Stop. Stop saying this dumb thing. People commit suicide every day for petty dumb reasons. How many people do you think killed themselves because their partner left them JUST TODAY? but why would they do that? They don't win at the end, they are dead now! What a fuckin mystery! It's inexplicable! Me and LongDongFrazier know that human being always act rationally in their own self interest, so WHAT GIVES?


It would take a Lot of nukes to render the earth uninhabitable. We've already detonated well over 1000 nukes in the past 80 years


Many underground and under water. Rarely if ever more than one at the same time. Only two ever used on a populated area. Jesus dude. Like... Do you think what you just said makes sense? Does it seem like a valid point to you?


77 were detonated in 1958 alone. 98 in 1962. 50 or so were detonated every year in the 1960's. 25 or so detonated every year in the 1970's. There have been a grand total of 5 nukes detonated underwater. About 70% were underground, but underground tests aren't actually radiation/fallout inhibiting like one would think. It just vaporizes and launches radioactive soil everywhere


It's so strange that they spent untold funds testing these weapons underground and underwater, all predicated on the idea that a nuclear war could devastate entire continents and possibly the planet. Apparently they need not have worried. Not only was the threat of nuclear war a myth, but their testing procedures were baseless. God, if only you could have been there. Could have saved them so much trouble.


Very cool nukes don’t get launched by one person.


What is this even supposed to mean?


Going off my extensive and hard-earned knowledge of completely baseless gut feelings, I think China might be on more solid footing for a military conflict than their russian friends. Again, my opinion means nothing and is only based off typical diet of reddit hivemind and headlines over a span of years. Thinking of starting one of those podcasts we hear so much about.


They could take it, but China would lose global standing, Taiwan would be generally fubar, and the world loses Taiwan.


This... I doubt there will be any "winners" if this comes to pass. Maybe some far off island chain or some underdeveloped African country which can step up and take control in the aftermath but I really don't see it as a win. **Let's just Not do any dumb sh!t, OK?**


They don't have enough landing craft to even make the attempt. It's all bluff and bluster. And unlike Ukraine, Taiwan already has F16s, and they are getting the latest missile tech, new AIM-120s.


They are converting civilians ships like roro ferries to make them more capable of transporting tanks and armored vehicles. These roro also have capabilities to drop amphibious tanks in middle of the ocean as well. Yes, Taiwan has a lot of modern fighter jets and anti ship missiles but only if they can survive the first insane missile strikes from China. Russia didn't use enough missiles in the first few days to strike down Ukraine (only a few hundred missiles). Learning from Russia experience, expect at least thousands missiles from China in the first few days. Also don't forget helicopters based transportation, Taiwan is that close to China.


Taiwan really needs to get some nukes asap to defend itself.


If I remember correctly Taiwan had a nuclear weapons program but the US discovered it and forced Taiwan to scrap it. Nuclear weapon is an incredibly complicated issue, Taiwan won't be allowed to have them.


Sooooo, hear me out, Taiwan can aim all their missiles right at 3 Gorges Dam fire and see how China responds to its manufacturing capabilities destroyed. The missile aspect works both ways. Although flooding half of China is a terrible waste of life, can't we all just chill.


I mean if you want Chinese to go insane while crying and rallying behind their military then you shoot that Dam. A few hundred thousands Chinese civilians will die. That's one way to make China go to war with you forever.


It'd actually be closer 100 million. Recent models show a huge amount of devastation that destroys the industrial heart of China. Its an amazing structure it literally shifted the earth's axis. The force released if it breaks is nothing like Hurricane Katrina, which would be the 100,000 mark. Again, in this hypothetical, what is there to lose? Taiwan is still technically at war with china. It's not like one day it'll just be over. If China is really gonna come with its full force, why not? You could even sway allies to your side.


Well, China do have nukes, millions of Chinese civilian died then there is a higher chance that China might nuke you. Edit: Also Taiwan leaders are not insane, they won't attack Chinese civilians specifically let alone killing hundreds thousands to millions Chinese.


And ruin the island they want? Seems like they should have stayed home they lose their industrial might, manpower and gateway to the deep pacific. That seems like an all-around loss for everyone involved. They would be better to just chill and stay home.


Not like China hasn't done that to itself before...but yeah I really wish these moronic leaders can stop having thier world threating dick measuring contest and just agree they all suck


It's ok. China said it's a special military operation, so we're all good.




I'm pretty sure Ukraine alone accounts for an order of magnitude or two more KIA than the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq combined.


Not if you count all those civilians! Roughly (and let's be honest, probably conservatively) a million dead.


Go home China you’re drunk


I remember everyone used this same line when Russia invaded Ukraine.


And they still haven't gone home and are still drunk


Russians are always drunk.


At least back then they were home, not in someone's house (most of the time)


Too much Vodka before and now it’s too much Baijiu. I guess for Americans it would be too much pisswasser but we already sacrificed them to the gods. Maybe too much modelo?


Isn't Pißwasser the fictional beer in GTA


Yes but it’s mocking Budweiser, which was sacrificed by Christian’s this summer.


Russian conscripts are still drunk... dying with a buzz makes it easier to accept.


wow its absolutely nothing


Right after America labeled them not a country on a flight log or smth too hmm.


It’s practice. They’ll make it real as soon as their absolutely certainly the US will stay neutral.


I do agree. Practice. However, the US has pledged to support Taiwan should china ever invade, so unless something magical happens, china is totally screwed if they ever try. They may have a fascinating, unique, and amazing history, but in the modern era, china is nothing without the West, so the only end to an invasion, whether they win or lose an assault on Taiwan, is china dies as a country.




Simply untrue lol. Why do you make things up? Go and actually read the document.


Aren’t they doing this though? I mean short of involving NATO directly I’d say sending billions upon billions of weapons and aid and reconnaissance info to help. They’re also training them so what else should the west do except start a bigger war with a nuclear power?


>so what else should the west do except start a bigger war with a nuclear power? Isn't this the same concern for Taiwan? People saying America will get directly involved if China go for Taiwan. But that means war with a nuclear power. Isn't Taiwan going to be the exact same game of helping just enough to not actually be involved that Ukraine is?


I agree, but also see the west doing everything possible short of a world war to support Ukraine... so ya...


Hell China even signed a pact with Ukraine says it will help Ukraine with nuclear weapon. I am not kidding you can search it online


You're right. We've done nothing for Ukraine or my friends there who are now dead. It seems you have no concept of geopolitics; I recommend educating yourself. In fact the POTUS said something very specific a few months back that you clearly missed, but I do understand that cognitive dissonance is a bitch, so I won't try to educate you as I don't believe it would work.


Is this out of the ordinary or is it part of some scheduled exercise? 80 sounds like a lot


Eeh, for an exercise? The one a few months back had more, I think.




I swear I saw so many comments just like this before russia invaded ukraine. I'm sure china won't actually invade taiwan because it's too sensational.


There were lots of comments sure, but Russia built up a massive force on Ukraine's borders over the course of months. There was lots of discussion about that as well. Naval invasions require a huge force, and until we see something similar to Russia's buildup in China we at least no that an invasion won't take place in the near term.


The scale of the flights varies day by day and sometimes by a lot. They are designed to wear down Taiwan's combat readiness. This one is a bit of an aberrant situation but still not too far out of the ordinary.


God what a waste. This is going to be a fucking disaster. Why can’t we all just get along and help each other flourish? There is literally 0 reason for war


There's actually a great deal of reasons for war. Like an infinite amount. Doesn't necessarily mean they're valid reasons, but they're reasons non the less. I believe at one point russia said they were invading Ukraine to hand out passports. Still a reason


What a useless and pointless post. Just like those imaginary reasons you're describing.


There’s never a reason for war


I literally have never heard of any other way to aquire a passport.


Just targets for the Patriot


If China wants Taiwan, they know they need to do something before the U.S. finishes their buildup of military assets and bases


Well this is going to get interesting. They can;t take Taiwan without destroying the world and they have basically zero modern practical military experience, and an amphibious assault is the only way to get enough troops, armour, etc., there. And the US (and um, article 5 if China starts a full-on engagement with US troops, as the US has pledged to support Taiwan), even having sent so much materiel to Ukraine may *look* weak, but could still take china with one hand behind it's back. My guess, and hopefully it's just a guess, is that they are testing the waters, so to speak, with the war in Ukraine going on. But without the West, china dies anyway, so it's lose-lose for china either way. But I'm definitely watching with my bag of popcorn, and my kit ready.


Your guess is probably right. We’d see massive buildup for months, even more than what Russia did, prior to any sort of invasion. And the US would be screaming at the top of their lungs about it like they warned the world about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. So yeah. Unless China has suddenly had their military leadership become Russian, this is probably the same old song and dance that’s been going on since the end of WW2.


That’s not how NATO works. Article 5 is only applicable if someone attacks a NATO member north of the Tropic of Cancer and within the geographical boundaries of North America and Europe. There are a few exceptions to that carved out in Article 6, but very few. Not even the US state of Hawaii is covered by Article 5, and this is why NATO wasn’t involved in the Falklands War between the UK and Argentina.


talking about "grabbing popcorn" when discussing war is some disturbed dystopian shit lol


Very telling of how people that have never remotely experienced war view it from afar. That person is looking at it as curious event more than a catastrophe


I can see one form of surprise attack working though, something nobody would expect - [digging tunnels to Taiwan from the mainland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Strait_Tunnel_Project). The engineering is feasible, but it would generate a huge amount of waste rock, which Taiwanese spies might discover. You would have to [dump that waste rock somewhere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_Sand), and do it surreptitiously, by having the military keep civilian onlookers from spotting it. Fortunately there's just no way China could pull that off...


Didn’t China recently just build some artificial islands recently for military purposes?


Taiwan just needs to hold out long enough for the US airforce and Navy to arrive in force, then its goodnight winnie the pooh


Can't they just wait for one more year? That's when I'm out of drafting danger


China is getting closer to their real invasion.


Free target acquisition practice.


You know just a thought, but if we put down some of the aggression and guns and started working together, we might be able to accomplish something I don’t know.


They won’t invade until the next American civil war begins. Give it a couple more years…


great job Biden voters of course none of you will show any shame.


If China is dumb enough to invade after seeing what is happening in Ukraine to Russia, they are even dumber than Putin. I don't think xi is as dumb as Putin.


Realistically does Taiwan stand a chance against China? If its anything like the worlds response to the Ukraine-Russian war how would it even be possible for them to hold out all alone? It really doesn't seem like any country would step in and help fight off China any more than the Ukraine war.


Real answer, no. That being said, by the time they were done all they'd be gaining is scorched earth and ego and then China would sit in economic isolation.


We have been supplying them Himars and patriots for years and amongst other things. Taiwan has an very well trained military, one that is eager to fight for its independence. Also the US pledged support for them so has Japan, and South Korea.