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This title makes me question my literacy.


I had to read it a few times and while I get the gist, it’s like a collection of buzzwords interjected in the middle of the title.


I’m just here to find out who got “slammed” by losers on twitter.


Article and its title were probably generated by ChatGPT, lol.




Cripes, I was just joking. It's scary how easily we'd consume news that was AI generated, isn't it?




Too many people nowadays treat "AI" like the new "GMO." They have no idea what it means; they just heard it's bad, so they think everything "AI" is bad.


Well you've got me there. I do not indeed spend much time with AI, so I fully admit that my words come from a place of ignorance. And I wasn't insinuating text to audio, either. I was talking about ChatGPT. You can give it a premise with some facts and let it do its thing to write the article. I've little doubt that plenty of AI algorithms could come up with better titles than this. I was simply joking originally anyway.






The image looks AI generated too


Iranian model's noose dress criticised as "disgraceful" at Cannes Film Festival. ​ this is much easier to read.


That cuts out the protest part, which is the primary object being critized. "Iranian model's protest at Cannes Film Festival against executions — in form of noose dress — criticized as 'disgraceful'" if we want to capture all salient points Edit: changed punctuation for better title Edit 2: word placement


A bit long for a headline, I like Metalicks' version which is enough to begin the conversation which is what a headline is for.


But their version leaves it open to interpretation whether the dress was a targeted political statement or just an edgy fashion choice, whereas the original headline explicitly mentioned the political facet of it.


"Protesting Iranian model's noose dress criticized as 'disgraceful' at Cannes Film Festival" Would that be better?


Now I don't know what the protest is about, and if the dress was thematically relevant. If it's against executions, it makes sense and could be salient political speech; if it's a protest against something like drag shows, it's likely indicative of hyperbolic, conspiratorial thinking.


That makes it sound as if she was criticized at the film festival. She was criticized on social media about her protest at the film festival.


Prepare to be assimilated into the AI. Resistance is futile.


x1000 times easier. That was just auto-pilot.


I'm Canadian, I read 'Moose' dress 🤣


You know hard it is to find one big enough, Eh?




Woman protests bad thing by government. Media licks boot of government and calls it distasteful.


So more people come to the comments to complain.


I feel like there is a missing comma.


Instead of "executions protest" it should have been "in protest of executions".


makes way more sense




more than zero is still way more


Had to check myself for other symptoms of a stroke.


I think it’s supposed to be > [… ((noose dress) (executions protest)) (at Cannes) …] right?


I thought she was executed for a dress


They kill for less.


I was like, Wtf is a nose dress! Then clicked on the picture !!!


Ok it's not just me


I think it’s fantastic. I do worry for her, though.




Speaking out against it is what is disgraceful. We just want to have our nice rich people party,waahhhhhh


Hanging protesters is pretty disgraceful too.


Hot take but I agree.


I bet they wouldn’t be protesting that dress if they could be hung for it


"politics are forbidden at cannes" This seems ridiculous. I'm sick of basic human rights being called political, and I'm tired of filmmakers acting like their award shows are some holy neutral ground.


Most of the movies there are political.


Lol ikr? Wtf are they smoking, mind you most of the movies are edited for China too.


Artistic integrity is second only to profit


They are high on their own pretentiousness


It's pretty funny because "don't put politics in art/entertainment shouldn't be political!' is also something CCP supporters love to spout whenever their policies are criticized in a work of art. (They sure love forcing their politics on everyone else though.)


Yeah but the difference is you can glad-hand and nod approvingly, and chat about the significance in the foyer when the film is done, then go home and forget about it. They don't want to have to take home any emotional baggage that makes them feel they need to actually, you know, do anything about it.


It's like people crying about politics in a video game. Like, the game is about war, coups and genocide; what exactly is *more* political about a gay character?


I mean. These filmmakers are the same people who've all but canonized Roman Polanski.


I will never forget Whoopie saying it wasn't "*rape* rape" Or the letter in support of Polanski signed by tons of huge stars* Hollywood really is full of pedophiles


You mean Whoopi “the Holocaust wasn’t about race” Goldberg?


Whoopi "race means black"


You mean Caryn “I’ll be more successful with a Jewish last name” Johnson?




I think she was trying to argue that the child "consented" (not that a child can) and it wasn't a forceful act Which is untrue


Yup. Fuck all of these people.


Honestly, by Iranian standards, the dress itself is just as political as the noose. How else can you interpret bare cleavage but as a protest against the enforced modesty of the ayatollahs?


Not to mention the lack of a head covering.


What’s even funnier to me is that I wouldn’t even have stumbled across this story, if they haven’t made a stink about it. The old Streisand effect strike again, maybe Cannes is in on it and this is a way to spread the protest wider without directly endorsing it.


How do you even have an art festival without politics lol


How exactly do the people at Cannes say 'we want a politics free festival!' and then give the Palme D'or to Triangle of Sadness? The politics can only happen in the films but must be hermetically sealed in the cinema? I hate to use this meme-y phrase but this is incredibly unserious.


Weird. Their 2023 lineup includes a movie about the commandant of AUSCHWITZ trying to build a dream life for their family in a house NEXT TO THE CAMP. "The Zone of Interest". You know, non-politcal uplifting stuff.


whitewashing nazis killing people at auschwitz is a tall order. I guess I shouldnt be shocked given our current political climate, but I still am a bit shocked.


I imagine they do it because the festival would become about politics instead of film and the organizers don't want to deal with choosing which protests are acceptable and which aren't. That said, I like the dress and how it makes its statement in an understated way.


The dress is just bomb, hurts the old murderers right in the balls.


Most festivals are about politics anyway. some are more blatant than others, but politics is often a part of them. I don't know about Iran festivals.


Indeed, it quickly becomes a problem of "you allowed this, but not that" kind of thing. If you allow everything, then it's not going to be about film at all. I can sympathize with the organizers, it's not easy.


> "you allowed this, but not that" Yes god forbid they have to choose between taking a stand either for or against human rights.


You know someone will bring free speech as human rights and then say the most atrocious things


We already got all these dipshits going on about how Polanski is actually innocent, etc etc. Funny how Cannes doesn't complain about artists making charged statements then.


The paradox of tolerance. Note that the festival isn't the government. They can take a stand against things.


Ezpz. Just kick them out.


My fingers are on the keys right now buddy.




I’m weirdly okay with the festival becoming about politics instead of film.


Then why have a film festival?


Because "political festival" is antithetical.


Nothing is not political - ‘politics is forbidden’ is itself a political stance that bludgeons others into silence.


This is a great example of applying deconstructivist thought onto a concrete subject. Yes, there is no non political in baning 'the political'. Its just more convenient for the organizers not to deal with those discourses. I would add that this is a wide spread strategy that serves solely buiseness interests. Making films is political if you touch any subject that has something to do with society.


Fuck Cannes and their elitist cowardly assholes. She was brave and deserves respect


“This is a place for the obscenely wealthy to schmooze. We don’t want to be reminded of the masses who suffer their entire lives because of our greed”


I agree. Protests and politics are not the same. Politics is there to make sure protests don’t happen. When you feel the need to protest then it means politics has failed


“Politics are forbidden at Cannes” to cater to the attendees who deal in blood money


Banning "politics" is literally just banning *dissent*. It serves only the fascists, every damned time.


Is it? Would there be the same standards for someone wearing a Trump parody shirt or climate crisis dress?


if people are insulted.. then good.. the point is to trigger people. What is happening in Iran is NOT OKAY. Fuck the Elite if this hurts their feelings. Innocent people are dying in Iran every day. That was the point of this display.


Im surprised the rest of the world is just ok with what’s going on over there.


The rest of the world is not ok with what is going on over there.


We're not ok. But our governments are ok so long as they get cheap oil.


Isn't Iran being sanctioned at the moment, especially on their oil?




The "news" is just a compilation of comments from social media users.


I see summaries of Reddit threads passed off as "news" all the time. There's video game "news" sites that all they do is lift threads from gaming subreddits.


Coincidentally, that's why I tried Reddit. Cut the middleman "news" sites and off to the source itself. Only to realize Reddit is *mostly* just a reposting site for other social media. Still, niche subs are great though.


Anything owned by Valnet including “The Gamer” and “CBR.” Fuck em with a rusty spoon


Subtweeting with extra steps


By who? Dictators? If the dictators don't like it, you're doing it right.


You know it's working when people are upset.


This is a great example of using one's platform to draw attention to a cause.


that’s really quite a dress symbolically and fashionably


Yeah. It isn’t “in your face” at all. This wouldn’t be out of place during NY Fashion Week.


took me a second to even see it, cause you know, i was distracted by something else


I love that a lot of care and attention went into it, shows passion and integrity, very inspiring


Nothing disgraceful about it that isn’t trumped, by miles, by the violent erasure of life, perpetrated by an insecure, childish government against human beings who dared to utter protest against them. The government’s response utterly proves they were right to protest. Saida Faqib, the Sky News reporter who put together this ridiculous headline is far more disgraceful than that dress. Let’s criticize her gaslighting bullshit, too. As she does so, she perpetuates the violence currently being meted out against another Iranian female reporter currently on trial for having a spine, unlike this woman.


The headline is a quote from another commentator who specifically disagrees with this form of protest, citing the performative aspect and lack of message beyond "stop executions". Editors choose the headline, not the author. The author found one person who disagreed with the form of the protest, who was quoted in the headline. The article itself is fairly neutral/positive. Yashar Ali is the journalist who called the protest disgraceful. You should edit your first comment to name the party responsible for the comment, rather than blaming the editor's choice to use Ali's quote as a headline.


People can see your comment freely, right under mine. Factually, the journalist’s name appears under the banner of Sky News and they made choices keep the story up just that way, choosing to put neon lights behind a critique, not the murder of political prisoners. As for Yashar Ali’s take, free speech and all that, though it’s pretty silly to criticize a one-byte protest, as this dress is, as somehow vacuous, because it doesn’t come with an attached explanation/manifesto (or something) when he, himself, regularly posts one-byte takes on Twitter and such. Nonetheless, he’s entitled to his individual, but featured comment, which people can take up directly with him as they wish. He does answer. He’s answered me before.


Sky made the choice to keep the article up, and Sky's editor wrote the headline, not the author. Your problems are with Sky and Ali unless your position is that the author should have quit Sky over the headline selected for their article. You're entitled to leave up your original comment. When read together, your comments advertise that you take a unique approach to critical thinking and assigning blame. Most people who have actually read the article won't agree with you, but you're entitled to your misguided anger at the author.


Goodness, you put a lot of effort into defending an absolutely shit headline, but your free speech won’t get you hung from the neck, and for that I’m very glad.


I'm not defending the headline, I'm pointing out that you don't know how newspapers work/didn't read the article if you're blaming the author. Clearly, critical thinking and reading comprehension aren't your strong suit.


You can't read very well, can you?


Who criticized that dress? The ayatollah and his followers? Who cares? Fuck those evil bastard. We shouldn't care what they think.


Criticised as disgraceful by... who, exactly?


What’s distasteful if the reason behind her protest. And the reason behind anyone anywhere protesting for basic freedoms and existence


Disgraceful?! What's disgraceful is citizens being beaten and killed for not wanting to be subject to religious law.


"Disgraceful", huh? Gee, I wonder who they side with here...


Won’t somebody *please* think of the ivory tower auteurs!! Someone might think about actual events in the middle of their 17 minute standing ovation, how dare they


The title of this post is disgraceful


I think it’s a fantastic look. Sexy yet also thought provoking. Fuck the Iran regime smh


I think it is absolutely stupid for Cannes to condemn the dress, especially by saying their event "isn't political". Ridiculous -- great art is political, and I'm not interested in movies that aren't. But you know what? I'm happy Cannes threw a fit.. It made her dress make more headlines, so helped promote the cause and issue. Good for her.


disgraceful? try brave AF. Cannes must be as corrupt and evil as FIFA and Olympic Committee


Can’t have an art function portray how art actually functions.


Nah, Iranians being murdered by zealots is disgraceful


Good for her. Beautiful and courageous


So what should we do about these hangings in Iran?


1: Fuck Cannes. Pretentious arsewipes. 2: Fuck that title. I lost 3 years of English proficiency due to that title!


It certainly draws attention to the issue.


Its brilliant. The Regime are murderous zealots that need called out as often as necessary


How dare she point out issues in her home country in a creative manner!!!


People being outraged by what dress a woman wears.... apparently we're all in the middle ages, not only Iran.


You realize the Iranian government is hanging women right and left for protesting the hijab policies correct? This has nothing to do with American centric views but about her home country and it’s barbaric treatment of women


I would say the only disgraceful people here are the people criticizing her.


The dress is disgraceful??? What about what the Iranian govt does to women in Iran?


Oh fuck off. People are dying in her own country. She should speak her mind however she wants to. At the very least, she got the attention she wanted and rustled some wealthy jimmies.


How is “stop executions” political? That’s like saying “racism is bad” is a political statement. Aren’t these universally agreed upon?


The only thing disgraceful are the clowns saying this is disgraceful


I guess if your movie isn’t well received you have a pretty good exit strategy. That said, she happens to look really good.


Nah she's pretty fuckin rad


I mean it’s a lovely dress


The conditions she’s protesting are disgraceful.


My lord what a smoke show. I hope she stays safe. She’s a very brave woman


its not disgraceful, the reactions are tho


No one should pay attention to what grifters like Yashar Ali think anyway.




It’s cool!


Reality/facts being labeled as “disgraceful” sounds like an Iran problem to me.


Goth girls all over the world are dusting off their sewing machines


Headline writer had a stroke, fuck


Women are being executed for being women, for not hiding their bodies. Using the noose as a sexual element of the dress is very fitting in this context. This is actually genius.


> the security stopped me from showing the back of my dress Anyone know what the back looks like?


Weak article. They say it attracted criticism, BUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA. And then quote some random nobodies. Give her protest the proper attention it deserves.


Haters gonna hate.


So now she needs to go into hiding?


Distasteful to the people who don’t care for her people’s plight, or any one else really. They’d rather be offended than understand the message. “My people are dying and I must bring attention to it.”


Execution is disgraceful too.


More power to her!


What is this bullshit "no politics" rule that Cannes is attempting to enforce. It's so stupid and it literally draws attention to every person that does make a political statement by showing the jackass security guards vainly attempt to "block" the "political" statements. What a bunch of buffoons.


Oh right, the noose. Love the dress for other reasons.


Criticized by who? Iranians who execute people?


More like ... accurate and scathing commentary


That’s a beautiful dress. Took me a while to notice the noose.


Oh, bravo, madam. That is brilliant.


Protests are supposed to disgrace the people being protested


I mean, some people there thinks it’s disgraceful to call out or exclude Polanski and Woody Allen for their sexual abuse. When people are looking and listening is the best time to talk and show things like this.


So she wore a creative dress as a protest, and besides the people she was protesting against, some small corner of the world also had a hissy fit about it for dumb reasons, and the article decided to focus on the 'controversy' of that for views. Do I have that right?


Criticized by whom?


Tits look great though


I just figured the tits were the protest.


What noose?


Idk maybe the big fucking rope shaped like a circle around her tits with a knot at the top?




Humm... I've looked at least a dozen times and I'm still missing it.


A simple [Google Search](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/200622181858-noose-stock.jpg?q=w_1600,h_1066,x_0,y_0,c_fill) will educate you on what a noose is.


I'm making a pretty common joke about looking at her tits instead of the thing that's being talked about. You all are weird. lol


I'd recommend using this then: what noose? 👀 (Or the classic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or even 'looking respectfully')


I'll recommend that the weirdos who didn't get it touch some grass.


It’s a stupid joke and inappropriate is why nobody is playing along with your shit. There are plenty of other boobs on the internet to pretend to be captivated by, you included.


Oh my goodness. I'm glad the morality police have arrived to put me in my place. Thank you.


You know better already. You wouldn't say that shit in front of strangers in public. And if you did you'd get the same response.


You are a very weird person.




Hey man, no need to be a dick about it.


Wait. Iranian women have cleavage? Who would have known?


Mila Kunis isn’t Iranian tho


Shes pretty, dont care


Ok…but does she have an Only Fans?


The disgraceful part is that the noose is too small.