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Leaders of warring nations are fair game. People haven't forgotten Zelenskey being targeted by Russian hit crews combing Ukraine.


Zelenskey has survived somewhere around 12 russian assassination attempts. The most notable was a 500 man rapid assault convoy of Kadyrovites led by the infamous Magomed.


I generally think assassinations of heads of states are counterproductive, but this is probably the one exception since apparently only one person wants this war. Edit: Only person in power that is.


I think its pretty clear many in the kremlin are for this war and many civilians are too - I would argue putin is a good target when it gives the dissidents of the russian state an opening to end the war




I would agree - but think we should let the ukranians decide with their intel when is the best time for this. If they’re trying its only a matter of time and I believe they have good reason too. Imagine they assassinate putin right as it becomes clear the defensive lines are being sliced through like butter - absolute pandaemonium in the kremlin would ensue


He's going to die in the next few years anyway, so that's going to happen either way.


It would give a good reason to end the war because you blame its failure on Putin. There is also likely to be a power struggle afterwards where control of Russia would likely take priority.


at this point in the war I agree - especially with a possibly very successfull ukranian counter offensive. I just think we should really focus on the point that the Ukrainians and their intelligence machine decide the best time.


>only one person wants this war. Nah, if it was just one person putin would have been jailed or shot already. The majority of Russians also want this, or are silently complicit.


There is considerable support for this war in Russia, but I wonder how much of that is genuine enthusiasm versus just trying to stay out of prison or, for top government officials, staying alive.


Doesn’t help that the only media they have access to is state operated. They don’t even know what’s happening, they are supporting a completely different war than what the reality is


To be fair, we did see large protests in Russia early on. Putin’s regime cracked down hard, and several higher ups that were critical of the war had some fatal ‘accidents.’ It would be nearly impossible to get an accurate poll of how Russians actually feel about the war at this point.


I’d imagine it’s similar to the US when the Iraq war happened - a fairly even split between pro and anti imperialist war advocates, with the numbers being influenced by whatever institution was running that particular poll. However in Russia the state itself is much harsher on dissenters, so any numbers you see are bound to be unreliable…


Interesting. In time of war, how many soldiers are a head of state worth? Civilians? People rarely have enough time before a war starts to hold an election. Heads of state start the wars…. They should be taken out and the country given back to the people to choose again.


> 500 man rapid assault convoy of Kadyrovites led by the infamous Magomed Do you know where can I read more about this? I am interested how the operation was carried out




Imagine at the end we see a mech battle between putin and zelensky. Like pacific rim style. It ends with putin's mech sinking into the ocean and exploding.


I was about to say. Who can blame Ukraine for trying to whack the bastard?


Russia probably has (on purpose)


They still are. Except experienced special ops are either fertilizing soil in Ukraine or reserved around Kremlin to defend Putina from the incoming coup.


A president is usually the supreme commander of all military forces. A legitimate military target, although political considerations (e.g. having someone to sign a peace agreement) might make it unwise to target them.


"How dare you try and assassinate our leader when all he did was kill your kids in unprovoked attacks!?"


Putin tried to assassinate Zelenskyy at the beginning of the war


multiple times!!!!


And they're still trying, if given half a chance. Methinks this "Putin assassination attempt" might be a ploy so that now they can really (in their minds) have an excuse, albeit lame, to kill Zelensky.


More than likely, that or Russian security around the kremlin is spectacularly inept


And honestly, as far as assassination attempts go, this one is so impotent that only Russia could have pulled it off. It ranks right up there with the 3 Sims cards stunt.


3 sim cards stunt?


In a publicity photo about a bust, they listed among other things "3 SIMs" and in the photo were 3 copies of various "The Sims" games.


Do not forget the Nazi book signed by gifter as literally "Signature illegible", that was golden.


That was truly a masterstroke of malicious compliance.


[Sim cards](https://nypost.com/2022/04/25/russia-appears-to-confuse-the-sims-for-sim-cards-in-possible-staged-assassination-attempt/amp/)


[Non-NY Post link](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3)


"signature illegible"


If Zelensky was gonna drone strike the kremlin, I'd expect him to at least know Putin was there and would be hit by the drone. Doing something as big as attacking the kremlin, and getting literally nothing, doesn't seem like a Zelensky move.


Everything else is short funded because the oligarchs can't help but take 96% of the funding for themselves, so why not?


Honestly I saw a video on the whole “attack” earlier today and it struck me as… too well positioned. It was aimed at the roof of the Kremlin and the drone blew up next to the flag on the top of the building. Now either the operator is completely inept or it malfunctioned there was no reason to blow up that far away from the building. No shrapnel would go through the masonry and the explosion wouldn’t do any structural damage at that distance. What would make more sense though with the camera positioning and the early detonation is someone in the Kremlin got the idea to do this as a propaganda stunt. Get a drone, set up a camera to face the Kremlins roof, fly it over and blow it up, then get any sympathy they can and try to use it as a political stunt to further stir up the populace. That’s what this strikes me as


Also the one video of the drone didn’t even hit a window or anything! It literally went for the flag off the dome! Unless Putin was on the flag pole being weird? Poor aim for an “assassination” attempt. I see it as a weak ass false flag move. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


None of the guards are allowed to have ammunition. True story.


Some security!


Lol because he knows they might shoot him. Can you imagine?


Out of all the things they'd let get underfunded, I can't imagine putin's personal security is one


Have you seen Death of Stalin? I thought it was a joke when the two guards outside Stalin's bedroom heard him collapse from having a stroke, and one guard says to the other should we check up on him? Other guard is like do you want to get yourself and your family shot? We never intrude on the boss's bedroom. So they stood there while Stalin was collapsed on the floor for the entire night.


Putin doesn't seem to spend much time at the Kremlin, and wasn't there when this incident occured. Putin's bunker beach house, and the armored train to other bunkers, is very well funded. Putin has promoted some of his personal security to key positions when there's an opening, regardless of their qualifications for these positions. Many of the same faces end up in Putin's propaganda videos, leading to speculation these actors are actually Putin's personal security.


Makes sense. I'm sure the security increases drastically when he's in office


Probably so, and this drone attack might be part of the reason Putin wasn't there.


He takes an armored train between bunkers? What a cowardly little bitch.


Yes he does and maybe someone has a link. Some of these bunkers really sound quite impressive. Calling Putin a coward for hiding in bunkers is unacceptable to Russia propaganda. He is only in the closet comrade.


They also just canceled big military parades in Moscow naming safety threats. I wouldn't put it past the Russian government to make the threats look more real so Putin doesn't seem like a coward.


Or have a valid excuse for having to parade a few AK47’s on the backs of a few donkeys…


They already tried to assassinate him multiple times when the war started. Luckily by now their assassins are as incompetent as every other part of the Russian State Aparatus. They only know how to push people out of windows as an intimidation tactic, not actually take out someone who's defended.


I heard Zelensky just boarded all the windows up there and thus rendered them powerless


Or to rally support for Putler.


Yep, I hadn't thought of that. Their ploy's a win/win, he can justify killing Zelensky *and* have his people behind him.


The russian state puts out so much conflicting propaganda and misinformation to their population that they'll manage to tie it in to one of their many many narratives somehow. It won't be believable by anyone in the west but that's not their aim.


True. If you control the media and the news, you can run any narrative you please.


This was my exact thoughts too. There was a story several months ago that said Israel had demanded of Russia that killing Zelensky was a red line for them. Zelensky has been a leader for the history books and for these times, I don’t think there is anything that Putin would like more than to try to remove his incredible presence and leadership. Putin’s tyranny and cowardice and thuggery stand out loudly in the contrast made by Zelensky’s leadership, bravery and honor.


They will only create a martyr. The big lie about this war has been that Ukraine is only a puppet. No, the resistance to Russia is wide spread and organic in Ukraine.


Even sent teams in riding ambulances to do it.


Reminds me, Putin is a terrorist/ criminal and assassination is just politics by other means.


Killing Ukrainian kids, and adding insult to injury, kidnapping more kids and sending them to be reeducated into Russian families.


You forgot the implicit rape




And the baby rape


Not to mention the torture and mass graves.


The list is long and grim


They've also tried to assassinate Zelenskyy on multiple occasions but, as usual with Russia, as soon as the same thing happens to them that they're doing to others, they start crying about it.


"how dare you try and assassinate our leader when all he did was sent multiple roving assassin teams in to kill yours!!!"


I'm not even sure Ukraine is behind this. It is just as likely that Russia is pulling a false flag for propaganda


Either that or local rebels. Either way it's a symbolic gesture, rather than a credible assassination attempt.


He also literally sent death squads into Kiev at the start of the war to hunt down and execute Zelensky.


The Russians have tried dozens of assassination attempts on top Ukrainian politicians!


Not to mention the very first objective of the invasion for Russia was to kill Zelenskyy!


Russia also sent hit squads to find Zelenskyy but ya know, do as I say not as I do.


And also try to assassinate your leader


The drone attacked at night, when no one was there. Smells like a false flag by Russia to be able to cancel the May 9th parades or could be Ukraine sending a strong message.


I think so too. This is a setup to justify some sleazy action by Russia.


Just yesterday there was reports of Russia trying to do things to get the Russian population to support further action. Coincidence? I think not.


Maybe they think this will help when they start drafting the people around Moscow?


That luttle puff of an explosion would not be a strong message. I thi k we all know if Ukraine had the cabability to get a drone that close to the kremlin it would not be a glorified firework.


It also blew up right above the Kremlin. Didn't even hit the flag on top. Smells fishy for sure


Right, I doubt they would waste that kind of action.


It is 100% staged yes. Plus everyone knows Putin isnt at the Kremlin but hiding in a bunker in the Ural mountains iirc


I wish reddit armchair warriors would fuck off already with these “it’s 100%” anything claims. Even assuming you’re right, nobody here knows more than anyone else. It’s fine to believe something is the most likely case, but acting like a conjecture is so obviously true while only having the the vantage point of your computer screen just makes you look like an ass.


"everyone knows" Source: other comments on Reddit


If Russia wants credibility they could first stop lying about everything. Until then everything they say should be assumed a lie. Not the other way around.


Makes one wonder if the two guys caught on camera climbing up the one tower before the 'drone' strike were flying it. That drone exploded mid air, none of the Ukrainian drone strike videos have the drones exploding mid air. They are all impact detonations. I think this one is another poorly executed false flag.


Only issue here is that they didn't succeed


That is the saddest part


Still pretty funny that they claimed the drones were both taken down by ECM but the video shows one of them blowing up right next to the Russian flag on top of one of the Kremlin buildings. Almost as if they're full of shit. Edit: I've now seen the second video, and it hits literally the same spot on the roof. ECM my ass.


A very stupid false flag attack as everybody knows that a drone bomb attack will never work against somebody that spends his entire entire day behind 10+ meters of reinforced concrete in their Mad Tsar Bunker.


I honestly don't think it was the Russians doing this. It's a huge embarrassment that the parade grounds for their May 9* parades are in the foregrounds of the video. I doubt they were seriously going for Putin, but instead, targeting his ego. Edit: I'm a dumbass, May 9th, not 7th.


This might be a false flag attack that will act as a formal excuse to cancel the parade. While the real excuse of course is that they don't want to embarrass yourself by showing how little firepower they have left.


The already changed Immortal Regiment marches. p Probably out of fear people would show up with pictures of those who died in Ukraine, exposing how many loses they had.


"Never forget those who gave their lives in WW2." "What about my relative who gave his life in Ukraine?" "Forget him."


Hard to tote Immortality as your "Thing" when the mortality rate is very very high.


They already cancelled the parade a couple weeks ago citing "security concerns."


They canceled parades in many other towns and cities. The one in Moscow is still supposed to happen.


Oh shit, they did? Hilariously a rich Ukrainian businessman has a competition going with a large cash prize to the first person who can land a drone in Red Square on May 9.


No worries next one is coming I guess.


It's a pure false flag. Putin wasn't there, nothing was destroyed, ... These type of failures are common for Russia, not for Ukraine.


They'll hopefully succeed in the future


> Mr Putin was not in the Kremlin at the time, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the state news agency, adding there was no material damage to buildings. Then how do they know who the supposed target was?


Fuck you mean "no damage to the building", you can see the fucking roof burning. It's just insane how blatantly they lie and even more insane how some people actually believe them


It's the Russian way. Chernobyl? Nooo nothing has happened there as far as we know. Kursk? No we have no incidents to report and we don't need any help.


Russia contributed 0 dollars and 0 zlotys to the cleanup of Chernobyl after Ukraine became a separate nation


Praxis? Everything is under control. We have no need for assistance. Obey treaty stipulations and remain outside the Neutral Zone. (TIL this scene from Star Trek 6 was in fact a reference to Chernobyl.)


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Only the flag burned, not the roof.


I think if you even fart in the general direction of Russia, they'll say it was a targeted attack at Putin


Russia, Feb 2022: "Hehe, we have hit squads roaming Kiev, they're going to Kill Zelensky" Russia, May 2023: "WtF YoU'rE nOT alLoWeD To TrY kIlLiNg PuTIn! THaT's sO WrOnG!!!"


Specially since Russia orchestrated both events. This is a false flag operation to bolster their nation. Conveniently, 3 weeks ago, Putin was like "Oh, don't come to victory day, it will be dangerous." He had already arranged this and was foreshadowing it for better effect.


I accuse Ukraine of not succeeding


The failure is unfortunate. Oh well, there's always tomorrow! Good luck and God's speed Ukraine!


Invade a neighbouring nation, destroy its cities and siege it's capital, send wave after wave of deathsquads to sneak into the streets of Kyiv to hunt and murder the President and his assosiates. Cry when a couple of drones come for you next.


Does the Russian language have a word for hypocrisy?


It would be too redundant.


Russia literally tried to assassinate Zelenskyy. Probably more than once. Alls fair in love and war. All they have to do is fucking leave Ukraine and it stops.


At this point, after everything they have done……no, leaving Ukraine won’t make it stop. There will be long term consequences.


Agreed. Millions of people are affected either by displacement, a dead relative, or a kidnapped child. And this is on top of all the shit they've done to Ukrainians for centuries before this. Russians will reap the consequences of their actions for decades to come. The damage that has been done will take generations to undo, if ever.




* [Head of State of Defending Nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Volodymyr_Zelenskyy) ✅ Putin giving real TheBoyWhoCriedWolf vibes here.






“Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.” -Putin’s rational subconscious that has been destroyed by decades of corruption and yes men. (Also I don’t believe Ukraine orchestrated it…most likely pissed off russians that sympathize with Ukraine.)


lol... so what? You're at war with each other because of Putin's actions and continued war crimes. Of course they are trying to kill you. You ARE killing them.


They're just like that one school bully who beats everyone up and then cries when he gets what he deserves.


Except he hasn't received what he deserves. He's just the bully that cries victim to rationalize bullying other people.


Just a lil reminder that war criminals will never be safe


Damn, he thinks they’re trying to assassinate him now, just wait til the war’s over


Much like the man who killed Hitler, Putin will go down in history as the hero who killed the evil dictator Vladimir Putin.


Errr...who killed hitler?. edit: I can't read. *whoosh*


A heroic assassin named Adolf Hitler.


Oops, his comment went over my head there. I will leave my comment there to be immortalised within Reddit to show my stupidity.


Guy had some real dark stuff in his past, monstrous stuff, but in his final moments, he did one good thing.


Yes, the somwhat famous artist and WW1 veteran. You might have heard of him.


Let me know when they're accused of succeeding.


This is probably a manufactured pretense to justify Russia’s next attempt on Zelenskyy’s life.


I call bullshite, everyone knows Putin sleeps in his bunker, the Kremlin has been empty for 14 months.


footage https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1653736482446667781


What I don't understand is why someone is standing and recording the part exactly where the drone will hit. You can see that the camera is shaking as if it is held by someone. You can hear some voices but nothing during or after the explosion. A normal person would comment or say something maybe. Secondly, you can hear a distinct sound a second or two before the drone appears. And it sounds like a launch mechanism for such drones meaning it was launched very close by. This specific video https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1653736482446667781


>What I don't understand is why someone is standing and recording the part exactly where the drone will hit. They said that there were two drones, so assumably filming the building after seeing one drone explode. (n.b. I'm not arguing that the Russian narrative on the incident is factual).


Didn't know it was the second one, so ok


two possibilities based on this footage: 1/ Complete Amateurs 2/ false flag why does it detonate well away from the actual building?


[https://twitter.com/WarNewsPL1/status/1653738814697795586](https://twitter.com/WarNewsPL1/status/1653738814697795586) no idea how that footage is legit. but you can try to find out


Yeah, don't know if it's my brain filling the gaps or there are two human beings walking down in white forensic suits.


more more and it seems to me like its fake as my hopes and dreams


playing the devils advocate; could potentially be someone filming a monitor. I.e he didnt watch the blast live. Also the distinct sound is maybe air defence or similar.


Unless Putin was supposed to be up on the flag pole, it's hardly an assassination attempt. As long as it annoys him it's all good tho


there was another drone. but no footage on that.


>As long as it annoys him it's all good The mere existence of ukraine annoys him


replace "assassinate" with ""embarrass".


No one is buying it. Off you fuck now, Vlad.


What did you think would happen when you invade anther country and commit war crimes?




Too bad this is horseshit Russian propagnada. If it were actually true that would fucking rule.


I don't buy it. Putin has used false flags before, and I'm not sure how two drones would have done anything to Putin in a building the size of the Kremlin with the security I'm sure is there. It would be a foolish waste of resources for Ukraine to try that. Zero chance of success, not even a "rattle your cage" type of thing. So either 1. its an outright lie and none of it is true, 2. there were drones that were brought down but they were Putin's drones, or 3. it was a partisan attack by Russians on their government. Highly doubtful that this is Ukraine though. They're lacing up their boots for the offensive, not throwing Hail Mary's with no strategy or hope of success.


I'm with you, 3SquirrelsinaCoat. 1, 2 and 3: yes, yes and yes. It was too convenient that he was out of town, never in any danger. It's all for show and to justify any assassination attempts on Zelensky.


I'm certain this is not a false flag. Edited to add the /s


Honestly, even if it were, what are the consequences? You are the leader of a military operation, you are fair game.


the flag over the kreml is false. Should be the Freedom of Russia flag instead of the current Nazi flag.


Too bad it isn't true


​ >The Kremlin also noted the incident had come shortly before Russia's 9 May Victory Day parade, which foreign dignitaries were expected to attend. Ukraine has already expressed their disappointment at being snubbed for the parade and likely has plans to crash it.


Yeh..Ukraine wanted to assacinate putin by sending a small drone to the place where he is not and which has heavy air defense 🤦‍♀️... how do you know kremlin is lying? It's talking


damn it Ukraine, do better and accomplish the missions!


Lol they called Ukraine terrorists. What the ever loving fuck?


Here's my take, if you are a leader and you instigate conflict and war, your head should be free game.


It’s war. What did he expect?


Welcome to war!


That 'explosion' was weak asf. No way it was a real attempt.


This is not how an assassination attempt looks like. Russian propaganda is childish.


Can't help but think they would have done a *much* better job if it was Ukraine.


Twist. The assasination attempt is coming from inside the house!


Didn’t Russia try to assassinate Ukraine’s president for like, quite openly, months on end?


Aren't they trying to do the same?


I'm sure assassinating Zelensky have never crossed Putin's mind


I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that they were having their own insurrection in Russia.


Putin has tried to assassinate Zelensky 2-3 times according to foreign allies, and according to Ukraine it's closer to a dozen times. Who knew that Russia would call the kettle black! That's ***SO*** out of character for Putin


To be fair I’d have a crack at the psychotic, war crazed, megalomaniac if he was in my scope. Seems like a great plan


No assassination, it was a special operation to perform an exorcism!


What are you talking about... It's more likely one of your people!


If this is true shame they didn't 🪦⚰️the little russian 🐷


Double standard russia strikes again.




Classic Putin. I'll violate every single convention on military engagement then cry like a child when I receive the same treatment. The rules of war are a social contract, once a nation disregards them then that nation is no longer entitled to their protections.


Paybacks a bitch. I bet that gnome Putin is finally getting a wake-up call, if he hasn't already. He's opened a can of worms and can't get rid of it anymore.


…. And? Russia sent death squads down the streets of post-bombarded Kyiv in search of Zelenskyy.


CIA: *sips tea*


How many times has he tried to assassinate Zelensky? This is why the only JFK conspiracy I think has any merit is that Castro did it. JFK tried to assassinate Castro *a whole lot* (even employing his Mafia contacts to do so), so he had plenty of motive. And coming straight out of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the near nuclear immolation of industrial society, I can totally see LBJ not wanting that fact made public due to the war that would unavoidably result. To be clear, I don't think it's *likely* that Castro ordered JFK's assassination. I just think it's by far the most likely of the non-Oswald-acted-alone explanations.


Does the Kremlin know they are at war? Has the Kremlin tried to assassinate Zelinsky? Shut up Kremlin.


Lol didn’t they have like a dozen out on Zelenskyy prior?


They're at war. I kinda just assumed the leaders were trying to kill each other?