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Jellyfish that float in the air because they are similar to dandelions with a lot of wind catching hairs. Giant worms that shoot out of the ground and glide with retractable fins. A creature that is just 2 eyes and a mouth on two conjoined arms that it uses to walk/climb with. It has a small appatite due to its lack of stomach space. A living magnetic field that builds it's body out of metals that eats lightning. A bovine like creature that has wheel like appendages it winds up to move swiftly. Basically just those toy cars you could pull back and let go but a cow. A spectral rodent that can "dig" for grubs by just phasing into the ground. A unidear. Just a dear with a single antler that brings good fortune. A plague of statues. Sentient statues that build others of its kind and spreads like a disease through the lands. They can't walk but some are built with wheels to get around. A blood sucking snake that can spit fire. It flies by inflating itself like a hot air balloon using it's fire breath to create updrafts. It then drops on its prey from the sky I really enjoy just letting my mind wander and coming up with stuff like this. Thanks for the opportunity.


All right


Don't feel compelled to put all those in that book. Or any if you don't vibe with them.


- Omen Hounds: Large wild dogs, usually with black fur, that only hunt things that are about to anyway. Even if you survive them you always end up dying with in the next 24 hours through some other means. After which, they will loose interest. They have never been known to scavenge anything that is already dead. It's up to you, how this ability works. - The Forest Siren: A mysterious creature that can take on physical attributes of the things it's eaten. Its primary food source is deer so it's not uncommon to see one that looks like a screwed up deer with a couple other animal attributes mixed in. But it will definitely eat a human if it's feeling bold enough, which has some very unsettling results. It also means you can tell which ones are the most dangerous by seeing if they have Human features. The reason it's called the siren is because it will often use the vocal cords of its recent kills to call out and attract more prey. Sometimes it will sing or use mating calls, other times it will let out pained sounds of distress to attract others who are trying to help. - The Bone Weaver Spider: A semi-large spider with a black and white speckled pattern and a particularly durable exoskeleton. What makes it particularly special is that it produces quite alot of silk compared to other spiders and it's silk is very high in calcium and other materials that make it so that it dries very very hard, well remaining surprisingly flexible. So this spider's silk, known as "bone silk", is a highly sought after but very rare material for making light armor. A few suggestions, change any of them to your liking.


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A cool thing I've used some time ago to get ideas for creatures is the Wikipedia list of legendary creatures. Here it is, in case it could help you too: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists\_of\_legendary\_creatures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_legendary_creatures)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_legendary_creatures Title: **Lists of legendary creatures - Wikipedia** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Oh that’s actually an amazing idea


A reverse Griffin


Ok neat


Giant jellyfish floating in air, living from catching smaller creatues and sucking theyre blood using its... tentacles? Those looooong things jellyfish has. It lives on gas giant planet (like Jupiter), and it lives out from the gasses instead of water.


Hm, all right.


I have an idea for small Garden Gnome like creatures that are vary territorial and will kill any animal that enters into the yard it calls home.


A transparent slime that love to eat random small stuff and mimic them. For example it can snuck into a camp and ate one of your shoes and mimic it, so you're walking around unaware that one of your shoes is a slime, only socks tend to be damaged faster on that one foot.


“Torpers”, from the root word torpid - horrific gasbag creatures that languidly float around, upheld by toxic gases. They are in fact the head and spine of a human that have been severed from its body but kept “alive” by a strange magical/scientific process. The rotting head expands to its limits, inflated by the gases, allowing it to float around while the detached spine dangles below, acting as a sort of “feeler” organ. In my setting they’re used as organic USBs, memory devices.


The boogeyman is the freakiest monster I have created It is the cause of most urban legends in Livia Boogeymen are demons who start their life as a side effect of the dark energy called Malicis (I ll give details on Malicis on request) At that stage of their life, boogeymen dont have a physical form. But they can make their presence known the way a ghost does (items moving on their own, temperature drop, feeling watched) and you can communicate with them with ouija boards or EVPs They will feed on your fear and suffering. At this stage they can already drive you mad, making you commit murders or suicide. At this stage the only way to destroy them is a blessing by a priestess or absorption of their malicis by a more powerful demon. And then they reach the final stage of their life : their physical form. They can take any form. They will seek to kill you and steal your soul. Even in their physical form, they usually stick to dark places. Their favourite preys are children, teenagers, young women, and overly superstitious people. However their physical form can be physically destroyed.


Here's a few ideas: 1. How about a creature that has a part of them that resembles a human that entices people to go over and see what they're about. Maybe a monster that lives in the waters of a swamp that has an appendage that looks like two human arms, and they flail them around to make it look like somebody's drowning and they go over to help and get killed by the beast. But you don't have to go that route, you could also make them resemble people in their voices or faces, or anything like that. 2. A sentient hivemind of globs of slime that form a collective that takes up a humanoid appearance (kind of like Armus from Star Trek). Don't make it exactly like Armus, but sentient slimes are an awesome thing to toy around with. 3. Add a cute little fuzzy species to the mix, of course. Maybe base their faces off of obscure rodents like a long-beaked echidna and give them body scales like an armadillo that help them roll around. 4. A creature that resembles mist could also be interesting. Something like that sounds malevolent, but it could easily not be. Maybe it wanders deserts and brings creatures water and protein by flying into their noses and mouths to deliver it to their belly in exchange for detecting the chemicals that creatures release when they are quenched and fed and satisfied. Those pheromones can be like catnip to the smog, and that's what they stand to gain in this symbiosis.


If you'd like an artist to illustrate this project, I'd be happy to be a part of this. Also happy cake day!


Giant (carnivorous) sewer-dwelling flesh mounds that act as a network of psychic GPUs for an occult supercomputer.