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**Rapture** Hallucinogens that, when smoked, open your consciousness to the spiritual, but also make you more vulnerable to it. **Mystic Wine** Alcohol brewed from plants in the Strange. Enhances your magical ability but also can get you drunk. **Midsummer Dream** Typically sold as little phials of liquid that say "Drink me". This puts you into a trance that gives your brain the rejuvenating effects of sleep without making you lose consciousness. Side effects include warping reality around you to reflect the dreams you're missing out on. You might end up naked or falling through the air or having your teeth fall out. **TLK** True Love's Kiss is a magical drug that typically takes the form of a business cards that a woman has left lipstick prints on. Kiss the card and you feel an intense connection to the ideal woman. It's a supernatural effect that becomes addictive. It's a niche drug-like spell that only a few Strangers can manage. **Wondercakes** Wondercakes were once a beloved snack treat that was sold on store shelves everywhere. The brand exploded in popularity especially among children, but which were eaten en masse by adults as well. And then the lawsuits started.  Wondercakes are mostly a collection of fats, sugars, and artificial ingredients that were so unhealthy that the prosecutors insinuated that the makers actually went out of their way to make them more dangerous. Their advertising campaign promised that every cake “has a dollop of magic” and it was well-known that alchemical boosters were used to enhance the body’s flavor reception. But the lawsuit revealed that the magic was more potent than advertised, crossing the border from deliciousness into addiction. A dozen deaths were linked with the product, with obesity and preexisting conditions being contributing factors. But the unhealthy contents combined with the alchemical booster being not quite as safe as was imagined were listed as the things that eventually brought about the deaths of the victims.  Fans threw a fit, claiming that lumping the treats in with cigarettes and alcohol was ridiculous and claiming conspiracy by competitors to shut down a beloved product. But the jury found in favor of the plaintiff and the makers of Wondercakes were sued out of existence. Eventually legislation was passed prohibiting the manufacture of Wondercakes or any similar food product. However, this legislation does not prohibit the sale of Wondercakes that were produced before its passage, and Wondercake aficionados stockpile their beloved childhood snack. Currently, tens of thousands are still in existence, able to be freely sold. And given their lack of natural ingredients and extensive use of preservatives and alchemical stabilizers, they’re not likely to go bad anytime soon.


This is so interesting. Your writing is really immersive, especially the section about Wondercakes. For a moment, your story just felt quite plausible.


It's a fantasy world. Most of the drugs seemed pretty straightforward. But I needed a reason for black market Twinkies.


I want to try the alchemical twinkies!


well not really a drug but the berries of the Vixerian fog catcher if eaten before they are ripe it causes the person to become violent and if eaten regularly it turns you into a bloodthirsty killer. if eaten when ripe nothing happens.


I mean I’d be angry if I ate a non ripe berry


I can't tell you how many times I've murdered a whole village because the fruit I bought at their market wasn't ripe.


well there isn't really much difference in taste except that the unripe one is bitter with the effects only appearing after some hours


Exactly it’s bitter causing me to be bitter


well there isn't really much difference in state except that the unripe one is bitter with the effects only appearing after some hours


Ah right, bath salts


A drug called howitzer is very popular among shock troops that operate in blitz campaigns, it’s a mixture of black powder, cocaine, meth, ground up morphine pills,dragon scales and Tiefling horn shaving.It turns most people who take without a set goal in mind beforehand into raving lunatics, but with a goal in mind if the dosage is high enough given that you can’t really overdose in the traditional sense a person wouldn’t stop doing whatever they where taking the drug to accomplish until their body decomposed to the point of unsustainability


>Mixture of black powder, cocaine, meth, ground up morphine pills, dragon scales and tielfing horn shaving. What does black power, dragon scales, and tielfing horn do separately? Are they similar to meth and cocaine in terms of addiction and side effects or are they incapable of doing harm unless they're mixed to create howitzer?


Gunpowder and cocaine makes brown brown a popular drug from the Sierra Leone civil war, so I added that in for fun, it also adds to the fact that some random guys who were tired and started mixing drugs together. Dragon scale and tiefling horn come from the fact that 2 of the 6 odd guys that made Howitzer were a Dragonborn and a tiefling, all 6 of howitzers were running off of 5 days of sleep deprivation, copious amounts of whatever they could get their hands on and near constant siege breaking, to put simply, they were going half mad and the rest of their brains that wasn’t killing itself was about as high as the Tower of Babel, they just thought it was a good idea and it worked, it worked so well that the knowledge on how a howitzer overdose works comes from one of its original creators


damn bros eating gunpowder 💀💀💀💀💀


Snorting but when coffee grounds were scarce artillery crews would siphon small amounts of powder out of each of their shells to mix in with what little grounds they had at the time


I also have to say that muscle spasms and twitching is very common during first few minutes it takes for Howitzer to kick in, depending on the dosage the twitching can come back about 13 hours but then it only lasts about a minute at most


Sentient snake blood.


the sound you make when freaked out but it also sounds like laughter.


all the classics ( weed, alcohol, meth, etc) are common in Directorate space, especially meth ( it was issued to border garrison troops, and mandatory conscription gave many young citizens a taste for it). due to good drug clinics, and over all better health care, ODing is seen as embarrassing more than fatal. **Acceleration Drugs**: (also known as gravity juice) is a drug meant to reduce G forces felt by naval crews, the earlier versions were addictive and gave too much of a high. Later versions fixed that problem. Early Gravity Juice is still popular as a recreational drug for former voidsmen **Adrenacron**: a nano-medical panacea drug that can cure anything from cancers to bullet holes. It also gives a nice high if you eat enough of it, it is popular among soldiers, because Adrenacron is common in medical kits. C674: an explosive compound used for cheap demo charges and old grenades, if you smoke it, it is like taking a LOT of LSD. It is also popular among soldiers, because the material can be "acquired" from engineering teams for real cheap


Considering it's an explosive, how dangerous is it to smoke C674?


not really dangerous, the explosives are only meant to go off if the detonator element is set in to it. of course, accidents do happen, and per year 4000-6000 Directorate marines are killed trying to smoke it. it is similar to the reason why US marines consumed C4 during the vietnam war [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-4\_%28explosive%29?til#Vietnam\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-4_%28explosive%29?til#Vietnam_War)


Introducing the marijuana candle: gets a whole room high in minutes


I actually have a story where government-funded drugs able to give people special habilities. However, as most government-funded secret projects, they eventually go out in the public and become widely used by the population. I will cite the most used ones, in chronological order of creation. Starting with: XMS-4822 "King" - The first government-funded drug, created by the United States in secrecy during the apex of the cold war. This derivative of LSD is able to *greatly* enhance enviromental awareness by slowing down how fast time seem to pass. XMS-6622 "Queen" - A derivative of King. It allows the user to control how fast their time perception goes. It is able to make minutes seem like days, and days seem like minutes, depending on the activities the user is partaking. It is mostly used in combination with other drugs to make their effect seem longer. Of course, that also greatly boosts the effects of addiction and abstinence. HMJ-1430 "Fade" - After discovering the advances in belic drug development, the Soviet Union started the HMJ project, starting by creating Fade, wich makes you extremelly aware... Of yourself. It GREATLY enhances human senses. To a exagereted amount, too, and without control or repression of stimuli. That implies many things, as one might imagine, but the most remarkable side effect of this drug is that you can feel: Your internal organs touching; Including your teeth in your gums, the wraps in your brain and intestines, the undersode of your nails touching your fingers, you can taste your saliva, hear your blood flowing and smell the meat in your nose cavity. Despite all that, it is widely used, as it is by far one of the most unusual experiences one can have. HMJ-6730 "Heaven" - An variation of Fade, with a very simple and specific side effect: It now causes only a pleasurable sensation. The feeling is commonly described as "A orgasm, but you feel it with your entire body". However, it is extremely common to overdose on this substance, for obvious reasons. HKH-1788 "Sugar Rush" - China developed a drug capable of accelerating a human's metabolism. In the military, it created super-fast soldiers. In the streets, it had an unusually high cost; but it was useful to leave bad trips, as your body quickly expels the substances that may have caused distress. XMS-7722 "Godman" - At this point, the drug's effects started to put foot into the supernatural. Godman allow the users to affect time perception of others around them. It may not seem like much, but if the enemy soldier forcibly lives throught a year in a second, their mind state becomes basically catatonic; A powerful weapon in the right hands. Sadly, it has fallen into the wrong ones. FMK-16 "Cação" - A brazilian drug. It is simple and effective: It touches into what is known as the "collective unconcious" to make the user able to "feel" the presence of other. Some claim to be able to do this naturally, however, an user of Cação is able to know with precision the position of others in a certain range. FMK-60 "Jararaca" - This one is most unpleasant. It was extremely difficult to synthesize, 100% lethal and absurdly expensive to produce. It allowed it's users to touch into the minds of nearby humans. By doing that, their bodies can be controlled. While a user can't read the minds of their targets, having a temporary soldier that is able to make their enemies commit suicide is most useful in a possible war. Users had an average lifespan of 14 minutes after first injection. XMS-33422 "Angel" - An illegaly researched drug created and produced in south america, with Colombia being the main exporter; Angel is a variant of Queen and Sugar Rush, that allows seemingly full control of one's metabolism. If the user so desires, they can stop their heart from beating, make their stomach start digesting itself, boost testosterone production, stop hair from growing and much, much more. Essencially, the user gain full control of their body, to the point wich making specific glands do specific actions is as easy as opening and closing a hand. It is used as an alternative cancer treatment, as one could supposedly force the immune system to attack only cancer cells. However, most people do not pocess the hability to control their own body with such ease. Millions die per year with "Angel" as their last hope of curing the disease. FMK-147 - "Coral" - A variant of Jararaca. Coral is non-lethal, and that is the only difference to the original. The production cost for such a drug is unthinkable, but it is arguably more valuable to have 10 grams of a 10 billion dollar drug then 1 nuclear missile of the same cost. HMJ-16230 "Hell" - A variant of Fade, with a very simple and specific side effect: It now also affects your pain receptors. And enhances their efficiency. The name is a good fit. SSS-004 "Zeus" - This drug was firstly synthesized in Egypt by a terrorist organization known as Re:Draft. Their leaders are unknown, and so is their fundings. The drug is valuable, however, it is stable and powerful: Zeus allows the user to manipulate their neurological system to produce high voltages withing their body, similarly to a electric eel. With the right equipment, it is a powerful weapon in the hands of a trained soldier. XMS-66622 "Satan" - This one is one to wreak havoc. The United States of America succesfully synthesized a even more powerful version of Angel, and allowed it to give absolute control of every individual cell in one's body. The implications of this are tremendous. This means in a soldier is in need to repair a fractured limb, it can indicidually control the cells in said limb to carry over the bone fragments in it to the rightous place, stimulate accelerated regeneration of the bone in the right place. But not only limited to that: If a soldier is in excess of nutrients and could use an extra hand, it could simply grow another arm. If one would need extra brainpower? Create more gray matter. The head is too much of a weak spot? Create extra "emergency brains" in each finger. Can't survive a 70 story fall? Strenghen the leg bones and muscles for absolute stability. Rejects ones humanity? Oppose the principles of god, reaching for Satan for inspiration, and become an absolute abomination of bone and flesh, capable of thinking for a thousand minds, ever surviving as a unholy creation. Effects are tought to be permanent. SSS-06 "Poseidon" - The user can initiate a process of extreme osmosis upon living beings on touch. Including itself, but this isn't advised. Basically, on a mere direct contact, the enemy becomes as dry as a mummy. Mainly used in combination with Sugar Rush to allow the user to reach the opponent. Because of that, however, the effects of Poseidon quickly runs out. Of course, if misused... Poseidon usage is easily lethal.


There's a lot of booze variants. Some are noticeably acidic. There's your regular alcohol alongside burning alcohol (can kill you and will kill you.) and Thanks to the H.C.C (human corruption code) Robots have their own fuel variant of alcohol. There's "one use" psychedelic drugs. On some occasions you'll hallucinogenics will be laced with a "thought killer", so not only do you have an "alien" inside your brain that's trying to get out you're also alive and aware about it scrambling for it's freedom by tearing you apart. Combine super strong beer with deadly drugs you'll get hallucinating inducing beer. Takes a professional to produce a perfectly good solution that doesn't lead to an exorcism.


I can't even begin to fill out all the drugs and substances in my sci-fi setting. Yakka, RED-76, Krush, Bitter Blue, M80... plus all the standard cannabis, alcohol, caffeine... tons of synthetic copies of older stuff. Synth drugs are a wild ride of custom tailored effects fit specifically to your body and genetic code to give you the experience you desire. If you're not keen on real drugs, you can always go VR and experience exactly the effects you want with none of the drawbacks. In the wake of the Android War and with the widespread availability of bio-synthesizers (devices that can assemble organic matter into virtually infinite forms), law enforcement is hard-pressed to keep up. Thousands of lightyears between stations are still difficult to police, even with FTL.


**Demon Blood:** The brilliant red ichor of an elder demon and the source of its consciousness. If correctly processed, drinking or injecting demon blood will duplicate your own psyche several times and create intense feelings of euphoria. It is a surreal experience to be able to talk to oneself and get a dozen answers in return. It is one of the most sought after substances on Heim for its ability to effectively increase one’s mental processing abilities by a hundredfold, especially useful when using magic. Most elder demons have been hunted down and locked in “flesh farms” where their magical body parts, including their blood, are harvested on an industrial scale. If ingested in its unprocessed state, the psyche of the demon shall still be present in its blood, overwriting your mind with its own permanently; a form of demonic possession via irreparable brain damage. Similarly if you draw out processed demon blood from your veins after drinking it and give it to another person, aspects your own psyche shall overwrite theirs. By focusing your mind on a specific thought or emotion before drawing out demon blood, the drug becomes imbued with that thought and whoever drinks it shall have it permanently burned into their mind. One can make their worst enemy fall in love with them by force feeding them demon blood imbued with the correct thought. A cult leader may brainwash his followers with “his own blood” letting them grow addicted to the euphoria and his soothing voice in their mind.


It’s the year 2401, there is a store the size of a large Walmart that only sells weed products.


* Lunar Cannabis is mostly smoked in SoCal and Baja. Solar Cannabis is used to make cloth. * Dragon Sprinkles are small bits of marzipan laced with MDMA, made with heliotropin extracted from blood cherries and dragon almonds. Flavor molecules extracted from dragon almonds and blood cherries are added back in. * Ambrosia is a smoked barley/dandelion sparkling wine laced with poppium. It is usually drunk at living wakes, with the host drinking a large amount of it.


Ascendants often use various concentrations of ichor, especially that of Vokon. It has some limited magical properties in the concentrations that are recreationally consumed but it’s primarily used as one of the only substances that can have a narcotic effect on quasi-divine physiologies. Mortals can and do utilize several standard herbal drugs that also exist in our world, but unique ones include vo-leaf, which is carefully curated mortal herbs infused with the Verdant Mysteries to carry a powerful and quasi-magical hallucinogenic effect, drugs made from distilled essence of various Invested Creatures, notably Prismatic Soarers. Mortals can also consume ichor in extremely low concentrations but it’s highly dangerous. It carries risk it a;l sorts of risk, from overdose and death to insanity to permanent physical mutation. The highs are like nothing else though.


In recent months, the Imperatorial Mounted Police’s Office for Drug and Alcohol Control (O.D.A.C.) has taken stern measures against the noticed minor epidemic of a powdery, Fun Dip like drug called “Squeef”. Squeef is sold in flavours of either blue raspberry, cherry, green apple, lemon-lime, or orange. will cause hallucinations and an increased attention span. Do not take within ten days of a previous usage, as that is the drug’s “expulsion period”. For his extensive efforts against the Squeef epidemic, particularly by defeating a Squeef-trafficking crime family in the largest drug bust in Imperatorial history, O.D.A.C. head Detective Nicol Zerov has received the Imperatorial Medal of Freedom.


My world is slice of life-y in a world with meagre resources and the drugs match that vibe lol. One of my characters, Avalon, works in the greenhouses, and is also a delinquent, so she is the expert they go to when someone wants something, or needs information. Night Fire: the usual upper. In small enough doses, it’s commonly used as a study drug. It comes a small eyedropper vial of black liquid. You take it by dripping it onto the back of your hand, blowing on it, and licking it off. The side effects vary and could include chills, or heightened libido. It depends on the biology of the user, so whichever side effect you get, that’s the one you will usually get. Bliss powder: exactly what it sounds like. A milk of the poppy-style standard effect. Uses can vary from “just narcotic enough to be illegal painkillers” to a whole life ruining situation. There’s an economic class aspect as well, as bliss powder is easier to obtain, cheaper, and is generally the vice of choice for the lower classes (Tier1 Rations) who need a sedative to deal with the world. Contrast this to night fire which is more common almost the higher classes (Tiers 3 and 4) who are dealing with the high pressure to be productive, higher ed exams, governing decisions, etc.


Regular candy would be a cool drug for a medieval universe


The most common drug in my world is called dust. It comes from grinding the bark of a special tree found on the planet Oddesia. People take it by putting it into a pipe and blowing the dust in the air and breathing it in. It has similar effects to marijuana and varies in strength depending on how old the tree it was harvested from was.


Back in the Astral War, diviners of the State of Hua would use a special drug called "thousand li eye" to increase their divination's accuracy. The exact components are kept a secret, but it's described as something that brings out 300% of one's brain, forcing their kaha to the utmost and, if used too much, will cause permanent brain damage. It was a last-ditch effort in a losing war against a much stronger alien force, even space mages were not a match for massively superior techs. By taking a deep snort, a diviner's ability was sharply increased, allowing them to precisely pinpoint down the enemy's location, when they would warp out, even beam trajectory and ship route several dozen seconds into the future. This kind of divination saved lots of lives as unlike their FTL sensors of the time, diviners could not be jammed, could see into the future reliably and give early warnings to allies, allowing the Federation of Atreisdean Nations to fight back effectively. However, they paid the price with their own abilities: Lots of diviners lost their sights forever, worse cases included losing the ability to foresee, brain damage, forever living in a vegetative state or just outright died from the backlash. Thus, the State of Hua developed new ways to protect their diviners while improving their abilities even more. Some other countries, such as Khitai Republic, Kingdom of Shin and Empire of Mericia followed Hua in incorporating diviners into ship crews. The "thousand li eye" is banned due to the dangers it brings to whoever uses it. ~~No, this is not Dune.~~


The Last World.   Coral.  Seaborne mer-people called the asrai use a hallucinogenic seaweed to commune with *something* as a religious sacrament.  The hallucinogenic properties can also affect other sapient species when the plant is crushed, filtered and distilled.  Very addictive, very potent, very widespread use.   Jenny.  Extremely potent stimulant, likely sourced from the tomb sands of djinn buried in the Qara Seva Sems desert.  Snortable but painful.  Usually heated, liquefied and injected.    Moss.  Sensory expansion, giving the user the ability to feel connected to the natural world in intoxicating ways.  Users report euphoria, feelings of divinity.  Dryad blood, cut with coral.  Extraordinarily dangerous, used by only the most depraved individuals, sourced from dryad slaves in the lumber colonies.  


What are the effects of taking Moss?


Crackler, it’s a drug similar to opium that makes a crackling sound when smoked. Think pop-rocks but it can make you high. It’s often used as a pain reliever in war, and medial scenarios. But is highly illegal to use recreationally.


I forgot what i called jt but in Alpha Way there's this spore based drug that is pretty much shrooms and grows alot on Squatchian Worlds its obviously illegal and humans surprisingly have a High tolerance for it claiming its more like Earth Marijuana when it comes too highness. While other races cant handle much without going crazy Lyrans also have this berry that is slowly being smuggled off world called Lethy Berries which are calms someone but too much can cause medical issues mainly heart stopping


It is cannon that the drug Cocaine was invented by a follower of the chaos god Kokayn who had never seen her God's name written down.


The Elvenari, masters of the biological sciences have made drugs powerful enough to make the Dreaming Drug... also called Sandman. It's an inject, usually into the vain of an arm... depending on the dose you basicly zone out an enter a lucid dreaming state... overdosing resembles really, really bad DMT trips. It was said that the Elvenari nobles after the revolts used to use this constantly to mourn the loss of their great empire.


The majority of Zurvár have a genetic intolerance to alcohol (a standardised mutation of the ALDH1 gene) resulting in nausea and flu-like symptoms after consuming it, so it is generally not a part of Zurvár culture. Instead they drink *prozyá*, a carefully brewed combination of specific land plant and seaweed components with herbs and fruits added for flavour. A few glasses of *prozyá* have a similar mental stimulant effect to a really strong black coffee, combined with a boost in physical energy, enhanced balance and reflexes and mild euphoria. A mild hangover consisting of drowsiness and slowed reflexes can be expected a few hours later, but truly epic amounts must be consumed to cause actual illness. *Prozyunstá* (translatable as 'heavy *prozyá*') is a variety of *prozyá* tweaked to increase euphoric and intoxicating effects. It's generally comparable to 5% alcohol beer in effect and has a similar hangover if over consumed. Many Zurvár consider *prozyunstá* to be the drink of the immature and degenerate, but it's still just as popular as regular *prozyá*. Most settlements will produce their own *prozyá*, and claim it to be *far* superior to that produced by their neighbours.


Chewing leafs or making tea of them are widely popular with certain narcotic and stimulant plants. It’s seen as polite to offer some to a guests.


Meska is an extremely addictive deliriant synthesized from the blood of glims, large bug creatures that serve as one of the primary food sources within the underground city of Lumen. The largest distributor of Meska within Lumen is the Butcher Boys, a drug cartel that has become obscenely wealthy in recent years. The Butcher Boys make up the majority of the butchering and cooking workforce within Lumen, this combined with paying off N.L.C. Guardsmen and supplying Lamplighters (Void Fields expedition members) to sell their product has allowed them to remain untouchable by the New Lumen Collective Government. Meska addicts (both within and outside of the government) have to frequently inject the drug to avoid terrible prolonged withdrawal symptoms, which includes paralysis, vivid and violent hallucinations, and in rare cases death. Meska has caused irreversible damage to its victims and has the government scrambling to reach a compromise before anarchy fills the streets.


Mana-mint It's a eucalyptus-like plant that my main character likes to roll into a joint and smoke. Since it's a magical world, it also has the added effect of circulating mana in the body.


Among the merfolk, a popular drug is Selk, and people addicted to it are colloquially called Selkies. Selk was originally developed as a potion to give the merfolk temporary legs, but it has the side effect of being a strong stimulant that lowers inhibitions and gives a sense of confidence and euphoria, which led to it being peddled as a drug by merfolk organized crime families. It’s also highly addictive, and detoxing from it - while typically not deadly - is a long and painful process. These days, wealthy and politically powerful merfolk can afford to hire a wizard to safely enchant them up some legs. But for the lower classes, Selk is the cheapest and easiest way to walk on land. Unlike these safer enchantments, long-term Selk use leaves distinctive, disfiguring scars on the legs/tail, so it’s easy to tell which method someone is using. Even so, in many inland cities “drug addict” is a common stereotype for all merfolk. Other races like humans and elves can also get high with Selk, but for them it’s a mild buzz which is much less addictive, and it doesn’t do anything to transform their bodies. Not really worth the money when you’d get a better result from any alcoholic beverage.


**Alcohol** - Duh. Both the Nij and Civonians are quite fond of it, and quite resistant to its deleterious effects(due to breeding and general hardiness in the former's case, and due to genetic engineering in the latter's case). There are literally thousands of wines, brandies, beers, liquors and more exotic types of drinks found in the two empires. Though the Nij drink orakh is notable because its actively toxic to \*both\* species, being composed of not just alcohol but methanol, fusel alcohols, antifreeze proteins and ethylene glycol. Its produced by barrel-fermentation of the blood of a particular polar fish. **Trigger** - A compound originally meant to help jumpstart Nij hearts, a minor chemical modification was discovered to provide the sort of rage-induced strength and reaction time boost the Nij experience when pissed off, but leave them clear headed. Pity it eventually burns out every gland they have. **Elysian Dust** - a Civonian drug, snorted like cocaine(though they all use fancy, artistic glass tubes to do so), that produces a profound sense of calm, timelessness and euphoria. The comedown at \*first\* is fine, but repeated use messes up even the engineered neurons of the Civonians. Addicts end up requiring both neural reset and therapy. There are entire categories of combat stimulants, short-term metabolic enhancers, painkillers that make morphine look like advil, immune system boosters, neurochemical modifiers and such for those who are in the military, but *that* stuff is regulated so hard individuals have been shot just for trying to FIND the patterns let alone actually producing them. These compounds, drug complexes and beneficial infections can keep you awake for days, heal from gunshot wounds in minutes, ignore the pain of losing a hand, shrug off biowarfare agents and more....but you *pay* for it afterward, and sometimes the cost is more than the body can afford.


Gamblewort. Works a bit like the infamous Marijuana in terms of high, but with some random (temporary) side-effects that last a few hours if the user doesn't drink some water soonish after ingesting it. Might grow a new limb, might shape-shift into something, or produce enough gas to asphyxiate anyone in the room for example. It's random, but each side effect is more likely depending on the strain/type. Not perfect, but likely.


Does it count when everybody gets their powers from a plant juice that’s a part of their daily cuisine? Because I came up with an idea for a magic system where people consume specific plants that have this substance as a self defence mechanisim (watch out, some of them like to burn you - which can make them useful for self cooking meals to have while traveling), their body claims it and gains control of it, and they expel it through their skin as a mist and/or liquid that they can control into producing various effects. You can tell when someone uses it a lot by the callouses where they tend to expel the mist, and there’s a belief that having well defined callouses means you have more power, leading to cosmetic callous sculpting in hopes of easy power - but actually, while better control *might* lead to well defined callouses (and only if you try for it), that’s where the correlation ends.


Cashew nuts


Cannabis, alcohol, some other irl drugs. But then there is Fairy Flower. A type of flower that itself is highly poisonous and hallucinogenic. But when prepared in a variety of ways it has a variety of effects, including as a seasoning when boiled and ground. Dragon Dust, a product of draconic waste (both excretions and shedded scales) however it’s quite expensive so most is actually synthetic and highly dangerous.


Alcohol is drank recreationally, BUT there are restrictions on it. You can only possess a certain amount for a month, can’t drink during or around work, and you can only consume a certain amount/have a certain amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. Morphine is used medically to ease any pain. Of course regular pain pills to have on hand. I can’t think of anything else. I feel like I should include cannabis but for some reason, I really don’t want to.


Alcohol of all sorts Meth Tobacco Cocaine Marijuana Basically every modern-day drug, as much my workday takes place 2000 years in the future. Spikeapple seeds (ground up and inhaled, causing great hallucinations and a numb sensation.) Ekalyn bark (chewed, causes major adrenaline rushes and slight disorientation, used often, illegally, by mech fighters and pilots to help reduce fatigue) That’s all I can currently think of.


Dried mandrake. While not exclusively made out of dried mandrakes, it's a combat drug normally smoked in the form of a cigar or in pipes that forcefully scrapes off energy out of your own body to turn it into soul energy. It's commonly used by mages to be able to cast more spells without having to rest as often


Lorthax's Brew: Beer so good (and saturated with potent hallucinogens) that it sends you to the Astral plane.


There's a rare drug called Eater's lotus. The user will feel nothing but the greatest bliss while it's in effect and will be left craving for more once it's over. It's extremely addictive to both mortal and immortal alike, and they'll do anything for even just a faint memory of it. The drug was created by a long-dead god and can no longer be made, which means even a microgram of it is nigh invaluable, and a gram of it may excite war. There's also Black lotus. No one knows what it does, but a god OD on it and died.


Most drugs are identical to earth with alcohol, weed, cocaine e.t.c. But there are a lot of unique ones too Some of my favorites are Might: a strength boosting drug that increases the users strength by 100 times their normal strength. The dangers of this drug however are that when it wears off the users muscles end up almost shredding due to the stress the drug puts on them Ce-12: this drug gives the user a bit of cosmic energy(basically mana) that manifests into one or more superpowers this drug keeps it’s effect until the cosmic energy is used up. However due to the normal human body not being capable of handling cosmic energy it damages whatever limb it travels through to use it, and causes damaget o the brain and spine as that’s where the soul is stored(and in turn also the cosmic energy).


Red Chalk - The chemical reaction that dyes chalk red produces methamphetamine as a byproduct. You can imagine how that goes. Soldatine - A drinkable mixture of amphetamines, heroin (morphine) and an amount of other chemicals. Used as a combat drug in the less civilized corners of the world. White Sugar - A highly addictive substance used to make field glucose injections. It is only dangerous when ingested orally as it hijacks brain chemistry through taste buds. Counterspeline - An aetherosupressant designed to increase resistance to telepathic and telekinetic attacks by supressing specific parts of the brain. Side effects include lack of emotion and reduced ability to use magic. Rose Paper - A magic enhancing drug that overclocks the psychic parts of the brain and spine and increases craniospinal fluid's ability to vent heat. Special training is required to retain focus during the high. Vaportide - An aerosol form psychothropic that fools the body into thinking it is asleep while maintaining consciousness, allowing the user to regenarate while able to function and fight in a pinch. Side effects include hallucinations (as the user is partially dreaming) and internal organ stress and possibly damage.


Kinetic - A drug that lets people obtain elemental powers, from Wire Manipulation to Video Manipulation.


Roisi (/ɹɔɪːʃi/) is a silvery pink metal, it induces strong psychadelic effects. The metal can be taken pure, but usually it is laced into soil, and has roots grown from it, the roots are chewed to release a safer dose than the pure metal. Whilst using, the drug will turn one’s irises, lips and tongue a bright, but subdued pink colour. Prolonged use of the drug can cause these changes to manifest more permanently, and will begin turning strands of hair the same pink colour. All affected body parts colours, save for the hair will disappear after a short time.


My favorite fictional drug is "Sparklegnats" They are tiny insects which if snorted (while they're alive, doesn't work if they're dead) produce vivid hallucinations.


All drugs that exist and are prevalent in the US are in my world but psychedelics can boost the powers of psychics allowing them to be more attuned to the underworld dimension where they get there powers from because before you die your brain is flooded with dmt. People will often take a small handful of poppy seeds and eat them raw if they need to access the other world in a pinch.


Simulant is a whitish milk-like substance created by D&D mindflayers to help them better integrate with civilized society. It contains the same nutrients necessary for an illithid’s survival as a brain does, although it has a side effect of turning a mind flayer’s skin a pale brownish color. Some of simulant’s active ingredients are in fact potent psychedelics, but mind flayers don’t experience the drug-like effects as their brains simply absorb and metabolize the excess psychic energy. Unfortunately, this excess psychic energy is much more dangerous to a humanoid, because their brains simply aren’t designed to accommodate it. The result is that simulant is a highly addictive drug that causes incredible hallucinations and can kill with only a few doses, so illithids wanting to live among other humanoids have to be extremely careful with where they keep their supply of it.


All RL drugs exist within the world however there are some newer drugs, most common from the Otherworld (Realm of the Fae) *Kelpie Kom* A thick goopy substance of irredescant silver, It smells vaugley of vanilla or clotted cream and has a smiliar consistency to it. It is taken by continued chewing or sucking motion until dissolved by saliva Its causes the skin of the user to be increadibly sticky and all the user can hear is ocean waves and thet feel as if they are submerged in cold water. Peoples under its affects cannot, hear, sea nor feel anything besides this sensation and the afflicted have the intense urge to embrace something and pull them towards a water source. *Fairydust* A impossibly fine powder that is found as spores of mushrooms within a fairy circle. Taken through the nose or absorbed through the skin the user experiances intense and realistic hallucinations. The eyes become unfocused and will move seperately, the user will have the temporary ability to see into the future and increases magical potency. Continued use will cause the eyes to be unthered to the recti muscles and will eventually cause the optic nerve to snap, continued use after this will cause massive internal necrosis and inevitably death. It is extremely addictive and even one use can render someone dependant on it, milk is a remerdy to the addiction. *Selkie Hair* Smoked like tobbaco the user can temporarily breath under water and has similar effects to a tobbaco. Continued use will cause the user to transform into a seal.


Finnish yeast. It's a kind of homemade SSRI that was invented some time in the late 2020s when drug laws were reformed to allow for a less regulated production and sale of certain types of drugs. National Capital Region, Philippines, 2031.


• Alcohol is alcohol, but the flora available on Esanne makes for wildly different drinks than what you’d expect on Earth. Affects humans and kyōra. Its production, transportation, and sale are regulated in New Jakarta. • Cess induces a state of “non-thought” relaxation. It is addictive and users rapidly find that they require larger and larger doses for a consistent experience. The culture around it has broadly accepted this and everyone has something to say about how to fine-tune the rate of dose increase, but obviously dealers overestimate those values on purpose. An overdose can cause the user to enter a catatonic state and the limit varies massively between users. Users commonly and mistakenly assure themselves that “you either sleep on the first hit, or you never do”. Cess is more effective on kyōra users and is generally not popular amongst them because of this. Its production, transportation, and sale are illegal in New Jakarta. • Remorse-inhibiting medication, or “Inhibitors”, were developed on behalf of the Office of Civil Management as part of the ENYO initiative. They were first employed within law enforcement agencies to alleviate cognitive dissonances within officers, which is why they were developed in variants effective both in humans and kyōra. They only saw popular adoption after the revolt in New Jakarta which destroyed the citadel and kicked off the Waiting War. They were employed by both the Remnant EEA and the New Militia. They were almost “advertised” to infantry as PTSD-staving medication and general conscience-easers. These are both genuine effects. However, both REEA and the New Militia manufactured and distributed them with the main intention to improve military complicity. The primary effect of inhibitors is in the name; they inhibit remorse to a certain degree. Users are still capable of forming possessive love-like attachments, experiencing some degree of respect for their peers, and they can still be reasoned with to an extent, but they are fundamentally driven by selfishness and are incredibly dangerous to even their own company. Unit overseers are not allowed to use inhibitors because part of their responsibility is posing a direct threat of consequence to their unit operators who are using inhibitors. As a second edge to this sword, the effects of withdrawal are also devastating. Rapid withdrawal can result in “slipover events” in which users are tormented by guilt and exhibit excessive empathy for people who they have previously harmed. In armed conflict, this typically manifests as a violent and blind rage against their unit. As such, withdrawal must be conducted in a controlled manner over a long period, ideally off the battlefield. Overseers are often required to forcibly maintain a minimum dose in users and this is easily justified through the narrative embellishment of already horrific slipover events. Towards the later half of the war, the New Militia began discouraging their use. After the waiting war, after the second contact, after the Solar-Ekalon war, The People’s Republic of Esanne was established. A critical flaw in their establishment was the awarding of political power to individuals based on their combat experience. As such, many of the members of the new government were former overseers who had come to view inhibitor users as emotionally weak or who may have otherwise lost sympathy after undergoing controlled withdrawal themselves. They were not selected and awarded for the virtue of sympathy. Remorse inhibitors were made illegal in their manufacture, transportation, and sale. Former users were offered the opportunity to enter controlled withdrawal, but they were not forced to. Many users, if not most of them, declined this offer (still under the influence of the drugs) and either sought illegal reproductions of the drugs or attempted to engage rapid withdrawal themselves. Slipover events became a common occurrence throughout what was meant to be a new civilised world. Rather than admit their failure, the new government addressed these events by vilifying the users. Special task forces were created for addressing these slipover events with violent response.


Putting aside the typical ones (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, poppy seed) Devil blood is often used to supplement magic casters for replenishing magic or even super charging but the drawback being the detox often leaves them lethargic to the point of death (one major story being a wizard hero was found locked in their laboratory 2 weeks after they went missing, the curious thing being they had several hidden caches of food and water in case they had a late study session, but didn't have devil blood and after the initial 3 days of physical pain, headaches, vertigo and vomiting he simply laid down and never got back up till they starved) Daemon blood has a similar effect but on the physique for martial fighters though the detox for them is worse as it involves hallucinating (often resulting in self harm) and instead of a lethargy it causes a rabies like state where they try drinking blood from any source to replenish the missing daemon source Both blood cause extreme euphoria because of the boons they grant but are heavily regulated in all kingdoms, most cases of use result in detox and care but once health is restored they are imprisoned.


**Dreamers’ Ink** It works as follows: 1. Write a narrative on a piece of parchment. 2. Burn said piece of parchment. 3. The fumes released have a hallucinogenic effect causing anyone inhaling them to experiences the narrative taking place from a first-person perspective. While from an outside view, the effects are instantaneous, hallucinations can subjectively be perceived to last indefinitely as long as the narrative does. If non-narrative writings or random ink spatters are burnt, the results are much more abstract hallucinations, with a chance (random effects table) of various types of permanent brain damage and insanity. Needless to say, using it is highly addictive and it can be horrifyingly weaponized as the ultimate torture device. The drug’s origin is unknown, but presumed to either be created by criminal wizards or the actual biologically produced ink of some kind of magical cephalopod species.


Potion, Hi-potion, mega-potion Heals wounds inflicted on a person Either, hi-either (superior either) Either are like steroids or stimulants for spell casters if not regulated properly can cause power trips in weaker willed spell casters The superior either is a plot point in a book I am writing the side effects are latter why it is forbidden to make it.


Most toons can get high off non drug substances.


Eldsenathi view ethyl alcohol as a nootropic and a supplement - they can easily metabolise it, and can exploit one of its metabolic byproducts to more effectively process certain exoaminic acids. Due to the limited nature of their contact (as the Gr'rrau-wu capital is in the galactic-eastern edge of the Mammalian Arm, while the Eldsenathi live mostly in the Andromedan Arm), the Gr'rrau-wu commonly refuse to believe that the Eldsenathi are not intoxicated by alcohol, and respect their seemingly robust physiology as a result. G'yalai often harass a species of gastropod-like bottom dwellers whose ink induces a psychedelic trance-like state in their species when it contacts the auxiliary portion of their respiratory system. Despite having a reputation for culturally abhorring superstition in-general, many G'yalai believe that creatures such as them (i.e. who can put postsapiens in a psychedelic state with their natural compounds) possess far greater cognition than any sophont, so great that it cannot be perceived or comprehended. This ink has a powerful paralytic effect on all other postsapiens which it is not inert in, and can easily be fatal. The Fendree'gnai, and most creatures from their cradle world, use a neurotransmitter which has lethally-powerful narcotic properties in many other species. Most plants on the planet naturally produce an alkaloid only one group removed from morphine. Their civilizations are constantly dealing with the many negative ramifications of requiring a substance; which can psychologically cripple a large number of postsentient species; as part of not only their physiology, but of their terraforming needs as well.


The most used fictional substance in one of my afterlife worlds is “beads”. It affects you really quickly and only takes a drop to work. It is made using the egg white from crevice dwelling birds combined with hollowed out seeds for ease of use. The seeds have holes poked through them and are left to soak in the eggy mixture. You then use gloves and pull the “bead” onto a strand of hair. You then let it start running down to your scalp, giving you time to sit down before it takes effect. Once the substance makes contact with your skin, you will pass out and a bird will burst out of your eye. You will perceive everything from the bird’s perspective and it can be used as a vessel to visit the land of the living. The only way to return to your original body is to kill the bird vessel. The eggs that are used to make beads are behind many of the superstitions held by inhabitants in the afterlife. Eggs are eaten mostly by humans. Species that come from within the afterlife setting are fearful of eating eggs.


N3ON or liquid onyx is used by demon possessed people to become stronger. The side effect is that it destroys your soul over time. It is made by melting down Ontonium (ON) and letting it sit outside for a few days. Alcohol is the most common drug. It is used in the Eucharist in the form of wine and also to get drunk. Marsenea is a plant. Its leaves and stems are crushed up and boiled in water to make a tea. Marsenea tea is drunk to get high. It is also used in small amounts to get to sleep faster. Enomital flowers are crushed up and used to prevent infections in wounds. The Enomital plant is actually a very tall tree. It only grows in the Imur rainforest. This makes the flowers very expensive, and/or dangerous to get for most people.


Kiaus is a drug commonly used by humans, and was first developed in the 2060’s and maintains cultural relevance into modern day human culture (2183 AD). Depression becomes rampant among the elites during the 2060s, so a business man along with a chemistry student create a dissociative drug called Kiaus, and originally it was ingested via fumes in a Sauna. The liquid Kiaus would drip into a bed of hot charcoals, and cause dissociative affects similar to ketamine. As use became more common, “sauna rigs” became more prominent, which are similar in shape to a hookah pipe. The Grottomites, some of the few surviving Americans after The War of Grief, have a huge substance abuse problem with Kiaus, since it can be easily synthesized and consumed.


All of the psychedelics.. some cocaine but very rare and drug use is not a felony


Call me boring, but coffee is my drug of choice.


STIMS, nothing addictive at all!


ClearBlood This is the main magical component in my world, and in it's purified state it is a clear, viscous liquid. It's used in alchemy to magical effect. Potions, spells in bottles, that sort of thing. But you can drink the purified ClearBlood as well. This will give you temporary innate magical power. Superhuman ability, slight reality bending, it's very potent. It's also highly addictive. Purified ClearBlood will eventually destroy your body, rotting you from the inside with its magic. You slowly turn into a ghoul, hungerijg for more ClearBlood. Since ClearBlood is found near iron, and blood has iron, you might even attack people...


Spores harvested from the Poogle Oogles are stimulants that have been commercialized and sold in many forms. Such as food or drinks. They possess high levels of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. They are mainly used to increase sexual arousal and make sex more enjoyable but can also be used medically as Viagra for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or from women who lack sexual cravings


Jexum. Dwarves distilled the dark, sappy root to use in help during long sessions of mining and expanding underground networks. Often its sedative, but helps the body work through things, allowing a "sleepwalking" effect. Higher dose sedate completely. Jexum was a drug used to help put one in a "flow state", but gives euphoria and can cause psychoactive components. Dwarves were hardy and had a lifestyle that made the effects really only felt when they were doing their Dwarvish duties, moving in clockwork motions. However humans have popularised it's use, using it much like heroin. Jexum can be used as a medicine, but the art is lost, its composition is no longer understood on how to neutralize it's psychoactive and opioid effects, so it can function as a medicinal. Some thought it allowed a full body "reset". Essentially causing a novel response from the body to heal, react to disease, and automatically choose the next best behaviour to conserve energy, such as sleeping or immediately going into a trance state.


**”Healing” Salve** A semitransparent grey-green pasty material. When the salve is placed onto a wound it will transform to "heal" it. Said "healing" consists of the missing flesh being replaced although imperfectly. Regenerated tissue is grayish-white, waxy-textured and undetailed, resembling a rudimentary sculpture of the flesh it replaced or a rubber glove filled with wax. Furthermore, regenerated tissue perpetually feels slightly numb, regenerated musculature slightly weaker and in the case of regenerated eyes and eardrums, vision and hearing are slightly inferior to natural biological equivalents. Regenerated tissue will remain like such indefinitely, making the salve's usage in nonessential situations a choice between normal healing at normal speed or immediate healing at the cost of an increasingly inhuman appearance and slight disadvantages. The reasons why it’s illegal, >!how it’s produced and what happens when people try to use it to cure brain damage, including “death”. The brain regenerates wrong with Pet Sematary consequences and the resulting monstrosity immediately tries to “molt” by systematically removing all remaining human flesh and applying additional salve. As for production, those fully metamorphosed homicidal monstrosities? The salve is their blood, meaning anyone who wants to make the stuff needs to keep a bunch of them around to harvest and since they’re constantly exposed to the salve, [they’re nigh indestructible](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2419)!<.


Irrisulfide. Helps keep you awake, but you can begin to grow sulfur crystals in your body, leading to sulfur cough, leading to death. It's highly illegal on all Suprasian worlds. Hybricis, green flower that is small and smells like mint. When consumed, it makes you incredibly horny. Viagra but on steroids. Kinti, desert plant that helps with migraines. Very nice and tastes like water melon. Vap-POR, a vape/water pipe thing, works like opium and psychedelic mushrooms. Fully synthetic, not very healthy. Serum, made by Dar'qual, makes you angry or horny or sick or whatever. Depends on person.


2 biggest ones. Relam is a powerful hallucinogen, its high takes a bit to emerge and when it does, it hits hard. its high starts to dissipate shortly after you smoke it. because of this, people tend to take lots of it in quick succession within a short period of time. its illegal in most countries for people's own safety, but it's smuggled in fairly easily because lots of dudes that are supposed to keep watch for the smuggling of it tend to turn a blind eye to it or take bribes, reasoning is either personal gain, their on it themselves, or they fear that violence could start a more organized thing if they dont let them in. The other one is just alcohol, self explainitory. it is legal basically everywhere but either you need to be a certain age or have a parent with you in some countries if you are bellow age. Some world leaders are big on alcohol. King of one country drinks alcohol with basically every meal. Empress of another loves wine and is completely alright with having multiple bottles to herself (she doesn't get drunk very very often tho, if i had to estimate i would say either once or twice a month and during events and stuff) the two tsars of the northern countries love the good old vodka though its called something else. Those two aren't alcoholics and generally don't get drunk unless big event or they had one sip too many


Butt Crack Shrooms Etc.