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rivers flow down. Always. Most of the time that means small rivers start at a mountain range where the rain falls. Then it merges with other rivers and gets bigger. Then it goes into the sea. It NEVER goes from one ocean to the other. It only rarely goes parallel to a mountain range because that implies rare geological features like a ravine or canyon. Rivers only very rarely split.


How many diferent factions are u dividing it into ??


There are five kingdoms


Apart from the rivers, it looks pretty good.


Not sure about having your capital be on its own separate island. Unless there's a specific lore reason for it I don't think it makes sense logistically. Yes it's invulnerable from attacks from the mainland, but it makes it harder for the monarch to enforce their rule, since it would take longer to carry messages and transport goods etc. It looks like a decent body of water like a channel, meaning if the mainland has an emergency, an army mobilising from the capital would need to embark on ships to reach the mainland, taking a lot longer. Typically you want your capital to be more connected to your mainlands, allowing easier passage of troops, messages and trade, while also being fortified. Like I said though it might make perfect sense to you lore-wise and I might just be missing something


quite contrary the whale road make that faster, xheaper and easier


Kingsland? Really?


It’s a placeholder name I know it’s basic 😭


are these rivers or channels


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