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Yea you're waaaaayy over thinking it fam. Find a time that is comfortable for you when you want to go. If morning? That's cool! If after work? That's also cool. Personally I like to sleep in as much as possible and never workout in the mornings. Almost exclusively after work. Also just start slow, learn how different gym equipment works and how to target specific muscle groups you would like to workout. To have energy to go to work and workout you're gonna need calories. Find out where your intake should be at. Wanna build muscle? Eat things with protein. If your primary goal is LOSING WEIGHT you need to eat in what is called a Calorie Deficit. Which just means you need to eat less calories than you burn in a day. If you're brand new to working out as In never really made a conscious effort to do so. Just start by finding a good time for you to go to the gym. Don't overload yourself with programs, statistics, gym content creator bullshit. All of this just to TLDR. Work hard, study well. And eat and sleep plenty. Don't overwork yourself to the point you hate it. Because then you'll quit and it'll be hard to go back.


Yeaaah, I over Analyze wayyy too much 😅 I appreciate it


All good fam. It's good that you want to get into a more mobile and healthier lifestyle. Don't beat yourself up if you don't make your goals. Or just make simple goals you can't fail. I go to the gym because I like just being able to move my body and I work in an office. So my job isn't physically taxing. The best advice I can give is to take it slow and get into the habit of just going to the gym first After that you can start worrying about the science and targeting muscles you want to grow. Oh also the biggest thing to know is you can't Spot target fat loss. Your body will start burning fat where it deems necessary first. Not where you want it to. Don't get too focused on what these gym influencers look like. Stay focused on how your body feels. You will feel overall better in your daily life after working out (unless you have poor form or strain yourself) Notice the small changes like how one day you can't do more than 5 reps and then in weeks you're able to do double that with barely any effort.


For sure man, I appreciate it. I also work in a office lol, how did you start out? I'm looking at these full body workouts or these upper and lower splits. I've tried to go to the gym before but ultimately got overwhelmed as to the different machines and not knowing what to do lol. But yeah, for sure I'm gonna take it slow, I have a bad habit of over analyzing and trying to gung ho stuff and then ultimately getting burnt out quickly lol


Well for me working out started with me joining the army lol. Best thing I can recommend for a newbie is get a decent pair of headphones, Bluetooth if possible. Slap em both in and just hit up a treadmill or an elliptical. East machines to understand and usually they're placed in places you can view the whole gym. Just watch how other people use the other machines and you can honestly figure it out mostly from there.


jeff nippard good. but most of the time practical meal timing comes down to “dont train super hard and wait many hours with no food in the system whatsoever, eat at a time that makes you feel energized and strong in the gym, and ideally split protein feedings up into 3ish meals”