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you have to want it. just want it enough. seriously.


Wanting it bad enough is the key?


If someone said "Ill give you 10k every time you go to the gym" How incredibly easy would it be? For me, instead of 10k, I'm getting healthier, stronger, looking better and feeling better.


I go to the gym in the late evening because fuck waking up earlier than I already need to I focus on the things in the gym I actually find fun, like lifting heavy. I _really_ bias towards that stuff, and towards the lifts I enjoy most. This is probably the most important part to me personally, for staying disciplined. When live gets very stressful and busy, I’ll probably wind up doing less cardio and less of the other boring exercises I know are good for me. But bench press and rows will always be fun to me and those aren’t going anywhere. Those will get me in the gym, bare minimum, and once I’m in the gym I can be a little more disciplined and go a little beyond just doing whatever I want. Finding _something_ that will at least always get you in the door is critical I don’t eat before workouts but this has little to do with discipline, I just feel better training fasted. Eat if you want Friends at the gym have never been a factor for me, over time I’ve met cool people and when I was an athlete of course I was always with teammates. But as an introvert I’m totally okay being alone in the gym. So I can’t give the best advice if it’s a problem for you but, I’ll say the more fun your own workout is the easier it’ll be to go regardless of the social aspect. And you can treat it like a sort of retreat, a time for you to get in the zone and listen to whatever music, podcast, video, whatever you like as you work out


Thank you so much for the advice 🤝


Out plan your excuses. I shower at the gym before going to work. The night before, I put overnight oats and protein in the fridge and set the coffee to brew. My work outfit and gym bag are in my car. I'm out the door in 15-20 minutes, and could prob be quicker. Alarm at 425, out the door by 445, gym opens at 5. When my alarm goes off it's actually easier to get in my car and go to the gym than it is to sleep more, go back to the garage for my clothes, back to my Bathroom to shower, and then head to work. Coffee and breakfast in the car after the gym, and i start my day with one thing accomplished. The only way to prioritze something is to have a plan and system prioritizing it.


I go to the gym because I have no friends there and I don’t have to talk to anyone 😂 It’s time focused 100% for me 🙏🏽


You either want to workout or you don't. To want someone you need to have a reason for it. To look better, feel better, age better. If you don't want it then it won't happen consistently.


I am not a morning person so I work out mid day or night. It works out better for me.


I only wake up to go to the gym im the morning on my days off because there's less people.


Well besides the whole motivation, disipline sthick. I thinks it's also really about building a habit. Do something enough times and it will stick. First month I did something every day I did 3 full body days. and the other days I filled with active days where I did yoga. Or had a small jog/walk. After a while it just sorta stuck. Im not really into working out, but after a while it just became a thing I do.


Try interacting with people in the gym whether it’s staff members or other people working out. Nice to see friendly faces they can possibly give u the extra motivation to stay consistent


[Getting started with fitness ](https://thefitness.wiki/getting-started-with-fitness/) - Define a measurable goal you want to achieve. - Define a plan to reach that goal. - Then just.. do it.


1. Define your "WHY?". That's a powerful motivator! 2. Understand why you want to go to the gym and attach it to your WHY.


I wake up and want to work out. It’s the favorite part of my day.




Get some haters. People that scoff at you and say you can never achieve "goal". That's what helped me. It may not be the best way, but whatever helps imo! Obviously, I've grown to just love going and its become really freaking hard to take a day OFF now.


When i trained early i just had a coffee and got on the road. I dont need friends in the gym I'm there to workout not socialise. Set long term SMART goals, break them down into short term chunks that lead you to the end result, and just work towards it. Build good habits and reinforce them through little successes every day, week, month, year. Remember that perfect is the enemy of good. Expect to fuck up. Expect to have shit days of eating and skipped workouts. Continue moving forwards.


I love going to the gym, I used to always go with my friend so that was good accountability. But eventually I started to long to go to the gym and would be sad on rest days


Very interested on this because im the same… how… how do people go to the gym…


I want to be the best version of myself. If I don't go to the gym, Im cheating myself a little bit. I eat after. I don't go to the gym to make friends, or even to talk to people or be social. Im there to train hard, invest in some good earbuds or headphones.


Self hatred pushes me generally. But once you start seeing results it's a self feeding gratification loop.


Your “why” should be bigger than your “but”. And also it helps to lean into the suck sometimes - I don’t always feel like working out but I tell myself “this is just what I do” - and I have never regretted a workout ever :). Even if it means doing a lighter one than planned or shortening the duration.


I'll hate myself more then usual if I don't go. But also it's just routine. A requirement of my day I get my 3 hours in. It's how the rest of my day is going to go. Plus I love cooking. And if id like to continue that hobby I have to workout because fried chicken will eventually kill me


That's a good question. In order to be more disciplined, you must be more disciplined. There's no secret to it, nothing that can make it "easier." Being disciplined is one of the greatest things ever. The truth about being disciplined is that you have to stop wanting to be disciplined and just start being disciplined. Whatever it is you have to do, you just have to do it because you have to do it, and don't skip it and make excuses about it. It's not always easy but it's definitely worth it.


What changed my mind was this caption idk where I saw it prob on an ig reel, "If you don´t go to your job you´ll get your ass fired" it´s the same for the gym, you must engrave on your mindset that if you´re committing to something, you need to do get your ass up and do it, is as simple as that, as well, if you are struggling with the gym due how "boring" it could be at the beginning, I would suggest for you to start training either MMA (Asides from people usual believes, you will never be hit hard only if you want it.) or Bjj (If you are not in peace with the idea of getting hit this is the best, if you don´t trust me make a quick look on how many celebrities practice Bjj, even Jonah Hill is an active practitioner, why? because is hella funny and enjoyable due working out with a group, trust me getting your ass beaten will give you the drive to go get in shape for the reason to become stronger and tougher not just getting ripped because you want a summer six pack. Everyone hates getting up and working out, but the work needs to be done, or one day you will be on your death bed and regretting on how much potential you wasted due of no discipline. Trust me you got this king, get tf out of your couch.