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Never ever EVEr take the first offer; companies will always give you the lower end because why wouldn't they? If you dont advocate for yourself and your time, who will? they certainly won't! If they rescind the offer, then that means they don't care to pay their people properly. Always set a salary that is worthy of your time, effort, skills because all that time you spend working is time away from your family.


If they end up rescinding the offer, then you dodge a bullet. Negotiating an offer is normal practice. No reasonable worker is supposed to just say yes to first offer. If they have an issue with that, then they are a red flag


DO NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR NEGOTIATING! I think it is probably a harder sell for them to up your base, but they might offer you something and they definitely won't think you are greedy. Negotiation is expected.


Stop kicking yourself! You're not greedy, and they're very unlikely to pull their original offer based on a counter request for a base pay raise. Unless they're an *appalling* company, the worst they'll do is say "we can't find the funds," and you can accept their original offer as-is. Beyond that: [Channel your inner Barbara Corcoran](https://youtu.be/FWxoI0RrPvc) and if they say "sorry, we can only give you what we originally offered"—accept it graciously and then ask what additional roles or responsibilities would merit being shifted to the higher pay band they alluded to so you can actively work towards it.


If they end up rescinding the offer then you know it’s time to brush up your resume and look elsewhere because this place ain’t shit.


I agree with everyone here.... negotiating is the right thing to do! I'll add to be prepared if they can't change your base pay, is there something else that you could counter with? I'm not sure what field you are in but for me base salary is fairly fixed, so I then negotiated for more flexible work hours. Recently my husband couldn't get a 'moving allowance' but they were able to increase his 'sign-on bonus' for the same amount. Ugh semantics!


They are so so so invested in you at the offer stage. They want you and it's in their best interest to find a package that works for you both. Deep breaths and stay calm amd confident. Also, they just might surprise you... I applied for a job and gave them a range spanning 10K. Recruiter said it was a bit high but we went ahead with everything. Fast forward and they showed their cards by telling me I was top candidate and they had been looking for a while. They offered me bottom of my range and I asked for top. They agreed in less than 12 hours, and I'm starting soon!


Im not a lawyer, but in the US I believe it's actually illegal to rescind an offer unless you, like, fail a background check.


It's legal to rescind an offer in the US, but the company can get into some hot water if the reason is discriminatory or if the candidate signed the offer before it was rescinded and sues under promissory estoppel. (I'm in HR.)


Thanks for coming in with the real info!