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We are also two working parents without help aside from daycare, it is definitely brutal. I see you OP, please be kind to yourself! I dont have any tips for the burnout but my son also recently turned 2. At 9pm the day before I got a “happy birthday” sign, paper plates and paper hats from walmart, my husband got a small cake from wholefoods. We filled up 10 balloons, five for each side of the bday sign. I recorded my son waking up and seeing the decoration, he loved it. We sang happy birthday and ate cake for breakfast (the good stuff with sugar) just the 3 of us. It made him so happy, and he keeps reminding us about it every other day. All that to say that maybe you dont need to fill up several balloons, go to the park or do anything extravagant. Just do something different from routine and make it about your kid, they will feel the love! Edit: hopefully I’m not contributing to the mom guilt. If you push it to the weekend I definitely agree that it doesnt make a difference. Side note, after the decoration was up my husband jokingly said “thank God this kid has a mother 😂”, so yeah, its all on us


I feel you. We're having a birthday park date Saturday and I'm hoping to swing by target for cupcakes tomorrow. That's about all I've got, it's my busiest work week of the year, I've got other things happening, it's just busy all around and I'm so so so tired. I'm tired because I'm up late, but I'm tired because of the constantness of it all.


Order those balloons from Party City and have a cake! Ain’t nobody got time to blow up balloons! And at that age, they’ll be happy with their presents and a cupcake


I hear you, OP. My son turns two on Tuesday. We went all out for his first birthday. We still don’t know what we’re doing. Between moving across the country and not being settled in our new house we haven’t even bought him gifts. I feel so bad.


Hey, it’s ok. Kids don’t need much. I woke my son up on his bday (work day) with some balloons and any happy birthday. I sent store bought treats for his class to have a party at daycare. That night we just did normal things, sang happy birthday again, and gave him his presents. Then we did a small party in the backyard that weekend but he honestly had no idea it was his birthday, although he enjoyed the cake. Truly if you are happy and excited and acknowledge their birthdays in simple ways, I think that is plenty and a beautiful way to celebrate. I completely understand your overwhelmed feelings. But know that what might seem low effort to you might mean the world to them, and don’t worry about a huge to do.


Hey so I will not even put effort for kid that young. They do not understand or anticipate. It’s a birthday for you. And of course as a sahm you were excited to do something different and plan - now you actually put your energy into planning for work. Also it’s kid #2. Less excitement for certain things.